ThreIidn to, 0 try "Who i-ETod t?"Why, I thiouht% ihsi peu kniv W. once vWbe eadfor sa peur T Oh, btat sawas bofoFe I kuov pol- That vu ugo. ugo, zmp dear. "O1ver cordial!"1 Nov, Hubby, for s9hame? Sncb nonseaso1T'Y.., thal vu hie vite- Demure 11111. thing, and se tame- Mon do make muoh blunderu it e. Net w vsuch a good.hearted felow; "Devoted T" cf course ho vas thon; Oh, yen need net frovu sud humn yellov, I oonld have had a dozen mon. One thlng I viii say, hovover, H'.unuhappy, that I eau ueo; Pon fellow 1 ho probably nover Quite conqizered bis passion for me. "Tee peer T" peu, but prend as a lord. When yen can-veil, yen know the ret- Dear, yen aid yen vould tako me sbroaâd; *Yes, of course I loved yon the best. M'a VEBRSIoN. "lNed, who je thateoverdressod lady Yen greeted so warmly to-day ? Wbat ije t you're ikeeping nô ehady? What la ehe to yeon anyway ?" IlThat lady-the wife of a banker (Though ber toilet remarkably fine); 13y the way, you ought bt thnk ber, She wau once an old flamo o!o mine. 1 ocfered my congratulations; $'othing more, to tel you tise tuth. Q)ur-affair, more infatuation, In the day. cf my calow youth. Wuas so fond of me ? Well, ahe said so. .Did I love her ? We spooêned for a year; Why didn't we mary? Why, yen know 1 met yon and loved yen, my dear. 0f conrse we a&H knew that ho bought her-- Youý,h ad beauty exchanged for pl- What? If yen wereu't a rich man'saughter? My daar 1 I leved yen for yonrsell 1" TIRE TRUIE VERSION. 'Twas t.he old, old story repeated, oi two yonng hearte that once beat as one; Their twin a"pirations deleated, and their yonng lives forever undone. Yen think se ? WeUl, you'resadly mistaken; they each had a-so methîng te soBt; both, ye., they bot'h "married veli." A-PUZZLED DETEOTIVE. It was a quiet day in police circles, and sa a coneequence the officers wbo happoed te b. sonuing themselvos in front of the station Sook te' story-tell. ing, snd many were the bloodcrdling yarus told by omof e the old membens of th. force. Offleer Blank (ho do.. it waut his m'eu name known) braced back and gimded himeoif up when hie tutu came. "*I t.11 you wbat, fellows," mid ho, haît eloeing hie oye., and appareutly takrng a long gaze into the khhdowy puat, '61 oould toit a uitle experience of tuiu. thal would make each and every one cf yen, open youm' es with aston- iâhment, sua that reporter over there lwould b. happy for at loison. day aiter his papor had publimbd hed i.sen. sation, for it is a sensation of the firet magnitude. I bave kept th. main actor's, name, loek.ed up in My bosos» or ton jean, and , cculd Dot divulge the mort nov. Y.., il vould knook the apots off cf a«Y cf the paru. jeu fellovs have told, for th. thing vwu humhed up, and the parties to<the botd and darfiu &fair aue living hem'. pot, sild to avaywould be te bring diwà oansd shame ou mauy au nn 0ont bend. 1 "0oe, Blauk, aud tell us the &tory 8&d khep th. potion.' nameoa asecret," oeu.n s horua rom a doze nitm "6Well Il va. about ton jean ago, and I haïd juil branohed out lu th. orhmhsal ,b"alnos; 1 vau ot eractly gren, in tliief-takiuq, for I had takeu leueusunder mirne<cf tbe boit dette ivés iu th.eut, but I h ad nover work- ad up a oas. atone. The gentlea n Who gav, me th. job hoa. reired f#om, vilh hi. pure. volt linéd, but ho 'MMtliveemin"hlaity. 