IN*W ti.le lUiiIisern are aIze4ypn sale :!bai EfkIu$ i u arà » t 0 ..*1 ScoiliActppal Boidw u uxvoteti yeterdav on à te au. mcney fer a publiè park Tma potatt> bug aits penuively onu 1the fanee.lqa0hg for the aveel potale lid. te show Itesif above grouni. - HAIa oleanel, dyed anud re-sha"e1 .,d 'Usalaatlon guarantoed by Mis.?. H. Piper, Oitresidce seulh of 1the far grounds, Whitby. Yen noeetine Spectacles" t e s. 111. car suite fit tie beoisud are th1e cheapest, in tcvn. Andrew M. Boss. Rr.wy rmatie clothing al prices guaraultee t t be lover thans ayhouse iu tovu.' W. G. Wallera Oddfeilowa New stops are heing bufil at the ocurý'houa. sud a fresi ceaI of drab paint ha. hein given 1h. entrmnce sud domr. - Thioga viiiliok pîelty esick wien 1the fathers etofthe .ounty cffea.dcwar ocluea LeOOÃŽ orb oth e io ofthe 0. 01. IL &L.8.Â.,qJubll.e «mto bi>hold alPir P.rylii l une. \.m -tg Sec'yi for a programume ofe@vouée. Let Whiiby b. veil representi by ber bandsome uenud ioveiy daughîers. A PR'a CAor L Use ha. been finally foni for aur tevu fire-englue. Il t poomet t drive il daily areuud tevu wîth 1the fôllowiug notice palatei ou Il -11G. G. G. Baking Powder--sold by G. E. Gibbard," ountalns nothlng injurious. P=res4,oheapeat and best. Tim Jubilee issue cf Grip'a Ovon1 Librarlj vil be cnt next week. Itl i bo s book cf 82 pages, witi pioturea ou neýarly every page. Every piolue tte appear is eitheî original or la beingi specially re.produced for 1h. isue, sudi there vill he a grill demnu for il. Iti viilb. for"mals a&ailbooketores, or eau be hati by ueuding 10 cents direct te Grip Office, Toronto. Tih. Excusion te Oriflia ou Thurs. day vas Dot se suceeesful as île promot. ors 11w risses te, expect il vesit bc.. About 25 book tb. train ai Wbitby but thb.Isumber iapidly nresseduti nu Manilia vas reacheti. The zain acme- wbal mamrd the. ecjoyur.s cf 1the day, 1the excuèionial ver. iu for a goodti ime andti heytiti sot bailfar sbort cf l. Tum Hou. AlIau Francis, U, S. Consul si St. Thomas, ha. a cure for blaek knot-a remedy h. hem tried viti lhe mosl beneftcial resuat. Ris piau la totiig dovuto the root cf the affectedt ree, four or five juches, bore an uget truie in th1e trunk sud fil 1the hole wM ll our anud suiphur. ,The. su) phur inds its vay 111rougi the teé asi faotuall i 11 he .bug wvh là l rusonibeWorthéblack bnci. To enable ltheute h$0ave a depul-v- neyve sat1ho conty cousoil Dort wedk, a requimition bas beau carniet round ant s ,ntiby mcsiy aUl'the leatiisg râen. la lownu eklug Mr. James Batletige te meept - tie positio. W. undereiad-he ha. onseuted 4o, doe, andth le Central feeling seems 10 b. lu fà vor M-is retum by seciamalion. It lest e bopeti"iiMauybthe result, se is vouit b. ulanost 10ily te elaet à doputy.resveat âa 1«th. eusion -cf o011 omauil le ver. Hie election bv A vIax <_4« o, teOobhsvs I-e~mrov le op'0 'a e crithet esses mi îith élub ofthat twl>. -Ou 'boyseha"enot »"e! a cricket bo.,ssV. in a sirop vin- dows ine.'UV, and if lbey do net nMis tebsa* éc k..bamabaji clubs, vevil b. surpriît.- If cricket dosa nt boom la thstomi-hls seamn l viHi Det b.1the "t, 6LC!or elary, lutige- Darmneil. -R. has 'boss unceailng in bis efforts at-ha.