BA.RNÂ RD), TflE JEWELER, 8 .dsf7day, to do witb &il thoso >th that. , be gather. ~changie OO0DS, ~hs, Dress ýus huad 'Boys' ,ufa ctui'eis, INEST, ot great worthy of il. <c~;:* Colun. lthe bi1lowa' roa'r, -ds tliithey blow ne ýma eadeu's door. à t Le future will bring, çorm or cotwm sskng ratwl,,l iikly take rtm ov ety'estrifL., -Uo sud~ loo li-uî 1su (A gh ave toney. ICir es rer -die. tiýo take oui sdvio, k+t at a very lüw price Sctrpet rilipper for »runella bouse aeo 14k gaitors in lis-es îllat houses sripper lu ýi-wor&h $11.25 si s alady'a plied ~r d .,betton-boes, ,sl tnade,i>for $1.75. kee', at a reasonable ih bseacepled- style ýx« 00sason. We are uaýgant makee te, be 'se for men sud s.btter sesortlent ebefoes Wme' L , 50, $1.65, 8.5 ft boote for inffaits w comaplote. Boys icets, varra t1 iu différju o ights that vo -have final. irýpoyed, sud a&l -rompt attention. nosI painslakinu ma CahiSlqce ifWhat ane yoq going1 CLOCKS ? o uretie great dispiay cf SBETS TROMAS NICKEL CLOCKS. Re ep, tht haviflg bougit s large qiuantîty t & ,ery low price, he intends eelling thora yigit &W&y at a iower price than uf crier aCk re offered at DO YOU WANT ONE ? Then 7011 c&llot aý better thani get one of 3S. BÂRNARD, ýWATCIIMÂIER, JEWE LER& ENGRAVER. BROOK ST.- WHITBY. TJ \F l7th. 1887. ~'LOCAL LACONICSI -RA rý WHT iNG ON IN AND AROUNO TOY e. nÛJT OF IIMLY LOCAL NEWS GLEANEI oN- Ri CHflNh'.IF REPORTERS A zhiel 8 amang ys, takin notase, An, tatih. l prent ItL The break-water aM tie barber is beig repaired thie veek, We have sot iearned viat ail la to b. dons La OuR cricket tesi g-oea to Peterboco an tue 2h: tet gis-s ths club efthdit ~'tewn the benefit of tir late experi. ence with tbe Triuity colligoe chool1 club. TULE Methodieit Sundsy echool à 1 inakîng arrangements le rue an excur. sien te Niagara per steamer Hastings about the l3tb et Jnly. * SEVERAL Of tie sehoole in tie vieieity of Whitky are expected te lake part in the jubîiee procession bers on Demie. ion Day. Ail oboolobhildron lakingj part ie the procession' viii be admitted Io~ the grounds free. Mr. Hlugli MoBrien ha. bien appoint-. ed oo&table pro ten. duriug ohief Brysus ilînees. Ho je goie.g te kcep an eye ou tiose young rovdies vie howl srouud sove aIl nigit, and vo truet ho may suce. cd in bsviug some Sof &hemn punished. :~, TaE foliowing constitute the mansg- ing committee ef the Jubiles Celebra-; tion bers on Dominion Day :-Mayor Long, Reeve Smitha, De uty.1Locve Ratiedge, Moes. Powell, c airman ef Sochool Boârd, Howden, Blow snd Wm. Smi, captaie ef Fire Brigade, Mr. Huas'on, treseerer, a-ud Mr. Wm. Gub- son, sscretsry. SoidEparties broke m inote Salvalion army barracks ou Tuesday nigit and et ihe big drum n sd limbrels te places. -, Tic drurne vere nearly nov, sud the tim-irele ver. cntirely ncv, bsving beso braught boe from Toronto enly s few days ago. A deteotive bas been seut frein Toronto te try aud catch tie Perpetrsîore. TuEa is a running fire of ehallenge@ Roing back sud forvard beiveen lie Port Pecry sud Lindsay bande, being * the auteeme cf lie competilien aIBoy. 'manv-ilse. *The Lindsay foîlovus are med becaue thePort Ferry feilovo Icck the honore, and bave ch&Uenged them to a 42Q00e ompolition. This i. vlne doubt ha aoc.pted, sud bodi bands viii bsve te find neutrsi grouud te iplay. Il bas bie propomed le bave tie dîMfoully setlled becs eu Dominion day. Wîiz&T opoculalots had a terrble day's ozsltemont au Tuosday. Wheat abuem n tu di for a monti or mc and bas hbio toadil"y oving npvlards viti firmuos., sidiougi ozpee te drep ai any moment. On TuemdY dowe il came vili qa oxploaïon ih*t vuas ti&ailover 'tie *ved. Prou 92 cents il came dova e 107, sud on 'Wednesday il elesed ei 69J. 1% vu. a frigitul collapse and parie Iwho had large quantilies bougil on a maugà are in many cases ruied, vhile thoseWho Wa soid are nov batbiinginoapge Wiilby latendi 10 combine lb.he t.