DRI IIITBY G OOâ rero eapand good i rsuckors, &. Wear. V iats, for Lai 3oys or men* Itis week.l yleading style,~ and Worst edLq. r suiings a,,4 .17, ini the latest 6d stock Of new re -prepared t1 best value for &Co. Brock StreE 1)ADO& -118 G 00 DS.0 W it. c a i n r i n e d o r d , g r a t h o u h t s a D u r f r i n i n u a t i , . - - - - - - - - -u s t- s n u w A . a g e ý r o t h e r b o o d t VT /-* Ir Ir ~ VOL, XAI. EstabliBhed 15.8 .cor. Rn [h Ladog~/e~y nOntarlo Cougtï. BIE SUBSRIPTION RATES. Thoundavc ee Ilper annuin in adivance-81.50 Other. by t he uise oef V it. Ws.Snbscri tions are alwayu Payable at thene LLVVUS kuVSiiOD. Steain equipmnent and best furnished Book and Jobb printing plant in Eaater Ontario, capable of exeouting ail clamses cf work frcm the largeposter te the umallest handbill. Special mention î M»Ade c1 the unsurp"ased pres facilitien of Tuz Cimox- ICLE, With its oelebrated N. -y. Cottreil cylinder press and other modem conveni- enoes. Every order receives prompt, tare- tai attention. TERMS 0F ADVEBTISING. First insertion, per lin.e, 10 cents; each subseqDent insertion, 5 cente.. Displayed Advertisemnents are measured by a scale of soid NonPareil, and charged accordinely. Advertisementg sent without written instructions inserted until lorbidden, and obarged for ful l ime. Ord ers for disoontinuing advertjsements muet be in writing, otherwise the publish. ers will not be responsible. A liberal discount for eontrs.ot advertie- ments by the year. Cep y for changes cf contract advertisements shculd be handed in not later-than Wednesday; and notice 'bf any intended changes should be given before Tuesday noon. Othe; advertise- ment. receiveed up te Thursday noon. Business notices in local1 or news columns Five cents per line weekly. Locale, 10 cts. per line weekly. Correspondence solicited frcm al p arts cf the.County or neighboring townoVPs. Correspondenta are requested to send i their communications as promptly as posblHESDERSON & GRAIAýM, JOHN STANTON, Poréos Sup't Pwechanical Dep't. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTER, County Crown Attorney, andCounty Solicitor. Office,- South wng, Court House, Whitby -48 I>ARRISTER, &o. Offlce fonxnerly oc- )cu ied by Pareweil & Rutiedge, neit o Raya Hotel, Brook St., Whftby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., A TTOBNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR EN Ohancery, Conveyancer, &o. Ornas-m-I the Office south of the Posl Office, in Mo%£lan's Block, Brook Street, Whîtby. ly-1O G. YOUNG SMITHq, L L- B., B? ARRISTERO &o., &o.-Money te Loaie £.Jsouer of arri&ge Licenses. Omnic-Smith's Block, south of Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. AFFORO )ECOA TION&, 1 1-, ' Wouuds, Ses uUoas 18S, OOUGHS, OLS 1for contnaoted sud stif joui à - World. , Street, London, they are spurie. )OOO lbs E ýWOOL. Fresh Ei at W-. JGIBS( ~to be iýà rus for"] (tf-61 JOHN BALL DOW, B RISTER..AT-LAW - SOLICITOR n hanery, Conveyne,&o. Wbitby.% MONEY TO LEND-Pnivate Fund,- iu sains up te 0800, at a Iow rate cfi- terest. (ly-52 LYMÂAN ENGL1SH, L L. B,, B ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chancery, oonveyanoerL&c., &o. SIm- Do@ Street, Oshawa. DB. MELDR1JM, M.B. (TORONTO DUInlveusity,) L.R.OP. andL.M.