Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1887, p. 3

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,t for th istinu il Xr ýwnapplg purposea lyjj 9, etc, 25 cents per huu4àred Appl# te, TIIIS Opproi.U ORGANS Jnapprcached fozr Toue aud QuaUty rALOGUIES FREE SES. NEW RioG8. DAS-ST., WHITBY. )RTH &DEVERELLO zLASS TURN-OUTB ed ou Shorteet Notice. Traveer8 iberally 'bah H* OSEST D&LING, rHLESS IMITATIONfS As there are ma n4eteor ~ood s, corded wîti jute, lemetcï, offerodemduoidl as (oraHine bysemne un- 1i iuclied zmrchanlt trd. l b. i tereputatton et our menuitne <eale we warn the. ladies agsins1 Ing tbeir ttention tte th. necesityotaeelng lathe Dame TON- CORSET 00,' w'ilch noue are gema,. 1s land asthma, tri' Âllen's tipv bet cough prescription h-iaseng sn Improved or the. Holiday Sesson. Fer iale ciioap by AIBANKS, Sole Agent. or Nye's reiebrated Ardu'e hRopowork uo. ~NOVA SCOTIA. ~TWUNE IARVEST OF 1887. PE-RIENC E r18SEEBEBY GriVE thttecourt Of us of the.Peeo.asd the. Ocurt. lu anêfor the. 0F 'ONTARIO, n the. COURT HOUSE, in thi. Oe WHITBY, m0e the l4th, 1881,C r o! '10 o'clock, .m., "shCes eoftth. Peace, Cen.. les, sud ethers conconned ýce lad governu hiimselvoo THOS. PAXTON, SanERF,, C0. ONIe. 4t187. td.21. à Sý8arple &id uyý M Ob. EYBULL,,.,, rerieor lot Bule. Wu. -kBWpoWI! Whi ~ Ch5e aGTn extended absence idoas not eqafn ote the unprecedênted th iprovinntapparent every. orbO e t aual obséà ver. Public whor t i 05ivâte enterprisetiu the 1 oiattnet f h@otistreeesembower. th Cfl i bade tracs, with here ed witIl iu akterle.ti *d there 0, beantiflprt ei h Wl th9sebeing ornamented eoither a statue in bronze or marbie, yf.Dft1fl or tastefullY arranged bea Of oîei or flowers ; whule on every 4jde arnbitectura.l ekili exerts itself iu r0producng facsIOhileB 0f clasaical and l.idieal art, and Of modern renaise. &UIin the ranuiof s of the. riob, and th e lospret8enîî0Uh, but non. the. loel .briil weligs of the man of %odorats eaO5s-ltegether compose an eDtrancing piture. Localitiei that we were accnstomed to associates with dreary watei of eom. ulofl. snd stagnanti pools, given over te -frliciome auneîs of the trisky goat, snd the dignified waddle of the more sedate geiider, wbo oontested the. right of oc. Oup5flcy wth the everpreseut hoep- ekirt and tomaito eau ;-these uniuapir. Io ng spots are now transforrned into beautifulî rows o! aesthetically designed housse, or more picturesque cottages witi' pretty landocapê, affecte. Thue thé. cultivation of the beantifal je proved te keep pace wth the truc and the. good inO dourhaitie environment. With each year the. nucuber of pîlrimî to tbis Mecca cf Amenias inorese08 ;-at first the. happy bridai couple, inspired by the. promotinge of the littho god, came :-next, the. Drim tescher with her following cf znerry ichool girl,-tbe former lient solely upon the search for mental pabnlnm for ber charming brood-tiie lait, ppnhaps, djviding ibis muet commendable pursuit witb a detormination te bave a rosi good time:-afler a while the wealthy class oi leisure and culture made the discovery that it vas the proper thing to do to pay a visit te the social as well as political