Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1887, p. 2

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Wble à yqungaminnz.d3sa wus Living an;. btI i-i llblog abilities Thunsdsy, ho swidou1ly broke On Wedneaday Robert 'I4ioholemn Irie hanging up a pbtoI by somne means obased 1h. wéa M b o 0off, Ilà charge entérlig hlm. 1,ft baud., sd Oiiiiing a nasty wouiid. Dr. MoNicholi removed the. bail and oewed Up lthe wound. Au old fariner in Hamilton lo wnship, when potalces were, higb not long ago, wau offered a dollar a bushel for eue haudred bashels. H. would net soul, wait ing for a rios..Ho bas been waiting evon ince, snd wonld gladly take fifty cents a bashel for tiern ncw, but as new pelatoos are in h. wiil likely have te feed the. old oces te his pige: Tuesday afternoon a @on cf Dennis Cooney'o, a fariner noir Grafton, while working in tihe field with a scythe, acci- dentally stepped iute a borengb, and in ealling forward, his right'leg camne ini contact witi the 'blade cf the ocytho, rnakaig a deep and painful gasi about six iuches in lengti whioh bled very freely ou hie way to Cobourg, whore ho came te have it dreesed. The. residenta cf the wsst end were flot a litIle alaroeed Suaday by tbe marks cf bloca on the adewalk sud ezîending along Maîthew etreet. Upon the. affair becoming known te tthe chief ef police, Mr. Bankin skirmiehed srcuad snd located the seeming fright, as Ândy Ritchie, wbci seerne had buret a vein in bis leg. Whule Maloolmn MeLauglin, cf Cork. town, wae laboring frein the effecîs cf toc neuci whiskey on Wednesday he attempted suicide by taking two table spoone cf Paris green. The timely arrvial cf Dr. Waters, who applied the j usual restoratives in snob cases, the man's life bas beau prolonged. W. believe tlii is net the finIt attezupt Ibis man bai made upen hie exisen, ,asdj w. tbink it bigb lime liat lie auhhori.- lies inteferred snd gave hum a fewi meuh!e summnering under the tuitien1 cf friond CuIver on lbe bull, that willi take ail the leaninge îoward Paris greenq out cf sny man, te say ncthng abou~t whiikey.4 ORILLIA. Amin named Brucewai very near- 17 drowned on lie l2th. HoReiad fanoen eut cf ea boas near lb. dock sud bad boss wioder valet for s lime almost' sufficioA, e odrovu hlm, when b.ovas nescued by Mn. G. M. Black. Mr. Miller, agent for tlb. Elus In. surine Go.,met vili s painful occi- denulat week. While walking around» tevu ho alippod ou the sadewslk sud sprainod bis ankle, as ho hhongil, but paad De attention to il. Ater a cuple 0S daYs ho vont to s piiysioian sud bad il examin.d viien it vas Souud tuat a bonosvau brokon abovo lb. ankls. Ho is nov doing the lovu n e rulohes. MUn. J. G. Gaudaur bas a veny valu. able bracelet, lb. proesaIof ber bus. baud, w4co bolda lb. champienuip et Amerlos, Wma. B&ah'5 ohampu ofethle WorId, J. G. ýPgeas, «xehaaipin o0 Enugl Baaud >o uis', ebsnip"à 161 Englm and udohhon aftie iinnds. Eaob eue oontribut.d a gold coin with sullabîs engravinge on it. Beach'. of Course i. an Australia coin, Bubsar sud Englisb ene, ele. Tii. ceisare i&i about lh ie -..sud value of a 85 Canadien <aIdoin. Mn». Gaudani' valuses h.:bnaçolet veryighly und..d. Tii. band beys -rigg.d rip a noa.atity 'sud'put hlm il their hsad as drnm. ajor on tho lSth. Part oS his oulfil vas a broom, covered with lie star sud st'ipes. At lhe gnol. lbe fig vas ob- jeotsd le by meverat Onangloen vho in. ulaled that an lasut wvas&bus vein. tsry leadored tb. Oraugemen. This :impression lW altogetier wroag., Tii. vim alie oaly stick ia lb. band zoomisud Ibe starsumd siripea vas the Zx.