(Edjn2. burgh>, &9. Office heurs, 8 to 10 a.m., 2 to à ana 7'to 9p.m. Ne. -3, THE «ITERRLACE," BYRON-ST., *WHITBY. .Y. WRRE, è OV.MtR*532w0.v W, CUTHBERTSON, M. B. (Toronto,) MD., . M., <Victoria.) OFFICE:, BROOKLIN. 31. C. CR 4WFOKTH9 VBTERINARY GraduaI, cf 1h.eO0 Orders by mail attenad 1o. Offlo. at residane Dr. Begart'sj, Dundï Brookiiilo s H. VAN:- Gradaie#Ont ' O," Bu aisn$sun, fth SURGI itarle Veteilusry, D of G.AyesGo»poâi$e eI---- - 5hi .- ,Col. v S, e ILV.OR and Yonge Ste., Toronto. 3T TEETH, 88 on rnbber. Jefluloid, $10. Gold, $80. eztraoted the teeth froin rsons, absolutely painleas alised Air. 46 WHIITBY, ONTARIO. -&- A. FQST. aMe with Lan¶~Y Langley & Burke, ARCHI'T.ECT. Designs -for Churches, Villas and Cot- tages a speelalty. Drawings prepared for OP'xc-Firsî fiat over Hlowseas Drug j as j-net received a large as- SOAPI CHEMIST and DR'UGGIST P. O. BOX 202, WRITB'/T. SEBERT BROSO., LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROCR STREET, WHITBY. Geod %ia and Good Heorses . Ternis rea- sonahie. 19 SEBERT BROS. Are týu.-nt b t! ktiontain their evu Ptnastir-. iba a ie, aIsre, anmi ffeetwa> ..deatz-Yer Of wo UjmnCildren or ÂdMU& BAKINO POWDE R THE COOK'S BEST-FRIEND 1887» SPIIING STOCK N 0W OPeNED. Ti, AU'gsta NEW DIESIGNS, New Çokrnig,' LOWlp1lICE8.F .A* c. ILQ irÈliaum - 't - mà sortment of TOILE T SOAPF Which he is selling a very LOW PRICES. SAVONA, TH 8 ÀElREaT WD Also for sale by W. IR. 'HOWSE, CHEMIST AND DBUGGIST, NEW 00098 IS tuI W. R. tH]OWSE, CHEMM TANRD DBtTGGIST, HEu on bmad a very large and select steck o! Chrislmas geod&, ompnlslug Ladies>. Work Boxes, Whisk Ho/dors, Odor Cases, Mirror8 in P/ush, Toi/et Cases, large Yase8,- A"d an asmrtmanlef tchar artcles suitable for preenf*. CaU and Exvamine û,r Sockc Refoe Purchdsùng Elaewh.re. -P R PURen CAL NEWS LETTERS, Mr. WIEAL.~~, 8.Henry Major, has returncd Our old Myrtie boys M. J. Debois, CimocmxC.zocrrespondence. from Napance where she had been B. Bedson, -and A.. Obelilon were hée --visiting ber sn-in-law Be. ï4r. Ems- on Bunday last. lOY.- Mise Meie,.. B edson loft here .on- Several cf oui local sports visited Monday eveningby the 0. P. B., for ~telephone in now in eperation. Gien Grove park Toronto lait Thurs- Michigan intending te spend a ,few se Perkmns and Helson have ré.- day and Friday te ose the races and en- day. in Toronto baeora going faither. ' mm eooflege looklug héarty. joy an outing.., Mr. George Medland.raisd th. (rame -cldêtou ieéturned bone em her Our goniai teacher, Mr. J. M. Field of a large grain barn on _Baturd&y lami, on t>ktà î iday lait, looking loft F.riday for hie summer holiday. The bain wùs a large oe being *mem we believe h. intends viaitiiig frieuads 5b 0ls hrewi vr10m n a sud M arm H ilfoot. W h i v teue m a t w ee k. Su e h. b ýplayed a match gaine on the had net bien eelebrating th. jit ef e - b . f rm e r , o n th e l ot a n d J l ' b e fo r e t r i a I s ~ a e h re .. iie.muet have sean double. - 3i W . Nott, of Port Perry, There wai a farewell social gatber. t~ghrougb tbe grove o he -ing is e ednesay evening at the te ,Ou hlots,1 hie bôoseteek residence of Rav. J. Wilkinsonu bld, iPd daîhad furiouily &ai.