Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jul 1887, p. 8

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bytle Comupany blndiag Iau 004115a to time làèow*.thé,byeameL I1e said h. dld Dot wish te nMa&e thé"e rn mistake as Oghaalu nprinIint* by-law a oDUp1. of v. eauî hon fiudùag mis- takas in 1h. figuries whlh WOUld put us bock again 10 th. eommncoèmnent in- order to make oui debentures légal Mud ona motion cf Mr. Wioks Messre May- nard, Pder aud Bateman we te- appoinled fonce vievers for the year. On motion cf Mr. Robsen tlb. Ma#yor vas inslruct"d7 eal! a special meet. ing ofeocuneil as soon s 1h. At," 'Wooflen Oooepany'e by-law cau b. mb- mzt.d. Ocun. Wioke soked if Il,. committe. moved et a récent- meeting to confer with Messis. Paterson Bros., respect- ing, lbeïr foundry had doue anuylhing. The Mayor sald Ihey had disoussed the mattçqIdwth Mr. Patterson but had1 net arLved Mt Say defluite action, al- 1hough they h"d expeoted 10 have mod. ereoarrangements ilU lme le re- port it Ibis meeting. Qon.. Fox moved that 1Mr. Hughc 0ou nb pýpolnted Roalih use1 loi for bthe-oma, Dr. Bgr eia offcr, mm*d'that $100 be, set amde for thé Us. of 1h. Board of H.altb. Ho sald $100 was always sel anrtfor "bispurpome, but had nover been ail nuod. The Board would only use whata il needed.-Oarred. Deputy-Beeve Butledge movedaa motion stataug that the counoil bat lb. proposai cf lb. Atlas Woollen . and iltroduo aàby-lav sbortly ifo 1h. company exoeuted an agreememtl 10 carry out the arrangement in, case i by-law carnies, sud that a oopy cf Ibis' resolutlon b. sent 10 the oenpauy. Afier nmre talk about bouusing scheines lh. ocuneil adjournod. t Whitby's Jubilee., Wbitby jubilsted withb ai lbmighî on July le. MiTe ido& frein the first hadl been 10 have osotbing movel iu way cf a eel.bralion sud that id.. wus shuck to asudil crnied cul with suceese. Fot day. previou fig-poles and cedar evampe âbooe. n nrequissticu and on Frday the' proparations snd decerations ver. ce complete Ibal the tevn ua turued iale a park. _Aère after acreof Bvanip vas brought iu lu wagon loada until il vam fe.red thal wild animale wigbl take up theýr rosidence ameng Us. But the lew never booked mc gay. There have beon occasions upen whieh we have badl botter arches, but genorally tbo effeol on thi, occasion eclipted hein ail. The oeorning "probe" told us a few thunder-slorms wore lurking around te ewoop do wu upon us if opporîuaity pro. oeeted îleelf, but Ihey neyer came. To caimmenco the day'. prooeedings our junior haschs!! club met the Ux. bridge junors as the diammad about Io o'eloc a. m.. sud baid a rattlinR good w aing by aecore cf 7 te 2. lb.ngth play Laing ptoved himmelf a dandy pitcor sud Wi, Oe ampbell carri.d off à asai aarded by the oditor of tbis paper téoh" member cf tbo elub vi. makes a him. rum. AI on. o'clock ail bands r.paired te, lire. CoShrare'. eaidoe cwich vas umrousd.d on ail aides by processon. aieb" atUgo fali l inon, sud after -aboutlthéie ana!d.ays caueed by no- body kncvs what, sud thée canecf vilci undr.ds vou!d like le kPow but eau nover find out, the procession ornmoed té aunve &long. Fint oigne 0Wne >Oomovan, maroha of lb. proesmion;neit l&-ho hief cf Porles followed by Liudsay baud; thon the sinile childiea frona lta. serai sehools, ail dtoeeed lu Iheir beut, their holidaiy-labile. dresse, de- oorased vith many onamael sud bearning, Jý>ooumutemaesliw -huld- num dearly love a procession. Thon ail lh. pretty girls frocu -lb.he oilegiate passed &1008mg Mrhiug lu fine order, fi lowed by -the Port Penn band. The Whilby fi» eompany ca«e Doiwith Iheir englue lu advange, sd Iheir home tee! cnopleâto briag op Iheir remn. la hheir bauds h. firemen bor. beauti. Ma bonque s .»d lu 1h.ecaopied home., r..! lbiy bad Ihoir q«ee. Miss Minuie Oanu penchd tu b.d of -roses. The firesiasudid lhéMÎs41vesgreal credil by 1h01 lia. npOansmee cadtsvh cme cx, iepalm muet 19 awardsd for he ecele t lar dicépls .Threàgbkul lb. day Ibis eoumay performenis le put like velera m@4hradar*sW.dadedof*pp!"