- bration oethle Qusa'a Zubil.eWtUIlIe propet jubilation cf Oanada's national day-Jaly fipt. To sel cunt villi, lhe love couneil 'bas st apunt #80Osd ibis ameuat is tb be suppleMentedby eneugi more 10 filU b Most tremikn- dous bill offare. Tierêluistoba grand- trio.mphal proesmlon> , nvralband temp.tilions, alulltie .ventit oe5 ma a mut atnsctzvesudm a «Wn#y'»W festn inin ta Mliarie Tala"i.of the W.0.T. U. an.te mnflslt ther.ading room st 4 olock ehs neruoon. TOe-IGU?, Priday, *agrand lava ioMW is to be eld. at thé residenoeeof1Mr-. Bobt. DeveriU, brother of Mr. Thomas Devprill, hal a mile veet of -Pickerni vinlage. Itiii to ho on a gnuid oaie, wilh suy quantity of- mualo, and a brase band bat been engâged. It would ho a splendi drive from her.l sud a large number should go. Os Tuesday, nezi the Almond'a con- gregatien îutend holding a social 'ai Mr. W. J. Davyse. Team i vi drive vidieors from Powell. corner during the evening, in erder to have ths iown people go. A good programume is anncnced ws trust our Almond friends vill have a gathering worthy of ibis Jubiles occsion. WE take the liberty of dropping a hint te people in town to the effeet tiat his nibe the health officer ie going around aud lhe chances are &bout two to one iu fayot cf hie droppiug in upen them within a week. At this laIe season thers will be no excuse taken freiany person vie bas fot leared. op their back promises. For those whc are too lazy te cart off their empty cans the corporation vil! flot Ibis year provîdethie servicseof à goal 10 est the befors.mentioned cana, uer vill a wagon i. sent round. Evevy good citizen mue;t do as tbsy did to ke.p the streets of jeruealem cîcan-Viz: clean hie ove doorstep-and bsck yard. Agd then the viiole cisy vill paie muster. THis indeeture made ti. 7th day of Jue in the Jubilee year of grace, Be- îween the town of Whîtby, gentlemen, of the firet part ; snd tie town of Osha- wa, loafers, of the second part; witt neseti :-That for snd in consideration of four lawfni (good éized> botte of champagne, and aise of one box of ton- c ent cigare. duly delivered and par. taken of mutuaily by tùe representa- tiçes of the parties hereto, us i.uclnded) the parties of the fret part do Make over unte the parties of the s.cQnd part, their boire, ezecutore and assignees, for- ever, aIl right, titis or claim, bolh ceai and imaainarv. ii (ee aimnie and sverv. thneTlstote caps ManufactuLriug Company, now encamped ini liaI lowa on a bonue.hueting expedilion. Lu wituses hereof-but tien, you S"e, the thing osn't b.eîgued until v. ps-y open the. champagne. THE bazase beld by th. Ladies' Aid Society ef St. Andrew'sebus-ch on Sat. urdsy isst vas more succesaful dian Ibeir fondeet hopes iad aey roesn e expeot. Tic sale befan ie the moruing and ooetinued durieg the day viti very little interruption. The dispens. ers ef ice-cream snd cîher refreshments were kepi bus-y, sud tiey bad a legiti- mate ezoei for net getling eut in lime for echiservice the nert Mos-uin2. Fai we* es *iav W.»a advoeatlug 1h. oaim.Of :1he Muiiird the b.bukn of. ae rmif. fasWho lafem t Iis . lova. NOv that thé grand jSur sissued a manifeato Upon the subjeet, v. trust sotbing vil ha doue. If advsrtising can do anything th. abould ha a big erowd aI Port Perry at the Ontario County Jubile. Oelebralion on June 21s1. The thing bhm heen thorougbly wvol annonced and ve understaud widi snob gbiod effeet liaI aný immense atîsudance (given good veathèr) ie guaranteed. 0f course you are coming ? ON Monday and Tuosday a very goôd Italian band plied ils oalling on th. streels cf die lowu. As is usual witb eueh institutions, the biggesl part cf ita calling eeemsd ta b. paasing the bat. The trouble is thal the wily Canadian vill not corne up until .1 1er tb, repre. seutative et sunny skies pisys hie musia fit, sudd iiideadlock iu affairs prevenle the çaid Canadian from bear. ing Mo re han one tune staaninninge. TuE Jubiles issue cof Gripa oMn Library, eutitld Jubilee Jollîies, han juet been issued snd i. iaving s very large saie. In addition ta a fine double page cartoon, theÃ1e