Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1887, p. 8

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Deputy-Buev.Butlodge shOvsd how' Ocunol me Monly ailit.ridielU!eiI a Dm stb.-oow question haï COUDil ut mnda nibt. ometluauMimutiug speecoh, R. 1(50? *ev Bmihssid th. by.law no înury '10 1he Dopa .BBee . Btiedges Oomuoflpr man, but rathor hie proteotion, as Nlqbe, Bobsons lKByDSbRdt .* t put him en a lovel vils 1h. rioh tan, ýBurus Hanoet, Wickse Smith sud *&oh havlng 1he, smrne leges.XIt Foi. deprîved no poor man or hiu oow, -sd NianutesOf Previens meeting lOres min who eculi siford le keop more sud âpproVed. iban cone ccv coulad oct b.oailed's poor Apetition was resd from Mr. Major man. Harper, sud several oliere a»king tisai, And the -îaw pasemd. su Ash mirent je now impassible, t.Oheto~o cu~ oeecddb rosidenis have permission gnsnted them Con. oblscmitev.apit le ba sht Un cundition that tisoy ed conuisting of the Mayor, Reeve, keep 1h. valor diches Open Deputy.Reeve, end Qouncilore, Noble, A&ppliestions for 1he position of ehief B urus, sud lis. maver, vilS power le doumiable vers. rssd om Henry Tom- &ad 10 îhew numbers, te confer with the linson sud Hugh MeBrien. sohool board, scisool teachors, lire A petition vau read froin Mr. JOhn brigade, the diilerent lodges, etc., wfth Watson sud tw.nty other ratepayinus avîew le the proper nelebration of lise of this ots 'qd prsying for the re* Queéù's Jubile.. strictioni cf rtàlqpyers te eue oceush T ho Myor thon introduced lise -unuing ab larqe. @ajeet of emcno utàwtrsp a comunicaion fom, teking for mannuturore mad others in town, Woollen Company cf1 oron asd for -on.. s really sensible discusmsion to have su asuver givon tliso 10 re-voo 0k pluce. gard te iheir bonus bang. Mr. Jamos Campbell wus aked to COUD. Smnith resd s report from îthe sddness tb. sonneil. H. revieved lb. streols sud Improvoments commuttes nogotiation in tb. Hospe mattersesfar respeeuing tb. tenders reeeived by the.sas it hd gone, and etated hi. belief oommitiee for hauling gravol, the0 ten- thstîit was lkoly to b. very little ad - dora b.ing nas fllowi :-Thos. Wilson- vantage te .tewn, &ud at 1he lame 75 yds. Baseie, 75c. timo a grosi risk. Iu faot he bail very Plashol sud Lawrence-75 yds. Base hitle faith in lise ihiug aud ssv ne LineoHast, 50o; 50 yds. Base lioue Wst, mcney in it for the tovu. Wist ho b0.; 76 yds. DaudatsEu, 75o ; 50 yds. togtwudb si ntot» south of Worfolke, 40o ; 25 norlis of IL.agh ieswould b fo thate n wam nl sud B. Bridge, 40o; 75 yds. of R&B, Bridges eoodd. us ofvoul b or inleionio 600.seff'a doirble laceformanufacturers D. Witney-75 ydm. Base- Lino East toecarry on business iu. Ro felt sure 50.; 50 yds. Bue Lino West, 50o ; water eould b. brought down her@ frcm 75 ydm. Dadas St. eust, 75 ; 50 yds. some of tise -stroams nons cof us, sud south of Werfolks 40 ; 25 yds. nons vwould like te have su ougineor prour- cf B. B. Bridge, 45 ; 75 nantis cf B. - ecd 1 taire the levels snd report. With b3ridge, 60a. a ov e o finding ont what efféot suais a Jas. Willu-75 yds. Base Lino Eausot chreeouid havo on manufacturera 65o ; 50 yds. Baue Lino West 500c; se béa, approscised Masers. King Brou. 25 yde. souli R. R. bridge 50. sud hbad suggested tisaithey inerease Hugh Wilson-75 yd.. Base Lino tuseir numbor cf employa«e icone han- Eut, 84 ; 25-nortis R. R. bridge 34ao; cred, sud rocoive iuducementu fromtise 75 ydu. nons RB. R. bridge 84c. tow 10 o certain extent. Tisat firm Thse oommitoe recommended the boi etsbd to them tisai' oeeof liin- followiag tenders to b. aocepted : ducernents muet b. vater. Hia (Camp. Hugh Wilson, 175 yds. 34c; Jas. Willie, belî's) ides is go give thons thesemre 50 yds. Base Lino west 