Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1887, p. 2

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RELiait Sa aubi Iven m.da pr.sont.4 i. hluu by 1hi îQreea, aoom panled b £ 100. for bna's n aevt asouple 4tmâeualffl th1~e Jmwa of a faak in $heA.sba âÎ& àfew y.eu Iwo. MI~Kulghuis lheonly imn 'u. 1h. ~ ~ C"d DoiilnIOu entm*ld te 11 pouesou On Teday tb. membens 'cf th. family cf Mr. H. 0. Reg.nspostmsuten, b.d an implebaat- expenieuce with pcdred, hellebone. An omelette ha.d b.eun ieppr9d for breakfast, th. ccok having used powdered bellebène instead cf pepper, thene being uo diffornce iu appearance betweu1th. two sub- sîsuces. Ail who psrbook cf tb. poisoned dish were affecteil nuplessuit- ly-Miss Rogers sud Miss Criddy cf Coebourg, aises cf Mr. Rogers, danger. cusly for aà lime, but lb. prompt appli- cation of suitable treatment by the family physician brought reovery. Ail affected are uow doing well. A sliookizsg accident occurred et Non- wocd Mon4sy afternccn, vberoby a yoaug r:sn usmed Pinkenton mol a horrible deatli Pinkerton vas bnakes- in on the C. P. R., andI livesI aI To- routoe. H lsbooms employed on lb. road only about two or tbm.. weeku. Ho vas vomklug ou th. way fnight whueh passe - tbrengli Peterborough o'est.vard about 1:80 la the afternocu, aud at Norweod, in boardlng tb. train as Il vas pulling ont cf the statien, roached fer the front stops of a van, le- stesd eft1h. rein as is usually doue. Sounelow ho missod is iefeeling sud fell beueath the vheels, which passed over th. bip cf bis ight leg, the ankle cf the beft beg, sud noan the shoulder cf the riglit arm, horribly meugling bis body. Modical assistance was uselese, aud aller liugerng four or fiv. heurs le sgony ho expirod. Betore psssing awoy the youug man dictated a btter le bis brother, living lu Bruce county. Deceaud n'as a yonng mnu&bout 26 yeas o f ago, sud unmarried Baya th. Nerwood Regieter :-Bel- mont furnisises us with s nice, spicy item Ibis week, being notbing more or tes. than an ottempt to sed human blood ibrougli lb. agoncy of s double- barelled'%bot gun, loaded villi buck- shot asd singe. Iu Ibis, as lu ail ollien hootiug "fiascos" in Bomnt, lb. aggreeeor oould net screw- bis courage up, le the pitol uoceeary foi effectuai s:otingt aud il le cving te Ibis facl thal tb. sutended vietim las atil lu lbthe ad cf the living. Tho tacts,s gatherod fron Coustable Hill are s followve: G. A. Pancels sud A. H. Myere work a farin on shanes. On Friday mý=ring vhile Parnels vas on- gaed lu 0ilking s ccv, Myers, le s joking sort cf vay, commenced throw- ing p.bblés at tb. animal. Paneshe b- came higbly iudWgunl t stthis sud îbreatenedl vengeance. more dire. Myens pald ne atlcntign le ibos, ibrest8 but still kepl ennoyiug Pancels. Final- ly tboy commeucod pelting ecd other witb stonai, sud Pancels on soeing thal ho vas gelting tb. vonet of Il ian te th e uessud soonod lhe gua. rýMyons fied te tbqr barn sud vas follo*ved by Pancels. Hoeelbohy played. "hIboe sud go seok" antii noon. Parcels thon ne- lurned te lis bouse, lotItbe gnxl inside sud commnued rnilking. This vas Myers' opportuniVy and b.mado good uoseofeti. Stealiug steslhily frein bis hiding place ai tb. barn,hlieonted lb. bouse frein tie bsck outrance, seenred 1h. gu sud appeared betoro Pame t athîe front dcci. Paneels nov thougit il vwu '<1ail day" viihlm, but Myers contonted hinself witb smash- iug tise gun inmb atome. Tbe eevau tried hetero Squire Drain ou Monday. MYKTLE. A 1àrge 