Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1887, p. 8

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Tu,* t'&'Mil Pms-nit ai O.nbeté le polue01 -day à i th Ut. BâubuL thetsbbr; rîim oe- 'léIelsi.onr(.ed sâd shona. BaowW's fouain produces lb. quit essenaes d 8Sott Mit. Tîi.x about youÉ fonntatu of heath- Broy'. fountain orflows with lb*. geluine lve-fon-ever. OusuZorna ,of the Royali hotel b~arber ehop s*y th. work dans làequal ID any- lhing dons lu Toronto. Use 1». Dorsûweud'a Great Garman Bain lgfflpOfor baldness, gray hlil, le for sale by aIl druggis. EzcuneroN le Nfiagare and the falle pfer Str. Bastings on July iSt3h 1887 Make an engagemint te be there yen viii net regret it. MR. Wu. Goern lias gene le Port Hope le labo ocanne of tlb. soa-aten wenka laiely punehssed frýomM n..Jno. Wesley. 1lInMn. Garfatit1h. Port Hope"n my hope te find a mam of business and a fnst.nat. feflov eérai. ly. Whal vs haïker afler nov lu in- formation regardlniq Mu. Wesley. He bas nsglscled bie friands hon. ainoe. li uiruek ont lu 11$. matrimonial business vith lthe armugyoaiugwidov. Mn. W. H.- Piper, nean the fair grounde, rene ladies and gentleman 'r. straw or fur bote. MR. P. B. WmMMfLB, Of Ibis lova bas sold hie résidence snd adjacent gro)uudo te Mn. A. M. Rieharduon, of Pickering township, ton $2,5W0 sud Mn. Bioha&dwn is 10 more lie o tvu ai th. Srai of Novemben. Mn. Whitfiold ln nov looking for a nesidance to purobas noarer ithe oentre of th. lowz, sud veat of Brook street. If uothing offers te suit Mr. Whilfield vili purchase a suit- ahi. site aud areet a residence fou bimeIf. Like ail the rois of our people lie dosa nos visb te, lese the good old tevu. Largeariety ef photoguaph al- bumtad plusb goode ever opened in Whilby at Mus. Allias, Whitby booki and anusie store. AT the aunual eesson o! the Grand Division of Soum of Tempenanea held lasI yack lunlt.e ity o! Brantford th. Grand Scribe Mr. W. H. Beveil cf Wbîtby vas instrncted le uend the followîug dimpatoh 10 the Queen :-"To Ber Majssty th. Quoen, Windsor. IDuMAnnu a eting 1he Bons o! Temper. anc. of Ontario congratulai. B er MaJesly on the Jubiles ot Heuroign and Pray with beani sud voioe.God save th. Qusen." The foilowiug reply vas recered :-*'Queen thanku Sonso! Tamperaus. Of Ontario for loyal con- gratulations.' 8PEcuL offers in Suaday libranle. and prises et lire. Whitby Book and nusic store. sebool Alun'. Taies aisneobotter lime for preaeb. ing tliau on Bundaju, sud it is a good thing le hbavaesomeone »aud Who e0» vnaud ont an satl neM sd original doctrine of religion eut of Ibe good old Bibl.,s Ibis suablas s e bave sou>e- thiug un e ha, bliere lu .vruy few yean. But te take le prsaehiag on th. streot corners on Suaday nighte i. nothîng moue or lesa Ihan a publienisane. sMd eauuea complet. hlookad,. WOMr. Yul. sud Love sesan te h. rsnY gond taike nud âail tliey Beed do latUe OU h.hall le make theln mission asuco004- We tr4they vill dosoast once. A. Pa.êoti nia liasbeau fily léoud for Oun leva fire-engine. it is propeed le drive il dally &round lova vitb the f o -Wmig notise paint.d on il -"1G. G. G. Baking Powder-sold hy G. E. Glbsd," cnlains nothlng Mn>uuious.Pree"t, cheaipest and boat. ayed bhe. Thn»e ls"inyed bomseMtIbis office. Vby ïil ce or vbat business itsbas around ber. w. dou't knov, non dcosa il make sMY di&renen..-T~he animal le ta ort of drah colon, i$ round sud plurp np a ia make upaMd' omfoe.nt aotéel lte iie.Inone ~respe il le 1ke mrn mon-thatin a U» inmade OfWood. And te giv. hlm a further lik«eneot "mre mea, th.remaindan ofIse body if-* 01d.o!vod# sud bis loe sare mo su bd osani noe thea. Bis mous looks &iud of vcoly abd arts iu lb. Mniddle 1k6 a 4u4o'au1 r ta »a plsaly sd Is-tudofetàaPies.of pouid- edwaloaa Four vbsman. e,- bhis 'bdy. Hlm ý "bsad uods or uuek. -A stal.umy Manger Io seA np lu front ïftMr. mïscé , rar nwhae. eývoe il l, e. .viii suii or lhirsj. OsMISk.nd iv. calýoli1.individus wbë ob at fber, we-wdll s"abian up liii h. vouWet s i-a oel. - . 