I m M VOL# rero .eap. and-90G rsuckors,& Wear. m liats, for Eoys or meir iS this ?welc y, leading -sti- and 'ýWorsteýd- r sifit'n'98,an( win theéiites -ed Stock of nev Lre prepared tg best value- foi & Co. Brock MADO8. 1 Large Range[- C hoice POIDeîS. eePO-R Tiff GOODSO TAFFORD & DECO'RA TON Fordr It r-o!the iAN-D EOWELS. attuins'd aneinvaluablé inu For chaidren and thé sged XFC1ORD bTREET), LNDON» aud a xf1rd Street London, they areé apmr< i OOOOlbi CE WOOL. Èl resh Egg al& at SW. J. GIBS( found in ýA STORE. ~S to be ~tinsfor- 'J Dot PA cPorsKowepEo~,oa XXXIt WI~itb~ Qjhljrouidt, Establihed 1856. F LaI WeekIl In Ontario County1 StBSRIPTION BATZJS. prnnua n luadvance-tl.50 other- ve.Subsrltiefls are alwayé payable ai the Officeo01pUOliO5tiOfl. team equiprent and bési furniâhed Bokandýob riningplant inlutseru gstszlo, capable cf ezeouing ail classes oi wak frem théle IMpW ost e é mallesi hagdbfl. Spécialment$cm te mrade cf thé ,,,Upased prou faililes cof Tm Cioaucz4 log, vlth its cebrà ié4 N. Y. ocitrél *ynderurems and othér modem convéni- onces. 8gvéry order recelvés prompt, care- RIGGS &IVORYI IL3 or. Ring asud Youge Bts., Toronto. B EST -TERTH, $8 on rubber. ~ t> Celluloid *10. Gold, $30. Have e=ta the teeth-!romn Thoumande of persons, abslutelY paue by the use cf Vitalized Air. 4l6 aie whLagly,]gé ,Bx, ARCHITECT. Designe for Ohurche, Villas and Cot- tages a speclalty. Dravugu preparéd for. rémoeuling exisiing structures. Omoz-Firsi fiat over Howsé'm Drug Store. TERMS OF ADVEBTISING. %4. P. O. Box 202, WamTB. Firot insertion, per line, 10 cents; each _________________ gutbequent inisetien, 5 cents. D)isPlaYOd Advertiismeutsare»meaaured S B bye &male o! olid Neupaeéil, and charged SE ERT bnmLBROL(S. à ;,coriflly. Advertisementm et vithout written LIVERY and SALE STABLES, instructions inerted until !orbiddén, and Charqg d for funl urne. Oronfor discontinuing advertismenta BBOCR STREET, 'WHITBY. mnumt bé in wrting, otherwisé the publiah- Qo iuadGo ess ensra ors will not be respoumiblé. Go ieadGo oie.Trert à libéral discount for contrait advertise- onablé. mente by thé year. Cep y for changes, of 19 SBBERT BROS. oontraot advertisemelitmshould be hindéd in not later than Weduesday ; and notice cf any intended changés shoulil b. given bel ore Tuesday noon. Othét advértisé-e. oer69000 PEOPLE USt mente reoeived up te Thumsday ucon. Business notices in local or uéws coînis RY'S $EEDS Five cents Per Une weékly. Locals, 10) t5 DM. FERRtY & CO, par line weékly. adiW boe Correspondence selicited from & ailrats n UM of the Couuty or uelghboriiig twshp. n1I D.LÇ RI&YC' Correspondent&. aré requested te send i l) LMTacl their commnicationl s upmumptly a psblHEI<DERSON & GRAHAM,Fosu Proprietoc w a JOHN STÂNTON, » Sup't Meobanical Dep't. . ~a. or. Windmot.. Oum. JORN B. F&ULWELLL AliIP B ARRISTBR, Oounty rowu Attorney, and County Solicitor. Office,- South wing, Court House, VWtby -48 JAMES ITLEDGE, D ARRISTER, &o. Offtop formierly o0. >ou{?i d by FareweU &'Rutlédge, riezi ORyHotélBrook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTrON, D.3&-q ATORNYÂTiÂW, SOLIGITOR IN Orvpic-In the Offie South of the post Oglace, in MoMiUâa Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., ÂRRISBR, &c., &.-Money to Loan B Isauor cf arriage Licenses. Oozrii-Smith'a Block, south cf Markét, Breck St., Whrtby. Jan. 22,1878. (tf-é JOHN BAL& DOW, B ARRISTBFR-AT-"&W, SOLICITOR iu Ohanoery, Convoyancer, &o. Offie-Deverill's-Blok, Brook Streti, Whitby. IIONEY TO LEND-Private Funfi la smm up to $800, sta a 1erat6 of li_ terest.- (lra LYMAN ENGLIS9l, L-L B,9- B m r AT LAW, SouLciOTlu Boe8t ", Ombvama09"B= j9ëI taê ..L Unvésit,)LB.O.P. sud L.hi.