4eivery of Massey bludors vis made boe. ltI eek hy Richerdiscu cf- Columbus, A train et 17 cars ofthle mime iabom.saviuvmg impleynemîts from Lie esaie firm passed lbrough ber. ton the North WesI. à beavy frolgit brade is being camieàd tIroug inlubçnd rmnChicago ilu vis sud cern. FormeofsetCnada vaut te to~sharp after them eve intenete befon. suothon session cf our Dominion Palilamoul. Aide vilb poli"icansd eoousidem youn mreal position. .There Is more money lunomretiug the evils tisaI have' orsptinto Irade sud commence sud monoesupeciay tise -cnrying systein of liecouantry, vbsc i se oh loes tissuaeleselized systeine! of bbe t e bfanmpr-cf Qnario a"d witate. eo»UsenabltUmne ad trouble têreoitify. Oropusmarelooklug admirable, AUl kialsif fru a lcagood appearance- Our 1fr. Cealler, ulgîl operson«, la c64& ed- b' Q anivel 3nOl~te kbelp s*gbt. bp nsup aI t sIstation wli b. inha -- heme. -Télphueto b. r on ntoi b.. tisai tie 4uem- gi *.w fo Obtime. Sel tvstii wtz Alarge tara, oinc Wt .euil plym ept "as't'nomy Aglon tIbe, O. ORl ItheW ueal gn. 8. K4rr, vise rewen$ly 1usd lhW jow boue brokants le4braoes ss ovî àr.uhItb# $eWa m Ïi ýbut hfrs &Wl WIvef.f ladte sm Fird Liadsay (son cf Mr. D.Llasay *ho ,lnjured ou* of» ue's -tea17 od touae l o0be thr6,yu ýde. Ou Tneiàay of0 sl àk 3ahu '2. Re14uo~ifthi~~s4rsjto~ onghyenjyeaihe cclfolicifýyoY con- tnibntiug $1 and costs(184,10) te .fud, wslks. The contribution ,was neceived, by Police Magistnsie Horne -s- a con- sequeuce cf the ýdofenaant informing Geol. MeGaÏr of isi e bzgthé-' crystallized facslmlle of Hi.s atanie majosty, sud being &alO pessessed cf ""e, egreeo f toug iness as w ill l ti'- mat.ly lesd ta the duead solemnity of the yawniug galiows. LIN»BAY. Lindsay wae defeated in Kingston ou Tuesday lait by tb. Park nine cfta city by 14 10 6. IhelLiudssy club wene bigbly pleased with tb. trip sud -lb. trestmont they rooeired. J-aveuile crime seeme tc e hono the incroase. On Saturday s -boy vas an- rested vbfie eteallng nnoney froin lie VII1 of Mn.. Keeve's store ...Anotier boy vas arrested vhle attempiing te steai gods at Mns. Foote's shep. Mn. Ja". Diokeion, P. 'L S., vas lu towu yesi.rday ou bis way te locale the feront sud gains preserve lunlis. Nipiss. ing district. This viiitake up over ton or eleveultoveshipe on lb. besdvslers of the Muskoka, Msdavaks sud othon rivons. Mn. Diokeon viii probably ho sasy ah summor. Au et-couucilior'e cow vas impound. eon Wedneeday, sud, My oye, vasu't ho vrathy 1 Ho vowed be'd gel on axe sud chop up the public pound if even bis 00WW5 ias bsI up &gain... Mn. E. Banusu proposed 10 test le lb. courts the legality ot Pouedkeepen Wilsou's action in irnpounding hie (Banuan's) 00W. Two canneet citizeus foU b odisoussiug tbe poil office aile question et Bunting'e shoe store on Tnesdsy nigit. The oarnest citizen. grew se, emphatie ovor tbe malter that lhey came te blovo, upel the steve, fractured lb. vorli- hench sud ruined s pot et valuible pat betore they could he sepsated. Luti week informations vere laid beore Police Magistrate O*Leary by Inspecter Short for violation, eft h. Canada tomperance sot, against Win. Huain d Stephon HoUland, second offonos@, Joeph DaIy sud Jememish MoCarthy fon firet offences. Ah vwers (oued gulty and fied acoerdingly. Ou Tnesday Hoaith Inspector Hughes b.d M. Sswey, hutcher, befor. lh. court for an infrsction of lb. bealtb 'ct hy isviug bis slaugiter houe., noir Burk's milse sud viliin the tevu limite, lu au unciosu condition. A fine ot $5.00 sud coss vas iuficled aud directions givon tissI ne more kiliing should be doue ou tise promisses. Wbilo il le Irue thet the *"spoclajiel" i. 1h. inu ho drae oa large salsry for bis services, th. man vIe eau tara hie baud te suything-lhe goda&H- round individul.