A o u ji n(<1r Isbas,, lae 13 l erin ji aiges t h dsae', rftî po wûr oves, tht. eon fikets ott»-te tiqt to the rhlD iy 0~ Cal ni bhils re" ttaadouedi nà ti n of tntor r blo d-clesnîg ,e rit v roper j me 0 o numpto (4 TRUE odand Lur 35spttiior Of DIO> xII ~-a . ouebi sCOIIOumpuiou, 5It le n sovpreiarne In etsimpe frDr. Pe, Uonio *so by ]»ruggUW 30 Io 6 BTTJ [saryý médical AsoIatt.g ~ LITTI' rr nd CATHAI' 't. Scents a viaL >5Q0 -REWARI offered by the propri@$ Dr., Sages Ctarrh= ra,cr,,,0f ctarrh w I Ify yuUavp a d1seabar'efr e nme otehselve or ob ýnna4s'ý I l ohumpuof. -tR zEDy-cures the wM x-6 "oid ln Lthe Hea rIs tflock fr your iTUBE tOOtfr SUITS, DOM 9 SU 1TS, ~DROOM SUITS, K Il CHEN 'sunl ~t Oet'y Competith' Coame ail, and et Youkselves. JOHlNSON C=e isn' tabliêhmeunt,Puai Dours rota 9 &,M. te 1 BTSNew$ a q e4g ut, 4j Ai , 1%, ew y or1t, for sdverts ONICLE et gï EK, kJT. iprô e your U Jrey Dm TO ;ýONTo E~AGM, 'lT y. ire r. mtdon VoO paper, is to haud, VrPie aP n sd Iith te Great Jubileeo t eot5. t e, salecoa eheaper edition ordur, 5 c «jfY paper, for fave Thne'd n umber oofltains 12 large wjth over 100 portraits and other M.There ie a hist.ry of a sesyireigu ; sketches ci Can- lir i ..stesen; a fuJiy illustrated baoyof Royal arme, and other inter. maiSstioles formiag a work of ref. lirth regard ta hietory of our tie n Great Britain and Canada. F-r gale by al unewelleIrs. Liltell'8 Living Age.-The number cf Li'vinLg Age for May 28th snd June 41b contain St. Francis of Assii Lon. don QiarlerlY ; The Rain cf Aurangzeb NI»netoeiîlh Centiry; A. viuit ta Japaà n, Fortiightly; The Earthquake in Lon. don, 3Macm iia fl8; Memories of Under- gJauste Lieat Trinity, Forty Yesrî À4oTenple bar; Lord Derby on the Bi'nd, The Wealth of the London Jews, The Colonial PolICY Of ItslY, and LiLef5tture andi Action, Spect ifor; central Asiau 5&Paragtis, Saturday Re5view; Greek snd TurkinloiAsaMinor, ai. jarnes, omoric Âstronumy and cbiotmât l8lsnd, Nature; The Qzeen's gorouBtion, Chambers; Riaer Haggalrd »dhis Critice, Tipes ; with inetail- mente of a "A Secret Inheritence," "Maijor and Minor," "Richard Cable" and -"Major Lawrence" and~ poetry. For fifty.two numbers of sixty.four large pages eoci(or more thau 3,300 pages à year) the subseription pria. ff8) je îow; whjle for $10,50 the publishers cfer to @eed snY One of the Arnerican $4.00 niontilies or weeklies with The Living tige for a year, bath potpaid. Litteli & Co., are the publishers. Frim k Leî le8 Snnetday Mag az ile, for July, 18î, begins the twen3ty.second volume, snd now ie a good ime for new subscriptionseta bogin. Thie num- ber contains two important historical 4article@, whioh are especially timely in view of the possible Eurapean compli- cations. These are, 'Francis Joseph I. and the Austria Hungary Empire," by George Makepeace Towle, and "When Oreek meete Turk, " by Oacoyan. Read together they afford a clear view of Central and Southeaseteril Europe poli- tie8s Lighter articles deal with "-The. Mserîcourdia." that wonderful benevol- 1eut organization of Florence; "Mlemary and itO Cultivation," by Walter Edga.r .MeCanu ; "fie Ivory Carvinge of the FleLuiieh Sculpter Duqnesnoy"; &&Rob- ineOu Crusoe'sg Island," and other object6. The two meni atonies by Mi Lineiil and Misa Mathews