Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1887, p. 7

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wurorl-01006tmi ikiliful Pbymtlcao rthe hrealment ef le Diseases. IF SUCCESSO a:arrh, Thron; s"d Aver- andi Kiduîio Diaeamen, Diseanes »lssaues andi Nery.. ured bere or at~ home the patient. CoMQe lm ents in - stampe f or aur Dockb,"whlon gves ,on* elIt up No otu ruail os lior Id Couadugïo db PeÏ,ou1Soýire. raecttces ar edly 'nanentj '0red bou rpldctut. n sta ' lure or Bec rtdt tiouî U klle ýt dependence Upo and with vu"- Jttie look sènt for ten ets and STUIeTtIIs ýMesOtq mN 3oee np. Address WORWBi à ýAMC1AT0 M aà âe tretxnght ci maiiy. isann2 of case ai thos. ases pe.cuiar to he 1flIdq' flotel and iric Istitute, bas af- ,ce in adaptung regiedîes rescripiion ,ast expcriencie. Remý orative -Toute ,artsvig£ r and strength pm-eenIr uuagtc, Leu.. ffhlîtexeessive lnkUtruat1olu, une wIons, prolapsus or ove1rsionbearinse ichroaiec couteau on u taulcerati on sI1algm ïation1 Palu 1,i cvarle@s,1fl1r51 ýe weaknéess e and cures WaUesa tsiomach, lixdges- ervous iFroutrati oU, ýs tu eliher sexr. O6 6OTTLE8 I1 FOR e5.00. aise'ver7whoe. Sena! qfor Dr. Pieres Jfie of Wouaen, III%Îe ,yledical ssociation, rsot, BUPPÂLO, 3. Y. lnzineans, Constipa- promptiy cured by . Pu»trgative Pellets. 25 (ent9 a vial. bY Drugilite. 8Block for gour TU E! )O UITR bM SUITS, R JORN FERGU8OY'D iabllshment, Dunds-ut.o, murs f»rM 9 &.M. te 12 . [bertatreets BATES, Newepapt ig Agent, 41- PaIrb iiiding), New VorkiA ,Q trac-t for adver:zn* CHIRO-NICLE et *Ul EKi ntsesse, sud FlavoDrI qualled. '4p rove jour UT n Canad- 1J-r8v:y W qONTa 'LF iýe ,-A ( Au ig a rqentué m 61 iÏ brook Muegrsuest b inl Cobourg Ountse20th ci m t 1850, whsn sim efIll . dsptli'j sik hi- cbes, after She cropesud vegeiable vers abil Up, W. uuderstand that the Rico Lake sotiflg sud fisblug club have offer.d à roward cf 850 for th. appréhenuion cf the parties who broke intb their club bouse on Tic Iuladad ud Mole several things therefrom. A visiter tb 8mith'a Wood@s'on n. day came acroisu Ite. tramps cookîng their dinner. Ovra firo they had a large tin pail 0oontaining pork, polIcoes, dirs and other ingredients, wnskîng quite an extensive -mixtulre. During the fire on Batnrday nIRbt week, soins scoundrels wereocooupied ie throwing stcues, msny cf wblcb strnok members cf th. fire deparement. The polics magistrat. promises a Rood sucemer vacation te sncb as indulge in this reoreation, if they are fund cut. On Saturday aflaoon au entrance waoe effeoted into the residenceocf Mr. Carruthers noar the court bouse and a silver watch and a revolver stolen. The occupants were absent st the trne, and the thieves, supposed to b. tramep@, gat int the bouse by raieiug a wiudow. We nnderstand the license inspecter, John Thiompsca ill sendl iu a requisi. tien toeh. lw n cor i-'atitis next s@%. tings for nearly $500. The demand will set forth Ibat the Iaw requires th.e Scott Act shenld be enforced, and the town counil inuet do their share in this matter. There will b. a howl when the requeet is made. à Young mnuWho bas been in tbe habit cof esoorting s young lady home froin a cburcb iu