î fiag lie boys bit on. The inci- dent brougblt ut itle burshs oS leaipen sud loyally freai both aides. Jike Gaudaur la siok et rowing, sudc lasmeriuly ouhideriugthbeadvisability oS gilg il Up fer aîyoar, sud setling dovu InOrillis. 'H.eaay retire attogether freai the nowiag amin. Bowing la about as " whg orks a aman oan engage un, sud tVenyt.v profeosaonala are la lcve vihl ake revu vilb Hanlan on Juli' 28r, udwilltarrivp la Oilliasà couple oS dayâ aSter. neHe aicli'hore Snorne veeko4,sud ebould ldhlm iSe, who ani,- sa rldaylikib thelovu, ho viii lleyb~sace sud livé bote ar m~~U. nsGtudaur hhink Onillis s« 0eyn.Place, no far. - Sua. iea fua- iyoungmfsllow rip WIotet in ua vMryinebriatsd -ondi- .~~-&nk~a~h.oou00lno. MPOOai màusce.The peopla vers s» icaro4 ho WW tïlua btdis. that - hasgo&uni Mu. thlat tti flrt i*'66oufn -soos the; rod 'la tbe wÃ"o Ue., MiZ7 an'.GYIUI h Drunku. some to, <>b, hrrbly ~ the pas bre montWu' aud if ihe p esetate of thîingcotpem h lon e absafl bavé 1h. dun. town suywiiore on $fie lice. Me*'are to b. seen reeling &long our streets, at any bour of the day, and nigiit is-made hideous with street brawls andI drunken figute. On Monday evening lait, those orgies were kept up until after tbre. o'clock ini tbe morning, sud parties reuiding anywb.re in the. vioinity of the Market Square, were unable to obtisn y îleep at ail until sfter tiat hour. DarinR the past week we epent several days in the city of Rochester, aeross the lake. Tis cit bhas 960 Saloons over and above te regular botels, and duriug cur entire trip, both going and returning, we did not see as znany dranken men' as w. saw on our streets on Tuesday morniig last. Surely it is lime smre stops were taken to stop tbis kind of a tiiing, as wo Under- Etand tbe Scott Act ije t.ill supposed to b. in foroe hene. A Brook farnmr on Monday laut bad sncb a' pretsingl engagement witb 'Moxie" liaI h.was eompelled to lOSYS bis team lied up nearly ail d4y upon Cameron atreet. A constableeventually took tii animalé in bis charge. George MoGar sud John Taylor were, on Friday last, fined 81 and costs ($5.60 eaeh in all) by D. S. Brown, -J. P., fornauing insulting lauguage to- warde H. Wilson, a meuaben cf thei. . A. Tii. way fiues- are rolling bibt te corporation tneusury cf lace wc sbeuld have extra good sidewalks nert year. Que of our lcal bicycliats un Thurs- day lait hied himsolf te lhe race track for Lb. purposeecf trying ho, break the record. Wbil. coming dowu lhe bomne slnetch loieusddenly loft lie machine sud finisbed by sliding borne on hie noie. Altbhough he didn't break lie record ho broke the 5kimoS hie nasal organ. Tii. extrotnely bot weatier cf Thurs- day week cassd railwsy mon oeuelder- abl. trouble. AI the station bore a switoh liai bad been oponed for s few minutes expanded se miaob l"til vii found neoesssry te lspp lie raile c'on oeb olier and force thema into pis.. by tb. weigbl oS au engin.. At Blsck- wsher lie morning up train vas de. layed amre time ewing 'te tb. difficully cf opouuig lbhe switoh aI the "Y." Tii. men on the veigh freigbts aisO-e mlii t they Sound ha veny difficulty te gel inIe sidings owing te lie expansion of lb. rails. Recenîli'$Osoefcf Gnningtonls Young Men have had nahher rougi experuenees whilst aceempaayi*g Ieir adered bomeward. Oue sveanug a few veeka ige a