e.il RDA,e TIE jEWELER,ý de lm"*yr dy ..What an 70W gelnai '%CK S? UNS eper yard. cial value. '5ec. anid 40c. )wv prïCes. i'c. pert yard. r yar'd. 8, Mew finest A1RGAINjS W' oglumn. tep-the billowal rear, wiuds tilt they bleu' no 'e frein a Inaiden'a deor. -hat the future v[l! brieeg, ýr co-n orcacttot- fa kng, wealth will quiokly ta'ke frein Iovertys i trife, Idren snd tomie, witoed ýYedients of iu@uring bis 'iurfrorn Us."1 4n this easy 'éay, ,for a raituy day." j- POINT ER8. t so now aud so stylia >1 te take oui- advice, %ani at a very 1ev pries k se yourself? y' campet elipper for Sprucels bouse@o@o uel gaiters lun the. cha1r lieuse elipper la Wn-worth $1.25 gaI '07 a laidy'. polisbed ?orked batten-beles, weIl made, ton '01.75. 2&ke84 aI S reasonable 'e the accepted style- niug/aeason. W. are eogant makes le b. Wearr men and a Latter assorlieet e-r Leorè..Wome's cf boots for infanto ov complete..Boy$ boota, varnaelsi 10 moet palsoiaug in Cash Store. bu a in about vois? courge te bis «Mtst diapi Tsomà TOÂSNICKEL OLOCES. Re hb, aving bought a large quanity 6 1 w priCs. lie intondese»lllng them do sa s aIewei pries than inferior *e a" offered st. DO yoU WANT ONE ? lTh OU 0icaflfot do batter than get oesof . S. BÂRNÂRD, WATCHAKER, JEWELER& ENGRAVER. ubRoOK ST., WHITBY. oeîjùbu ~1Uirouidc, JULY l5th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICS% CHAT Is GoING ON IN AND AROUND TOWN-A suDGET of LIYELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED oi CHRONICLE REPORTERS "A ileB mflg y., lkin nets., An, tsathhemlpi-ont IL. CODCoIUwa tIbeduli season, trafic os e Whitby sud Lindsay nilvay ià geod. TRiffsarbon cooepscy are makieg s good deal cf repaire te Itheir vbarves aud the break-vater. Tex ladies of the W. C.T. U. have dscided le pestpone Iheir jubiles gardon party, un i seme time iu Auguet. Tac ladies cf the Womeu's Foreign MRseusnry Socioty iu conneotion vilh &be Preabytenian ohurob, vIihold a garden atty in Misé Ketchen's gronude on Weduesday eveuing July 27th. Tu& "Mission Baud" cboir ln cau- neotien vitb Baptiet cburch, hoid thein aunnal pic.nic at Slcrey's point on Tueuâsy lasI Motîof lt.hetme vas speul lu boating, sud ail eujoyed them- Tzxis some ialk around lova cf an excursion te Grimsby o m bout the tiret cf Auguel. Il is a goo c eme sud ahouid attraci a langé onovd. There vas net one on the excursion cf Wedneday but veuld lik. te repeat the dose. Now the.asaiîtboy vauders arouni exaiuiiuiug the fruit irees.sud vendons vhelher the dog is looe or nol, sud wben ho cornes heome lais bis mother tW ihm vitb ginger tes and pain-killor sud blanios the bot veathe'r for hie .ieknesk, sud îbe programme is repesa- od daily-or raîber nightly. Tua papers are alneady ohirouioing bitos freni rabid doge. This in a t11e oarly lnutlb. esasan for lhem, bel il musl Le remembemed &hat summer es a tifse forward Ibis ycar. It veudb. jut s will te put the mnzzles on Ihein a month soener, or fot tb. man Who lives nexl door le à dog te gel bis abat gun ie gooi verking cnet. This lu business. Ou £rhunsday laut Mn. H. B. Taylor returusi freen Milvaukee, vitor. ho vua igbt days in attendance astlite Supremo grand, loige A. O. U. W. Tbere ver. assembîsi aI Ihis grand council tht repre.enlatives from oach nIaI. iu th. union sud five from Canada:' Thse mon, numbening about sexîy, represent about- 180,000 metubers af theoroder, sud ils mombenahi*p la w- oresasng daily. à votai placetitan Milwaukee couic! scarcely have been foeed luivhlh tohold lb. grand lodge sas very fcv cf lb. people lier. lalk Eeglieb, ouly four lodges ont et forty in "tsI ity ars carried on lu Englisb. à 1vOTRER ynamiting incident h nre oorded lu tb. Orono Nova :-"S8omo veeke sg0 n.portq neached onrtlowvate lbe effool that'sore deadly pleague vas