Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1887, p. 5

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THIE JEWELER, is a very daày, 'lWhat are yougon ae with anl those CL'O-C KS? c. per yard., cial value. c.and 40e. w prices. c. per' yard. yard. tMe <finest ýRGAIKSq 'O-olurnn; MPOSSIBLL. OP the billoe'. resu, vinds $11 they blow ne liat-4he futurs viilbuiug, rcorn or cotton is -kin«, weelth wxil quickly te rom Poverty'a sîrife, drenan sd lene, wiovodj lwear fromn us." und ave Imocey. in this easy way,) for a rainv day."' POINTERÇS. re so new and 8e etylish t to take our advioe, %aut atavery 1ev pries k so you-relf? T 's carpet elipper for prunelle houssoe elle gaiteein ta hres Dillar hou8es lipper ta in-wbrtb 81.25 ai s alady'. pollsbsd ýoksd button.belea, well, niade, for 11.75. lakes, at a eaoabe e t h e a c c o t e d s t y l e ing seaso11. We art elegant- m-akes ta b. tsar for minu*nu a botter assortmnt erbefore. Wom.nla 3o 1.50, $1.65, 8.5 'fboots fou, infant& Ow Ceinplete. Bos' boots, warrsuted le inl di.fférent weigbts,-l vo webave fý om2pioyed, osud au~ prompt attention.. Mest pabetakga- % coi 00,Whtbyý rofsrring of course to hie great display of SETH THOMAS NICKEL OLOOKS. H.g repies that having bought a large qnantity st a very low price, he intends selling them right aw&3' et a iower price thanhinferior cloo are off ered at. O YOU WANT ONE ? Then you canuot do boîter than gel one of thos reliable alarms. J. S. BARNARD, WATCHMAKER, JEWELER &f ENGRAVER. BROOK ST., WHITBY. W~itb~ QJMrouiclc, JULY 8tIh, 1887. LOCAL LACONICS, WHAT 18 GOING ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIYELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED DY CHRONICLE REPORTERS "A 3hîel'o smang y., takin notes, Au' f aith be'U1 prent it. WEDNESDÂY, JUly 13th, Niagara and the Falls. BLACEBERBIES atidMn. Major Harper'. toenight, îFriday). 25 cents. For ail the trouble il takes. Whiiby once aJyear, s wse ccgase leai MR-. Jaw RxcF bad a boa on Satur. ona yeaa a b el n. day te raisea large barn over by tho day.brick kilns. The structure is 501r60oen Tucsday uigbt vas a b1êld day ameng a geod sen. fouudation.* The day vas tbe boys aud ocme cf thein never!enî' ver>' bot, but knowiug that a Util, peu. to bed. Ws bear the aboyer bati viii spiration eeuld net do mnucbhbarin te a bave te be iutreduced. shirt whiob vas already soiled b>' a Ow[NG te as misiake in the by.lav as veeke vear, sud feeling adesirs te <et at fluet publiabed, Oshawa dees net scmething <ccd te est, tbe vhoie staff voe on tbe Hespe lban until theo x.cf ibis <usai paper vent oni and teck teonth cf Jul>'. is ceai off. Thero vas a big gang of inuand ail<ccd villing fellova, but DruMNG th. flreocrke ou Fuiday tes u vas meucilessîy bot. Hevever, uigbî tvo carniages i'êro smasod ~ib te rame vas put together and raiâed tie road outaide. T49e houses beem'e witjg diaptMih,msd vlth a terrible frigbtened. clattor. .fumen ocly kuo. boy t. Tue prescf businoe on the main malte a nuii.d effort ina scb jobs and lin. cf 1he Grand TrunlE is encricue aIl vould ohut up their bowling and this year, and the roadvil have to ho let oeemin siv. tbe word, the work double-irackod frein Mounal ta could be dons vitb baîf the effort. Iu. Toronto. Contracte have alroady been ýstead cof Ibis ecshmnu Oom0eu ot let for the wbole verk. bolier as ceeun as ho commences to PooR old Tom Canden cf tbe north lift sud bedîsin ucigas utilthe job is wsud died Wednssday. For years heodoeue. ltis