-is thb.minufor Gal. way. On Salurday nigbt Police Magie- Irsle OLeary obsonved Ivo mon gel- lingt uplb.encleus cf a figit lu Bpratt & Kuleu's store, wvhere tbey bad fellen cul Qvor somoe porsenal malter-pro. bably lb. posit office site. Blowa von. ezdhanged. Nov enter the p.ma. H. arrested bolli parties on the spot. He esconl.d the Ivain te Ilheinagislnale's office, opened a speclal sltling et lb. ceurt, made eut tbopn<>pen lutormalionsi sud indictmoenl. e. bard tise evi. douce of Mn. A. O'Lpany as vituee; lhe took thse evidonceofethle officer vise made lis annest. Tho evidonce vas, ît appoars, conclusive, for the onipnits won. finod on tise spot about $10, th. alùount was paid sud lise cuipritsi dis. ieod witb a caution uo c t oiil hap- peu again. Tley vebomeutly voved that it wcnldu't. Net resuit te lise toweuof $10, asilhe p. ni did th. 11111e job lu off heurs., Pelerboro-vbe dlaimsto have tise bigg.sl sud bout of everyling-vill nov tako second place, sud as -for Port -Hope-but no- body vauls le talk about Port Hope, auyvay. Hen. vo Sund au estimable citizen pursued vus tle Mdl fiendis rinaigu. ily poaitivoiy p&Whd te eontemphate. Tise diespisabte- iueudaclty of -tl. iu- fanions perpelmatons cf au outage in. dicatesý a deop-seaw aIntrean ar Dr. Burrws. -,The =stsî singent aldy'UM - nZ *m e n adas -1h. shades cf n gthee The. murde àR -s u eu efeuqe vas ~ o ihth i e ac ibutIht "th~'fah bi'> Fie5tcf_.f'-ot.o> four cf the mon. adveiilerous memb-er& sudow p'te Kayge#>end visue thon. receivedaaielegraûithat the stay- at.lhePointen- ad canu&.el~ splendid -enaskinonge. The advetr ors pied -book -'ad lio, sud-useuredas Inophies cf their skill ne -lesà -thon 1756 lbs. cof beautièe-filling several bcoeg Thein friends ai the Point wene covered willi confusion aud diswsy, sud gave up. Ther. lsa -ruzner ibaf- -the advmu- tuners bouglit out &al Beoygecun lu the fiali lino, but Ihat eau be petd6wuaes a "summen camnpaigu lie." The 7x8 cub are comi.ug again nsit semmer.-4',9t. A fat ber sud son, retunng frein a Jubile. celebralicu, bolli dmuuk,.-*'a overtaken by traveilers oit 1.h. a, turupike. The son lied fallin o1 f tbe véhiole,sua leky OU aud the faîher vas lylng a ý orte around bis so'. ueck, with on» -"sd fait te the waggon. WMon sed wb.at ho was doiug, he booked upI 11ke. oe aronsed frein s dresi nud explaiued thst ho was unable to et e, s@on jute the wsggon, sud thal lie vas tee good a boy to lbave .on the road.* Ou Sundsy niglit, s minieter adI. miniotered s sinister chaslisement te his black guide, wliem ho met on tbe street. Ho raiscd cane, sud in bis en. deaven te knock Cain cul cf the poor penambnlating sou otfÂ&fica, th. police intenfened sud persuadod lbheAnale, wsndening shepherd that slave-dniving was long sine bohshbed in Canada sud that in tbé opinion cf Chnistian people bore, many a black skie covers a white heani, sud vice versa. e AUl law.abiding citizons lu Hon Majealy's domains, and vithizi the ialeowed procincla cf the towu cf Cobourg, Ontario, Dominion cf Canada, who, for purposes haneinafler mention- esI, keep on cause te b. kopt a species of domestie brute, callod in ustunal bie- tory Canis Canadeusis, and known te lb. noading public by certain sadzy