Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1887, p. 2

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burued8, n mdSt loi'- 1Mai -tramps bave60 a bm f h.rua g "hBlg oains o! elaple i.o Lait Tu &~morlg bout I o'clock, WlI asre sppia St. Joseph'. CouentulSeool, breke'bis lmg beivemu theobue. and--aille. A large beain, vitb vhich le andi sevral cebool mates vers ptaying, didth îe miscliief. 'Last Tosda>' moroing Lewis Lis-' cm-b and, James Lemper, cf Roseneath, and Gao. Oockburn and Chris. Pickering cf Baltimore, appeared before Justice of tbm Peace Plat inman, at Grafton, t., answer charges of nunawfully selling intoxicating tiquers contrar>' oteb Canada Temperance Act. Mr. J. W. Kerr rëprented the Licenso Inspector and Mtfr. F. A.. Hitton the defendants. Mr. Hilton raised tbe sane' objection which wee tabou b>' Mr. &yleswortb in in Toronato lait voek, !iz., that tho Scott Act is repealed because tbe Dominion Statuhes have been issued in a new form under the naine of the Bevised Statutes of Canada, and by tbeui aIl Ibe old statules oensolidî,ted therein have been repealed aud réenuoted lu the revised form. Hoe contendcd that the Scott1 Act, once repealedi connot.be ro-enacted excepf by the voicescf tbe people, and baving bien repealed it is net ln force until it bas been agal voted upon;- but the objection vas net allowed, and tbe defondant aI£11pl.aded goilty tte b charge cf viciating tbe Act, and voe fiued $50 and coïs, or distroes forth- with, or 80 days in gacl. On Thrzrsdy, lait week, as Bill Maher'. "express," with a ton cf fresbh moat, be thbm s ame, more or lseso, was croasing tbe rails with a geod carefu.l man, near thm station, the mare teck a shy atIa' van. The side-traps worm new, wiall adjusted anmd etrong, but somebow wonm buckled a lithtiee long; se yen Osec, Whvhe 1. aggon vint luto the diteli, il struck bier boit end and away vent "the bitob." Shm prossed into service ail phyuical forces,and straigbt for Charlotte se directodl ber course, whie Augova, the driver, villi a pull and a jerk, both mighty vel *don., kep, ber dovu te, ber vork. He missed thirty vemen, grazed a telegrapli polo, ai hi kept th. méd brute parti>' under contrai; but nov came Ibm atima:, -bm trylung ordeal: vben be beut the& mare's bock to'ards 1h.eosaI, lbe hiud wbm slie horoanded the corner sud headed for land, unuk astoni near the old "North Amorlean" stand. There 1&7' Ibm courser exposed te Ibhe gale, vigh blood in ber nostrils sud mud on ber tail,; and thore, toe, the driver, strslcbsd cuntsif dead- Ibe hoavîns hi. cocer, lb. gravel bhselied; sud ber. wss a rossi and s 811.1 cf veal, witb a spoke for a sewer, on the bub cf a vbeel; snd thers libmte "gutter" tripe, sausagm aud barn, vith a basket of iggs brokin over some lamb; and yender a ieg of good maiton sud steal', once fi$ for O-Brion, or McDonald, or Blake, lay forced tbreugh eoh other, rolied ap on tbe graus, a shapeleas, unsigbtly, and siokoung mass. But stop 1 Ob., my muse!1 No longer, pra>'. dveJl on a subjeot -te dreain of but nover tote.1 PORT IHOPEC. Fred iLcIntosh, vho burglanised Mr. W. G. Stevenbon's store lu Port Hope on Ibm nigît cf Ibm 12th instant,,annt vho vas captursd at Toronto on tbe *28rd imat., bas been sontenced b>' Police. Magistrate Holland te a tarn o! four years lin theeformétor> at Peu.-ý tanguîhbse. The bialor>' of Ibm boy, vhie i.oui>' iffleor ixteoq, yeare cf &ge, i. a sad one.., Re vas borne in Picering Tovnabip, but ho bas ne recolleotion cf father or mothor. Whou two yoarsof agehe vae takon to livo 'wib .a man called MoIntesh inHahbur-' ton, vbose name ho .dopted as bis own ov The imam'* ovu obildr e er sent te bohool, but the sdopted child b.d ta work bard for i bttbler hl nipl#iag him outingt. 