'Ho eame t. mai on. day ma told me that hi. sate W M oig robbd moat .v.ry day. Ho â. bout a doren men iu his employ, s4thé.Môst of thom belong.d te 1h.e bookko1»r ver. the- oly persons about th. establishment who knev the Combnatlon. The book.k.oper wa. au *WUim~Sag WlU Duw AUU, 5WSTor vu aZ *huz#"daUttho g"t lbdt té- tkoep- ýmy ulgisly vatois a pm'ofouud secret, viseà noot the. y"-mmusu ame enute tise office.. .ReIoked ailuruud tise rzoomu, udtemtefighmet ta ,ho one vas llisethe é oSevoontu sud looked u sud dovu tise tioe. Ho thon veut -tetisetogt deor sud teck a long teck ketis up sud dovu tismteet. Ro Jkooked out isao ofet1h. store, and once more entened tise office. I vileS. ed bis mevement itilterest,\uand could ose everj movemeni Se mad. Ho valked np tle isst and gave th. kuob ivo or thr.. tutus, like highlning. He thoen-teck another bock aronnd, asud gave lise kucis anetiser tur. This pet. tormsancoeuet on until ]heosad tise ate vide open, afler visicis iseloeked up sud devu thee shoot and backofethlie store. Iltecok him but a second te open thaipuenr deer "sud te tube 480 trou tise #ishdrsver. The eate vas clesed like a flash, sud il veuld bave doue yeur isiail good tlese that youngster valk up sud dovulise stoe vits hieisbande L hie pookete, se ho mernily vismtbod a love diity. I had te tlin tuhis.desk ail day, and vison I get cul st nigisi md bld lise marcisant vise iethieft as jeucoubd have kuooked hlm dovu vitS yonr 11111e. flnber. Hi did net believefi until ho isud gotten a full confession trou lise boy. I vuf paid a round suin tram tise tber efthtie boy te koop tise malter dark, and tise moroisant reeovored every coultishe ycungster isad takou trou hlm, Gentlemen, tisai boy teday Il on.eoft1h. meat promineni bu sinise monn utise city, and I de net kucv cf a man vise is tisonght motoeisigisby et lu lise Stato. Had b. been and sent te prison yen ah knov visat ho vonld Se to-day." Hfeard Them Counted. Old Mos., vise sella eggs and ciikens ou tise streots of Austi for a living, is as houent au old negro as over lived, but ha hue get tise habit o! oisatllug familiarly vilShbis cetemere, heno. ho ttequeutbv makes mistaki. lu couuting ont tise e gCm tbey buy. Ho curris bis vite &round in a suait cîrt dravu by a diminutive dcnkey. He sieppod lu front efthtie residence et Mm'.. Samuel Burton. Tise old lady hersait came ent te the gale te usine 4"have yen gotsny eggs this mern- iug, Unele Mose ?II .5e sked. "IYes, indeed I bus. Jeu gel in ton dozen trou tise kentry." "Are they fresis ?" "II gua'utee 'ou. I kueve dey amn trois jas de Bau. sm if I Sud laid 'em myselt. I'll tube nine dozen. Yon eau jumI ôocunt tisern mbbis basket.ý' 4Ail rigisl, muu." He'coun ts,"Oue, Ivo, fre, foush, five, six, eben, sigst, nino, ton. Yen bis ou dem beop tress.;,Hov's jour son oouiug ou at de scoeolV l. mue' b. mol' grevu." "Y,., Uncle Mou., ho is a cterk lu a bank ut Galven ton. " "H1ov ole au de boy 2 "Ho is 18.", '<Yen deu'l toe. me se. Eighteen and geiting a,. sslary aluoady, eighteen, (oouutug), ninetoon, tveniy, îveuty. eue, iweuty-tvo, lweuty-free, tveuty- toms, lvenly.five, and ho,'. yoe. gai oula' on ? 85. vas mes'groved np de lis' lime I s.ed ber." "85e i. married sud living lu Dm1. ",Wall I dou'. Hov do lime mootîs ava> TAn' yen u @&y.