# ooamâni 61 M ào*ri 3., ..ý Mv iwhile' f. . G. irademao maruballed th.e shools.' Tho ÀU be, the tomaouei u iho bo~rs-albandooc .Uovan& véry sd te flooafler thà prooossion 'imme.' dlately afIn theas aaahxng leIs1ators b.d gaïly taippecldaontg But tho dey was too bot for -1he gallant inombere cf these boaude, and long before tbey bad reaohed the. gronude sweal-vulgar sweat-shole cut from under their bats, and snelted down their collais on its way te the centre cf gravitation, and thoir faoas becaune ted and the -ladies gave up the chas. The procession vas a ecooe. Thone wero ne hundred and fifty wagons of agricultural implémntecnr, any blachernithu shope, nor printicg offices, cor photogtaph gallon.s, cor bar-rooms-but coame te Ihink, tb. procese of gettlng boozy nover was advertlsea in proclsion-this proce- sion vaucnoadvottiseoeent for anyone but tbe toWu, sud.th. town'u objeot wau to bonor the Queeo-. Tho motive and th. effort made th. thing a succees. WMen lb. procession arrived eaIbohe gTounds Hie Worship the Mayer es. oorted -Hor Majesty ýo the elevated lâtfé anud read the ollowing - KAT IT PLZABE TOUR XAJN5TT. W. your Majemlym faithini and loyal subjeetg, the corporation of the Town et 'Wkihby, iu the Province cf Ontari, desire te approaeh your Majeaty wlth expressions of deveted attachinent and ioyalty le youx Majestyls person sudthoue. W e beg te b. permittod iu comnron with hosts cf others ot y euxMajesty's subjects teo ofer you pur siucere congratulations un the auspicieus cempletion of Ibis jubile.nyea of your Majoshy's happy and baneficient reigu. The extension sud marvellous pro- &ress ef your Empire, the. remarkable developement c01yjourolonil ossessious, the woudrou avance made in the arts anud science, the great strides lu the in- provement of manufacturers, the. growth of commerce, the increase cf wealth sud of the coinforts cf lit. during your Majesty's -eigu have been unexampled lu the world's islery. W. wish a&sete psy a tributs te or em an~ sd demestia wiahes whioii iaemade your loyal home a oiodel for ail true homes snd youx Court an esaimple cf loflypurity to sutfoge Courts. Wlebeg that yurirj t my elong rpared 10 tule o"reru and tiaI ycu may be sustained iu the. diacharge ofthe maui.old duhies ef your exalhed station. J. H. LONG, Mayor. Laagea uvaoey 0, photégraph huaan plush goodi eve: poened , Whithy ist r.,Affidé,Whly tud Mntstes, - Mi tevezoen, dauglr tJas.,Stoen. so, M.P. for West Petebero, U.vstn9 Miseross tuis week. churoh K14t"& The. Bey. J. F. Barker will preaoh nexit Lords Day both iu 1he morning sud even- Ing. A children's servioewill l'e held in the, Methodiot Tabernacle Sabbalb mecruing. AU childreu of the cougregation arsi--peia. ly raquested to acooe1rpn) heir "na À Yun pope'soevie ülbe helf i te eeing. Biv.=MXr. Germazi will- onduet ie services. Cricket WUMTBTV13 Wr.T TOflOINTO. WIMY. Firat 1nuing. Campbel, b 3 Mahhison, b 0 Peuhain, c MeIntosh13 Gold b b Wilson, e Barker O Vhb Ho i. C. 14 e me 1 M£aoki',e Stroud l'h 9 Prinle, b Hepklns -O Howell, b. b 5 Gleesen, not ouh 3 Extras 8 WZT T( Green F. S. b Camp- bell 3 Parkier 0" Green F. C. 0 Canieron, b Gold 4 Aldred di ci 20 Bal b Campbell 1 Matbews bCampbell 0 Hopkins c Campbell 2 Shroud b Gold 0 Mcluhenwh, not ont O Extras 1 Second iniuge8. b Aldred "Hophins .4 c Cameron b b Aldredty 3. b b6 net eut* b Àldred 54 c Canpbeéi cGeld i c Pelham b Gold 3 id b Campbell 2 it si j< 3 c and b " 4 2 e ~Gold 16 run out 2 c Gold b Camipbell 0 3 Gold and Campbels analysis of bowling were identical. The Liverpool police are looklng after suspected dynamitera. Croup sud Tiroat and Luug Troubles are reatod succeassully wvithi Afn's Luug Balsain. Tii. Canadian tarif wvu briefly diacusued in the. Houa. of Lords on Monday night. S. B. Burwell, of Fingail, Ont., wrihes : Mr. J. Hamer Greeuwood, as secue. Lait autumu I wua sufferiug