Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1887, p. 8

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awwrsfk Md' t towIu otliei~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Te ïIde i .o~d ~ Tz. boit yourftounta of heah- Il l stheb liu Arumy bas ilBrowa.fonunoverfiova vii>tii-th deteettve û town, sent froM hsdquar- gnielv.e.v dts t t .îont th* pailles Who jiave ÉsroygM of li oUyal hotel bare pe j'dhbit mUgieS! instruments te à ý bpuyt.work dons i. qual 80 any. thi b" àél o r.4IJ%%-,I....e.. Tais Aslburn people have had a large bill prînted ia two colore and posted sunoning their grand celebra- %ion on Dominion day. They an re-e psuing su immense programme of fun sud expeot to vhooperup a good deal. Grson River bras bauddhau been en. gSaged for the. occasion, a large pie-uic is to Le hold in Bîash's voods, and flnaily ail kiuds of athietic sports are to b. indulged in. Tii. Ashbn fell- awe know boy to prepsue for and -carry onLt a celebration. The Canadian orioketerà who go to Eugland play on Our oreas..hers this (F:iday) afternoon, againat, a teamx se- leoted fions aIl the, towns in the Mid- land district. The. followiug lisI of oriokoteris have accepted invitations to, play: Uxbridge-Hemphill, Baeons, Mustard,, Coombe; Port Hope-Con. nelly ; Bowmavl.- Morris ; Oshawa Hoilsud. Henderson ; Poerboro-Ray, Rogue. This. baves on. and probable defaulters te £à up from bore. à RUXo14 properly .oofirmed hau .aebed m»thy eii eotb i. e Wssls ..aai n udorgonle the toi- iAures of matrimony. ,A.fter à short period of bUilsèflourtship ho has taken unto hmself awife lu the person cf a yenng, haudsome sud highly aooom. plia'hed widow, a resndent of the borongbhof Port Hope. The, neye of Mr. Wealy. desertion fvom thé ranks of cingé, mon hau causod considerable consternation hors, and, in eonsequene a number of Our oltizoes are liable to fly off tb.ehaudie at any moment. W. beg that frieud Jobnny accept Oui most dimtingnîsbed and comprebonsive felicitations. BEEOLD again the bold burgiar ha. beon and buigled the beautiful burg of Oshawa, and hai amassed a fortuno of 01.501ITii. boodie seemo te have been mostly ail centred in the pool- office, viere a number of portly lettons ver. pried open iwith s jimmy sud pluudered. At Luke's cabinet faetory tiotbing as found but olgar àshes. We bave freqnently oalled the attention of tisa. burgiars te the fact tthul-tiere is nothing in Oshawa to steal, but they don'$ heed us. There i. on. good feature in the. tiing, whioi is liaI Osawa don%î require to support the expenso o! s doteotive foice slong as il bas notbing te aleal. Faom ilpzivate advioes" wvo learu th&l alinosl overy newspaper ip the Midland district is opposed te bonus- hunting; but we learu furtiier tuat tii... papere keop lieur mocheisehut st the uequest of leading officiais of liu respective towns. What honesî Me. tive a tovu officîai eau have in oorkuug up a noelmpper's moti we do't know, but it looks suspicions. W. cengratu- late the people oft tus district Tpon hotving a pisai se independent sud publie-spiuito4 as te allovbanybody te hiold bis hand over their menthe white >;owno are being plunged iu debt by money-giabbsrs. W. eau say for oui tovn officiais liai lhey have not Made the. ligiteet effort te muzzle the. press. They vaut the. people teses., a ides of the. qusatien, if possible. 