*hoiss oisldrus ? Why boy ole au de gui? she mus' hi jeu abnt-" 'Amat s 2 (cuntng)sfirty-free, fimty-fos, firty-flve, fimtysix, furty.s.h. *n, firtj.eight, firty.uine, terty', torty. oue, tortiscîve, fonty.fneo. Hit au se mhaglor dt yen bac ib eld ohildrune. Ioa'i'loeve jeu hum gruu-doilliuuî. Youdou't bob mor, de o ty yejus. old jeriof . 1 "N ouoioes, old mn, I me. yen vaut te ilatter s.. Whou a persan gels te ho. 52 joats otd- Fifty.ftse P I jeu dus gviuter b1léve i#' fify-feefifty.tosis, fifty. five, fitty.ixi1'vants yen te puy tou- sisun visen I ouuta de eggs m datl bo miesulv izty.fros, ixly, toam- -Wiey I »at slsra armdj au do timeo0b yiash.u eà I teeIS l gillin' oie uyuet'f. I au't long fer dis orl. Xo sunomfroeia' p oie *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~» Dséod sas ienyvub-ý au ré;mhnyts;îéot.val asbety.lxmohsly.ebos but y- iMev au Alksan ,Usas Mal su Z Îfl-a Gang cf.Otlaiw*, GIEL, W]30KI8 A RUFFIAN. An adveuture ofetlis Beoni.6 girl of sixtéon, vils a gang o! oqgaws on tise 'Aiasas River proves her' isnuvery te be equal te ttif a un living, mayf lis. Nov Orleans ITis. Dm rat, Bouton lived on tiebani ot tise river, and turniished wood te tise * teainboam. Hattie va. his only ohild, and isad beon aotuatomed tle h. id lité of th. Wost aincebabyhoed. Tise noiaiwuvaoaninvalid, vise oould seurooly lbave 1h.eibouseo o iwii upon horsoif. Tise ftîer look-ed' upon hi. daugister ma tee geod a match -for sny- on. lu tise pari.. Tisen il vu tisI an outlaw uamod Jack Cammerford sent tise obd maon a message that ho vas oomiug te make .Hatilo h* vite. Tise fellov vae propivietor et a flostiug wvhiskjysanly, audisadttveor lite. isard cases eon.là ntly vils bim. One meruiu* Benîcu vont dowu le hie vOed-ples te flnd a miacty.beat- meerod st tise bank sud a m'engis.cck- lng teilo sJmicoMlngug sot,. Jacks Cmerferd sud his gang bildarrivod, Mnd th. vitiain intended te mû.e word geod. -Beuton. vas net armed, lise outlav haa rifle lu bit baëd. SUspeoliUg sme ovlthe Pioneer start- id te- retreÈà t, but vas shot lu the ooksi betore ho had gene thirtj fi.t, sud h. vas doad al' moat as soon as tise outlav teaoised hlm. Tise three thon proceod- ed te tise bouse loether. Tise mother sud daugister vere preparing breakfast sud veto ordeted te, mais. provisions fer lir viaitors. They boid hoard 1h.' rifle asci, but hefore tbej eoald, voie. tisoir enspicionse o t aildhappened lise leader cf th. gang brutally said : "Cerne, nov; bnrry up. l'v. corne te taise tise gal away, and, u. I tiseugist lise old Man migisi objeet, I laid isim eut on tise etart. No enivel * g nov, but gil broakfast ready, and lion pro. pare to go vith me." Tise motisor vms se ovetoome tisai ise drcpped ie s a chair and began osoaing and veopingz. Il !vas a terri. ble sioci te lise girl, but mise realized frou tise fireI moment tisut if se vus toe b. euved trom tise fate ptanned fer ber mise muet eave beneît, Bshe thore. fore veut usead vilstiste prepurations for th. meul, and about 1he lime lise mon ver. bold tle mildovu te .table tise mtother hobbled outtand mat dovu beside tise doad body oetrm' snband, sc dazed and terrified that misa onld not shsed a leur. Aftçr tise firut siseci the girl bogie le plan againât the gang, aud every mcv.e made by tise mon vu narrovly vatcised. Auilithep lace vwu isolated they isîd no e esf etbing dis. turbed and teck miter viry