centre, hefore the. final ,ddeparture for the summer to the seaside or moflitaiti rosort. And soe i solated excursion party develcpe into the social custam, and it has, ut length, becotue fashionable fer Baltimore, Philadeiphia, Nov York, and Boston, and even Chicago, te send yearly their quota te ibis attractive reoet for wealth intelligence, and refinement. The vaut ef a proper conception, in the average touriet, of the eperaions of this gigantie goe.rnmfeiit, le veny appa. reui. Tii. seversi departments, wiib are but the vast occunting boues of the nation, are a never-ending source of Wonder tote .nnitatod. What Bo znany people fiud te.io-and they cer- tainiy do have the. appearance of being 1baiy engaged at someting-is the first thing that impresseî the. stranger. Multiply the force employed by sny of unr largest business eestblishments, ba number which wîll represeut the 1 greater extent cf the Government' transbctiolils ascompared with tlie.of the private business bouse, and yeu will fora: &ifapproIiinSte ides of the. netods ofthe. service. Au illustration cfoithe point neferre< to wss Riven daring tieclaite Nationsl Drill veek, s elate4 by an employee cf the. Navy- Depierment. A party ef visitors, appsrently et more tian ordi. nary intelligence, led by a lady wbo t-eofics1e- te-aynaa .,,en ,ali plalning it aulto han party', aho eageîl. quenied, "And vonld il be tee -m-us trouble for yen lee show us thei tings, sud -the. nature cf lhe food th& la suppliad ho the Navy ? ' When- it vae î.ld, a hemlaI thiýia7 storeiieusei ver. upt thora, but the tiiey were dlstibuWe aboùt at thé e oral Navy yards aud stations on ou cou an sd liaI the immense ibulldii contalned euly book-keepens am accountants, shaéwaV"ln:Iatly disal polntad, smald M swa hougt that th. shipe a osiaeWbington au dr.w theu supplias'fromcsaNa D eartzuet, vbioh vas aeret cel rai dapol." Rot juterit bvn evidsuly abated, she va. ous0a0 t dlreot l e sha Amy mus.euwh The c àhampion GalUa. EDITOR 0'EEIN LEIS HImUEzlI 1.005 TmE CAPIAL 1(5DB BTSHI Thé followlag tirea t.w ixtiWtS ho Editor OBrlam0 saéoinz thea ) YoîkÂoWe af . p 0 maivns, and wilsre40â> viat leisgthe aqèt santatien can. b. o+b b W-â with as scra ib antlÀltbnI0Y tO>* thei. oitioi pepla, esn4 a-,om g ,ý4. ïe-uayth iInn ta'~ Tirônto Insland, pcwdor, and iggu Party l a cf lie speech; soU at -*hÃŽchaMl thé iirftarofls violence Ïhqs folloved vwas iiutigate4 sud lipired. Haeviola a ptblio<ý, ýttir of thanits for the action of thutat tug slthôugb the unestbitter Tcr'y.-aws-, papota in O&Dada vee oieed -te de. nounce"nI tortuetf inag"tionand diegut the. speeches liaI vere-dlivared tier.ne,.H.alloved isiecarriagp te b. dravu tiirougi lie streets of Toronto ou the. vory uigiit liaI vo vere thoee by the. very same men vio made a meut dassardly attempt te atone tire. unammed mon te death in the. atreets. THLE DELIBERATE ATTEMPTS. IlAttempt ufier atl.mpt wus made in tovu ufter tevu, epeniy sududie' guisedly, te murder us. Lord Lana- downe knew ail tiaI. Re knew liaI thege outrages vere committed pracli. cally under police protection. He knev that the. vounteens. wio behsved se gallantly authle bath. cof Bidgeway -liaI hundrede cf them, with their aide armeacatuuliy on, ver. amoug th. mont munderous of the. nichera vie lay lu wait for nesin tic dark ut Kingston te, nurder us. He kuow it ail, sud vith lie knowlsdge thht ail thoat'ccv. ardly sud atrocicua vork wus caM4ld on in hie naine sud in hie cause ho made Ivwo long public-speeches in wih h. uhtered net oee ved cf rebuke to hie fieude, lthe assassina." 