Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1887, p. 2

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'sa-~- a.*-'~ - n r Mr -. Perey »S I khreport' from the Boude sud 'rIMÇem Opmittge 6s13 1g- ROA6DI AND naffla IMPOIT. They have iad beforo them .by-iawi Nos 618 Mud 019 o Wbtby Township anud by.; law 589 of Uxbtldge Townahip, fmd, afaig the law reopotlng them. to lbsve been oom- pli.d:wlth, and roo éommend the psmng of by-1wuon-ngthoe mre. They conside;red the ceport o! the. Gem. misulonor of Se 909 Bridge, and recoin- moud approprlatlng 14u to make the repaira therelu refrred to, and the Warden ia autiiorlaed to line hie order on the Trot urer forý payment of the smre, o0n reoeipt of e, cetfcitef romn said Cornilsioner that the. work bau heen porformed. They had the communication of Jno. Thompson, Deputy-Beeve of Scott, befere thein, oalling attention to the. dangeroua condition ef the bridge on th~e boundary line bot ween York and Ontario, opposite lot 25 in Scott, and reoommend the expon- diture of 826, the Oounty of York, expend- ing a 1k. afin, bein the condition on which it is made, an4lR. S. Webster la appointed Comnmisisoner on behalf of this county. Tii.y dnly conaidered the action ef the towxiship oft horah in reference ta building a new bridje ,over the Talbot river at Rama, sud a r ?iaring the nortiiern re- prsentatives as te the condition- of the saie, recomimend that a new bridge be built of work like the one at Gambridge; that the Reevea of Mara, Thorah and Beav- orton procure plans and receive tenders for the. building of the saie sd tLat the Oounty Solicitor and the. Varden aign the. coontraot for the, umme. They onaidered the, ptition eoftthe Reeve 01 Rama, aking for a spplementaq grant on the centre road in that townahip, and finding it af great advautage te the rate- payera in that p art of the County, and the. tewnsliip unab le to repsir it, recomrnend the. Ocuncil te grant 0100 thereen, and the naine of the Reeve et Raina and Mara ta ez pend the saine. bhey, on considoration of the recommen- dation etftth. Reeve of Marrison, recomrnand pending $25 on the boundary âne botween theceinties of Ontario and Simcoe, te re- pair a bridge thereon, Simca. te pay a 11k. sim, snd naine af the Reeve ef Raina as Camutisaiener te expend the saine. ln response to coinrunications frein the Narrews Bridge caretaker, they recornrend thst the chairinan eft tus cammittea ho authorized te examinethin, arnsd inake Lb. neoeama.ry repaira, on condition that Simnoe bears hall the. expeuse. They considered the comnmunications ef the ex-Reeve et Scott, Mr. Gray, aud re- ceminend that ho be paid 816.50 for servi. on Lb. weet boundsry tineofet tus county Lu reply te a letton frein F. Deucett ask- 1 Non did ha write Porc>' te cone tLus ing for rep#Aira on a bridge, Lie>' decline sprng- recommndi ng grant, but sdvise psy- Mr. Murton-Then wby did yen ment t hlm of 816 for wenr ho did there- V#rite hlm at aIl?2 on. Mn. Gonld said iL vas in bad taste Tie>' recomrnend payaient et Sa te James for Mr. Ham Leeate Liai Mn. Poney Poey for visitlng and inspeting Scugog bridge; Mud payment ef $4.72 to W. J. iad gene Le vieiL Scugok bridge for Lhs Glipin for suppfiea fer Nanrowu bridge. ,ssii. of gaiug 85. IM.