thse neighberhoio f Cobourg, wbere lb. preacher is in tbe habit af holding forth ai considerable length, wa8 rather taken bock Suuday evening. Hoe alled ai the lime when ons would nabnrally expect a minleter ta have doue, but the sexton infermed him be was ezacotlv eue bour sud forty- five minutes tee early - The preacher was only puttin g a fsw curves on the bail sud of secoudly. The lover retired ta a betel sud by the ime service was over vasunupreeutabîs. Mr. Borradale, of Gares Lsuding, Who left for England on Tuesday, sin- ployed a fosmer ta couvey his trunke Wo the G. T. station bore. Ho elf thein ou thse platform without infommiug suy- oeeoa their wbereabonss. Duriug th. nigbt oeeoaithose boinge Who sbould net be alloved te breathe the fre. air cf beaven, carried the trunk into an ad- jeining field, wbsre thse leather etrapo were ont, but the stroug look frustratod &il atempte ai epening it. BEÂVEETOIN. On Sunday sfternoou at Mr. James tordon noticed a sinaiwbirlpeol on the surface of thse wat-er above thse dam, and spproeneding danger, proceeded ta iuform the proprielors. Messrs. Debson à Campbell. Bofore anytbing ceuld b. dons, bowsvor, thse water bcd forcid s Jarge bols tbrotzhe b. bd oef ay ait the bottan af thse dam, nd vas pour- ing forth in a tremendans volume. à short tims sufflced ta mun off tise'vater. Thse bed, of 5h. river is nov bare, for the firat tne, ws believe, iu tveuty years. Novbisaitishe wv>ter bas passd loff, tise mucis-tstked-of sud greatly sbup.d river-bed is on vtev, sud greetly te our surprise, b. it eaid, il ie fennd net near- ly so bad as vas expecled. Trus, it vilI bear considerable attention, but tise terrible rendezvous-o filth sud pol- lution wbich vas pictnred sud almeat seen in imaogination, faits te Psa. Sometbing sbauld be doue, hevever, ta pl'.aee tise bauke of tise stri-amin t better condition. à vaut ameount cf filtby mnbbieb ha. been alc-ved toac- cumulate, wbioh, vitis tho mauy dirly onthonsea', rendor thse soutis bauk doci- dedly offensive, betb te tise ey. sund nase.> Nov as the tims te remedy Ibis aed vo hope te ee. it doue ai once. UXBEIDGLC Mr. Richard Patterson bad a narrov escape frein s serions conflagration on Sundsy lasI, During the afiernoon the ben'heuse canght firs, but fcrtnately tise faines ver. extingtLiehed or. tbey eached lis.ebarn. vhich plood near, othervise serions loes weuld bave sn. oued. on Suacday eveniug lest, vbil. Mr. BobS. Munro, ofettis ownship cf Boott, vas attending divine service. attse Preubyterisu churois, some parly or -parties iSole hie hors. sud buggy froin thse Mansion Houée.ssd sud drove off witb tisora. Tbey ver., disccversd nei day near Epsom sud returned le lb. ovuer, but as yet tiser. is neodulols te lisieves. On Mendsy lust viile Mm . Ubl. Fair, cf Uzbridge township, W8s doing saine vbitevaching in tb. bous, tise leg of thse table on wvici ho sicid brpke and preclpitated ber te th. floor. Abe 1.11 vits couaiderabte violence and broke tise large bous in one cf hem arme. Dr. Bascocin as summoned, sud under hie akilful Irealment eh. is dciug vell. On Sundsy atternoon lest lbe berna cf Mfr. Jonathan Gould, Markbam, vils their contents vers deelreyed by -fire.