Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jul 1887, p. 1

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lie" RIVES hI' ~I~Imii ) I ~JU~It~. -and goodi ar. [ats, -for La. s~ orý men. rii8 week. .L: :ing syes id Worsteds, uitings and 4n Mthe- latest. stock of llew p repared to st value -for Co@ )kStreets. 18$7. choie pÉffrî1. ORTING 00D S. ORB0 & CORMACI, ~OJA TiONS. and are invaluable ilu Iýrqn anad the aged T.RgET), LONDONand a et London, they arn apurle 0OO lbe resh Eg'gi n d iii th e [1ORE.ý 1o be h ~foxr With «Ial Priatqd words, gleat th@ughts, ad ntiring indusi VOL. XXXI. WHIITBY, ONTARIO* tPbitbP QIbroul*ck? Established 1M5. [bc LeadIng weely In Ontario County, SUBSORIPTION RATES. ~per annumin wadvance-41.5O other- Wise. SubscnptiOnseare aways payable et the office of publication. Steam equipment and bout furaised Book and Job printing plantîni ]&&$te=n Ontario, capable of oeecutlng &Il classes 0f work f rom the large poster bteithe mauuet handbill. Specia mention is mmd. of tbe uasuxpasdpof teeh. of Tuz CEEoN- ICLE,wthiscebtd N. Y. (Jottrel cylnder proua and other modem oonvenl- onces. B vory order recesivos prompt, care- fui attention. TERMS 0F ADVBRTISING. Firat insertion jper Uine, 10 conte; eaoh subsequont insertion, 6 cents. Displayed Adverteomonts are mesured by a scale 0f solid NonparIl, and charged scoordlnq1y. Advertisementa sent without wrihten instructions insertedl until forbidden, aund ohrged for fulil ime. Ordrsfur diocontinuing dverti»entu muet bo in writing, othorwise the publish- ors will net ho rosponsible. A libera discount for contract advortiso- monts by the yomr. Copy for changes of oontract dvetisomenta sboula ho handod in not later than Wednesdmy; and notice of mny intended change@ aboula ho given before Tuosdmy noon. Othor a.dverties- ments roceived up te Thnxeday noon. Business notices in local or news columne Fivo cOnta per lUne weekly. Locale, 10 et.. per liii. weekly. Corrospondonce solicitod froin ail parts cf tho County or nighborng townships. Correspondent. are roquested te send in their communications as prompty au possible, HENDERSON & GRAHAM, JOHN STANTON, Proprietore- Supt Mochs.nical Dep't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., JAMES RUTLEDGE, I >ALRISER,&o. Office forinerly ce- i>cupied by Farewell & Rutiedge, ueît oRoyal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORIVISTON, Bl.&., ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN~ Chancery, Convoyancor, &o. Onric-In the Office South cf the Peet Office, in MoMillan's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. ly-lo G. YOUNG SMITH, L IL. B., BÂARISTR, &o,&c-Mon:y t10 Orrxc-Smilii'a Block, sonth cf Market, Brook St., Wbltby. Jan. 22,1878. (ti-à JOHN BALL DOW, B ARRISTR-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR in Chanoory, Convoyancor, &o. Ofie-Deverilj'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. MONET TO LEND-Privmte Fund,- in sum&aup te 8800, st a loy rate cf in- toreet. ly-52 LYMRAN ENGLISUI L 16. B,, B A REUSTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN~ 3 hmnoery, Oonv#yanoer,&o., &o. Smr- Do@ Street, Osha. DB. MBLDRUXM .B. (TORONTO DUnivorsaity,) L.R.O.P. andL.M.<Edmn- burghj, &c. Office heurs, 8 10 10 a&m., 2 to 4and 7to 9p.m. Ne. 8, TEB«TBRÂO," BTRON.ST.,' W. OUTHBERTBON, If. B. (Toronto.) m.D., 0.M., <Victoria.) OFIPCB: BROOKLI. à. . CIÂAWFOJRTH,* Graduateof et ' Qrdo V1sauC Orders by qýs CM! t e.p!,prôrmpt1y attended to. Dr. Bogaxto,'uadW, t% RIGGS & IVORY, 'S. B. cor. King and Yonge Ste., Toronto. Th ,Bod f porins bsolutely painleas by the use f Vialia Air. 46 MIe with LamLey, Lmngloy & Burke,- roule,)j ARCHITECT. Designu for Cburches VUil an dCoct.- tago a spoclaliy. Drawlngu prépared, for remodeling ezisting stractures. Oyrrci -FiAt flat over Hcvse's Drug Store. P. -B oz202, Waxry. SIEBERT BIROS., LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. Good Bige and Good Heres. Terni. rom- 'sonable. 