Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1887, p. 6

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Yolé 0OUa 1 Bîothlü thild of sîstr." dM-tu h. opnd t* mebtlng. "" But holg 11, marpep,; the. girl fle'Sonie ofde people Who stood a&roua, abiute s z déa . zI4ýAU ", hÏ.tb W d UVt> saw 4 iite oi bis " I s h u i d h i n k e h . ".e f t h f f *- . t a s a h . s u i k  Ià T u e t h c i l htIp '! satd Srs. Stanley, >t-aengJ4,lY Dt>-raât il ont. _H. belongod tb no. wîthhuý fol!-k aud kuife. "8h.,oeiiuda o-h *rhzp. id ne aruep.yow, bhaïr for yon and per(iMù .sgation, o',ae wedre .hodd ooide'êoutîes Ith&%Y40Ucoutld not do content. "4No, dis ole man b.d tho religoný, se. "Oh, I know ebe tries te earu her cordln'to, de va>' Ohristlàs pat il, but board and olothes, wbîob Je ont>' right I kuowed him long sul' Well. lu de and pboper, but 1 tbink she ought te, be futl place, he wus honeet. AUl de MO- kept More with the servants, vhere neY in, Detroit wouldn't her blu ehbe 'onge. 1 vas going to tell you tomptigshuto-hlm. lfade, next places tha1 I bad accepted an invitation 10 heovas forgivin' suid ousciieushua'; il BSe. 'F&aet'itb Jroneou Ibis evenlng. people wronged him h. vonld excuse "Hia attentions are beoomiug very 'elfisu' forgive 'ern. If ho Wronged rnarkd, Corinne. They sa>' ho i. worth anybody he would go dowvu'on his about $109t000 a year. , WouId you kuoes to make it right. rnsrry hlm if b. asked you ?" sud Mrs. "Dis oie man paid his honeet debte. Stanley, puttlng empDhasis on th. "if, To hum a debt vas as sacred sas hol>' for eh. loeew ber daugbteî bad been yult. He had kiud -word. for a&H. angliig for tb. millilouaire. Neber wua smon so b.d dat dis oie "How'do you kuow that b. bas not man could flot say unîhin' good of asked me already ?" said Oorinne, wîtb bimi. He respected de law; he upheld a lsugb,' and then the conversation ail dat vas moral an' virchnus ; h. vas euaed. vidout euvy.- Meauvbile pretty Louise Lyna est "«Au' as de Aprit @un sunk low in de in ber sinali hall bedroom in -tbe great heaveus dis oie man'a lime bad come. Fifth.sv.nu, bouse sud wondered wvi>ReHo sid good-bye te de world . in a ber lot vas se bard. Sitently thei re- wbisper, au' be was fot afrsîd. De caleod a face she had toved long ago. settin' sun pourd itslsuta besme of It was the old, otd 5er>'. The>' bsd glor>' frew de winder over bis o1. black *xohanged passienate vu le oemcb face, an'it l ghted up wid sicb radisoce oSier. At ber father'. former ceuntry' dat w. atood d a' ' etd oui brefs. seat their usmea were carved ou the Il vas de end of a man who cslled no samoetrès ;* h.> badl svowru, %ith ciasp. mani bis pasSer an' teok ne -church for ed bauds, ho be true te eacb other for- bis guide, but when de las' minit cum ever. But the course of true love had de joya of 'hestogn ver. se plainl>' meen inn reugbly. Ber fatber, unvillhng iu hie face dat v. shouted fur' glory."1 that Louis sboutd becorne the wife of a "An' se ho died, an',mii va» de tend poor man, bad forbidden their meeting. of vhat de venld catis a sinner. W. A knock et the door iuterîupted ber bas goS among us heah three score musinge.Ocrinne bad sent for ber le cburch memberu an' prayin' men. Ize dreas ber bair. vonderin' boy many ef us vill ink t "You resil>' vouid maake a capital I aa>'te reet as caiy sud oonfidently maid," Mien Stauley 'reraked aes h.sas dat oie man *hose name uebber aourveyed ber costume in au oppositej appeared on a ohuroh roll. Ize bin mirror when thorougbly dreessd for the wouderin' il vo dosu' pray too mucb opera. "Marie," jgancing tovarda tbe Jau' bang off about our debta t.oo long; iù French femme de ebambre, "wil- have. if v. dean' sing wid e much zest