-, Mr. Gould, who le ieputy-Be.veoet tise Township. vas in Toronto sll.udiug York Oounty Ceuncil sud tisa e ves ne insu beme ut lsthesmef the. Ire, the origin of vîýisi uukn .Ts toe over insuranos 1lM.about $1800.A fine l<çam cf hrssvesbuu d e ïie 15 hogu, &Il the impiéenets of a 200 acre fari, nsd 1000 busiset b î~u On Mouday nuorg, ng Issi, w i youuglad nad Clarence. Dowling vaggou on -Belaeh i iftco, 'th oise becaa. fnigesene and- bolt.dý,. .Qn reaohing M $.t.t utiil the corner, e abruptly av*àlut6 Up0t lthe etreet, Iand» bjpa the smbauknapt db*'U"oh «ho dialocating bit, him somqowiat, *ammlod u.-r SLler wboha f.é 'V W n uueretud b. e e88rnge Ou Fiidayasdarkey usmed Jackecu tlmoue stabbed hièk wife sud daughter to death. On Baturday night a member of the Salvajion Arsyuy amed ;Bobert Scett weut4 aos ftoS where asu' Usotion - sale WUa -iuprogrese. WW19e ult"diz .gS bear the door B yotiug Giübiiusud Patrik Gerraty stepped Up e hlmi sudounatoh. ed hie Army badge off hie brout, Scott caught hold of the youug Mau as he wau esoaping tbrcugh the dc>er, snd was severely Bessaulted as s remui. A oon stable put in Bn 5ppS5lBnoe Bnd arreet- cd Gerraty on B OhBIe t et ISuI snd robbery. On Wednesday evenlug awos named Brldgeî Nixon vas arreeted on, a charge cf bsviug chased ber busbaud about lbe streets with a brick, sud vhils anansing berseif in this vsy oe uarrowly escaped being mun over by a C. P. R. train. IZext morniug ah. was brcngbs before the Magistrats, but as ber hnsbsnud did net wish to prosecule, aud premised to lake car. of ber, eh. vas allowed te go. Yeswerday oe. again sessanlted bim, sud vas again arrested. Is is beiieved that she la' insane. On Salua-day uightUlre. Doulap, whc liv.. at No. 56 Chesînut etreet was arcused by heafing a -noise, as se tbonght, down stairs, she gct up and igbtiug a lamp made s seosrch but failed te dieover whal it was that had saskoued ber. Yesterday mci Ding ah. foand s number cf parlly burut matches scattered about th. floor, sud a furîber exaination showed that se bad been robbed, about 010 in cash baving been laken from lbe pockol cf ber jacket, wbich was banging np tu ber bedr-om. The tbief muet bave beeniluthlbohase vben pbe made lbe searcb 5h. uighl before, and vas pro- bably bidiug tander a louage, about the euly place whee e .ad n.glected to look. On Salurday eveuiug a serions cose. ai assauttcok place on Edvsrd Street, by wbich a maun nmed John Davis bad s portion of bie ear cul off. Il is etated tisaI J. Norman, of No. 41 Edvard Street, had been diuking, sud about half'paal eeven o'olock vas silting ou bis doorstep witb a decanter of vhiskoy in bis baud. John Davis, of No. 46 Edward Street, sud Ivo other inu ere paseiug by et tise lime, sud oue of Ibein made s remark vhicb anlgered Norman tW snoau onrIent tisI h. raised tise decanter sud stmucit Davis a powerfuvl blcw on thse side cf thse bead, cnstiug a portion cf bis ear off sud splittug open hie bead. Con- stable Rttyle va" nfcmmed of tise sifaiî sud he arressed Noznan on a charge cf feleuicus vounding. DISTRIOT ITICMS. Au attempt vas made last veek ta buru the Ringwocd echooliscuse; il