Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1887, p. 2

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Geusquen ~uthe.- ris. u in a smre two weoks mgo tiè local bÏkèrs sdvsod th. 0prie.etfbresd Ivo e ost per lait. as ibes1 bas talion a"i fleur i. 40e. per baréél obesper liais lati bsiers vÙI»psy aby attention te thse Itsuluormai meeting h:eld Tuomday night the. Lindsay fire brigatde ided f tbat thoy ceuld Det accept an invitation1 iroms Onilia te take part lu the. jubilea oiobrmtien n lu tt tewn on the 21.1 Jane. Train arrangsmosuti are snoh that tho brigade would have te spend eune night sud Ivo day. avay from home, sud fer mauy business miters would net permit of tii beiug don.., An unfortunvîte accident hsppeued te Mr. B. Dingbe, accoantaut for Sylvester Brou. lUtg. Ce. on Suaday iftornoon while driviug &loug the Oakwood road. The herse shied at something on the. roadoide sud spraug into the diteb. Mr. Dingbe vas thiovu eut sud re. 041Od saoevereonet ou the heasd sud so*al braisées about th. face. For- tu"tey hie injuries vers net of a serionsebaracter snd, he le abiq te b. about again. Mr. B. Douglaue hs building on Lind- say sI. set a Ive store y brick house. sud store oomblued. M. J. G. Gil- logiy has eommenced vork ou hls hooue ou Peel et. Mfr. George Bryas basth le octniot for both these bouses., Mr. James I. Lenuon is puttng up a large dwelling-now uewrly completed -vila outbuil'lings on Poel st. vest. Mfr. Win. Needier bsioemmencqd work on a fine residenco corner ef Pool aud Ydrk ste. whicla vii, it is expected, b. oooupied when finished by the pastor of St. Audrew's churca. 1Mr. John. ston'm nev sud large dwelling ou Waverley ave, lu nearly finished. Other buildings sud improvements going on viii be referred te ini future issues. Mr. B. Leary's purchwse ef nearly the viiole ef th. choese.offored stBtheb Peterbero board vas an euterprising transaction and lvee early $7.000. It eomprised 1,251 boxes (74,815 lbo.. ai 94e. par lb.) inelndiug 28 boxes afterwards purchauing trom the new Oambray faotory, sud made up thnee car biade. Il ha. bienuail shipped for Moutreal sud steamer for Euglaud. The purchase vas made iu conjauotion with Mr. D. J. Moean ot Lancastr. There va. considerable colnpetition at the Paterboro board ...By tbe vay, wby oould net a ocheese board b. estahished aI, Lindsay. A market vas in s tair vay s couple of yeseago sud couti be miade a flouriahiug institution. Why net try il &gain? 2 [t vould b. more convenient for farmners. Be. sides Lindsay shoniti have tb. sdvan- tage ofthi.ebehoese mark et. The 45 battalion ha. beau orderati eut sud vil go inte camp ai Kingston on Jue 21et aud for twabve days fol- iowing. à numbor ot other corps have beau orderedtotejoin the cm nluti- iug the 4th Battalion. =oluber- lsnd; 451h, Weut Dunham; 46th, Eas.t 1Durham; a part of *"A" Battery, Kingston ; lhe KingstonnFPld Bsttery, sud Durham sud Gansnqua Batteries, villa the 81b Begiment of Csvalry. AiL told about 1,850 officers and privatea wibl De under cauva.. Lient.