from. a -severe hary of 81.1., repiid. but we oouldn't cold which -settled on my ýLungsansd pro. catch his worde, excepI in one instance ducei a distressiug ceugh for wbich I gave where be was speaking efthle extension trial t a number cf Cough- Mediolues btia of thie empire ho embrace 400,00,000 wit.hout anY benefit. I aI lasI hried one mor blck eope tau t peget.bottle of-Alleu's Luug Baissa, which I arn mon.blak pepleIbanah reset.happy to b. able le ahate gave slmost As wo bave a terrer ef black people, immediate relief sud perfermed a perfect wo wero avfu!ly frigbtened by Ibis cure lu a short time. tbrestoned calamity ho the empire 'u The Osuadian Pacific, the. Allans sud lie thein aunexation. Dominion Steamship Compan y bave tenders The programme utItho grounde vas in for the transatlantie mail contract. a long on. but was carried euh witb 'Te a atMedicine 00. expedition and vithoul a bitoh occuri*ng. GenlUem.-I have muoh lesare"lu Il muet b. adrnitted, sud we are bighlyti ~ 'u < h nen f~r iplea.d ho eht." it, thatthlb, usboo Germin. worm ilemedy. 1fndI t4 emm he . rester siar. of lb.e rêdfit g atte succestnflj axm4Limia, a. for maklug thie day. enlertaininulasave hrised cicr remedies with Qthemre &osues. The marcbing sudconunter- cild without success Youxn truly, N. T. marchiug oethl.e oilegiate girls, Ibsir Hart 128 Amherut St., Moutreal. drill, calistbenios sud club swiugng Boyd, lie souller, died in London on, Saf. ver, aIl applauded iu the mcml raptur- urdsy. ous mmuuer, and fan exceeded th. Diphthhra-The name strikes s chili te, expectations et suy cf tbe visitera a mother's heart as aie r.alizos whi« a preeul. W. baven&t epace enougb te daugereus malady il l. With a botile e Pain-Kiler lu the bouse aie feels lihat ie givee. m-al se much pi-aise as hy 1ha MMilimore peveirfulcure, sud hailtheb deserve.* terrer is destroyed. Tbe review cf Ibm Colleglate Institut. Tii.Ue fom mit s.Pau& tle Moulmeal cadetsforrned a mogt iuteresting fetîuro is expeet4d te b. open iu about llcxee weeks. iu lb. prooeodings. The tire.cern. bli1oete as fth odh pa -.awreput thnongh a vaniely cf W.bleeiesseehewodru pame Wezsuccees et cur Murray & Lauman', Fiorada diffleult movemeuts by Mrt. Heudenson, Wst.rmay ho found in the tact the principal ueànly al of wbich veto exeuted wiîb àsi uis Peraienu a ways heen te tb. grestesî precisien. The juvenîie, give %iesimp eunaturl perfurne etf lower, under Master Johnson se captain, did wichnh sun chemicai addition whatover, reuuarkably wli-tbeir agis being con- sud te avoidbe al menus the grat errer sidoe.d. W.@liencof 'Uppor Canada cf making a eavy, elokly, aveet penfume. Gollege sud Guelph. Goflegiate cadets, but juet <iv.e oun boys a 11111e more Finauds and Commercisj. lime and suitable uniforme and tics. et Upper Canada *ud Guelph will have Offce cf Whisby OmtoNwLu, ail iheir tirne oeopi.d le make a more Wbitby, JU17 8, 1887: creditable dimplay. The Goverument WIUTBY MABXBT PRICES. - w. understand la willing le protide au instructor for 'these adeta, but thîsie is all w)iî......000a 0... 8 0 78 (à 0 8 nol, uaeded bie.es lIt. Henderoon §zn O t........ 70. e 80 holde s military sehool certificale sud ui'x pot ...t.........2 0 7« 0 bas ehova bimselftoleb. tiorongh!y Bably................*a* eornpeliemt.If tb. Qover umeut vi!! Bye........040 *0O50 gine unfom te eextenl Ihat the Peas...........00*0 52 05o5s otafor au instruolor would este.l Pabakee........7 1 <j -75 balnc mgi b spple fomloaMBiePa....... 0 <j -ù o b miht é auplid.0fom a........ ...080 <j08i sorcs.We obould' b. <lad to e *e ay .S..6...... 0a -......1 _ 00 n* 00 lbes.cadetsmai oeilnovis $oh.eable Asieloir se.....8 50 * 00 tle làke partiu ias eýdri!. competitien ai B.d (lover seed ...... 