are continu- ed, snd ths're iesa tender ehort story, "A Woan'e Jeëalonsy," by the laie -PhîOip l3curke Marston. Dr. Talniage'@ rsermon ig on ,,Stingilag &Dnoyanoet, and ina the ûditorial department he diecussés More Hoiidas, Dsuenbower, rPerniaoon Licesature, The Blessinire of Free Ruin, sud the Ragamuffins. Severai beautiful pooms, and many fine illustrat ion& add to the intereet and cliarm of the middammer number of the favorite Sunday Magazine. Washington Letter- Froua our regular correspoadeiit.l \ý-ASEIINCiTON, June 10, 1887.-Tic Depaxtmeut of thie Navy consiste of a Secretary, who is the head thoreof, and tà eo chieta of elgit Bureaus, wio comi- pose his concîl of ativisers ; togethen witL a chief clesrk of tic Deparîment, a da±vuring clerk, two general book- kee[)cr6, bor.dsitbe etie io cloerk for eacî, of Lie btireas, sudthie clerical force necesary and provided for by law. Tue Secaetary eiocutes suai ordere %s ho receives from tic President, roIs- rivo ta the procurement cf naval stores aud inateriîs, sud, hie construction, sauaount, equipment, and employ- ment of vessels ci wsn, as well as al otier mnatons connected witihie Naval etablisiment. ncelias charge of ail the books, records, sud other property appertainiug tethie Navy deparîment, and tic distribution of the. business of the department among thse. several boreaus. Tic office of thi e 8ertsjq besides thie cierks mentionedlaa a re- cord and file clerk, a sttioônaa-yclsrk, a forc of recordera, a clerk in charge of the Naval Aoaderny affaire, bis personai staff, composed of his ounfideutial sec- retary, a clerk, a mesceuger lu charge ,c! the mail, and twq chier meseengers. Tie vsnerable colored messenger in charge.. of lb. door of îhe Seotary's offce, i thie oldeit public servant mtlii in ie employ o!thie geverument. A. pointcd durusg Jacksona administra- tion, lie las served during the termâ of oîxheen presideuts, sud twenty.slz sec. retaries o! the Nsvy-a totad Perio8 of ffty.ight year,-and tie'-old' man lia stil thie full possession o! lie. facuhiies, sud a ncmarkable memory for faces sud pensons whiobh las siood hlm Weil -li hie, official requirements. E.li as saved a considérable fortune, and lives in wsl.deeerved ouffortinl hi.- deelin- inff years. Veny closely connectied w vsthe.-office of Sedretary, is, that of the'Judae Aidro- este Genersi; ticeliead-cf vhieh i. a Maine officer, vithtise relaive rnk cof Colonel, vioneappoinîti i. for (four yeans. A ferce ofolrkst.nofpaph*vI sud typevrfters i.emplyc'alu bis division iu the promoction of thb.-lcgml work cf the Dpart m I-u ha.lb Preparation cf legal h for»"on ODfl; Of sutte agelumb ds!auflthg oountraosr ; ?f trial by oourt.maslIa; and of opiai- tous soloe,1h.elepaluly oDUr »' queç.- tiens areng. le the traumoa -of pub eTiheoicsset1thew.nd artie--r appeinted by lie PriusloO si* i hé 6iYcsuMd consent of *a 000i.,for a terra o!four ysurs. The hoedsof tb&ýý ù sand Dboke, E JYlà sgioln s»d rsu -ctof ilie Naw, jU padeet bmnaudr; sand themo are, oaied h. v.buresuabboaumê lhey' reoulrolled by live offleers of the- hestaff bureau@ conasul of those of, construction aud Repais,, whose chiif #hall be au ýoffices, of the Navy, and a skillfal naval coustruotor; of Steam Engineering, the ohief cf whioh shall be a navai