50; Lawrence inducoenote as tise Heaps compsny sud & Pisoket, 50 yds. sentis ef Wonfalks, valen juto tise barRain, snd secure s 40oe; 7ô yds. Danda St8. Est, 75c. guarantee cf f t imes s mauy Wall- 875 vas effry'oonootee b.de mpeut paid workmon and aise a business snd naTischefreportwu an lbe. ad u. a business finm, botis fully saisfisotery Tiserepot va adoted.te us. Coua. Robsan broughtin au report Sevdral membens spoke en tise ques.. frornth eiefroueommitWe. necousmend- lion sudepeeially Doputy-Reove iug psYmeuî cf tise faliowiug secouaIs: Bugledgo, vise urgea tise valen question, Mn. Blow 82.88; Mn. Eouck $950 and finally s motion vas pamuod r.- Tise report s. passed. questùsg the Mayor te Go. au engineen Cocu. Barns nescads report from tise sud obtain visat estirnstes h. could, Fine sud Water cooemittee necommeud- andlay.'thse malter before tisa finance mng Ihal tise folIo wing accoas e hoemmittee. psid :---T. Rice. 7.65 Jas. Barnes,S3.55 A motion vas passed appointing sa Jno. Brysu, 66.50;_ J. R. Thorupson court cf revisintise Mayor, Deputy. Th rpot.50rre. Reeve Rutledge aud Coniors Noble, TheDreportns tone n cannie Buns nud Wickà. Cou. Brusintodned ud anned Tise conncil looked vosry by tSis ilinoug i te varions stages a by.Isw tb lime and gladly voted adjeurumenl. tory asupecial rat. upon certain pro._________ porty in theo corporation to psy for Tise uuanimus verdict o! tise druggists, utneet-watening. bots wisoieuale sud retail, tisrugbout tme Cours. Foxi introduced s by.lsw Dominicbis i, thai Dr. Smîth'm German appeinting John Hstniok a own con- Worm Remedy, or Wormerine, is the stablo at a salaryof 825 yearly. largosi sale, sud gir.. 1he mosi perfect As soen a" Coun. Robson heard theo satisfacionoan onreaato te by.lsw h. began te kicx. Re ssîd visonhaeoehud - the motion vas passed eoepoweriug the esla Mayoratod iat e aàidonsîsleiie s Inppeetor McBriu visited the several fnerstb.dseulS yhard cobu ta le seee publie schoolu in towu ibis veok. fte i csem btDW o b.ing Mr.Frank TiL, who la book.keer in a Plain tisaI as uubigTrte business bouse, vas home isunday. vePred te quioty slip H&t;vAiricfin ferTnpinefrmrMer.J I ai ther..) (Joua, Pot.ventin o usy thai________ mhave frs ontiis ec tncil Lad askd te Ask fifty Ladies in succession visai per- haveHatr~o set mblis uoth ardfàme ihey cousider tise moat delicae, tho on d0ly, sud Cou». Bobson looked aI mcni pure sud salunicus, the mosi per. Mayor, aný the Mayer said il vas s maneut, sud lu anl ropocta-lbe mSi nortis yard membor, and Cou». Boisson desinable,- sud !oriy.niue o! . them vi u turned sroe an sd loch a great star. ,ai aaver, M&urray & Lawumn, Flonida Wai.r. Cou». >obIu, and Cou». Noble leok.d rfityp sud il lurued out that Hslttiok Town Le"al. abeau ord.red Up intolthenorth yard leo pes a ateansd enerybody GazâT sale et remuant. st W. G. subid.d, sud .eby-lawv pussd, sud Waltons. Hsilickis , tIl-iedd cnsîblo BROWN-$ fonla uproduces tb. quni vilS a aalav.r if iii lune l s»Vé o seoeSott Act. Aentis psarday ud bOar& hIimâe1L fi' ThçuOra Cour. Fou bvopg#t ln hieoov w b «St Oaaturus orr by.lav, .utlln-a" aus rd dovu sérapead I4horu.ý to'os'bine, Ibo sad eiute b. a TALz bout YO oubiéantetn 4t et- Imnlker, amcit4 *w queiosin ovled ton~ onsi nrotih 1e ton gol r~n4bou. Cun.Fox very geu ieltr.ev.. »Msutsut n.ss about the poeeut t s hopayle ok o.le uitsy -pilam ofailovml aa mmnWho ovamel a î il idn uToronto. laize tara t ira out ,Ide 55@lla Lâw roltu l utos u .yhikJte aBw*4 gocd id'àbsav hetdoulg .mu*bacndrs cd i.-,,O& .Ianp luti - _ _- Ut* John" u dajJura. lSih-4rsMoi ~ius~L.qsùs7»p.m.