19 9S&B&RT BROS 2ïr 6,000,000 PEOPLE UsEl FERRYS SEEDS De MaiFERRY 6 0. ). IL URRI acois MEEUlm* II tr 10aen L. ke.(Con tain ,their ova Purg.LL ~ ure ",là (jmue* .ad etmJ doeroya- t eroa i bO drun or A4nIu, DUN.NeS EAKUNO- POWDER TH-E CODK'S BEST FRIEND 188a7.; BP/?ING 8STOCK NO W -OPN. Th.. agstai NEW - NCi SOAP I. R. IGIUI,1 CHEMIST and DRUGGI8T fias just recoived a large as- sortment of -F AN*,C- TOILE T SOAPS .Which he is selling a very LOW -PR ICES. SAVONA, ll: TÀ330:REAT Mlso for sale by W.. R.IIOWSE; NEW G0008 W. R. -HOWSE, OHEMXIST AND DBUGGIST, Ha. qra bod a very 1larg ndselect stock of (Jhulstmau gooda, conpreig Ladies,' Work Boxes,, Whis4Holders, Odor Cases, Mirrora in Plush, Toi/et 'Caseýs, Large Va8,ïý CaU a<zmùw 0w Botooak liqîste À V ,g1 TOgrOUU 1?RTT~AV TTTTX~ 1~c C L NEWS LElERS.; -lheris Srey àftve . cnt piee ho be ed 10. go te, ghlalnd (Jîeek, Maven g ot i n o w , o t ai e 'f t e p ck t o t s a d se &ro un d by w ay c f B ro n gh am . Cimoxer-a orre"ndenre t au»rrf Weduesday'o pic-nie. -Mr. Ho tated ho easau agreultumi CEEo~~ Ooresponence. SPence, Of Toret., was the orator of impismeni etant as u ok t- h. day, and hhoIbed forth quit. bril- after sub.agets-Whed akinot lireÎ wmy iasly for a couple of boug. 'i éofeeibpuy thé bu, te 'Mr,. armera» re king at their hay cfYour correspondent had the pleauro B.ddin, but the latter uaid heo 'olld Iu~iipe Wauon au ie ouas beiug th. guest of Deputy;Reeve pay when ho brought it baék mémé day. 11r.ý4ie"d w aon ne hs hoe sMd ndhie 'ntereeîing fami1ü ai ot tumning -up at the éappoinet M co up et d.w ood, on W edn sdjay l at, = o n D m n-b em e ra lle . un -ri- e r.Bail.7 hadilb.hemiaortuneocf eeue of bis hors.. *John Bllot anud Miss MarY thave, been vieiting friende in e N fariera have finisheti their part d46 orl ait the nov chureh for the ,t. The brick-layer. yl finish -r. Bpenoeje in Toronto at proeut. Barclay ru visiting Mise Ketchen. Artur tIavage is reuting ai "U .J F .D ale je a h i. t c, b . aroun d a Campbell is visiging in Reeh. eBaptiat S. S. are te pice-nie ai Ir"L's Point on Tuoaday, July 19&h. seara. Frank and Clarence Blar hýIrehurnet freina liait le George- 40 v.K. MoLennun, cf Whitby, -pg*-whed i he Pre byterian churcb Bo0funday. unaal pie.nic cf thé Young of Bîooklin was helti on Tue,- A plemaaul ime Wall spent. , ory9. 8. (Y. Piiilp pro achet isi AM ermon hoe on Sonday. H. îeft a favorable impression. eX'Agnos Hoit hasjuat meîurned hNoTomonte looking voil anti happy. ,,. .Jackson Elliot f Toroulo wa 1 nMl KrM. 8. Hoitt and family ai woîk on )Kr. George àMidiande bain hé flolnsméflftee féootanti bruleihie heai Mud shouldera very bedly Dr. Wamrendresutithe wouude. Thème nos belng any bones brokon or Internai iujury -doue ho i. oxpeeted, soon tW me- coVer. A 8abbath soool eeurpion vu in frornibe e eBeaverton laat Thnrday which provéti quit. mucooalfi<u. 1When a a mjunior beabail club cf yéGi lovu coming ont boe . £0&iv. ns à returu matoh. Our boy# are gelhiug mat'o oape and tzpsto do niupmi gréaI style Iasthe néit meeting.. The. band Mnd thé Orange lotige frein thu P!1ce joine th le breliren frorn Victoria Cons sud Greeuhanks andi maroired til]Port Perry'ounirthIM, wheme, we beéhevé, a grand cétebrati!on -,as helti, ad îslrdovag accient oocurred home ou Friday Joab, by viioh a boy 10 year"cf 'agélis bu, 1ite. ne, with ocr ra " o m at io s, V e ut b ir g lu th. pond-Md, lnet knowiug Ihe-locality. ry7.wol,, iked, lu a deep hol. and-, Bmnk beforé a1 sistance co li b. uin- fu ai gt owned y fiet likely te csagse Ste wieh1 ehosen farmzng au a mene cf "I vautto behoa farier, And wllb the farinastan,- iras heen runing through uay brêa ever since Wcdnosday'a vieil sud jeu ned nos ho aurpriseti if 1 reuigu my lucrative position as correspondent te your journal aud bocome a plougir boy. Tire 8. A. barracha wormlre thioté attraction ou Wedneedêy nigirt andtihe spacious hall vas more $han oufori. al ildwith an audience éêger te itnes tb.mêrriage thêt hêti been announocdto t tue place hetween Mr. Chas. Flewell cf Ibis place and Misa- Minnie Taylor, cf jour twn. 