Dekr Neuf., may your home b. brlght, And lov m meo shéd oly 11gb.; Tour Voloe. rlg ont inu gladeome i0o34, And coutieus blessings round youn thr Goedbisas yen aUt your chosen on; May Ie in smoothest meamure run, With blissal h.rinony atufle, Like tuis uWeet, summer month of June I wisb yqu joy, I wlsh yon health; And-WOUI, I do not wxsh yen wealth, For woalth is but an idie toy- WilI o' the Wisp, deltuive joy. Ah, ne!1 I wish thee botter part- A constant, loving, woman's heart; Tender-and true s seasons go, Loving thesame in-.weal or woee God bleus and keep yon-this I play; Rie loving guidance yours alway. I wish yen ail, in wiubing tis, The shininR source of every blils. ADALIENA WrESITNEY The Parsonage, Pickeri*g June lOth, 1887. rg Oounty Council. THIIRD DAY. * THuREsDAY, JTJNE 9th. The. warden took the chair at 11.1 in the. forenoon. .Mlnutei of proviens day read ai oozfir ed. TbeTolowiag commnnioti.ns Wei red : From T. B. Frankish, of North 01 tari., Licenu Inspector, re. statemeî of reoeiptu aud expenditures for paw year. 'Referred to committee on Financt From South Ontero Farniers' liet tute, te. annual grant cf 825.00. Referred to Finance Comtuitte,, Froni MiaGray, te. lime spent o: bouudary lunem. Referred to Committ e on Roada an, Bridges. Prom thie Reeve of Manbvere. re. gran for waebout. Referred to Comniittee on Roads an, BridZeii. Mr. EI&ýmmn brought up lbe reper of the Standing Committee on Edues tion, se follows: lut. Your Oomnnittee have ha.! preaert« te theni the follriwing accounts : Two accounts for ad vertising teachers an( entranoe examinaton8, of E. Mundy, to theBuins of *6.00 and $3-00 reulpectively, o: which we recoinmend payment.0 2nd. We bave bef ore us a coinmunicatioir f rom the Intqpecter, of P. S., Oshawa, il reference to the seccensof F. M. Holland, for stationery, etc., which Ivas laid over foi furthsr ccnsideration at t.he January session, as referred to in clause 7 of our imet "rport, by wbich we find that this Colincil is n-- charebIl with the wbole (if Raid accounit notably, that for the departmental examnina- tieins, amounting te $11.27 which sbeuld be pEid by the Oshawa Sch(wol Bord, the baace ef the account, - vii.,$&, f.i stationery, etc., for entrance exaxination, your Committee find coirrect, and woulc recommend the payrnent thereof, after de.- ducting the arnount already ordered to be iad on qad account bY. resolution of this Couincil at its last sitting. 3rd. That your Coinrnittee are gratified to leara that ini consequence of the initiatory uteps taken by the Board of Educatiot of the Town of Whitby in that direction. & Provincial Association of Sebool Trustees, coinposed of represent.atives of the School Board of Education cf the Province, has been formed for the purpose cf mono effectvely pressing upon the &tten- tien Aef1the daional Departinent th The. report wss adoptad. Mr. Peroy broughî op the. report of thie Speoiai Oommitteas, te equalize tii. ssemsment relia for tii. ounty of Ontado for 1887 as follove :1 Tbey reoommended liat lb, connty Valustore equaliastion b. laken es the bas for levying tb.e ounty rate, for th. Year,1887 sud tbat 20 pet oput. of the squalized value o 6 ra.esaso the. Oouuîy, se t forth Ii hi1. aid Vdatonr rport,be te,. usthe equal. ied yws -o f iproperty sud- Sb xb$ leà luoo.'of Ibisouuty., Tbï *~epo»t vas adopted. tg 0oonlrm By.laws No. 618 sma on; ci the Towuship -of £est Wbthby. The~.awma ~4their 4Auitm seOU& mà is%% were- rofew ot the C4piWunii4m ou Rads ua Bridges. Property sud Gaol Maagemt a iollou, ra:W U<IK USousr i U~Na~a'sowu irem9 for .bowe1 coin-, The oirk reati a oommuuioatin wfiug tle dinide lthe -Jt oinugpWu 