beieurely. Oummerferd bud brougisl hlm rifle or curbine te tiehenose, viit ls" othen had lettitheir firearnis &board lisé boat. Tise caubine beaned againet'tho WalIlu the reo f lise mon, and just s liey go$ fairly te suting, lise girl exauinedl it auffioiontiy te note tisatishe obamsr, enaiu.d foui or - iv. bnI.t. yo' icouer vas a" osa o nia of t lisi.tissu ge euatcised lb np and sprang eut 0f doors, and sBse an fer ier mother, vhe vus in tise direct linwofthtie bout, sise oulled to hem' te have tise body sud butedl abourd lihe oraft, Dized uas me vai, the motSir 818 nDttisositatesaseeUd abset oomplylukg, snd Me vasu&board bet.r inp ef tise outtave -au.ont. Onmerterd rau backintoietise cbin mr mmmItln~,but bite ho touud il bebot ¶i hat a1ilebelov 1h. romen misîtored tiemeves l tise ubin. hataitai e ooutdloRd andi. ~~firp8 ou tio, hp~gsta b. bout latree-top on th. opposIte [de elt li. mni. Thon, Wvuiesi ublavalsgan t. ivimitor flosa to tit rIý he urproi'Dr. Fowter'SButritot ,fWI14 trw$Y -1used' about twelvo' botties iris $rl fe ro b Kilbrldeï wbo acoompanied Wm. 0DBrien on hi. trip t Canada, is seriously 'ili Athy. W. are oonStantly receîving testiznony 1h11 Dr. Careon's Catarrh Cure je what the »iMe imMlies, a "Oatairh Cure." Tour, [drg t is uthonized to refund the money if ilt s b Wgive asatisfaoîion. What can be morefair, and ne ed you enffer any longer ? French perseoution of foioîgners i. agai n the subject of cJmment by the G'erman. press. YVOUNG MEN snffering from the effecte of I early evil habits, the resuit of ignorance orfoly, Who find themeelves weak, nervous, ana exhaueted; also MMIDLE AoRED and Oza' Mms, who are broken down from the effecte of abuse oar ever-werk, and in advanced life leel, the oonsequences of youthful excess, eend for and EEAD M.. Lnbon's Treatiee on DleeaBe of Men. The bock will be sent eealèd to any receipt of two 3o stampe. Âddress' M. V. LUBON, 47 WeIington St. E., Toronto. Pâr PýY DAVIS '9M PAIN-KILLER 15 BECOMMENDED UT Physieian, , Jini.sters, -Miauiouari eo, Managers of Factories, WorkMalops, Plantations, Nurses in Hospitala, -n short, eveM~body everyw~here who ham ever given it a triaL TAKEN INTERNALLY MIXED WITH A WINEG"&S0F ROT MILK AN» SUQA;4 IT WILL BE POUIND A NEVEU FAILING CU'RE FOR SUDPEN COLDS, CIUILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAIMPS, PAINS EIl THE STOMACH, SUM- MER A.NI) BOWEL COMPLAINT'S SOTIE TII ROAT ,&c. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, EXPERIENCE RA% PROVEN IT TUE MOf EFFECTIVE AND BEST LIXIMENT ON BARTHI IN REMOVING THE PAIN ARI5fING PROM SRAI.NS, BRUISES, TIHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &,,., &c. 25cts. pet .Bottle. Mr Deware of Imitation&. M CAWPBELL5S ELIXIRi This agreeable yet potent prepara. Otton ia especially adajpted for b e relief, and cure of that c1888 of cilsorders attedant upon a low or reduced oa.t oftbesà yateuf, and nayccm ne by Paflor, Weaknees and Palpitation of the flea 'rtPrompt Fesults yl folew its use in cases of Sudden Ex- hanstion arisiîa-, froru Loss of Blood, A&cute or Clîr-uiticDisea8e$, aîîd in the weakness uliaL il variably acceîîpýIanlies the recovery froin Wastiug Fevers. Ne remedy will give more speedy relief in Dyspepsie or Indigestion, its act 1011 on the stomacli being that of a gentle and harmlesg.touie, the orgausot digestion to action, and thus affording inimediate and permanent relief The carminative pruzes of the differeni aromatice W ieb the Elizîr cont~n renderituseful mu Flatulent Dyspeps, It is a valuable remedy for Atom. Dyspepela, which je apîte ooccnE iè zrsona of a geuty character. * .