<Edin- urh,&o. Office-boums, 8 te 10 sknu., 2 to 4 Md 7 io 9p.m Ne.. 8, THÉ"ERAE" YOKB. - ILY ID,..,(Victoria.) Gru""* o1 thé os leme Orders by U attmeae tb.0, Offce sai ruesMS Are ple&ô...t t. kr. Coutau thedrmcw Peratite. l 1a a su! e, srre, and eà tectuai doetryer of wom~ u nClaldren or Aftbb DUNN'S BAKýINO TUE COK'STFRiENO 1887M &011NGSTOCK NOW OPENED.?--l s QAPI HUEZ, CHEMiST and DRUGGI8T Has just reoeived a large aii- sortment of TOILE T SOAI' Which ho is selling a very LOW' PRICES. SAVONA, THE GRE.4T Also for Bale by W. IR. IIOWSE, CEMIST AN» DDRUGGIMT NE w.l CIE HaU on w GOOD8! LEMIST AND DRUGGIST9 hand! a véy larg and! séect stock 01 Chriaimsgois, éompnlslug Ladie' Work IJoxS, ,Whi8sk Ho/dersy,, Odor Cases, Mirrors in Plush, Toi/et 0Cases, Largo -ýVases, Coý oa"id ~BOùr Stock BWl r NEWS LETTERS8 acz.a oormpcudénce. Mr. IF visitiflg week. MZs Mr brmbh- aftr o ham rét. iliynde, Oshawa, brother during ba. been thé paut ea, Toronto, and Brantford, havé * am,tonts.-'i Mis been léft us ruther ut Mr~ ~Wm., ±o4' rêwvgn assodatieu und senés cf "aqltd lsng syne. Thé Bons' cf Temperance, mueseédby seméet thé members cf thé Markhum divm*ien, gave a verysucceseU 1enter- tainniént Thursday evenaing, coisitin~ cf son&%, reà dieanau récitations, n thé usual spéche.Thé Iodge le now ini a IVoy ,Sueémul condition:--with a mapid increée im membérship. OLAEEMO?4T. Mr. Black had a $275 homse die laut paymént, by thé adjoining owners, of thé eost of labor in- putting down the ýwaIk. That is ingenuity. Port Perry is the centre of thie universe. Proef: It ia'the, centre cf thts county wbich is the centre county of Ontario which is the centre, province cf the Dominion which. le the centre jewell of the, Britishi orowifund 1 guesI that à 8 thé univermé.ý' -Jaké Gaudaur, whose patronynlie lei prnocegd, Gasur.in, Orilhia where heâallives. diua thbeý là -cel' Bemofl on- Moiidy. when' two cf iti' )wu menibérs wérre vieed, thé assess- ment 6feu was, raisad-tud thé casé -cf fié othér a&eumnod when hé tee wil âkqiy go. up that cf phUanthropy. -TI bhé événing thé coiun il hada athre bcur session, Craudeil get bouncéd from thé office of énforcer cf thé pond by- Law, sud Brabuér waa-reinstatéd. That is wisdom, ene citizen philcscphically cemarkéd thaît when hie cow did net come home at night hé alwayis knew s'hemé se was, Bmabner would havé ber gathered in. .On thé evening cf Friday lait a span oif spirited hersés belongmgto Mr. W, Weim started from thé yard cf thé St. Charles tempérance heuse' and rushéd. at a ý3.80 gait down Quéen -St. Your, eoréeondnt, who jse ver. on thé spt, with nté 'bockaaJpéncil, wet inhot pureuit.Thé herses teck in a pile cf briek sevéntéeen féét high. 1 will net abate *a brick, aud thon a pilé cf lumbér wheré thé partnemship bétwéen thm and thé bW was diésolved, thé herses eontinued thé motion- but t hé buggy wént iu for further dissolution, Mir. Wéir was net seri9uely hurt, hé haé net get it thé buggy, had hé doué se and b'eén thrown out on thé pile of lumber and telesooped by a plank thée chances are hé would have béen kilédg and 1 would havé had a whole colunn of matter for ycu. Thé Bey. M.Redditt as eet cofheneMr eitba o o Mmo.f.érnceohétr ehoe sud J. F.I iu DaleéfRisy.,rBhoe sudRv.Mmamiheil l ih1 willpa. lThe Méthodiet chreie- Suuday in gte-Mto. ýuc etBna re ti hi Iti b Is Tee sarmn1c1h orscpé The dspceuédofSbth Lardtluppeé wuré eeri n Surcil. n te Thé fytuévs. Mm. pa1u M.Di Ton érchangr. pptsnuMr.Saah so exni ge u ptg. x Sbat Woritbi té v e k tlm crlad Wif i attahe av swe hippéd ro hèr for thé ol.! country mamkét. A Baud cf Hope mission ha. been omganized undér thé auspices cf thé Baptiat church. It boasté cf considér- able membemehip alreay. Thé Union pie-nic which vas, te, have been héld on June let vas postponed until Saturday on account cof thé inclémency cf thé veather. floeéver ,joy défera" vasnet productive cf dieastrmaremultir if --the dieposal cf sauumay's programmé 'may hé takén ai a prOef te théecontramy. Claiemont ýpublie c ool houerromll for the Month cf May-ith clas-let Editb $imÈseu, 2ud Edith Simapeon, 8rd Bll*, Pttérton. 