Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1887, p. 3

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11!_ - At Lw ka, sOsnadyLeanod eyit for the. Wot.niiAsUra&6 or Ger'. elockt Whtby 25 Ceta Per huadred. Applyte THIIS OFFIOB. BELL' ~ORG ANS Unappreached for -Tone arid Qualty. hGUES FREL GO, ,tIGue1ph, Ont. NEW BIGS. SALE STALES, EH & -DEVEIiELL, SS TURN-OTS in Shortnst Notice. aivellers liberally deali w1ith. BONRST DEALINe. ES SA IM 1 rAT O 4S %thoem are tnanr.irderlor ;ood,. corded wth jute amp, tc., offered a.nd soid 3 Chlinçi by Berne un. r-iueipI1w&-bechant trad. ýg on the reputation of- wrowarxi tho ladies againui wch imposition by drsw. ý.xg their attention to e i r-ecesàtiy o01 b064 t.lathble M CORSET CO0 glàoo al Corliuegods Ji -noe are genuine. mùd aathma, try Allen'. Polit oough prescription ezxg an Irnproved . ho Holiday Season. For Ëctreap by IRBANIKS> Sole Agent. Nye's celobrated ALotit Ml ROPEWORK 0CG., TOST.. IWES, yen fbr Lesa Tha 1 Tns. rthrofen-cuealoa a u crîy of sauva ier irregulÉriog awlicdý 30i o! the stoinaci ob. t twhenuthe oolof Met', in a ten snd en. lloweê by aastio f tor 'orne such Ules-5 Ç n be prOV04 by Iniion bvergadur- uf l keep the mn Sfiowo!salvt. 'The. teient prepautim Onl Wier le put &àlelwslo th.1e rnuhh heusua cornes on, aud loi t r't l akponeoS orle tlher hot or old <*"h y titble), lbhe ef l.Fluid Be.!, and In 6 eJadof oud f«9. Ma sumolienit so"Un -the foo -fcd d Uw . ~ uplesasul000 or lue days8' tria *MI olunder 1h.box" 0 e. 2P~T fOI ngfor a11. Siorlesaýq a EDdyet the 1foba i ,look.d. wi -The. ees of aQllook- ~~'1~ars Fac th*l. m8ioleon .sbaltll t he Due d'uaple's 061Ygitte te Frech nation, the oeîYgitetainlIr desoiplioe of to aeMonuoeexnlo and ntàm4rial, lilh ipillY tt50ulYv. 'Both ai- tiloare profusely illusîra&d.Dr. T&aD2as sermon is TheShipa 'of War ,"&ad was delivered by him te the Veêerans of the American Navy on the day,, before Decoration Day, il th. 80ilrequest Of th en811Of the naww bath North and South "id edioraly ho diBnssseS "Sympathy and Oommon Sese" Literary Pillege," aprepos of goOWOreoefli chargea of plagimrzm, snd "-Streake 1rf Light in th. alend. Those Who have followed th. course à! hie two sens1 setories. -In exohange for ,Sot,]," by Mise Linskill and "His Banner over Me," by Misn Mathe*s, wiIl be specially interested win is nmber, for exiting penioda are reach- d, and the tue short aries, t'The Conviot'5 Messages" by Florence B. gllowell, and "A Romance of an Old Pre@B," by Minuis W. Oarpenter, both oonvey excellent morale.. The numbers ef Littlea Living Âge for the week-ending July 9th and 1M1 contain Fsith H*aling and FeOU iliug Contemnpo aV eview; Thomas, Blck.>od, itb the Majority Temple Bar; Bison-StalkiflR, BlackodA Review of Ligbthouee Work and Eoonomy în the United Kingdom duriog th. ps Fifty Yeare, Nature; EngliehlLake Dwellinge, Wetmineter Redïewo; Ernest AugutuBs King Of HLanover, Gentleman' aMagazine; The pope ana the Queen, Spectator; Mllitary Resonrosu et England, Satur- da!, Review; A Village iu London, St. Jamee'a Gazette; ]Keats, Spetator, A& Medical Version of Eooleejates. Saturdayi Review ; Marching, Bt, James Gazette, Strange Medicines, Nimcteenth Centur!