-Col. H. V. Villiers. Dsp..Ad..Gouerat, viii have commaidoft1he camp. The tolbeving mmo. ef ordens is8ueti fer 451h Batt. vaibe of juterat: Cempanies 1 sud 8 wili report proseui at 0. T. B. station, Bevmsnvihla, ou Tueeday, Joue 2let. Gempsnies 2, 4 aud 6. vili report ai Lindsay station st 5.80 a.m. No. 5 compsuy vill report at Ornemo. station at 6 &.tu. No. 3 company baud viii parade and report vith No. 1 company. Ail men te ba in foulmsrching ordar. TMee mdens are lguetiPbF. Ouitt, Orillia's brave foot.balere vaul ont té buat he lic nben vili Edgar last. Friasy. Tii. seane efoperatlons va. lie bougi et Couisen, sud lhe occasion va s peeisily feetiva Qe, il belug iba, day oet1he annual pic-nieas a l pne. Borne gooti kioking vas doua on boli sidas. Evaiytiing vonked, smoothly, andte isnlairouhvas a lie. The rival meain partid gooti friands te meet aggihu for another bur ni"luelsasganati inisequently."' Tii. Qumsuof telm ail. ada anow emape ou 8aiwurday i, *tl se.MAsa lev ye0tng mon vare -returing . frein -b lii.b», baihtie byobmv$ a ,&,emoIli of '01o nictv of ito. ýThey h.pvzt wih ehmt Slie lt~ew luine~ taissthétion. Tiey diùcÃ"ver-. et adie wO. tvamouldexiug awya lI lie holdm<ethoveuol. Tbyimred1i»W lygaeauim andrIti vtheb.Mdof queiiIi bier. einy serions buntL bea do .. To Ir e, -alrm o f i Bei Mn. Jackson of Pickeriug ceeu- pied aur pulpît ou Suuday hast.i Otn choir met for practice on Mou-. day eveniug. Gladt te s.thons doiug -80 vali. We wouder vbo thai yonng wran lu thal valks op the. big bill .0 eten Ibrougi lie waek. Our sehool teacher ha. funnishêti lhe sehool villa àuaeset fcroquet. WVo hoe.ta have a gamne vith hen soen.day. [n Gben Major on 9th list.', lia vifs et Mnr. Panu? Joues of a tisuglater. Tbhs amaonts ton the. radiant cenulouanoe ef Mr. Joues lateby. The Gi n Major S.S. hulenti holding thein aunual tea-mneeting ou Wednes- -day,22ud, anti a foot bail match vil be playeti bavoan Chaik 'lake sud Port Perry aI 4 o'clook ou the. Chalk Lake grounds. Mns. E. Jones vie bas beau visitiug han mother as varringteu, for s 1ev eka, bas rolurneti home again book- ing voli. Mise. Crummer et Mount Zion, is visifilug t Mn. P. Joueaes t hie place fanaa veek. Mn. J. Silver anti Mia.. Daesever. vlshting aur village ou Suudsy. UPTZ»G#OVB . Etivard Geltingi. eue- et aur eldest sud meut raspeatati reoideuhs, dieti hon. Ou tia moruing ef the alesiet May. The old gentleman va saiing for soins l ime but il va. net ganerally kuovu ho vws e nean dasth. Ho veut t i Oillia ou May 24tb te hé undar lb. car.eoftheii.docoesthora. Ha sank rapidly vbiia thoe. Ou Satunday tiie 289h ait., ha came home, anti only lveti a couple et days aftan. Mr. Geît lugs vas boru lu Irelanti. -and as au early ago cameno teAmerica. Wheu about tveuly-five yoare et age he vaut te Ca'ii! omis visathliasthanus etPanama tha oniy course thon travellet tei Paciaic cousi. While sn Calitornuraho baeame tb. ovuer oet@oeagold mines anti iuceeâed lu making lu golti about $20,000. About liai lima ha marrîeti sud eame le Mars, viera hoansd his tamily have live t te apresent. H. leaves s vite andtiotn ebildrinn eb'-y a&l of vicinara greva Up) te moun bis los. Mn. Getihga va.:vaery active sud oeragetia, sud poseaised au iron constitution. Hie deat b ut h. ila gleernover lia entira uoigbbonhoed. Mrsu. Gettingi snd faily havaelias sympathy ef evory ane boesilu his the heut et their bereavemént. ira EZ8OREO. M anly Knapp, a sixteen year aida youhh, vau committeat tegaei yestanday ou si charge ef honse-braaking. [t seama tial Young Knapp vas cangil lu the bouse of Mr. JeremT&h Murphy, Aspiadel. near Norvooti, about 2 o'elock Sunday morning vith a bole et scent whici ho had stolen. James Barry, -a 14.yaar aid peuth, va.nwg areeinluToronto laut voek on lie ihnengthet a tlegram frein Pater- borougi oharing bi viitle lsrceuy et s vateh I-troi an eimployeo!ibth O~iutl oll.H.ovas brougil le lovu by 4Aetlug Oblat Adamu. EH. s as Booleh lad, net long eut oethle March. meut EHome. -He aold papeou for #à living lu Toronto. Mondiy aftteroonMr. Geo. Wailu »oMe mosermpureha nom a ul -.Lau 5.