>' ceuaîsi rid the resolution etfie Mn. Porc>' ssid ho muet express bis Roove of Whitby re sacont>' appropriation tiauke te Mn. Ram for inettustiug tiat on certain meinluthe. ceuni>. but deeline 86 voutit influence hlm t-o go te Scu- an>' action lu the direction inlotted. obrde Nwastr àmni Tii consideration o! Lie by-law went the Consil vie, as Chair-inuo! tis &long 8a0lov>, but vithool moci epposi- Boudsansd Bridges, vould net bave iu,,util Lie Oclause sains &long te gene te Lb. Scugog -bridge on 1Mr. sxpeUd 8100 uponLiseOCntre Road il Ham'a btter?2 Ramna, sud thon Mn. Karman, neeve o!f The itemn passait. Uibnidge, rose up and bookod saniona. Wîen theie nîoni as ail pasacd. Mn. H@ asked wbat right the promotera o! Smnihmeve to Le Lck a clause on Lie hiii business d teasuk moes> from repent expending $200 between Whitby -4bi; 0council ? sud for vial rosit? - and Oshava, sud after saine discussion Mr. Treneuti eaid tbii. oad wua a j va'votî.d dou. neoesand tuai beau bailt Le mais a Thon Lie report vas adopteit. aiet nt utLrougb tie township and On motion, the Wardeu boit the vau a ver>' poon rosit, altieugi tien. ehair fon five minutes, sud iL becaine wao a great deal o! travet upon IL. Tie obvions someLilng unusual vas about counudt ofRtàa vas nuable te valse Lu coin. off. - moue>' ocougi te build tLie road lu Tii. Wardcu, asMe saal ien tesv. an>' reasouabto lungti o! ime, s50 LiS> igj is -ewnchair, teck the higi con- hait cone bere.for holp. atable'.s eaL, sud tie oye. o! Lhs old Mn. Kar-man said he vas quite preo ontL faLiers all turned Le Lie sheniff'e pansd te betievo ths township o! Raima, oom. frein whioi in due course e! wasanet in &tposltiou te apend Lie I ime emerged Mr. Christie, snmed viii meney reqoîreit, sud isovasaise pro- a smsgnificent îilvon-headed cane. pared tW beliove Liai Lie road needed M 1r. Ghisltie advancing te Lie War- moue>'.- But- io dou't betieve his den, eaid ho vas ohar-ged b>' Lis Cont>' ceunt>' sieulit bcexpeoied to aPPrePn. Ceuncil W exepress iLesinlcer. cengratu. ste the moue>'. Bad no ceuni>' mono>' tion upon bis holding bis présent bigi been se e penied on Lie road aban- -oiini hs retya fjbls Ma. T fr ethi-one ! 187.asd ibot asieupon Ibis <set but aise Mr. renutàYesin 879 upon is succeseful and eatisfaotery Mr. Rarmanaaid tien. v&a spe" -disciarge o! Lb. impor-tant trust ho bilL>' of thie thing gelug toe fan. hait u4dertaken. No proviena eccu- Nov, if thie passes, lie voutit net be pont of Lie position baid aven eanned s surpnisei t e héan, befèeethe committea deeper regard from Lie ftLios, uer bad arises, s propesat b>' Lis reeve eofresrie en eoi, Whitby te spend a large amotut n ny vrau>'eda oebeom the rosit betwsen ber.sud Oshawa. digniL>'. The. Warden'a long terrm o! service lu Ibis ciamben hait enableil ail And after that <nom inu>'olier places. themembons La mev hlm iulimately. Mn. Smith ssid hovau in favon o! sud mnuehait ever yet cbsrged tuaL geod roneeansd Wad veked hard for &Dc&t of bis woulit net bean scrutin>'. good noada aven ainoe hi hait beu in Tii. inlenisetofLte count> sud is tie Counoil. Ha would vole fer Ibis manieipsîrty iisd atvays been bis atudy aproriastionsud MO"eat-hans, sud hlm von vould lait fan longer M.lathewsousaid Ie naine having thon hie lifo. But, eaid Mn. Christie, beau rueutidued b>' Mr. Haman ho wvile t-heoConcil visheit hlm te acepl migbt us>' ho would voie &gainât 1 >' ùg s a okea of respect sud s appropriatilon luWhllby lovnsiip5» imoial o!te lesast days aen liaIt tvwship vas able tle i ls lpîerhe. n-nseapeg usies noad; bu 1h.ose o! atuavasdiften. 1h.