Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1887, p. 1

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"TION.O* STI ON IN REDUC )urugJuy.<C offer the -ba1a ýss Goods at g-rt 20c. Erni 1 lear them before he ýc. !Oc. Prints reeduod "'duced to.8ic. 9c. 120.i REDJCIED., AT COSI -ummer Ties ai r stock this mon, siial Unes,8 ~& 00. dBrock Stree DA DOS. Large Range# 1 hoice Paffemos. SPOR TiA GOO0D S. STAFFORD & -CO RI DEC OuA TlONS .Old Wounds, sons aMd lm )NOHITIS, COUSS, 0., eqlual ; for contracted and et Ã"XFORD STREET), bONN ,îîxt the World. le&. Oiford Street, w~nden, Vhwy ai ECE WOOL. d Fresh ,,. satne at W. J.,GIBà Esý to b actions,, With c4ilm Printsd words, greet VOL. XXXIe I WbrtbP Jruce Established 1856.' [eLeadiog Wee.ky ln Ontarlo County1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. *~per annnm in advance-$1.50 other- wise. Subscriptioiii are always payable at tie ofaceofa publication. Steam squlpment aud best furnisied Book and Job printlng plant in utsern gntari, capable of execu ing&l classes of worktram Vie largeposter to the imallesl bandbill. Special mention le made oft1he unmuid proe fe alities of Tuz m ioi- ICLE, With is o elebrated N. Y. Cotirel ,ylinderpresisud other modemn convenl- encOoe. Xvery order recelves prompt, cars- flattention. TERMS 0F ÂDVEBTISENG. First insertion, per lins, 10 cents ; egeh suboequent insertion, à cents. Displayed Âdvertisemsnts are measured by a scs.le ef aolid Nonpareil, aud charged sccordiuqly. Advertsemeuti sent without writteu instructions inserted until forbidden, and charged for fu time. Orders for discontinuiug adveriisemente muet be in writing, otherwise the publis- ors will net b. responsible. A libersJ discount for contracit advenuie- monts by the year. Cep y for changes of contract advertisements should be handed in net later than Wsdnesday ; and notice ,of any intended changes should be given bofore Tnesday noon. Other advertlss- menti received up Vo Thnraday noon. Business notices lu local or uews colmue Five cents per line wcekly. Locale, 10 ce. per lins weekly. Correipoudence solicited f rom alparts of hs County or neighlboring .P Cerrespondeuti are reqne ited te mod in their communications as promptly as possible, HENDERSON & GRAHÂM, JOHN STANTON, Proprietorn' 8up't Mechanîcal Dep't. JOHN B. FAREWELL, L;L.B., B ARRISTER, County Crown Attorney, and County Solicitor. Offilce,- South wîLag, Court House, Whitby -48 JAMES IRUTLÏI)GEP D ARISTER, &c. Office fornierly oo- IJoupied by Farewell & Rutledge, next o Royal Hotel, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.A., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN~ Ohmnoery, Conveyanoer, &o. Omrcu-In the Office sôuth af the Post Office, in Momillan'oe Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly.l0 G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., B ARRISTER, &o., &c.