Bau0h and ýpush an,&hait. sua tït7i, Whst'u the usge?- AUl the wealth by man possessadi, Fumniehes, wrhen at thé beit, A per excuse. Be wht's th. use? What availsthe greed of getting, At the coet of heartaches frettings Can you say? Does it psy ? Does xalnding other people's f ollY, Sinesoc soerew5, meiaxichely, 0.elp te make 'Weakness cf one's self the less, <3an it other people biess Or awake Love' true sake ? Do just your besî for otihers' gains, 'Ihey'li seidcri' thank you for your pains, Se obtuse Are people te divine a favor, More spt thsy are, a friend or neighbor To traduce ; Bo what's the use "Do unto others au yen wouid Iemand that others te yen ahould- What's the use, 'While goed for evil know they net? "Get what you cari, k.ep what you'Ye gel,'1 Kuova ne trace. Se what's the use ? No mertal knews the word "lenougb, ",Sufficielit," mets a sad rebuf, That leas would chc nue. -Gain, greed. and avarice ferment Incessant wat agsqIist contsnt, So what's lbe use ? What's the excuse. Fer ail the tofi, pride, pain aud cars Unneeessarily w. bear To produce Exterual pleesurea for the eye, That transients the hou rs lie, While the noose Around tbe galled neck of peacc, Frein ohoioe, maxi wc'ld net release, Nor even loose ? Say, what's the use ? Advice to Rusb--d- 130W TO INDUCE à WOMAN TO ST H OME EVENINGS. In addreauing Ibies 5557he sebus. bauds o! this land, I feel tise <test diffi. culty e!fisandling a ubjeet go frsugtt vilS potent meauing te tisem, sud go hable te cxali forth ertlieifrom AiU quarters. Yet I aise feel tisaI juil About ibis lime il lennceassry for someone vlîh hie beart la the malter te gay vhst ougisi te be done le make our homes more ?ieasaut sud coorfortable, go liaI eus vives vili remalu home nI ulgist sud find pleseume iu the compsny o! tiseir huebaude. Tis great sud growiug cvil muet ha met. Net by wýeplng sud pray-"sg lunt020 privacy o! our ova roome, vI'19 vo rock the caoie sud vouder vhen liaI voman lu going tle abake ber gang of old gossipers sud cone borne; not by gding eut aftor ber sud pleadiug for ber to -tome home vl*' YeD, nom by meet. ing her et lise door vilS tearfal looks, or rolling pins and *-ws No; Yen cannt sofien tise steny te. male hbout liaI vay; il oniy sommes le chIli visaIt ile tendemne e h.may have for yen, sse reela znemriiy home. I am net addreesiug Ibis article to men vbose vives best thema or other. vise resfly abuse thom; sncb are eut. aide tise pale of my observations. My bout y«e uoves thema lu tender -PUlY but I Muet speak je tisese mnnWhout evenluga are spent lu ienely 6cen. pîstien cf lie moumuful tact liaI they are joiusd le vives vho find thei homes unnoWua, snd seek lu thé giddy oompamusip cof olier voesa those diversions they sbor'.d extraci Item Ibeir ovu icuseisoldi. Oh t hbw My heatl <ces ouit e»uelonely e sud boy I long te -provo te loieutisai lhsy eau mûs Iheïr limes on. continuai plunie snd keep their besuty frein fad- mng, vhile astishe samce lime bripging ni their ohildren lu intim*I. acqualutanci vith tbeir moher. The secret e! il hs a& eUlned l intoe .vordu-make jour home pissant. Fev vomeUn eau long ullt pover o! s ohamloini isu, goo4 pÂd dainly loddem, a w nesd 'IeU4ppon, id homescoice eeleoid brande on yemstion, vish nov sud thon soin voma irsese ocuasehe gels be. subua Piui Msu home te I"lkuntil late AS nigst sAbout pufted levelai.yà ke bands, boadeî passemenias, osud cîher Ibingo vialel cmroheudin, may notsI i -t idL te le>r.sltnepts but- f st oheb i 1.