0 e-of time,àq for a 0econ0 d laier theo"wS a dali thut d 1.see gao va>', filling up lb. eiOUina. minute. Rad O'Oonnorbei onIh ela couple'ocfefot further nothing would, have preventqd bisg ln dah.Ab, it was bo had a ver>' uBarrow esoape, andl sbould foot duly- thankful for .jJe, presence cf mind displâyed b>' Mr. Esvor> at a critical moment.-Newie. 1 LIND5&Y.. Mr. A.. D. Melion la about te boild on bis paper mil properin tuhb. oat yard, and bis roqoosîte certain parties te lond him a helping band sbeuld bave a prompt response. Building opealions are gcing on brieki>' -ali oser tovu. Carponters, masons and brlcklayors bave -tlIeu bande fu. Theo lowun tfairi> booming sud Ihe ameunt spent viii b. very large. Lamber dealers report the boimaI seison for y.ars sud tbm brick- makers are taied te suppl>' orders. On Monda>' nlgbi 1Mr. J. Scul>' relired te b6d 1e*viugbyeeasy chaire standing on lb. vmradah ai bim bouse. Nult mornlng the chairs vere misuing. Mr. Seul>' searcbed them !eighborbood and gave il up. On Wodnesday nigbt tbe chairie e placed back siacti>' a Mr. S. lefs tbsM. No revard la offored for information that will lesd to, lb. conviction of tb. innocent part>' or partie&. The syndicale vbo ovu th. steain yacht "IJule Lopionle" have decided Shat lbe aise cf tbe craft daes not permit et thAt expansion lIai a properi>' con- ilit-uled syndicat. desirma, and tbe boat vill bm uoid te à part>' at Port Perry, vIa la vaiting te gel possession. A nov sud larger yacht vith double the pover cf Ihe *"Jute" hb osuordered sud vii lie shortiy delivered. The nov boat viii oarry oeebrase oannon sud vii ll b. h oui>' armed croiser ou Ibm upper lakes. The syndicat. are aI présent draviug lote le deolde vIe .1.11li echiot efficer of gunnor>'. The tevn u sdividod mbio, oparties -for and agsant Ibm ccv by-iaw. This meuare-vbich promises go b. o! historical interet-omes op for action, ai lb. counoil meeting on Monda>' aiglis usxl. Ih la to e eoped thal lb.e couoil ,viii pasa lb. by-iav sud net as aI presout compoel propert>' owners te refuse te mako improvmm.ents because Ibeir neighblor'a 0ws. ma>', wben inelin ed-aud vbo ovir sav a ov tha% wasn'î inclinsd ?-break lun-aad smash sud cbev- Up t"go geuerally. Tie up the eovs. 81.11 Ibm marcb e! improvement lie held back on acceunt e! s ccv ? Neyer ? The ccvi muet go at large. On Sunda>' aflernoon a yonag man named George Lotte vas drow»otinl tbe river opposite Ibm Riverside coin. tory Re bhdpaddled Up the river sud vas about le returu, sud sboved eut on the vater silting up lu the deoking cf tbm caince. A guet ci vind upset the boat and bis foot getting entangled in a pis.. cf. carpet ho vent, under sud noveir came te the surface until bhovas pulled cut somm sevon minutes aftervads b>' Wm. Ray'mond sud Thomas Sadier. Dr. Herriman vas aI lb. cemetqry sud under' bis direction. energeio efforts vero made te resuscitte young man but net mucceesfll>. Deoaed vas a member c 'f No. 4 compan>', 441h batt., and - vas boried on Mouds>' vith mflilary honore. a0 re pheased te, learu. that or chesse ftr.o lu doing quit., a ruebiug busines, milk b.iug brougbt lu frein a radius o! sevmn or uight miles. Mr. Charte Thompoon vho la con- liualyýadding te sud loproving bis buildings bad a ver>' suceeseul lies ou Tnesdey rsisig bis barnu preparater> te putting a atone foundation undur it. Mr. Rob%. Dixon, wIe f ormerl>' rau 11w, grisl;ui beflven Utim ansd bere, Som et, th. O4eet , unambitîinfeslive sud -une f-ewar ogh before; a. ,oormon vrnvia Street *orner loafor. ;Tbey:are gonerallyý coui 4e f f lrmtiht slek baugman ln ampiymtàt th. those hÏabituai gamons use Rý mostÈiù. and thie convaration id-enra O fa meat bour and ignoramit type. .If Ibis practice le net speedil>' etopped there viii bo a glory caraival rigbt -bore in tbis town for vo are bound, .hould the practice 4~e confinued, tçq fullpublish and expose those interest. p Seven residents of 1he north end, ver. ou Manda>' lat liefore the