makiug saM bavoc smoug the lborougb-« bred Durham caIlle lia'-ib pbonen f [ksnin«toa, kîilg them cff lun my esses Iu s fev boau. Sunday Jeu. 201h ont vae. Dr. Bpencer mus eaUl upon teogo te Mr. Isaac Clark.. lmpon te conuit vititDr. Jouescf m billon, with a viev of fiudlg, oni Il possible the natut. of the Mala4y. sften s verysarful nauut8kOf lb* elâmal, (s Durhamu bul,)the ivo vew0 concluded Ihat$heania s s*iffst'Iu fromx mnts guaswoetim"aud é hëir progusisvasuuÃÃ&orable thq"sp.. upon te hou sa Poot uersinas smon AS possible afir thé saiWt deat. h, iehi vas doue ou h fl obictg Mned$tY, the, réuiOf wub, ft t.tlb. mi" di of p lito.8.insit Of teath boul hmla 4W. 118 » Ustlg srng PutId~ ê ~ êi taay r*îm t W te .ou10*. IT ie now proposed by on.e ofIhe loadmg dudes of the love to sLant a dude factory bere, if a proper amount of inducement lu way ef a thumping good big bonus is offered by lhe town. There is talk that thinge are die iu Whilby sud it le believed that if a force of lhirty et thirty-five bowling indes could b.ergaqni-ed 10 bang eround tii. public Plsce, nsu eet-comners, thal the old town venud whirl again. If an amount cf money oould 1)0 granted sufficienlte opurchase tlU white hba, single-barrei.led oye -glaneerand limber canes and aise leo supply pocket-money lavishly, the institution could b. made a succoe. Ne buildingwveu be noces- sary-lhs indes couli b. allowed to tak" posession of th. whole lowu. The. trouble witb ti o i vueltat allihe beys have -towo* fur tb.fr living sud the dude element hasheen exlsnxinatsi. Somelhing vill have te b. dons le again give 1he profossional inde a proer impetus, sud whenwe have a few cf these matures to, lino the ste sud draw cul a crevi te admire their shapes the town vill again lake eoot sud grow. Que junior basebaiiats teck -a scoot down te Oshawa ou Friday aftsrnoon lait toenmth. eygescfthie Oshawa youtb ou the question ef loather-hunt- ing. Ont club vas Jirecled to a cou'- Pasture vbeîo the grass vas se bigh somne of the boys lest Ibeuselves aI limnes, let sice. osisg the. bail, sud vhere the mark of ûle oetvwu 10 b. founud everyvhore. The Wbitby beys aeemed 1k. infante os .ompared vith thoin seltagonisea, but that makes no difisenes-itiolieoplaying thateont,. Thore vas no auitable bail provided sud ne bage ould b.found for the baies. The lattenvas mode up for by tening up su old akini cf s dre» sud *callit the bu.s ne malter vhere il vas, sud a bail wbich foît 1k. s amssbed potato bound up vas usei. Dandy Brovu vas umpiro sud bis deisionc gave Montaioffeuce to eauh snd every Oshawa ployet almoel eveny lime. Re u'i1l have 10 ligure lu s fev duels soou. Thé average Oubava boy u out-kick si mule. The sctre vsu suggestive cf cricke-88 Wt., 22 in favor of Whilby. Tv. home ruas vere mais by Wbltby beys. No gond playing eould be doue iu sncb a field. Taaveragc citizen à la juilDow gruoebiiug &bout lte voather, but juat [ethimîsax iei.brainu altille sud ltink cf tb. limes lust vinter Wou lte weathér led hi. ho soold abouà t lb. ceai deru nersd aboue . ood hauler beo*Mnish. wmaut.,eopen a book -sed buy sralrd. île aveil 1k.e âûidiot wben bé had toge op iluthse' o - log, go d ilnthe suow msusraton t. A dry goods box glolen somsenm, beu splilIil u nti make a, fit». 11W vifé vas abused 4ho wondeifsdvwythe Jim nation sà *e oold'l dc ouehg sud hobe. i.etoeuars1e zooc. . -eR ue W tboIoasi lido" lhé w.à liÉswvould gsI hot- euugo lu boa l. h e nrUan sdheb. ose and' jimwda *e"nji 1h.