4 11 WB uudoetiad the. Hoap Coempany 15 likely te gut a softer îiing iu Oshawa than il vas proposed te offer thons boue. lu ould be hord ta imagine scii a tiing, but, if rumors areolune, Ibis is Se. W. voie I. give tiens $11000 la money to build tliu facory, a veéden eue, aud take lie barn vien it vas Luit ns ouseeuuily, sud vere te ron therîsk of ozperimeutiug as o whote h e o. mnufacture of cieap fur- nre by aàmn Who in said to not knov auyliing about il, uer about this eountry sither for liaI part, vonld prove a succees If lie business vas a failut. vs don't sesoinemMi. Heas' proposaI &bat vo vers, to b. resonped. But nov, il appears, Mr. Heaps i. lu M~ing UaUU LUM -riUU*sD. Vise Dr. Dorenwend'm Great German Hair Magie for baldness, grsy bLiii, l for sale by ail druggiok. SPECIALoffersain Sunday sohool librarles snd priZes at Mrs. AIlin's ýWhitby Book aud music store. LATE8T novelties in buttons snd trimmingo te matob aIl oui dresa goods. W. G. Walters Oddfellows llI. Prinis, Ginothams, Ohambrays Seer- suokers and Zephyr clothe al at bard pan prices at W. G. Waltere Whitby. Largeet varie:y oi piiotograpi il. bume sud plush goode eve r opened li Wbubby at Ms8. Alilus, Whitby book sud music store.m HÂTs cloaned, dyed and r.-ehaped and satisfaction guaranteed by Mis. W. H. Piper, fret residence souti .of the. fair grounds, Whitby. Nzcw goode, mueline, lavisspots aud aprig musilua,, victoria lawnz, jaconete in pl"aisud ,coeked, ail at a low price. ,Dowonsalsaàý W. G. Waltsrs. Aplaovcx,. Unseha. beon finaly fonnd for oui lowa fis-nengn. hi. proposed te, drive it daily auound town with the following notice paint.d en it ".G. G. G. Baking Powdr-sold by G. E. GîbIearde contains nothiug injurions. parnt, cheapeet and beat. TE final draft cf stations lu con- uection vith lhe Wiiby sud Bovanan- ville districts of lhe Toronto Conference cf the. Metiodisi oburol are given se follova :-Wbitby district- Whitby, J. F. German, M. A; J. J. Hare, M. A., (}ov. O. L. C. Port Porry, N. R. Wil- loughby, M. A.; Brooklin, S. 0J. Phulp, jr.; Columbus, L. Piolpe; Myrle, Jas. Liddy; Pickering, G. M. Brovn; Greenwood, W. Hall, N. T. Norman; Claremont, C. J. Dobson ; Soarboro' (eait), J. J. Redditl. Gee. MoCallongh; bearboro' (wesi), N. Wellwood ; York, E.o. & Psul; Don Mille,. H. Harris; Prince Albert, F. C. Keans, John Latig. don; S.' C. Philp, fir., D. B. Maddeu, (snpersanuated); Greecubank, George Walker; Seugog, W. C. Washington, M. A.. (Port Perry); Seagrave, H. A. Brown; Dihtit obairman, Rev. J. F. German, M. A.; Finanoisi secretary, G. M. Brown. Bovmanvillo district- Bovwanville (Oburci St.), H. S. Matbevs; (Queen S9.), J. E. Sanderson, M. A.; Oshawa (Simcoe St.), Tics. Manning B. A., W. Scal.,, (superan. nuated)A B: Demili (superuumorary); O sea (Metcal! St.); Newton Hill: N'ewcastle snd Orono, R. Walker, T. Dunlop, (Orono); Newtonviile, J. Whitlock ; Tyrone, W. Refluer, A. E. 3Snderson; Hampton, E. Binras., M. A.., S. Sulton, (Enniekillen); Darlington (souih), R. Sanderson; Csrtvrigiu, R. Bas.ard ; District ohairman, Rev. H. S. Mathewu; Finmaud seoretary, Tios. Mfanning, B. A.> Oounty Council Notes. Iu future tbo Jue session is te ho heid up nortb someviiere-psil No whitevashing inu lus counne». Evsry attempl le squeeze ouide isues mbt lhe conne» vas promptly qeleh- ed. On. of the. fathersetgIle Editor Car$- voil's bat sud the Vindicator is oui ti veek bsroieaded. W. did nol suppose lier. vas a member o!flthe Council vie had brains enougi te, fil sun editor's bat. This.council seemo b 6be auxions, as are vnsny olier oanty counnils juil nov, te institutes ons. eompr.ben. siv, road scieme fou makingimprove- monte. Varlous atlempts bave beec made by the Reeve of Wliîby, but lbe proper Plan doses net sem te, corne op yet.1 'JUU.Wa a aU nUW rte, 1 rupusug &0 Ou@eusason wymmeso h manufacture somethhlg ean sd in te onuwi euesc i have 15,00. Fu