DRI GOO vords, <rua thouigbis, and untig industryl, voa0Peacei, Progres, Knowledge, '8rotherhooa. VOL, XXI HTB-YONTAIRIO, kIDiAY, J1JNE 179. 1887. NO. 27. 1' r00oo ieap- and good in ,rsu ckors, &. ýWear. wHats, forLa.. Boys or men, Is, tis is eek. Y, leading styles s» and Worsteds, ,r suitings and: ez', in -the latestNI ted stocek of new ,ue -pL'epared to. best value for & Co* Biock Streets." DA DOSe 1887.* choit e Paferns, SPOR Tiff6 GQODSO 'TAFFORD Wlïitbyà DEGOftATIONS.- 1$88 OM Woundt, Soreandsu leeS qual; for 'contructed anzd su! fjel 'xFof enRKET). LONDON, and a t the 14. d L at,,don, they areupuio l OOOObi Z£CE WOOL. at W. J. G] r- ound in« ýE STORE. ES'to be e season. tetions for, ath, and ending' 1 ýattractions tc rnQw. .gooda. BONT Whitbp (Ehrouiik, Established 1856. fhc LeadJng WeekIï in Ontario Ceint1, SCBSCRLIPTION RATES. $1 Per annuro lu sdvace-1l.50 other. wiee. SubsnIPtions a&e alvays payable at P, the office of publication. Ste&s equpmentand best furnished Book and oh priuting plant innLastern Ontatino, capable Of execubing an classe0o vork frainthl. lePoster t10the smaIlet b=ndbiil. SPecialMention i made of lhe uneurpased press. f iiasof T» eCxoi- jC..e, with its céebrated N. Y. Coitrehl oylindore ansd other modern couveni- e *fle-. n"ryorder recoives prompt,.care- 1,Il attention. TERYS 0F ÂDVERTISING. Fit insertion, per lUne, 10 conta; each suhsequent insertion, ô cents. Dsplayed Âdvertisémenta are measured by a scale of aolid Nonpaneii, and charged actordinglY. Advertisemente sent vithaut vritten instructions inserted until forbidden, and chiarged for full tîtdé~. Orders for discontiuuing advertiseznents muet he in vnxting. otherwise the pubhiah- ers wil l . ho responsibie. A liheral dîs,-coun2t for contract adver*ise- mente by t.he ye&r. Copy for changes of c outract advertisements ahould b. banded in not later than Wedneoay ; sud ncti>'. of any intended changes sbould be given bef ore Tuesday noon. Other advertise.. mente rectived Up tb Thuvpday noon. Business notices in local or nova columus Five cents per lino weekiy. Locale, 10 et&. Per lino veekly. # Correspondence soicit.ed tram aà p arts ci the County or neigkhoring îownabips.L Correspondents are requested ta ssnd lu their comnmunications as promptly as HIENDERSON & GRAHAM, *OHN STANTON, NTISTRC RIGGS &IVORYIO S. E. cor. King snd Yoxige Ste., Toronto. Thousande of pereous, asolutely peee by the use of Vitahzed Afr.46 ste with Langley, Langley & Bu2rke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Designs for Churruhe., Villa. and Cot- tage a pecialty. Dravwinguprepared for emdeng existing structures. Ovcu-irstfIà t aver Howse's Drug Store. P. O. Box 202. Warmyi. SEBIERT BREOS., LIYERY and SALE STABLES, BROCR STREET, WHITBY. Good Rigi snd CGood Horses. Terme rea. sonable. 19 SEBERT BROS. SOAP I. R.1011 CHEMÎ8T end DRUGGIST Hus just reeeived a large as- sortment of TOILE T St/AR. Wbieh he is selling a very C»« 6,000900POPLE Uft LOW PRICES. FERRYS $EEDS I.FE~OS SAVO0N A propnietors. Supt Mechaical Dep't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTER, Co=tCrwn ttorney, iniz, Court Honse, Whitby-4 JAMES RUTLEI>GE, 1RRISTER, &c. Office formerly oc- D cupied by FareweU &Rutledge, nert 0 Royal Hotel, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. à .. ~TTORNEY-AT-LÀW. SOLICITOB D:N CacrConveyancer, &o. Opnr!c-In the Office souîh af the post Office, ini McMiliana Block, Brock Street, Whitby. Iy-lO G. YOUN't SMITH. L L. B., Il RRISrER, ke., &.