- .1-"iautigmm.ne Tuai la t*0 b. à s nieeê ofg t h. e *Ltùrasoet oîyr, onaurdsy Baega ye uporhuî oâne1 hait b. preim#. - OURa orrepoodents -are- pAiig s llttIe lsay ting -thi hoiays. This lesvte hstaf4u'obief more thanits aber.Of the work »d 1robe ou? sub- seribers ot a good demi of nsvs. TwaMy bicyclista stopped at the Royal for tesi on Tuesdsy on their way Msi on a trip through Ontario. They were ail superbly mounted and- drew out Our wheelsmen to eseori them sronnd town. TEEc whole tovu is veTy much pissa. ed at the. prospect of the. Patterson foundry being opened up &gain and put in operation. Lt would cause con- siderable snthuuissm in town to again hear tb. old familiar whisîle announco working bouts. The cld people would rajoicesbocause of its beijpg an old institution; the business mon would rejoioe booause it weuild chirk up business; th. , printer wontd rej oies becanse cf a fsw nov subsoribors; the- youag mon woold rejoice because they oould find employaient at home; snd the young lady would rejoico because the youug :mon did aud further because tbis, exodus of young moua would b. stopped whieh nov baà ves the town full of yeung ladies but vitb compara- tively feu' Young Men. W. muet keep Our Young mcii aI home. INi;PaCCToa Ferguson and Police Magitrate Horne have sixteen cases in band tbis veek for reokiess interféecec with the working cf theScott &et. The. firt seriuAs of trials cacue off at Brook- lin on Wednesday ta try cases in the two township@ -cf Whitby aud from B.soch aud Port Ferry. We have no authentie accocunt of the resuit cf these cases, but rumrer sys a fine of $100 snd ceie va" iufliited upon Bennett cf Cedar Dale, wbile 850 each and coste vas warkod agaiust Willooxson cf Columbus, Hodgsonof taglan,Chinn cf Brooklu, sud MeQuain of Port Perry the latter s barteuder of the Oriental botel.- For Pickering township a court wu a te held at Bfrougham yeilerday. but on goiug b Pres nereports as W resulis baid reachsd boe. We under- stand four hotol-keepers ver. summon- *d in Oshawa, but that ail owned up and were taxed aooordiugly. Ai dress goode at redueed prices. Splendid assortment cf summner drees goodo freai 12ýc. a vard at W. G. Waitsrs Oddfellovs' Hall. ON Thur.iday usxt the Sabbsth sehool cf St. Andrews shurch sud ifs fnienda yul pic nie at Corbett'a peint. à large psrty je sxpeesd. The peint if; beiug tesed a erout deal ibis year for pie-nies. Qne difficulty about holding pic-nie ou Tbursday i. that we art net able te go on thst day, sud eonsequsntly the good thinge are net ail dcvoured. THit social givon by Mir%. Major Harper lset Frlday night, in &id cf the Pateonage Furnishing Fana, vas a comploessuccase una&U respecta but oe -there was net ai large a gsthering as there sbouid have besu. The affair having been advsrtised, lhe mosqe«itoea kuov al about il sud came tW, sud seiected tb. ohoieeat bites tob h. ad. The finI notable fealure lu tbe party vas the eooo.e eleotiona cf inusie Bnp. piied by tb. Ladies Aid Orchestra. At a distance th.e ehanting strains cf combinaticu suggeâted tb. preiseuce cf angels, but a near approaoh 10 the.pet- formera sbowed 1h.: tb. angelie giftcff melody bad be ooAutred to the ile.h. Lt was most entertaining. Mre. Hà n- pers part vas pertormed te tb. satis- faction cf.&R, lte Ie&and bernies beiug subjeolto-a* prolouea.donslaughl. The ice-cream, wstermelcns and lemonade iu a nie aiy tout, vas served lu gond ottyle by Mn.' Harper jr., sud Miss Bessie Harper. Lt vas eleven o'ock befone the parly diepensed. On Friday last Mr. Jno. Forguson receivod a letter fromi the seorelary cf the Scott A.ct Emocutive commitle-e for South Ontario dcmsnding hie resigna- lion sud a meeting cf the License Gem. enissioners was cailed fer Tutsdy le d.iseuse the malter, and they met at the Inspsetor's office aecordingly. 