Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1887, p. 7

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ANNUAL INOOME, îso, EBFarm Pxoprtj and Dw -n Af payment. simple pollta. * i.a conditions. Prompt àmtt swithoul discount. :Be sure 7Yeu4< tire untit,:you know our teins . me@. Enquire eofE.B. .Rj.. Dur Gel, oral Agent for oulh ý)ffie in Whtb-'Part f .w-Office. Aul letters addess. ni 78, Wbitby P.O0.,wlle , attention. Residene-Ham os ron street, Wbitby. cf Whitby. î t inay cifllcern. i te oertify that baving exarni~, and used a great variety ni SeWl1i 6s, 1 have coee le b.ooclus~x a White Machine sold by L. 4r o ne e1thle best imade, as in ~ it, ie a machine that wiilnet eaaiy Of erder, and will last Mucb longe" slmac hines, as caite ha. been taken ntwear go zuclisas possible. 1 ely recornxend it tei parties vent. iand lafiting oewil!ig Machine. ed one ef tbe Wbite's sorment if giveever uatisfaction. 1ve years use of the White Sew< Sin my f amily 1 can tuny eta~m ~eeertitcate and eau f ull'y' eo he machine as a tarnity -80b ceets lees for repaire than u I have ever Ldanvtin do eeap as the cheapeet, and in ýhe *L. FAIRBANKS, Sole Agent for ths Disirici. ,est Most Complete and Besiln Eackalle lu America. Sehd 25 ce tu~ lies of Nw Ne. 4, finiabed in P ne Particulars sent when stampsa&m., for reply. ifynare eutoetempleym n M.Cowdy, 41 Wellington Street rente. Send staxupe for reply. FAIÇM TO /?ENT. ii 'bacrber offers te. rent a 130.re ,ded lau.d, lots 27 and 28 in lb. Sth on of Whitby townsbip. T'.e Ot tl4e soit cannet b beat d ~e for neceesary improvenienîs w~i in the fease. The privilege ef this, fal j, ecured for the ton4t posession cannot lie guar&nteý rch utxt. Apply personmlly le .,'ATHAN ARNOLD, Jirooktin, ,1887. Ont. IEL TO RENT village of Zephyr, townahip ef Gýood.sized bouse in good repar Iles, erchard and garden. Te ied. - Crop in gartienwiIt be s d Moderato &Iet. Apply atn th-1887. 0CA-.LLj W.M 4OSRb.. CD IS- HNSO0N wverell's Block for gour 9#-I TUBEI :,C ROOM SUITS, N'G ROOM S UITS, BEDRÃ"0OM SUITS, KIICHEN suiT es that 99f ,yCoopetItIo; One, Corne ail, anid» for Yourselveà. ýTAIEIG, Â2 IB &ADAMBS 111TQ8'I! OVEII JOHN FEIRGUSOIN oijtalismetDunds OLeoursfrom 9 am. le 1 1.80 to 6, P. rm. iaessenee- and Gilbertatreets . BATJE8, Newupa" verisiiag Agent, 41 P > maes Biilding), New Y.rkq ed tu commret for advert 2 'the CHIRONICLE Bt JE K, SALT. ýeatly- improve youm DU andl CHERSE. WsenCanad- ,nd's J/ersey Da IÂMILTON, 0NXT UAWLeIÀGA_ W4ehingtot LLtter. (yrof Ourmgalr cjwogùgmt- *r5fÃ"lthe 1Navy D1at.t1a the neg gn boat "Baltimore,, nom b#igg buiît at Oraanp'mmhip yaàd il PhidOihi lei.rapadly â,pkooini ope1of. The maton.. for~ thE ,,Wlei orniser hba also arti.ved aI le yard and the men have eemnlenod ork on tlb iubetrUluro t taI erafi. The Use of- dyn1a&vue , n wùà.i " ta Muoing à complète ievclrton inathe oîMyti-ot Sttaek, an4d dfé~i~N - VOISO! et n enemy would diî6 enter retors, wbere the premeneoe f a emall Clraft builitet throw dynamite boome Iragnepeoted ovin. The building of foriiOBtiofls about eur principal har. br, can no longer be advecated, es the * prpooeeof forts bas been superceded by th s fmodern explosives, s80 mli llbey inay b. oarried ini 1he hand, se desdly no men live. but feare their very existence. In tb. fao. of the horrible * ,hsracter liaI modern ingenuity now gives lewar, by 1he manufacture of gueh totally deetroying imp lemente, Moekind MAY learu to abhor warir to sui a degree Ihat no nation oalUing ilasif cîvilded wilI consent to engage in one. à~ West Vixginian of the cenventional jean, long type appesred et the Pension -office thie week to give evidenoe in a ponding claim. He ie on. of a famity