dat p te, look ont for ber laurels. Here, Louise, we haveu't got 'nuif left to epeak kind. li jusI carry my whi4e merne cloak dovu 1>' of oui usybura; if vo bain'% se suab Mtaires vont you. wbile I follow 2", of our ovu SRivashun da& ve doam' keer a] Miss Stanley and ber cousin had been abqut anybody else. - Let ne look mbi<t lu the dining zoomi about five minutes dis an' fiud vhai' ve stand. Dar' arn fi wben tbe former glanced impatiouîly roigun an' relilgn. De sort dat eends loward a cie ck on the mant.el, sxclaim. a moesr of dis club dovu on hie kneee ng: "Il le certaiuly very odd thal Mr. atI de Thureda>' evenin' pray'r meetin', ci Bronion doean'îe make bis appearance." au' allovod hlte t walk OBi vid seme- Juet thon a rngu was beard at theonee etue'e uzubrella -boah on Saturda> dj door. As it vas not auavered li. uigbt arn de sort I waut tb keep shet tu medisteiY, Oorlnun, turned ta hor cousin oPt." ci sudesmd: "Louise, &,o te tbe door." BQUARED FIXSELF. e "h66la My position lu Ibis bonso,Corinne, Greati>' la eveuybody's surprise, El.-i tht of a moe e ervant 2" der Toots had remaiued vide avake a Louis.e poke these wends in toues thus far, and he arome 10 a question et vWhibh--a falot, almoet imperceptible, privilege. H. hâd il fiung euttIhat he BI qulver sbook, otherwise ber demeaner vas living vigb bis fifth vif., aud that el, va. porfectly calm.. he oiudulged in quarrels tbat dis. Pc vas lb. uwu ute shitatiug answen, grac e ii uighborhood. IHe desired qi "You are-merety ai domeetio servant- le .ubmit proote thal &heovas oni>'bis du notbing more." forth vif., sud that tbey lived lu sncb "«Ver>' vel; lu liaI case I vili obey." a perfect state of bappin.ssthat h. neyer a She léfi the room with a stel4 stop, knew vhether bie shirt buttons were gr lborugh ber wouuded beart was bestiug off or on. th~ paasîonsteily. "Wo dean' keer for de proofs, Brudd. bu With a steady baud, too, sbe un- er ToIts," observed lb. President; "4yen Pa fase.ed lb. hall door. bazuli bin offBshully ohargSed vid an A gentleman vas standing enteide. misconduet before the lu, we vokir o ""Are Mms and Mise Stanley at home ?2 bokne acmhung." se be asked polftély. "But I desiak le Iquar' mymaîf, lsab." au Hlie vole. made poor Louissas ieart "You are squaned, Brudder Toots, beat quicier than ever. an' km 0onalder yeraeit discharged on to "Abe "seexclaiued. ".Cmnit suspendeci sentence. Bot down an' go lbi b. yô* t ee" 'ini The eutlmap ad coghtber andA FAVOURABLE BOING. c The bo t e bi-u, a s gA in g a gni-TA. C 1 l. n"L n te .yl m «Fer heaven'. mûe, Ieuise, vixal s oltiient but bis mini ausisi edo"vth the rhanlg.o mt . el, oe ied "tay, and 'bs philosopis>'wvasMre. n 1 vas net avae," ah. added, sco zlyIbn Rte beai t. Ltii. "hht yn mplod e kovMi.Bre On motion -of Samuel aSun, vho 0oncae vol 000vorke4i aueanme .s lumifeu ajear. .vlth cOnt.rn*n ~port vaP cpted n"Màotesd 0M.B4 no " r Ja~ ousBrother G<*adnr colpinentmi fie au*ornshment eveîeeming ev"y cher oommnmittbeeon 1 igo Ti vork. 1 >m Madrouo,"ssiCorinno, Tha eeanj et n noun ea hlaatbos mài6aimlg ber. ho had bee oe d u souêt #10 "Wa~ d..tamean, Abon Pl" certan aid t cn~ the BIs. asked Louis., tuing le heuler ster and rspu*tlon "ar nov knovn, doareat, as Mi. Smilhnhon Üora>'meu tai, Bronsoibalter*bdiéaa. ralatvv Wgolu 1h.i fapnui', à ..