veli kuova Young M»n vhile "*doing the <allant," eudsavored, vr' vlgorously sud vili aiuoh- a"- nemi, ho Upheld ça qigauho maple Iue aaaadSin f ront ofS man-a e anum" ai e eYoung man,$ nasal oréïn, Md the, neil monalng, maranmod vi pau. alng tho vioimîty ho could disllnetly ses lie ampreuien et a RommsaDos. indentied in lie bark of lue Inse, &Bd, Srom its tornn, could tellt te wiom the S-iginal beloaned. Anelier Young mas, beiag se cemploelli'engrossedil loving tboughts, fou malien uàbmupti tireu hie bicycle, and, mas a resut, a bol. 8 £S&eesquareDov adoras the Dtiving Park. 'Tii strnage but neyer- Iheteals tÙ-br.. on the. evining of lie receul gadon Party, when lie waii ,smiling vînde woremomcuiufulty * *iiu, ho b.d geally kisansd bâd. bar adieu for the evea- ing, sud PUraed lie evenu er et hie vai' le lie front gale- Nov ilihappons lit.,.a large sud vicions deg hbugs areund lie domicie of th. yeug inul adored, sud bslni osemsisupicion Ofet lite etlug acton of lie sforesad lover on liaI eveniug,, he aeoondmngly procooe dte nuetlgate. 'Beodid lu- véalagate by samplylng lie doliolous fiayot oS the bout parofe the lover'. loft bai, &0 dnov a b:ginvoe.tlgstainl. vetgto ounl tbnomloed tle transp»irn lie courts very bou n aWb"othelover sud lie evuer oS the vWciusmnea viii figure prouneatly. To bina *fui'Ser of the ab4*v. narnatlse, ut lu. tenviovlie smilng Young min wbo voire w hite bat sud sing Inathe The finat rus h tefliqingià but liore i# O mfli eaoubty good Tbe visterue nov arnivicq liu smen* moU a , s*ln ever, ifor im.d, butt tlioi 1h. toothomý ber homnt ewas o1 P 0oèh l rosdlgB. o'elok, b4olmturéoi# virluos couob, by's tern belle' fore ho coui arrange -bis dlsrdeo4 night csp, bleboeiing sd beflowlwb vaonpoaited at isidoor. Lgtm lanteru -jo1n- wenbceut, sud- there w, the cci ure enougbâ. Over te 11 stable lhey wet,r h. old «Sw dodglag from Bide to Élide, and sffeohionÏfejÏy givilig John a tub l in thenibe witiiber-, nose, muai (o bis inconvonieuce,- U" bis bands could net bo usoe ard-- off ber caresses sud set as bracesat- lb. same lâme, withêut serions Ieas i. lbe grace cf bis tout ensemble. Thi* oow hail trsvelled s milefropi th. Parai le the lake sioe, n.,d swam a Mile te the Island., in order te roturu te hor calt sud muet bave aooomplimiied the' test within an heur. Thalle 1h.e kind cf stuifflb. Polled Angus cf 'Big Island Stock Farm is madeo cf RAGLAN. Mn. Willard tonudts Lârb o- taicnug bis inmnranostetu<ed, notes, sud othon papezs, in a mu dibo, about a balf.mlle nonti et-_4the village on Menaaylait. 0-lere bgi amre satisfaction in rstoverýng lthem, but tiiey wore badly disfigured. Barley harvest hba begn,- sud tb. farmers are pleased at lh. protpect of securing a f ain yheld sud a gogd sample. Mr. L.. Feston sud Mise Roweua Hezzlewood have gone te Boston te @pend a few weekm with a smonfo, the Oui' village dresmakers, oeor Mn. Wllard'e store, are doinir an extensive business, sud geving good saisfaction. At the regular meeting cf Baglan Div., Ne. 217 S. cf T., tbe Soilowing offienrs ver, insIaUled for bbe Jnly quiarter by rtc. J. Bright, D. G.,' W. P. ; viz., Bro. M. Cestes, W. P. ; Sister Susele Martin, W. A.; Bro. J. WeI. bourn, R. S. ; SimIen Ehlho SmiibA. R. S. ; Bro. A. E. Welbounne, ..; Si' Harper, Trou.; Sieler Maria Bray, Chap.; Simien Florenceo St, A. Con. ; Bro. J. IFewater, Con.; Bro, J. Carnegie, J. S.; Bro. J. O'Boyle, O. S8.; Brt. A. Wier, P. W. P. A fish pinty fron