Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1887, p. 3

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or the Wetera Assurfteaé ýr Gerrie'e Bledk, Wlll'b1 rrapuping parposes,lai. 0., 26 cents Per hundred, Apply to BELL" SUnapproachaed for - Tone and Quality. >QIJ5S F$tELu Gu Gelph, ont. :1 SALE -STABLESi, S-ST. WHITBY. TH &DEV'ERELL.- ýASS' TURN-OUTS on Sliortest Notice. a li6ebralUy cealt- 110NEST DIeALING9- WTARIE LESS IMITATIONiS A'. t liore are many inferior d oos orded wtb ue ',n -. etc., àff ered sud l13 as C(*oalinoe by somc tun. prwnip ueiîI rchants tad. ilg oi thei repultion 01 0111 4'f 0111t orsilme 'me war ilthle 1lad ies agoinst ,iup)îition by draw.. -ng tlwîvr ,t-t'mtion te the ri.e-i.ocy ty faeoing thal the ON CORSET 00' 'zer si le pf al Coralîne goodz, hirc14 noua arc genulis,. s.i stbma, trV Allen'. i etcougi prescription fi JHMM APP1I. msîng au Iraproved 'WIN6MACHINE& ýthe Tou i(ay Season. For le cheap by cIRBANKS, Sole Ageni. r N ye's 'eh t rated Arctie 00 1 (len fur Leus Than 10) Toun. ~r veather'o! ton causes lou 'nos and ucariiy o! salive Iotier irregtlarties vIoh julceasof the stomoh lo be tha liaIven l ie he co o aryneal is etenand on- lyfollowed by as abttack 0f roa or some euchunuplea. £bis eu be prevenhed by nutritions beverfge dur- :ch vili keep the moutil î!rep. low of saliva. The- oouveni9nî proparation ho is elîhen te put a Jobuaten go in th. meti vienever .ng coiem "on, sud lob ht ae, or ho tale oea or lue aeFluid Beoo!dn*x th ern eitheir hot or Moid (vihli Vary palata ble>, lbebso! -i lie Fluid Boofand ud i lies thie II Ilace cf sird ftua- sri. j ces,se that Wheu ~ere às efilient sltlmeIn peet tho food sud eJlow il. ut thi nupleubul deot4 one oy tlir day' trial viM eose cf tIsse amurtioau. my. 'Samplea s d4d! os solunuderthe bonrsa mWuTZR's ÂFT' Senviae O'r for Sale. -M . NiEWPORTt rab ëfUn4 on.il* beiVsin doiflg the îhizkg thoroughly. !le is puttlflg Iwo firepIaces in the colar. Twfo inmbere cf the eocnoil en TtneodsY felonioUSlY procured th. ssnok- !Dg cap cf a locali officiai and pawned' the ,,me for tbiriy 0cent worth ef-weLl *old ,watOr. Preoeediflge will b. taken to rebever tb. cap. Dr. D). j. scully, who left bown a few & açewdays sipoqo te .praotice of hie profeiofl in the western tates, bas met with such fiattering encouragement from fInonde whom ho met in Chicago that ho bas opened bis office. in the nothwst part of that city with brigili. or prospects of enocese than ho ever esrpected te find in snob a Short time. uls standing at cellege lu a guaraniee of sucOOtm5 in hie profession. u is taîed tbat the echool board bas challenged the high sohool eleven le play a gagne of cricket. Thle match- whefl il coee ff-willihbe wel woîthj wjtuegeing. It is infeîred that thle poifition of lonag stop wil ha exceedingiy hasadons. Viitors and sigilî.see ,will ind it of "'urgent noedoeseiity" toi vjew the gaine fîom outeide the fonce. ,j bàud stand je to b. ereoted on Queefl'5s quare park. The town proper. ty conumittee have details in band and will push thb work tbîcugil. The bsiad deservee Ibis encouragement and recognition more epeciaily tla t ho council have nos been asked te give a grant te the band as je bile oustomn in other towne. 4 To the Pori Perry Bra8se Band.