~ I i i i i i I B r s t. i b -1; i r Dout kick evsry lime peur vite Oomés. *ilioul vsiping ber teet ou the ma ~-o1pls te obisop vpod or brlug up~og~l.4uy, omars-a iler axe g lbiI e,ïna>' lier, libo i 'Litem .',ebaei 0,bpillU o uet u tomil" 1vlal.tà 1 la Il , Muà er. ~prayere.Ail bse Ilalue bep le make.4be feel tl~he 'home Ia& lAoe ýwb viie e 0.oug before ail h the Çr. places r hlUP." Thon voa muai make lb. -house besutifut arid oedl h l l dodge of aniu the.flopr sud putllug, a fow wood$n tables sud chaire iarouud,- wihh la rge cuspidore sud bôâk-beer signe, on the wallai . neolonger A& altracl- idaà 4itil vas weuty jean 5<o. People who recommeuded thisdevlee ae away behind th. age. Deoarale the home, cover the walle wîth objecte of beauly aud lante. 0f couleyou viii saY that this costa money, but I vaut te show jeu bey te de il ohespiy &aid pretlily; in fact, aIaslt o eiepene. W. osunol ail live like artiuts and bave Gobelin tapeatry aud real eld hond. painting&, but vo eau wvilli 111e lu. genuity, riblions sud Igeit ft s home s0 liaI the women yl linger foudly about iL Few mon resUs.e how women appreciate 1h... 11111e attentions te thoir love of besuty or how neoessary lhey are te the peaue aud oomfort of 1h. faoeily. Taore are thinga throwu awsy ds-ly thst would go far tevard deorsllng, a bouse, Ibings vhioh we scarcel y notice until some lady te kes hold aud pute them le use, sud vo wondor why ve did net hhiuk of il Amnong the mauy Ihinga which eau be ntilized I give only a fev. A pair of old rubber or leather boots sud à botle of 25c. gllding Iluid, produces s pretty a parler ornâment seue ceuld desire. Sot them lu the windov snd fill them vilh fmeSh out foyers, sud th. effeet in vemy hons de combat indeod. A battemed vaemlug pot gilded sud deoked with laveuder rlbbona may be bang in su aleove-and <iii. nair of moiatuesu lea room. A wbeelbarro painted green sud trimmed witb lace locha charmingsud eau b. utiized as. 1a wash basket on Moudays. Those Who eupaint May dlsoplay Iheir tante by embellahng il vlth flow.r designs of varions patterns. Gilt in used nov on everything sud go.. a great way in adding embonpoint te a room. A string o! gilded tomate, eau. hung acres. the haIl with pomkons of heu'. feathers stnck lu Ibemin sea brilliant ides cf as gentleman ln Newark, wbo gives s <mess deal cf thonglat te tisse things. Ekas what he calss&t"dodo" cf brouzed pie plates seug bis parler Wall, thal in. vevy touohing vhen tii. soit twilight shadovs play ameng lhe irregulamlties cf 1h. metlad il mecalîs te the mmnd a rev cf anceetral shielde. A defunot bustle, adorned with nsrmow 1pînk ribbona, makis a daîuly oanar 1cage cover. sud an old white plug bat vith designs in India ink dravu ai ovez il sud thse end of a feather dueler sîuch u lb.the tp is a pleasing demice. Have yen ever isu suauold "coalsutlle, whieh yen mighl have discsmded, fted aup s emu nlng luà aparler vith à hi merry aummer saalight easlg il 1 They lockh Iovely vien bsmmared 1gilded snd 1Used vlth qulled emuasan A vasi-boiler may b. utiliaed th. sami rvay. Il eau be suspended on îhre< rbroomtieki paiuled mcd sud filled witi rdaisies lu the smmcm sud cigar slump . u the vinter. palm o! old polka dol troneers tiaI yen vould net vear for feau cf beiug moi- bed, sud p*uHile trouble yUll make lb.m exeedingly decorshlve. Tie lieu vith blue boys, Muige lie bidIome or sew ou 4'riek.msck," sud nail thein upon the vali. Stuff a lot o! dried grasses sud cat-aile dovu mo botiss &W»tbey as- anme s otuud sud bulgeous appeur nues. Aà ou;ple of gpeen. botie.slnduo inu the -pookels adds te lie affect, or the poýoket. uasy b. utillz.d « as sr es ceivrs, ltlough su old veut val! dc botter, as if ha.moepookets snd leu bulgeosty.