a wendor mc bey <et kiiled bas looked lbe picture cf wretchsduess et thoe barni raisings. on aocouuî cf age and pcverty. Ver> MaR. J.PIPERî, betel -koeper, ]lroiigbm, fev mnucouid have lived te hi# &go vas cbargsd befos Mosurs. Guunsnd knocking about in ever>' climats as ho Long ou Mondr>', with hsviug made did. m an oulanghi upon the provisions cf tb. AN interesing litile book "H1ov te be second pari of the Canada, Temper. happy, though maruied" is befere us. suce Act. Ou hearng ibe evidence it Lt is pubiisbed b>' William Bryce To- tnrnod ont ihai tb. Inspecter had 'beeen ronto, whc i. voil ma4 favoral>' kuovu misinfoumed entirel>'. Theovasu t te moesicf oui esdeus. The prics is a partiesof evideuce te couvicio upen. â0o. paper, ou eOc. slcth. The. book is Thengb vo bave net been sked te do a littho gem sud shculd beienlutbe bauds so, vo migbt ber. correct anulouea of aIl. W. have also roeived frei nuotion thai soins people bave -in Ibeir Mr. Bryce a besutiful full Jubilée. pis. beads uegarding the"e proseoutions.- ture cf the Queeu. lu la the mosi The Inspector dou't wisb te panuish i. handeoin picinre cf Hon Most Gracions nocont parties. But vile Ibis is go it Massîy yet belons tbq publie. Bond muai b. borne tnMa d iat he slvsys for one.. bas te uely upan auci evidonce as hoe To lb. friouds of Mn. N. W. Camp. " oaa îansd lu moet cese&Ibis bel,~~ laec-bCle t brnvis deuied if possible. S Bo ts insec te of ts o le qor rs , sow hob.annot be blamed if tainosue asese our sympatby, upon bis paoifiWi humaie is e faiosdon vutilbov i4on self ai the sitar of]HYMýn~e. Long ho. aiv I e h on' ee uo imaolfS fors ho loft bers torne cf lb. sbrevd a i ie hlbscs svr onces uspecied hlm of a desire la o n- Thore la iberefore o need te abuse su0 mit sorne sncb depredatîon. sud bis offioer vho only d *ihaueisdaty tbe o elevation te bis prsen*zt bigb PU .a sainesother Goverurnt officiai. @ oui>' help.dte faeiitate h bjecte.If be didu't do bis duty 1 sons olbterà Enowing 1hat be dèerovèda bi .Mm ftman vould.12 - l 1 5Ugof the 'P. . VIu b. h.d (hIa rida) ft'~ o 1.6 oIookù in r, thezg A l lbo l7 asjo. i e u s e j two veeoko. 1$ juil akes a quaw eaoh. We.î Durhaoe intenil elebratiug 121h of July at port Perr7 on Tuew nert. Thero is likely 10 b. a AGOOD string baud cf elght pigi vigiv. au excellent seleotion cf Cho airs, en route for Niagara ma the Fe per steamer "Hastings," Wodnesd boit. No overcowdiwg as ticketsj The Oillia Times heads aparagra «"bouemîy," and thon relates a y& about its owu bonouîy in giving up purese containing a aum of money wbi vas lefi at ihat office by a party w found it on the street. There ta hard another newspaper man in Orillia wý would have boen as henesi. OFFiogHEs Elect cf Estern St Lodge, No. 72, 1. O. O. F., ai regul meeting Tueeday, July 5th, -1887: F. A. PevelI,:N. G ; 8.,Campbell, V.( J. Work, B. Seot>'.; M. Murray, P. E P. Seci>'.; W. Weeks, P. G. Troasure Appoinied cfficer-J. J. Lynde, R. N. G;W.* F. Nateh, L. S. N. G ; Rowland, R. S. V. G ; J. H. Tbompso L. S. V. G ; D. Wilson, P. G., 0% ductor ; D. Vioker, P. G., Wardsr;' Rio@, I. Guard; T. Elliott, O. Guare W. J. Gibaon, B. S. 8; J. Noble, L.1 8 W. J. Gibsen Grand Lodge r for ther d Bg day liig dly Jare dy Sr. re. r J I c ABOUT bhalf.paaî three' on Saturday afiernoon au aiarm of fire vas sounded, aud word vent &round town that Mr. Geo. Cormsck's residence vas on fire. The engine vas bauled tote eearesi tank with a rush and eveuything was being made ready for a