of thirty-three ohilâren. Twonty ot tbis number w.re boys, hixteeesu of * whom tierved ini the Union Army. Fourteen of tisse sons survive and draw pensions., By th.e.dealh of two the mother is entitled te a pension also. Gen. Otack states tbat the records of ths pension office fait to show a pareilsi ,. case, where sixteen sons of one faîher and mother served s soldiers. The name of thio family ie Browna, and they appear 10 have in Ibis instance, far eut- etripped their rivaislb.theStithe. à conferenos of leading Democrats je expeoted te take place in tbis city aibout the first of July to diseus. the reduction of the- revenue. Speaker Cariste's arrivai is daily looked for. is cozning wiil b. lbe signai te other leading nierbers on lie Democrat Bide eoftthe House te corne. They hoe by tbis oonfereipce or series et cenferences, to arrive ai some sort ef an agreement as te the best methodo le reduethe. revenue. These confer. euces are te be oniy prelrninary le a -party caucus to be held about tbe lime of the meeting eoftJengress. The diffi- culties bo be met in reaohing a eenclus- ion, on the question et a reductien ef the. tariff are tie different views beld by meiniers of Congres. wbo represent different sectiond of lb. country. Mr. Randaît has not M'oved frein bis old stand on lb. tariff and there i. lalk afloat et mucb dissatisfaotion with bis leadership of th. appropriation coni- inittes. &Il are agreed on a reduelion efthle revenue, but can corne le nO nnity et opinion a 10 tb. objectseto taxation whioh sheujd b. released. Proposais for the. new bridge le b. built by the governinent &orose the Eaetern Braach will b. advertis.d for s Boom se sane legal fermmitius to seurs the talidity etfIthe govermients * titso the approach on the eastern side et tb. river are gene Ihrough witb. This bridge yvît b. a handeeme struc- ture. It wiU .lead. teIhe goyernment aaylum for the insane. What with the new bridge le be built acres. the Potomaco aboe Georgettown, and the new Memorial Bridge, Washington will have, wben tbey,,are completed soins 1Superintendent Graves eft h. bureau ofengraving andl printing, in erder to make tie appropriation n unntil the end efthIe fiscal yoar bas orderedId@bi *forces te, ceuse vork at Ibrue ofcîook emai day. vith a cooresponding reduc- lion et pay. The per dieinmenfelt 'v6rY Mucisaggrieved ever tise eider as the ealaried employes are alec dis- missod ai the e semaisur, wibisout a eoereponding reduetion ef psy. Tise fiscal yeam in4s on lsathe ,o f lise 30àb, et June,ýmueS anviely ex"sbin tbe sevorai djpartmenls in regard te tsie change expeoted te, take place in tise otericat force at the opening ufthtie nuv fiscal year, espeolly ntiseQuarter Master Gena offiee, whur tise recent examiuations teck place,The first of July it a bad lime eit lie year to b. analous about saythingt oertaIly il la isard te b. doubtful about lise Monro ef one@ bread and butter at any lime. A meeting tf liset-as*1mldUig yamk evening a et eiuxo botlt l lake into Con ,dMention tise adviaabîity etf onîargfinglise.# traok o lb, grounde l @-h.iall mile. Il v~sde- aibI to ciroulaea suisserplioo 1W MI lhal way. A th5 é tha s~unr-' puleus on ia d et àboul 81000 and as i e voeel toral d4slrèfoof a Yor la ibte med lbaisvh,a dfaim, visy D ot devote aà iMeof etlb. Innéi te layujg ent jtise 7t5uk. if.-Pr' inmîaed0cries#,ýupbpro" go PAqsorNevlairke hae ben sav4, A Dowset et toIler poeefo I r Fifty Years Age. Fifty years mgo, nearly aIl the land yoGI et Toronto and north efthIe Grand Tmnnk raitvay lân. va&s it).