/, Crabbe, Temple Bar; violorian Literature, conclusion, Fortnightly/; MaresDab after lhe War, BWakwoodi. Sir. Philip? Sidney, Engli.ah Iflutvated Mfagazine; The Invalid, a Ranipehire Study, Cornhil; with insitalimenta of "Major Lawrenee" and '"Richard Cable," and poetry sMd rnîsoellny. A new volume began with th. fir8t numnber ef July, For fifty.two numbers of sixty-fonr large pages eueh (or more than 3.80W Pages a Yffr) the subscrip- tien price ($8) i. buw; while fer S10-50 the publiahere o.ffer le send anyoe o! the Ainerican $4.00 montblies or weeklies with Tite Living Âge for a year, both postpaid. Litteli & Co., Býoston, are lb. publisheni. 'Washiugton Letter. (From our regals.r correspondent.) S"ES Smz Housz, July 15th, 1887.- Neither the President non ydùr Corres- pondent amreat the Capital "liSk and tiie geverumeul at Washingten vill have te get l akng aibât ih can. The capital city bece no teehot for me, sud I caine te Ibis usually bneezy place only le find that lb. sun bad anticipa. ted my arrivai. I know of but oe botter place, (sud lMt. Ingersell denies 112eexistence cf hhat), than lis beerd walk _*long the beaci et Atlantic City when tbe wind is stil on seaward. But, wben tie vind is frorn the s&, as ilis te-day, sud yeu lake your sas. ou the verandab ot jour betel, or lbU on ithe beach and watcb lie lithe-Iimbed youhh srid maidonan luhibetshing costumes, lite seme s onth living sien lu July, sud Novw Jersey, contrary te a common Preudice, gocd for somstbing. 0ejf the Msuy sesas esorts etsnd- ing trom Long Brandi le Cape May, Atlantic (Cily ta tie largeet sud Most pepular. 1h vws founded in s lot et crude wooden cottages and boarding bouses ton denizens o! th. Quaker City vie vote daring enougb le astonisi tisir bodies wilh a ses bath. Thoît children have grown up le love Ibis nue o! valet, sud vith more monsy sud leisurs than heir ftlios iiad, bufit splendid olltages and botels viich are ftsquented by gusste fror Los Angeles le Boulon. Thosa vho sup- pose Atlantic City le meroiy s summet resert vil b. urprised tl e sseam- hoallng apparalus in the large hotels. Tii. heighl of lie seseon ber.,tar bld, i. lu Pebruery sud Match.Soi ely cernes from Pillaephia, Balti- more, Washington, sud New York, ho reouporate from the. teck sud dtudgety of ostentations lite; sud t esnjoy lie vinler airt liaIbas b..n tompered throngi lhe Gulf Stream vith a dasi etfIthe trepios. But the oceasicinal land.btooesoseSahaslike in summen le frsszlug eold lu vinor ; bhuem tth. Bscesity -of! s-behaiq8g in, oxd. han 'beleuten eunmu"~.' *bât ;volupîus noiùdsvo"Ame. an&au rgrowina toleb..The. vomn sud mon o! vealth an. more at he &lmoitanyviee than undert hher ownu noof-ros. Tbey sxfronm ada -i. FlottAs, Item Newt Yrklto P>IieV T palac-cu ar sdràwisI- hOaeait artheir vebicles.* Thé."hotel b e homo. Tiihensom'f toi)." *-bla1 cai la tshp a *of!