cîenpelalPPi&cus, take uotie,-Tbst ou sud atter the finI day et Jane, in the year cf car Lord on. thousand- eight bundred sud eigbly seven, aud lu the fiftietb yoar of Hon Majety's nigu, (year cf Jubilum), any specimen, on specimons cf th. atonesaid animal king- dem, maie or fomale, foand loiteong without any visible tag, atiaohed te sncb bout, on bouats animal frie, shail b. tertbvitli ocut-martaied, sud aftenwards ignemnionaly destroyed by virlue of s by-law, of th. Cobourg lova connceleutisled an I"Actfor the Ex., termination-cf vagrnt Canin..." - Ho.i, a speelmen 'et the World' style cf dealing witb the Bentinel- Star: -Theno le bat oue' et us, wble every ignorant lester in town, toc, idle to mmnd bis ovu business, cdaim. te edil the Sentinel- Star, -and bis ea" is codited. Nov, Ibis nep.ated re- ference to Cap&. Sueignove, ansI th. vain altempt le borate aud te belfittl. that gentleman, haie been an almosl eveny-day effort ou lbe part of or con- lempenary. Non do these shallev, witlose sînre display even a middling baud at Écmmn B illinge-ao, butn conemuedthlb. aileuin iV.ny ntl ilî tad what is tted t"a oheelt,!' aud vo would nemind 'lb. -nmy 0&- ton (?) of the ie.Ba, iAiat t e. cf 701 h. ebes.rg worWUth'e' aru"te Atwuhst" tliey beeý & faunillharare uffld mn.ai - ' u- venlence Ibm,-s s eoeuuity. Happly, ont staff ae.tntohav.àad.obtr o ea -peOPop ovltysd reu do' We regret le'- cane.iàiswe.kýtli 4eath ofKr. MLubi, wic tpok place on t~iday lait, aftêr * -ong ilineus. The #Psed lady was eateem--l ed'btyau-l M1ý.&d - the plesrs.ý,,of lier acquhlute he br deatle:-M-,isuira- cd by a large cirele cf friends. -The lw»ruIýtook place -on Tusda!ý., ad _wis lsrgely a'Iteuded, mrne125' carniages being lu 1h. procession. Dr.àýcLaugh-ý zlin aud family have the synrpathy cf- $estirecommunity -iq- their Bad bc- gomvment. o)n MoÃŽday last, Mnr. Klippert,,.High Constable cf 1h. Oounty of Waterloo, dnropped. off th.-, train -boe.in seanoh of a zman.named I. J. Caro, who neeided nean Koudal, on a charge of receiving stoleu goode. It sbeme that a large number cf horses have been utolen ne- ceutly ini the couuty 0,,Waterloà. An old Mau giving bis Paine a -Popeast, was arrested on Saturday, and on hie porion 'Was fourid a lester te Isaac J. Carson, Kendal, county cf Durham, stating that two herses with buggies andI hàrnes had- béen Bhipped te bis ad.dness as Rendal-,&fter a short inter- view bore with Ohief ConstableOColeman Mn. Etippeni sectre-d'ý conveyàuoo sud prooeeded to Soudai, arnested -Canon, who at finit denied any knowledge cf the in or the herses, but on seancli being made, two stolen herses, two sette of hanness and a cover- ed buggy wae fennd. Carson at lat, when ho fourni that tbhe'<munder was out," confessed that the mau was knowu in Kendal as Charles Storm, and that h. had neceived frein hum at diffenent times, some sixteen or eighteeu herses. Canson was taken te Berlin, where ho wiIl got hie trial with Stormn. Worth Eememboring. In a lon g letter frein John H. Hall, cf Baidlck, Cape Breon, N. S., ho says : "I believe wére it not ior Burdock Blood Bittens I should be in my grave. It cured me of kidney and liver compiaint and genenal debiity, whieh hod nearly proved fatal ." It le st.ated that the order in council veto- ing the Manitoba Railway Bill has been sent to the Governor-General for appreval. "lIt a lwys acted like magie, I had scarce- lever need to give the second dose cf Dr. Fowler's Extraet of Wiid Strawberry for summer