>' aie isheci ilta ob.regarded ass ent. Bamn asu mable la - bufld ils plSting 8g iupn hie niliremeul froin roads.sud- io vould vota for thelthe Couuoil aller hsving reoeived the Motion, b- hmet honor liaI could b. ooufsnrd Mn.g UrPerey $5 fan vullz in zehirn rg exprbs esontarr r. froin publie aflus u d t0-assure hlm -r. M)Luziewautedto knov vat i - 1 htb i u ehea foris vlaef oo.k Mr. Pe" t1. &u9ggBndas.. hig >o.yIrs frso -Mr. Poc>-,remd 'it bter tram ni. _At s 1heoclson of .&. ili' sm, ireeet.00~UMo, taliug hlm remarke -aà bande dueered 1111lis>'e tiaI lie 8engog btlIge vu Ins&danger. werh Uit, aAtlinuPrn of.Cultir oua slaté and eontaluMi a largen. 4r ook ups by4lav pamphlet and vavel of holes mskingi-tdugmou tb inavel' ý BYull lele ffl et night. Tial ibougi no @denl"B'.aJoi'GotPlo, n te hai t ioemured liera-vms e.danger of SietWinding Up tull'vIli -Au ou iienMt bour., AsÀking hlm te gi"eLu ye" M.Colirtogt1 hie ea)l &atuion 10 li te- mtéeré tb ewitr f '-'hir. ý--- As sa a . eeie b sleiler, 1» TJzb surprise-aof the, présent ation vau, veani M QO4ncesd, Upon ,inspetion. ~ , ~ fondthles-bidge ual a*11in alpdanger- 80 compauMtat- th e veu&u.* JYWar-U' n ou&-oodiiou. ?bene ver.somea b hol" to' jiralsi hbie.grey looka for a mln. e ai vsMentv.Baemf.,4 tien'. # halb# Mi. - Hamwithdrew hie expression &!bout the ooàspim yaud vent on t*0 EBy that t.be'xdp wn oit b-bad foi! dkvig ns yib u a ey4l gerous fur tight travel,5 a utuber i borg spereo obe àe196Win the udao of thê' hmige, and ho -hohtihi dut>' b *rite ut. Psoeysud -1.11 hlm Mr. GFould asked Mt. Ram if he vas not avars Mn. -Bateman mvas conmis- - Utr. Ram said yes, but ho did not kuew as Bateman hail authonit>' te ex- pend moneye until thsy vers .pprepn[- sted, Mr. Gould nesd frein the by-laws to show that Batoman had powor to make any expenditurea lhe found ueeassay to proteot the Gounoil frein nisk of action for damages. Mn. Ourte ssud be hait gene vitli Batemau te see.the, bridge snd h. did net notice anythiug ver>' dangenous. Tiers vers s few lutile boies Mr. Rama-lt Look Lwe loade of atone te fil some of the. bolbs. Mr. Ourta-Why, Lhey wers moe muaknata' holes, snd nean tic ra.iling at Mn. Poney doenet kuov wheticn ho is oeeoe tii. conipinstera spoken of b>' Mn. Ham or not; but h. dos know Liai the. expeuditure upon Sougog bridge this apring Wo make repaira le lesu than it ho& been su>' sprng for yoan--only 440. Other yeare it hau oeil frolâ #120 to 8150. How- a-ver, ithe aubjeol under discussion s*eeoteb. vieuher or net Mn. Bâte. mnu se eommiseiouer did bis dut>'. Re (Penrey) thinks Batoman vas doing aIl an>' mnucouléddo. Would sny man be auresonabte enougb Le expeet the commissienen Le nepair tie damage donc b>' fre8heis aud tic waten etiti high?2 Mr. Ram oaya h. le of opinion Mn. Poney iad a tittis ime for teisune the ime ho vent eut te Scugog bridge and, eoing ho could 'take s holiday at Lie couuty'a expense, ho vent eut Le ose the. bridge. fHe aisoeaeidbeohba kuown a bill of $90 te corne te tha ocnoeil two yeans &go, sud tis money hsd been ex- peuded on meu vie did net saru five cents a day. He had not exposed thein taken ii han>' defaul-tars in -iis.eoeot- On motion lie Coulncil adjourned aine die.