vas discovered by the caretaker about .8 o'clock, before il isad gainod mcnc beadway. At Nevmarkeb a man etored a barrot of vinegar in oeeof tise top roome ai bis hause. Whou thse, barret humus and tise vinegar wva piUled aber. wuea visole pienie smeng lbe carpete, etc. E.e vill put bis vinegar inu the cellar Doit trip. Midtand reporte sevsral zdew etores cpened duriug th. past veek sud oe sesigument eflecled. What kind of a boom ie Ibis?2 a tale of mldntgbt carnage corne. froua Canuiugtou. A loI cf rowdies vent te tise '@table of a promineut citi- zen, untied hie hors. sud imabued Ibeir bauds in 'innocent blood. A p or inoffensive duck vas muidered. [ W* insert thse above itemn abridited trous a Canuigten paper te show the spirit of tsisSlterary place.] Fawkhai bua t» present a popula- tion et &bout Ive bundred. The grovlh of l.th i e twILa utsita great meuy cf lthe newoéomere liv. lu tente.' Lt je ouly a mubroom grovtb, hovever, sin a veek lcm se ihey vil ho up sud off. They " r iver-drivers. Creigist4n ssv'rniU hasst lest oin- meneed runtg.aud lu nov doing good vork. Tise beys ln Wasbego have formed a besebail club sud lntend pra.lising twice s ve.k. Tiser. aresoen.very gcod pisyes amoug thein, à e,,. helongîug tc, Mr. Wm. Wrigbt, near INsvmarkes. gave birlis le four lambu a short taie &go wvus aninterval eftwIo we.ko between t1âe birtis-cf escis pair. Tise last 1, bcd neDo d lon sud were dead, alîhougis apparently perfectn flu ap.-7 p ofios Bdd»@4UÀ te "Th«'Wlk.4èst Mau iu Town-" -Baco liste ùéWol paper men bas refased, su ad thse ofiis aare pozzled le ,knov visoi nezt W ofler at. De notlavyon coin nezi ont lb. lut? Or luIl Ucýàùtuon9eru Ou. ef lie oldeë mgon b.lhiEgQýEi~ or porbapu a»"-of Iblmso aèring~cuk lieu, dlcd stely, M'r. Arthsur Rellit, of Brechin, it ,lth ripe old *f 112 yeas. ir.Kelly-cMe iiy a con try u1882 aui audes-ent many of- tb. privationsth. mrly sfit1eré ,'vire :$b.p subjot t.eH.brougt p. '4 imiy of hijrts, -AUli ving, but t'Wb. , iA4. oawïy ejoydýgeod Iàh lis, d beh over eu iurdpis s>he. baok ~ ~ Aà fr,à4t,ý bas '*ra noe f - Loperty of Jeffrey lBras., Wbtby. MUon- Y-.Grills; Wr.4nt Rad, ùoon;- ]Petr McDftmaid'âp 2nd- conl. i sm tnight., bysayScer Htel ' Pickering noon;, uolborn's hotel, Rouge fHîU, at .nlght. Wednesdy-Moon's hetel,, Hyland Creek, for the night. Thursay--Gordon'a hot i, Pickortnz, for the nighit. Frsday-Gco. Hatrick's, Base Lino, noon; Jeffrey Brog' own stable st niglit. Saturday-Ray's hoteljýWhitbY, until noen and return home over tSunday. Uproperty of Cemeron & Shand, Ashburn. Monday-Lrooeed to Chinn's hotel, Brook- lin, noon;John Shand's at night. Tuesdsy -Tho&. Wilbur's, Darlington, for the nirlit. Wednesday - to- noon; Hodgson's hotel, R4ana at night. Thurs- day-Frank Bj-owzl s, kyrtie, noon ; bis own- stable, Ashbutui, at nigbt. Friday- Wm. Gardner'@,* nc4,n; hie own stable at night. Saturday-J. A. Di@ney"s,' West wVhitbyt. noon ; Lus own stable until Monday morning. Tannahil property of Canieron &, Shand, Ashburn. c.nday afternoon-proceed to Dafoe'B hotel, Utica and romain ail night. Tuesday- rHoit', hotel, Manchester, noon; St. Charles hotel, Port Perry, at