1 The letton stated. thal aI s meeting cf the Scott Act Emecutive heid on Tues-* dayeveningatwhichseveralleadingtam- perance mon were present, lbe lu- spector's "apparent inability" le on- force the Scott Act had been censider- cd and the fdilowing reeclution passcd. "WhÇ'ereaa vo are firnily éf the boliof tha& Mir. J. Ferguson physicUanl d in other wsys eW unfil for 1he Position cf Luspector under the Scott Act. Therofore, b. il resolvcd that -this Ex- eeutive Cemenittee re¶piest Mr. Fru son to send lu hie resignationsaIn speelor, te, thoe hairman cf the Licous. Commissioners for South Ontario (Note- Whou did the obairman of the Lious., Commiesioners "oive authoiitry t accept any sueh resignton.-ED) and that lu caewlMr. P. dos nt cern- ply with 1h. above frcquest forthwith Iben a depulatien ýC QeWig bi committeoe haIl promeda a oncé to To- ronto with ail eviden*ocf eau id ps.- -tors mygligence sud setuademanora, and tat said delegation insista upon, tii. reSový of 1r. Fergusonfrom thb. position au inspector, sud have a new muspoclor appointed tote .position."t The. lettei vent on to say that it vas îneedieu for lbe Seeretary te intimate liaI th. Poo^ieared -eruïsd la Ibis malter saehre la slrong eïdocc aastMr. Forguson and tI bat e*rst ,I~ '~ CE l F S'TE*WART la8U7 5 UO IIdub Weil- IP*wsu & o. are ftgrd4iu malu lli -es. Be *tabig drive in g*islie ai redaeed prises. Bw.wi;Cs fountain produes lthe quizil. euisues cf Soil Ad. '1 -Babîn.the barber; craniums over- haulsd, sorapsd sudd shoru. ShiriUgflansd other cotton goodis rueed a t Powell & Co. Olésnin g sale cf black sud colored si1k aloves at W. 0. Walters Oddfel- love al al. Mn. W. H. Piper, near th. fair grenade, renewe ladies sud gentleman 's straw or fur hate. Tm&i.bout your fountain cf health- Brown's fonutain overfiowe with the genuine live-for-over. Use Dr. Dorenwend'u Great Germen Hair Magie for balduese, gray hait, il for sale by ail druggisk.. Special reduction sale cf white and printed ninulibe aud lawes at W. G. Wtern Oddfeilows' Hall. SPECIAL effets iu Sunday echool librs&riss and prizes et Mis. Alliu's Whilby Bock sud musie store. Special obeap sle cf mens white shirts, collots, neckties sud bandksr- chiefs at W. G. Walters Oddfelowis' Hall. Largest variety cf pbetograph al- hums aud plusb goede ever opened lu Wbitby et Mns. Allins, Whitby bock and muaic itote.I# m 8sE No. 1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, .Re je BROOK STREET,, WHITBY. CAMPBELL Expected an advance in Cotton Goods, so bouglit for Cash in BIG QUANTITI ES- -BEFORE THE. RISE. We are selling Cottonades,'Shirtings, Factory and White Cottons, at OLD PRICES so long as the present Éitoek- holds, out. fleductions ini the Price of Summer Good.' STOCK THOROUGHLY ASSORTED. NEW GOODS-Men's Cool Under Wear, Linen Coats, Linen Veets, Boys- Sdte; Ail colors in Plushes, New Styles in Trimming Silks, Black Silk Velvet, Striped Satis.. Cream 'Lawns, White Lawns, Cream Seersuokers, Corsets from 17 to 32 inches, Styl- i8h Pru4s, Straw Rats,. White Beits, Ribbons, Blacki Silks, Linen Buggy Wraps, Mos- quito Netting, Oheese Oloths, Summer Dress Goods, New -Style Muslins. ~PGEN~S BTRÂW 1.5*- ~ ARE RASONY25CNT.& You SICK 2 Are you sick of paying High IPrices for- uns'atisfactory goods?@1 Do. the noisy.- arguments of some merchatu their efforts to selI vqjy ordinary goods at'i'extraôrdinary prices, distress you about as mucli as, it would to a3-o B~flD Law! if sueli 1e the case, here is a presç be a ostive cure-ailfor yoiir flme nsdaal toyu but eu imwho cmn uply ii th e e nte. Ye Mn will fin tien. Tryit!1 ÂNDRWMJ ThiSprcsrirtiou aeily npIl 4à à -ý1 S~T, Qustie a1ýpri V fl-& iv.éeî!e bei Xi. Will on SATLJRDAY, the- 9tlr JILY, *commence their- Great Summer Sale, when the entire stock of Summer Gnods will be mgrked down and c1eared out regardless of cost. Startling bargains will be found in every department. Stock stili very large and attractive. Ladies in townand country will save money by purchasing at this great clear- inq sale of Cýý