complainte." Mrn. Walter Goven. lock, cf Ethel, Ont. The London Post, whioh i. supposed to .peak for Lord Randoiph Churcill, gays eho8palding election is an indication that the Government has not been peremptory enough in regard to the Crimes Bill te ploes the People. .4-(Jatrd. Toea&U who are suuferlng frein the errons and indiscretions cf yeuth, nervous weak- nes, eanly decay, Iosof manhood, &c., I wilU send à reoipe that will cure yen, ERE 0F CHARGE. -The great einedy wis discovered by s missionary lx South 'Arerica. Send a seif-addressea envelope te the Bey. Joexra T. Iieuîz, Statiosn D, rous York CUtI. B3y-Law No. -- A Dy-Law te close up and diq8po8e ofa certain 8treet and part of Rosa W 2eea,17 -- Law*number-02"0__ t the 1h. uaa dpurt ef RosaStee .iig uoe up ansI conv.ye te the laAueogatlon. The corporation c f' th. villagecf Port Peunytbdéore oRices su oUowS That the highWw"abIhdb 'y-ZLaw, on theBn 8da;Y Of" v t, ûasaLrI am temoc, g ieu pinto' s tlirait'M, emlmitonsat1cfas n4likfrna cut atn ouetpatdWbmi *1h A largo- prQgorto.f thi. ie4àWh"6 téause litma4 sufferini reault f r6là derauge. inu t the stornàaeb bwels,ï,and ii"r... .ÂYER'à CÂTHARTIC'ÉPILLS act d1*éctlY Uiel these orgaiis, and ax~e especially dèaigned bc ,,.cure the diseases c'aused, by their derange- tion, Dyspepsia, Beadache, Z»yoexftery, and a host of other alments, for ail of which they are a safe, sure,.Iprompt, and pleasant remedy. The..extenisive use of thlese PILLS by enient p1ivýs;cia1.s ln regular prac- tice, 5shows nitaliszak7hjv n re estimation iu whici t Ley a:7e liud bLy tile nwedical profes- sion. These PILLS are compounded of vegetabl substances o1ily, and are absoiuteiy f ree f IoL calomel or any other iuj urions inàgredieut. A, Sufferer from fleadache writes: 'AIYER'S PILLS are iuvaluable, to me,.acL are my constant coinpaiuon. I have- been a @evere sufferer from Headache, and your PILLS qre the only thing 1 could look te for relief. One dose will quickiy move my bowels and free mny bead from pain. They are the uo.ýt effective anid the easiest physie 1 have ever fimd. It is a pleasure to me wo speak lu ther praise, and I always do se when occasion offers. W. L. PÂuE, of 'W. L. Page & Bro." Frankiiu StRihodV., June 3, 1SS2. 111 have used A'.ERS PuLin anUuber- lees iustances as recommended by you, and have neyer known them to fail to accornplish the desired resuit. We constantly keep them on hand at our home arn( prize thern as a 1 p~aâànt safe, and refliable family medicine. IOR D-SPEPýS1A they are inivaluable. ~J. T. hiAViES." Mlena, Texas, June 17, 1882. The itav. FRANCIS B. ITARLOWF, writir.,; froin Allua Ga. says: -For sonie years past I have Leen' subject to cow-tipation, froni which, in pite ocf the ust: of medi- chies of various kinds, 1i sutfered iicreasQing inconveinience, until sorne inonths a go I begani taking AVER's PILLS. They hgave entirely corrected the cojstive habit, m have va»stly irnproved niv geuerai heaàth."ý1 AYER's UATHARTJC PuLLS correct irregu. larities of the boýwels.' stirniulate the appe- titu anud digt--tion, and hv tl,.er prompt and thi5rough actiona give touie and vigor to the whioie physical economy. PPIIARELD 1Y Dr. J.C. Ayer "C0., LowelI, Mass. So,,ld by ail Druggists. YùUýNO, All expereuce thie wvonlrful 01 ~btcie11cýa! eiiccts of MILE - IAyer's Sarsaparilla. MDL- Children witu Sore Eyes, Sore AGD. Fxirs. or ar'v s,-'ofulous o- rp by its use. S$old by aillI)ruggusts; el, sia-botlea for ý4 NO ENGLI8H STABLE 18 OONSIDEBED COMPLETE WITH9OUT ~ELLIMANS§ BROCATIU_ FOR SPEAME, OES, AMM PLINT.s WHEN FOR OVER-REACRES, CRAPPED HEEL5, WIND von BROIM NEUS, IRUISES, OAPPED HOOKIL FOR BORE SHOIULDERS, BE EACKB. FOR FOOT ROT, AND BOMRMOUTHS IN 8BE ÂND LÂUAES. FOR 5PRAniN, CUTS, BRUISEB IN DOGS. 8PECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Frem His Grace the Dake of Butls.nd. 