offices,, and a ekMIu engineer; of ProvisÎios az0d, Glîhingi- vhogehlead must be a Paymsoles, of the Na"y, cf not',les. thau ten yeias' standing ;'_sud cf Medicine and Surgery, whose chie! must b. appointed £from among the surgeons in the Navy. These chiefs cf bureau. ail hald the relative rank cf Commodore and receive the psy attsch- ed te thst grade, and thoee belonging te the lino are so etylod ; but the staff officere are oallod OChief Gonstruotor, Engineer in Chief, Paymster Generai, and Surgeon Generai, reepeetively. Although oqually divided in-number, thc question of snperiority, or even cf quality, in point of influence, ha. nover been settled, sud thc old war between the line snd the staff cf the Navy je ever ready te be resnmed by their re- spective champions; wha, instead'0 co-operating, work independently cf each otber, and not slwaye with that harmony which ehouid oharsoterize the efforts to a tsuccesaful attainrnent of tho one object desired, by thie seversi dis- tinct agencies hto thst end. No one eerieusiy doubtg that -the good cf the service is the contrciling impulse of eaeh cf tisse division@ s se t present constituted, but until Bmre syetem of more perfect orgsuization shall be suthorized by law, as urged by the present Secretary af tie Nsvy upon Congrese, we shalh nover sucoeed in regaining that snpremacy for the Navy, which it beld during the thirty years. betwoen thieclose cf tic war ci 1812, and the commencement of the Mexican war, wheu tie naviei; cf no other power were superior ta it except in the num- ber of their vesselp. Ssys Coopor in hie Naval History: "IAs respects tie navies of this herie' piere, it wae supreme, the unitwe navies cf aIlthie reet ofthie continent being unabie ta coutend againet it for an heur." A Monstrous Egg. CAUSES THE DEATE OF TBF FEiLALE OSTRICE AT THE ZOO. For s long ponioti ans of tic proud. eset attractions of the Zoological Gar- dons bas been a superb pair of ostrici- es, sudthe feelings of tic Snperintend- eut eau b. better imagined than de- scribcd, wieu a few daye ago, he feund the female bird lying in ber cage dead. The preoding eveniug sic isd been stahking about tie confines cf Uer prison picking ah th. grass sud otber edîbles witi avadihy, tic picturs of heath sd con&entment. H. was cow- pleteiy nouplut4seti, aud sent ta the tazîdermiet, Chas. Dury, wiîh tic re- qust hUa he make s paît mortem ex- amination sud« emove the sîomach for aualysis-this on the. supposition abat skie iad been poiaoned. Tic following moruing emnplcyeee cfthe garden Irans. ferred tic remaintzho the tsxidermist's place in Avondale, sud tie firsîtiting he teck cognizance cf was tie fact that the thigi boue of thie ieg was frigitfly shattered. Thtis ho thouRit etrange ; but no mot-e so tian that' ail the bous ad an undue proportion 'of lime In tisir composition. On cpeniug tic body the mystery of the broken limb sudthe causes of deati were at once mad" plain. Tienein i. fouud an egg of enormaous proportions. Iu its langest diasmeter it metà sured fitteen luches, whioe thoe horkeet diameter w-as nine incies. Thtis abuormal de- velopment had been eauuad by the steady aud long-eontînued addition of layers cf ..litho the egg a normally fcrmed, sud whiiei s net more than four sud a haîf by six