-d.VàOles moye om Otyt aie. IMuÇ, wilb pou alihte esu t oioth I a kuovu té ESKinga -tl e jeau agie, -Wo, vs Mid midewhiIJe fipt, " 4 Ie~5 mistil o: sgqllja 1bOi15hb, by IngersolBît- -h li e bU0 I eblpii wlthePubU& ath aàU. fo 0IMh I O M dis *e ,tta d ~~re~< tit lb, arose in hiepus. raéieà v a , biu.lutbmuun "Dar amn oerlaiâa Ihinge te b. looked, oifur fer ,dborlu in th aêed sesap. De fuit i a o de l iàili*6. DiX~ ornes, i erg1 ro aud yaller 'foveî, onuSmpÈh, tbiUl'uw foyer, fallin' imb de ibbe',geltin' run ober by a shtreh yar sn' cholera mbr- bus. Beiz' 'reeted by de police an' drent up fur ixtyays mue' b. ciassed as a miefortin insted et a disesae. "Do bot sozun arn de l ime le be keertul. W. vouid recommend. te de ouil'd population'of dis keuîry:' ."11. log cresin àhuld be esten slow- iy au' deliberstei, deohmbi well wiped off wid a ted -napki U as mon Uaspossible afterwards, an' de violim shouid b.. ware ef mental exitemeul or physiesl exonieon for an heur or bye. ,,,2. Bedawater an' ginger aie should be paid fut lu advauce. Dis gives de soda man a chance le look st de meney su' find i il ilghb, an' gaves de custerner any tsar cf bovin' lta ke le his legs an' >outrun anybody. We dean' spoify as te de quantity 'which kin b. esaely sounded. Borne Pus* sons kin hold a bar'1, while oeos stop ai a gaon. -"Harveat appluisa ",oow-ouoeer hon elayed toua of! hhousauacf nno- cent people, but dey war' ail white foUs. While we doan' believe ethhOr vegislablo arn harruful, it will b. sl le est slowly, chaw de rinde an, cotes vory fine, an' il down in de ehade of de weodshed fur hait an heur arIen *ating. " 4. A waterrnellyon fired from a cannon St a cullod gem'lan iwo feel away might sornouhat injecte his phygsocal oorporouity, but under ne odder saroumelanceu kin vs loo'k upon de produet wid even suspishun. We behieve dat de melon crop cf dis ksntry for de lutl ifre y'ars, legetber wid de way il vas diatributed about, bas been de meaus o! keepin' oholera from eut doahs. Dean' leave any cois stiokin' te de inds. 44 . We dean' recommend tee mnuoh waehiu' an' cleanin'. De lujun am de diriest pusson on dis sirth, an' noboiy eber knowed an Injun te have choiera or amail-pex. Kinder wash Up now and dea, an' orter crub -up e eLtle extra on Sundoyu. an' Inust de test le cartyitig au onien- in your pocket. "6. Lesve de window up uhen you go le bed, frow some lime around de back doah oocasionally, su' wheu ebleeged le drink water shako in e littlo poppersasmo." IT WAS CARBIE». Pickles Smith moved tiaI the teport b. accepted, and lie suggestions print. ed for grabuileus distribution. Whelebene HRowker objociod. He shordd not feal ate from yollew fevet îhout instructions fron a médical bureau. He would omet no alur uven the. honorabe oornmmfleobut viol dmt lau i 112 M Xa' AÙMIoaLîznweul, vieva u ntheussii sness, Prof. Kehote Johnson, vie peddied fiih, or Porous Davis, vho blaekel toves, know about epidémie 7 Aujmnu liat lodge vas liable tl e = ltoe with choiera at any moment, sud nol ton minutes befot. h. had wituessed a sample case o! choiera motbus lu lbé bine sule.room. Samuel Shin iad mixsd bervoat appies, oueumbetsio. vator, ginger &ieneabbsge, oid stravberrios sud lb.eooanul o rop o! 1886 bogebiieni sd tiie resuit wvasta h. vas atRil calllg feorne O lkvy.r te corne sud iake hie wiil. "Brudder Houker," seid th. Prom- dent in tepIy, "de malter vas given le dat commite o l inveetigate. Bey av' '-posod le hev performed demr full duty. UIntil tiieciioléra lifttsoins membet of dis club vo hsv ne moral tlght le go batik on de report. I ub.ll darfore pub il te, vole."