ou par v. hail ty coiiueil objeot te i big îoad ýbAv $1,000 Foourart e esn cheme jA liatin &aHlare appoluted b. heautly lad te ose Oshava outbid cemmiasgioners, and sa Iv-thirdsof us lil cas=sof bonus . huntoe. liensdent Iknov a tin-pike fions s Ma., Jos.ph Nodder, of Siieffield, rasco-traok, o! course tvo tiirde o!flii, Eugland, son of Mi. Joe..E. Nodder, monoy vonid Le womted. Nort la one of Wui tovu, i. home fions the oad man lusaiinndred oulside the ceuuty conntry visitiug bis parents. When in ocuneil qnali4ed t. underlake o t!m.s Sheffield h. is ýmployedluns a 'Ar prove ibads lua apermanent manor. foumnry mmufscturng itou platiug for Tiie trouble -i. concilors fsuoy they the. usvy. Bo large ài. th. institution are sirgbted 'il hhey are ,net appoinled iba outreaders viU ii . uemsed inoommiesaonerus d-whoulbeèy dé,geýtbo reading s»»e t.aoout o!. ilt The fac. appolalluen in many cass ih.'y ry te tory is sevena.igbiba o! a mueie l' uîie heu patronage ,b Ofiz-Up for tlie IMMAnlbsd employs 4m00 pea -on.ne lmuclaeeeiuor perhspetbey tboaui< oiof o!.oalparday fiy up ls o 0= Ofiboi **mndemay Le favorad 'Ohio"yiys inemoke vileie bt a e eat the country@ expenoe. Tii. fact s the brovs o! ever s -thousud- toilore, liati iuompetenoy frit sud diehoa- On. laundred sud Iveaty mituesfe.cou- ealt eobn4 pýevml couaclsulsâkin dits audpiping is ua.d le eonvey ga&,> Suci mo"e7 by wsY of appropriations." ut.sm s&Pdwalew. 7'rflicapil'lstock ta #5e,00,000. Thii ucaplatiug mode l th. .1dtb. sud .bleld "lie vooden valise!o Th.. Dcv. J.*P. Bsrkes. subjets nen -Epglaud"is don. lu large sections mome - Lord,* d4 > vi ai 10a1f10m: ,.,"Ti lies !rlfiveotous weight céaoh, lu,< ans o hit;P.,"T peao. th*b hès w-h).ied 1here Oi -one u nb St. uoh's une 19th&Wa,,]! oia ebage ef Ib.ouzwbiue shopi e"of . -thé ua o! Xmpiresn vcurks, sud afteur vlsiting ail btheuOt R.v.L . .Gmmn viipreoch. meruin im on. of se!Amerlc e inlof opinion oa ee O! oni8uids ~!et 9,tihe -tabêér. At lu iau40Y long years l oe re ha ~~bv Amcea ioaempoeewith i EulWd' à lu w e - Th4ieqeu bü. the vei*1w ftiï4in H mayé -*esd mt^ -P n - eei ýze broe ouluMi.(ý*âek>e1sctàxy. Où Fzi&q aftwernoon ute 10, -John- T)io&npunMtâcher, P;îoie t lÃŽ~se inthieperformauoe- of!là- nual I#jiesof training h t te, Young Ides » ut vas vùadupnbjthe scicoT sthekiid in- vit.d b t=ten tonto thê*siMeuï»-ro! Mr. Gee,&Bhsort. On Mr. Short'àubeau$ffu1 lavu vere auM"bled nesrly e .it.01iothbe secton intejit Tpon ejoyngau imnh- romptu gurden party. Mr. &iomp i-atsbrought into the *-preseuce of Mr.- eWm. Bikttyr, who had been chosen spokesman.for.the ocoa- siou, and: there told by Mr. John Davis just vhaît. t people, both yo -suad old, t4onght o!fhm and ths mannein hich ho had behsved himasel! dnriug the laut six yeais. Mr. Thompson 'as taken by sur- Iprise, andi oouldn't deny vhst vas said about hi=, but ho took the puise -of 050 snd the. D.w edition of Webster's Diction- aiy that >fiss Mabel Short and Master Norman ILsndei gave hum vithout much delsy. Mr. Hancock tod neveu! l bngs about Mr. Thompion thst made' hlm feel resi bad, snd the. vhole company nodded thair sunt and quietly said "rThoon'.oui sentiments too." Mr. Thoinpson goes to the. Old oonntry to try the effeots o! a ses voyage on isshattered nerves, and ile gatheiringwua to wish hlm God .ngpeçà. IHe leaves to.morrow and will be absent until Se ptomber, W. wish hlm a pleasant trip snd trust he wil derive much piseseont o! the. ON hie admiieis picsent.d hlm with on Friday last. A. do.. or tvo o! Dr. Smithsa German Worm Remedy, or Wpezeine, vil xsmove aIl vormi fions child or aduit, and iestoic to