4650 -0- lie. -Toronto. Indetia! fair Ibis f a ppi4-les, pelb'......9, 00 TUE wuxs. ômt ".......050 0 .5 potat6614 per ~bag....... 06 i 7 B - . . . . . . . ois lit -« u A 8c«t ait DEA T-Il S. PàxToNi-Ât Wbitby, on Bùn"g the Brd Instant» Thomas Paxton. Sherietofthe Oounty cf Ontario, aged M6 year. .AUCTION SALE OF RRAL ESTA TE IN THE TOWN OF HTY TE truste es of the undermettioned cr- perty hereby give notice that there will b. s-old by public auction ai ftay's Hetel, in the town of Whitby, on Monda y, the 2Mbh July, 1887, at the houx of 2 oeolook, in he ftenon, y LviFairbanks ânc- inetheerooryonbLeîas the. '#bitby OONGÎG TONL oHURoH PRO- PBTY (inludlig both the. Churolibuild- ings and Parnonage, with the. bell, lamps an chandeliers) consisting ci Town Lots Nos. 51, 62, 85 and 86 West of Brock Street as laid down on a plan of part of Lot Nain- ber 27 in the Second Concession of Wbitby known as "Perry's Plan,," now the M o.nici- palpan. ii.praperty h s ituated ini a ýIi"I esbe looality, aimost within a Stone,$ thibw of the, business centre eft-the Teuwn.. TUBMS Cash. For particujars appyte BOBS JOHNSTON or HENRY HRVY, two eft1h. Trustees. This Notice is given pursuant th> Chapter 216 of the. ReviS.8 Statutes of Ontario entitled "Au ket- respecting the preperty of Reli- gions Institutions. " L. FAIRBà ES, J. B. DOW, &uotleneer. Solicitor for Trustee.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1OTICE is hereby given, pursuant to N R-S0-,chapt i10,and 46 Vicoria cate9,Ontario, tat a c reditorsan other persona having daims aga*nst the estate of Robert Dixon, late oft t eTown- ship of Scarborougb, in the Couinty cf York, fariner, and formerly contractor, de- ceased, who died on or about the 27-.b day of Januar, A.D. 1887, are hereby required te deliver or send. by post prepuid, tu J. J. Foy 74 Chnrch street, Teronto, the Solici- tor Ïor John A. Carlaw "-~d DavideornCr Iaw, Execntorp of the said deceasédh, --i or before-the Ist day of Aaunt, 18-17, a st.ate- ment in writing of their namea and ad- dresses snd full particulars of iLe-r daims, with the vouchers upon w1iich îthey are based, and a statexn-ent cf ail s'uiin(if -axay) heid b'y them. And firthertake ntice, th.i-it i-mtxf-'ýiately alteur said 'l te tnôt, iecu.or~t!n.,fîeseaid deceeaed wil2 roeeed te distriblte ithe as- sets cf the eces.sed among the. parties enti.tled therete h « regard only to the dlaimsetof havunoice hal ave been given is above required ; and the said Ex- ecutors wlllnet b. liable for the said as4ets or any part thereof te a"y person or parnons of whose elaim or -caims notice shall net have been received by thein ah the alore- *aid date. Dated at Toronto, Ibis 15th dlay of June, A.D. 1887. - J. J. FOY, 4n-29 Solicter for the. Executors. GulémitI'i la -JUST TO HAND- JEWELLERY. Newesl deugus in Ladie' BROOCHES, PINS sud SHlORP CRAINS. CLOCKS.-1 aiid 8 Day. SIL YERWARE. Pull Stock et Ne-w <-oeds, abo ENVES, FOURS, and SPOONS. Tes Spoon6 frein $1.50 per doz. Eztraordinry Yalus. Ciiianlad Sec lhmiu Jewellery mado' to order., Watches, Ciocks and wilr IRepairea masud ranw-ed I -. C1T~iT le'. rrn:I> PE LIIIL en,1 SUIIER 'We show something cheap and good in Muslins, Lawns, Seersuekors, &. for Summer, Wear. A Big Range of Straw Hats, for La.. dies', Girls', Chidren, Boys or men, w",New lot 188.,BORiDER&8 Stafford &Cormack, Whitbyl GOOD VALUE. Law Pl-es1 New llesignis1 18871 OEIL h T y iaio t...... I. ~2. DRIVES G.OODSY BoniolonWarcrooins,' OM [he theof of Parasols this week,..e New Millinery Weekly, leading styles, and lowest prices. A nice uine of Tweeds and Wors'ted, for sprig. and summer suitings. and. overcoats, made to order, in the latest styles. -We have a well assorted stock of new and tasty goods, and are prepared -to give our customers the begt value for' thejr money. PýOWEL&Co@ Corner of Dundas and -Brock Streets., Tfirm ~Avertî instrut ohagd l muet b. à ors wilig A libers contranbt s ln neit late of anylult ,befere Tic mente roc: - 13sine per line w of thi.Coum Correspon1 hheir con -possibles,- q Royal DA Oi'ncu O8ee, lu Whitby. 6.1 &POR TIN~ 000 . t r t là 6 'l il Ir i

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