Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1887, p. 4

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Pui flellebore, Paris Green, Inseet Powder, Slug- Shot.1 -00- AL àARASTINE. Owing to great demand we have been compelled to order a fresh stock which has just arrived. G. E. GIBRA RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Si ce PER ANNUM. Wwhy, Eriday, June 10, 1887. Ln the Queen's county case Mr. King should . undoubtedly bave been give4i the seat by some means, but it wonld neyer do for parlilnent to constitute itseif an electioti court. Thé. aide in the. majority would win all the. contest. ed sests aud parliament would flot h. able te do auything e1.. but attend te appeal. The. court is the. place for trying such matters. THE Unexpected retirement trom psriamentary duties cf the 'Hon. Ed. Blake ie a source cf deep recret net only te the Reform party but te ail true Canadiane. Both Mr. Blake and his immediate predecessor in the. leadership cf the. Opposition have sacrificed their health and the beet years cf their livea in the. service cf their country, and both men retire from public life wt unstained reputations. M Blake ia ne.t posess ail the. rare qualities noces- eary to a successfu.l parliamezitary leader, but h. possesses ini a marked dogre. ail the. qualities neeessary to a great etatesma4, sand we trust bis. ser. vices wilI net b. lest te hie country for many years te corne. LT is a singular thing that the. moment an agitator of the. O'Brien, or Henry George, or 'Ras Wiman atamp taike cf oomiug tw Canada te preach re- beilion, or Soci"aliz, or annexation, the Canadian prese clamera*it»elf hearse n favor cf freedozu cf speechà. They must be ailowed to tadi whatever they please, and their followers -rawt b. allewed to hewl around the. etreets of our towus and cities,' ana,, Uc. the. three tallors, their resclions must b. allowed te go forth to the world as the- expreesed opinions of the. Canadian' peeple. The. thing is sickening. The. alective bodies da»e net proteet for ît would kil.1 votes at élection tixne, the. legal authorities are only expected to talc. a case wheu theiy are force te, &ad the. boys muet net throw stones by way of proteet. Every mat cf sense kuows that the boys wlll:puste rotten 0998su rocks at men whou*ae liem- te[v.s offensive iu-;a publiéc way. tt has alway8ocuarr.d in free cowitries, and wau. somewat in !doubt 1as 'to whether it in sot 1120 bousI way te choke Ge sone mon,, The direcos .of tii. eti 01a"0' A~grenltra-Society have deoide.4- b môyv, their buiIlingie te ipropeirty lgàown *Mtàe xaqo , OoUz6 L jl«eof bers au Prioent. T'ho lerW read thiq'certiete cof Deputy-Beve Butledge, cf Whitby, From Licenee Inspector Frankish, cf Nerth Ont arlo, enolosing lthe followlagý statement cf moueysxrequired by hlm te enferce the. ScotAct: Inspeotoes ms4ry ........... Expnss uatfomlaioe Makiotràtes sud conatablea' cocta in unsauocufulproseutions... Witnesu fiai................ Law couts................... Oobasional assiatano. in working np convictions .......... ..6 Stationery, postage, telegrarnu, printing and ether expense... Defio:.ncy for 1886-7 if auy ... *560.00 .00.00 450.001 200.00 100.00 475.45. Leos. one.third te b. paid by Provincial Govorument........ 825.15 7Total requir..... .. 1,630.30. From License Inspecter Ferguson, cf South Ontario, enclosing a bill cf what b. needs, as fllows:- Salary cf inspeetor............ 855000 ExpensesBoard ofteommissioners 15.00 tIagistratesand constables tees in unsucc.ssul proseutie... 2W.00 Witness feu............... .... 50.00 Law coste.... ée..... ... .......200-00 Ocoasional assistance (informera'- feu)..................... 2.0 Statienery' postage, tolegramu, etc......................... 25.00 $1,290.00 Les. surplus fund on han.. . 112.00 $1,178.00 Loos tees for ieenses........... 