> put1the groutis là thlbobt eonadtioaa4bey bave beeon la for ysa À 11l" . nérgy on th.par'of mon,=c the olplyrsv.uld dr1mu=ite gel lb.e<puis undep vay vues it, viii b. ur1. a eof its.lf. Â~r ii. ilglar ouvoalin o!K 4_ 1000 I tek riade te ioed t m, aud ee mibe, pxore l o be pait inl a fey Amy&-, hm are, distrou* warnte, iudas eighl o, elght cam ni a ie è te1eSsis IWl and on. by ceêrtiorari'te Toronto, aiid 6 others vho, are proiisng te psy Ina a fev ýdays., There are Iwo warraptls M comnmitint foi partlea Who refuse le, psy andi Who have ne gooda vhereon te i Hs.excol.neoy Gov. Docker, of th1e mtssla, ha.'been honcuredtts week by Ia visii-au officiai, vieil from Ivo holel- Ikeeperaeut north. The viailors Are jThomas Bennetsud Wilmot Proaser, 'frein Uzbridau d Zephyr réspeotively. B ach of themborillettesef introduction rosGeorge Bre, Police Magistrate, ani sach va. -supplii ihpolice * pro- tection on their vay down haie.ý The Gev. received- lhem villi bie noee bespitiy »ait vithe uMUAI formalities cet1he caille. They ver. immedialely providedtivihanbgea of apparel an" are $4> be seen lh.e pri .g dà daband goi anti~~Im ta.h$glalb.sulight of,,1 coidrs andi belocalseof thoda.U.. Benneti@Aïdtioethe C»uorzt vin ncalw!upoth1.e th lday, liai h. vas g.luing aIoOs i-rate andi inteudtisil preleng him vieil vith -the. Gev. for tve xuouih-uulil the. cherries get ripe. He ays vhakt jives him vimit here a rlch flaver is liai by ocmlng te, thé oouuty capital 11e saves a contribuioin of $100 snd ceai nposeti pcn hlm by tyiauniîeal laws,tov upon tl*estatut. book of OCanada. H.emaya morevvez that, there being ne poison te fine wvile he is absent, a trade worti $20Wosa b. esrried on At his holel, vhich aI- tegehher makeeais viilhbors vorli $800 or $400 to hlm. H. hat dinuer sent hlm daily tem Ray'@ botel andi ie living 1k à : fitbing ock. He ais estate t ler. are 540 cther liquor silers lu the oountry whü voulti re- fuse to psy their fines, sud lb. caille wouido's have icom fer them aIl aller a while. Thus the hotele sud probabIy th1e eburcoes iii peîhsps have te, ho broughit into requisition 10 semodale Gev. Dockeaes vistera.Promsr, mye 1e deeinea. le topot up 185, heu.. hi. trip te the castie. He, tee lofIthinga' in shape fer am ooti main....Ho bieugltsafitdile viti hlm but musie seenis le have beia canosiieti lu th. Gev'. programme-' of entertaimmeut cr ie sgueste. Speetlag Notes. Htanlan la la Toronto. Our cricket club -pisys at Oshawa on Baturday. Toronto baiebail club vas b, play ai Lindsay ylrday. 6,44O0people vitueeile 1.baebaU match in Termitb os Ssîurday l inh HaiIlion wus tifet*dby Toroà to byIl tof& Tboe sla crdcetclub ai Ottiaa ometi cf meinhers of the. Bouse of Ceurions. Il comprises members froua almoet every province- W. no"iceby thé Alymer ERzpreu ihe Mr. L. E.,Fairbanka, sou of Mi. LU Pair. bésku'of ia place, won 1the fvot- raeai Alymer again 11hsyear. Nlewark, chamupions of the international league, anti Toronto, holding third place plyat Toronto Monday neut. TUre.w41l, b.arah trois rtomsthe $%me. la. the. Ã"maia assitionlacroma., gamme, lb.~oresrtoahave déefeiei Se Os éla néthélb.onterls have tiefeateti th*. RîchminHuis. - -besebsll meh eu Saturday at-Torouto. Toronto von. Tomcrrov the. mre team meet MtBamlton - Walace Romsnt a mer oSuhâa il78 "oUn race ai Long hsi4antion Moe.