-# --- For. Impcverished I3lood, Lose of A ppetite, Despondency, and in ail cases whr an effective aud certain stimu- lent is requircd, the Elizir wiII b. kIbud invaluable. lu Feviprs of i Maliarial Type, and -the varions evil resulte following expe- sure to the cold or w-et veather, h it ii pru%,e a yaluabte reetorativo, as the combination of Clnctiona Calisya sud Serpentaria are univereally recognized a. specifica for the above-named dison'. 8old by afl DealeraIn FaUiy edicnn Priee, 01 perBotUe, or Davisa&I*wr è« oc0.Liitd AT. COST. Mutiiai Reserve Fund Life Assur- ance of New York, Canadian Geverumeut deponit Acoumulaed reserve fund (ever) Death dlaims paid dnring 1884 Nov buninese , lot 8 mo., 1885, 815,000 479,900 15,000,000 Tventyflive per cent. cf a&t asoeeemenlis axe depesiled *itb the Central Trust Cern. psny et Nov York, ai trueteos of the Ro- servo Fnnd. Lite Innursuce at lbsn than one.halfthtie ordinary rates, sud seonrlty perfect. Only 17 asoummente mado in 1881, 1882, 1888, sud 1884, sudi ne case eau they be more Ire. quont tissu every alternaI. mentis. Annual expeuses of management, &o., limited te $2 per $1,000. Au activo agent vanted in cveryunrepre- seuted locality, te vhom a liserai commis- sien viii be atlovod. Applications eelicitod sud fult particubare furnished by tiseunder. signed. Agent for the County et Onýà îno. Al5y 8, 1885. #Untcu Gr Oeat 2rîîta_* .&1ÇNUAL INOOME, 8,o, -MAXE Faim Propery'and Dwfe% BHouses aSpoclaty. Verylov nst. s. terme cf psymeuh. Simple polies. voxîicu eduitine.Prompt settiîmerit et buses vihouthoount. Be sure yu ido noî ineure unutlyen knov onr tonmes&ta conditions. Enquire et E. B. B. £Y- WARD, our Gelleral Agent ton Sont), On. tarie. Office in Whihby-Part of D. Oras tezr'e Law-Office. AUl letions'.addnosbed to Look-Box 78, WhitbyPOvincev Prompt attention.Z P . , dOnc-H ret. tage, Byron shooet, Whitby. Certificate of MajorHarper,Es. of Whitby. -1882- Tow ihom it may concern. This in te certify that having examine4, repaired and used a great varioty of Sewing Machines, I have come te the conclusion that the White ?4aohine sold by L. Pair. bsnks le eue et the béat made, s lumy opinion it jesa machine that will net Oîsily get euh t o der, and viii laut much longer than mont machines, au cane ha. been taken te preveut voar as ranch as possible. I eau hconstly recommeud ilte parties want. ing a good sud lanting sewing machine. 1 pnrchased one et lbe While'e some, Months ago, sud jt gives every satisfaction.' MAJOR EHARPER. -1887- Aien five yeare une et the White Sewing Machine in my family I osu finlY oudoo the above certificate aud ceau fnlly necom. moud the machino an a family sewiug machine coste le.. for repaire than any machine I have ever had anythin g te do with. MAJOR HIARPER. WESTE N BAN OF 1Sold chosap asg the cheSpeet, sUd is tise .1. CAN'ADA,1 WHITBY, - ONTABIO. THOMAS DOW, Whitby, Nov. Ibis, 1882. Manager. MONEY To LOAN ! 