-Money to LAm B>laeuer of! amage License. Omnr-c-Smith's Block, south of Market, Brock St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. tf-81 JOHN BALL DOW, B ARRISTBR-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR, in Chancery, Convoyancer, &c.. Office-D)eveniU'. Block, Brook Street MO.NEY TO LEND-Ptivate Fundz,- in ume up ta 18000, at a loy rate o!i W teret. (ly-6I LYMAN ENGLISH, L L. Bt B ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICIOR Il Chancery, Oonvuyanoe, éc,h.Sm cas Street, Oshava. bug> . Office houx., 8 to 10 &.m, 2 Ne. S, TUE 99TERRÂCE,u BTBON-ST., F.WABRRE, ILD.,(3.., (KeGIIL) W. CUTHBERTSON, B. B. (Toroto,) M. D., C.M., (Vctoria) OYI'CE -. BROOKLIN. C. CRAWFOKIT]H, VETERIJÈABY BuffGEoI. Graduai. of lb. Ontai. oemay o lug, Toent.. Order by mail or itesérmla poapily steuded te. Office ai resdg.e 0ciO. A,!o!uppssvrait H. VAN4 THE GREAT Mlso for sale by W. R. HOWSE, CHUEMIBT AND DRUGGIt3T, NEW G 0008 W. IR. -HOWSEe CHEMIBT AND DRUGQIST, W Ei LIT - Hla. ou baud a veyluargnsd select stock o! Cbrîntmas goods, comprfisig Ladieý' Work Boxes, Whisk Ho/ders, 1m irro rs in Odor Cases, Plu8h, Toilet Cases, Large Vaýes, And au o etcf ou thracles mitbi. CaU and Exaumine Our Stock Biers ]roiTUE mosicLE. lu ewhether in HRigh Church, Y me whether P'm Iow. , td ienl the dierenee, F u ibat I donti know. brin »voks pretty slow; Bo kao vbthr la mHgh Church, Our Me isnh. lahe.gospels, Or A.psaeuof old;. 01 ïwh»o etretre gold. yWyrm geilenDlypraying!- Ti * don'î alwaju kn.l or speehout; But ïW the . rLord, Madkeep seking The (9ect, perhaps, for the dzy, or aSmp of the prayer thal my mother So ka*uno tqught me tb say. But »V Mny poor memory'. falling, And ~ otm Mdofien i and ThPMUve a prayer from the prayer.book WiUl Ob=n onemin amy mmnd; But Ihoa" what1 w=aun sd I mû it, A.n', ZmkakUp théwords as I go, jDo yot think, nov, that shows I ain't High jolurc? Do you tbiuk it neaue 1Vin Loy? My bloieed aid htsband hà à e lfi me, 'Tus yesre ince God tbos hlm away; 1 know he is sae, voil sud happy» And yt u'hen I kneel davu bo pray, Perhqs it is vrong, but I neyer' L«ehe ld m masnaine eut o! my prayer; But 1 sk the Lord to do for hi= Wha 1 ould do i 1wu there. Of cose h.éenu do it much better; But h. knowe, and ho suMey won't mid The vorry about ber old husband, of the oud vomanlefi hbehiud. So Ipuay, and I pray, for the aid nm, And ris s;ure Ibat I sah 11111 di. 80mà ybe that proves I alu-t Low Church, Aut-uybe il shows Ii =Ybgh. MydIunher a nve V«a churebrea But a Scotch Prebytezian sali; 9111 h" whie head jushinfmin heaven, I donlt cae who May# that it ainl't. Tomi on. our blessed Lord'. asmn Thai old nma wae certain tb go. Aund nov, do you thimkI amRih Church ? Are you suie 1 ain't peuty Loy ? 1 t11 you1ir8a au juut a muddle, Too much for a body Uek me; Ill vait 1111 I jomm y old hueband, Amd thon vs shah s»ewhat we'h1 ure. Dont ask me again, f you pleas,, For xesly iîivernis me no, And 1-don't cas whether 1'mHRigh Chureh, AdIdon't ca"e hether rinloy. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, Ufr. E. A. Chriati.tà eeciqa larg 1fr. J». Clangbson hu abd bd lm*k ;Olab iis bisés. irta asel -h.lestl meeting did not mes wîîh se mueh' Reach- ConcjL ammem ess e uld be deslrsd. Howev.r, botter resulls are looked for nexi time The above concil met ai ithe lave as the order ie one whieh moures for ils hall, Mancheuter, on Monday lest. An members s much or more benefit than mombers prese. Minutes o! previowg any othor lodge. meeting were read snd approved. Bter. J. W. Wilkinson, aiter tvo COURT OF EXV18101, years' sojoura amoa2g us as paster>! The. members of the Coanel haviui. the. Methodiui ehureh, bu b.d his Sp- takeouthe nemmsary declaration, thore jWontment ohauged by the laie Con- veonly ivto appeals and the. partig. fouae. to Goodwood. Tii. obureh hore not belng-poesent. loue au emineet vouker and une vii.. On motion of -Mt. leioPmln, *ithe "noma.. iiib. egftted briMay. -roll -»nov 1rsvise& vas finally evi"e Woraki o'- y"S &iet d i iod thelbOlork-,lagrstied liion i uideal-.One wo1alg tiik thbt if broen- limbe oir neikâ vere Dol desirable, Mr. L. vould have We eine pains t. place thesaide. vaiko in a horizontal ratier than al standing position, sud tla make the. piti"lm os umeroMus.We hhink il 15 not yet toe late tb do somoeing i. make a Runday evening's promenade lesu hazardous. EBDA. The creps are Jooking immense. Tii. masens are at work building 1h. failludation under the barn o!f1Mr. Charles Broya. tThe basemens for 1h. nev ehnroh te getting &long nicely. If healti sud veath«erit i, il vil b. oompleted Ibis voek. The carpenters have.been buy taking dova the old ehuroh. Ser. vice vili be eonducted la tieusoot. bouse, viil theeuroh le rebuilding. Preachmg st 10; Bunday sehool ai 2.30 ; prayer-meeting Tuesday evemlng aI 7.30. In Mr. B. Wegner's blcmiig sud machine siiop Kinsale ho bauit sa industry. ReH. assmainpow- or in conneetion viii bis blackumithing aud vood. werking and eau do aay r.