Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1887, p. 4

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t Purity OUA RA NTEEDI ftellebore, Paris Green, Insect Powder, Siug- Shot. -00- AL #41BA8STIffEo Owing to great demand we have been compelled to order a fresh stock which lias just arrived. 6. E. GIBBA RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONL.Y Si oe PER ANNUM. Whitby, Frlday, June 17,1 1887. Tan Dominion Parliament is doter- mined le do notiig vitb the Scot Act. *Tiose vho courted thei meseurs Aid so, for botter or for vorie, sud tor lires yean. tley muet enjoy i1h luzunies. And whiie parmniledîtermined neither te veaken on modify iti pro- hibition clauses, it iî juil ae doterminod not te itrenghon tire machinery for ils propen er-foncement. No motion or bill affeeling tb. Scott Act in &ny man- ner ie libely 10 bold us ground lu Ibis pârlismeut. -M Il IF we yee te fig ýe Up tire satra amont of money lout ove-y year iu briaging mon bore (rom Thorair, Mars s ud Rama te attend lav courts, te look a(1er registrations, te arrange ceunîy matters, te attend junies sudcoounîy ouancils, sud for a irundred ether pur. poses, vo fsucy those nortir lewuships* vould se. more fers. in eur oft-repîst. od arguments 'ln-favon ofthumi eeking liroir natursi centre sud making Orihia thir oeouuty $ewn. Auyene vie lakiî up a map of Ontario anA look@ st il for lhiret tl lne, as w. presuuia vonld b. lire case vilh many of thre county fathees, viii sie. aI once liraI Ibis county is -'sbout the shape ef a Issa. pencil, instead of b.ing cemposed of a nies, compact lithoe group of townshrips, fonring a sbspely municipal district. *THEa vil be maby a pninter geing &round tIbisommmer -Witlh a raggêd paleir on tbst portion of irie psntes viei 18 generally ixpomed t10 lb.foein ua figih. For yeanî sud years lie neye- papoe sbave bien ongagea lu buiding np al kindi of institutions, boodiers, uranufactuners, contractoe, foamer& sud ail, but neyer bifone id thre poor dsnh-eomplexioned prînten bave a meft snap, li he ninling of lira Dominion volera'9 1W. eNon neyer aga i vl tire prialir havi sueb a acft thing. Il vas withaisjilono.yétiraI ail tirospoli. tical siiehene >roun Ottawa sav the »d -.y4o. th -paig Vat. vi0 thé j L.. bben done avay vitir sud thé j Mouey giv" *Wb ta, her.boodien Whio, oeithl W *rbug pud . Au& unoa riater -4me gelup sdmy wodorhal 04iel is Pary thoml lome àvo . 2 ve, ire gel lied &dovu by parly i4lete W Ibis exteut, ire irop* soineenswflgivpunoa hll.- Tu~oltuo*heouty Çuoll vbtlgh ohouA Il. sommer »edmon sI vateriirg places, bniugs lê üunAOur oiragluglb.e@hope$eofur cowulae. Why aboulA Thameli anA Mars sMd Bainscorne boe .h o 0uoti Inomth. very auburbd of O0,1W., orviay 4u'iboua Cartwright aus Danliagi.a o fe M~.Baua.of Beaverton, teemî-to blb. au1aeai fl.Cuu Majoully 1* hold ilinga of 1h. Qouieil oulous, ide& have bien sdvaeed. Fsnoy th.e<ouii leaviug the old -cita. del ihoi» the oounty offleershave .11 tbeir papersansd rferences, aud vhere the Goubnilhasîail the couveniences lu way of. oomw.tiee. roomis, tabies, writing matial, 1mw library, etc, and going tb $me ova n hall b write motions on their hases. Why, it would requir. a epecial car 10 carry the cierk's papene