night. Wednesa afternoon-proceed to f odgson's hoe Raglan, and remain o ver night. Tbureday- to John Hepburn', and remain aIl night. Friday-Wilcox's hotel, Colnubus, î>oon; Chine'a hotel, Brookhný, at night. $atur- day-return to his own stable, Ashburn until Monday. (Clevelaud B property of Major Hod- son, MSyrtie, Jnt. Monday -pass tbroug Myrtîs and Ashburn to Utica, and remain all night. Tuesday-pass through Epsom to Port Perry, no-on ; and through Mn- chester ta his own stable for the night. WVednesday-psstbrough Raglan to Colum- bus, no)n; andýýthrough Brooklil to his own stable fer the night. Thursday-ail day at bis own stable. Friday-Rays hotel, Oshawa, noun; and Ray's Hotel, Whitby at night. Satin-dav afternoon returu to bis own stable anu remain tili Monday. Young Abby Prine, property of Major% Hodizson, MNyrtie, will remain at his own stable every day in the week excepting Thursday, on wbich day he will b. at Jr,0. Martin's, Ist con., Reach for a noon stand. E3ntaman, property of John Anson, Batskava. Monday -proceed to Daf,b otel, Utica for tise night. Tuesday-to MeGre«gor'e, 9tb con. Reach, for the uigbt. Wednesday -to Rose's botel, Gree-nbank, for the night. Thurgday-to McQtuay's botel, Port Perr for the nigh .Friday- Hodgson's ho, Raglan, f or the rniat Satueday-to bis own stable and reinain until Monday. Auchtertool, property of John Ansor,, Balsarn. Monday -proceed to Dafo's hetel, Utica, for the night. Tuesday-to McGreggor'., 9th con. Reach, tir the nigbt. Wednesday-to, Rose's botel, Greenbank, for t.he night. Tbursday-to McQuayý@ hotel, Port Perr for tb. nigbt. FridaN,-to Hodgson's botel Raglan, for th. niqht. Saturdy-t. bis own stable and remain until Monday. Lawers Baron Gerdn., property of Wnu. Richardson & Son, Columu- bus, Ont. Monday-wiil proceed to Chinn's hotiel Brooklin, for tbe nigbt. Tue8day to Dickson'a Myrtîs, noon ; ani te Haoit' botel, Manclester, sud remain ever Wed- nesday until Thursday mnornsng. ThumsdayJ -Hoden'a hotl, Raglan, non; and ta bis' ow-n stable for the uigbt. Fridsy-to Thos. Wilbur'tq, Tth con. Darlington, and remain aIl night. 8aturday-to Juo. Héopburn a, noon; and te bis own stable until Mioniday iuornirng. Robert 13*=er. Jr., (Hambletenian) property of Whitney sud Foy Wbitby, Ont. Mondaý-leave bis own stable, Quen;s hotel, Whit y and oce Chinas ibote], Brookliu, noon ; sud Wil- son's botel, Ashisura f or tise nigbt. Teues- day-Derusha's botel. ('laremont, noon; Pipher's hotel, Brougham, for thse night. Wédnesday-to Willcox's botel, Box Grave, noon; and to thse Wellington hatel, Mark- hrm, for the uight. Tbmday-to Brawnas botel, Woburn noan;- sud ta Maou's hôtel, Highland Creoit for lhe uigbt. Friday--to Gordon's hôtel, Pickeinsd remain al .ight. Satur day--ta io w tbe Wbitby, and romain until Monday. tbe BULLS. White cap, p rotfa Wm. Homr, Myrtle, Ont. OJalved Oc t.e 14Lbh 1895, bted by Wm. Heron & Sou, Aâhburn. It s t h.duty of e6eryperson W-ha la" used Bosch... German Syruip te leï is wonderful qualities beknow-n ta their trieuds in curing Conmumption, severe ()ought Croup, Âsthma, Pneumoni4 sud iluMtac i thresand sudng disesses. No person cn use it vîtheut immedtate relief. Thf.. doses yul relieve any case, sud ve ceaieder' it the duy f &R Duguàte tt rocumd it ta the poor, dyl.ng cusuampilve, mi l' te try oes bottie, as 80,C00 dozen botties vere sold la6# yesr "sud euet" s.w-er. Itfaiedvwusreportecl. 