- thein adieu and wiîh hlm God'e îpeed Mr oIsud two amail cbuldren were and blessing to bis nez$ appointment thi*a ont. Mis. Nott spîained ber the , gentleman removai to Good- wriol&au.61the ldest child. The wood regretted by many9ad fllow- ot"-u ae tlirewn againît a îree Ai by the good vishesof ail. &i- à y bruisad about the hasd, ' BBIN MrNot oeeeded in tepping tb.e .Fariner, are busi' vith the hay which bu 1. ugyva miady a good average crop;. grain je look- Omin b. b.d tle gel another rig te, go ing wel and potale bugs very pleti. ho ~-Mi. Alex.Mcoullougb, ohfui Da O, e; g N t' os ti The principal eyant of tho weak paît vo t the ramone, when hie owu herse vai th. pi-nie eld by th. eYung ian. vsy and sabed bisbuggy. Peopie 0f Ashburn. The day baing Methdisi Sabbah ohool An. fine a large rowd of people gatbrad. vas w a great suecess. On t wtlieis the ýsports. The Green S 120h June, lb.h e v. M . An. River band arivao by lbe 10 a. m. dieý 9-cf C"burge prescbed a sermon train and marche& db Mi. Harriis field for children sud îucoeaded well ini wbere the football te&-ms had met. ke -9 their attention and interasting The toams e e Clareinent, Baîhani' lbe afternoon a a us.meet- adCakLk.Bathany adCae iing- héld and addr.sod by Roe .u m et teck; lb. field when soea geed Ane M d Sillwell, and M. A. D. Pl!ym began and as kpt opwtb Woïà t#. lu 1he eveniug Bue'. Mi. vigor te the end of tha gaina wben vie. s8liél1 of ]Kingston, peached. mhe tory declared itseif iu avr ef Betbny ohb vasfilled ote .deors and bi' On@ geal te noue. Aller dinner tb. doi ad te, retunbeome, being un- bail vam again set lu motion by 1he abWÈ*iget iii. Ou Fridai' . u uy Chalk Lake and Bothany clubs but the tleY'Wd their teapany iniM. Beare's Bethany club vas taken as a disadvan.. 9MY14 boud hogb the day a. xtreme- tge with PlaYig a ard gaina wth 1IY W Md 8MOmimes threalned rain laemnot, ad aler a brd fight Chlk [1 VO pue f et b.iost ucoasaul bed Lake snt the bal fying nder th.e bel &drme egvnb eu tape of 1he Beehany geai, thus sec- &1U ¶PuïI Kia ton, Tolen oh Mark: ing h. victey. Mr. J. M cAvoy cl. baa -gove of York, MeMillan cf Wick, ed as refèestbîugbeut the entire ~e n s r m e r s . d b i r a dip a t i o n s a .E s a si»e 'fhrm 1h. Aller hall P>7 4-bande repaire& lo - SujWm. Bree'waeihart vWer. m ushled Gre uakireputat'ou for tes- keeping ime te, t a iW n'tcf mu.!. WatÎes. Tih. consort lu the evening aud "-Ey',s lookad'love te eyeî vhieb d wus good sud the choir Weil mumt5m.d spake again" 1th.ehng e .he'c tho reputatiou lbey are gainiug. Tme of lb. open field te cb.hada Of hel, uiooeeds of aniv.iiary a'uounted te trees vas onjoyad hi' the boys fo*er la ~u~o.oo.remaiuder oh te day sud gams veu indnlged in 1h. tug of waî betveen 10 li m e Pa i ri Î e s o fhB lo o iin g to n ia sp e n d . i n u o f A sh b u rn qa u si a&il o rn ers v a s wsll Worth seing vith Mi. P. Heron ng à afsv *eeks with ber frisnds haie, for first Ms u aJ. itutîy for Anohoir Mi. J. Blonebonis, bas iscovered th. epsos beiug rfifled up belveen bi'1."I< from, big &"Montu, Be that ha iii abI. te snob mon as our village Vuleau, îhey B bc out agalu. er. -a formidable lookiu& lot o e,.el a Mr. Wx. Costes bas goen on an ex- Iova