Godai' Grevo, sccompsaied by a fev frionds from, Markham visit.d lie lake ah th. meuh cf lb. Rouge Tuesday, sud besides iiaving a mcml enjoyable biais cangbl 409 fiai sud decidedly browu complex- ions. An extrernely sad sud fatal 'accident befel thb. Uttle three-year-old danghten ot Mrt. Audnew Rem.r of Ihie plieson Bundiy last. Mn. Roomon bud lurned one of bIebon«esinto &. plot fnoting lie bouse for a shorlt tue te <raie, sud it la supposed the UtMe cbild slrsyd tee maitue animansd vas kieked t1 deti. 8h. vas piohedip a_ fexw -mo* bu«ter lthi ag ofetah, sud ied but a 5ev miautes.Dal isd fermier sileneed liai happy voloe, whlei but snob a short lime before;. ring morrily lbneugb lb.heumý. The. bereaved parents bave lie henWltl symlpshhy oethle' whole eoemmunity.' Thirty-oco candidatea areu nlint Markham astlbth ird.clas za0 ato tlii veek. Tveuiy-seven o oS is.ame pupils oSfitheMarkbam ,HMe &Soel. OS theso Iwea&y.evsa,.howover, meuo vrole at lie aeeond-olaaa exminstion lait wek. If mucoemfutl inObtau secnd-olmcertificalea, lieu'ird cas ppers iii Dot - b. o0amnod, tberefore, lu estimatiag lie numben et third-cham andidateshle naibeof auoo.aMft secod-clam cadidates vie wmite at bolh oxamùmlaion ould b. dsduotod. Il roumainste b senu, lier.- fore, ihow aisy thir-olai candidates lier. roaly are. The. papous of second- clama cendidate areexamnined fini, se lia,, i mynt b. noesmmy tleox#.mi è lie Ihide asippons of liome vire are som.aul luobtang second-clam AnId Andrev Gn'ay, oer 80. ysar otds voiI kovu tbirouigb Boaboroad Mmrkhaah, vlsdted oeuanotuuî ou Tuesdy lait. Re lanaastmi.et,,.Box- boryp 8cou1nd. Andi'ev beoam ud deuy celbmatsd, rhen 22 paant ag by aîlendung sud takmug par$laie% gammstahBysh»Ie, wvbe.-&U thd osW. hrldatmoles oS the.day cofftned for the pria.. Aadrew ealemoï tie listeauovlo.and$te t muom ý the Eltbn§kfok 8heprl vers -amengt 1h.e53Oi.m tbo.-Conag bli 'U'beggy ik1 sud b Oorner %im o Oe sw , o g eIè.whfl .l >sporwotàed o me vor othOIDiAao.O reiurn-~ [&Wisi ud , vidle had -diaappesred. iMU U nothe b.police, hbho <et on 4116 kuksohe ~omisereaute, s eàupl ocf boys who took it for a tank, but while lh. .sgle.eyed "Ceps" wero searehing for'th. youshs, thc latter managed to retïura"unnoticeo S imne .Street, Sbe thcy left overythng as tbey .foud ,it. The lad msy yet-b. made ho tes orry foreîr Ii lle escapade. i'. -GeorgRe NoÊbl& of lb.firm cf No- Audrew & Noble, bad a narre w ecape Baturday afternoon. He was driving &lojDg Waler Street, a&Ithe intersection of Hanter Street, wiien ho heard a crakling, rumhing eound ai of some iavy body tearing louse from ihs bonde snd falling swiftly. He .Iooked around, sswth lihmpending danger snd wbippod up i.herse not a minute toc soon. ()ne of the poles eunpboyed in tbe oreotion cf tic Orangemen'.aac att he corner, 1.11 wibh a crash across the back of tlii. wagon, smasbing ilte opieces. Haïd the danger net beeu seen in -lime te agvert il, ejîber Mn. Noble or lbe heres would have been senieusly hart, 1j Chotte otnigtbalt. rcodo n Chawy arltte teet basanedc ou.or rinaay trday niit ud two more birs soanding aturdaostion becre stanigh tic Mindanbdton bocamtre gtcnr Med ano aiddownh tb.e stee.nimalMorden Kienoad bo fowred Rt h n iavtdecasesddbi- fore il Rt itly; slad scend red, in Maoutil .heelduou sBud tne tol gound Ibe erse, ut wiRasuabot d blck sdte reenehnineasoffard boa bbl-okthe herse s lhioo ngoffud o fi oulegr, oun l ig evil Do hein shouefrtunThelyreceiving