0100.0( ON BA At ton iMono>' seci Appiy te emO FOR INVESTMENT. LL ESTÂTE SEOUBITY. vest living rates et interest. nured within 10 days et ap- plication. JOHN FARQUHABSOIN Whiiby, February iStis, 1880. At6$500,000 TO LOAN. At6per cent. yearl. Terme of nepay me ni etrinipa made tQ suit borro-eroe. IFiret ani ecndmortgsgee bonght. Ad. vances made on second niortgages snd te purchare firme. Ne coes incurred in makiug applications te me for money ;.no a ent'a tees; ne delay. Partie.psyzng hmgher rates on mortgages should apply te me ai once for lover rates sud mave money. Write or cali immedlately for pariculare. 25. R. REYNOLDS, 1y2 90 Adelaido ShooOt Butl, Torculo. W ALLAIIB TRUE BLUE L.0.L.No. 168" meete inU tnited Workmen Lderoom, Sit Block, eirt Wednesdy-in ech Sec'y, Whitby. SEEid "%GRAIN. A few- huxudred Bushels oft dean Seed, Oatg- of & superior kind. ' - Good Roll Flour at $2.O0, Best brands ef FLOUR, BOLLED QÂTS, and CORN MEÂL. Thorley Food. Manitobaxit11Cake. Rock Sait, Ground Fiax, &o., &0. W. -B. PRINGLE, Wbitby. DominionWodWke L. FAIRBANKS, Solo Agent for this District. TO A (LENTSNEEDL -0., 1 snd 48 Front Street Est, Toronto, gel np the Neateet mest Complete sud Beet Selling Needie Package in Amenîca. Seud 25 Cent. for Samples et N,.v No. 4, finishedin Fine Pbub. E'artienlars sent when stampe are euclosed for revly. Dou't wonny if yen are eut et employmeuî Writ-e te Mn. .Cowdy, 41 Weijngtou Street Esi, Torento. Seud etampe for reply. FARM TO RENT. THE subuscriber offens te nenta î80-scre farm et good ]and, lots 27 sud 28 in tise 6th concession of Whitby tovuship.Tise quslity et the soil canuot S beLat sud allovauce for necesuary improvemente will b. made Lu lb. bosse. Tise pnivilegeofe Ibi filleseur6 ertise tenant, ntlMrcis neit. Apply pensoslyt NATHAN ARNOLD, May 18, 1887. nok.rOnt. HOTEL TO RENT I N !the> village ef Zephyr, townshsip of J.Scott. G ood-sized bouse in good ne pair, geed stables, encisard sud gardon. T vWo acres ci land. Crop Lu gardon viii b. soid te lessee, Moderato Bout. Apply at once Wile PR0aýLsB - Zephyr. JOHNSON ln Deodrel's hBoch for youe DPAWING ROOM SUITS, DNxNG ROtCOM S UITS, Corne One, Cornea, ýan. "0 EJ O HNSON ubaseber -tsat, givif to avi,,> gulsttalty'.di muh' dgree1 à :A est Vireb tean, rong type à Offilcêthisvweek- peudiug-olaim. eth iity.three vioscerved i Feuirteen of*ilsi d mw pensions. - lise o is e uoi th-epeneiou offici case, wviser. mixte ansd mothor. Ber nmeofetIbs amý appear le have u ulripped tieir riv, A~ A céeutete * i. expe tedl ta] about -Usle fi nI o reduelion ofthtl Oarlisto';s. arivai- Ha. oomiug vi1 lesding momisera cf thea Houseto- Ihis conférence -or te a ' rrivýe aI agreemïeul as il toreduce tise rei euce..aro te be 0 Partycascud te lx o! lhemeeting of *cultie io b.meti ion, on th. questù lis, tarf i re lise by memben O 0 differeut'scin Bandait ha. neti standon7 h. tw aast et muah isi Jeîdermisipoet tise milto.. Ailaretem et tise revomte, _b Unity -cf opinion,- -taxation whiois sdm » proposais fioirIl bulli - by lise--gevf locuro lise vsi titlleto e h p] Gide et tise riverï Thi. bridge viiiý tare. Il wMt loi asy7lulà for lthe à Potomac @skQve -nev Memo#n--B sppreeise l eoai.tal n#YEha Tun nidbaoioul '.4 tise 01800o.du aymseu at cf t 0 ibie! meVertoob am I5gpor5 aled ar nous, LUiUbne lubedIOa -mo«' 00 I b'le«vea;,ise vu. duu pou a a euturi "Nlo, Une!. Mpm. 'ýbe -vas ouly 96J vite-sms iL! Do ni be an. 1LE.- 0 Jnne 29thy'1887.