1, 20,000 AT ONE MEETING. "-Tii. vnk on vhioh v. cume is doue -sud, t'iank Gcd, douc victoriously. ni Our peut le viti Our people ut home lu thou heur o! triai. They have rallied te tbeir strugglo like soldiens gànd B horoes ut our euhl, sud, pieuse Ged, vo wiii net fail tien wie thier. is a reuth of lf. iucaur bodies. But yon 'can do your part here iu America witheut ne, sud frem my heart of heants I de meut earnestlv appeal te-uigiit te the mil- lio e of oar great race te bury every diffareuce snd te forge t avery personai sl or party division ïn ender te stand by ci theb old land sud the eid cause in tbis e supracue crisis cf curifte."'4 TUE RERO 0OF THE RAG. Mm. OBrien paid a wurm tribut. te t lic nevepaper men 'tho aocomponied in on hie trip îhrougb Canada. 'W-e went tw Canada,"' i ssd, "accempani. ed by four rcpreseniatives of the great preeseof New York, sud tics. men weree literally and tmuly the sviours cf oui il lives. Theso four mien, ùuok te us, I a sun rendte .y, in every heur cf danger, aud ene o! thern vas sctulliyv strioken dowu by my sid.. As long us we iad tiem ut our back I feit I bud sà power grester than any anmy viti ailt its bannera."t IT WAS eNzv 680,000. Lord Grey, Bays tie Journal, ie a young Englisi nebleman et prssent tournug lirougb lie States. Speaking of Editor O'Brien's visilte Canada, hoj is reported te have eaid thal "1poor1 Farmer Killiride once dropped $50,000i ut Punehestevu races."' 44Tiat's the-est lia Lord Grey ever uttered 1" ezclaimsd Farmern.Kilbrida, vien a reporter meutioned the malter ho hum. How to Las. "-People Wiii fise, yet nt net in a buudred kuovi iov te extract ia frein loyaiy lips, auy more than -ha kneoshev te maie. diaxnonds frein chancoal. And yeh il is eseily doue. Furit knev vie you ana going te bise Dou'h make à mistako, aithiegi a mis. tua may b. good. Don% jump Rire a1 lieut fon a fly, sud snack a good vemnn e n lie eek, on lie esr, on lie corner of the ltorehead, or on the. eud eof.er Doe, on bnecb off beale. taL. The gentleman should b. a 11111e 'ha taller. He sheuld have si bleuei tao,"s biud eya, sud s menti fuan ef expression. DOn'ý bikse everybody. Dont t ldvii ho 1tl stand up. Yen noed cet be saous about getiug lu s orowd. Tv-o pansons are pleuty te cerner, as u ah &5 us ; more pensons. voold spoil tb. sport. tTakethie loftsbaud oeýthle lady.,lu your rgt; lt yonr hat go ho-amy placeout j o e i ay ; plae hie left ,baumd* geutly oven lie ehouldaefthle lady, sud lot li -fIlR dovu lie iight aide tovande lia 2 balS, Don' b. lua a humiy ; dnav ber g gantly, ioviugly. 'Han baud viii tai Slightly-;upon,,pour shoulden,-and a handseme obju!4ir *&trip Il màbs. t Don'îbe iuuahurry; ud 6alilIlelifs Sdovn younle-amn. e-luni y n yonr right, "lot>there ha an expression lui Shh, nets11k.lthenip of a sic., buS a tentleeclamai.flt leo nut.tog Auther abortive atleznpt at burglary, loriete t Poterbero'. MiseDimealbthe.