alone sud everybody knows there je not a paper inuhie office' that bas flot te b. Ivice or three limes over- hauled dnring euoh session. No other man but Mr. Bruce could have wound the Council round his finger in suoh a manner. If tbe County Couneil, instesd of arranging to hold ils June sessions at smre sumzaer tisont, had arrangîd te hoid no June session at &i1, but te bave à meeting of the chairmen of commit. tees 10 do vhat lUttle business thons vas, il vould have doue iteelf cnedit, sud saved the connly enough yearly te psy halifthe expiai. of mainlaining a poor-houue. Whilher there ls any grest amount of basins.. W do iu 1h. Oounoil or not 1h. whole of th. enuber- $mo maohinery of eommitleas ha. te be put in motion, sud il takes a day or tvo wasted before any vork, even of the simpleet nature, is resdy te go on vith. This delay, aI an expense of &bout $120 pin day, is csused by the. business aIl being referred te commit- tees wbo cannot possibly report for-, in 6mre instances, a couple of days. And moet of th4is businese aI the June ses. siens could just as veli be donc by the chairmen of the comrnittee6. * Town Cucl Met Monday evening. Present-tire Mayor, Reeve Smrith, Deputy-Reeve Smith, councilors Noble, Hlewis, Burns, Hallett, Smith Wicks, Smith.' A petition of ,joirn Lott sud others vwu presented sagainst in opposition te oue a& lasI meeting pnaying Ihat Ash stneet vsy net te b. ciosed up from Mary street te John sIraet, sud aaking thst the part of tb. said street above mentieured may b., opened up .1 once. A petition wsî read frem W. R. Howse, Il B. Tayler, W. &dame, L. T. Barclay sud Jeremiah Long setlîng forth that lire petitions baid made a declaratien acoording le iav eetuing forth their deiri-.te, form a Gsi sud Water Company undpr tire provisions of olatute Law te be huovu as ilThe Whitby Ose sud Water oompsny; liat tbe objeot of thé Company i. te furnisir tb. tovu of Whitby with a supply ei gas sud water. Therefore thei petit. ioners pray for a bylaw le b. pasA te onable lhemn to lsy dova pipes sud conduits sud other apparanu for the Couveyance of gas sud valer, sund tW enabl.elthe oomnpaay te enjoy snob rigirtes ad pnivileges se the Concil may iegslly grantsid Cempany.- On motion eof DeptRee B ut. iedge, secended by Ruleve Smith, tb. leva pneperty cemmiltevas inetruol. ed te, erecî leats for ladies sud ethens at 1h. cieket gniuud. Reevs Smrith inîroduced and carnied thrnougi a by-lav le, ensile tire corpora- tion of tire lova ot Whilby te line forty debentures for thé.auraef $8100 in accondanee wilh lire Act ef Parus.- ment passed in th. 48s1r year of Rer Majesty's neigu toeoonsclîdatp tirs debî of tie lovai of Wbilby, thire olef in- lenest being 5 per ent. Recta Smith iuneduoed and oaniid irrough a by-law in accordance vith lire pîtilion of Messrs. Hevie, Taylor, Long, Adame and Barelay, te ena),!e tbeme gentlemen le foi-m a gaisud valet Comupany, and te conaut their business lu Iis tevu. Ounlthe aeood re&adig Mr. H. B. Taylorsair atI iiiobject iu forming th. Companyyvas simply le find vbeth- er natunal gua sd vater eau be foun lu tIis l tvu. Hi said the Iav provi- Aid ab very simple mens of aucor- porating a Company. Wreu lire Ceea- plany bas bien formed il viii become n aicay, te issue stock. & Mn. 