te memure -ropes ith. Sguch umiaon te Manitoba. Mis. B. Poliard js mseuit'dite Obe lii. lboeghl l the midnas lmlling friends lu Toronto. oh the- sticug men -pissent for il vaso The. aniv.rsary services Bt 9"Bethal" soea ime before a selel len men would me off on sanday sd Mondy Jeu' face tem. Soins membera ofet l. id mad4th sud wve aey ucsuu Chalk Lake team to' h ht shej% Ou saudai' excellent mormons, vere ver. vieor. oi 1h. ballIi' yvould try hi resched .1 2.80 hi' Bev. Mi. Koam,- ýconclusions at lh. reIpe, sud wben 0*t ot tud 6.80 hi' M . Courtice.. The co u- C lay g ave h . vord -for à b u o p ll ' rPatons ve .large and attentive. Somthupg ad teo nse, Au hsi à e P. A. choir impplisd lb. mu.!. marëched to the wlnnuQg poaltluInto th rhlob vas excellant, theirautham ta tpul.Alrparlaking o'theb. 1 .eveîg oing espeoîayprp5 good.tbngmprv<¶dd large naimber lit 0 terl.m ethe.llcvsn-ôvedt fol , uMoây the. audie o. ga hrdaIf U&lel extent sud the programnme pro. ff0 sud vere eultamu.wlih.pqeobeovidd va4 limeed otté- wUit nu b m, ou~~~~ Bos0amr a J M de u plaeure. .,The novai featur, t o stop 010Mo b heb. choir. -Tes A m leu: en D an in 's it essad vit l "OU"p y trJJip 4UO NWUOreon Michigan bringing iwith hlm -a Mis Duffy who i. nov visiting at Mr. D. Briggs. Town Ooiuicil. The townocouncil met Monday nghjt. Piesent-the Mayor, Deputy.Bgeye- Butledge, and Conilero Noble, Bob- so, Maynlard, Hewis, Burni, Hallett, Wicks, Smnith and Fox. Minutes of former Meeting resd-and confirmed. 'ICommunications wei'e ra ad frem the iîecretaiyof th. Board ofHealth, stating that Board bail passed a reboiutlot re. que.îmng 1h. town -ceuncil te appoint a HLealth Inspector, a Medical Offloor and aise, te set spart a Oumn of money te defray the axpances ef t1. Board of Health. Prom the Toronto Portable Gais Co. requesting th.e privilege of intrcducing gag inio thîs town aiking te ei Council to-give them a am use a certain number oflighto'for ub lie lighting, AU& aImoe lt xmpt 1 he uOMPanyî gai woîks fcmtaaon etc. Prom, the Atlaso WoellnCopay requestiùg that a ccPY eof the reîýolnion- pasadast a public meeting c'fl hé clU- Ue of thià town-où TusmaJn e2t in endersatien regarding a onsb. forwà rdd te. thaeeCmpanyleir &bat a meeting oh the -Bhareë2Ler of the Companyy be heid to.-disousi ite interestis. aad IfoYlita& h ng ! âtien»s nov lu prograis. A petitien va. îead -ftm John1 Imith adftfty-seven telboi,,ailaom. dents of the noble south yard, s1tiuî ~glnùi Jhn Ulartik 00-sbl or lit ward is daistastehsil t t people lownthere, and p rayig that tbheun ilmyses the,- ppiiey cf.4igaisfg lir. Hortiicok ai once T itili i adte be'ar.th" iuIrsc Dajonlty of ratepayrsof the mouth 'aid.-.- Ceun. [Berna oughît reprt rom th. e su ater cmiês ,eouà ,'s-+Tooiito Bï*berOo.$,p4'o iking that 1h. Ocuncil grant slb om rdite pover to purohase 600 tt of à se forth, ýfiro'nle Wbber Ceo., taiuupc n wouuo.d sud 'ail seemsd le eim~cy hv tha 1gw.... ~ dL. &S1..L~ ai in*maqîvem ai the 4ab1.~ Iii Uia oven- J lugA concert vas givan lu lb. eh,~roh I vbere Bei. Mi, Keam sud Mi. Courd fi b c1 y al 8j IlL Wih cl rne .wro ra hogtqai n j nulr.-V ----------- ttdvoute P,,II)AY§ JU-, LY 8. IRS7- 1 lb sortment of THE GREAT q IN (). , --306 1