-Money to Loan lesuer of arriage Licenses. OFxic-Smith'u Block, uouth of Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22, 1878. tf-s JOHN BALL DOW, B RRISTRER-AT-LAW. SOLI01TOR Bin Ohs.ncery, Conveysncer, &o. Offo-Deverill'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. - MONEY TO LEND-Private Funds - lu sums up ta 1#0M, ai a low rate ofin terest. (ly-59 LYMAN ENGLISH, L L. Bq, B ARISTR AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN * ORChanoery, Convoymnoor, &o., &o. Si=- 000 Street, Onhswa. DB. MELDHUM, M.B. (TORONTO D University,) L.B.O.P. and L.M Edin- burgh), &o. office hours, 8 Vo 10 a.m., 2 to4 and 7 oSp.m. Ne. 8, THZ " TERRÂCE," BYRON-ST., wHtw.BY. D>ra. W BneN CTKÉ aO P. WARREN, M.D., O.M., (MoQilL) W. CUTHBERTSON, M. B. (Toronto,) MDO.M. (victoria.) OFfFICE : BROOKLIN. x. C. CRAWFORTH, VBTJIBII¶ARY *SUReZON. Graduas of telb. nwi ow4huhIn -coGl- Orders by m&B09ilèo ilsmp)4priIPI altended le. Ofieai teu*demoos of 0 , = 0pOàii BroB eeut H, VANZANT, GrdteO.ro Wroises on" thoughte, and untiring WHITBY, ONTARI(- MR 1-T IIsTrVR.Y RIGGB &IVORY, S.B. cor. Ring and Yonge Ste., Toronto. ~ B EST TEETHR, 88 on rtibber. COeUuloid 810. Gold, -880. Have extrsete the teeth fr-om Thansandi o 01 onsaolutely painles by the une0of itaiued r. 46 aMe with Lançley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITBCT.' Designs for Churees, Vill a.nd Cot- taies a sp.oialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling eziî&g structures. SOAP- CHEMiST and DRUGGIST Ornz-Fni ia ovr Hwu's r1gj as just received a large as- Store. P.O0. Box 202,WHXTBT. SEBERT BROS., LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROCK STREET, WHEITBY. Good Rigi and Good 'Horme. Terni rea-. sonable. 19 SEBERT BROS. WORM POW»ERS. Arepleseant ta tae. Contain their owu Purgative. hla a e, sure, s.nd feûteesa detmrer et woarme in Chldreu er Ad"1~ DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER TH1E COOK'S BESI FRIEND 1887. SPIING STOCK -Op- NOW OPENED. The Lt .1141 Beat Âssortmeift LOW PfflE$ sortmellt of b~1W~ TOIL E T SOA4Pu, Which he is selling a very LOW PRICES. SAVONA, TUIE GREAT Also for sale by -1 W. R. HàOWS]E, OHEMIST AND DtUýGGIMT INEW GÙ2OD8!I W. IR.*I3OWSE, CEMIST AND DBUGGIST, wIIT HSe on baud a very large and select stock of C'urielmie goods, comprising Ladies' Work Boxes, Whi8k Holders, Odor Cases, Mirrors in Plush, Toile t Cases, Large Vases,' ta m asuorirsenlfo ouer&rtlsu" babbe, for presuls CaUl and Ezam*& 0ur Stock Bitffri PurckaafngELa.wkere. EIRO-MNiCE iadvocate Peace, Propose, Knowledge, Birotherhood. RI.uDAY, JUJLY ,AL NEWS LETTERSa ,-IOîIqICLI Corrspondence. ALTONA. ï -iok list in town il pretty large lus over, harveet le bore sud 1.- -MBv-J 0 oon pho à l givlng the bout of saisfaotîon. -SVince our ulas .11e, bwo more oUg sons bave been-born in Ihia burg, t0he persons of lMr. Wm. lMeoFar- bead lir. B. Moukhouse. M.Dr. P. Barkey and Miss M. Aloison, of Erie, Ps., have been spend. J0a few, we.ks hore, being the guete o! Mr. D. Barkey. They returned 'hoe on Saturday lest, wilingly aok- itewbedging go the trulh of.tie old say. 6»g tiai -the Maple Farm is au unusu- al1y fine summer resorVt." 1 A garden parly, under lie auspices a; the Glasgow base ball club, took place st Glasgow, on Friday eveuing, ou th. beautiful grounde of Mr. Wmn. torsytb, on the corner of Main aud Mii srehs. À beautiful repast wae »rUekof whibe 1h. Goodwood bras badsupplied, the besi of munic. A baae*bal match belween Goodwood and 4dImsgow beama teck plsce veaulting in îviotory fer'Goodwood by 80 Vo 2. ~Ieew retumned lie compliment. by isGrice winning lb. cruel stand. Mise Nelle liybe of Canningion is vlulig ai lMr. M. McTaggarts. 