î vhieh vue on by BRoueby Itest only. Tire tinte giquen for three miles la ItO vhich ainrei sabe asthe.recordva 19:58. Some yasmg a inltroduceti Gma tisur 8$6kJoh is prese u acer, toUlbng St.John thal vasa lll man to -become champon cf the von. Igoudayso r ove tiat Husuopiion cf Jake wvas ve let. Imntetilq tefir 1eboal race on]Wou* ë1sy âghtetJohn,,lelagraphet eacoh te holi GaudaurantioHanlan both of vhonae lelte uep on thi. Aireillan a bon tae ilà prlsa ga ian W'~ thè' southomr, hamiephr.Beach l lik.nth.oýwot anti ups Ire. by 1111 "b 1it of to! lbhampion eeke -e tie. *n U1&W*86.1 MI public ies awho 8#11 maitainx he ola The-Znspector -bau J-agtrecelved notice ,from th.e duostional Depazttmt7thât 1the emuataton in Bolany' for. cond' clan candlidalea viiillie of the lame prmotIa character aW Ihat re lired 61! Orsi clasi caidamtea lait vear. aih oui ddae ii be required tb describe meme f overlnj plant o bemsubritted to hlm by- the Pte- sidlng Examiner. Pnm-nTuesday, May-81pi,17,1. wlfeof Mr. 2. Prost, ofaà mon* .HOWs-In Wbltby, on Tburay, Juue 2nd., th1e vie of Mr. W. B. H3ollie cfa daughtie. P.&TcLmF-.&t GzeenbwhPaB-utai yit on. e2M111uitpt., 111. ifMr. W=.Ls*cý. c ofn. HUNs»u»ax-At Toronto on- tuemay. 1he 8Bit nuti the. v ifs c Osam W. 4onderao BROUO 000«t 01 a deg8te ÃŽ. À-aI B!D. Buse Dz.n-At -Gzemwbcd -on i'Wed. neudsyMay lm hby lt.he yo. W. B. Weat. nley, im Jenme Deviti, 10Mx. Jamea Byers both cf Greenwood. MIDEESO-TÂ,tIoR-Â1 th.court honne, tovu cf Whitby, On Tueady, May Blet, -by the Bey. Jio. Abraham, aulasted by th1e cculiy attorney, th. Beeve of 1the town, 1th. Police Magistrate , Deteetive ril, smd Othonu, Mr. Thome Anderson, t. Mi. Barbara-Taylor, both of Whllhy. D E à T JI 8. C'mr nà »-At Toronto, on Silnday, 29Lh mast., 1887, Relîe: et the late Willfam Gor. don, sged 86 yem ansd 10 monthe. For Bronchilan sd ThriSIAffcton, AflinsLung Baisant la un eqialt. Fire han dcalroyed a lag meunt of -valuable property in HambugGermany. Ceugha anti Coldm-4f takme alime are mû wed ifailowedto 0 tinue ili rmeuin in Iable coZg n.Alen'm Luug »alsam ha i ie tce anti suppoe t cth1e medicai and sul recommendeti by m&iwho *cquainleti vltb ia virlues. T7here rà an uusually heavy d nifor veae &Pace for caIlle at oiei Dr. Smiih's Geram Worm Beimey, or Wormeuine, apcedily removme ail indi o!, vormu, clinssathe11.bovela of salimuili cures bioiumansd indigestion. Tre il. Sold hy ail draggifta. Prtoe 25 cmetsper box. FinaU ci"1 sd GGnnnriaL Offie cf Whitby Cx"rscc.a Whitby, lune S 87. WHITIBY MAUXETPROB FIPU pot......226 *250 ............080 *'07 ..................... 1060 a*uO0 Boa loverae11W ...4560 * 00 Applea, PeUbble..... a*11 50 - (O Pelaâto.apego ......OOs,*0765 ~Eg......... 2 ot it Buier.........018 20 OhMMe........... 034 016 .008560, su ....... 0104» 060 S00, I050 Hldaorl.......0 06 &007. . 600*6 25 TENDOLRRWM ! rze. l TUE ndeslgntiWuiipsy the o au -baypraugvagso. m vîsua hé,lm nt lait, and eti e 1e Isfkers th TOWN ]34 JEWELLERY CLOCKS.