'Barclaysid ire irs very 11111e te add h Mr. Tayloei tatement. The sut providi-propir afe-gurds for lire public and viii uclpermit lire Company ÏO ecrooci upoU 'tiere ighls of Iheb rubli.Tire onsent of tire munieipal. ly hato hie bWaed Wtenable lthe ompsny le t break lthe strete' hlay dow&pipis sud onduols. The by#-law pasmed Pu motion of o=ou.>bl tire umayo> vas inatnueled t.opeth let ia ver. lu disputa lait ait. On motiow of (Conn. WIÙ stire Mayor, Ileeve and JDipay-RBeeve vieM spuoluled h oufirr with MKusnspaler-ý su &rure lb. fouudry. onùmtion' of ,Beeve Smith, - tire a oorniftel e h soIlithe dobýàue aientlouid aboie. Mr. Nolle movàeffleouil laBoF intWIe l.wirple. Ad&nu.peu.ýý ploe-ulo, but 1here- was aà large croe, ad a genulue plonfu. Borne pepl Wvir*e diaabppoiuleds ilhough, sud ueemed, l1. have sutloipated s-al tdaye sport. that a pie- tc le'apo-i sdDot etreus ora boua e.A a plc.àut, euch hrauch of th. party la supposed ho provîde ils ovu amusement, snd thoie- .Who dia se on Ibis occasion hai gocit lime, vhile Ihose who expectetoldýýthens 10 gel up sport for them vere viry- u7 sud very properly loft te vwander about aimesly. Thon. vas good bostlug, godmusic-both- brase sud string mui o beuliful shsdedgvas b6iit on, a groat deal h est auâ drink, sud agreemble surrundinge of aen hindg loaded vith hope. To those vho vent, at it righî for en;oyment the pie-nie vas a great succees. Ail the farmera present vere vealthy as contractors, their pocket fairly padding out vitb mney, tbÇ farmera vives vere good-natured sud had portly basket., the farmers daughters vers -merry land ertremely pretty in moit cases, but lb. farmers sons seemed te haave beard about th. thr.e young ladie8sway off sonrevbere vho devoured their beaux, sud so th. said (armers sons eeemed Wte "bt their legs snd climb a tre. vhenever a girl came near. Tbey muet not 4% 50s ai the nexi pic-nie. The babies /1#ere tire.asd made tb. park ring vitbh gibberieh sud vitiz bavIlug, Tire sport selruriuated as follovi :-Boysl race-lit Jos. Ponquet, 2nd ýWg. Oampbeil, rd Wur. Ourlin. Farnr race-lit A. T. Rlaigbt, 2nd W. Me&Ae. land. Open race-lst T,,Nolan, 2nd A.T. Raight. Running hop, stip and juinp -lot Mihe Folîy, 2nd Jno. Thourpson. Three jump-isI Mike Foley, 2ûd A. T. Haigbt. Final open race-lut Jno. Thompson, 2nd T. Nolan. General Sessions. The county court and gênerai ses- sions cemmenoed its sittinge on Tues. day, Hia Houer Judge Burnham pre. siding, and J. E. Farevell, L.L. D., for tb. Crovu. The following are the names of the Grand Jurors : N. M. MCDOUGÂLL, UXBRIDGE, FOREMLN, S. C. Brown, G. Bull, Jue. Flummer- feit, Co"inNeole, Willus Cook, Malcolmi Smaith, Tires. Carruthers, David War. ramn, Allin Adamse, James Burrows, James Lakey, James Goodman, Geo. Bisse, Alei. Cunninghram, Jae. BEUH, Cou"inCampbell, J. E. Thompeon, Thos. Fields, Ira Castor, Wm. Kerr, Henry King, H. Lsngfond, Hoenry Wslen. - Thone being ne eriminal cases, Hia Houer vil sport an extra pair of vhite glovetbis ss«on. CIVIL CAsas. Schrapnell us. Hare, et al.