à lave au unbroken forest. Thé country cf tb. Western Peninsuta, now shown. te be se fertile and invitinR, vas then suppos- ed te be littho botter tien a buge swamp Bears and wolves were, net uncemmn visitome. Toronto bail thon but 2,500 inhabitante, le-day mise bas over 100,000. Ottawa had ne existons. on the zmap, save s the site of a waterf&ll1 nov il is a fiourisising capital ot 80,000 people. London, the leading ity et West, hum aise made %onderful stIues during tise laut fifty years. There were only ten or eleven distinct mnnicipalilies in Ontario; nov theme are 48. Fifty yemarmgo the total number et &ores ecoupiel in thse vhole Prevince did nat exoeed 4,000,000, and.et tisse but hait a million vers cultivated in say fashion. The number et acres nov undor tiUfing is reportil at about 22,M0,000. The number ef hoees Iben et every kind was 25,000, while lait year thome about 600.000, afler 12j000 valued st $1,550.- 000 bas been exporteil. Tho number of cati!. bus increas.d troin 70,000 flfty yeare mgo te 2,000,000 laut year. Tise (Jouniy of York pousesses a1tihe presnt a largier population tissu the visele Provinceetf isaI day, and nou-e beail of live stock ef&Ili kinils. 0f sheep there vas thon ne record ; tiser. are nov about 2,000,000. And statielios eftIbis kinil migbî be multlplied te any extint.f '1 I I c I t i s c E a .-~-,~uU, ObOen; a&na tOe ti- Lord Porchoster, the Earl et Camnai- day-Derueia'e holel, ('laremnoxft, noonn; von's eldesi son, vise vas recentîy in Fipier's hetel, Brougiai for the night. tb. United -Blalep, cornes etf ge the Wednesday-to Wiliox'e botlt, Box Greve, wco ater exl anl terearele .Doon ; and te the We lnhtbeel, Mark- weekaftr nztand her ar to b ri, for the nigit. Tiu ay-to, Brewn'e greal rejoorngs at Bretby and *HIgb- bolel, WVoburn, Dnc;n; andi te Meon's hetel, clore. Lord Preebester coin.. unto tise Highland Creek. for tbe night. Friday-to splendid -Chesterfield property wiic Gordon'-.ibotel, Fickerîwg, and remain aIl was lufitby the' soventis Bar! ef Chester- n'Ilht. Saturday-to bits ewn stable, fieldl te bie sister, the lte Lady Camnar- Wîbairmi ni ody von, for Rft, viîb remainder to ber BULLS. pmiltdren in strict entait. Tis property Wite Cap, ,bas gretlIy inoroaseil, in value and nov ,ýrYo m or yte n.Cle bringgi taover $200,000 a yomm, vhite reery t W185, Rear, yrln. ero tv&edn dtuingt.ordtPr1885, brsdmbyWm.tf ere As& Son, trustees have -been- snabted le gelte.________ goti'a godround suin et ready MwOy Lute. rnny He., near Burtono Trent, Wisat a truly bemutifiil vend vs live in 1 le a ompaativly mdernreoiéc. gatu es us grandeur of mountalns, s a emprmîmeîymodm meiduo.,glenssudoce ansd thousands et memns But lise lote Lady Chemierfielil speut à oet enloyrau*. W. can desire ne botter mrpf sum in decormting and lwpmovlng visen in perftosaltis- but boy oftn, do thi itlrior, and il le on.etoftise meut tise ifajoritY e eeOf= i1k.gvngt cinflortable bouses in-tise ooury. diahsmrten.d, <icuramdanuiwomn, ont Lâord Porebeuter vill bu Vary rloh ; for W 118555e, vison theru la* Oeccasion for imald, bi ovusplenid frtun h* feeling, as every sufuérer eau easly buieahkow -tpmtld'fotue.beieobtainWsli!mtUd ry *preof, tisI req ehi loe ufater.Ile uptall.4 4ugutFEler,:e-.make Ietre. re in altes-, wviiciprodnu.sailt 1" 80,- d&o"«s, m e sn bom.Dyopepoàiansud DO ayear. &itogtiser lise futur. 14ivoerGomplaînt àre lie dàiret omi Us t £fii sveuly-fivae r cnt, et sueis maladies me Bar, CD"Mn. in avenearly #5,-Billiouunesa Indigutxl l ok5 Si Headmobes 100 per annum. , csu,.ess. Nervous Prostrations, Dlxxi- nUs cf tise Head, Palpitation, oftise -Rurt Thse Gamut of Theft. au& o eir udW vmtnTismi raking 81,000000 MMcAl1dGenluz. TiebUlsý»otzs a. 100,000 T ehil , se ,00 <' I i mr;- . 1A German dainestio basý bos e'aom4ý -Romae Route& McDeraid'e, 2nd con., Pickcering at night. Tuesday.