- A large cirol. of brick- whest cakes ualled te s ceiig or air angein à grouape abousthél ias vlas 0 uev ides sud s vemy pmely coneeption, Tbey. migbt have 11111e landsoapei P"Mtd ou lieu b>' your arti sred, or colered crd ma>' b. soe ou liem..A musesourtain ina>'Se made4 by t«eking tbiou plI bogeliers»d-,ibag. sgthemupVihs border of réd ils uelsllaised letop sud bettoin. Fiai-boUe, vien cdryndsud ardcm b.-gilded sud mde atistio papei welghté; tho-sains may b. &&id o blecuits, ,loe 00or f,:8eze of eold . vpmish2l* rlOUiivilp glued Ierlu s !toïe-,o!f 1sîk ve nul. rIMIatgnril'kou15- vsme vhs a banalle 1115 k, s fiatirci las*good thinglotgub barfloorsvit] lutblukus bont'su tsplin 1 yourseit They &add tle the tSOM lise wore ial oue.I Itiks lt o o u é î --éd tdlhe lieus littew dUPairâd .verjtqiuIl apdomcv suid uc"têrîd saroqd. 4-nie bas drlve14 msuy a vie svay lu diqgnel. In ad dition bIb'i. take pains e tb. dré iw luspess#g -but-, et iMud- mmaup £he ou'lll~.le ofti ~oua~tuihu A Piea for the Stepmother. TEE STEPMOTRER 18 À MUCH ÂEUSED CIARACTER. How mauy bocks de we sIil l ake Up lu visich the plot Ir ms on the cruel machinations of a ste mother. sud surely wdlSon ught te be viser nov. They make lhe very usme hateful ; at seeme te ring vils uukiunuesasd in. justice, sud fa, be il from us le msay liaI the prototype la novisore te be found. Coldheartednuansd oppression tovard lie childrenuofo!nuee obaspreoeded ber lu sud home are ne doublait times le b.e met vith, but cannot mauy househeldi 1.11 suotier taie-a tale of love sud genîlenese, sud mutual affec. tien sud poese? And cannaI, toc, some homes tell a Ihird story, wbere tie sufferer lse ne u vio is looked en sa an interloper ? Are there net cases where a insu viise heart bas been early deeelated, sud wbo lu left villa litIle oees viom ho canuot look asuer, vith aà iseart stili yeamniug for affection, bringa home somensmam-beated girl, ready te pour ont noe tintedl measure of love en the motheriess' nes; sud vbat do h. sud sh@ fiud ou settling dovu te lsbi dsilil!.? Thsl foolisi rejýtives or ignorant servante hv ie eady poisoned the baby mind seasiet their second moîber, sud tlia IlUbhrmefforts te vin their affection sud trust are bligisted by th. uuholy influence that bas been vselded. And vien cther little oblidmen comae, tee ofteu, iustWa o! being veieomed vils brotherly or sisterly love, thoy are greted witb feelings of bitlemnesansd jealousy. Nomrle shis only se visentheebilidren, uaturally perbape, have a feeling tisaI hhey msy b. dsprived by s strauger cf part ef Iheir birtirigil. Cases here are viere bundrede bave been sdded te lhe inoome by suoh marsIge- bundrei net even settled ou the voman vbo brougil hem te s eem- pmrstlmely poor bouseebld ; sud 701 she vas »t "ade as a "uobdy1 tresi'! ed with cold ineult by stepobildren. sud defended by hem busbaud. W. might 't.11 of sck-beds vateied vitb H aa mothersa devotion ; cf dying heurs soothed wllb ail a moiher's faitli ksel.