healti. Poz4bilîonneuî it o kMgouton it has ne eq*Qs. AR! dinglaske pf. Price 28 omta per box. Take no other. The Dutoli Parliament bau pauard a bu» temporariy eztending the françhise. Consumptivos ubould try Âlien's Lung Balsas; it can b.e aaoiaày Druggist. A. rebellion in ihe Argentine Repuâblie lbas been .nppressed st thec cciiof 40w lives. JDr. Herie, cf Middlcbury vi., says; "I have been troubled yulh Bronchitia for tvo ysarm mc affecting th. or gauns o!speech that ï oould net speak alcu d for six vesks. I lad with it a severe cold sud oold niglit sveats. 1 teck tivo botties of Alleu's Lumg Buliam, sud amn ntirely cuied. Russia in agalu thîesiening Tnikey lu connecti on w ith use overdue war ludemnity. Pain-Killerin a pnrely Vegetabîs prepar- ation, sais ta kcep sud ta use lu every !amily. The simàriicity atieuding its use tegeiher wit thelb.gresi varioty of diseuses that may lis sntirely eradicated by. i, sud lhe great amount o! pain aud suffering that can h. aiieviated thiongl i s use, nia j impsratlve upon svery porion, to séupply themmel-ves vnth tus valuabie remedy, --nd keep aI mlvays near ei baud. Tii. diacovery of a dynamite plot, to b. carried out an London on jubile. day, is reported. A Bousehold Perfnr:'e. Every family able to appreciat.. and cnjoy the plessure a.forded by a reaily heIalînd delicious perfume, shouid supply thesselve. iWitli tls genuine Murray & Lsuman's Florida Wateî. lu in the mont delightini and last- ing o! ail tmrann Waters.' Hailsones weighlug a pound esch foll recsntly in a district cf Euîern Roumelia, creuting g'eat huvoc. Bey. J- MeLurin, Canadisu Baptist Mis- hiionMryta India, ites ; Durlng oui stay lu Csuada,we have nied Dr. Thoma' Rlec. trie OÙ1 vith very greut satisfaction, W. are nov roturuing te Indiu, sud vould like very mnch te take Borne viii us, fur ourix useniesd to gpve lo te ise m Judge Taylor lai reporied tlistipendi. ary Magistrates Travis onght net ta be con. tinued in office et Calgary. Indisesions lu dici brlng on d-vspopsis sud arregalsrity o! ils bovelis. Êaî only wbolesome food, and if ths irouble lias b.. corne permieneni-a» it in veij pion. ta do -try a coursae cfi Noitip & LyMan'sVeg. stable Dicovery snd Dyspeptic Cure. The oombinsd effects astanisi and delight ils suiferer, vlo acon begins ta digust veli, regain functionai reglsrty and impiove upetite ; the blood becomcs pure, und is restored MÂRRIED. HYLAND-SXW-In Whitby, on the 15th ingt,.at the residence of the bride's father, by tih. Bey. W. 8. Westney, Wmfi. F*Ly1nd, to Nele, second daugliter'of P., Snow, ail of this tovn. BAxnnL-G>OovWLx- At the. St. John'3 Roman Cathoioc charch Whitby on the l5th irat., by ihe Bey. Father MoCaul, Joseph, eldest son of Mr. Joseph Bande], of the Whitby Bons., toMary, eldest dangliter of Mi. Wm. Goodwin, ail of this town. D E A T Il S. HIOW&j-At Whitby, on tii. 121h mat., Eddy, dearly buloved son of John and Mary Boyward, aged 17years. Notlotbut gone before. Bis seddvas peso,. RoBiNsox-At Whitby, on i loith lit., Walter K.ndal, fourth son oI John Robinsoni sged 9 years and 7 months. Fpi!lanc an sd Omac~ Offieof- Whflby ORzo - Whitby, hune 17, 1887 WkiT Br~MRBTPI ga» ýWhffs* .......,,!,, , 7 4118 -Gowsi........072~o 225 Barl.......... Iza-' -JUSTTO ÉAND- JE.WELLERY. New-st desigus in Ladies' BROOCHES, PINS and SHRORT CHAMNS. CLOCK.