'The lady lu knowu hore s tirepretty cadet, sud, droasetias ah. vas on Wed- nesay eveuing iuthe simple but neat urnforncof the Azrtny, se.looketi rel- ly heautiful andi justifieti ber deam te the 111 tihat htie heen eonferroti pon ber a aboee.stêtoti. Thre m*rriege oexewouy vas pertormnet by thre Bev. Mr. Addison, Meliodiat nminiaer, cf Ibis tovu, sasiatetiby (JaptiluCrosby, laie cf Whitby but nov commander of lhe dehaohment of the 15. A. 0f Ibis owu. The soldiers turcd outinw full force andi formoti uit. an imposlug elmeet prade with bannera vavrng and bands playing, liat cf itaelf va. auffi-ý aient te dmaw theowd Wo the harracha. Among thé audience voe ev tovering far aboya the iIlepuilana tire taêlI' fortue of EBi Beve Bt. Jehu,of -Brook, sud bairjatér-JohnMe i"vra. Of Wr lie bati lively- ne & b ng ec u a ' b o u t the , O rem ou >ç but w. ers W,ýiàpr"ad vitir-tle, faci thst if cburoéh Members -ver. calloti upon baurbecrubel te iul es laid- doyu by the arMyà 'vin about le - msrry the réanht: _wold l b. poêler loyalty bt.ee huroh sud-its teechinge. W. noltiatir. groom d kî is,-the, hîushiug bride santi only regroUt" v were se fax OHf that vo eu0ltinetý rémedy the dofeeL. Tho happy oeuple reeéivedtheii. ogriaîulatjona cf hf mauy Monenasherlly éfber thre en- cluion of lt.he orm h ag audience tiiepéeti. rroytr ag On Frdsy veeka utile m on >cf Mi. Jaàs Bcott, wiroa reuidea neir thé. labo aber., as Sun stmuik, aud by&tie folloving 8nndai bai becorne seO mueir affeotedr tirihé diéi.. The boy'.neyerjt vas conaiou aitfer-the. stick. Mr. J. Pi# e é ug uàwbuidings apon hie -p'rmiae,r IDti aOia Thuiru ay of at week Me. Johni Oou lobas aï, cllmbing upa latider st hie relidence north etf Dunbiroàn, when bv»mre meaus Iehos nm& nl Toronto on n iav sud plaea mattqr in thé bauds cf adtoie, the, la nov woîkiug Up th- o ver-N. Wb&. tiktr onoxx. t DEMI Bia,-I radi with mueh là- tereat the report, centainetiin tlb, laie aumberocfTin ÜaxaxrcLz., of a mer-ý mon deliveretibythe Pâutor cf th. Preshyterian ohur.h.Ths i>l* mysoîf have th e boo privîIel i hre ubbcbeneffi peoiaiy piovideti for that onrgrégation lshoulti ecusider themeelvOea mudhir de.ýtfd te yen. «I amrno ntabout tb uuder"te e ae f crille. YeODaMay pêrbapas how lue te venctilshe some thougiîs cf rMy owu on' the aubjeet therein duîcua.ed. The otiterside cof thre'grave je OU- ehionded iu dmrknesl, if net quie, un- penetable' a ni W uaj labo il, iat o0oeng obre lvoa about'tJr. peu sud thé prenant, voe boult inlu eildaie trust bave the. futurp W lb. a»i4' ber Yol iiaamuch se freedorn cf0 th 'r is esseutial tW' -hep ps 0 nw- letige, anti freedoin cf,'urlianoe£0thé* inaintenance*of liberty vo mayr pr mitted Wsena. prlthoug ,h withbenru 0eicu , n-bs cou- femsdly obsc àure -euhjeo -Those who are laborrug the hazasat tb open up for, ns that @0' utIle- ikuown eýoutr yvj- eut thêmeelvei uuorîi g avoyag Ihither do not al tel us lire Damne stery about It. Thos wov e do net returà. !11 go," ei hit shé left this woiiirldtor ie nknown, tî pe Icr i 0pafg otatwer rn f . - --- -1t mouen anti-the roe îeeelot l , t b a vhere Qed tvl vitrent blemiê eau- tl#ooteregète..be-î bell virer, Qoêi lsn thallie-goodever ou ejîher pa lmmcbc tirey are yet pel" 90 every geolî quaUtyk mm*i rubsh ineapaj «daY good amio héî esat. lie tire allovance 'being,màà hermit6 eatS .Aaaart ~URE >Wtuiiit £ A i-I. FI N CI E. !wu auvouaze ireaces V»gre». wé Knowledge, Brotherhooci. 310 THE GREA T

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