-forgoeonIus; of the Young airit islnking te the grave, eingizg vlfend .r feetion te tise representatime o! that 1 col parent vhom it vas soon te greet bin the spirit "a; sud ve lumu vitb rjust auger frein piolures aidbiler. ne >as falseeas liey are llljudged. Inte 1 bey mauy hensehelda mut the second .mottais b. breughl, or they eould never *bold togetiser iHev unany familles ÉmuetI moset o! lie ebildren of the oe a father, but o! Ivo mothers ; sud lu il v eil thal youug mindi ghould b. pre. D j adied aimsta -state Ac"gobin ,»lus g mauy cases a .ueceuùty. Bas lu -*a zmMor lisetale a jouItheoo or heroine is lb. more inleeestng tise a morhoh. or the ufierere urader lbq idomeetie roof, sud t s ufeing as Il opose to e b.mosl as"y wougbt by Is lb. 's1tiF mother. - Lot us hope Ihatt d a triser viev viUllie takeu frein th. e r.latlonship; that the vulgar feeling 4*îwth r.grd4to il (a feeling uhovdug Il. -self gse plainiy lu some lecalities tiaI thé mime off s4pmotbemslrgli.os to lbo * meut pasifl -thlug ouMlthe - nor semetimes Waled a bson.usil) may *re f long Pau s say from amougit us; sud ba tia, -ip lest tise "aid Nm I" SIl.m.î vwith justxo. sud- kindiy 1udg~h, e sane nayb. aued s i Il s a- m - i i b a- apenl il foîr wlndow-oaadea s ahaab oboppêf t ,OUI l Bk -le bout ieî surd pleaelng. Talk ubout* li lisebli ihkeep -poeted wthat jcqu oinu;giie ber ps inoingt And- l11. osip &bous the'- table.7iealk over wlth -her an$ sisal iii yckndog figkglngýorboaliIg cieles : intýltereetiug and put uPp sapitol gallery in the ollar sud a saud-baî sud g1oyeo ln th. garret whore Sih. can develop her muscle without golng tc ber club. Enter heartily ie 1&U the spotte, sund yen wiIl fiud a sinoerepies- sure iu them jourseif. AUl those Ibiage and many more cdA b. doné(to sdd te, the attractions of home, and tb. resuit vill b. Ihat otÙ vives vin! Spezia flue inightate .week in - th boumom f their familles aud a flood cf hppnes Wiln fil! bthe arte of men now=aitin ugloom>' despair at torsakenfreie, meditating a speedy returu le their falher's homestead. NasalBaba daes net irritate or obi unesziug does net requlre SayyInstrSmif for it.use,,oes nothiv. any iledei relive ein lb.he fi ,ane ui60 AN -bômie ww mUo u ia rtxsnase, % itý 4ther posattaed. TiseZeveh uarerof, hhe Enugax lovuet nuager hobbeéubuma ab mois. plantsoiera morbus ooicsai ý'vomiting, e-icneiolç e nantu'Ji, '3j~natrebeongng t ah sumer season ei Dr elr~xtruct of Wi& ,Stawboray- i D. osub btl zedceildaer x 'zueiieaub bando I eBi -Mmi. Mayhoed of Arkena drepped dead en Sunday mcmning. We are èonstantly receiving teistimony' that Dm. Carsou's. Catsmrh- Ours is what the name imples, a IlCatarrh Cure." Ycum tdrlsteathorized te refund the mexiey "f rà uetgive saticsfaction. What ean be more faim, and need you sufer any longer? Life Insurafa AT COSTO Mutiial Reserve Fumd Ife AmBli- suce of New York. - 1 aaia <5<.vennent devauit Archibishiop Fabre lu dangerously M1 Accumulate reserve f= d(over) frein an attaok cf dmopsy. Dahlluaddilg18 OUNO bIEN sufferlngfrein lb. offsets8e Yearly evil habits, the resuit et ignorance or fofly, whOr find Ihemselves weak, nervous, aid exhausted; aie M1DLE3 AG7,D and Oxai Maxl, whc are broken dewn frein the effeota ef abuse ur over-werk, sud lu advanced life feel thecoseues ef yeuthtul aicese, iend fer aud nzAD M* V. Lubeu's Treatise oni Diseases cf Mon. The bock w1il be sont seaied te any addxýes on recelpt of two 3c stamxps. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 Welington St. E., Toronto. ' PEERY DAVIS' Ut PAl NuKILLER Phy8ici ,Ministerl, Msoal Àfaaagro!factorie, Worc-,slsps, .PauaWim, Nurises in Hospita£s, --in short, everyboy eeerywhere wl&o hm seee gie it a triaL TAKEN INTERNÂLLT MIXXED WITE Aà WINE GLASS 0F BO0T MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL BE POUND A NEVTEUPAIMINO CURE FOR- SUTDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F' CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, STUM- MER AN]) BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE TIIROAT.