Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jul 1887, p. 4

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Purity OIiAIMN~FEEIU Hellebore, Paris Green, Inse1ct Powder, Slug- Shot. -00 Owing to great demand we have been o.ompelled to order a fresh stock whioh lias just arrived. G. E. GIB3A RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Si Oc PER ANNUM. Wkitby, Friday, Jiily 15, 1887. Wuur< there s aSheriff t. appoint vo cbrse eabled'to leam a few thion For eni thiag v. learu that tiios. aion Who gu areund thé. countr.y utumprng for party candidates st eleetion Urnet and who eami they &re talking fer the. interestu of the. country, are net reaily toua1n the trath. For vbeu a Sheriff drops off &hey loom up and @&y they bave a&H &long beu workiug for the. party, sud net the couutry au thoy have previoualy elaîznod. Tis i one littie inattor for the e[ootors go reflect upoa wbea they are listeaing to stamp speakers. Twicà-Iâtoly Mr. Mowat bai nubbed those party haoks wlao hwup thair the party and thon expeot oOMO$@ cf higb publie trust as a revard for their uoherning. Mr. bfowat evidently th-na au honoot man isthebéabot for a hW office, and tauho growsuin hi. boliof vs like bita botter, Ho us the. firat mnan in this country whoeover naed hi. appointing privilegos for the. ocfltry's intereut8. Lot those dragtails cf bath parties sto te work aud b. about hali bonest liko the veut cf us, and thon thoy vil botter deserve au appoint- mont frorn Mr. Movat. As Mr. erauk Paxton' has roally been appoiated te thé position cf Shéiff Ontario couaty s hod bV hie fathor, il' iu not worth vAile dimuubig the mattoy with these who kick againut it, ts making snob appolntaieuts hsroditary. W. ightpoint ont te theue kiokèe that there vas ne cher utrcnmm a.- didat.. for tbe position, and alue liai tiers vau au mirnot unanirnous feelWsg bore in faver of the. appoiutmnt au - made. This the, Toronto Papous oourd Dot b. svxpsoled to know, aud ef courue tbey go 'on au usuai te assume that saine party haàok ahould h ave -boon Siysa the position ovor the. headu and againut te wi4heu cf al lie bout mon in thiscoeunty. * Ix àv rportof amoetingOf the outh on",ri- Liions. Cmiuiurs in another oôlnn w.publieh a aUMrnary 01 a lettor te Mr. Jno. Fgorgn bfrm ii.e ocetavy cf ithe Ilxecutive cern- mnitieeocf lthe Bopts Act bague of South Ouxo, sud euooui asrésoution » by tua ormtseczmadn PW Peguntaee < n a wéek, or othorwim.,» oeputpiun kpi the 1oott * Âoeutive wcuw v isit XMr. Kovati and râÏso <Çain gen.ra]iy. As te tthe amonut .of r -andsn insolence onz- tained ubo tmb, btter sud the vo- - solution v.olesveur readers te fonù their- ovu opimnin:,aadtho e aspb nuatorial-o onblo thona te do .09u son ds Is ,bis dutY W. hsve a qni abet toy. LU i r~io OIr Fsa~<ouu Mt hlf fi']Dam O~ft4*l* .OMnada vas hhaê 1à vosil sU eàI -%14U15ga.And i f ib ~4ùob~i 1O&ÉM it am a1s6 * sa1 of th.e "te Mplaiàd corshy, e~n g. poraor, *ho prd'posss hum »O'BuIeii MIin Canada. Thé. fot iu vo don't va*t&a»Y of-thi eple et Irelaud, neitiior ProtestasIor Cahiollo, te - corne over bere umaeue .they eau orne deoently vithout the. profea.e objeot ef raising striEé.,W. are of opinion tuat Canada is ýfltty hUesl botter off to.day thau Irelaud le, se vse don't require iay of their agitateute corne hore te lotir up Ill-foeling. We weoe of tio cias. vho did not weep whou v. hoard that atones had been thrown as O'Brien; and if uchhin-g happons to e ve sou prosent feeling. w. shaU net shed a tsr if sommen hits Rer. Dr. MaoBeth ia the ribe viii