are tvao full Page cartoons, 1he words and meusic of a popular Beflg by John Lmrie, "Queen Vicloria's Jubile.," and pistur. oni almost every page of the bock. The prie. is puly tee cents, and it msy ha ,bad at ail booketores, or vil! b. sent on receipt of prie by- the publisiers. Addreee Grip, Toronto, Ont. OuR ides is that s town constable for the day time à e net muai uuse. IS ie at eight tie boys out looes. Besides in these dry times s vatchmsn te look out for fateî migit be a izood invest- ment. W. vould sugget that as aigh CGneîable Caiverley je always handy in day time, Mr. MoBrien's duties be underet-ood to commence caci night at Fundown and continue throughout the night. Who ever heard of s constable bavimg anything la do in dayiigbl un- ies perbape te serve s few papece ? WEDNESDAY'S Oshawa V7indicator bas tie firsî insertion of a by-law granting the Hespoeompant $015,000 of s loban d $500 s yeac ddtil a rail- way etrikes thal towu. The company i. te employ 35 "1work people" per day for len menthe cf the firet year after the by-lav je paeed sud 75 "1work people" per day for tee menthe cf escb for the remaînder cf len years. Part of the. bargain is tiat the compaey le te bey dis Gibbs faclocy aud put S25M< maohiuery in it, ed alec là purchase the late resideuce cf T. N. Gibbs, and dieu 'di townu loto bave firsa mortgag.e on dièse place. for ils money. The vote f ee!l.setes e ylb. l"en on ths nitbcf Jnly. Tie -good odensse recply Wn dont knov boy muci cf Ibis children's cloîbmng, sud vs avene tory i@ true, but if noue of it is it von't doubt vote a source of pleasurea o le s e the firt lic vo bave publisbed. Lt littlo eues sas oli as profit ho the soci- is said a certain g(od.sizcd legal gentie. ety. Orders fer work were taken to a i mann lutOwont O Fà e Eglaad for Smre corsderable amount, and tie ladies1 patent he'. eggs 10 bags diorn balsi yull gel se mucb vock, if they1 ed, but on reseiving them sculd net continue as they bave bcguu, liaI theyI indue any of bis tovhs ho underlake a wiii bave te farm eomeofe it out. The contraet on irnpos-t d g-ge..Thoe tressuer, Mises Madili, nov jingles 8125 bene deciarsthbematecves N. P. Net te ie hec purles sustheresuit et lic ven- b.e tuck Mr. Lez vent 10 a certain ture. good-sized peut master suddasked imr THE alarm et fie e as .souunded on te adces-lise a batahing ents-mol among Tuesday morning at 10 e'clock, snd is bheu., sud passed &long the cg-g.. the viole revu mate sud tomate, rush- iThe p. m. teck lis *gge home, cooked ed te Cos-maok's fartes-y, viees-ctie and ste them, sud nov deelaretie irn. blaze vas oated. I: vas a vooden porcted cg-se are so tac abead et Can- building aud trom the fis-st it vas obvions &dian Productions liaI he 1viii bave ail tiat eothiig vould sa-c it, at auy rate bi@ .ggs fs-oui dis od in lefuture. eut fieoengino don's gel up eleam quick APAR? (rom dis grand band som- eneegi. Lt some means cml tb. found petitien aI lie Bovmanville celebra. ef threviuîg vales- upon -a fire vithîn I ien, ltheevasnet a tealuce wvic isit an heur ater tie slarm iiu gis-en, eommauîed dis amount cf intereet vs adbelo g bak e ladig i vici vastaken by a unique dieplay rov and passing along buekils. AUl made by lie agents oethle Sylvester bande did viat could b. doue 10 baul vti idsy ms mnhdsl eut tb. machines-y sud lumber. By wtve Libndsy sreaponrs sde poiegbausenfr alf sram hupon liu machines-y ceugh le losd leight vag-ons ongin e ose toc ai to nbouc il vas extra. 1: hsd bien acranged to ssy, 96ad Ti7tee0le ad teho etvee n-noîîing about tlie aispiay luntil tie1 8600 su $700,sud ieso vs u- vole tveniy-eight vagons had been l fortunately ne lusurauce. Sever-al cther leaded sud .eortale. Tic machines buildings iu lbe viclîly oet hetor0y bali a special glose of varnisifor tbis e teck fis-e but vos-e put out. jubiles year and vion the viole pro-.i We have heen requested 10 mako a cesasion vas ready il vs w mguflà n sescaof vos-de about fifîýy femate sud piolune et lis-lf and entes-prise. Fs-m on. buudred mate ebiltiren vie have li section Ittr. Me%. Wilson, of Ami. hasu lapes-ted lie oCanada froi lie bus-n, vas lbe represenlalire agent, sud oid country by lie Qutirie Rome, cf b. and bhlm ootempounes ail ride in Lotidon, Ont.