4th, deass sr.-lst Ânnk ufigli. -4th dase r.lè Bla Bu*ehr, Sud Ahnie F»g 8dMary ScoI.Sm! cas s-lit Bresnrk. 2ad4Biciard, Miller, Srd AI erti parka, -ýk rcaijr-lst Liie Coeper, Sud -t.Dcvi lviBm.!Jéssié Thompecu. 8tépbeusonýis aOur uwly à ppoift WFm. Bright hua pureha"d Hodgsons lfarm sud ste guée ly ou inudm.dolai a ea Our obolr e ute o n 4ni Camai ou are to commobi u about oua; nouth. Km. S.Balis , i n . bziu e iget luita 1udyo hW.éneat and!topk ebargé of thé smorviqé .1théBethuny appoinmetni uthe *atturaon. Ui.- a.-E. Brigué vW« appelite.! by ihé Whit>4 Distrio meting " as Délêgata lé the T'ormnto Conférence -hat méatsinuToronto Ibis week. Mm. iu mn.- Arthur -Oliricfrem uaar Oaklla véeaviriing relative& ou thé SôtIr uina. but roturue.! home ou Modylait. Miý)LsLilUé Toitisjtgr boh Mr.Azrdrew Tait Uêmaemoves I0Iba thm« p * _-k .. tor a o timco ltsg a lver cfli herse.:flésii w. generally také in meet. cf thezm. As Mr. T.- Barrett wae- paasing thé' houedcupied by Mr. B. Brown, the other day, hé barely escapedbleing ahot. Mr. Wm. Brown »Who was Shcoting à a nticéd thé man pans thught he had. got eut cf reacli cf thé shot, but it seems hé had not calculted prperly as soeéf it struck thé herse siae ana aise, Mr. Barrett's hand with forcé SxjMcint te iak it étick into thé osi g tein héep a nd amîbs , sa d t é latter sévén or éight., If thé Concil. would raise thé deg tax te- about fivé dollars for éaoh ail th indoubt but that thle nuisanc-e old é t a «rient avoided, ad the 'townehip savéd considérable éxpéne.. To Bowmanlville We Go., to Bowmuvi' étejbilate -ndhn net wnitiug a Word about ilf Net having. sent .thé people,- «f tut 1town Word thut w. weré éoming, uwé were travelling , incognito,, thé ýMayor. an1 corporation uni towu cf JBewmanville did net coeéforth t. e méat snur were uy drse ed ewr upen them beÈôer, they kInew l and ali thé nte te tut$à $,4keh ofl the, prése»ê. :Of Qur, disguledpurty vus in way et admiration'et snc b anud.' sem.setcf ell*s.Bowmanvil f e a sort !fsttritown. -ItlookiBnifia cyclone ýhudmËolen-a lot cofbuildings from éther placés sud' ha.! *lppd uleug. lu its progres a*ddreppé. abusiness placé bere sud résiidence:,there aud a oordwoed - pile yeudem, -sud culle.!thé' viole a tewa.Bowmà anile. BuP thel Bowmsnvilé, people -are a pgeut peo-ý pIe su ave bet- s eart :and-eul for Co'. , sudmaisthey have laiabu- unes. Cu Tueiay ithey ,ha.! arches sud buuting te uttest théir. l<yalty te. thé Quéen vie rules -botth k land asud seon -after eur.arrivai -a-stran&gé lu- Mr. Bd. Bevie's dtila town -hae of béen werking sincé sprin g opéned lu ine FIrstbrook brothers factory i -Téronto.. ol On Satnrdlay hie eléévé 1caught ii thé Thés rnmôhinery .-HieMamui= asdravlzmin ot insi snd mugl40 sstepanuato7elw oa the elbow vas ué6cefsuy., Hé vas bnsce taken te -thé hosp«I l é,isétpcté& as te'liaround -sud home l im"evekii. fgi Me sud' his"friends hv sheý 'grtmféli Mn,. . D*zlinglon .basýmuéh lbeauti- soin' fie.! hem pmcpety by a hansone- pichet ig'v fmeé aluiéd a. damk -drab. Soin. aid ýco'ady inéalk kowiug. they have love ôuly invo mén te- dealvilli havé beén uvaSI whitliug and, othérvhsé disfiguming- il. tib. Thésé nersous voul&inot da té défais deéî I W. la He .