deluge wben it vas found there bad been a mistake. Tbsae v as ne flue, lu, the chimuey ieading np frein tbe kiteben steve the stopper cf the stoeopipe hole in* the bath-room bad been removed for venti. lation. No fire had been used in ibat steve for some time uatil Baturday, and of course there vas soou a dense smoke up staire. Tbe cause was accu dis- covered and the alarin recalled. Ail ver. glad, forla fire on sncb a bot day would have melîed dowa the whole of vo couiJ not believe rIgmors until ve rend tbe nsuai acconu l, thIe Durbam Chroniqle sud vbicb vs cep>'-in aur liai of lest eues. RENEKEER the excusion te Niagna snd lhe Fallu per steam~er 'Ralulingst ou Wedussdsy nexi, 18tâ imal. JBos basves Whllby ai,.m e 86*01UhoURS eau be t at X10 or s ix Ifj rnailvat aiNi ar sigowand uetnrning. A <ced Ii band wom accosupany .beboat, Md provide s coc oleCton of ~pulisrmadie. Faro from Wbitby to I g ,asud re. t=r. cul>' #1 aivy fre 'le Falu aud relura 40c. Ad lgîn idi expected. C(omisdbriyuireU Tickets caa b. obtained fïomn Stafford & Cormasck, Whitby. TaE fluai person et.d in Ii 0cuni>' nude,"tohe o n op iduetio>s 4et, ia nov ilu lih -RobtXcw c Brion liveus' near ',' or rathur did live Ibéai BroklIu, Le4s Castie Doker uow-. It im5 bs i againsI Robert tal1a dWMa, tgï Of the fiel ba elldcwed h bis eA bêe. font< ot'.edmo 'a" beie,1 abet Ir appoe sif the Whitby boys are net the oui>' cnes vho kuow hovwle Irest a deadbest. This lit frora Poser- bouc :-"Tuesd.yeveui8< outhe mu-f,_ lEst square a veudio fooo mr~todbi paste sud other ounmodt " aete grieL H pudoihm. esi4by"s. nou.weàigthaî bu it aIlet w" ' te sWwaiàv aswotd. Befon. dolumg és, on the mrtoftîesouff h. old, but, bis dofev remarks"ilupiung out t au. sppareuliy inleruijublo lhgth Uth covwd assmbfrd bocame .1unpsthien aurl'demanding cof the _pe!,t. evaev h mord Bt once. KHaàd 'ed Ihen nol but eonilngd I&tudlïh vmare mnid icers sud _ý Pà foihecs'ovd, whl oh b.auiie;oe "ud IbrealsnDR ùt m is o u ~ uau li s, aiD on* D'ex MIOs Wareroms.rfe uted Oheap gooda. g - pj'swilo.nie aM Corbe Po1uîoz esay Jaly tbe 19&1h. Buxxîa <goode at your owuaprioni Powell e brbr; rOou'sOv hauled, soraped and aboru. BaeWN*g founlaiuprod1uces 1he qui eoee, of Seott Act. Clearing sle of black and ooici BillE gloves at W. G. Walteru Oddli Iowa' Hall. TALE about YOnr fountain of healti. Brown's foutain verfleve wilb i genuino livo-fer-over. OUSTONEEKS cf the Royal hetel barb -ehop say the work done ta oquai to an thing douie in Toronto. Use Dr. Derenweud'a Grest Germi Haïr Male for baldness, gray bain, for sale by ail druggistà. ExOUBSIOlN te Niagara and the fa] per Str. Hiastingu ou july 13th 18, b!ake au engagemen o b e t hore yj will uci regret it.0 Mrs. W. H. Piper, nos, the fa grounds, renewe ladiee and gentleman oizaw or fur hais. EVERYBODY BOoms te ho tulking 1oing te the Falle next Wedneda, Per steamer H tnel Specil reduction sale f white ar ,rinted Muelins and lawus at W. WaltersOddfelloes' Hal. THE regular meeting cf the Baud Hope will b. held in the W. 0. T.1 'eading.room, on Monday afteuncoo Jaiy lltb, ai 4 o'olock. Special cheap sale Of mens vbil hbiris, collers, necktiea snd handkei bhiefs ai W. G. Wsiiers 0ddfeI[owý IAU.deagoss rdie re lndudssortgcod aiuedr dpri Spledd ao rtmenî'ef yard or due Watters Oddfollowe' Hall. THE ladies cf the -W. 0. T. U. inten holding a Jubiles Gardon Party o Friday eveuing, Juiy lâtb, at 8 o'eoc at the resideuce of H. B. Taylor, Es( A oboice programme wiii be offsemc