-4uj ing tbhesummer. Nwu Lord'o da) moznlng thé. Eêv. J. p.' IBarker viii preach a sermon Ibr vorklng .epl. ubject "Christ, th.eCa ei ;-â s* 6 us. hveningmbjcPoiw lng Chlot"-4ohn 12 xxvi. Thre- vill b. baptlsm ai the close of th. evening. sermon. D E A T H 19. STILL-Âî Whitby, on Thursd ay, the 9th instant, Amanda 81111, aged 88 yeaursuad 2 montha. The funeral si two;o'c[ock, on Saiurday, 111h mu. WmTu-At Whitby, on Thursday, the 91h instant, Lucy Anne, beloved *dle cf Joseph White, aged 42 years and 6-months. The fuerai iakes place ai half.paut ivo, p.m., on Saturday, 111h imut. For Deep Seated Coldo and Coughu, AU.en'u Lung Balam; it eau b. had of any Druggiui. Pinancial and Oommercial. Office of Whitby CiRON;ICLEC, Wbitby, June 10, 1887. WHITBY MARKBT P1RICES. Fou NWOeo ......0 78 SIOSO SpigWhea........ 070 0872 E Vo %Qha t........... 078,_ 0720 lou, per cwi..... ..0000 2 25 *2J50 Barley ................0040 ~060 Rye .................. 040 045 Pose, blaok-oyed........ .0'70 *o 75 1Blu s. ...0 50 *060 Gai...... ....... 080 *0 84 Hay...........10 50 @ ilO0 Alke Clovr seed......850 <@ 600 RedClover seed ........450 @ 6500 Apples, per bbl.........150<@ 2 00 Tomatei '. ......650 @ 0 56 Pctatoe, perba....0-66 @ 0 76 Eggs............. 012 * 14 Butter................. 0le @ 20 Ohs ................ 014 @ 016 Wood........... .... 400 @ 5 50 Seeokn»........040 0560 Safki '0 10 @ 0 10 Rides,pol......006 @ 0 07 Pork, percwt............. 600 @ 6 25 B3y»Law No.-- À By-Law fo close uq and dispose of a certain 8treet an3d part of Rosa Street in the village of Port Psrry. Whereau, by By-Law numbor 260 of the corporation cf Port Perry, the lanâs here- inafior described, vers constituted a pub. lic nibway vithin the said village. ,whers th. Ontario Central Agrn- cultural and Liv. Stock Association i. the owner of the landsa ad>olning and buttingl on the wsad ighway, snd in deireus o cqrigtih. lande compriaed in th. s&1d hih ansd aise of t.hat part of Rosa SIEe ng opposite th.eaut end cf th. saîd higbway. And, w-h.reaa. by deed dsted the 29t1i day o! October, 1886, and made by Walter Rnllof th.efintpart, and the munîipality o! 1h. villaqe of Port Ferry, of the seoond part h. sod Association did caus.e10 o couveyed to the said corporation, and decIl. cated as a public highway that certain street,- or hmghway, extlnfroni Rosa, Street to Sirucoe Street, la prconaono Ray Street iu lieu of *an lcieimbrtion cf 1h.emaîd finit abovo nauied hIg»&y, and th. said part cf Rosa Street belng closed up and conveyed to the said Association. The corporation o!fl'h. village cf Port Perry.otherefer. enacts as follova:- Thai th. bighway eaiablished by By-Law No. 250, of the village o! Port P"mr, pessed on the 8rd day of May, 18b6, described as follovu :- a ýublic flsgisway an4 bgh-ways. ho Bve othlcorporaion ila bereby sathoniz.d and empowere te granland conv.ey in f.. simple by d.ed, the nid parts cf sireets t101he said T ho Outarjo Central Arcurlsud Live Stock Association cf Port Ferry. Read a loand 2ud lime .June 61h, 1887. Take notice thsai thse, oregotng le a true 00o0y a! proposed By-Law vhscb -,vifl ho 1iBkOEIUOconsiderailon for tise flà m a. ing thereot by th. coundil of th. corpora- tion of Port Ferry, aas mting Iereeoflo be held in the TSuHai, onTüeuy, he tweI!tdayo! JuIy, 1P87, a st i the. afierncu, eiEan ,who« ma Port POM~, June Olli, 188. 4-Clerk. 8TEEI?_8TRAYEDU ,OAME b ie ret6 th huclr nieniL't.wn. of Wî+ R" u.a.. xr IL. -JUST TO HKAND- dEWELLERY. Nevosl designe lu Ladies" BROOCHES, PiZSsudn ssHoRr CHAINS. COLOCKS.