'èchleamorbuse chlil, crampe, from the 'biseontreAid Ao atio "tt the. 1orth Ontaro litJws W dVomi=log$ sea-aiôokëesg choiera' inlautum ùkig sê er ate,'udberna formed kioe ib î *wou1db. diarblbiiadysettry,: sud anl diseeeset g'aiý fr saes;and yo-lik. nature belonglg te nosmmier seasen long. inromonee respeoting the. Vie.nfair ta i~ei iflRteNoeth O1eIlu Dr.; Fowler's Extrauo etWild Strawberay tra Iadutril Sohbool, aI Mimloo, *speewaJy inc ii. heBpoh ,ýport PirY whiob can b. obÃained et al dealers in boti of which were referred to the sud'- g g stitute -lied eppli.d pro. medicine. Oommittee où Finance. vioumlyrong anti-Semitio movetuent lias Mir.,Butledge brougit up the. report wruHm a williug in Jamzary te oM tarWedlu Hungary. oft4h. Standing Oommittee -on Printing dvieSn I ht ie i d oubted W. are oonstautly receiving testimny as follows: if the N. O. 1. lied oomiednt li htDr. aso Catarrh Cure is what the, ic ~ 7~ddpayment et the fol- lew, entitliug tiernto e gr.anti -sd the naine implies,:a"Catarrh Cure." Tour 1rý isautoriedt e t'u.nd temeuey Graham & Henderqon .............811 00 Mr. Gould wae aamewlllng tb divide 1mor fai, ano satiosfo ln.gteu b E. Muudy ....................-... 10 00 To prevent unpleasentuess lie advimedmoearmdedyestfranlng? W. Pernbertcn..................... 2 00 amalgamation, or the ou. laking the The Russimus aud the British are botli James Cuttie ..................... 17 00 1. nacng armed steamers on the Amu Daria L. S. Ackerman .......... ........2 00 government grant, and theétherthe P erfr eenetrn press J. A. Oarswell .................... 5 (00 o0uOty grant.Riefo cnotrg upss p 1edg guaran- OUNG MeN suffering rom the effects et JH. .................... 200 teM ir dhivtiWs, udame i t y. early evil habits, tho resuit ef ignorance J. J Ca o . .... ... ... .. .... ... 2 0 t e a air div sio , an as ed f t e r olly, who find themnselves weak, ner us Keller & Son ........................ 2 00 representativesetfUzbridge sud Soîtt and exhausted; aise MIDDLE& AGED axià d OLDý The epor paeed.MEN, who are breken dowu from the effects ef Terpr ue.woold agree to il. abuse or ever-work, and in advanced lite leel Mr. Bruce breught Up hie motion in Mr. Harman, speaking for himmoîf, thbe cousequences et youthful excess, send fer refereuce te holding an occasienal mid lie bad been infornied, by Prof. and Bmn M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases ef Men. The book wll be sent sealed te auy meeting efthte Concil in the norti Mille, liaI on organization lie N. O. 1. s.ddresseun recelpt of two 3c stamps. Addlress riding. would be entitled to a goverament snd M- V. LUBO$T, 47 Wellingou t .,Trno The yeua auJamy. boing called for, counîy grant. The R., P. P. and genSt.. tie yeas woeo-Messere. Baird, Bruce, were thon talkiug of being in Senti -Curte, Coultbard, Dobson, G 'eudnnngo Ontario, but lie b.d no objection te _______________ Gallowmy, Ham, Hernian, Mackey, dividiag. MoPherson, MoFarlane, MeRs, O0% Mr. Webster wam net prepared te ' " PERRY DÂVIS' -Ff Leary, Perey, Palmer, Parker, St. John, commit hummeif, at pressent, because, In E IIrr Thompeon, (et Mare), Trenouti, Web. Jenuary last, Prof. Mille wau unabie te -PA lIN - I L ..iL ii ster. - 21. - Tii. usys were - King, inforM ii wheturleR. .P ud1 EOMEDEB Mowbray, Murton, Mstheweon, Mo. S. Institute waa or wee net in Norhli iin, iitrMisoaij ,55 Kenzie, Smith, Rulledge, Wileon.