1 --aim*1 WtdklLWnie B o4a*, lolroeo Digs lVorfa ZWWarren. Model Drawlng.-'taena MoorlsAnnis Auesn Aiberi Dais, 14, L Ga¶gam, Kotioen; LaU-ra McertY, E'ea MOOre,- Linzi.'PoÇer, . Geog KRiohardon, Fr.derio 'W.etlake, -'Ëorenoe Daie, Gor?àon Campbell. Memory Mud BlackIboard - Omris Olendenan, Albert Dales Wm. Gonunley, Allan Ralght W.]W., Hmltes Edilli Thompson. Tlie flovlwng have loompleted th. ooursefor Grade B. sud now hold teachers eertifiotes-Kate Olendenain, Carnie (Jendenan, Louis Francis, W. H. Hiltsf Albert Richardson, and Gordon Campbell. Grade A-Adraneed Geoetry, Ad. vaneed'Peuepective, Indwtrisl desgn- Anle Dryden. Outline from 1he Round, bhading from 1h. fiat and Industrial Deigu,- Téhos. Power. 0f lb. aboer, see#W ulcandidates the following vwer. trsaùed in Brookiu Public Sehool. Annie Pearun, Lena Moore, ýLîi. ',KoMday and Violonas Warren. .MIssAnle Anderuon was preparad by Miss Annie Dryden. Thé Bronze iMedal awarded for cern- petition aoeong the pu!ils of the <Jolleg. isto Institutes and Righ Scols vas won hy Thos. H. Lennox, B. A. Science Master of Woodatock (Jollegiat. mnati. tut. By what procemu cf reason that gen- tleman ià clagoed smong tb. pupils ol Collegiate Institutes and is aflowed te com)pote with them for medale, it is diffldult for us te discover. The Art Sehoolio ad meehanies Institutes sue open for snob s ho. sving been permitted te take the Exaunination, be should 1 bave been satlsdd witb the stand given him, and alloe.d tbe modal 10 go o e .regular pupit "Dkig tbe nezt -bighest stand. If the compatition for ib. medal b. flot eonfined te, pupila ofOCollegiate Inistitutes and Hîgh sohools il will b. of no funthor interest te thom and wiRbt "u well be diucontinuad. Mr. Lonnoz. no doubt, ebtained a bigz standing in the B course, büt, we venture te @sy, many of tb. Candidat". of the Art Schools and Mochanie Inutitutes took equally as bigb, if Dot a bigben stand, and y.t they won ne modal. Offei the modal for competition among bona fide pupilseof Collegiate Inutitutos and bigh sebo>olp, or wit- draw il altogether. It mu ai1 Very veil to say that lb. coanpetîion encouragous teachers 10 prepar. tbempelreu more carefull.y, but wben tesohers deeeend to snob a loy love) as to require encourage- ment to oopete with thein ewn papi). tbey had botter witbdraw frein the Scott Act Oaths. SPECIMEN BRICIS GLEAJCD VBOU A TRIAL AT Two weêes&go Waltor Bennet~t, oflhe Rever.Rouie, vas chwged witb violating th. act, bis father meviug 60 âaye for non- pam ont cf fines inflicted, but defendant fioite eppear on that occsion. John Long testified getting "sahort"l there, bûitit wuswhiskey, and <etintozieated by On Fnidy last the.cm c: meUp when il SUywas brouqn tp b y iwer- srn, et bppeaang on prevaous mml; vas t»t th Beneuboys ;aked for esbut âd wht homupposed va m il; bad no doubt of il. Walteor Bennett caïd ho leasled for 3 Mmtha, paying 82 aà<ay, lime unezpired;- wua Propriator on 211h. Have sold drnk to uevra! parties, dôn't knov atste mlng beer. Thée gnger aie I ail!je on dnaaag, drava frei a barrel by a pump, nover maw fater Me) liqn.r thiat way bofore; don't know vhelher I sel whiskey P brother and I attend bar, te my knoewledge don't knov intox. liquon wam sold aber. durmgi days charged. Have etuif w cSU! «short," don't knov if il in inteL Won' l ALng -"Mar- Mng fais. wen heou»y$ short is intez. 