5eS=a-&medjinlu,» tb. Germa& Sp AqnMot b* ,toc wtd.ly kuavu. Ask your dg!ý" - about- it. Saznple bottleto U7y, se et ",10 cents. BegulWa ue,75cet. Sold b *aIl Dm- stuad daelu-intise lnteStates Tise jbiliee p&gotl u London Tueiday vas 2. geduat aùd most, muecéestu demuo=atala kaova 'in lb. blsloay et TO -RUEA GOON0D TWEE SI 'AT PfIGES NVEj EFBEMDÂ IN THE TÉADB. A.Good Suit madle to Order for $12,00. Alarge stock pf. Scotch, Englieli and Canadian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to select froin. A.Special li1h. of HEAVY TWEEDSfrom 50 to 75 cents per yard, suitable for Business Suits -or Boys' Wear. A FUILL STOCK 0F GIRO0CER, ,IE S HIighest market price paid -for Butter and Eggs. JEwm.Cm 1: I? .31ŽýF BROOKLIN, ONT. Cottage or-- Casti e, -AT- PR/CES WHICH WILL ASTONI8H- YOU. CALL ON WM. 1HAJLT, -000-- LE~ Funorals Fully Supplied,," -=R WhiIby WoolIeil MiiS, Midway between Brooklin and Columbu,8, on th&e 7th Conce88ion. We are now prepared to make ail kinds of Wooilen Goods, sucli as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Union Flanuaels, Sheeting, Shirtings, AIl-wool bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, -and Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinds of K.itted Goods kept ini stock for- the accommodation of patronùs. Dyeing in ail colors doue to order. M-'Hghest price paid for alny quautity of WooJ. Ail orders promptly fiied. W. O.-D BO WEIMA N 80N, A RCADE, TORONTO, A Ichool Thoroughly Equlpped for,~ Busines Tr6inig. TEE I r ocrabatebng- sd bleéng, 0 ledad4 1erbymailngfor m Ho Los urt, ow BsandrIn Cau l epublihd nweii BRtheD EsomSnterac1 Invw olutry Semin l sssimo ci Mental an Physiçal Inca6paoaty, 1Imi. montB te Mar'ia et.; ais, (esu»mxx, Eru.asy sudaPrra, andusedby self4n-i. geeor sexuit extra*agance, &C.o g'The celobrat.ed: author, in. this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from -a tblrty years' succesU-praocie,thist th. alajrming cousequencei oet self-abuse «iay b. radlcaly' ôure; dolntlng ont s mode cf cure atonhe. simple, certain, rmd effectuai, by ,lhem oe- whieh every~sidérer, ne_ mater ,hat bis condition may b., may cure blmaself cheap.' ly, pzivately and radicafly. la This lecture'shuld le lu h. bnds, f every yeth and every ma sl .au. e t À u d r s ul t i a 1in .nv elo r i tô any address, pOpaoid, ou ree a O fur cents er two postage setuae A4dess The CUL VER WELL -MEDICA4L Ce,. 41 &un St.,New York, DR. DORENýWÈ-ND'Sý BOOK-KEEPING, PE4NMAN'RP BUTSINESS CORRESPONDENÇE, BUSINESS ÂITUTHE, OMMERCIAL LÂW,. BHOBTHÂAND AND TYPE-WBTING PRÂOTIOÂLLY TÂUQHT.-' FINESI -ROOMS IN. C)ANA'DA. Send for Circular. A.ddresjs.ý (J U'.W!IA, iIecretar~y\ - &s,-Hsavint a mo, lime ago oompIled s oureti from ur fBwProvl nd -boteau iohm tomlus thus pubiücly 't4meetfyito h . éré aà milulà lb. lspsaï lor à the aliiezfo busiess tise pto' eet- 8ON11 1 1 - - 1

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