*A hi b- 1 Importation. -Tbq!é realiges of mn it -.0o1~i*ceW fouvdb bN Ta. i 'NOM4*b rt uo$Y wil reps! the ~ule fIuW Il Iw' -- i*ube bo. ~~.ndà ý rn ai o Oùwsjns e fttihgthé oceÇuln, al vr its illewir-g wiugs preparatory te uneleejing the tqw.g ln-ita ombric#11- morning. But at 10.801,m:, the 8mb. bath silence ma rudoly boe. Rr [t je the screech o! a rsilway locomo- tive, snd the glearingeuo-'tyed utoneler rashes through in hot haste, remtudige ns of a fiend jusl eseaped tram uhebél tomiese pit. We shuddor et the thoughtasud again .11ev our thonghts te returu te the ered chantel of r.-. fleetion porsued before the- moitor'. advent. Elardlýy haýve wo got settled devu, viien a second soreech is heard inu the. distance, sud seau suother "builgine" mcots psst with a train of cars in its yake. And In a few minutes more a thurd eue ornes .loug, sud Ibe tact becoes monotonens. And mtli suclhe r, sud how many more w. knew not, for wo b.took curselves to bod at this epoch aud ver. soon draped in balmy sleop. Whether the. traffio con- Iinued al uight or bet i.sau open ques- tien. Mn. Anthony Moinuou'e lbreayaar olti son, a#ho hai is collar-boue broen ou Saudsy voek lutI by baing rau over by au emply wagon, Mi nov neanly as vol as evar. On SBaturday aflennoon' lutsi vue 1fr. S. H. Ker vseangaged inlu lod* lumber at lia *tauion a place ofttibe 25 test -long by 10 luches i qumrsuiruok bim lu th. left jav, bremklug "IL -H. hsm'i office viere, li. break v*s sel. Threug Iboh. careleo i fïtG.I!T B. breakinan lu thnoijgopen tiieut arn iwtéh at1-uth ,MY Infat ,he wag-tahen fin with lot*. t.The ïïvrend aWi. MWla ýWé@uld net aUo7výa.r heati te b. 1tei 'ben h. ate t hý ~ i a Bo weaitDr. leowler's Wild BStwberry gave Immédiats relief. 8h. la a .living miracle,#hsWO andi bosrty. Since I 'hat time (7 years) our bous e snevérbeen wlthôut that tr.medy."1 F ,rom statement Of George Johnson, Harwoodl, Ont. High water on the Fraser andi Thoropson Riverafis causfng apprehension. A BuMiesa Ltter. -T. Malurna & Go., Tilonburg,Mmrh 15,'87. "Sfrs-Peaf ahip at once tbree dezen B. B. Bitters. Best selling med.icine in theshop. Solisevenbotties to-day. Yours triLly, G. Thompson." The above sample lu but eue of hundretis of sirfilar express- ions regarding the populs.rity of B. B. B. It is now estimateti that 300 persona were drowned at Pake, on the Danube. kiudlydrave 1Mr. Boyl e Wthb, roi for Oeue moýb a a va> tt1 Polu' MsgI tate lt I eï:4I W been giviizg 8se of OÙ citien: ot trouble. Hl ie aenteirOdý hboioslu letw<u aiùd dïi ' wltb the aurance that -9 eau assume, emphasMing id î(e7t oomplFed viti. H'usu frlghteaed the inhabitate Sof,~ douce i6iwere he celled tisat-h. vha howanted. WiiImça - terrorism taies ooee e ~ day lait veek hoeutened J. Q. Ti & Coe. *millnery rouim off '81w aud demsuded some monoy fr of tbe ladies. She precoedêd teo with the demand, but 1Mr. -N. E requesed bis trampsihip te vaé premisesa ateune. Re retused t but sfter a short ecuffle WuU& jeoteti. - ge vas ajrested by Adamesud la nov lanquisi Prison, ta the great relief cf hou ors. Tender. T R icudeaiged iU ecovetenders up sare oi tbe nominal value of fifty dolar) paid-np stock iu th. Whitby anti Port Perry Rilvay (nov Le Mitilanti Railway Ce.) i.Id iu th. naine o! Chester Draper, bts o! the Town o! Whitby, tieceasati. The bigbest or any tender net necesiarly acepteti. For fui-User information, apply 10 D. FISHER, Soie Executar. Bowmanvlla, - ,ý Bowmnvile P. O.