-lady evsngeliet, is reshin stUxbrldge. Umbnldge la ho have thi.eltnlciýght tlii week. Lt i. t pnivate uffair. At Zephyr a boy aicoitiug hadil collunicue broken by the. gun kxckiug. Mr. Arthur Kelly, cf Schepeler, Townshiip cf Mura, died reoently -aged 112. Lindsay je nov fslling. jute lina vith Barrie and Petemboro', sud paesinga ccv by-law. J. W. ýBoesdiý cf obosygeont, has purchaaed-frein the.Indiana 1600 làn-k4- rat ekinu, paying 16 cents eaeb for them. Rev. J. Griffithe, Baptiet minister uit Becîcen, bas lest his mental balance aud dissppeared ne on. knowis vhitier. At Bobesygeen tvo large black bulle gel fightiug sud could nos be separsîteld until oi4owas laid lead. Th4e loue le A eturgeon veighlng'40 pounda waa landed on -ha dock àUet aford on Tueaday, 241h May. It vu cuught lu a net. Tiiere are two turne boums ou oxhi. b ition in Haliburlon. Thoy are veny aespectable animale, discrete.,snd veil- Mr. Jii-o. Havkins, of Washago, hue prepared a Jubile. lecture, on lha Queen, sud lthe British empire-past, presoul sud future. Palerbore' evidently believea in lo. îng tie dead bury tbeir dead, ferrlthe Itreete ofaid burgh ara decorahed by ek leus than six defunet doge. Bey. 0. 0. Paîlerson, lut. pastor et Knox church, Beaverlon, hu left ton British Columbia. Hie onugregation gave hum s nigit royal fareweli. Mm. MatI Vandervater, of Sidney, wuile fieiiing in the Trent River caught a sturgoon veigbing 170 poundo sud mesaceing 6 feet 7 juches in leugth. Two burglars entered the jevelry store of Mr. Geo. Warren, Piekering, on Wednesday cf luet week, but vone scared eut befona tiay had succeedsd in '&making a isul." At Pemrbere'. Ivo yeuug menuhok vwo Young la-dies for a cane ride. liortly after tvo yeung meu sud two Young ladies teck an involunlary bath in the river. Fun fnustatad. Six Oampbellford hoeoîkeepers vere esci fined $50 sud comte for violating the Canada Temperauce Act. Tics. are lie firot penalties that have been impcsed fan viciation cf the Actlu intat village. At Peterboro' vheu lier. lu i fire tie boys sud peeple geuarally, wMi ride te tic fine ou lie home reel, b ut refuse to, assisl wien they arrive ah tie bluze. Tii. firemen are kicking ut thie, sud net vitieut roasen. Petenboro vas visited by three large sud oee siall fie at week. Suov- don's botel shedsanad Englisi Cane. Factory made blaze nmber one. Neul day Wilson's volen factery vsuiahed int amoke. Liter ou Whytes feuudry vu burued. A boa"v record. Thé. Hainlin Wizsrd OÙl Concert Co-. hu been doing Stouffville, lately. When s tempenanco meeting vwu anouoed they wlliugly bob part.lu il. 118 ef tha audience signed the piodg., but tho report doas net say hov many botties of oit vere disposad et. Uns. Fraser, an old lady roslding in Malahide vile crosulug a field-oui Monday to vieil ha neighbon, placed a ligilod pipe ln har poeal ici sel fine te haer dia.. Wheu foud -ha elothing vas euhlnaly ousumad sud ier body hurned te a crisp. A wemau named Ells MKenua, veil buevu. lu Trenton tog 15 or20 yem apauS as