-Secker's Hotul, Prckeing noan; Hlborn's otel, RouOe Hl, at nigh. Wednesdy-moon ahotel, Hytand (Jreek, for tbe night. Thuruday-..Gerden's botl, PiockeringÀ, for the ight. Friday-Glea. Hatrick's, Base Une, neon; Jeffrey Bros' own stable at nigbt. Saturday-.Ray's hoeWhitby, unlit neon and reîumn berne M.G. E. Beer'.a barrs, lot 109 Gth Ocu. arkhan, w mned Menc¶ay 'momninsg.A. few minutes before siahi 0oloek Monday morning thé sarpenters at work mrois e .read At Mr. Gould'ls barni heard two -distinct reports, or rith.wýpafr«* front A Iomomnî«,and ai fe nte aftterIhe la,,baimi of Mm. Ileosrr d$sêovfred te -bp.o andasisifm b~ gine afim bold on the. building, tbe efforts vexe direct- id te sMing thQ stock and implomenîs, Sad proeteing thse bons. and dairy 0los201Y- In getting out lbthe rses th. boy oerloçkid a fine black mare b. tenging te Mm. Gould, and by the lime 't vas dicOovered that 1he berme vas 5h11ll in tbe stablelthi fixe, had mades snob progres tiatiti vas impossible te enter the stable. Mm. Gould macle the attempt but vas drivîn back by tb. heat and hail given Up hie favorite me lest, but juil thon the mare came trout- ing eut efthtie bnmning building wils a breken balter attached, andl when at a safe distance stopped, sbook herseltand trotted into1he orchard. TSii. is the saine mare that broke hem baller and rin sut eft1h. stables When Mm. Goald's buildings vere burned a couple qt weeke ago. Two salves, a new sels. bindîr, a new reaper, - turnip cutter, levers! sels of haines., 100 bushelset oat., 100 bumabeis et barley, several tons ef hmy, etc., werî 'burned. The loes wil b. about 82,500:- insured in ths Mennonite Mulual. The fire broke out in the bain abovo 1h. stables and lise cause is istrengiy *àuspeoted to b. incendiary, s in ne other way eau it!.be acconntedl for. property of ,Jobn Anson, Balsain. Monday -proceed te Dafoees hotel, Utica, for thc night. Tuesdayto 3McGreggork. 9tb- con. Reach, for the night. Wednesday-to Rose's hotel, Greenbank, for the night. Tbursday-to McQuay's botlt Port Ferry Jor tbe nighît. Friday-to Hodgso&,lisbotel, Raglan, for lie niý,ht. Saturday-te bis own stable and remain until Monday. Lavera Baron Gordon. property cf Wm. Richardson & Son, Cotumn- bus, Ont. Monday-wiIl proceed le Chijn's otl, Brooklin, for the night. Tuesday- hotel, Manchester, and remain ever Wed- nesday- until Thursday morning. Tbursday -Rotigon'o hatel, Raglan, nmon ; sud te bie owisbefer he nigt.Friday-te Tis. Wil bmr's, Tth con. D*râm«ntè&ef an& vreeain- ,ait night. Saturcay-îa Jua. Rephurnea, nffon; and te bis own stable until ilonday iiornîng. Robert Boumer, Jr., (Elambletonian) property cf Whitney and Pot' WNbitby, Ont. Monday-teave bis ewn 100 S EbIee&. 50 < talg e e26bi Tl!dpavt.~< ~o ue LOW'8 ut7a&p ààp fr if thse "a tnfers freinseom , ,-nd« e ~l déiliyop i n -t - T *1 8TH GOQDTWEEtDlSUT AT PRIORS N!rVRVEB BBOBE, BEAOHRD INTETRADE. A Goù'd Suit madle to Order for $ 12.00. A large stock of Sootch, English and Canadlian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., te select -front. A SPecial lin. cf HEÂVY TWEEDS ftrn 50 to 75 cents per yard, -APUILL STOCK 0F GIROGERIES -Â-W-Y- ON H'NIY aâighest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. *eperty of Cameren & Simnd, Ashburn. p a-r e obCinn's botel, Break- lin, noon; John Shand'e at nîght. Tuesday -Thes. Wilbur's, Darlingten, for lhe niolit. Wednesday - t-, xpon ; Hodgsen's ho tel, Raanatînigîî. Titrs- day-Frank Brown e, ityrtle, noon -is e wn stable Aehburn, at night. Friday- Wm. Gardner'e, noon; bis own stable at night. Saturday-J. A. Dieney'e, West Whitby, noon ; hbje ewn stable unlil Monday merning. e operty of Cauleron & Siand, Asbbum. odyatroon-proceed