ý May Bls, 1887. l 8n-25. A serions accident occuoix fa- «dsy vaek neam the EeoouBchol -On- thé. lizth line, Otenabse. ily et Mn. John Lauk , 'ro- oading te ehurecin lua aemcd theii iran hook ou liaeuenofthle po1l>rotke, létting the. vehiole clowunag e1tihe horeseu etfvbioh -began klkhuge vuüe bath rau furiously. TisI- bp- peneti about midvway up thi ul; vhicb, tbougia net very steep, je long. [Antho nig wera Mns. Lang, tinoe.à-imgters. Mn. Bysu, lthe cheese-maker, sud Mn. R. Tutibape, *bo vas driving. The. numanageableo brutes vont davu tisa bill at a tarions rate, the. end oethle pale -an the grounti. Fiually, near the foot ôf the bill, theensd etftth. pole caught on sometbing, imsshlug ut lu tvo ai tha tuiddle, and Lraisiug the car- niage, fliug i vill ai risocclpauts lu a heap at tie roatiside. Strange tesay, thougla ail gel agret ehsking up-on down, ratier-sud vers more or lesi eut sud bruiseti, noe ue a danger- ously hart. No boues ver. broken sud ne internai injuries eustained, hhougi Miss Agnes gel a uaîty cut, on lhe cheek, anti Miss Lizzie a scap vounti sud sorne bruisée. M ru. Laug herself va. the meut serions injured, oua kuee being badly ipralueti. The. t4niiy physician van caileti at once, andi al are doing veli. The Outario Goverumeut on Saturday paa.ed au ordsr-iu.oouneil appoiuting -Gea. Edmnison, Esq., polic, magistrats, for lhe ouunty ot Peterbonough, undar statuts. 50 Victoria, cap XI.Thia ap- peliment le a concession te s demanti liai h ba ison trem lhe noe4 et snoh -su officen, sud i ill iiirostly- serve th. eouveniencs eofltigants living ai a distance frein tevu in oaue& nsqulrng the adjunihon et a police magistrat.. [t vill b. s <rsesvlug lu tise epeus. eft havai sud thé. coul efth* ourts to have lbe latter beld luIn-- . ad vhero lb. parties resido. Mr. EBd- miao' appointmoentviii bé recuiveti vith taver througiiont th. ocunty. 1Mr. Edmison hi a native ofthle township et Smith, vioré ho vas boru lu lie yaar 1884.îHo has beau nouréident ef th. tovu of Peterborough inmo.1859. R. reeiveti bis pr.liauinaryeducation itubstantily eit the Peterborough Grammar 8chool. s il vwuthen esiiei. Hae bagan ths tudv et the. lsv by eutening the lav officeetofMr. Ru Bunuhai in 1858, suddha. beau prso- thcing bis profession ferrithe past 28 yeare, sud is veil kuevu n ti roapced in evary part oft he country. -Hé vi»1 ha r.ady, te enter upon his ijutiel duties l insecure ot afew day.. Thora is ne doubl liaI Mn. Edmison wi» fsthtully snd vhaely disehanga lie duties efthle important position te, vich h. bas beon aievased, and- vila promotiug,lm su officient man eh antis otjnstie, viilgnaatly premote tie canvanieuce cf tic. u i esa uitareste the appoiâtment ha. been more par. tioularly made. A ARVEL Vt.G0sUis,:My ItJ- alIuni YrIt28:18 ier re5ldeiýet ev? %t suifeer? rom Sa«- We ini té» youwbà4 Âyer"s S&sapsala bh a lunlmase. I lhlnk bis blooti must bave contained the bhumer for at lesat ten yeare; but IL diii not show, excePt in the torI of a srofuions sore on the wrist, until abouit live years ago. rom a few spots wich ap- peareti a: that Ume, il gradua11! pread sousà te cover his entire body. I assureyou h. was terrlbly afflicted, andi an abjete!f pty, whAn he began uslng jour medicine. Now, there ame few men o! bis age who enjoy as good bealth as ho bas. I could assily naLme fitty persons who would testif y toe . acts lunbhsecase. Yours truly, W. . L LI FROM THtE FATHERs lesre and a duty for me te