a rock. Lot &Il agitators stai oeut cf Oanada. Bonus Meeting. At the eail of the Mayov on Monday eveang a large numbEr ef ratepayers mot lu the councli ohamnher te discus Borne proposais te bonus manufactnrors whe are talkuug ef oMning te this te#n with their verts. .,, The Mlayor cccupîod the. ebair. Tho firsl prcposair.sad vas that cf Mn. R. Paitereca, late cf Patterson Bros., vhe proposes le &gain open the fonudry. His proposais are se fol- Iova: -That the tlova ban hlm $10,000 free cf interest for tan years, sud eixcmpt- bis fonadry from taxation. That he 'give the vboie vovks s soourity sud ah the end c( fire yesro commence te psy back S$1,000 por jean and pay the remaining 85,000 at tii. end cf Ion jeaàra. Mn. Pattersen wuval aled upea tu sîto ehie nvesregarding the. feuadry's prospects. Ho aaid ho bad very littie to oay. The propoai jual raad con-tain- ed bis vievu. With regard'te ths bus- mins don. in lie foundry ho coula day after fivo yeavs expericne that il «au quite ealiofaelory. But chboesbving ovned lb. controiiing inlereul lu tie capita upon vbuch ut iad boeau oarriod ou, sud there hsving houa effrod large inducemenhU te go te another place viiore théir viiebe bus- lues culd bhoeostralised and viers lhey had faciit or manufuotur- ing a&U hhey oould @1uebl by bataken tbe busines vay. Afler lie foundry closad ho had ne ides cf staying hors longer until laislyhbe, bild hoomapproach. sd by offioiaIo cf the towa Who bad stâted tue possibiiity tuaItue teva voubd ho villing te grant hlm soins &id lb utart businests again. But thern vas neoetii.u rescu for is .intention cf beaving lie tova than look et capital to carry on lb. foundry. Hi. associations in the Lova hod hon sncb s te cause him, great regret were heo ompeIIed te basve. 8e upon bh. Mg the town mugbl ho ia-d 1- te -lphlm ho had g<caste thie ulaÎte. a fviond Who pcusùsed noesuarY istanoo te en-able bimta t earry on business on a large scale .o:d iitheva adcemded te thie pro- posai. Mr. Paltovuon don't fancy ho bas any dlaimas upen lb. teva. The * Ova ovehlm nothing and il lu fie te, consider bis proposai sud acept or rejeclil as may ho coasidered ad visable. Oaudidly ho might say that if bis pro. poai. vranapted lie ool ho Ibhe teva vould be the interost on *500 &Bdîthe taxes uao lie fonndry. Te ncooup the tvhie vageas seouaI, woubd aMenigo about the #&mes horetefore #U5,000 per annuai, Dne. lenIba cf vhÎoh us oxpeadod in tovu. Iu bis proposail ho bas been very cars. fui te agnenot toeaMipoy toc largo s riuMbOof mon lb. firsi joan or two, as ho9 vas àazioested. as Weil or boîter than ho ag"es. Ho vould net viub the tevu te ho disappoinlod -thevrong way se ho viii enly mudertake tW ompley 25 moea duriaghi. fivut twe joan sud 40 tiften liaI. If lhe aiofey lu voted to ia ho is veady to ge on vlgthbe1 vion t 0006once s cnet hope, to do a great 4thleproset y« e thelb usais advay d Tho proposai of the ?Martin Sddlory ad Hava.. Fnnbing Oonipanýyq cf Toronto, vas hienresa Wh"18=4us ÉLautiaiy tis :-Mr. Martin lie pro- prieton, ihalo forai a joint stock 0coaui vith a sttk ecapital of #«0000 ' h suburihd by responsibi. ;Mon, 2à e impny a, lb »r«» ahàm b"l as 1 the ofeot <omsmoroil UnIu woud hve u bs ld.hé usitha*t but»»ess oànbinatlonuo kàeïd l ià . stats buh inade ai411he praoutions oin. to e rtait dealers st à a orm figur, b".hmoansM a Ououd.vtaad il " theti.factorisu dom! couipote vitb eaeh other, but vorq a*,ong peaeeahly and inbtead cf outting eaub othere tbreahs out sorneone eIue's. rbiscern- binatiou, howover, von-Id