-Thbis vas an action brought for vrongful disinissal by plaintiff, viro vas for smrne ime an art hacher l irethecolage. Plaintif ocontinded il seuld be undir. slood liraIreasouable notice munsI h givin of thre intention to dismiehlm. This hsd net benu dene lb.thepruu.m, case, and plaintiff stated tirat hi. frtnê knowledge of bis diecharge vas by se- inLg tirsi bis uame vawustsrueh off 1h. sunual eirculsre of tire ollege. Tis, ire conteaded, priventid hmifrom baving au oppentunîly le apply for ý&uolirer situation, sud ire vsuled dam-' agis. Tire judge sud jury botir opposed tris viev, aud aftt. long diisy a ver- dict vas reniered uen-siing plaintiff, oaci party paying tiroir ova coul.. Bonnet us Liceue Leqepctor.-&u appial case a"king liras a Scott Ast conviction be quasied. Dslictivi had raided Bonnet'. irotel at Oshav" sation lst (al and brougirl svay a qusnîity et. inîoxicahing fluide (apecide unkuovu.) On lire strengtb of -lhiç Bennett vas couvîcled and fusA $#50 sud ooeils. Tiseevas merely a r-elzaning and lthe samo liiîimouy vas nehasired. Bennett acouuîted, ton the viikey beÃŽng in bis irouse by' staling tbat ii brother b.d b»4i viaiting bim, hsd "akeasick snd ire'had minI for viriskey to cure hlm. (Note- The vbishey vould kil a bog, let &loue cure s ulch man). His brother, . boy. @ver, svonere vbwimkey vau aI Bennt. viren ireosai. bre, sud lbls colst gneal big mach sirad;of tdouibt upoU 1h. appellauî'a osa.. Bo il vas dis-, uriuiod, the viriskey te b. lahen bc if touud aot ta bi dangerougly exko- ive. A reporter nîprosealing ouieof lie bait papoin lulb.vonld offesA lede. sl-oy a qusulijy of thre *viskeybul vas nefused, a-state of the vhiqhpy h"a laid ovin l.tùe et o-atsbl 611 wio$iî sd tl.hki dose limdnoae. t.atea ussvoyagefor 9 e cuny 'attorney- - .Tvîlveor founlrt alier Scotti Ml appui. vire abaudouid sud thepr~ Itvol couse-Ueul~y b tvaopsy ei fiÙM- »d thre aulte ams staei Act, sud tbe be paesd by officine h on Thue.qvàe hiud ho do i I severYy,5 do '~lth alLthO5e Do W-e Want the E arth -? tihs bt hsviz gboug ayy101« priée, lh. ù awoy sa a lower okl are Offared at_. Oh, 110: Its the Toronto merchants want that. RO s s BRO:)S Want a littie ready money just as soon as it eau be gather- ed in lfrom willing buyers, and xviii give in exehange for a limited ainount of the same, STAPLE& FANOY Dress Goo ds, Black Cashmeres, i. rimmings, .lushes, Clothing, and Gents' SilIks, frints, Sateens, Furnishing Goods. DRY Ginghams, Cottons,- Mens' We are offering the produet of the best manufacfurers, and in 4uality and excellence you will admit. THEY Wheil ARE INDflED THE FINEST, we add to this attraction, that feature of merit. The Lowest Price. the attention of every shrewd buyer. R: ?.0 88s ~ Whitby Dry We fael tlhat we have offered something worthy of osM- Goods Emporium. Atlan ijne :Dominion Lino Of Royal Mail Brs oun Royal Mail Steamers. Nor cA:MET~~hagth *inds til heborno LIVERPOOL, LON DON ýERRY, 8ummer Arrangements DATES 0F SAILINGS FROM QTJEBEC. ?Polynesian -Fniday, June 111h. Parisian - -Tirnday, '- 23rd. Bamaian »- di 66 oth. *Circassian. - Fridsy. July 8th. Sardinian .Thursday, Il 141h. *Extra steamers,.lNon.e oftire above carry catl, sieep or * a BATES OFPÂSSAGB FROXZ QUEBEC. #éri40 70 sud 80, aeeerding t postionto!Ststeroom. Raturu ai cets, $110,e $i180 sud $150. By extra ateamerg W5, #W sud $70. BRetniù,$90, $110 ;id $180. INTZBUBDLTE, $#0. STEErAGE, $20. Tire