1Thé faier and mother cf Mrs. James JMidy were vislting ah th. parsonage a 80w days mgo. ,Misr. Town of Tonswander New Yk jhee pnding some days with It sem8u thai foyer je again iu our *ilgbborbood and Mir. C. Butie down wMttbyphoid axu his.brother Silal le colison of twe frLgit trains on .P. B.i tuhs stationcnscn h801 in lie0smae - up *â rm Dy, pirsons from north, seti, emel and wasl visited the wrsek on Menday sud Monday esnrang sud we pnemo liai the 9ooision Winlbe uffiienlly netedl In ths papera. Meusrs. Hendereon& Grahara were both iors te ses the Mr.t. R Hal. otesansutables are "t cl omplbed. 0uW town has a pubic bathing bouse in full opegration. ,KWr. Graham's hardware slors le iu fuli epenaien eue. more. Mir. Bd. Wiliame of lheGlobe hotl mont with a very serions asident a few days &go being tirown cnt of a buggy. le puhing an addition to hie blarge hotel for lie -couveniense cf oommerclal The Myrtie Smash up. 229 1887. scoped its way into the car' behind it. Botwoen tho locpmotives there was no space, not even a sign of cow-catchers being visible; nor was there an in- stance for many cars back from the locomotives where the coupling had flot been knocked into a cooked bat. A few cars-or at least a few rode, for one coulad scarcely count the cars, thero was suob a jnmblo-east from the water-tanlc, lay the dead body of James lntoali, à brakesman. It lay ini the. dileh about teùleet beloW the leviel 'Of .eïenrly Out ofiii. eft-a= w~aa broken and Li fe4pe badly out.. -It w-as '&sik.. euing sib, but in ibis age when men are âestroyed by machinery to get them ont of the way fast enough, it is noV considcred mucli of a- tragedy which only pute an end Vo one man. Well, the wreckers came along and prooeeded to cut the cars Vo picces wberever the disaater had 'faüled. Tougli looking brawny workmen'pitch. cd into the wrcck and we heard one man gaily warble "Patrioks Day" while lie was removing broken material airnost from the very spot where the dead man's blood stained the grass, and where the flics wcre, holding a camp. meeting. Tobacco was devoured by the cord, -or ton, or however it is sold in large quantities. These wreckers are always working in the Var and oil and durt and are as black as Africans before Vhey toil five minutes. But each of them lias a large valise inside his shirt in which ho cairries a picce of tobacco varying from the size of a buggy seat. onehion to that of a pack of shingles. Both trains seemed Vo have been loaded with miscellaneous freight, for bore could be found (amashed af course) kegs of spikes, cases of 'zinc, barrels of sugar, wheat, straw, the remnantof a carniage, and the land only knows *bat ail. From the way these articles were being looked afier one would tbink these wreckers werc no relation ta the baggage emashers la bbe stations along hs lime. It always seeme Vo be the business of the station baggagcs.smash- ers to break np -al ley cs.n, while these wreckere try Vo Bsave ail they eau. Perhaps the. secret of it is that the efforts of the station destroyers doi' cost the company- anybbings, while. the companyliastO PaY fOr ail thaStcanoýt. stôlon. "This conetable iried lunoui, presence bo stop some girls from ealing prann]abed sugar, but ho failed., They aie until hhey wçro tired and oracked. off their fingers lu the barrel, -and smiled Ai lie limb cf the iaw aua wcub away defianbly. ThÃŽs caused bis youmg ladies to be ranch admiied by i. young men lvho utoo4a' rond. The. bswas perbape 6 75,000 by lie railWay and 64,000 worti ,of lebacco' cbewed