- We hereby challenge yen te play ina competition, on a date tc h. mutually agreed on, for th.e urn cf 8-200. - Bach band te appoint one j'udge-whe shall net be Mr. Cans cf Beton-the twe judges te select a third. Decisien cf two judgee shalh be final. Programme :1 -Quioketep, selection and sett of waltzes. T. JOHNSTON, B. M., Citizen'sB Baud. PTI~R Mary Aura Murray, a residont cf the sotth ward, wae committed tb the Mercer Reformatory fer six menthe this rnorning s a vagrant. Her another wae; the cornplainant, and said Mary Aun was a bad girl, avor whom se. ad e centrol. Menday afterneen ai; Mn. Rogers, Murray Street vas getting ont of a phwotn aI ber residence, se mipoed ber footing and feih tt hé ground. breakiug the lewer part cf ber arm above the wriest. Dr. Kincaid wae calhed aud et tho arm. The fracture will be a painful one, and Mrs. Roger@'! friende sympathize witb ber ira ber trouble. Saturday afternoeun Mn. Crozier, in driving rapidly eut cf the gale cf a Hunter etreet hotel yard, collided wtb a'pbseten which vas driving close te tbe walk. Beth conveyences were up$et, but neither Mr. Crezior uer Mises Vair, vileoecupied the phiuton, were hurt. Very îligbt damnage was doue to either cf thle vebicles. N on>Monday, a paoinR train on the Miesing Link lino started a hors. wbioh waes tanding in front et a grocery etore in the west und, and the animal ina tnrning sbarply about tbrew ont the occupants, Mrs. J. R. Stratton and A gentlemian vile bas travelled around throngil bie countriy labely, in. forme us thal the erops in Pickering township are looking rauch botter than ina any other part ho bas2 visited. No- whero ibadilsoseen sncb msgnificent and even-grown fields cf ilHkinde cf grain-, vitix botter prospecte of a large yleld, s in Pickering. -dcl. I W. regret t lebain fe! b. ofth son ef Mi. (ie. Kerr, cf the Ontario Bank bore, vlicil ovent îook place at Ile. roidence o! Mr. N. J. Brown, on Tuemday lait.' The funerai teck place on Thureday te bile Unon burial gronnd, east of Whitby, and was jargely altendod. 'W. are mure the bereaved have tie sympathy o! th. people of Pickering and Wbitby in their sprrow.] mir. Johns Leys, M.P.IP., will soon be, if ils n st'already, one of' thé lageul ppr y Ã"wu.Mr.riflumtownship. H. rece lypurehased fifty. &oies, tfion lb. exec iocf bth, late Mrm.EH.Deokor. anda few ayslate rpureilased bon Mr. . Décker, Wbubbhy, a fityý soie lot adjoýDiug, 'gobilaI ho je nov ltheoviier of &ýout foui ilnndresoes' in >,lthe to uhipoet Plering. Oui worlhy frien4showsa h bas àý goulid." oftlb. value of faim properily i. ttdg Iocality. Buceesu lé hin.-.-News. MW samBuhmozakio, s «8oufile, wae in tovu Su*day., Mîr. and Mis. E. ,,eeffi. Spen#lut, weok visiling tlIr ie"nd i aIWml*r. bon, Brue GCo. On Sundsýy, sy f29t],141te viife MrL L. 0if gave brth lca y6tîg datighbsr. Our Og5*la eteyou LinCoin. Prof. Otîlle f in bile-ecbool 4p-. ing. Tho mW Terhy in.î$ thraaow O)ui fpotball.olub le, nov e pen for chllnes foi theisaaon. - Glâ%Pov a abaseball lsm tu fesses sud' *?1Y expeot M.El~ te ilear cf lvely limes. à pio.nio pavty -oosiuling ,o!Ibis.', wagon loada supplia with jipuzty of Reod rereubmnesprooeded le Prendh- mma'sbayi on 8%lurlalsi. The, ay vas fine ma, th. orovd b.a splqendid lime. On Saburday lust Ivo young feliov'u Duval sud Farewell, hfr.d a bouatsmd weuî over te Mi. Dation'& lake reaie donce.. The* vieted th. bouthlies. and teck Iberotrom, a considorabie quantity of fisbing luokie and thier gear. The autborilies voie notifted and lbe two young scampe lodgod ina limbe Farewell esoaped snd con- stable Clark wilhdîew bis charge ef thoft agairast Duval. They ver. ahme concerned in a robbery of M..Cieiry'e bonis. Last Friday a ratier s-erions accident ocureda a the excavation for thie Nev Brick store ou thie ohd Bowers