&c. ÂPPLIED EXTRtRNALLy, EXPERIEXCE BA% PROVEN IT THE MOI? EFFECTIVE AND BEST LINIMENT OS BARTH IN BEMOVINO TUEPAIN ARISINO FROM _ SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA-. TISM*, NEURALGIA, SWELLID FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cts. per BotU&e so Beware Of Iitt O UR. CAMPBELL'S TO-NiO ELIXIR This agreeabie yet potent Frepama ton la enpecia.lly e.dapted tor the relief and cure of that ciase et aisordert attendant üpon a low or reduced state o! the systeul, and usually accompaieco by Palier, Weakness and Palpitation ef th eue-rt,.-Prompt resuà qit'. follow IL% use in mcses(of Suidtier, Ex. haustion rà îx froiu Loss of Blood, Acute or Clirviîic l)iseases, kinoli Pithe weakness that invariably accownaînes the recovery frein Wasting Fevers. No remedy will give more apeedy relief in. l)ynpepsia or Indigestion, its acî'on on thle stoniach being that of. a gentie and harmiese tonle, excîiug the or'us of' digestion te action, and tâhus a&ri ngî immediate and permaneit relief The carminative properties of the différent aromatice which the Elixir centaina renderIt useful ln Flatulent ]yspepsi. It ln a valuable remedy for Atonie Dyspepsia, which ln apt -tô occul iâ ireonSs of a geut character. For Impoveris d Bleod, LUse of Appetite, Despondency. and in ail cases where au effective and certain stimu- lant la required, the Elixir wil be fennd invaluabWe Iu Fevers of a Malanial 7»e' and tbe varions evil resulte foilowing expo- suS tteb cold or wet~ weather, it willi pr». %e a valuable resterative, sthe combinstion ef Cichona Callsaya and Serpentarla are universafly récognized ae apeernecs for the above-named dimor. ders. 8o"bij aU Dealerin FamQij ffmedc a Frimce $1 per Bottte or B&z BotUea fiW46& 'BI renoe-'à . <Llmite * 60,0.0 815,000 479,900 15,000,000 Twenty-five per cent. of ail asuessmentu sase depesited with the Central Trust Comn- pany of New York, au trustees of theBe. serve Fund. SLife Insurance at leas than one-hall the ordinary rates, ana securlty perfect. Only 17 aasessments made in 1L881, 1882, 188W, andq 1884, and in no case can they be more tre-q quent than every alternate month. Annual expenses cf management, &o.,d Iimited te #2 per $1,000.9 An active agent wanted in every unrepre- sented locality, t whom a liberal commis- sion will bealowed. Applications solicited and full particulars furnished by the under- signed. H. GOIWON, Agent for th1e County cf Ontario. May 818M.Port Perry, Ont. T RE WESTERN BANK 0IF CANADA, WHITBY, - ONT41310. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nýov. liii, 1882. ly-47 MONEY To LOAN! *lOO.OOO FOR INVESTRENT. ON REAL ESTÂTE SEOURITY. At ioweuIlivrng rates ef interest. Money seoured wi"h~ 10 days of &p- pliestion. Apply te JOHN F&2RQUHABSONq Whitby, February I6th, 1880. $500,000 TO LOAN. At 6 per cent. 7early. Termes cf repay ment of pricipai made te, suit borrewers. Firut and second moirtgages beuglit. Ad- vances made on second niertgages and te purchase fama. Nc costa incurred ini making applications fte me for money ;.ne aço.nt's fees; ne deiay. Parties paying higlier rates en mertgages sboula apply te me at once for Iower rates and save money. Write or caU zimmediately for parficuumru. E. B. BEYNOLDS, 1y2 20 Adelaide