- These children are carriagen at lie of lhe pffcesson bs-ought bore under the mietaken ides sud lie Lindsay band di th le musica of ehanily sud are 10 be peddled ont part.- Thebeaut# oethle display vas upon tiec ountcy on trial le use if they nol mor etred u ine appearancet are any use, sfter vw" imont -cf themathings tlin Luelieat "ialevaery vil fin tir way to tie rofsrmatos-y article had previoualy been so& W. or penitentany. We.&ar relquesed od1 are bold lie procession, wculd have mon- sy tis precl*ousbus-deo f olsi oouolrytainesi six Mmrebinderu basi iebeeno paupens' ehltirea vici isbeigoinn., hsied aI th. vonm. la utn nrCanadians' bichel epeckTi -,___ d ofOnaro a rr sive ' aone en aout l.'l P' SIUe'OISl 28dof hue. Tie impprtatioua- of DIisb DIiihU .h (ISP gangs eaboulti ho uwobblbed, bu&' we Sn irasheM atI lmeat Zitn,.,nea giv li inotmalia fr le bnni B no 7Mfai lIL, Tberw* Wu a cof lion Who may vent -10 p thirlargedeogaticu prout hm Grà n. haud Lu bniugiùg u apr o~lra ~~<~Wivl,0.. lu tii. oounty judgel' iOiiw 000cort, tuct. Fnnlin, e on s'o on Tupsday, MlGa .Jusie Burq- offlors msud deputie veonr îatw. bhanipresiding, a*eeau.mupabout faotory, andi akov the» drl su ahanoneti- olilit. Teobabeg vry do'" e ng - 0S M, m i~thél pralag oemes te b.»là deuil on iaOeuaty. The budas e tum ulê va fatste's ilt i. utpi, -ils m lof lhe mount li toIWtu sdviii ma ndoub ty the ulmildé.1 h hiu ave aà nele lheu OBPi mpbeifWoodvuýu .Xpms'a"Ork I s *d inu Peoure.4u eof tudê-lnp rder. À zm',luc. a F. STEWAR AIRE DAILY OPENING OUJT CASES 0F NEW"SRN MaÉang stock~ very attractive for the comig season. To-day they exhibit the Largest Stock of New and desira- ,ble Pres &oods in Canada, and are offering many leading limes at popular prices. To-day they -also show a Stock of Prints .-which -for varie- ty, style, value and excellence is unsurpassed Their Hoisery, Glove, ]Ribbon, Parasol, llaberdashery and Fancy Goods Departments are well supplied with ail the Leading No- velties of the Season, to which. they would direct the attention of every btiyer, We choice have in Stock an exceptionally large assort-ment of Worsted Trowserings, choice Worsted Suitings, choice Scotch Suitinga and O'ver- coatings. 9:e Ordered Olothing in the lateat styles, a specialty. c as STEJW l A . T DIRECT IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER, No. 1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, CEARJ NG GINGOIW Re je 3 BROOK STREET, WHLITBY. .SALE WAREHOUSEÃ" CAmPBL Have decided tO make a Grand Clearance Sale of their Stock of Dry Goods, consisting of Dress Goode, Black and Colored Sülks, Prints, Ginghams, White and Grey Cottons, Cottonades, Ready-made Clothing, ini Mens' Youths' and Boys', Tweeds and Coatings, au immense Stock, and purchased at very low prices. Ail Wool Carpets, Tapestry, Hà all and. Fl'oor Oi l Otus, in ail widths. Boots and Shoes in Mens', Ladies' and Childrens', in al qualifies. GROCERLE S-- -A fuil stock on hand, also. Crockèry,-- Chbia; az-dt1lassware. Ail goods wiil be offered at Special Prices, up to lat Of Jiilyt, s0 as to, effeet a complete clearance, when a change in the bus iness wiil be made. Don't purchase one dollar's worth until you see our goods and prices. You. SICK 9 Are you sick of paying Hýigh Prices for unsatis-factory_ goods ? Do the noisy arguments of so me Meréhants, iini their- efforts to sell very o rinary goods at extraordiuaryý prices, distress you about as muci as it would to,. ~IPl ao TO O DZ Law!-tif sucli be the case, here iS' _a u be a positive -cure-ail fôr yonr ailmnts,. and a b"i to, but one firm ,Who eau supply the, requremýents.Yuw mion. y it! prptiouý e AR-E 1L r - 1-2 - -- n iL -, 1 2 à . . ng LEU 99 1.%Nooý 1 lqbmor %Ume j6m