aninvetenataopium ester, vas fouudaead M' ha honse by..some neighbors --on Tu" ~meminglasé. Hon face vas blaebne4or bruled aïf se. bad tallen fonvmrd Juponil lu lb.h strugglaoetdestb. A mmu vltb hm mie liVed vas" ai 1 teb .bueubaudý wusin hm bousestahea-tim, ýf hber, 4deti mlbut e atee druuk te kuov of tlI infommed by:lb. er igbbon. ;The aboda v nas eSflhonuo. A pnlmar ncount hf balleté in 'the West Dunbami oontastedloàee- lin eu M 'a kplac is lotaTo lpt ve.bk, lb. erouet iîsbg ýg agan,.01file in Mr. KcLUngblile afavor. At th. c060Sa teprocacutIis oaa. coma fboin the. "inustenio nisoothoe, - til lly theo M Ï&M viii'.b.e~~~In 1 l'-aspe . n Ànev treatment hasbeen dx overdwere by a perlment, Curecf hi therte incurble diseusein absolutoly effected in frea one te thme applications, no ater lithelrstanding oueý iolapp .donce utel ,4yand doffl net ntrereti buiesDescnipt iv pamphle TOUtuTO.CANADA. ISPRING SUITS.L --000- JOHN F ER CUS-ON, ISBRSOWING A BUPERIOR STO-ÇE OP Scotch, Englisit and Canadian . Tweeds, Anad-othar fine Unes cf Clothh, for Spning guits. AUl garixente - made np in latesi style on shortest notice. Ready-rnade bfen's and Boys' Suits, Gents' Furnishinga and Underclothing of ait Kinds. INDESTRUCTIBLE OVERALLS!- HFATS!1 Latei stlesniard HAIS 1 HAIS! and Soft FPotlisVE.U CEEHA. JOHN FERGUSONY Duxdas 'St., Wlitby Sti-l Carrying--onth\ear Simon Friser offers better inducements than ever, to buy yonx CHINA, CROCKERYe GLASS WARE, ETC.,P ETC.1 W. gà a peciîa iscount from the present low prices of iCYper cent. oný Table Lamps;\Tea &tts, Combination aÏà -Dinner Bette._ Our 1stock of fancy china Oupa sma Saucera, OhkasFinit- .Baaketg,- Trait P1oites, 1Dessert >ae t. ,ib. spld 'ai 20 per. cent. .'discounti1'to »iske r ofr Spring Goodas. A large isud -veU smorted tc of choice famfly groçries, apeol8alhe in TeàM ýan& (3iofféeea seaonale ns at ia&duedprioea, YFreê Oystere -in bul su csi.The. fàmonU-uio~3e.-B -g Powaer taekes ela& againai cmpetiterüéptu *in-pound'can t 80; elteperhb'. Doü% 1hose who have -il --recommet(lte - hemt It ie jusl 1h. Mga'in. fer théPublic. Doees aII Kinde tsewsçing. AlwayB iii Ùraer. simple s aul ast'àLifetime.- The B'o-inon Organs and Pi'ano.: Arc Boîter than Any Other. The Beat Judgens 3ay M3e Toueijethe Be#% It is built with a view te Duzability sud Beauty. Tic Beet Instrument ho Buy. Caual!s So ur Geede. H. -W. FOX, AGENT. WAZEROOMS:- BROOK ST. . - WHITBY. L ondon and L anca8hiro Life Company. This Company issues aerydesiruble ferm ef Life poiey, snd hum depoîitea vith the Reoeiver Generul in approved canad&= securitios ever $100.00 fer oaci $100.00 of liability, lins afeording ABSOLUTE se;. -euniy Parties desirous ef asiuning Iheir lives wM] find ilte Itheir&advantage to consuit the uxidersigned belon. asEnning eèewhere. JOHN FÂRQUHARSON, CANADI-ANS,, eusonhf u iUus i ,ed ItAe theuamthSutslîhIzis Lt la b. &lu ivo #2a0.Total- eost IDet UniteA 8latos Paten400yeiy9on iskin gatieia 1h. balance onlY -when Paiet %P ' ' -we T staof etCanud i' 5yearrpstent* wuzaaaiderea, C.A. ilÃ"WCi y e ÛF TE >GOU OTuTnheD.( N.. General Agènt WMtby,'MRT18"86. -ly

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