preperty. An esight-yeai.oid son* cf Mr. Chas. Morgan vas riding on a loed et giavel and foUl off tbirugil lie boises giving the wagon a violent jerk.1 One cf bile ves passeed ovor tie beys neck aud aimesi kîhbed him. Mi. D. L. Wood -f teBlie seli Bouse, hôok up a euh. soripîles ho help lie parents besi bile neoessary medicai expense. The day aftor Jake Gaudaur'. great viclery ai Pullman, Ill., bis parents et lis Narrow Bridge voe visiled by about oee undred frisudsvbo esrsnad- od bis old felks vilil a great varioty ef musical instrumenta. Mi. Gaudauir mode a litIle speech lihie polit. and courtby style, lbanking tb. visitera for thoir good will. May àit euho lod gentheman's lot te' ho oflen called on for a speech under similar circum- stances.. Mr. A. W. B. MoMullen'@ vateiful- Dose saved lie lives of Ivo litîle girls on tb. Mtdland Railway track a few days sigo. A special vas backiug on to lie siding ren tic soutih o alhow lie noon train le page, and lie littho girls tried Le cross 1h. traok vien the cars vote oraly a shoert distance off. Mn. MeMuibon aaw Ibeir danger and rau trithle frigit ebed snd caugit tien juet in lime to save -thon frein a frightful death. On. cf thin couid net speak for s;oîne 'ime aftervarde on accorant cf the fri.it s-he Rot. The exercies o! D.en MceKiuisy'm donkey in the t4hâde cf lie kevening wiîth ie sniall boys of the Iewn bave heen lareizo vaîtoûded bately. The &alnniîis a very innoeent IookinR ittlo cr'esture. but te ride il bas proved a puzzle to soe o f the afoementioned S. B. When the boy first Rets cn bis; back thluge are lively for a short lime. The don kry realizes thal i. is carnyiug some eMail rospoDsibâitY, andl i. thons.- upon begins te see-eavw i a way to make thc rider soa-sick. Ina a few seconds tho rosponeibility is brushing the dirt off hie cietheusud the douk.y etands by, hie mnellow oys b.amning, aud beeking as%noesrts uer. Tiere is sI lh. News-Letter office, a etkait liaI vas dng up lest Saînrday, by the men exoavaling the cllai for lie nov bouse te b. put up by Mr. Tait opposite bim residenco on Coîboîne St. It vas seins foot belov tb. surface, suda is ina a gecd shate et Preservaliora. Tbe leti are mliira inte uDPpr jaw auJ1 show cause viilt uses tle psy Mi. (iso. Smith, P. L. S#, Ils sum et $40, for services perfcimed ina surveyiug lie iocaity et a village drain. About midigil on Seturday a loi of revdiee beld higil crniva inira ibi village. They visited Mi. Petitt's premis, lot his herse ent cf th. stable, kihbd a dock, and vheu Mr. Petitb ventl'eut tb romoielials viti Ibem, pelled ilim viihebomos. Mi. PotitIhbas nov a denble-burrslled aloi «gun losded for big game, sud if them iov dies vieil ta, bave lIeir skia, pertorated, wIIb- nutuems suddo.apsls heyb.are riqusl- '.4 le eMn a4y .v.ulag, vhéa 1hey. Win- b. acommâleda..la'me pme Ot glass ina 1h.Laidlav bloeik wva--Smssh- id on Monday migill, snd il lu believsd by týt. son e partes. Th alleptien of oui conulabbes are reqmpeol el sled le lbe above. 8Bard-ay nigbtluat Oui beaulifu lilIe'. village vswu litsd by a eouatry -boy from aswiy bsek*wvbesefar no deutýak b.d pressileâ bitavwith 10omne-,or Ies99ý le, throv wsyOarlesqly, sBd -lusil aicund lu a ffluasse. - Re udqavored -adsumoeêen muasways inmaking h 'he*b b foîward Mr. SIon.s bouse. rapldly. ....M.Gardueu. sud -gang-have ilb. atone work cf tb. parsonage dons ...... ,-Mr.-Poote baq tbe patnotFizA stale rap .»