- 1!hat terrible acoureameng obidren ina' e peitlyce b>'Dr. Feuler'. Butrac"c 0 I Stmawbe«ri. Ail formu o bovel eelani, nanassudvoMug, fnc>n asn , antdiarrhm tethernost neyera WAack-éf CÀdImoholira, cou. b. subitu- edbyta romt ue.rtlui eb*u eity vii lb.. peuoIi,u turdAy. - Wýorm Pwder, whois your ckiu ss TeAbJalgui IpSon,.nueamem of the: For, Brenebïel mua Tbnest Afetians AUeu.:s, L ýBalni ha ,neq*U"lèd Auave 4nd1l scandaI at Gitava,, Ombeil 0atbarle 0emnýouuid l~e t au sp more UBaiuasoor- à Prontienac Ooniy CooU re!iu iopay> Scot Act spenss , T'ho U1E.5 QO ew.d R_" »satsation hîs humble laboà.s d' givfzi, made biir bolievt, e W l litttistosn eroaihiube Withheh.ouuell -ho Oce expr fesllng.ofi #Wsuro thhst afl ~oneea %bIï7uîn thoè* .. fueture e loe he thoir goodnesa lun emembeuiug hlm 1oý ihelmnat aoaioniie vouldl-me t hém The. Ceuncil ratified some. muuieipài by-lavs sud vent homne toesupper. EVECNINO 8£8810N. 0 oncil met at 7«45. Mr. 0'Leary moved a long motion for hii. Concil -le requestthLe *SôOtt Astý autioritica W ,foi givQonou.Michael PIôoO a fine of $50 sud eets <on iptraction of Lis Scott Âct. Mr. O'Leany said -the cireuinstans lu Flood's case were exceptional, -ho hsving sold tie mon the whlakey merel>' Le ibduce thon: to go homne; vii Flood isd nothing to, do vith the. ho use,sud Mn. MeRs., of Thorah, backed hlm in s vsny reasoriable epeoch; but tie genenal feeling aeentei Lo e b. Lit iL woiild be a very daàugeiïius precedenLte orevis Liedeoisioi-.«f a magistraLe luniis Coancil. 80 Jhe motion was voted clowâ b>' a Ïirge majonit>'. Mn. Bruce then brugI,ý,à,bl repent of the Flusnte lwmitme" to provido $850 for Polios Ma ' 'pt Eonne's eaiarx and expents. -Mr. Todd movcd au amoudmxeut te tbe effeet Liat tho Conucil refused the money sud visied tbe Local Govern- ment te appoint a police magistraLe vithout salary as nequested b>' tii Counci laiet session. Mn. Todd aaid ho vu asurs that Ibis Concil neyer iad any ides et psying s largesan>' msci as thia te a Scott Act magistraLe. Lu faoL Lhe underatauding wae tblat there vas te be ne smar>' psid b>' this Council. Tic count> abaot en ougi moue>' alresdy lu tbia Scott Act business sud i. is againet an'oLher haut being made. When IL la figurod* np, boy nuuchis le t in licous. fees, taxesi and oCher vays, iL weuld b. found Lie country la out abent 8 12,000 or 813,000 snnustly by baving tbisAÂct lu fonce, sud h. lsasgsiuît adding neani>' 81000 more Le the burden. Mnr-Gihristie strongl>' urged thLe Goncil Le 'kick sgainst tlii.business. Rie tieugit tie Gover-nint ad taken adrantage of tiecGouacil lu making hii. appoiniment insconrdauce wxtb its wisiss but fixing s large elàry agailue îLe a. Mr.Hrenes friands iad statod lu tuis charner thL il at Ley wanted vws te gel Lie appeintmnut reoommeudod sud now itlbois as if iL hsd been uudoretood LiaI Lhemsaan> part woutit be ail igit. Tien. ver. getting te be tee many salaniei Gev- er-umeut officiais in coaluoction with tuas Scott Act sud he ihougbt iL about ime the moinbers of Conneil drev the lino sud refneid te Ps>' an>' more ef Lieue mon vie are sppointed vithout Lie Council'a authoril>'. Mr. Harman tissu teck t loobr and made à ver-y long sud someLimes iodions speech. He reviewed lhe pro- gzros. ef thingu evoni sinetie ct eicame lu fonce sud sioved Liai oeeof the reaLest diffloultioiniaL enferooment vas Lie vaut of compet-ent magistraLe. To meet tis diffleuit>' tie Gouneit hait voted an appoliment lait session, ut it hait been found that san>' would be Railway StocK for Sale by Tender. sharaeof Lb. nominal valut et tift>' dollars) p i-up stock lu the Witby sud Port Perny üaia (nov the Midtand Estiwa>'Ce.) beld in Lihetname cf Chester Diaper. I ste of thé Town et Whltby, decased. Tii. higheit or arry tender not necessaril>' accepted. Far furiber information, appt>' Le -D. FLSHER, Sole Executor. Bowmanviile, Bovinanvilie P. O May' hUit, 1887. 