by lie wreckers durig -lie] tira. lioy were finishing Up the wreck.] TEIUET On duotel Attori weul, mail b trasi 05585 ou"- Win il On lionday raoining lasi, about8'.10. uan ijit site cdiralighi waa 'bewinintû steal Mi Virough lie mielswT ,uig'fOm te lie aideés of ridges, an east-boiud i frelght il tn ppedai t he »tealr,-t"kh "O ieu Myrlle'ýstation. ole a, asupply <f le valer. Ils or4irs woe to paué, nothhertiveà Itrain lier.. The other tram wae soon fr hoeseMt at .1- ase fa p3 O lis bte ande crn lie-train f.l. elt + as l ý hèy -ne o axbt bIea 'a le the te woult opýatl h snahore-. , NO*, 320. The Bonusmng ,Oraze. Fr>am Tho Mail, JuZi, l8th. The. mania for bonusicg- manufactur- ors having reached Whitby a meeting has been -held thors le consider the .-advisability of subsidizing two -firme proposing to commence business in th. iown.* The experience of : Whibby with mubsidies le flot a pleasant one. An old rosident explained a st temeeting ual 1h. hown hdaraygîven eomjewrhm raiiay sp,Wsd loi, 'Morffl itojy, eaoh establibmanl emplby Bfty bands; but thai to-day there ls but oe man employed in. the railway works,- whilo the sole occupant of the organ factory- is a cow. Neveruhelesu lbth meeting was deepiy interested in th. proposod further bonusing enaterprise, and it lietened with .admiration ae the two ne w echemes were unfolded. The finit proposai was f rom a foundryman. It required the town to, loan Vhe establishment 010,000, without inteiresi, for ten years and le exempt the buildings froma taxation. The beau is le b. repaid ai tbe raie ôf 61,000 a yoar, commencing wiih-h lb.eixth year of its- existence, and ai the. end of th. ienth year the rernainiug sum -of M5,00 is te ho refunded. As msecurity for 1he mouey the works are, le be -pledged le lhe town. In rsturn, 1he foundry te le employ lwenty-five men during* Ihe firet two yearàanau forty duÉing 1h. remaining sight. The,,second p >roposi ie Ihat of a saddly ce-mpany. The Company is t0 b. fcrmed -with i capital of $409000, iwen yfveprcenof whioh le te be paidup. Thaït le b say, 8 10,000 icash le te ho supplied by tli-s flhm. The iown isà the o le it h. oompany an acre ef làuds ad. lu le ex-. pend $5,000 -in ere"lhg 'buildings sud = gutingt steam ýpower.. Thie is. a gif t wotsay -,00.The, buildings and prperty are to e b.fre. from taxation for ton years, and in addition tie town- lu te -leud the oompiay he sm. aof $10,000 fer ton y.eare. ,The beau, h le te b. presumed, il le te run without in- tererest. -As.eeurity' for 'thesban the Company will deposif, wit ie town, forty per cent. -of -il stock, 'o liai l the event of -the, bluà of, he eû!npany te socurel-th->emploý five men' iùilb. toewn of forty mou for - hi ye. - Undor lii. se 1-h. 610,000 inveeled1 anadthepeopie whibi aýbout 6,00ayoe renifl todtaation ami oiýpital iand a hlm ialmeeôt a pity hwo i-popoed, Agr id by 'Coroner Careon. -ad Ço.- MeV J. E. Faveweil. The. evideno. ï, ebaow liaI any, traIDn raovm*sg nas hsrgilof-ay-or in 'or saliugbtu ep lie ai L wheu oroiig -otber trains,' -the tgoùg *wst -belng obligea luin B-te labO lie, sWilo. Prom ttsi beseen liat-lie train minci stood * wi*tr-tauk wu &mRlrighLl.The coming frora lie hast ehould a ve, .4'a allie apire and -awitÃ"hQ& ret bà pae lie, cher. Il bM 'ýun sut a i honwf e owes. PURE: Gris IIITBY

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