-1 and 8 Day. 81L VER WA RE. Pull Stock -cf Nov Gooda, almo XNVES, PoRKs, adspooNs. Tea& Bpoons from $1.50 per doz.. 1Extraordlnary Valua. JeAvellery "Ma SWatchels, *.VJ5cks fand' Jeweulery SýUENER. GOO Domnin arco.0s L.X jîtbg ~ cRîiP imm h Cal' and Sgc efe- We show something ehe' ap and goodi7 ade to order. MuÉlins, Lawns,- Seersuekors, &. -for Summeýr Wear Ilepaired and Warranted. -A Big Range of Straw Hats, for La.. dies', Girls', Childreu, -Boys or men, JA-ME S, JOHN STONJI P.ew lot of J3arasol8 this weelc. n. . P â I&thnarp-«C 'WARML summer veather ollen causes loua 01 aIppetite, a drynes sud-scarcxîy of saliva i h>mouth and other irregularities which cause 1the gaistrie julees cf the, stomach b 11e iw much reduced that wbez in the cool of th. evenià g a hearty me&l ise aten sund en ~nye$ il is usuailyfellowed by an att,.ck of =ndigestion, = Srroa or smre sucb nnpléa. sant aliment. Tis can be prbventelI by taking morne light, nutritions beverage dur- ing lb. dey whioh vii keep 1h. moulh mitand case a free fiow of saliva. Th. ietand mcml e6nyenient preparation t10 rua. at snoh limes is either te Duc a Jolinston Fluid Beef Lozenge inthe mouîh whenever 1h. pached feeling olaouo, anà let il grsdeai disolve, or te lake orie or bye cups of IJobnston'. FlId dBeef during t1e day, It can b. taken either hol or eold (with lced valez 11 4overy palalable), 1the be.! pver conlained lu the Puid Bee!, and in 10 loegasupplies 1h. place cf aolid food ana dà .dd thé1egastnic jice, se that when à mais a eten there à 8 ufficient "ainl the Stomach le digest th. food and slow il 10 page cf wilbout the unplesmat efectae ab6ve refrr.4to, oue or tvo dsya' trial viii prove 1the cerrecluesa of 111cm. assertions. j O ftat cf14or ZH&per, i. of. Whity. Egq To eohM if tj ecrn ., This à s toecertlfy tha" havIng exainined, repaired ant usa a agrest o! Sevin machines. 1 have com* te ecouclualqu that the- White Machine moit by L.'Pair- bonksla onteof 1the beatmade,uainlaM Opinion it 18. a machine Ihat viiinet eaaiy gtl mui of cteat iilaiteiuh longer ihau mcmlmacinaa as ebas been taken te prmeent Wear s uuch'as pealîble. 1 ea" hQuely recmmeutl ilt- toparties vant. purchased one cf 11e h le smre menthe *go, aJi W.severy aetisfacticn. MAJOR HARPE-I. Afier Ove yoskiiiue cf th. White seW=9 Mhahige lu iy asuiy Icii fvIyndorse theabove cerifiateM. ancmaufidlyi eccm- mendthé111. mchine - a-afatuIL mswmg machine' combe legs for reýpair laundany machine ï have eéver 11w! *nvhntoo 'Béla ce1eap a, the cheapem4ul,4n the 1 -bqp cf th. beac. "oeAgent for this Dialricti NewMiliney weekly, leadig styles and lowest prices. A nice Une of Tweeds a-nd -Worsted, for spring and summer suitings -and overcoats, made - to order,'in the latest- styles' We have a well assorted stock of new and tasty goods, and are, prepared to. give our customers the best value for' their moneyb POWEL &Co#. Corner of Dundas and Brock Streets., Staftoîd & cOanak, Laîge Ban~e1 Choice ?afteîns1 GQOD VALIUES" oyjinder ~Santic "Bus.l' otie oxbuequent insertion ]DioýU AeYti bYad5on oilt AOeafrtmme Orders fer disccn muathbe lu' riling, ersvwiU lot brePe A liberal dusceunt meula by 111e yeor.. ,cntr<'t Vea 8e * ùi jolliwth= w of any>flt0fleý& hm ,before- Tueîday no mentis receiveti up t Pive cent per Une perline veeky." Correspoiiaence a ef-the iouny-7or im CorrepoLdeiits me Iheir -communjeali4 pessoiblýe,' XM3NSTANTOIL sup'l Meéobanic B sd o=N E.F ving, Court Hious eRoyal Hotel Bi DÂVID O0] WbitbY. i. Y Oi INer f fil--l