3U-25. ]By'-Law No.-- A Be-Law te close up and di8po8e Of a certain atreet and part of Rosa Street in thte village of Port Ferry. Whereaa, b>' By-Law numben 250, o!fLthe corporation cf Port Penn>', the lands here- inalter describod, vera constituted a pub- lic nsghway within Lise said village. And, viereas t4ie Ontanie Centrali Agri- cultural sud Lîve Stock Association is the: evuer o! tue landts adjoining sud butting on Lhe saisI highwa>', sud la desirous ef acquiring the lands eompnised in the said bigiiwsy, sud aie er Liai part o! Rosa Street lying opposite ticesaut end-o! thea said bighway. -And, wioroas. b>' died datei thte 29Lih dey of Octobor, 1886, snd made b>' Walter HiI, of the.finaL p art, sud Lb. municipalil>' efuthe viilaçeof Port Perny, o!fLthe second part, the said Association dit cause to bei convoyea te csait corporation, sud dedi- ostot as s pubiîc higiv 'that certain stn.eit, or highvay, extodi a nmRos Stree;te oSimce Street, in rolongation o!, Bay Street in lien of sud lu cousideration, of the. ,iad faetituc-vo nsmed hlghvay, sud Lie said part o! Rosa Street being elosed up sud convoyai tte isid Association.' The corporation o! the vlage of Pont Pennytherefore enmca smfollova : Iiat tae ighwaiy etaiblî4hod b>' ByLaw No. 250# of lb. vilage o!,lpontPeRny, assei on the.8zddayopi May, 18b,decbota fofleva- 9O x~ecing At a point on-U I Mat lutait Of Bimci Stresi, meh tva degneai 45 mnmtulst ilehains ~46iuka fin a eut tonemouuu4 -Iaulit wer -a' "Ky ~ tan.t dugier was4mt~n U.u$ ôiio1sàmi%1!utn!, es dbeor *Mid ah, wùd *oulct nêt allô* br-head to be'Iifft4,when ho baptia.d hIs' -ahe was, ao 'woqlk. Dr. Powler's Wild Sirawborry gave imediate relief. 8h. e **living miracle, ¶bâle, aud- he.rty.. ina, 1hhat lime (7 yemB) Our houàasa' nver been wlthout that r,Ëàedy -" * P rom itatement of George 3ohnson, Harwood, Ont. The làouaut the 1Havemeyer's refinery fire lu New «Yorn ws ovoz a million. A Business Ltter. T. Milburn & Co.,* Tilsonburg,.Marc h 1É,'87. «"Sir,-Pleaee aiiip at once three dozen B. B. Bittera. Boit selllng mediciue lu theahop. Beldieven bottlesoady. Yours traly, 0. Thampsou." The abave sample la but one ef hundreda et aimitar express- ions regarding the popqlaritt of B, B. B. Afghan treepa are reported te be desert- ing te enter the service of the Khian cf Bokhars. Miraculous. "My Miraculeus Cure was that I had auffered frein kidney disease for about twa years, waa off work ail that turne. à f riend told me et B. B. B'. I ried iL, and arn happy te say that I was oured by twe betties," Wm. Tier, St. Mary&, Ont. chic 0 Kuiqhts of Labar are quarrelliug over suivitation te Dr. MoGlyan by oe et theL)eio seli. AS SWEE! AS HONEY iS Dr. Low'a Pleaaant Worm Syjrup, yet 8ure to de8iroy and expel. The. Bulgarian Sobranje ie calledke meet at Tirnova lu JuIy 3, wheu the question of electing a Prince will corne up. -A- O1r-d. To a&l who are sufferiug frein thi errera aud iudiecretiona et youth, nervous wea.k- nous, early decay, loset mauhood, &c., I will seu a recipe that will cure yen, FREE 0F CHARGE. Tjie great rernedy was diecevered by -ainissionary li Seuth Arnerica. Send a self-addressed envelope te tiie Rev. Josxpa T. INuEiN, Station D, NOWp York City. It in said that àfter the debate on the. Crime Bihla i fiuished Mr. Glastone will chiallenge the Governinent on