& Upon a vole belug Iaien lie report et the commite. vua doptsd by su evervhelmlug majority.- U"iAVORADLT REPORTE>. Giveadsm Joues expteasd bis readfi- nous te report on lie eppliealion of jesse Blaloek enA clbe, cf--Buzzerd's- Roost-. ubutb e'oif mnghm, Aie. -lu thé. malter cf gpanting a chanter for a brsuoh »49-ge. ohad dimever- .d liaI th. pebitionens vers people lu very bai l éanding inlu irm1nhe eepetiely.among tho police,.ud la Bislook'.s olo objeol lnu eslblisiig a bt.inch vas ho spite Jo. Priee. th. king pigeon o et ocal. i.Brohber Jouoe lied been u eottepqndeuoe with la Pela Wiitfoald, lb.he rler of ltheFlot. ense Holel, vhe hasu l hep inua het! for six yeanp, »s u bas i laga sk aoiiiu of, My celoreA nmmu lu th. OIby,. ana ai Pea ail ,a _! 1 Il. R À oq -Thi ab ohn4'Ve-,etinoreof WII, otod, a;Ooàý' '-lit. inuured -inë'- lqeiï 'eve4 agon, ý riik * paid Wét weêkz9 àndby', a !*mstkabtê: ooinid4noe the numbér of do1àspia the bebte and'tho 'pumIý>o! te bhê .h. draun ftgg seiitsnraoe er. ideutiesi. A senç a«tiecal dlpaloh !rm Gilboý 1, N. Y.";esy, that lirAP. B. Boiys agsd eigbty-twoo bas juet00Mompieted A. pair et troumers for h. husbaud, agea eighty, le play baseball, in. This is 80 il shouid be. No Maa se0,0d4thal b caxieonsiotentiy play bail minus a PBfr of tousets. Tii. laIe Bien Bradbury, Demoorallo, leader lu Main, vas enoe th. baidoom-" est mou lu the.coeuntry forty y.ers aP." is figure was tal sund imposing sud- bis haïr a coal blaok. Hie featuresi vexeo dean-ont sud tiking. His eyes' 'uer. black. Hie vo' ewaa musical an& fareohing. nHo use lu lose daye su orator cf great powor. Mr. Labeuehere oompluin inlu ruth liat durmng a recont visit. cf twe day lu BRme the. Duke of Ediuburgiidi net psy his respects l ei. pp. &ithough sight.seeing lie Duke did net! even entaer .Vatican. ,as bis POP* bas reoenlly ahovu grea coeurt«sY tovarda Qusen Victoria lb. ri,ÃŽd.ssot the. Duke le muèéh oormented on lu Europe. Tii. grandGocunoü o e bix Nations held teoenlly aItih. Tusmort Reserve- tien, lu lis Western part cf the Indian T.rritsty, olotod ThomaWilliams sachemrn uPlace of John Mounbpleaeant deooeeed. Williams wus. hotuou th. Reservatien lu 1854. HoRe s atrong, muscular Indien, fairly weil eduosled. R. speaka Englisi fiuently. He le a temperance advooate sud le lhe leader eftthe Tuscarors bras baud. IH promises te mnake a good objet. lits. Cleveland, "lb. firet lady lu lhe la-ud," dees net consider berseif a muai- clan, but ber tcuch on lb. piano io sweot and sympaleetie, sud Preaident Cleveland tae. delight lu ber piayiug. But lits. Oleveiand i. noactàmore ornament le lthe White