Refreshnets il b. served duriug Il 1 e Be bave. Admissone2c th 'otia Journal" for juse, sud flud il as uul, replets witîb umtcresîing and instructive musical matters. The maie iniis Ne. censius cf -,The Tea.party," ulitile folkes' gong, by F. G. HLaîrto ; "The 8ky-Lark," sang, by Elsie A. Dent ; Organ Veluntary, b>' Arthur B. Fisher. Subsoniption 81.00 port anum insgle Nos., 10 oe. Order ihrough yeur novadealer,,or from the pablishers, Timins, Moof Cc, org. it FWek ipuwnoin f Mas bara ith bresdking ndos Riu a passiu ti pienamdgoni Wbe ie Hoa nd nj" Bouruofhaesuout W ds d sud u&e cwuni 0f bista,#ut udgainpromise vatso aivedfogte unti l gl »Medof t bofy or lb. oor fcllov morae o ihome bons rasLapneeuonhte taoys horm homohe u Lappin sal. boy rers oe b beat oev i ertyv. Hed usjoioed rte>' aeu bis liouty, sd epdide stroe see cosbe.e in.isid.. e a rlesbOf ail foncsîs. Qungiru oeldes cfa orail feue i beiangntloue ai rmsiuu&abote b>'ug so gentlema fau bMaribain. amEucugb Roloncerails s pan od alinoi au>Thild ee bake up a <cc inew sud. crTiis e bas e xamuir. ore sudaene orîiiod b>' b.ommissioâmn. sud cf Patnts, ofeter cfParlmetfi an iaadgramand cflb oseeuti l onb theObudac, dfu ouhoeded ai tb.dni the oe, fo lb. cost&c bui lintaexifstens., coutsbliugal ibe ofles cf reaialdrabiliThea bpaeate s romauablte dog ug pateuiasew dil1 b.ad lhenmstro beltlO anfwdy.,tes armpes i*d W. arn tformed Ibat Parties r.- pieseuiing thenseives te b Outarlo Goveunnut officialu, are iuavelling tbrough the provinee votmizing ovu. ors Zf trh'ing mee sd mal Machbinea. Thi 7saert thata wva psased lust yar providigLaI1 pu mos illulb povnc vu viM g h Rg of or op erau n 7 s ai oli e o ohOên d e$es u der stexu rs or msnming or attempliu»g te ,-operate a revi* cfAn>' kIud nder p ressure c f ale ansd they qlim te ha,, boru appoic ted x z i > g wi h o v r t 'cneaby iletacu wo#0 jd se' I.. 't. r J., for 0 at ber. ct. ibn 17 Sor n's of G. of UT. )D, te Br- Do. do ýk, I. Startling bargains will be found -in every depart .ment, Stock sûjîl very large a nd attractive.. Ladies in town and couutry will Save money by purchasin at this great elear- Oig leVEof ' BO E'IITBW BRofli? c~rJp~~,m ---~"-'~~~. ±hJJ2JJ~.L~ VYZLLJ..1S~, CýLANG IIave- decided to make a GYrand Clearance Sale Of t Stock of Dry GOOds, 'Consisting of Dress Goods, Black and Oolored Silks, Prit Ginghams, White and Grey Cottonis, Cottonades, Readý-made Clothiîng, ini Mens'Y Youtlis' and Boys', Tweeds and \Ooatings,, an immense SAE!i ' WARÎIUS au w o001 uarpets, Tapestry, Halland Floor -011 Cloths, their Boots and Shoes in Mens', Ladi.es' àa.nd Chuldrens', in. GaCilE A .qualitiens.n ' al o r ék r-ý GR0CEn GaswRIES A fs ilstoo n hd tSpcandri, al s CockerIy,i'0 Oa,#, oefean G lae.Aclearonde wiiheofhanerednathSecbiPies, up toThtbcf ul, onedoilafÉ Worth Untfl you B500 our gods and àae o' 0?~ &u.Q EBL ARE unsaisfctory, Are you Sick of paying Iligli prices, fo goods? Do the noisy argumet of somhe their -efforts to seli'very ordinary gooiids ai prces, distress you aouasm .as:it wol Law if, sucli be the case, h ere i'ls, be a positive cure-ail for your a~Inetu s , and, abain btoefmwh o an suppythereue ts itoy, Tyit l a *1 j 1 --i 1 1 Will on SATJJRDAy, the 9th JUIL"Y, commence their 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 Gr a ium r S l .. wh .en fh. %/It)JL r j)U Summner ' Goods will be Inarked down BROVI'K q rr r'P.«Prr je dm ïK 01 C, CLEARING Re ' q 1 '"Y

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