- pairing tsiatl seded--eithor in vood or iron.. Mowers, veapers, bindors, thrasbing machines xaret uthor. ough running -order vith fsciity. H. bas iad the good Inck so, fan 10 gise perfect c-adduacion :sud hopes te do se ,Ahreugh tii. movlag, reaping a tihsing season. Iîlessobe hoed thah ail machinery for repairiug vill b. brouýght la eair th lb e sson, in eider 1bah bumay hav' eamac.teodeoubsu juwSc. 3n-27 OIE&AWA. Miss MeKovn o!fliontreal lethe guest o! Miss Bambridge. Mr., sud Mie.. E. W. Wilson, Of Montroal a a l ova viOit ingMnds. Meurs J. Covan, J. moimar masu C. W. Boott, sttended lhé anglican synod heli ai Toronto during thi e .k. A large nimber frein tovn ataiended Tumbdy lat. Tiiey a&Usemmleo have iiad a good time. Tii. oouldeé base ball elub play a M"ato h M t b. Cedar Dale "lub i Baturday affenoonnXl, a"ery.xting, <sm. e .zpeete& Tii. postoffice vmaentored by bunglar ou moay nigit v ibo ,gainait an outrance hbrogi iii"baek domr, They secured for their servies only about dollar in em lcang.. g~r-,J. H.L giab.thmgrepresente ti OhvLogKngtetPythias &&-the li mein f ie 0Gand Ledge of 4otai. chelat Haaïilou on TuesaY Wedsnday ad Thunday la"~. Ufr. ma udlr. Murespeuîllut vek tu Bkumîe. Wm lNliee Moe hbu gene i., Ouilla for à $boit. lime for his, bealhi. per$l 1,MOM0.i5; umbei beiveen tii. ane ef 5 ad l.e 1153 ; beiveen 7 and 13, 60 eve 16 Mud 21, 345; tota popalation 4.400; doge 323 ; bitehes 18; calil 2,677 ; osep2,2(5; hep 1.482; horses 228. On motion the Court. adjomzrmed. The Conoil reaumed. COM"MCATIONS. From - tho Presideat of' th. Tient Valley Canal Association, algle attention o! the Couacil te tii. la lia lie. Dominion Govrrmeni did Dol la. tend la make, any appropriation te place under conelruotion anoiher soc- tion of the Trent Valley Canal. Froin the Clerb of .W.si Witby, stating-lb. West Wiitby Conil vii ezpend $100 on tho tovnU ln.provided, Beach viii ozpend 8200, Froua lhe Olerk ofthle Uxbzidge Township Couneil, stating liaI theur Counoil hai approprsaed #5 te meet lik. ameont:aI ,a ed by Ihe Beach Couneni;, 1h. had als. appropriated $20Oon the iilloppouiue lot 24 M the. On motion ef Mr. Tink,- 2 vaa' ordered h. b. paid Mr. -W.. La"e for dirt ua.d in Oinansd improving rod opposit lots 18 and 19., on motion of Mri dmk 4.50 vas ouxdered 10 b. paid Mir oeot, Waten Wo building eulveut oppositelot '10, coui. On motion ef Mr. Christie, #1.50 vas ordarsi lo be pafiMr. IL Walker for romoving stnmp on 4th ea., oppos- ite lot 9. enmtion]1Mr- laum,iO#S-Vas ordeeit.bpi Mi ha.A t*ong foeachr adenêl tqn lii. kes onacmoain of rg. . -i 0c On motin tc, bu ObristMe.0. v us rerd leab. ad M W. Tptfo rOan mtng ofd Mrarti,. Mws ordered 1tube paid, i. Jas. mcCoà neùl beimg - vo-thirda ýoU ament o f les. ustanoby huitlahavng >amheep ,killed by doge. Oun- motion, et M.Chnietie, $8 va. ordensi lo.bà paid ME. John, Allia, fer building a suivern thé ii1h-omess- sien..opoit M"loi8. On mo o!f M Faoken, the folloving aà menIs wvu b odaee ta paid te.*lo. reepeidive Paiis ý .a ivo4lbward o uent tl sdù My hem uniisvig ah-e bil by doe t-.Lem ha'ôê,$Ie; K.W atmU #9; R. polh.dy #8; 1obaMadin4 Parie. LAIt I WORM PWES Axe . to t.k.. o îhLaw PMu:Lpe e . Ise-5ie. Sure, a."d cff.etaal dwatpw7er et wo , Id CmiJrsaoeAdwl DUNNS BAKINO POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRENO 1 887. SPR/NO STOCK NOW OPeNED., The laârg<,st s NEW DESIGN4S, Newý Coloring,. > 1 wftb kalW -Printed NO - 27,o puzzied» 1