-8. Ontario, etill, if an amalgamation is et.f- siMangers f Fatres, .fiWo ar e, Mr. Todd. secouded by Mr. Me- feeîed, hoe would be willng te consent PlnttonNurses in, id Farlane, moved thal tie Warden be ho a division of tie grant. -in short, everybody everywhere .aillwed $100 to meet iddiabureeente Mr. Murton said, if s fair under. Wiho 1Am ever given it a triaL. me dariuni the yeer. Oerried unsuimeumly. shandinu asfot reohed, lie Counly TAlERUINTERNÀLLy MIXED WITH A Mr. Murton introdncodthie by-law ef Concil could auggest-,e remsdy neXl WlINýE GLASS 0F MOT 31ILK AND n- wiici ho iad givon notice, to ensile year.# SUGAR, IT WILL BE FPOUSRD ntl tie Werdeu and Treaurer te borrow Melsers. Christie sud Hem were A RNEtER FAILINO et 315,000 te meot the. curmeut aeeunty prepared te guarantee a faim division of CURE FOR expenditures tliithe rates are realized. the grent. -DEl;CLS-HI SON e. The sanie vas eed e fimut, second sud The clans. vas tien ad.opîed. GETINORDSSTCHPAGEOCO r ithird lime sud papeed. Upon the. adoption o et tc.uiclause GESIONC ORATIOPPAGE 0F Mr. Webster brougit up the. report et being put Mr. Rutledge seid tie Bat- IRCULAIN TIESOCAMPSM thé. epecial eommitîee le viorn wuastalion abould net b. ssked te.refnnd PISI U TMCSM nreferred lie dnty ef prepariug & the mcm reterred te, beceuelie Bat. MER ANU BOWE L. COM PLAINTS, momOrial te lhe Queecu,cOOmpImsntiag tation desît viti lhe caplaine eoftthe SORE TII ROAT . &c. id Her Majemty upon reaciing tiie fifteeti coinpenies and nett he coeînny. Tii. AFFLIEZ) EXTERNALLY, year of ber reigu. Bat, gel $107.50 eut cf lie 1300 sud EXY'ERIENCE UIAi ROVE!ç IT TUE. MORT *tThe mmorial is au follows - siould net be beld responsible for lie EFFECTIVE AN D BEST LINIMENT ON dTo the Queeii's Mm.stExcellent Majesty: balance. EARTII IN IIEMOVING THE PAI.N We Yeur Mýa«esty'tq faithful and dutiful Mr. Mowbray isaid the grant made ARISINO FR051 rstibjects, the lrunicipal Council cf the by Euet Wiitby was exzumvely for SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- Prorin te t f Ontarin ntessio, n e be mto h nertnig h k. Croion c f theronte cfssontariembilteiie nlendesadn Ite TISM, INEURALGIA., SWELLED c approach Your Majesfty with sentimients cf muaioipalities would b. repeid by lie FACE, TOOTIIACHE,0 unfeigned devotion and loyalty to Your 0eenay. J Majesty's person mand gevernrnent. Mr. Murton maid the. arrangement BURINS, FROST BITES, 4c., &C. We gladly juin with the refit of Your made by the ocicers efthle baltailien 25cts. per BotUle.M d Majesty's loyal su bjects in offering Your vas net knovu -te the cemmiltee. ai Bewar of Imitations. Ir M1ajesty our heartfelt congratulations upon Tii. grant vu asi ugcod faiti, f Ycur having reacbed the fiftieth year cf ztonding te deal liberalIy vili lie Your reign, and tapon the rreatly un proved a ncondition cf Your Majesty's subjects and the baItl ion, on thie unuersîanding that W__________________ , iarvellous develcpe.nt in every de art- lhe amount venin b. refuuded lie ment cf hurnan ci'-ilization since {7our muuicipalitiee, sud he expeoted, the Miajestv's auspicicus reign began. battalion te b. respousible.AM B L S Your Maey may long h. spared te reigu ad1> ratvsmd jerus. yte ebattalion sud netthle offleeri e of-nAt e AIl ot which isi respectfully 'ubmitted on the companies. Il tie Captaine ha"emF behiaif cf vour cotanittee. taken more monisa fron tie mnunici- F eR. S. WEBSTER, palilies than they vere entitled te, tiey Tpu eChairman. oertainly scted unfairly wvîhtilir r Dated 9th cf June, 18>7. mipre ffcrve ih i uii On motion of Mr. Webster the report palities, appoar te isa*e besou moving E L IA I LU h4 -wau adopted by a standing vote, theie nlie dark. Yet hoexepected tie refu.nd' t me eMenibera wbile on their feet, fiîngiag reterred le in lie report. 