260.00 8918.00 Less one-thiird paid by Province 806.00 ITotal aaked for....... 612.0 From the city clerk of 'Ottawa en- elosing a resolution passed by that city council condemaning -the action of the. Dominion parliament in psssing reselu. tiens regarding legisiation befôre the, Lmperial parliament and expressing a hope that in future the. sud parliament will mmid its own business and direct its offerte te, the furtiierance cf legia. tien affecting Canada sioe. From the. Trenton Bridge and Lron Works, re Iron Bridges. Froin the Co. Auditoe, Mesure. M. Gleesoil and L. Bnrnett, aubmitting the usuel auditers report. The communications were referred to, the. varions standing comitteee. On motion cf Mr. Murton the vaeancy in the. prinuing comiitte. caused:by Mr. Buirus' resignation was filied by ap. pointing, bis successor, te tthe commit- tee. 8cm. notices cf motions and by-laws were handed la and the. ceuncil ad- journed until Weduesday. WEDNESDÂY MORNLNG. SECOe<D DAY Council met at Il a.m. Wardeu in the chair. present. Members ail COMMU&ICÂrrcNS. Froan Educstion Department as te amount cf grant for public sohools. Frein the Co. Treasurer witii hie etizuates as fellows: COUNTY TREASURERS STÂTE MENT. To the Worder and Oouncil of the corpora- Stien cf the Counsty of Ontario. Your treamurer begs to suýmt theb follow- lag otatosnt of estlmated reoeipts and expe*iditures for the year: EXPBNDLTUES Intei4est ou debentures ........ -DCLe munÃŽciPalitiesfor non-rosi- dent t« ................. nai . rm na ........ .... Criuia witnesse........... constaIes.................. Clerk cf Pesos sud Co. Alte> sherif ......1................ Exain. oet sohool teacheasud pupilS-....... ........4 salivy sehoo l npecter .... Salaries Oouty ouneilers.. siTrou. CeunI>' cierk sud caretaker................ Balai>' caretaker Nazrews idgs. Cornr' and Mediesl wüiuue Gaol anr sd supplies... EHib and ii sehlools. Tressmures crs' efIm, ostge, bocks sud stauctio ..r........ .... Bock for registrye8oe, statlouiey sud postag fer 1h. office.0,.. commt>'properl>'.. .... crmî jâ" ueditolrs . Pscv. Tr eon -n o ers andinates........ 1,128M5 2.750.00 500.00 1900.00 9,50.00 1185000 1,650.00 1,760M0 iscm 10000 atitut.ItiItIWY tia&cmpze.witti > ets anddungfo ,the countY grant. Frozu Detectiv,, eàouffe, ompain ing hs liaiLoe eInnsptor X!rguSon donlt' play fair wubit muaiviln Seott Asot monies,; alec that Mr. Fergu- siou tears np hie (MoÂuliffeli) acceunts when h. presents them. Aul the Above referred t eStanding commi ttees w heti.exception cf Deteot ive McAuliffée whidh steod over for Lthe Urne being. Mr. Gould liroauced -aud carried through a by-lsw te confirm by-law 5W9 cf Urbridge townshiip. -On motion cf Mr. Bruce the. fdilow. ing cemmitte. wuas nmed te, report up. on tiie possibility cf the Teons Lgnd system-M-ýessr. Rutisdge, Perpy, Christie, Smnithi, Morton aud *Bruce. ý On motion cf Mr. Webstei tii. fol. lowing cemmnittee. was nvmed te draft a memorial to Her -.Majesty upon ber attaining the. fiftieth year cf her rei: Meus. the Warden, Christie, (Jlend. iuning, Morton and Webster. APTERNOON SESSION. Conil pmet at ô p.m. Mr. Todd, secnded by Mr. Flum- merfeit moved for as cômmittee te la.- vestigate Mr. MeAuliffo'a charge sgaint Lnspector Ferguon coueiting cf Mes- mr. Morton, Smith, Butlodge and Bruce.1 Au amendmeut was moed and car- ried throwing the matter out., MEr. G. ;W.. uttan petitioued the. council to grant bim a license te make Up for what h. lest by Reach sud Port Perry being out off from the north and attaclied te the south. MEr. Ruttan simply wants hie license changed frozu the. north tte i.outh. On motion cf 1Mr. Harman the. prayer cf the. pdtition was granted. Mr. O*Leary presented a petition cf the. Reeve cf Rama, asking for. aid on the. Centre Read away up ncrth. Referred te tth. Ruad sud Bridge committee. MEr. Smith, Reeve cf Wiiitby town, aeked the Warden'e pèrmiesion te la. vite the coundil te attend the Coilegiate Institute ou Thursday at 1 p.m., toe se tbe pupils cf the. institut. go throngh their drill sud calielienies ; aise te visit the. Ladies College at 7 p.m ou the same day and view te lades in their calisthenie. Mr. Murton gave notice cf the. in- treduction cf a by-Iaw te borrow $15,. 000 tiI the taxes came in. MEr. Christie moved that leave cf absence be gi-ven the Clerk for ail weeks, h. te previde a subsitute. à commuiRtion was res<i frozu the Port P.rry North Ontario Farmers's J*Jutute s ecure tii, $25. Titi made two applications for -th s money. MEr. O'Leary gave notice cf a motion to relieve a mnan la Mara named Flod from paying bis Scott Act fines. MEr. Bruce av notice cf a motion in favr f hldngthe. metinpd;cthe County Council la the. north alternately wit.h the south. On motion the council adjourued. Sohool Board Meeting Wednesday eveuing- Present-tiio obairinan, sud Mesars Post, Ormisâten, Foi, McLellsn, Dow, aud Smithi. Minutes cf laut meeting read sud confirmed. Communications were read trom Mies F&niWy Woodiiense aslag au m.