-1 and 8 Day. SIL VER WAJE. FnIl Stock of New Gooda, also ENiVES, FORKS, and SPOONS. Tea Spoons from $1.50 per doz. Extîaordinary Values Jewellery ME Watches, SYtSLIAL SUMIER DRJV GO - A rrT Dominion Wareroonis, IaII and See Them. 1'We show something cheap and good il ade to order. Musîjîs, Lawns, Seersuckiors,&, bl-o n-Afor Suimmer Wear. NJL1JVs0 tILU U iey Repaired and Warranted. JAÂMES JOHNSTON, 1Pracioal Watchmakeî. BROCE-STREET -..WHEITBY NOTICE TO TEACH'tRSe A LL cadidates who purpose to attend tii. Art Sohool in Toronto, du ri!'g the uâmer holiday, hould notify tbe Depart- ment without.delay. Those who pas. thc Olfcial Exa.mination succeaefully will b. qualified te take charge of the. Drswing classes in the~ Mechanics' lInstitutes next winter. The holders of the. five cerlifi-Fites yull not lie reqnired to take the Lrawing Ezamination for Second ror ILird-Class Gertificate~s, but wiii Le ËgrILtped a fun paper. 8n-27 JAMES3 McBRIEN. WUitby, Juze 14, '37. I. P. S. Co. Ch.It. TEN DOLLARS REWA RD. THE undersigned vi» -psy the above re- yard to any person giving sudh information as vi lead te the conviction o! the person or peisons *ho ent my nets in Whitby harbor on the twenîy-fonrtii day of May set, and stole the le&d sinkers therefrom. JOHN PROUDFOOT. Whitby, June 2, '87. 2 2e Certfict.of 2ijorILarper, l'o whorn it rnay Çoncern. ý Thi i.to c*rt#y iliat hmving examinad, r.paired sud nord a great varieuy of Sevung Machines. I have corne te thc conclusion that il. Whie Machine sold by L. Fair- banks id one o! the best made, as in My opinion it is a machine timt i vi»net easlly gct ont o! order, aud viii lait mudli longer than mosi machines, as cure bias becu taken te prcveuî vomi as much as possible. I eau honesily i.'oommend it le parties vaut. ngagood sud lastiug scwbg machine. I &»achsodnc of bis White's 505menuhs ago, snd il gives cveiy satisfaction. MAJOR,PARPEB. Afier five years use of il. Whie Seving Machine in my famîly I can fully endors. the above =-rifcate snd can fuily reconi. mcnd thc ruaeJhine as a family seving machine coite less for repaire than sny miachine I huave ever lad an hmg tu do viii. MAJOR = PEItSold cheap as the. chespeet, sud is the. best of th s ss. ýL- FAIRBANKS, Sole Agent for ti District. OA~1~A2DA.?S A Big ]Range of Straw Rats, for. La dies', Girls, Chidren, Boys or men. ~2'New lot of Parasols this week. . New Millinery weekly, leading styles and lowest prices, A nice uine of Tweeds and Worsteds," for spring and summer- suitings and overcoats, made to order, in the latest styles. We have a well assorted stock of new and tasty goods, »nd are prepared to. give our customers the best value for their money. POWEL & Co. Corner of Dundas and Brock Streets., DA DOS. 1887.o BOIRDE/RS,, Stafford &Cornack., VAfL IS ES, GQOD VALUE.- Low Puicesi New llcsignsi1 OEIL ING 1887. 1887.7 Large flage,à - hoice pafferns, SPOR- TI11j GOO.DSe STFFORD & CORI DECaIRA T104 01 PoU amiul u T1RUMS 0FAD' Fiue ingertionp5 Iù subsoqueft insertions 5 1 Displyed Âdvertisen byaàscâleo01Solid Ne41 Ad'veitisemon±5 sent instructions luseibed u harwed forMi bis.. Ã"îeslrdiscontinu muet ho lun'wriiing, et! rs wiiint beresponi., A lihoal-disoonnt for monts by the. year. c contiact adveitisements lu not lsberthan Wedzý o! nyinbondod changEi before Tuesday noon. menta rooivsd up te TI Business notices lu lec Pivo cents perî Une wvos porUne veekly. Corospoudlence nolic e! the Oounty or neig Correspondent@ are- i thir communications possible, HIENDERS< JOHN STANTON, Sup't MechanicallD. JOBW -B. FARLE1 BARMSTER, ho.n B oupied -by Fuilew o Royal Hoici, Brook 8 DAVID ORNMIS A TTOIRNZY-AT-LA 'M O hauoouy, couvej Orn-Iu itheOMOi Offi l MoMllan's'] G.' YOIJNG sui erRIT o., ii Brook Et., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. Tbey' lovereed.,., 0. ]per'bbl .o... . t ., bces"........

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