Police Magistrat., ansver te a charge -cofhav.. ing allowed thoir cova te waia44r, ai' largo, contrat>' te the by-.aw 4ýW hat offet. Satwmday afternoon a, drtmke»I4»ev entereti Boblusou's -barber, . on e Water streel sud ralsod a, tb. plaoe-falrly beal. Be 54ae oet of the va>'b>' 8cme. cf is frieudeil s es a policeman appearod ouIbh~ene. There are saine ver>' m.su persous about towu. A fev deys ago lhe firo. menu *ere -supplied vith. islver _signal vhietle, ce cf wbicb aiMachi- ed by a strap toeoacI branci pipe fer use aI a fire lu sign4lling tb the man aI the hydrant te buru on 1h. valet wbon connections have been made, without havlng. te mun le lime. These vbistlos worm un their places tle ellior day, openi>' exposed lu tb. fire hall te the publie, but bave aine. been everyone stolen. Everytbing bas licen pot in excellent tInn about the promises, sud 1e add a cily-like appear- anc. ta our fire hall sud apparatua, and for tbm amusement sud instruct- ion o! citizens or vislters te the tevu, the pla&ce lau been Ibron open for bublia inspection ; but if sud deépredations continue, if there aro an>' persons in onougb te se basai>'abuse tbe confi- dence plaeed lu Ibom, tle fir. hall liad beotlie oiosed again. 1Mr MeNeil, Clairmnan cf tle Fire, Water sand Ligbt Oommittem, vho bus doue se mach Iewardi having the mificieno>' cf thm fire lbrigade pertocted, vili glad- 1>' give $10 for tle disoovsry cf th. miscents.. Monda>' morning Mr. Josephî iuce e ingaged Mr. Edward Msu's eain te drive te Peterboro after soins paînters and vood-vorkere,wvI e este com- plot. bis nev dvwelling bouse aI Bridge- north. &.fter gettiug tb. men and matonial, th. lean start.d for tbe tle Barnado Home te gel some latiders aud on Ibmeus>' met a. bicyclial. The teani beo*sua. figbtened anti rau avey, tbroving ont esoeoflb.einsu, Mr. Lyle having lie leg badl>' hart vhfl roooiving cîber injuries, net o! a serions nature. Mesurs. Ruth sud Nurse man- agod te bold lb. herses, but the wagoni va s sebadli'sinasbed as te lie nieos, Mn. Yilland'e truek wvas seounod sud th. trip te Bridgenorth finisi, Mr. Suce. retumning luibmtheov.ing for lb. Oold wagon, vhiel b. tok homo for to- pavrs. BicyoU&i asbould b. carofal sud obtiging on the road vben île>' farmner sud bis v if., lb. latter wilb a baby un ber arme, on a ceunIr>' road, and Ibeir herse aking. fright noari> ran avay, vbil lt.e;woman lu irying le- jump £roin lb. 1buggy caugbt bér dreson 1h. stop sud vaslhrdvn hoavil>' ou ber sboulder, sustaintug evere injuries. -Examiner. Tvo aua" boys umeti Charle FýrOsi sud Jack Carrant, vent eut lunabocl on Tuosda>' oveningt but lad notenf<u- tbrlban a lev foot ber. tboir efrail craft capsized sud bath ver. ladet luý Ibm oclii, Col& vater. The>' ve. bild ountb' yslantder. W.uderstanil lb. rn,& Trank. railva>' bave bengît eome J'lothelb ath aide o! Mushokoa .>'&--, swbich~ probai> sgmltehai.> nudà gorUÂMuanh uby DS JloDefl t b" for..morMe lime ooýýfpicd a0 bouse 4* 1'w W.stt: ward. r;:BtBuî Bbert falIed to liquldate, or>04lle in an>' wày. 'Go h. wcul uota~dpay ho would not, untiI at 1at it w..thought neceesar>' 10 use force, and._on _Monday ho -and, Mrs,. Henry were as.umm1.ifly lrnbstle"-outon the ;public atreet, togother with al their worldly goo-de and chattels. Tbey riý-gged up lome idoçbetrl b oorner ofafence, and ceeU>' proceeded te camp ont for the night. 8ince thon they haiiseured fresb promises, iand people are nov thinking of sending te O'Brien for a share of the anti-eviction - fond. 'It wonld be a h-andy thing to have, would il flot? A Word of warnîng. 