iLs whole Irish poticy. Fror ChUdren Starving to Death. On acceunt et their iuabiiity ta digest ordinary food, Scott,s Ernulsien can be di- gested aud give etrength and fieeh whoun ail ether food tuilis. Se. what Dr. A. H. Peck, Penn. Med. Coltege, Petitcodiac, saya: '«I have used and preacribed Scett's Ernulaien ef Ced liver Oil, and find it an excellent prepAratien, agreoing well with the. steinsch, and iLs centinixed use adding greatly to, the strength and cornfort cf Lhe patient" Put up in 50c aud 81 size. EIM-BROCATIONl« FOR spRn&mS,CUBs, AND SPLINTO WHE14- PeRMINa. FOR OVxuBREÂCRit5, CHÂPPED HE.ELS, WIND GAILL5. Fou EgnEIJATMIN SORSES. FOR SORE TEMOATS AND INFLUENZA. FOR BROKEN KNEES, IRITISES, OAPPED SOC"~. FOIS BORE BHLOtLDERS, BORE RAOH5 FOR FOOT BOT, AND BORE MOeTRaIN BEEEP AND LAMB5* FOR SPRAINS, OUTS, BRIUISESIN DOGe. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Frem insi Grace the Duke of Rutland. 'Belvoir, Granthaun, Lee. 1, 1879. 11Sirs,ý-Ellîman's Royal Embrocation la used iu rny stables. I think it very useful. "RUTLÂND, Master ef Belvoir Hunt." '1Castie Weir, Kingston, Hereferdsliire, "Dec. Srd, 1878. "Gentleen,-I use the Royal Embrocation in rny stables aud itennela, sud have fennd it very serviceabte. I have aise used the Universai Embrocation for lumnbago and rieumatistn fer the ls.st twe years, sud have suffered very little since using iL. "R. HM Pmui. Lieut-CoL, Master ef Ra&- uershire Hunt." -ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION, Sold by Oherniata Storesi, and Sàddlena., Pnico 2s. Th ESiiýMjAMA. u cks. R f Un r 1SM b -a -- S RA S tU S. rff -N Ra. MONE~ On-Boal Eitstc at-;loy w Rate Appraisen f or the Canada Loan and Savinga 10., an d agent for the Western Aisabnance OFFICE-Over Gernie's Block, Whuîby. .P. PMIM S1 - Suitable for wnapping purposea, layjDg nder carpets, ste., 25 cents Per huudred. àppi>' te t-- THIS OFFICE. NS restoréM, wlth the ->gloas and treshueea -of ýymnth, taded or gray l'air te >a tiaturat, rich. brown celer, or deep black, as uiay be deslred. By its use ilght or red l'air rnay b. dankened, thin l'air thlckeued, and baidness afien, Lheugh net atways, cured. IL checka faling cf the hair, and stirnu- lates a weak and sickly growth te vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruif, aud heals nearly every disease peculiar te the sc alp. As a Ladies' Harr Dressing, the ViGoR Is uuequalied; it contalus neither oit nor dye, renders the hair oft, gloeày, and ,silkpen lu appearance, and imparts a deticate, agretabie, aud iastiug perfurne, ' - VR. C. P. BIcHER writes frem in sy, 0 JIny 3, 1882:* "hast fait nu hair commeuced fatting out, and in a short turne 1 became nearly batd. 1 used part of a bottle cf AYER'S H&ai ViGea, whiclu stopped the fail- iug of the hair, and started a uew growth. 1 have now a fulil head of hair' groingri vigor- ously, and arn couviuced that but -for the us fyenr preparation 1 shouid have been euti-rety bald."1 J. W. Bow^E.N, proprietor of- the MceArthur O~e)En-quirer says ; AYFR's HâintViGoa is a miost excelient preparatiou for tIse h.airi 1 speak of it from îuy own experiene. Is use prousotes the growth of new ijair, and makes it glosey and scs . The VÎCO0R l ises a sure cure for dandruif. Net w1thin' my knowledge has the preparatien ever failed te give entire satisfaction." MaI. ANGT-IS FA*-RnAiRN., leader cf ti,,, celebrated - Fairbairu Family *'cf Scottish V,>catxsts, writes froni Bostou, iMass., Feb. 