*. " .rditnraa. BoheUen.wofa -W. aigimedio de boleloth.or pliel'oacbewed the 1:864esn . a , d piug tgbacco, kepi -âïgbtfagdoge0. played polie>',mai vo of them rn jmet out efthle ceuntyi>'sil for larce His report vas accepte& sud adepi, The. Committe., on Patente and -cepy- rights, le wbom; wussubmuitîed tb. query : "Whaî le tie Torpedo ebioken, and hov dees -il vork 2 " begged eave te report as fellove- "1De toupéoechieken as't4jven abun ef de Hon. Hannibali tffiù~in, et Maine. It vas fatented le decimate de cul'd race. Il av' a fasz-sile of a puilet, made et zinc, an' filled wid powdeî nalu'ige. When faeed te de roost it sse duel>' esembles de reai bird dat de visest Oe. iggeu fa- de business oan' tl th le difference. H. strikes a match, reaches ,ouîtet pull de bullet off de polo, au' dar' am a 'eploubum wbisb sbakes densyburbood an' causes anoder velI-knovu eitizen te lt upLmisain'. As te deainutin' de cull'd race, il hssn'l dun it. De alarm vas sounded aS an airly date, an' ide Mosat msoiy t ofour people turnod ruOÏÏchioken teoo411sli. Now an' don Berne oie hon-alester, vie can'l jet buainess.die enlirel>' eut, amn de victim. of de Torpédo, but de vise man Passes de boni coop sar off an' sves bis bacon." Thia report wva copled viti pro. found gratitude snd admiration, sud ioen tbe meeting vent home. par* me mny. ted, The felloving le a summar>'o eti [mponlant changes made in lie munici- ail tsv st the last soasion oetheLegis. lature : Tii. qualification et mayor, reeves, à1dermen and counilors fa tbe var- >us muni*paîlties le reduced te $200 ýreeheld or $400 easebotd fa villagese; 400 or $800 in townships; $600 ou 1200 ln townus; and $1000 oz $2000 in lities. In munioipalitues vbeére electors are isquaified unloma lie>' have p*id thein axes b>' the 24tb f et omber, tlbe S lie defaulter's îlot; are te b. permitt- d te vote if lie>' have psud their taxes ey time bafoue lie>' vote, and preduce kcertificats e t lateffect. section 188 et tb. Municipal Act la nsndod te make il clear that an Jeeton muet vote fou Mayor fa the. Dlig division b. resides in, or, if net lalified ther., then vhoeo ho rut votes in lb. zunicipalil>'. Inu liecase ef a Sie fa th. eleotion ei Waîdeu, the municipality hbaIng lie reateet equalized aseessinent atelave ho casting vote, instead oethle on. aving the greatest number cf rate- au case an Audilor appo, lh. 4unty couneilrefugs.orïl a go t et, the head oethe conol la guven bthrit>' te nominale anotier. A change le zmade fa tbe returns b. mai le li Geverument, se that 2e Auditeur and Tueaume transmit ifoirmation le Sh. Bureau et Indutries. Wienf.uom mon.> on_ band, or in. eased value et property lhable te as- Mauent, il i. net uioemssaRU lera is. oe funI veo nder a by l5v, Couneils oe giron pover te, pasn a by.iav r..- ing the rbte fou future >'oau, austeai havlng le pau a by-lav aznnafly as p uset. Thepoverof ocunculs bave hitherto bdu in iting adz. sud nuilber et >rs eto., lu ehurehe., hheatÈe., balle, otiier kuild'pUig uafor eple-,of orsbip, public meeting or place. -of ansement, ais exhuded te beupiwals soolà eolieges, ou buildingsof à like hure ;-and lb. slrengtbof valla, beauns wt, ai their snpporto, aregote b bibnl le r*Wultions;; and pever la 'ent e oompol production et. plans cf bon *-p =é-igpi. lieéd b>' lav can. 4b. olai ,or las £eàunditabi a Olorkis -given pveto cheostiM "rou sutbebiling SVsllabIe îfo 9,pUipoeof glvng due notie t> lh. ,tirs. gijnpover le pMurasl. Aoe~e~ intievillae- I tl. oa Bw t elh b> le rvieiBau oeova loi ~Owenia ~veo slronen,*to,, O us ah pt~pie y-lava oban~ uuabingsubJ~ Oounîv ZnAu ýdlarh-Ga, dy.senî*ry7, as-d ail digeisoet a la Dr. Fovier, #ýExtraot -ofWild Strsvwberay whli eau M ,obtalued et ail doalori Ain TieOtaadian Pacifle BRailvay telegraph construction gant have reached'Godonich. We are onstanty rceving testmoy that Dr. Oarons Catarrh Cure is what th. nme iMPies, s "Catarrh Cure." _Your drùggzst la suthorized te refund the money1 Election officiais ini Baltimore have been 'V017NG MEN snffenlng from the offets ef l eanly evil habite, tee resmit of ignorance