- crosse cf ealary, sud Mis Kate Rogers resignlag ber position steacher. Botb commuifications were roferred te the. committee on school manage- ment. On motion cf Mr. Smiithi, the Seere- tary cf the Board wus instruced te hve 500 blank monthly r pora nited loirî the use cf lie echool. On motion cf 1Mr. Dow, $10 was Qranted the Secretary for petty dis- Krd Ormiston brought lu a report huom'lie Finance Cominittee recom- - mending psymeut of soin. imaî. ,coutls, and'it wesgopted. on Imotion OfMr arlay, econded -bN1r.,,Poil, $8 ecwus ordered t>bW m ai a t e fi v e d el ff te t i ,t e c e n tr a l Oiï,m<tic cf Mr. FarweU Megs Barclay, Ormistenq-, -MàLýeI1,the chahumn and thie mover b.acommit- tee te confer viti lb. lown cobmd,»nu4 Do We Want Dominion Lino of Royal- Mail STEAMSHIPS. 8UMIMRARIRANGEMENT. SAIËLING DATES, LIVERPOOL SERVICE. From Quebec. ...co e.............. Juue 2nd. Sarna... ............ J=e 10". ~Orgo.............June l6th. Froin Mentreal. Mcntreal................. Mey 241h. the Earth7 Oh, no: Its the 'týoronfo.merchants want that. ROSS BROS s, Want a littie ready mouey just as soon as it can be gather.,- ed ini from willing buyers, and will give in exehange for a limited amount 'of the same, STAPLE& Dress Goods, Trimmings, Plushes, Clothing, and Gents' FANOY Black Cashmer Silks, Prints, Sateens, Furnishing Goods. DRY G-0OODSy, es, Jersey Cloths, Dress Ginghamas, Cottons, Mens'Y and Boys, We are offering the p.roduct of the best manufacturers, and in quality and excellence you will admit. THEY ARE INDEED THE FINEST, When we add to this attraction, that feature of great the attention of every sb.rewd buyer. tI"Whitby Dry AlUan [inE: Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. B3ummer Arneet BRISTOL SERVICE (Avenmeath Dock).1 DATI4S 0F SAMIINGS PROM QUEBEC.- «Polynssian --FridyJue' 17th. Parlelan -- --Thu&dy, f- 28rd. *Orcuaian- - - -Frlday. JuIy 8th. SardinisuTharsday,'Id l4th. *Bxtra steamsnocf the above Carry cmli, shoep or vigs. RATES 0F ZASSÂGR FROKILQUBBEO. 0amu-$60, $70, sud $80accordiu te postion il B4ieroera. ïtun liôe tx, $1101 Le130i su ie(Y Byextra steaobmes Sac; 060 and $70. Retarn, $80,110su Tiiolaut tratn .conneeting wutlhe.Mt ýSteamers ai Quebeo p,,asseWht'tb on, Wedâmesy orning. Tecouneet sonermsd ti4 bagéage are -put en'beard 1h.~ ~~~i Oea-imoitps1Qneeêfteê cf &a IMPOBT«2T ÂRRANGEMUNT. Cabin, Utertsdlte St&eeruge pse. WEEKLY SAILIGS. Prom Moabremi. Qnobec ............Mylt .omnio ............... ma>' 6th Mtssip............ .«June Lnd. Ontarîo................... June 9th .Passengrs eau embark ast Moutree -if heyio'desire. RA&TUS Or PASA03 Sy ,MA=LsàNnls, Quuuuc TO LrvuaPooL.- Gabiný,- $6 0 70 sud. 080, acording t'ô,accommoationi.. Servante lu Cabin, $50; Ltermedàlai10 Steerage,$0 eur ikliObn Cabin, $50, $80 ~cnim$ittou.. I l~, 820. Returu ~AL OZ ~Ã"EONTO. We feel that we have offered something- worthy of os Emporium., Bunrna' Columu. THE IMPOSSIBLE. <'Mm n nver eau stop tii. billows' roar, Nor change th. vinde 1111 they blow no Nor drive ruelove from~ maidena door-- Man cannet tell what bhe future vii bring,- Wiieth.r next, year cern or cotton la Mig Nor wiiether Mas -weath,. will quick.ly take But- Man eau save fr-om - Pcverty's strif a, Hlis fýathenrles chtidrn d Ione, wilcwed By Iii. simple expedieonts ci lasuring bis lite, And buying his-footweir from us." Buy with cash sud üv. money. 9«A penny saveibis ehà-.asy ýway, Xia penn aed for-a nain>' day." eIoe red -DO -YOU Tihlen (>,, O Iloéreliabis aiea 3.8.1 JTJNE LOCAL- SUDGET DFiIV 4JNDSÂ ban~ mnusiaon we~n DONT forget the- Clleg e e TEM several to-uigiilallite .ganize for sa r Jnly lot. >WÉ are sorry deatii cf.Mrs. lông iflese. -for Mr.White- Tii. regular, of Hope -wilibe Ajnà18h3iat 4 mEr.,ImwSiB ,on Tuesdayci om medate. Do -otfogt at Jameson's oI blooki Geun -their wives. a ifleërnoon aud a in -the' e venffng. -friena Mre. A A PEW POINTEES. - oodi are se new sud 5s tyls 4i - ff nt tetake our ad-vice,,, Syen w*nt st a Vory 1ev price, 8R. Goods 1, '1 1

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