ne stels iuMry. JaT he uaway was sbopp ited by Mn. ak hWitas mrithen bouegats litho rhiinThis mrung lb hse attscihedt a pautesmaniaI arl uefrd &rosihe rketwquyrmaniasd upa"hdarotebbc re squre srd Fitz"Chalotte ree, tonewofMrr. G Fitnao, wnianec n.T.iG toa fîlthe gola tandheing onelfiot rsig on h led, loflaterebarnt eueoo Kiemhing ont. hope fat e-. fon wiiel pasmed ge closre-that lthe stationary tean voeestartled and hegan a mad mun. As they tartedl off, in order to save bis log from being broken, sbis fo ot had osugbt bebweeu th. spokes snd tho box sn ud ashold tigut, lb. man stand- ing on lie <round awnng bummeif halo the wagon sud so roessed bis irpisoued ,foot. Lapisulos hôe turned devu tho' cnek near White'm livery stable, whero 1hs carmer wum accu eaded. Moanwbile -the. eain ba4 gel a good stant, sud in sbowing soos lhe road one wboel waa lwisted off Ibm aile, pIaclng the. Ivo men in lbe wagon in a moaft' dangerous position. Mr. Fitz- gerald hung on bravely, tbough, sud broughl bis teain, a pair* oS beavy *wrt oree, to astandettll beors tbo tjl i. nezIeoï ner. Thoy are alvays cathbiuq cold in the head. Place a amail particle e! Nasal Balsain lu eacb nostril at niglit, aIse tub weil ever lhe bridge cf lb. nose, sud loi us knew bow they are lu lie motuing, Caloutta, India, hasa population o! near. Jacob H. Bloomer, cf Virgil,N. Y., wriles: Mri. Tbomas' Riechnie OUl cured a' badly swolled ueek sud soe o broal on mny son un forly4tghî heurs ;oene application aIme rs mov Ma PMU tem a acre ho ; mi' w1os foot wua&W asemchilnfiamed-so muci liaI she could net wslk acros the. houze.; mie appied the OU, sud in hweny-four houx. wus ouhreli' cuned.' Thon. are $100, 000,000 luvosted in lie wateh undustr i n the tlnited Stalom. A. D. Noyes, Newark, Michigan, writes: II ha-voe enuired aI lbe drug stores for Dr. Thomaa'EleotrlcOi but bve falled te flnd il. W. breugit a bettie wlihuni Item Quebe., but 1h in nearli' gene and wo de net vanî,to b. vitieut il, aa mi vite aineubi. ed witi s painuthoahoulden sud neting et.. iivesrelie!. Gin yen ena us mcme ? '& solciaut, rnenily ducertldhe gai monopolists by munufaoluring su excel. eutMlmliiinug gis Item polalo-bugu. If tie suiferafrom oonsn»>SOn, seofula and general debllity * Ãœ-7 tri' .1ctu~ einuluo eCed Liier. b it lh ypep6s aporneameul beuêft, Ur. a. V. Mdlt Brwnhweood, Gai., vnllos: "I have Used BSjecre"uta sud wastin 4Isese.. ls V-oM-pa1albls,. Put up là Ai levaer "wu à Mcap Oif_ý4000,00 Irtaà&hlwas rco =ybit b " %louadaitioeu te roc&tlroe,baeuiteen «Y&, That la-tO sY='yur mpg. Aiseaul yeur Very wendrful àea îigm, t the éhouuand aof tlê tubes suda 0svitie.i.ading-frmthom Wheû 1he.. are ologged mhd eohoked W#th mittèr eibieh ouglet net t e b. thore. Yo=' bting. caina hal do, hir work. And wbat Ah o,'theycannot> do well. Zîo îdI coïa Ugh, croup,peeis eatarnh, consfInmptl6h or any the ii family cf lhroat and noso sud hea sud lung obi- structions, a&l are bad. AUl ought te be gol. nid of. Therèe i j uet ene sure way te get nid cf thiem. That ie to take Boachee'. German Syrup, w1iich any dnugglat wllI soU you at 75 cents a bottie. E-von if every- thing oe. hadI failed you, yen may depend upon thie for certain. The Toronto contingent cf the Sawbones' cricket Club, a team'composed of medîcal men, left Saturday on a cricketing trip westwards. Great Gain. Iused a great deal cf doctcr's mediolue for kidnoy complaint during five years, was getting wcrse al the time until I tried B. B. B. I tckthrebottles, gainedin weight trcm 180 te- 159 Ibu. I can highly recom- mend B3,idook Blood Bitters te ho a good medicine." Tins testifies John Walton, cf Springfield, N. B. G. T. RL. TIMFeTABLE. DuIO eat. Whitby.' 