soeurs him against an7 foar freai Commercial Union. Bo ng asked se ho the. wffes h. pays ho said fiqm $10io te015 pr woek acoording te, the ekili cf the verit- Mfr. chas. King vaas bkod te discqu the. Ivosohemes. HResaid h. hopod, s lhorough ondsrotanding cf both sohemes veuld ho raohed to-nigir. There vore aumboe s vo couid #o eut on the street alter tho meeting olooed and aek hard questions te awvr; Ho heped these parties would do 8 o rs to-night in eider that ther. ho' a de- oided opinion reaohed as muon « pos- sible sud the. malter got into, shape. If th. lova adepte thre'ss cheta.. ho believos il viii promole its intereste. But thero lu alvsys somo riait te bo ouý oQùu teed-at Ioast hehais alwa' î fÜd ut8. Ie. ha iinstance the o tevu ii have ho, take some risk. sud by doiag so might introduee au or& of prosperity for the tova. Speaktng cf Mr. Martin porsonally, Mr. Ring said ho sdmirodl the pluck cf s Mau Who camne te another country viti a fov friende te embark in a lins cf business heretofore unkuovr inruCanada. &fter ccming bore Mr. Martin vaa doserted 1bY bis oopanicnu and bad toeutrnggle on alono with snob wcrkmen a hé ou-d train himieilf. But ho had prespered, snd proren, himeoif a business man and a mechanlo. Now Mr. Martia pro. poses te, invest bis hard-earnsd monoy in our tevu if vo viii <iv. hlm a start, aud giv.. us perfeetly estiefaotory scéurity for cdr lban. As te the numbor cf mon vhc ceuld bho omploy. ed in Ibal lins cf business on a capital cf $80,000 ho vcuid like o te horMr. Martin'@ opinion.- Mr. Marn-about 100. Mvr. King -Wsil acrdiug te my figuring, vihgcnd flamoing, ti oempany migit carry on businoesin suob a vay se really bave *45.000 at its command, and thia von-Id employ 150 maon, for if rav inaievial Ïau b. purobased on four mentis tune b.ho b. lieveR it eau ho manaatured liet thes. articles and soidju tiras te meet -the. four mocuha' of atter, thas prachi- oally reudering the. capital oniy a seourity fer toestrenghen tho ooinpaay's ereit. Tb. bau-gain itb lb. tevu lu snob tual, vile oui seoutly tu ample1 ve o enet hie th.e mpauy bea4 C31 feellinsnobha mauner as te kil ils orodi ilas ha.just as muth falhh in lie Patierson femndgyif K.Pte~n oeu seurs lbthe cemay fondu (o no As te Ithe tovu ho kuovu il i. soltd. During tie laat tvsniy yeau u a paid $80,000 and ta yet solid. Ho is in favor eft theuee«heomes sud would 11k. te have a numbor of othiers corne, bore Mr. Harper va. eaUed. Re uaid h. ;suVposed h. vould not ho a <vent gMier hy lieusehemes, but h. ean pay bis shmreof the. taxes if th.y, strike 1he people cf lb. lovu au beiag vortb vile te assit. Tii. Marti- Maime. turing Company if lntvoducing a »ev businessand thero lM plonty of nom for ht in Canada. Ho kuovu a d"a more about the foundry and ta salis. fled il lu a business tiai eu be rnaa, paY. Frein haviag sbon sbd kuowu _ bey its uboon condn-oled diuing tb. paut fi"veren, hg ii in a position te asunre thpeopletliai il vill ho a sumcneuif lthe proal sebern e uaried Out. Bis adyzvi ondbd hofor each voter te look for 'himusîf at lb... bsais. a ashoting n-pou bis ovu ln- teresesMsd tics.eof the. tevu. Mr. Pbilp said thor, vuasslargo field for saddbery htrdvare, aad b. eould gay liaI 1Mr..Martin,& iuanfaot-we &or Aft-e bout - al_. - er. h.-b. IRWOs s #j» Whitby Dry 6 o I SPECIAL DURJNG BARUAINS THIS MQNTH. iErinted Musins only 7ets. per yard. White. Musli*ns !0c. 12c. and 15c. per yard. Victoria Lawns and Allover Embroideries, special value. Silk and Lisie Gloves 10e.