'lo proteet the public, sud prevent thesu from bein impos- cd upon b>' the worthless counterfeits and imitations of our Murray' & Lauman'a Florida Water, we have prepared paper in which the words "Laumari& Kemp, New York/' appear ini pale letters when a Ilea! o! the littho pamphlet is held up ho the lighh ; and whenever .Florida Water is oliered for sale wrapped in a pamphlet that doci not have Ibis water-mark or stamp la il, then it is counterfeit, and sixould b. rejeched. Returning-officer Dunn of Queen's Oounty, has been dismîsscd from bis ait. naton. A Valuable Diacovery. F.P. Tanner, of Neebing, Ont., says he bas oni>' found B. B. B. a sure cure for dyspepsia, but he also found il 10 b. tbe best medicine for regulating and invigorat- iug th. th. syst.m that h. bas lever taken. B. B. B. la the great syshcm regulator. The growth la the Crown Princ.'is throat i1 said 10 be a cancer. Campbell's CJatharic Compound is eff ect vo la amail doses, doee not occasion nausea. Operations ou th. British Canal will Rot be begun on a grand sosie until tb. autumin. For Delicaoy and richuess of fiavor, use "Royal Extracte." Hâalf a millon hs. already been raised for ch roe of the new Protestant Episco. pal ÎathedralaiNeYok I B . BStood th. Toit. "I tricd every knowu remedy I couid think o! for rhumatiam, without givin me any relief, until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters, whioh rcmedy I can highlv'rcc- commend 10 aIl affiicted as I was." Heur>' Smith, Milverton, Ont. The Anieer of Bokhara bas diamisscd al the officiais of the Government found in- trigulng against Bussia., Pain-Kiler will cure Crampe or Pains la any part o! th. system. The f se for haif-yearly passporte for Rus- aiau travellingr abroad bas been raisd f rom fiv. to ten roubles. Use "Maud S."Condition Powders for Hors.@, Cattie, Sheep, Hogesud Pouftry. The Crooksîon, Minu., rellug Mill was hurned lait Saturda>', lose 676,OGO. ASS WEET A'HONEYjà Dr. Lowi,,' Pleasani Worm Byrup, yet sure to destroij and leapel. Din Bleker'i manufacîuring works aud aaw-mIll a Kaemazos, ich., were burned on Saturda> uts. Worth E.omemboring. Mns. T. Doan, ,cf Harrietaville, Ont. was for a long time troublcdl with fleurai. j;is of the . tomâch. Failing to fiud bien- fit- fro-u physicians, eh. tricd Bu.rdock Blood Bitters. from whleh-ah. found spoedy relief, te which ihe testifies, hoping il May' prov4euellciai toothes. Many physiciane resoommond B. B. B. pler-ntmnal ethse u Ai alter of econemy it miip > eve>'honeold ho àkeep a bottie o! YcIlow Oit on hand for s.ocdeuti sud cmsrgcnoles, la case o! pain as a bandy relis!, sud for veunda burna, bruis,.suad injuries. Rbeumstiom, neuralgia, quiney sud man>' palaful dismases treated internail>' and cx.- ternail>'b>' it oflen sare large medical TIe steamer Tenu vswu k b>' collision lu the Englial Ohannel yesterday, sud ber captiansd four aaeavwoe rdowned. 1f. . , Haribo24, Clemist sud Dr- glalv DunuvMle, ont rite.; I'<h eau vih -Veg~sb1. iomy -aud D' plie C e frspas,-làpue Bloodimp eson1 Reporta omhe8couthern Sats iondicati lIai MewCotton sud lriit rops viii b. light, whil e .cereeiÈvMilbe up ho lb.averags.~ attackhps ,,e _4gththroatand lpnpc_ none so trlfied wfth by the majorlty of suifer-, ers. The ordlnary cough or cold, resultlng perbapi ferz, a'trliing -gr, unconscieusex posure, loa ofien but the'begin4ing of a fatal sicea. AYZRu', CHERRY PECTORAL lia wefl proven .its efficacy in a forty years' figlit witil throat-and iimpg disessee, and- hotIld be taken In ail cases wlthout delay. A Terrible Cough Cured. f~in 1857 I took a severe cold, wbich affeoted Mxy iungs, I had a terrible cough and pased nlght a r night withont alecp edotrs gave me up.- I trled AY£Wi CHERRY -PEC- TORAL, whlch relieved -my lunge, induced sieep and afforded nme the rest necessary for the recovery of ml strength. By -the contliued use of the rECToRAL a pernia- nent cure was effected. 1 amn now 62 years old, hale and hearty, and amn satiefied your CHERRY PECTORAL saved me. HORACE FAIEBROTHER.D9 Rockingham, Vt., July 15, 1882. Croup. - A Mother's Tribute.