or tofly, vho alnd themselves weak, nervons, snd exhâsuted; also MIDDLE ÂGED and OLD MENq, who are broken down from the effecîs o! abuse ur over-work, and in advanced lite feel the couseq nonces of youthtui excess, sond for sud nuraxM. V. Lubon'a Treatise on Disases of Mon. The book will be sent sealed to any * WPERRY DAVIS# S AAT RR8IG TEE PAI SPRAIS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM, NEUBALGIA, SWEilLEDt FACE, TOOTHACHE, BUXINS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25ets. p'er Botte. W' Deware of Imitations, ~ OCAMBL TONIC t.I M This agreeable yet poteut p repars. lien la especiaill>'adapted for the relief and cure oethlat ciau of <iserders attendAnt upou a 1ev or z ednoed, stato otthe ',ysteul, and ueually aecSmpanieôo by Pafier, Weaknese and Palpitation. et thb.Ileart. Prompt resuits Wilî fllowevtsause in cases of Sîîdder, Ex. baustion arisitg tfroin Lom cf Blood, Acute or Clr Dc]iseases, h1îd in the weaknesa that iiivariably c pate the nece(ver>' frein Wasting Fevers. No rexuedy viii give more speedy rel;etjii Dyppepsia or Indigestion, its actf ni ou the stouisel being that c! a gellule and bannies. Iofle, exciting the orgns 01 digestion te action, and tis aiord immedite and permanent relief Thé carinuative properujea ofthte differeut aromaties which le Elirr conlains render it unfun Flatulent Dyspepliu, Il 1e a valuable remedy for Atonie Dy%sppia, vichiles pîte ooc=urin z4reus et a get>' character. ' Fer Imp eriebed Bloed, Losa et Appetiw.sepndeucy, and i U c ubere an effective aud certain stimu- luit 18a requured, the E1xr in ioiiud lvaluable. I In Foyers o! a MalùlaI Tnpe, and lbe Varions levil reulte tellowfa-g expo. sure ýo th. celd or wet veather, ît-wil Prove -a val4ai). re8toratiye, as lie Cembinatien o! Cluehona Calisaya and Serpentaris are uiversail>'recognuzed as pe cifica for tlieabov O.xaam eu is , Soul by ailDealruin Family MeâiùWe Life ATnCOura' anr ofNewYor.. - Osuadiau Goeorment depesi3l. Âcoumhulated reserve etd (over) De*thi clais psîd during 1884 Tventy.five per cent. eft&aaseesrnente aie deposited, with the Central Trust Çera- pauy et Nov York, as trastees of 1h. Re. serve.Fund. Life Insurance at less than one-hall the ordinaiy rates, sud secnxity perfect. Only 17 aseesements made in 1881, 1882, 1883, sud 1884, aud in nbe caea they be more fre- quent than ever>' aiteunate mouth. Annual exponsos of' management, &c., limited te 82 per $1,000. An active agent wantod lu ovory unrepre- seuted localit>', te wbomà a liberal commis- sion will b. ailoved. Applications solicited sud full particuisus fuznlahed b>' tho under- signed. * 50,000 815,000 Lgent for the Oounty of Ontario. Poet Perry, Ont. May 8,1 TE WHIT Whltby, Nc MONI At jo-q - oIney seci Whitby, February l6th, 1880. 9- $500,OOO TO L OA h. At 6 peu cent. yearly. Terme, of reps, ment et 'principal made le suit berroweri First sud second inertgages bought. A vaucos mades on second mortgages sud t purchasetanna. NeceaIse incurred i: biaking -applicationsa te me fer money ; n Iaçeut's les.; ne delay. Parties psyiný hagier ratea ou mortgages sionld apply t me at once. for lover rates sud save mone3 Utontar2. WESTERN B AMR 0F CANADA, THOMAS DOW, EY« TO LOAN! «O FOR INVEST3LENT. West living rate@ o! luteiefit. ured within 10 dayg ef ap- 12 20 -wb'.LA ie. partial les. cfme 20 deWade Street Eset, Touento..l WÂLLAOIE TRUE odnî,u e meets lu United Workmeu _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ rood ,Smith's Blok, ftgeWeduei3ay lu eaoh - O I L o 85 Sec'>', Whitby.JD N U MD g AIXIn DevereiP*è Biockfor gour~ A few hundred Bushels et ceanFU 1 ,.,-, Seed OatB of'a superior kind.