..... Mr. LoS7 bas cornpletld MO. Hiison's houes. - Mi. MoMillau lb. newIv in4Tàted1 misieter of tho Preabytorien chnrch preached bie firet sermon s pastor bers on Buxiday. Tis is his firsl charge. and vo wisb himesuccees. The officialsof lbe Metbodiâl Sabbatil scoeol are active wih-preparations for tbeir annuall lsa-party à n theo lot July. Borne ser i dipouitionoed Party enter- od Mr. E. Beaîe'm baok kitchnon ee nigitll lst veek and atlI.&bout five gallons vinegar. Tbey lftI the keg te make Berne more ina. The telephone oompAny have lb. polos up and vs expeet Ibey will socs ho alorg with the vures. Tile foot-ball club have renled a giauud frein Mi. Boare seuIl cf lb. village and are organizing thengil a litIle late in 1h. soamon. G. T. IL TUIE-TABLE. 0013<0 WEST. No. 4 Express go 8 L"ol- 6 Express "16 mixed "2 Express No. 1 Expres de 5 e 44 15 Mixed et 7 Local fi 3 Expresi Due at Whitby. 6.47 a.m- 8.41 CI, - (dees net stop Whilby.) 4.25 p.m. - 8.45 " - 8.25 am (dees net stop aI Whitby.> 2.52 p.m. 6.60" Due et Toronto. -10 ce st 6.20 pm 10.10 7.15 a.m. 8.55 ci 1.00 p.zn. 6.80 Il 8.00 t Whitby, May 15th, 1887. The groat results which have been atten- ded the rogular urne of Quinine Wine, by people of delicato- constitution and those afiocted with a general prostration of the systom, speak more than al 1he wordu thal wo say in its behalf. Tus* artiole. is a true medicmoe and a life-giving principle-a perfect renovator of the whole system- invigorating at the samie lime both body and mind. Its medical properties areaa f ebrifuge tonic and anti-periodic. Small doses, freqently repeated, strengthen the pulse, create an appetite, enable yon to obtain refreshing aleep, and to f ool and know that every fibre and tiusure o! yoiir systein is being braced and renovatad. In hofine Quinine Wine, prepared by North- rop & Lyman, Toronto, we bave the exact tonic required ; and to porsons of weak and nervons constitutions we would say, Nover b. without a bottie in the house. It is sold by ail druggista. The London Tvrmu produced another -Parnellism and Crime" article. "For cor templation be, and valor forined, For softnesashle,an d sweetasttract ive grace." John Miltou in bis "Paradise Lost" thus distinguishes woman froin man. Diseases fail to bier lot that do net to man's, peculiar te ber seft and more refined nature. A remedy adapted te tth. cure of lier peeuliar disenees ie found xi Dr. R. V. Pieroe' "Favorite Prescription," for wemen.* Thousande who have used it atteit its great Worth. A collision between 1he police and the people occurred at Feakde, near Bodyko. on Snnday. Perry Davis' Pàm*-iUler.-Ita effeots are almost instantaneos, affording relief from th. moat intense pain. The new Tay bridge i. ftnished. Prof. Low'a Sulphur Soap i.. a delightfuýl foiet luaxury a8 a good cur- ative for ukin di.eaus. The Russians are pushing their forces towards Horst. A bottle of the '"Lotus of th. Nile" is a moat acceptable present 10 a lady. Emperor William is reported in botter health. National püls will not gripe or ickeW, yet are a thorouqh cath"ric. A FEW HINTS Doax- lb us e S.bou- 1fliP~'e!, genfy. 2 to 4 fPlU; s thorougALy, 4 Io 6 PUUf. Rxa,ino wilideckie the preper donsase etscme. For Os*Ustpalion, or Costivenees, no remedy te so effective as ATzeR'5PILI& They insure regular dally action, and re-. store the bowels to a healthy ondit$on. For indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Avzn' Pis are invaluable, and i sure cure. Beart-bura, losof Appetleoul Stomaich, Fletulency, DIzllnesaHead- ache, Numbness, Nausea, areanl relieved and cured by AYsW'E PiLLE. lI Ltver ComuplaintBflleus lmorders, giron in doses large enough- to -exclté the;i_ 11w suad bovela, »d remoe constlpalbm Aa Iag-edlezý1*.teSIprtg,Ues. P1Laýq are uneqnalled. Wortmseanlbyor4çnliot the bowe&s, are expefled by, these Pirs. t ruptions. 