incites. Each sieli-coat iad its accocmpauyiu2g unden- lying membrance, but ne, albumen was found except within tie aeel originaliy tormed. This albumen bidlelst its eharacter, aud isd assumed a wititisi, limy consistence, sud ne offensive -odor accompanied ite ejeotmient from the sisil, se, long bas! it been retained. Iu ber efforts te, be rid ofthe monetrosity the poor bird itad thrasied about the cage, breaking: the log as deeribed, sud sufféring ulld tortures until re- lieved by deati. Forby.six eggsan aail stages of formation, iay in her body, me that had &h. not been so wofully affect- ed hier. would have heen 'more tissu a chance that mie would have @q»Ud the record o! thecou, whioh bas-a record of ?fty eggs. In hie collection Mr,. Dury has a fine iguans, mounted, that was once ins tl. garden and that died frcm asmihà Oue Mfr. Dury bias rnounl e b debd bird lu handsome fasbion,sMd amli. wlland a place lu one of. Ibe 'eity colai 6 .s.- Mn. Robert (laieli, M.P. for, Southi Renfrew, died Tussday mermng. Mr. Renry Harding, of Torontc,wie: My little daugitter, 7 ye"rsof age, hasbeen a terrible tufferer titis wiuler to»' rheqSu- atumbemg ferrr eskm '-ouflued lier bedî wli fiWts u,whieh culdl attb.' sbrsightened, sd ud fering gret vluin every jito ib rasdsoles Tii. besi efphyscinculd nôI hoiph.er, and w» uere îïvlmedt ry Dr. Tiemu j Ecleotnie Oilwhl>hwe doueo, aM4the ben- botiles tlie hr 11111%,«0aaeà their naturaflp, su d.i lia lo *wks mli. vs asWOU ascýVer Itbsuot returned. jeg-.lwigng worm.,dl a sà u re fson rnce».vgismi foà Ambition sud Leek,,Wbmnoek property cf Jeffrey Bras., Wldtby. Mon- dy-R. Grills, Front Road, noon; Peter McDermaid'a, 2nd con., Pickering at nigit. Tuedy--Secker's Hotel, Pickeriug nacu; Hoiboru's* hotel, Rouire Hill, at night. Weduutday--Moon'e hotel, Hyland Creek, for the night. Thursday-Gordon'ir hotel, Pickering, for thc nigit. Friday-Geo. Hatrick's, Base Lino, noon; Jeffrey Brou' own stable at nigit. Saturday-Ray's hotel Wiithy until nosît and return home over kunday.' MacFayden. %property of Camneron' & Shand, Ashburn. Monday-prnced to Chinn's hotel, Brook- lin, noon ; John Shand's ah night. Tuesday -Thos. Wlbur's, Darlington, for the niwit. Wednesday - to , noon ; Hodgson's hotel, Râýlau, at night. Thurs- day-Frank Brown s, Myrtie. noon ; his own stable, Ashburn, at night. Friday- Win. Gardners, noon; hie own stable ah nitzht. Saturday -J. A. Disney's, West Whitby, noon ; hits o wn stable until Monday niorning. Taunaill, Wroperty of Camieron & Shand, Ashburî. Mnday afternoon-prooeed ta Dafoe's hotel, Utica sud romain ail nigit. Tuesday- Holt's hotel, Manchester, naon ; St. Charles hotel, Port Pprry, at night. Wednesday atternoon-proceed to Hodgson's hotel, Raglanandi oain over night. Thursday- to John llepburns and remain ail night. Fridsy-Wilcox's hotel, Colunibus, nioon; Cliiuan's hotel, Brooklin. at night. Satur- day-return to biâ own stable, Ashburu untîl Mondlay. Phenomenon, (CleN-eiand Bay') property (<f Major HcIdg- sou, Myrtie, Ont. Monday -psa-sathrOug i Myrtie aud Ashhurn vo Utica, andi remain ail night. Tuesday-pý" through Eps)m to Port Perrv, mnoon and through _Man- cliester to his ,wu stable for the n* ht. Wednesda-pass throiugh Raglan to GA i buis, nomi andi through Brooklilutnbis 4wu stable for the niglit. Thursda-ail dav at bis own stable. Fia-Rys ho'ýtei Oshawa, uo'n; andi Ray'. HiLci, Whitbv at niglît. Saturdas' atternoo)n returu to his. 