7118 agreenbie yet petient prepar] lustily «"God Save the Queen," tie Mr. Rarinan tieuglit the. bsltalion lion la especially adapted 1or Ibe relief County officialis sud lhe rembers ofet lould net b. aukedg n o m bd, . h sad cureof tha: clamuoet aluerdems 171 lb. press jeoinîng ieart ly in the antheni. siorteemings efthle Ceplsmus. Il attendant upon a low or reduced stato On niction et Mr. Martin rnis 2 was mugit b. di.fficult te reecver il, sud et the systeaxi, and uâtially accompane& enspnde fo th dry-i ba reereé,-therfor hepreerrd te cnut loig bv PaIIbr, Weakness and l'alpitatior mut ne octidyilasrfrneterfr epefre i eul ozg the Heark Prompt resu its wi!i, ge tiehe urs the Warden aiail oeepy the$837 ratier tien the. baitalion. tollow its tise ini cases cf Suddeyi Ex- the. chair. Mr. Christie osid lie underslandig haustioia arisiri- tron> Losq of wiood, Ur. Morlnhrenght up lie report wes liat lie mnnicipelities siould b. Acute or Chroi!ïc liseases, ind in tlb. of ethe Finance Comaiittee, in substance repaid. If the offlouornr honorable weakness that invarîably v ona;s mime rled04m asepecmcs fer tue above.zmed isor. We recemmeud tuai te comply vltb tue Prom Sooti Act Polioe tgi d iemj requlation heom the Liesus Céxaiaienes Hom, sla4 hngiaI ho b a bop &Ulc by all DeaLr in Famüy JMedicine& et Niortu sud Seutti Ourl, reapeetively, itdtl rmi oiinPieP8 e ôMo the payment c et tum ofet#1,82e piiedt bspesu ps;onLi e i oUdo sahne nrespect-oiteformer eordsunoo vituh te sud asklug for fl,,5 #M0,98 in reset et tue l&týer,but uicase *600aSs Ilay sud 1250 for trav.Uig ]>vis & LBarenoeCo. (Lhiied) u et tue latterhh.t1h.e te ment segraned oxpenso., wliioh, aceording to Aciet8LofENS b. 4et aid uil. li *50 fues vin oui buiob. peid by tbis omiPQ the. Oouty sd ov lu lh* bauds ofh -MUNi cnuil T À O Ou n b miÊ *dmi d i r e s " Couneiti, shah have been ps&d te th. e uythe 1Standg commite. on Legimlion Tzekso uad until mnh p&men 61.uas oiova:-. (la eu thrqiie pdI thfe 'e ou13y ,VM ýa eu b h Commit.. o*n Legishation sud !me. -CAM ~ ILS &Mti'o"ri -lcene, 0à iisienor térlb. bet-zpr lù the mopnnetyour Cemuthea «st ahém em hut lon. eue froi i'cIyow L preae utomdmed hie »O" ppto f hetotal Ottava roeiitetgion of tlwDOmij- tf esn"timi.. enditlwreqiu bGIa Oovarxmea4 vitti zel'rd livgI b e j > y e d y * ur eqm > b i3 . I W ' t i l o*. t . ~ a . . . . . I AT COST. Mutual Reserve Fund Life Assur-. CImnAian <lovemunmeut depoi Aconmnlated reserve fnnd(over) Deati dlaims paid during 1884 Nov business, lai 8 mes., 1885, 479,900 Twenty-frve per cent. ef ail assesezuents aie deposited with the Central Trust Ceom- pany of New York, as trustees cf the Re. serve Fund. Life Lnsurance at les. than ene-hai the ordinary rates, and security perfect. Only 17 assessments made in 1881,1882, 1888, and 1884, and ine case can they be mpro tro- quent than every alternate month. Annual expenses of management, &o., limited te $2 per 01,000. An activo agent wanted in every unrepre- sentedl locality, te whom a liberal commis- sion will be allowed. Applications solicited and full particulars fnrnished by the under- signed. H. GORDON, Agent for the County of Ontario. Port Perry, Ont. May 8, 1885. £Uonttar'vob THE WESTERN WHITBY, - ONTÂRIO. THOMAS DOW? OP YIONEY TO LOAN! 0100.000 FOR INVEST1uEyT. )N REAL E8TATE 8ECUBITY. At loweuî living rates ef interest. [foney eecured within 10 days of'ap- plication. Apply te JOHN FARQtJHABSON Whitby, February lOth, 1880. 9 $500f000O TO LOAN, t 6 per cent. yemrly. Teribs ef repay eutt o prncipal nmade te suit borre'wers. iret and second mertgages bonglit. Ad-. ,nces mmd.e on second merigages and te zrchase tarins. Nc comte izcurred in aaking applications te me for money; ne ~ets tees; ne delay. Parties pmying ghrrates on mortgages should apply te, ie at once for lower rates and save meney.