6, 1830- 'IEver since my hair began te give siu- v'ery evidence cf thse change whiciî tleeting time procurefli, 1 have used AYEit's - R V;an ad se have beeu able te miaiutain an appearauce of youthf ulness - a matter of coisid erable eonseque tce to îuùu '<;ters, ora- tors-, acterq, and in fart every ee who lives iii thes eyes of the public." Mi. 0. A. PRESCOTT, writing frorn 1S Elm .S't., (?ssestoiv.m,àass., April 142, slys : "Two years ago about tiwo-tbirds cf my hair <'aine off. It thinnesi very rqlpidly. and 1 n-as fast growiugz bald. On iu'ng AVER'S HAiR VrIGORthe Ïalling stsspped and a nen- growth cuînuiienced. aanssi n about a IiintI, îy head was ceîuipletety covered wt-h short hiair. It l'am cont i riued togrl w. ansi is non- as good as before it fell. 1 r<gularly usesi but eue bettle of the \Vios t, but non-une it occasionally as a tresslng." W. have huudreds cf similar testimeniais to the efficacv cf AYER's H.Aîa VîGOR. It ueeds but a triai t-o couvince the uîost ekepti. ýal of its value. PREPARED BY br. J. C. Ayer& Co., LoweiI, Miass. Setd by ail Druggizts. NO ENGLISE STABLE I8 CON8IDERED COMPLETE WITHEOUT GOOD HORSES. NEW RIGS. LIV'ERY and SALE STABLES, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY.- CIAWFORTH & DEVERELL, FIRST - LASS TURN-OtJTS Furnisied ou Rhortèat Notice. Commercial Travellers liberally dieali witli. PAIR PRICES. EONEST DEALINj. a1EWAREi VJODRTHLESS IMITATIONS ., A s thero are ny inferior goods. corded with jute, hemp, etc., offered and otd as Cosahune by sornen- priucipl.pd inerchants trad- ing on/Mie. reputation- of our gÈtuane Ceraine, w. waru the ladies agaiuat such imnposition by draw. iug their attention te Lb. necessity eofseiug that the naine 'OROMPTON CORSET 00II la atampe on muner aide of all Coraline Mede Witheut which none are genuino. For Bronchitis and astima, try Anlla Lung Balsisin; Lii best cough prescription - known. WIFE iuivrf T MOTHER uu l B m H P SISTER~ By purechaaiug.an Imuproved 'fuRHITE SEWING MAGh special styles for tsh oliday Seson. For. sale cheap by L. -FAIRBANKS, Sole Agoni. Aise Agent for Nye's celebratod Arotie Se-wiug Machine 011- Whltby, Dec. 16, 1886. IiarniwtliROq.work cou U4ALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. Tbe. proent la Lhe right ime te pu»rhaue BINERTWNE' EXPIERINCIE lm"Sl*ROVEDýTEE]MT IlTE CNEAPEST. A GOOD TINE MU XBT POSSESS whith aie ébmbinesin; tihighst degree iathat THE ARIES 0FCANADA- N.E.-NeQu ing 0 o.i &') the aimjflrO t eolvter.t ]net with eUe] fr)fri nde that he bas - li'th-weht p -uSs lui aae Whou il COMi wjjneeslDig. position of le bazardons5., Wil1 fmd il ol vieS Lthe gel -band 5V recogniltion couDOÎi have oranttW the' other lovua. . To the O W. hereby- competitien, agreed 'on, ýfc baud le appc notbe Mr. ( judges W sel Ive jndgos ia -Qnickétep, waltzci. T. Baud. Mary Ann eouih ward Mercen Ref tbàs mornino * vu the coMu Aun was a 13 ne, aoninol.1 Mouds'yai *Murray Strd ph Eeten ai t her -footing, bneaking tlb above the' called aud '4 will be a pail fniends .85y1M trouble. Saturda>'1 dnîiving grQi Huxi tr e a phinton wl the walk. up set, but ne Vair, Who oc hurt. Ver>' either of thle_ Misuing Lr vas ptandini in Lie Weut lnrning -shai nsecsived àalu other Injurif purchaaed h ireauable se Peten's Dati 10 Tmn& PRJAMT Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL & CoGOu ielpih,-Oit r ;~i1~ t a'.-' -I"t" L----JL 1 01 il b

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