'wn stable auj rehlain tillt Monda.v. Young Abby Prince, îroerty of Major 11odinsmn, M-yrtie, wiiî reiltain .at la,- own stable e ver! day in the we-ek exeepting Thur-sdav, '<n which day lie wxli le At .ln" Martinl'S, lst Co)l., Reach f or a no' 'n stand. Runtaman, lir))lprty f .J' bu Anso)n, Balsain. Monday -pro>ceed to 13sf' 'e hotel, t'tics for the night. Tuecsday -to e rgors 9th con. Reach, for the îighlt. Wýednesday -ta R,se's hotel, Gres-nbank, f 'r the night. Thursday-t" MINc4uay's lite1, Port 1"rr for the uight. Friday-to Hqodgsa)n's istel, Raglan, for the night. Satiuda-to biâ qowu stable auJi reniain until Moudlay Auchtertool, 1-r(bperty of Johin Aie'u,, Ba"'m. MoIýndav -pro-eedti t' )af.>e'a litei, I'tica, for the night. Tiiesda-to M %c(reggor' t,9th con. Reach, ftir the nighit. Weduesday-to RosÀes botel, Greenbank, for the nigit. Thurday-to McQiay's hotel, Port Per7? for the nigit. Fridlay-to Hodguons bote, Raglan, tor the nighit. 'Saturday-to ii (,wu stable sud reniaizi until Munday. Law.rs Bar-en Gordon. propierty of WVnî. Richardison & Son, Colum- bus, Ont. Monday-wiIl proceedto ' Chin'ô hotel, Brooýklin, for the night. Tuesias'- ta) Dickmon s, NMyrtle., noon ;au i to HoRts hotel, Manchester, and romain ever Wed- nesdas' until Tbunsday iorning. Thuraiday -Hodgson's hotel, Raglan, noofi ; and to his own stable fur the nigît.- Friday-ho Tios. wVitbuFg, -tii con . arlington, aud romnain aIl nigit. Saturday-to Jnua. Hepburn s, nn;sud t4o biâ own stable until lMouday worning. R.obert Bouner. Jr., (Rambletonian) property of WVhit.ney and Foy, Whitby, Ont. Monday-leave hi&t own stable,, Queen's hbtel Whitby andi prôceed Ch nn's bote1, Broi)klil, fncm; and te Xii- sou's botel, Ashburn fior Lie nigit. Tues- day-Derusha's hotel, ('laremnont, noon ; Pipher's hotel, Brougbaîn, fi'r tie night. Wedneda-to Willooxx's hotel, Box G;rive, nm)n. andto thLe Wellington hotel, Mark- brin, for the nigit. Tiursday-to Browns hotel, W'oburn, noon ; sud to Moon's hotel, Highand Creek. for the nigit. Friday-txo Gordon" hoitel, Pickeciug, anti rruisin al nigit. Satur"ay-to 4is owîîl stable, Whitby, sud romiain until Monday. BIJLLS. Whihe Cap. property of Win. floar, Myrtle, Ont. Caived Oct. i4tt, 1885, breti byVs m. beron & Sou, Ashbun-n. EUjoy Lt.. What a truiy beautiful world we live i1 Nature gives us grandeur of mountainu, glens and oceans, and thoussnds ef means of en1oyment. We ean desire no botter when in perfect heà lth ; but haw oflen do the msjority o! people feel lik. givlug il up disisartened, discouraged sud wonn ontl with diseame, when there ia neoccasion fer titis feeling, as every uferer eau emay obtain sstWatctory proof, ltai Gi-me ÂsuffftFlower,wiU maie hem fre. e om dises., as when bora. Dymfppiansd Liver Complaïul are the direet esuses <S seveuty.five per cent, of sueh maladies as Billiusuee, Inigestion, SiekHade, Costîveuse, Nervus Prostrations, Diazi- nesn o!the Hesa, PalpItation of the HearI, sud other-,distreslng svmpioýms.