'Have no opinion whether ginger aie is lantex, or net. Don't order th. liquor, nieler orders in OM.; tink t isfrein Oopelaud's brewer ; dont buov vhat beur looke like - over a yearstus I reomeunir seing a gisua of beer. Have MM e» anon itoatomd -et my plane -don'% kuov vbere tbey gelthe = .uo. «, euegéel iutbetho tmy ktpov-- log.Don>t know wbethor Chas. ili gelteoziatf qpoatMy plac;to bu ýog y k oldge nouesrbs n u ew .aod IL .- Have taslebrandy -,bave nUe bebind ébava oIinuenur: Îin, have_ had short;-dànýe bne O ! tng 'itorwe" net boer. Te lb. question-To tiboat o! 'lvade ath iozwyou g9« frin Ib psadBr*wiig C>.-. bauor jnnt. h* y--,,' 's ~dis. id 8501 adco Mn. W*i. Parton,. Port Penny, la employ. tadi te .henift'u office. Mn. M. Thvafte, of Tuooo, penta couple o! days itown ibis veek. - Rar. Edward Warren, of Nobawka,vas bore Ibis veek toattend bis fatheros funenal Miss Alile. Gregory sisteît of -Arnold Gregony (student) lu the- gueut of Mmn Barker. The venerable Wm. P. BarkqrotO(Word ceuaj in Ibis week vilng is e.ýpn the B ..P.Barkor. 11r. Chas. Billingu neturned, t ova Ib tis monaing, aiter a weeks absence 10 visil hi. parents la Pont Penny. Mn. M. Holden, who bas been neivng Mn. H. B. Taylor 'n tb. Dominion bank, returned to Toronto lait ngbt. The Misses Cratharn's daughters of James Cralbans, Eq, Montreal, are visiting Miss EdîIbGnoo f Ibis lown. Mr. Wmà. Pazton lu bere..vWst bis brotber the 8heriftf, wbo mbasbeuive il! during lt.e week, Ibongh hiene 'Mlt1e. Squire Green, of Greenwoed, me*>vlth a serions a"cdent recently, by fallten log. Â.eonple, o! bis nlbài, woue ain Wh -Mar,.bi Mauyr, "e ds wlU b. deligbtîd -to learn, la &i Iy reeovering mndl lnov ahi. te ho auound. Mn. G. H. Ham, retunned ber. troni Ottava on Wedaeudy.Re Is n abl&bcdied newspp.r ozeînt and bis efforts in the rarious papens may b.easuily dis- tlngnish.d from choe f moust other vritenu bythe spcyindependent manuer in whioh The Perfume of an Hemniphere.- Througliountaascupied by more than one huiidred millions cf oivilized beings. Murray & Lanman'a Phonda Wate, jn 10- day the standard perfume In society. Jacob Sharp, the New York boodier, bas been found guilty. Beware of 1he medicine representedl as just tb. same, or -fully au good, sa Dr. Smith'@ Great German Worm Bemedy by deaieru who »Uei h article that pays best, regardiesu cf menit. Dr. Smlth' Gnt German Worm Remedy il beîng endorsed by ail a a pleasant, saae, relibe and prompt remedy for the removul of utomach and seat or pin wormu from child or admit. ItiI easy to tae., neyer fails absolutely harmleu, ad requirea neoa2terphysio. Sold everywhere. Price 265et. Yellow fever ià spreadin« at K.y West. Neglecwedcola, Pain in the Chest, and aSl disease of the Lunge, are cuned by using AIen's Lung Baleam. The yacht Thisti, beat 1h, Irez in 1h. Clyde regatta Wednenday. Allen'@ Lung Balam-Is warantod te break 1h.emmnt. roublesonie eough in an increditable short tirs.. There in no reumy that can show more evidence of nemi menit thbm Ibis BaJuam for curing Cengamption, Coughs, Colas, Ast"&, Croup, etc. A colision belveen th. police and a znob took place on St. stephen'ls Green, Dublin, on Tuesdzy. Dais' P"mnKille.-Ptom _the reports ai delenathis City we hek no . w Mediciee bas bd a Mtreau.ai Prprne. sa speryon,!.fer' oa net tai! 10 b. gmSely ap *a.d ad no family hould b. vithout it, in eueo! accident, or sudden allack cf dye=$Mpy diarrhoe or coiera niua.-MjontremJ WÂA8E-AIt Pont Wbltby, on Tu"say the 251h test., Wm. Warren, ua., &Pd 8 yemarnsd 8 maonthe. Financial sud Oommerc6Lsj Office of WbitbY ONRONIOLM, SW.itby, July 1, 18~7 WRXTBY MAXIET PmoCES. apnzng Wbhea...........O0,78, Goo. Wis.........070 Plu,penr ....2 26 0906y.........e 0O40 PRys................. oo7 BaPeu................. 