- "Whule in the country iast winter my littie boy, three -years oid, was taken ill 3with croupi it Beemed as If ite wouid die froni strangu- lation. One of the fa-mlly suggested the use Of .AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL a bottle of whlch was always kept ini the ýhouse. This was tried in email and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than haif an hour the littie patient was breathing easiiy. The doc- tor said that the CHIERRY PECTORAL had saved my darling's lfe. Can you wonder at Our gratitude? Sinéerelylours, GDE. 159 West 128th St., NewYrk May 16, 1882. Il1 have* used AYER's CHuEY PECTORAL iu ny fanîily for severai years, and, do flot hesitate to pronounce it thsenost effectuai renîedy fur coughs ana coltis ive have eveÉ trieil. A-. J. CRAI'NE." Lake Crystal, AMinn., Mlarch 13, 1882. 11I1s uffe red for eight vears f rom Bronchi tis, and af ter tryi ng miany remiedies with no suc- acess, i was cured by the use of AYER's CHER- RY PECTORAL. JOSEPEI WALDEN." Byhalia, Msiiss., April 5, 1882e. I1 cannot say enough in praise of AYER'5 CHERRV PECTORAL, believinq as 1 do that but for its use I shouid longsn ce have died f rom iung troubles. e.B RAGDox.11 Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No case of an affection of thse throat or lung@ exista wbich cannot hi greatly relieved by the use o! AYvuu's CHERRY PECTORAL, and it wtfl aluays cure when the disease la flot already beyond the control of medicie; PREPÂRED BY Dr. J. C.Ayer&,Oo., LoweiI, Mage. Sold by ail Druggiats. NO ENGLISH STAL LE IS CONSMIEED COMPLETE WITHOUT Y~ LLIANS ~ MROCATIN FOR 5PRAMSi, CHRS, A"D SPLINTS WHEN . ORMXZSG. FOR OVER-REÂCHES, 01[APPED REELS, WTNI) GALLS. FOR RHEMUTI5M IN HORSES. FOR SBE TKRMOATS AND InmLuRzxA. ?oR BROKEN EStERS, uRuisES, OAPPERD HOOE4. FOR BORE 5HfOVLDERS, BoRE RACES. FOR FOOT ROT. àARD 5HZ MOUTEs INSMMEp FOR SPEAINS, CUTS,RISRS IN f005. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. From IHis Grace the Duke Of Rutland. "IBelvoir, Grantham, Lee. 1, 1879. "Sfîrs,-EIiime.n'sRfoyal Embrocation la ussd Apàiser for l oc, and agent1 OFFICE-Over Gerrie's Block, Whîtb Stdtable for wrapping .Purposea; lîvise under'oarpets, etc., 25 cents per hundred. A4pp1y to t!. THIIS OFpIOK). unapproached for *Tone and Quality. CATALOG0UES. FRELE BELL & COGI- uliplOl te anada Lo=&nSa1 theJ-WeetrnAsuac GOOD NOBSES. NEW RIOS, LIYERY and SALE STABLES;,, DUNDAS-SI., WITBY. CRA WFORTH & DEVEIELL, FIRST - OLASS TURN-OUTB Furnished on Shorteist Notice. Commercial Trav.ellera liberal ly deait witk. FAfi PRICES.- HONEST DEÂLING. BrEWÂRE WRHLESS IMITATIO&NS As there are many iuferji -.,Dds, corded with'jute, :M, tc., offered and sold .as o raline by some uu./' Principlderchants trad- ing on hereputation of our geumie (JoraUno, ýwe warn the ladies ag'alusî sucb imposition by draw. Ing.their attention to the neceqseit>'of Beeing that the 'GROMPTGNGCOMMET 00e' Witbout which none are gemmie. For Bronohitie aund asthma, tIry Ailen's. Lung Baleamx; the beet oough prescription known. By purchasing an Improvedl Special Styles for the Hoiday> Season. For sale cheap b>' L. FAIRBANKS,- Sole Agent. Ais. Agent fer NyeIs oelebra ted Arcie Sewing Machine 011- Whitbye Dec. 16,1886'. Darouli Rpewo o IIALIFAXq. NOVA SCOTIA. umui 1o If-f son hol girlt ber oharimiifg -bnr -dlvidifl g bis ,mos ll-aedsermii gcod time :-aflu cs O! isuro - icV~ythati te do.top.>' a -vi as ai pohlil cel deaparlore for thE or Mnounanr become fil ]Pbilaelpi&, Ne -quelto Ibis ai bevwant of a the average leurî Ibis gig&anho gov rent. *The sBeoïO -are -but the vit' nation, arc a 1 wondàer- tle the many People fin taint>'4o have Il buoB7--engsged firat hhing lIat Multipi>'thlb. o! uùr largeit bi by &-number wvi greiler sitent transactions se c of oIlneýàwtv Dril i ve cf Ibm Nevy -nar>' intlh vwa's &IBOs 1!; R$gUMÀ P4eims

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