- Thfee Try it. having India u vegetail suent 1- Afécti TH s I TO 'SEOUBE A * j1e-,ý ,' QOOD TWEED, SUIT AT PIRIOBS NEJBBYE B RBAOED -N THE TRÂDE. A Good Suit made to,Order for $12.0O. A large dtok of Scotch, Engliali and, Canadian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to select £rom. A Special lino cof HEAVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, suitable for Business S'uits or Boys'.wear.- A FUJLL STOCK 0F GROCE.]RIES t ALWÂYS ON RAND. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. BROOKLIN, ONT. -FOR- Cottâge or Castie, -AT- PR/CES WHICH WILL ASTONISH YOU. CALL ON WM. HAJJLT, BROORLIN. -000- ~J"Funerals Fully Supplied.V -jz, Midway between Brooklin and Columbus, on the 7th Concession. We are now prepared to make ail kinda of Woollen Goods, such as Tweeds, Full Clotli, Union Flannels, Sheeting, Shirtings, A]l-wool bed Blankets, Hlorse Blankets, -and Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinds of Knitted Gooda kept in gtock for the accommodation of patrons. Dyeing in ail colora done to order. llghest price paid for ax)y quantity of Wool. Ail orders promptly filled. wu De' BO WEIMA N SON, ARCADE, tbRONTO.. A Bohool. Thoroughly Equipped for Bus iness Training. BOOK-KEEPINGY - IENMANSHI1P, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENOEY BUSINESS AB1THMETIC, COMMERIAIL LAW? SH1OBTHÂAND AND T'YPE-WP.ITING PRACTICÂLLY TÂUGHST. FINEST ROOMS IN, CANADA.' Bend fdr Ciro.ular. Âddress. 0. O'DEÂ, Semre i Jatin B. Day, Eeg., 4cootntanto 2'oronto. Bz-aving nmrn ie ago c ee a cours.etfstudy in-your Collège, sad1ain"' ome ham nd"opot oftls t r a leachmrà ana as a mi .rof 1h.eBo of Izmm fninesetpMie shool beschers for- the OouMy cf Durbam, 1h. firt benéfit sud vaine arvel -from etr inslraotieumudexperieuce au an Atmeuntant -1Ihave mueh plemreluIlumprbley esU -tgbhe-npouËe d utagess pered-byy%>ur Busiess Col~,a&lu- re0emmendlng il 'l pareibgeof »Y Who =&y desfre a eourm (i lraimg loutlmrfbusiness piurps.rr udbkun A1h. Charge c01h. Coinnerola Deu aenôw ov elg oxgause lu y e b. Ioh jla salpùlo hool. of WAitching and etl igf ;4'mot at night-worO y' spratchtng-very dtstreasling. I< lowed ta continue tuimors formn whtc bleed and niçerate, becomlngVery E BWAYNE'S OINTMENT ~Stops the ltching and bleedig, ^~-heaî5 niceratioti, snd 1nil? ma~n~~fy esses' remaves thetuinars. Sent MANHOODIO How Lest, Bow Restored 1 Juat Pubibd a new editio etf DuL. GLVEBWELL'à OELIR ÂTDESÂY on the radsca CUIre SPERMÂTOBRRHCK or SeMinal Weakness,- Involuxiar Seminal Lasses, IisraTsNcr, Mental and Physial Incapaeity, Impedi- ment; ta Marriage, etc.; aiea, CON5UKPTION, EPLEPSY and FITB, induced by seif-uridul- gence, or sexuel extravagance, &c. 1The ceiebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a tbirty yeare' succeà ssin practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured ; dointing out a mode- of cure atýoncs simplei certain, rni effectuai, by means o' which every uferer, no malter what his condition may be, may oure bimsoelf cheap- ly, privately and roedicaZli. sar'his lecture should 1le in the handu of every yanth and - every man in the ]and. Sent under seal, in 1a plain envelope, t any address, post-pvaid, on reeeipt o! our cente or two postage etampe. Âddrese, The CUL LER WELL MEDICAL Co. 41 &un St.,.New York. Post Offce Box 450. lyl? DR. DORENWENEDS HAIR- I. the'ul ni-se aud covoi BalieaThin ar is-' a-, I niacedi 1