state te, you the beneû5 I have derlved from the use of .kyer's Sarsapadlft Six monthe ago 1 a completely covered i wth a terrible humner and scrofulous sores. The humeor caused an Incessant anti Intolerable itching, and tbxý shin cracked se as te cause the blood te flow in many Places wbenever I mnoved. My sufferlngm were gýat, and my Bloo a bariL.1Icommenced the %use o! lhe 5SsLPÂRLLA lu April last, and bave used It regularly ince thalt time. My condition began te Iiprove at once. The sores have al ealed, end I f el perectly well in every respect-being now able te do a good day's work, althonghT73 years of age. many inquire what bas wrought sucb a cure ln my case, and I tell them, as I have here trlo4 te, telyen, ÂYEWS SÂRsAÀPÀEILLÂ-. Glover, Vt., Oct 21, 1lm2 Yours gralefuil!, HIRAX PEIMLur.t' ÂTEW'sSSÂPÂRLLÂ cues Serofala anti ail Srofuious Complaint,,Eryufp- ela", Eciema, -.Rngworm, Biotches, Soi-es, BoUs, Tumors, anti Erptions of the 8km. ITt cleairs tb. biood of ail impu- rities, aida digestion, stimniates the action o! tbe bowels, and thus restores vltality and strengthens the whole system. PREPAEELD BY uffered frein kldney disease for about two years,, wus off work ail that Urne. A f riend teld me of B. B. B. I tried it, and arn happy to say that I wau cured by two botties" Wmn. Tier, St. Marys, Ont. Eight lives were lout by the sinking of a steam barge near Cleveland Monday even- ing AS 8WEET AS HONEY i8 Dr. Low'a Pleaean.t Worm Byrsp, iet atire- to detroy and expel. Somn asusengers on a Grand Trunk train at Fott Gratiot, Mlch., Tuesday morn- ing were robbed. .-Oarda. To ail who are suffering frem the errors ad indiscretions of youth, nervous weak- nes, ea1 decay, boss of manhood, &c., I wlend a recipe that will cure yon, PRER 0F CHÂARGE. The great remedy was discovereti by a missionam in South A.merlca. Send a self-addressi envelope to the Rev. JoszpE T. tRai, 8tation D New York CitV. The Pope hods that the Church of Romne bas stili somethlog te gain in the way of liberty in Prussia. For Chiidren Starving te Death. On account et their inability to digest ordinary food, Scott,s Emision can be di- geséted and give strength and flesb when aU other food fais. Se&ewhat Dr. A. H. Peck, Peu. Med. College, Petitcodiac, sys: I ha use and presribed Scott's Emulsion ef Cod liver 011, andi find it au exce11eit preparat on, ugreeing well with the stQmacb, andi iLs continueti use adding greatly te the strength andi comfort of the patient" Put up ilu50ocand i 81 ie. MudTeeEt a, c Bat. ~A.:P OST, AppFaiter for tihi^àanaaa Lum and aTn Go.,i and agent for the Western Auurc,, OFFICE-Over Gerrie>. Qleck, WIIIIbl7 Buitable for wrapping purposes, layilg under cepets, eto., 25 cents per buadred. Apply te t!- THIS OffIOE. Ujnapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREL BELL & Co , Ge1ph onlt- LIVERY and SALE STABLES: DtTIDAS-ST., WHITBY. CRAWFORTH & DEVERELL, FIROT - OLABS' TURN-OUTS Furnished on Shortest Notice. Commercial Travellera liberally eleali with. FAIR PRICES. HONES'! DR&LING. -BEWÂRE, ".".WORTHLESS IMITATIONS r As there are many inferler heods, corded with jute, a~nbyone un. fncipled merchants trad.' ng on the reputation of aur enide Eoaile, we warn the ladies against sucb imposition by draw. ing their attention te the necessity of beeing that the 'OROIPTON CORSET col, fi stanipeti on Inner ide of 4111Coraline good% Wltheut whieh non.e are gernUlne For Broncliiif and' asthma, try Allea îLung BalBain ; the best cough prescription- WIFE MOTHER}MALIBM P1 By pnrch.Asing anImpHAoved - WRITE SWI Special Styles for the Holiday Season. sale cheap by L.