-1 and 8 Day. SIL VER WA RE, Full Stock o! Now Goode, aise KN1«VBS, FORKS, sud SPOONS. Tea Spoons from $1.50 per doz. Extraordinary Value. rJewellery mi Watches, Choc SPEOJAL SulYIIER D RIVEj GOODS, LioinioooWareroom's Cail aid Sea lherf, We show something cheap and good 1 j] ade to order. Muslins, Lawn.s, Seersuekors, &C., for Summer Wear. 3If3 and J eweilery1 Repaired and Warranted. JAMES JOHNSTON, Practic.al Waichmaker, Be'OOX-STIaEET- - -- WITBY Nl lT0Trr10CE WARM summer weather often causes los. o! appetite, a dryn.ss and scarcity of saliva in 1h e monts and othor irregularities vhich cause the gaâtric juices cf 1he stotuach 10 be se much reduced tisat wben in th. cool cf the evening a hearty meal i. esten and on- jnyed, Ai i usually fo llowed by an attsck cf indigestion, d.arrhoea or sonie such unplea- saut afimient. This cari be prevented by taklxsg some light, nutritio-ns beverage dur- ing thse day wbich wilU keep f1therucutis moisi and cause a frce flow o! saliva. The beot and mcml convenient preparation to use at uch limes is elîher tl u Lî sJohaston Fluid.Boef L(zeuge ini the mouth whenever the parched kfeling cowes ou, and let il gradnal dissolve, or to taise onze or two cups cf Jouton'a FluicI Beef durng the day, il eau ho taken either hot or cold (with iced water it i. very palatable), 1h. beef poder ountaiued lu tb. Fluid foot, and in th. lozenges supplies the place cf molUd food aud adds to 1h. gastnic jusces, so tsai vison a meal is esln thers i& sunficient acids in the stomacis to digest the food aud ashow il 10 pas. off vithout the unpleauant effeos above ro!erred te, one or ivo day.i' trial viii prove 1h. correotuema cf these assertions. Certificate of Major Harper, Ecq., of Whitby. To whcim it may cancern. This lu to certify tisai having examused, repaired sud uséd a great vsrioty--o! Sewing Machines. 1 have come o th ie conclusion that 1h. White Machine sold by L. Fair- bauks in eue cf th. bout ruade, as in My opinion it is a umhine tisai vil net easily gel oui cf order, sud vill lasi much longer than mcnt machines, s care ha. been iakeu to prevent wear as mueS as possible. 1 can hon.stly rftcomnsend il 10 parties vaut- ing a good sud lasting sewiag machine. I purchased oeeof the White's ueme mouthu ago, and il gives every satisfaction. MAJOR H.&RPER. -1887- After five yeans use cf th. White Sewing Machine lu My family I can !nI* oudorse the above centificate sud can falLy -rooom- mend the machine au a fasily seving machine coïts lois for repaire than any machine 1 have ever bad anything bo do vili. MAJOR HARPER. SolcI cheap as the cheapemi, sud is Uic bost cf tise bomt. L. FAIRBANKS, Sole Agent for ibs istrict. A Big ]Range of Straw Hats, for Lame dlies', Girls', Children, Boys or men.. #.~New loi of Parasols this week,..j New Millinery weekly, leading styles and lowest prices. A nie une of Tweeds and Worsteds, for spring and summer. suitings and overcoats, made to order, in the latest" styles. We have a well assorted stock of new and tasty goods, and are prepa;red- to give our customers the best' value for' their moiney. POWELL Co00 Corner of Dundas and Brock. Streets., 1887. BOIRDER$,. Stafford & Cormnack, Whi-tbyl VLISES GOOD VALUE Io-W Puicesi New Oesigusi 1887. CEIL lNG ?A-DO8. 1876 hoie ae,-s SPOR TiNf ~ TfFORD & CORMACI DECOIIA TIONS.,, VOL*. lti eoffficeoe. PUb . iteansequip ok sud Job guêt*nio, capabl vonk froDm1, Onces. Mvery Finiserton, by a seabeo!1so acoo cigy. '~~Advcrtisemou instructions «u charged forfunl Odrfor, musibtluwm i -os iiinot,be n A liberal cIlie meule by the y couirset adre in not lateniissu o!fa-ny inieuded .o before Tuesday *mente receivedn Buoiness noi'e Five coule peri per lins weekly.- * 'Carrespoudenai o! tise Oouuly or Oorresplndenta therir comimunie pOss»lie, I 3H11STAN' 1 ý~Sup't 3Mèc JOUXe Fi B ARRIST, wng,, Court Houe oRyal HRoiel, E *DAVID OJ Ourrox-In thi G.ffie, ilKMM Wisiby. %- G. YOUNGI Brock St., -Whitt Ja». 22yl878. Glaudulur ~L~»' - M

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