6.47 a. m- 8.41 1* - - (does net stop Whitby.> 4.25 p.m.- No. 4 Express 8 Local - "6 Express 16 Mixcd No. 1 Express 8.25 a.m.- 5 fi (dees not stop Whitby.) 15 Mixed 2.52 p.m. 7 Local 6.50 3 Express 9.156 PDWDE Absolutoly Pure. pun.s1regtnd wholosorneness., More econmiSltb-the erdiniary'M kinda, nn cannot b. sold n competition wthe-i 'multitude ot low toit, short weight ahun or omhte powder. Sool ay in cana. Ê:yX"paking Powder Co., 106 Wall St., N.Y. NO ENGLISH STABLE 18 OONSIDEBED COMPLIITE WITIROUT ~> ELLIMAN MBR-OGATIU-l Duc at Toronto. -10 ci 6.20 P. M. 10.10 Il" 7.15 at 8.5 1.00 5.30 a.m. piml POR sPRMSm, aunas, AND 5PLNT5 WuR pou 0VUR-RÂIS, ýcHEAPPED HEIELS, WInD non B=EUTISX nq nonnes. ron seB an EOà»sinPLum<zL FIN aOExn Mmus, mnUrsICs, epA"»R oCExu. noou Bonn suommMUna.sean aA«xs., IFOERVOOT ]ROT,$sAMen8040XOUTRa ni muni pou OFRnenuS us, B uuesNi DM. t Pro=m HlmGraoe lie Dke cf1Elland <'BrmEIlmausBoai mbrocation il me lu m' sabls. thlnk it vor' usetuL '<enhm-I use le BoyalEmbreestion -lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ foa Wylbenn.i.s u sêcnt Âppraiertfor the 0anwh Loanand8Sayjng CJoi-,,snd agent for the. Wèàt.rn Aumuraanc, 0'OPICE-Over Gerrie's Block>Wtb Suitabis for wrapping purpos88. 1&ying under carpets,- etc., 25 cents par hundred. Apply to tf. TRIS OFFICE. -Unapproached for - - Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL &q Guelph, OntL L'AN LIVERY and SALE STABLES, DUNDAS-ST., WMITBY. CRAWFORTH & DEVERELL, Furnished on Shortest Notice. Commercial Travellers liberaUy~ deait with. PAIR PRICES., HONEOT DEÂLINO. JEUWARIE 'WORTHLESS IMITATIONîS I As there are many ifer or od, corded with jute, - as eraline by Borne un- principied merchants trad- ing'on the repntation of .our genudue Ceralilu, we warn the ladies againat snch imposition by draw. Ing their attention te, the necessaty 0 oei thôt the 'OROIPTON CORSET 0089 à& 4u otan cnne lid oailCoraine gwo<% Vitlontwluch non. are genuin.ý For Bronchitîs and asthms., try Allen'. Lung Balbam ; the bout oouigh prescription known. WIFE u vr ur "o ' MO81ER Ji f By purchaaingan Improved Speejal Stj,4foÃŽ the Holida'y Beson. For àme esep by, L. FAIRBANKS, 'sole Agent. Aise Agent for Nye's celebrated-Anrtie Sewing Machie 0e U- Whitby, Dee. 16186 Uarnwiwork Co. NAILI NO A i8COTIA.. Tbe te aisthe ghtmeoucaa EXPIERIE'NCE StTRENitýTK,-anEVENNESS whlh rê oi~bnedn hehghstegrei tat. -ô-.- ~J uumum ~nta OP VA mauufaetur 3 L.-NoQ the two merl aBuby Bsuz'ýer ove: 'aniber, for Oouvict's lm - reby1 -'Onvey 0101 Tii.numI for tie v..: «éitain Fi Oorstemporc -Blackuieec Bar ; Biao Beview ef teonomy dnricg he 1 ]Engbeh-L& eiqw Hanover,G Pope snd Milib Re B -day Bevieu ,Tameaa Ga A ,Medicsl Satuzrday Jame8 Gai Nin-etemrth, Bar; Vicoe 1portnigUil War, Bksc vith instail sud '<Riche, A new vo number oet, of sixty-fou than 8.8w00 tioxn 1 the pubia the Ameri -year, bot1h Boston, are - WB Neithor lie The capital sud lI q~Imne only lefin ted My-aK' hblter pjaci the ezïistn wolk 4ai whon the w when-thil~ to-datys ad *veia o i p o b AIhA nanie~en& 8h01 ils' msu a- 1111e;tee dova h slsp1 q sdlyoveÃŽ,- On Rosi aâate GOOD ROBSES. NEW RIGS.

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