- FAIRIBANKS5 Sole A* Aise Agent for Nyeàs celebrateti à Sewing-Machine 0il- 5h s la BarmoilihRopeworkI J!tALIFAXO NOVA SCOTIA.- The pressulis lb. ngblt tlme to Puzccb w.i. m imbi] by: the P wasud niud orus infetbol -Nov ha doubi cur thonis là Pe espec*1t 8<0, sud Il thal #Te7Y lb protées uitie ees a thaugiaua meaus coin Motien. -Il sititutiefial a aud it 15 a0 that s phYs0! possible moi ouly' by prc Every cec*c business 1 vege table.n dec9mpeuith being taken odeursas Auy si i ligated Ste0 vithouil dai TIho e l diseaose cij localdainf uset boi patient ilion *charge» reim infected. -T local disinfel burning of eulphur mae Mid o e t l the wal su lion, cf carbe ouneof lhe quant of wat as ueeti il su fliat rays se iu th. air chtrmne il 0M CLOUswr, El been reoin *ï beWiî' 1 eue pluit-et galun et w perfectly iu germe thal (2) A salut - mucia cop! possible lu by diééolv 8-Coue a oeegoalie A mci riEgr luitýj few -o&d1 Mas c.ib luy 50M by &Ul Druggts; 81, six botties for 0&. NO i!NGLI8H STAILE 18 CON SIDEREID c»ELLIMANSýn FOR P M, CUTRBS, ÂA» OPLINTS WREN FOR OVY.R-REÂOHN5, OEAPPED EELS, WIND FORBOREh TnROLTI AI<Mm!FZienWmZl. FOR BROIEN ENEES, BRUIBS, OAPPED ROMK. PoRa BORZ SBROTYLDERS, BoR£ BÂ0»I. FOR FOOT. ROT, AND BORE MOUTE I SEEP "ND LAMES. FOR SPRAINS, OUTS, BRLUISES IN DOOS. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIÂLS. From His Grace the Duke of Rutland. "lBelveir, Grantham, Lec'. 1, 1879. Slrs,-Elliman's Royal Embrocation la used n my stables. I thnk ltvery useful. "«RuTLàxD, Master of Belvoir Hunt," "'Csstle Welr, Kingston,. Herefordshire, "«Dec, Srd, 1878. "lGentlemen.-1 use the Royal Embrocation in my stables and kennels, and have found it Ver! serviceable. I have also used the. Universal Embrocation for lumnbago andi rheumatism for the lu.t tiro years,-anid bave suffered very littie sintie using it. _ ".H. PErcE. Lleut.-Col., Maister of- Rad- norsbire Hunte ELLIMÂNI8 ROYAL EMBROCATIONL Sold by (Jhemists, Igtore, anti Saddiers, Vrce 2. [certain remnedy ['%%LOQE K CLAN DJ Dy-Law No*,- A By-Law te close up andi di8po8e of a certain street and part of Ro8a- Street in tihe village of Port Perry. Wberea, by By-Lav number 250 o! lia corporation af Part Perry, lie lanAs bere- lusfler denribad, ver. constitutati a pub- li" wa vhin lie saiti Village. AndI, wvhereas lie Ontario Central Agri- cultural sud Live Stock Association la lie o-Ymer o! lia landes adjelning and buî on lie sali hlghvay, ant isladeouo se 1quining Lhe hauts compniseti lu-the said blgva, anti ise of laI part e! Bois 8etrestrî,Ë,Wopposite bheaeut anti of lbe Ani.viereai. by deati datedti he 291fr ély-fOctober, 1886, sud matie by *Walter Ml$o!le i ot p art, anatiheb rnnicipality o! lie villag, o!fPFart Pérry, of lhe second part, tie iald Associatioin titicause la hé ceuisysdt -te sait corporation,--anti tedi- catoti as a 1pblic blghv a t certain itreal, or bCzghvay&, el tadnfreinRosa Bay Street in liane!f ant in oonmideration o! tie saMd OrsI above usmet bfghvay, anti the sait part o! Rosa Stret beig eloset up andi ceuvoyet le tth. sat Asociation. The coqppratien of lia Village a! Port rerry thonf.êensotsMaI ffoevu Thathe b %hway estbllahetiby Êy-Law No, 2w0, oi the lgéo! Fort PMeypast folievi: Oenimeneing ah apôluton ha- sait'. nit e! fmce tretseni vode Éee-0 GOOD HORSESe NEW ILIGS,, for Sale by ' 1 Railway St.ocK degrMi

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