Street Hait, Toronto. W ALLAOBE TRUE YBLUE L.O.L. No. 18 seets li United Workmen Log crom, Smith's Block, firs Wednesday in esoh. mot.SAMUEL HÂN&zà , 85 Sc'yWhtby. A few hundred Bushels of clean Seed Oats of a superior kind. Good ]Roll Flour at $2.OC. Beet brand& of FLOUR, ROLLED OÂTS, and CORN MEÂL. Thorley Food. Manitoba Oit Cake* Rock Sait, W. B. PIRINGLE,- Domio odWr8 WHITBY. mui ffs1led wita aful staff oeoftgI xweeue adsIkilifulPhysicia. and Surgeons for tihe treatmens ef au chroule Diseafss OUR FIELD 0F SUOCEUO. EJhroule Nasal Catarri Thyoa,%rd Lung Diseasess Liver an&Kldey 0 eaes lDadder Dinmaes, Diseas.. @ K i fl4O I 0 o d I I e m na nld N e r . ou. A llI O heio or at homoe wltiz or wltheut see&ig hee patient. come anu ee e rsend ten eut nt e tmMsfor Our "Ivldot Guide Book,"cwihgI ~ NervouDeblîsy Ipg. Il caused by Vouth!ui loil. fl:::lies and Peruilous Soi*. tary Practices are edU adpermlulently cured y ur Specii" .Bk, yest-paid, stmp,. imupture, or Breach, rajj. call cured. Wtthout the knif e, wthout dependence upon uiL sent for te acentS ln stamps, PILE Tt Lu S and STRICTtUULP treated wlth the greatest scces8. Book eel* for tern cents in stamps. Address WoRLD'5 Dzirs.&uAy MEDiICAL ABoaL&mN, M63Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. The treatment cf- Man.y DISAIE o~thousands of cases ofthose WGIEN. a " , nv I'oe forded large e en in adapti eme<and for their cure., and - Dit. PIERECEtS Favorite'Prescri@ption lIthe regult'bf this vast experience. It le a powerfuli Restorative ToRIC and Nervine, Impats vlgQr and stiength te the system, sud-cures, as il obymagi, Leu. eorrhes, or 6"white@4" exeeilve flwijt anu menstruation, un. laliUg of teuteru% weak back, auteversion, retroversion, bearing. dowu sensations, chronie eoneu tion, 1inflammation ad uleera on of tue womb, inflammation, pain and teudemnestlu ovarles, internal hoat, and "female weakueus.yy and vea Ieus of tonachsiniges- tion, flloatings Nervous Prostration, snd Sleeplessuesu, lu cither sex. PRICE $ 1.00, 1 JnR6 0 .00 Soldly».glt eeyhr.Sn ten Centsa i stampa for Dr. PierS >15 large Trealise on Diseases ef Women, llustrated. Worl' & ispenway M80081l hSOClatiou, 6683 Main Street, BUPPÂLO, N. Y. -Bllions 1Readache, IDiMEiness, constipa. ýrn«[Uy cre& ,by Iii. Plre9 11easant Purgative Pelles. 25 oentg a viai. by I)rugglst& JOHN S.ON ln Deverell'a Bloch for gour FURNITIIRE! D]Ft4NQROOM SUITS, DNNG ROOM S UITS,- BEDROOM SUITS, KI-ICIIIN SUITg At Priteuatthat hfy ompÈ_ Corne One, Corne ,-h, and seï e- ox PUr les 1E J JHN O sooliug a a reuirdc the parti -hosie on U Gordon net, tie surfaoc eud approe inform lie 1 & C&mpbeil done. howe'q fum hélée bo.i -fha bQolx ing forth idi -short timoe s The lied cf- 1 tie firet tih yeams. Nov liai lie muai-lu ier;bed lu SnrPÈ4~, lie ly s~bad i vii bear, a the terrible fulien vie ceeu in -mu 'botter -oud dedi>'A sund va ML - eL their dinu. largo tin * dirtasud quile sunex Duuiug weekse la tbrow 'The.police, snoemem v in thiemoec On Satu wu effeote Carruthens occupants thetieveu, We undo J-cha Thso * tien le lthe linge for n vill set fort Scott -Act s tovu coun malter. T lise requesl A Young habiofe0 froun achu Cobourg, v habit ef hol length, was eveuiug. one- vculd té have don hlm ho vas five minute- was ouly pu tl eud. of te a holela over vas un Mr. Bor Who left-for ployed afr the G.T.set on the platf oeeof their nigisl one cf flot be show of heaven, jiiing feld, vero lit, b aIl attempta ! 1 fflw Duemeust IsTi a M0.5.3 JOW» ý Whitbyi