te Dafee'e botel, Utica and remain aIl nigzht. Tuesday- Helî'e botel, Mhncbester, neon; St. Charlta hotel, Port Perry, at nigît., Wednesday atternon-proceed ta Hiodgeon'a hotel, Ragan. and reniain ever nigbî. -Thursday- te John Ilepbuns and remain ail nigit. Friday-Wilcox's hotel, Columubus, noon; Chinnas hotel, Brookîju, at niglit. Satur- day-return le his own slaWo1, Ashburn until Monday. (Cleveland Bay) property cf Major- Hedg son, Myrtle, Ont. Monday -pase threugh lyrtle and A8hburn ce Utica, and rentain aIt nîght. Tue8day-pass through Eps'om ta Port Perry, noon:' and tbreugiMlan- chester te bis own stable for the nigit. WVednesday-pass through Raglan to Columi- bus, noon; and tbroughLBooklin te bis own stable for the night. Thursday-all day' at his own stable. Fridav-Çtay's hotel, Oshawa, no<n ; and Rav's Hotel, Whitby at niglit. Saturday afternoon returu te bis own stable ani remain tli Monday. Yeuhg- Abby Prince, property of Major Hodgson, Myrtîs, itt remain at hie ewn stable every day in the week excepting Tbursdav, on which day he will lie at Jno. Marti&e, 1.1 con., Reach fer a neeti stand. H3unaman, property of Je!ýLn Anson, Baleam. Monday -proceed to Dafee's botl, Ulica for the. nigbî. Tuesdav-to MoGreRgor's, 9tb cou. Reach, for the night. Vednesday -te, Roses hotel, Greenbank, for the night. Thureday-to Mctquay's botl, Port Fer for the night. Friday-to Hodgsnn's bolet Raglan ,for liernight. Satinday-te his ca-n stable and reinain until Monday. Vr Der p80pty ilEd.A w 91 BOWE/i'MAN SQN, ARCADE, TORONTO. A Scisool Thoroughly E1quipped for Business Trinng BOOK-KEEiPING, - 4PENMÂSH-IPp, BUJSINE SS CORRESPONDECE BUBRNEZSB ÂBLTHMETIC, OOMMBBOIAL IÂWS SHIOBTHÂNpÂA» TYPE-WBITING PBAGTIOÂLLY TAU GUT.j FINEST ROOMS MIN CANADA- tea. for Cire ,lat - xenw rer uurout&t. Address. C. O'DI3U, &cretary. Jes.Sansq.,mo w&Mt, aoon o o um lm aMMIugmrelm oooVltaons e k anigh-wore y a lwed te continus tumrer form wl % ften bieed nuncerate, becomlngverj . S;WAYNE'8OITMN BIROORLIN, ONT. «u-F0R--.- Côttage or«castie,- -AT- P/iICLS WHICH WILL ASTONISH YOU. CALL ON WM. .HAULT, BIROORLIN.- EI~ Funerals Fully Supplied." Y j Midway between Brooklin. and Cdlumbus, on the 7th Concession. We are now prepare! to make al kinds o 'f Wooilen Goods, sucli as Tweeds, Ful Oloth, Union Flannels, Sheeting, Shirtiugs, AJ1-wool bed- Blankefs, Horse Blankets, and Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinds of Kmntted Goods Kept 1.1 stock for the accommodation of patrons. Dyeing in ail colors doue to order.' - Iphest price paid for axny quantity~ of WooI. la th. J M ANHOO0D le How lost, HROyi Rostored 1 Jnst publisheti, a nov edilion et Dia.- cULVEIRWELL's cxLx- IIRÂT"ED EU on tise radica- c0r SPrnITnRnenn Oeéor SomiWeakee Involuntary Seminat Losees, Ikrpzxy Mental and Pisysical -Incapaeity, Impédi.. ment te Marriage,beo- aiseCON id~ro EPMEzzsy and, FITs, induedyse-Iu- gence, or sexual extravagance &c. The oelebrated suth or, lu. *Admirable- eesay, çlearly demenstrates , sa -tbirty -ysars'succesefu.!practice, tisai tise alsmm censequences et self-abuse> may ber,.dic"m cure&l; dointing out a mode-o! cure ai onceà simple, certain, rnd effectual, by means of which evexy sufferer, ne mnatter *hâai Li condition mnay be, may cure biniself i e p ,y, Priva elyunIradicall. U T f ore should te in tise banda- et everyjoéuli and every tunn th ise l Sent under seal,-lu a plain envoepp, te. any adilmeas, post.paid, on reept o!ftour cents or two peslage slamps. Addresj, - The CUL ER WELL MEDICAL-C'o - . 4A.nn8.>iee* York. Peut Ofi..e Box 450. -- -., yl? DR. DORE,'EN,~' 1 on gr Address. 1 8ON11 A matrimonw catch. retai 1

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