'ýBe1voîr, Grantham, Lee. 1, 1879. "Sirs-Elliman'lieyqi Embrocation la nued in my'atablesi. Ithinkit vMryusefai. aoî-ind agent .t-e how nAsmurance, .Ã"POICEÉlover Gerrie'. Rjock, Whitb7y Siiitable for wra&pping purposesl'ying ander carpets, etc., 25 cents per hundred. Aplto tf- TRIS OFFICE. CATALOGUES FREEe, BELL & collepontL GOOD HORSES. NEW RIG8. LIYERY and SALE STABLES, DUNDA.S-ST., WHITBY. CRA WFORTH & DEVERELL, FIRST - OLASS TURN-OUTS Furnished on Shortest Notice. Commercial Travellers liberally deait wit7t. PAIR PÉICEB. HONEST DRÂLING.- «BEjWÂRUE Cý vJORTHLESS IMITATIONÉ M~ there are many Wnerlor ~oe, corded wlth jute, emp,-etc., offered and sold --as oraline by sorne un- e" n ipd erchants trad- ig on the repuaton. cf Our senu e (Cerau, wo warn the ladies eglnt -sncb imposition by draW. Ang their attention tothe *necessity of seeng that the 'OGPTGN CORSlET GO.'e là stampd on inner side of ail Coraline goods, WVithout which ucue are genuine. For Bronohitis and asothma, try Alen'. Lung Balsam ; the best oough prescription known. WIFE MOTHER SISTER ).MAKE IHEM HPY By purchasing an impreved Special Stylea!er thse Holidiay es.Pc sale ohesp-by LFAIRBANKS, Sole Agent, Alse Agent for NyZe's celebrated Arotis Sewing Mahie Oil Whitby, Dec. 16, 1886. HrALIFAXY NOVA SCOTIA. Tb e preseRith e b$gt timetopurebias KMÂS PVECD TER EBT 18 TEE CHEAPESTi-. Ian P mu re apt . vcr u e cf Aiusates huu bags meut.,?hé itpenial o re bPédiflPMt IPI lse no l0. he dmsuided -by Ilie meutsud iuy excosuiî would.oîly increaso li .1s ouly a'fain pnesump cousus retnrus are in< toc minoU rallierthn1 The cous cf 1875g tien cf - lb. empire 0linceiatslime Tonqui withisevonal tuilliot peî gais b as bon neconq ne0 people wilh sny dq tien'-is lb. birlii rat Ch nasd,alîheugfi l .. edenuely crowded greal,_ ihene i. everv nos there. are nov 450,00 Thon. figures reproe cue-third cf tb. populat It ie s groaton populati ail Europe,-- sud tbne I cf people, ou'the wes Even aI theso enormo avorage nuMben cf peo mile for lise whoe eomp se bigh is me parts States. In lbe great meuntaiz nid -plains of Ksshgania regions et Mongls sud population is sparme, b' central provinces etof thse, fertile, alluvial sol" tion i. densor sud mors *u ',y ther negîc tp beyend enumenration, msu' cf wallesId oes inorediblu who have not seen tbem. Kiang provinces,, at ths Yangtz River, with an equare miles, the popul vas 12,000;100,-aud l wall.d enlies.- The conus-cf 1875 wi the nichient portions,-e p rovinces bhad beeau duvas pepnlaîed by lthe p impourng et people frein -o f the empire, espeia1 districts wbenê . tan prevasled. The naluril, population hbuaise obeez sud il wenîd ho date ge si. 90,000, square miles liv t; h", 80»,OOOJOQO people. FLViF MEN &TTAOK' AND- »i IMMIGRNT IN TOE Tozonto bas recently'bi et su slanmiug nmelr c higliwaynobbeniesansd i but lb. - cinaxin-u iis reaohed Saturday- fgc "ruliane atiackedaàndmos thse Crédit Wailey eaila tise foot et imceè-stnet -aM of buandrede cf 'people ugro. luiS If SoR St~.OJr 0 L...OL. J1LS CisCo L03. Thé Sa ?est, Qui ekes.ysst 1- I toL b. 111.gentiem

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