- D TIiR by to ig 'e, frm0 S c m on flot eh, or d' tQth& oreSerofua.! it i "Fever-soe,"S-alyor RlMe lusot eldiseases Caused by MraS conq~erd byIbi po erf ul, PU i Invlgoa4#ngmedicine. GretEt *ceésrarddIy.heal ;under Iabe-, curi 'uttr lep,55 and Swellingm@P oint î Whle Sweliuugu, Gitre, or @a Nekand Enlarged Gland18. Seid 1 oente ?n stàmps- for a large treajseý Wlth ored plates, on; Skin Diseuses, Or ti2s emutfra treatise on Scrofuors 135. 1horougI4y cleanse lt'by using Dr. ie aGIol.vedical Dinecoveryan CONSUMPTIONl Lunga, la promptly adîes.. .nl and cured by this God-glven. nemedy, f ta- -before the luet stages of h disease : a From its voniderful power ovex,5r sch fatul diseuse, when-freét offcrlng _____11_ ebrated nemedy tote Ible, Dr.w thougit serlously of cal g- It hs 4;Ma sumption Cure,") butaibdone ha 0Q as tee imIzted for amedicn w ehMb vonderful combinitlon of toute, or strng Ing, alterative, or bloed.enensng anti b%-, pectoral, suid nutritive properties, iauneg pot ouly fus a nemedy for consiim1nno î lugi, but for aUl-p1u! CHRONIÇ IEÂC Liver, Blood, and Lungi. rIf yen teel duIl drev ,ebllatd sullow celer of skmn, or ye vish-b on fauer or body, frequeuli headuce usas, bad teste ln utulfltÇrnal'heaton obuk alternating vlth hot ahes Io* spirite ï gloomy borebodIngs, apptta coated tn .you are " part o! these symptomenare 1=e sa renedly foi' pHll uch 4oeu D riére Goldelu- ltIcieal Discovouy ibu la For WeakL."Lm.sting o!f loet4 Bhoguee o %Njr-em-thgjuonebitjg: Severe Conghs, (iensu-nptiou, Mi klndned affections, Itla a asoyereîg~.~ Send ten cents lu etamp6 fer Dr. li book on Couwption. SIdby Duuggimil fford's Dlaponsary Nodical AssooIaUsg, Preprietors, 66 Main St., BUIALO. . ~Xça',ers LITTLE, si--w le Q' 5PILE Soid by ]Druggists. 25 cents avAl. I$ý$5O R'EWAR- is offered-by tie rplta of Dr. Sage's Calai-.Lee -forsa cmseof eatarrh whieai* (.ood Roll Flourat- $2.00. Best - brande et lELOUR, ROLLiEJ) OÂTS, and CORN MU, ÂL. Thorley Food. *i niltoba 011 Cake. Rook Sait. Ground Flir, &o., &a. W" E. PRfl4LE Whltby. WH ITBY. "a.vl mu .~reieed lie [reporta asa deug Bichai'd -MeBlii ft ale, habit. He. vaSt&disuuiteae >- hiesew'0d appoan toilibenoi. .fe-aherse as Lip ethof Aiu from them, sud Il ed4iO tovnfor- unhl Ivto d'OlOcl wben h'toiy bnni] with a piece of the - i.ft someviere a vare egsged yes sud ahaif Westi calaying ni luack -belveen Poi is >abeg - nevi>'ý tbrougi-) At 6 boarded. tir.. bc Port Hoe~, and th le gel home -vers en at lb. rate et five minutes. Ini liaI irune imb he miles cast et- Id jnm ped lie tla men Ou il, and aI fajnred, some sevi Complainte tong beiùg Maie about bef tere ii. ost '-dark le apparent, suce oet boaling p te, exorcise--the avoid rung fou] Ïarovidsetfeutiâ vie disporul therni anud ontftet iw -proqpriet>', on eft h, entail ptW i he loq ladies, vie nigil , vgoratng ifn placid.waters cd t by-lav., probibiti ~after dark., -le Thé tovu ba] PeterbaoolasI w Uxbridge 9 tog.8- nEROM SUITS, KI'IRENsi Core O,,Coma- a '.OrYursr], e the naues eof te tise apprsvl beroeusinj lý la BECOMMENDRI> BT Pliygiifs, - .tiisters, Miaioiaries, Xanagera of Factories,' Work-s4ops, Plant ations, Nurses in Hospitals, -in short, euerybodyeverywhere woho hma ever given it a tri il. TAXEN INTERNALLY MIXED WITH Aà WINE GLASS OF BOT MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL. BE POUND A NEYER FAILING CURE FOR SUDDEN COLD)S, OUTILS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF -CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMAÇU, Sum- MER AND BOWEL COMPLARITS, SOIRE THROAT ,&c. APPLIED ETRAL EXPERIENCE BAS PROVEN IT TEE MOST EFFECTIVE AND BESi' LINIMENT ON AI clumge in Nmùcipal Law. ov. 7th, 18m, ly-47 1 1 CAMPBELUS .

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