lut train connocting viltir. oMail Stemjnu aIstQuebe p asssWbilbyo Wedncsday monzig. To ceaneel the. Batra, Steamers, Tirnrsday morning.. Pas. séngle ansudthir baggage are put on board lb OcmSteamdashpaI Q-ube i (o ofa IMPORTANT ABRANGSUgNTý. (labmn, IntormMUdiansd Steenage passen- gers eau nov go on board aI Monlneat, if they visirte do se. Parbleu seudlng for thei r Monselunlb. Ol ounc au oéblaluBBPAU> P4-- çaTIPICATES aItloveit rates. For Tie aa AanU otier lnfrm5blon --i SAILING DATES. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. :~~~uverFrom Quebec. .Sri,...........June 101h. Or'egon.................. Jne 16th. Prom Montreal. Monitre al ................. ay 241h. BRISTOL SERVICE (AvounmoGli Dock). WEEKLY SAILINGS. Prom MontreaL Quebec.............. ...May l9th Dominion.............. May 251h Mississippi ................Julie Lnd Ontario.................... Jne 9th Passengors can erfibark aI Montreal if th ey se desire . *RATES OP PASSAGE BY MAIL STEAMRS, QUEBEC TO LivERPOL-Osabin, $60, $70 and $80, aceordiug tb accommodatlion. Servants in.Cablu, $50; Iulerraediaîe, $80. Stecrage, $20. Returu lickols-Cabins si$11$10 -suda$150. Intermediate, 8§0. -Steergige, 840-. BI ZàNxu. Cabin, S50J60 sud $70, se- ordigte accommiodation. Intermediate, $80. Steerage, $20.- Bolux Gabin, $90, 1110 and $180. .By MoxTBZAs. or TORÃ"NTO. Cabin, $S50 and 60, aocrding to accommodation. Be. *Thee steamers have-SBelona, -Ste- roemi, Mý-nalc-rpom, mIg-om su Batir =msamidal4ps, irabu te -mo«à tion l o;aehtioul unu sud conUortably ioeW, sud- carrymitirer -DAVI])TORRANCE & 00-P ýOr te E. STEIPHFN-SON, more, Nor drive Irue love froru a maiden's door. Mani cannot bell what tire fatnr. will bring, Wirother nexl ycsc corn or colton le king, Non whether: ii wealtih will quickly tako wing; But mark can save from Poverly's strife, Hlis fatherlea chIldren . sud loue, wi aowed By tire simple exped.ienls of insuring hie lit e, And buying ii footwear frein us." Bauy with cash as . aya mouey. «IA penny saved iu tis asy way, be a penny aàved for a raizry day." AFEW POINTEES. .Whou our'goods are se, ne* an d -s aylisir and nie, Hlov foo"hiilis net te ,take uxady'ce And get what ye1ýqn ant a very-1oy price Now, dent you, thmnk-s, o urse]f We hale *a Iadya 8 e, omtfortable Pl tor -75c, and prunîlli quàl(iies. 'oar dou'a -the bs utvî heny0" cannol do bell ose reliable, alarma.- * -.BAIE BROOK ST., JIYNE.17t LOCAL LAI WIAT 18 GOINO ON IN AI BU-DGET F LIVELY L00/ BY HRONIOLE -R 61À chier'îaang ye. Ân'fsitb he'll prci The break-water a bslug repairsd, Ibis Ouja crie ket Ieàm gc -n lb. 21s1 10 give lov lie- benefit of tâ mne vitir the Triai lub. Tim Methodisî Su maiug arrangements o to Niagara per e about tire 131h of Juli. BEcVERALof lthe echo f Whit y are expectei lie jubile. procession ar t hlb.procession to êgrounds froe. Mn. Hugir MeBrien1 ead constablte pro t ryans ilînes. He i aneye-n Ihese yom owl around tevu a truBt ho may sucese f lhem punisired., T a z olle in g co ast g, commille of thre onu here ou. Dominl ngi,-Reeve ýSmiü BROOK BT4, Usinent le mal il. nucir businea A. GOODS, Dre'ss and Boys' for boo YOU Wk oi ý r great 1, Cloths, 1: plý. 0

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