'Skia3)lseae, ~Pl he rmit of Indigestfo'x or ÇonstipatUon, i gureil bythè e, of"tÂLe a PILLa. 1or CoMms, tak.e YxTESi rLLs to open the pores, reMOiio.I5lmtr secr*ons, aull ailay lb. lever., A nov treatznent has been dis- moered wherby a permanent, .c o roinSurble hm orn e t6e lbre applicatonu, ne mattr ilether standing on.e '28 iil's~hedonce ini lweliie d day, ud oee enterteieith -bu Decriptivepamplet A. ILIMIN& su, 3M5 hJ R. Tm$ YORONTO, CANAOAO ISPRING SUITS. --000 JOH N Scotch, FERCUSON 18 SHROWING A SUPERIOR STOCK 0F English and Canadian Tweeds, And other fine lines of Cloths, for Spring- suits. Ail garments made up ini latest style on shortest notice. Ready-made Men's and Boys' Suits, Gents' Furnishings and ,Underclothing of ail Kinds. IDESTRUCTIIBLEOVERÂL$S! HAIS!1 HAIS 1 HAIS! Latest styles in Hard and Soft Feit Hats VERY CHEÂP. JOHN FERGUSON, Dundas st., Whitby Stili Carrying on the War! Simon Fraser offers better inducements than ever to buy your CHtNA, CROCKERY,' GLAS'SWARE, ETC., ETC.. W. give- a special discount from the present lkw prices of 10 per cent; on Table LampsY, Tea Set8, Combination and Dinner- Bets. Our stock of fancy China Cupe and Saucers, China Fruit Basketsi Fruit' Plates, Dessert Plates,, etc., must be sold at 20 per cent. discount te maire rom- for Spring Goods. A large and veIl assorted stock of choice family groceries, special value ini Teas and CoQfees, seaonable fruits -at reduced prices, Fresh Optera in buflk ana eu. -The Lamous L ouise Baking.Powder - takes theý lead egint ail competitors ; put Up - MD pouud Canos at 80 cents lper lb. Don't forget -te, see our goods and -prcesb- fore purcha&sing ýelsehere; SJMONF RASE,. Deveral's Blocr,' Brock BROOK ST. - WHITBY. London and Lanoashir e Life Company. This Company issues ovr oiablo form of Lite polic3t, and has =ooie with the Receiver General in approveid -Camadian securitios over 8100-00 for eoh s100.00etc liability,0 thus àfiording- ABSOLUTE se- curity. Parties dosirous of assuring their livos wif find il b Itheir advantage o bconsuit the undorsigned before asmuring elsewhere. JOHN FARIQUHARSON, Whibby,'May 18, '86. -ly General Agent PATENTS CANADIANS the uamoterona Cilislio. i luboultb patent fret In 1h. slalom, Ilium eoui 17a? yoausPatont ;othorwiuol"e ;ielimite d w o yara, >Total eot of 'Unied Stalos P aI n S O n y $20on niakig ypliéatien , t:elblanco only wboen Patent is allowod. Total coul of Canaîdianý 5 joare Patent, P4 ;, for $15 yoau, 7. Onxreoiploo! moasior , drawing, with description Aoi intentlion W, Aadzosu,Â. 1sew h &0. Opposite 'U. 8. 1 i Soliciors of Patents, Patent Office, 1 w-,aingtonl D. 0. Plosue mention whoro yen uaw lb!. adver - "Mgont. 1 8ITTlNGS 0F CO~JN' No. 1. Wbibby. 9. Brouglia THE -DIVISION- Greek4 P j 9-ly -i May e wfiliamn Soig Machines- Eyeê aonPizut Prises and Gcld M]efil é aI ail lb. Greal Exhibitions. Thooile ha hve il reccmmoud il le lhoiî friends. -It je uil the Machino for-,th. Publia.' Does al Kinde o! Sewinig. Alirnys li Order. Simple sund Lambe a Lifebizue. The Dominonol Organs and Pianos Are BelIer than Any Other. The BosI Judges say Ibm Toue is the Boust. Il i. but with a viair te Durability and Beauty. The BemI Irasruxueulte Buy. C&ansd Se. Our Geode. H.,W. ýFOX, AGENT. WAMROOMS: TY

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