- 'rito or call immedlately for particitiars. . B . REYNOLDS, F2 20 Adelaide Street Haut,'Toroznte. WALLAnE TRUll BLUE L.O.L. No. 168 meets in United Workmen Lodge reoom, Smitli's Block, &firat Wednesday iu emoli unt.SÂ&MUEL & ÀB -IC Secy, Whitby. SEEà zDà l GIRAINS few* hu.ndred Bushels of clean Seed Qats of a superior kind. ood Roil Florr at $2,.00. )st brands Of FLOUR,.ROà LLED OÂTS, and CORN MEÂL. Manager. Rock Sait, Oround Fiax, &c., &c. W. B. PRINGLE, Whliby. aminion ,Wéo d Works WHITBY. L ife Llver, Blood and Lunj If yen ee! dul& drOwsydebî11led, 1 ealiow Ceri f ai, r eIowsubro.wn ou face or bedylfrqlet headache o Bers badtetluinb Internai heat orc altrnalngwlth bot flash Io gleomy bereboding s, J r a8 ett. coated tongue. yen are Sulferingf. î g es io nM y s _ps aand T o rp id L iiM or Inllunes" umany cages part of these sympteira are eperlen. a remedy for ail such c ^ U, r.Ipiere Goldlenitioedi cal Discovery I Shortuns of ratL r e1 SeeeCougls, o usumptien, klndred uffectlcns, Il le a sovereign em Send ten cent@ lu stampe for Dr. %i book ou Consumptlon. Soid by Dmuggil World's Dispen:aryMadical AssoeIluo, Preprletors, 663 Main St., BMYÀLO,îN 1 0Ne 1exfltr»PILL ANTI-BILTFOUS and CATHARTI bOld by Druggistu. 25 cents a via. 11-b$ 00-REWAI L ~la effered by lhe pre ef Dr. Sage's Catarri for a cae f0f etarrb-whohî cannot cure. If you-iaave a dsclaargelr the noie, offensive or et sands ofcae terminale In consumptfon.- Dr. Sage's-CATR'-9 REMEDYCM h, case ef Catarrh 7pVld la the es and CateSrwhl 1huachla t50e eW lN..So0n1 InDeoereIl's Slock for goui FilRfi! 1Tf/ DR.&WIbIG ROO14 SUXITS, D 1;NNG ROOM4 S UITSS B-EDRt-OOmSUIT9, ICCEN -SUI' At Pricm tht hy Cmpot Corne One, Corne ail, and forYouSe0' ea. Rigi one Fank LeZi lea'u julys 18879 iej 59-4p nov subscriptic d 'ber, conlmiliS tO ~. sud tie .&ustra George Makepe 43reek meets TUm T. iegtier iiey . Ceuniral sud Sei hics. Ligiter m ILI Misericordie,"1 ,eu -oIorg!enizatîia su4d ite cultivei 5 MgCann; "Tii Flemish Soculpt mieôn Cmusol - objects. Thet D i Linakili sudMi d, ud.tiers i -Philip Bourkéý sermon is on -an& audithe - tb. discuiES'es More -iree Buni, S Several hbeant ",' ie il.Iustratîol thle- favorite Su (From ourm -,Depamtmnent o! "1he chiefs 'et e poee hie - conne ,ZZ'a I from a common Bl10e :orE Ve the wexut S Cro0f tg1a. "Feeoreu,5 Scal Y Ol.]Rue' lu short, a]il- diseases ctauF,-ji by îdl cenquered by this pow.erru;,pu1f4 fnvlgorating mediCine. G reatPri colr. ra lcly heal under itabt Ea Especi Ijhas it manifete IEIt OuiI Oter, Roue RashB i'f PO buncles, Sore Eyes Seirel "4 and sweilîng@>,Mr?-Jî~8 Whsite Swelll ngs, E- or Neek and Enlarged Glan, t cents ?n stampa for a large treatIl4f Ored Plates, Ou: Skln Diseasës, or , t t Sineunt for a treatlse on Scrofn ou î 0 "11THE RLOOD -ISTE U5a u i r. pIerJ digestion, a fair skcOvlery l lt., vital strength, ainâ SlUd,,~pI COnstitntion, wlll be establisbed. whIh 19 Serofilous . eg Lnngs, le promptly and crîly Qe e and cured by this God-givereedjy before the Iast stages cf thé - eas my ti Froi ts wouderful powe aaer re r s-0- fatal diseas , w heu first e ff r litis Dow a ebrated remedy te the erlnie r.In thougbt serJeusly oet al D29Uc isDr. ý sumption Cureq," but abandoaudtbat as. teeIliteci for a medi - eWhiecMa wenderful çembinatlen of tle r, TI lng, alteratlve, er bleod-clansn, orsti.e S pectoral, and nutritive proper8,j ,,,x ptolasa remedy for cn___in w nme bu for a mente o ' flfty4tU0 nunli peOSecil(or 0, yeebr) tie But 1e*Whwile for offer t le ed an $4.00 monhiie bver. Imât BANK Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. Manitoba 011 Oake. Th '.dMdeLie