0526 luePes.........u o Aelo Rvere8..... Appls, enbl.......i50 00 0 10 Hidi. p.rb........0 t6 Ppnkperot..........e o 00 0 072 *-250 *060 - 046. * 85 0100 *$00 *9,00 * 14 0120 la 501 oler proshavIng é oredi tr.thn ont%$ P-burt Dizon lale, of 0 Town- uI o*$oarboroug la l.heOoun$y of ,farmelr nd frmer y'contraclorde- oeased, who AiedMon or ~Oiut 1he 27th "day 01 3anu, .A.D. 1887 ù are rbyrequlred tdulivër or aend by poil prepai oJJ 74Ohurch stréet, Toronto4 . elici: Or ohnA. 4wl* md Davidson Car. IA ,.imatoro of th. sia, d deoed, on or bdef e Lit .1day of AÂtg887» a; - tat.- ment mn wrlting of iheaes and ad- dresse a dfui partlonlars of their olaima 'wIth th. vou@héo upon which they a;. ba, ada mstlment of1a&l1seuritie. (if an = tâythe notice, thal immediately sfe aid date th.ecu»tor of 1h.euad doadwiUl roceed t10 distribute 1he as- set ofth, Îceseaamong th. partes entitle&thereto ha îg etrd only 101the dlaimis of whlch notice s ail2 have been given au above requir.d; and* 1h.esd H- ecutoru vill not b. fiable for the said asse or any paut theroof to y person or persons cf whose cdaim or dlaims notice uihail not have been received by them et th. afore- Baia date. Dated ai TGronto, this 15th day cf Jtlfl3, A.D. 1887. J. J. FOY, 4n-29 Solicitor for the Exécutors. MORIGAGE SALE. UNDER and by virlne cf th. powens contained te a ceitain Morigage, vhicb vil be pnoduod et the lime cf sale, there vii be effered for sale by Public Anclion on Wedne8day, the b'th JuIy, 1887, et the Armstrong Hotel, Whitby, at Ivo o,0o00c1. p.m. the followilg valuabie proper- ty, viz.. Fity acres good land, being 1h. Soulh-west quartor cf Lot No. 6, te the 8rd concession o! the Towrnshp cf Pickering. On the land thon. is a amai b ouse.and a good barn. The soil ie good. .Si#uated witbin e 1ev miles o! elîhon Whitby or Liverpool Market. Possession cen be given s acon spurchase je completed. For terme. epply to JOHN RELL, Audley, or the undereigned, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, ID ORMISTON, Auctioneer. S olicitor for Vendor. Whitby, Junel17, h, 1887. 2.--2s. hlûii:s Rail18 -JUST TO IIAND- JEWELLERY. Newest desigus in Ladies' BROOCHES, PINS and SHORr CHAMS. CLOCK.-1 and 8 Day. Pull Stock et Nov Goods aise KNIVES, Pý'OBKS, and MPONS. Tea Spoons from $1.50 per doz.1 Extrordlnary Value, Cali and Sec Ihein.1 JeweUlery made -to order. Watchs, Clocits and Jewellery Repaired and Warrantecl. JAMES J'OHNSTON, 'Praeieal Watcbmaken, BROOK-STREET - -WHITBY i SECIL SUNI199ER D+RIVE I GOOD-S' Domnion .-Warcrooms,' 'We sh ow something cheap and- good in' Musli*ns, Lawns, Seersuckors, &C., for Summer Wear. A Big Range 'of Straw Rats, for La-' dies', Girls',- Chidren, Boys or men., #C> New lot of Parasols this week. . New Mill*inery weekly, leading9 styles and lowest prices. A nice uine of Tweeds and Worsteds, for spring and- summer suitings and overcoats, made to order, in the latest styles. We have a well assorted stock of new and tasty goods, and are prepared to give our customers the* best value for their money. POWELL &O@ Corner of Dundas and Brock Streets..,, Stafford & Oormck, Wbitbys VA LIS3ES, GOO.D VALUE. Low Puices.f New Oestigni. CEILING 18870 SPOR TiN -GOO DS. VOL*. Bot p -pern vise. Su] the oSfce c B.Zéoklaaudý uusrpnou pis vnei. enyo0 fi LIattention. TEBMS intinsenric subeequentins DisplayedMrAdl by aàsmsle of soli aocodingly.I Advertisemen inslructlons 1in5 chargod for fi! *Ordene for -dis ors wi otho A liberal disco mneleby thé y0 contract adveni lu net lalen tha e! anyintended before Tuesdcay mneute neceived m Business iclie Pive ceâts pircIl per lino weky -Correspondeno o! 1h. County -'o0 Corresrpondents' their cemmuno possible, JOHN STANTO Sup'l ]"oham B ARRISTER.- and Couuty ing, Court Heoa l» RoyalHel, R «cencery, C Whitby. -.G. YOUWG; OmeSmof' Ja.22,1878. A fITIONS 0F BE B82'A e-eýj, l 4T,

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