* 15c. 25c.. and 40c, Black Parasols and Cream Lace Parasols at low prices.- B3lack Satin Merveil eux, only 75c.~ per yard. A choice range of colors j ust received -at $1 per yard. Prints, Gin gham8, range, Zephyr Gloth,, the flnest at Low est Prices. NO0W /3 TUE T/ME T0 SECURE BARGAINS GOODS. os. 0 OC f eSto1 lcv pria%, hein-t st a alover Pl 0 -yoU WMI yen canot dg botte eUglible alarms. .;.B J26~ ÂKB .]BROOK ' JULoY l5th? WNAT 18 S801MBîON lm AN BUDGET 0F LIVELY.LOCA DY CHRONIGLE f81 %&A .4hÙePuamang ye, Z An' faih he prou CouisreRING the. du on the Wbitby sud Li, good. good deal. of repairé fo sud the. breai-teon Tîm ladies of lthe N decided te-postp>ne lth party, untîl serastiras Tas ladies cf tle 'y Mis.icnsvy Society lu lie Preshyteulan obur tarden pariy l iss Ku au Wodaesday evenix4 »Ta "Mission Baud' Meotion vith Baptiui l Tuosday lsut. Molst ci Peu ioating, anduà %ma is relI lthe first ef Augual. Il and' hoeil<1attract Tiiore vas. no leue en Wednesds;y but woulî the dose.- 11ev lie sasî boy- exsamiuiu* lie fril tr viiether lie dot i. le viien ho cernes hm fille hlm -viti gi'ngert adblamos -lie, koV uiekness, -ad lis pvog ~ eddail-orratiher a Tu.papors are ab bites from-,nabidl doge' jsarbyin4 lte: o sescu a InDe fou-ard ti y 1: %4. Goods- Farmers, Threshers, and Mill- Find it to their advantage and profit to use ~~~'LiAT{iDINE MACHINE OILS. Guaranteed not to gum, and witl outwear ail other Machine 011e. Qy'Try our Gylinder Qil. It lias no equal. For sale in Whitby, by WM. ERTÂN & SON$, Phyticians havwug Ounsumpti 44ptens Sud having falod te cure thom Dythu cvn prewrcvuous uhould net hesitate te *uAensLimg Balsam. Ih bau dured cases vien aIl other remediés have fiioê. it in barmleusto the Imeut dolicats .hbud. Prie $1. per bottie. Theuopean uock ainamoney exohunges ame paIcky. k' SmitU UNodiola .. Goutlome,-1 have miade a trial cf on-e box of Dr. 8mth'o Great German Worm Reaiedy ith suqh <e efooct that I have ne houi nin -?eomandm*g h te othe gbUcas a prompt mud relHablie mdicino, MotoeWho Use il on-ce v iala de o. .Yours lruy; 3J. Rivie, Ils Callux street. Montrial December 9Û4, 1881. A"str las iqnaeto got Mr. -Ouliion Unof Royal Mil P roriabs. ~O~~ogou Tmu ury, isilt. Dundas Street. Allan Jine Royal Mfail Steëamers. LIVERPOOL, *LONDONDERRY,-. GLASGOW, $ummer 7xpracngmente DATE&S OF BAIINGS PROM QUEBRU. -ý Popesa -Fviday, Jl a. Pavalan .- - ~Thuuda, . 2th~ 8avm~lian .-g' A-. 4h carry caille, uhoep or p"ge. RATES QPAS8AGUp3FBOXQUBEIC., Emporiu m. -Ment Burns' Qo1nn. TE£IMPOSsIBLIK. igman neyer cau stop the billowW roar, Kor change the vindo li they bow ne Nov drive tri"4%~e frèmn a-%aiden's deor. ' .Man connet hall vhat thie futurs vU iisg Wheiher n-ext ysar, cern or cetton us kin-g, Nov viethor his wealth lviiiquiokiy take ving; Bn-t man eu savs from Peverly's strife, Ris fatherless ohildren and lous, wvHowed vifs,. By the simple expedienîs cf inmuring Ia lite, And lmying hie footwear from ne." Buy wiLh cash sud Save meney. 'A penny aavod in4this easy vay, is a penny savei for "a vain-y day." à PaW P6IMTEas. When. env <oda are 80 néw sund sb stylià]z sud nice, HElw lteeh i i lu rt taite oenvadvice, And gel vhat Yeunat a velow-pri0 Nov, dont yot ,thmmk no. jon-uei1P Ws bavea lady'# aplnpe o foi 75e sud prüneiba gailesutlre qualities.. Our ,dollar houa.ealiper lu theoý beut in -$cwa-worÏh -1.2 aI lesst. 1- W. bave a a ldyÈapoliahed bn-Itou bool, f woiked, h-t(ou-holos a d n b,5 net e-i insu Pongees and IN ALL KINDS 0F DRY tdhr"xire, Dundaz Street. LOCAL M

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