Houae. Si. holde daily cabinet moetings wi hle housekeepers aud steward, sud taes.a practisal inteteet il U ldolais partain- ing ho the housahoid afleirs. Sc says an adrniring correst>oudent. Preuident Cleveland 'is net fend cf thie man Wie eaU. aI tb. Whiite Houg. only le psy bis respecte. Beoently oe of lieue courleous individuaesseul in bis card le Mr. Clevelsnd for the. tentb lime lu hall an heur, sud urote lu penoil thht ho did net vaut an office. The. President remarked: "«I wouId mucb soonér se. Ibis- man if he dii waut an offce, for theu be would bave eomehhing te talk &bout." Courleous psople shouid esey avay from tis White Houes. Mrt. John 146gwood, Victoria rarIs Mly customoraaaytheynv.r uod san seo effectul.Gco esult m= V !ollow its use. I kuov il value from pet. mentai expenlene. haviug been troublai for 9 or 10 Mer£ uiÃŽL Dyspepsie,sud mincesus- ; gi igestiongo. on vithout It d ie. pressdfeelinsos wefl knocn le dydppe- tics. I have no isaltstion lu recommend- ing Il in auy case o! indigestion, constipe- lion, heartburu, or troubles arisîng frei a disordered stomeci." Relarus !rom Dlgby iudiole the probable eleclon et Joues, lthe Goverumeut candi- date. The supsniority o! Mother Graves' WorS Exterminaler is showu by its good ýefféôc on the ohildru. Purébe a sbehte sud givo Il astriai. ThreeCenadiauoset Winrbieou miel lu the a ffl oag e l.Quen's prias. - JmsMeirdook, wriling frem n insl may :'B. B. B. esua r.m.dy for diseessd the. blood, lier anêkiduys, au e eel- eut2eputat inou lbbsloaly ave Umel il, asm>a renepreo 1a sià observatio. Il la hbooniy u=Aclemtau sund Y -.ohesflite.e1r i Ciarievoiz*eieebin laszectsd le taoe placeabOut lt.e151hw>! Augusl. For a hmorubi, goe i trelof lmn bry the "oa A peat fine ecourdMaIEt. Hytoiu&he, Que., 8="dY. What a com!erl te . ble tegrsify one»sapjetits esmoe," *u Isstr fres-A in dyspepsi Ibins1! in= Wisenaiouge ace"Pt - tho our, a ire, mi oth atice, cam -mn jqy lth vlm e liue!. ObAsti pi-' M«à*d ianOt 100 nju»a&m;, Ae ovtreatmeht haa moads oovered il erb~ a permanent .our o!fIishiente incuable cunebsoutely effectedi 7eaoeort7em.Thusem4 vaÃ"ni~ajed once lu»wvbe ces-LYounot initee'Uit Q =uie-s.Desciptivepamnpllet sent free on receipt et et.mp by TORONTO# OANAA. 7SPRING -SUITSI.L JOHN Scotch, FEROUS'O-N 10 SHSOWING A SUPEBIOR STOCK 0P English >and Canadian Tweds, And other fine linos ef Clotho, for Bpring mails. Al garments made up in lateat style on shoreet notice. ReadY-Made Men'8 and Boys' Suit8, Gents' Furni8hinga and Underolothing of ail Kind8. INDSTRCTILEOVERALLS! H#2S LoàtesI styles in Hard aua s<,<t Fol.ibikHaIs pRyl effl, DOHNndas GS,'hlb THE QUEEN'S JU BILE-Es TH BIRAZILIAN WARËEHOUSE- Will celebrate the event by a complete revolution ini the < OGROCR:ERY TRÂD E, FOR THE N EXT 30, DAYS-u: .Colored Dînrner sets,.coloted Tee sts &ud ocolored ()hamber set, aotually given -away, a .large stock, of entire'New Patterne-and-, tylOB te" select from.' Renï:ember-tbis wè lead the,_trade in TEks &ýd cO>FFEES, sud aagé e rai 4" -*oois We ary lrgiseo-sd el t to, prceris cry e m I~'Hihest ricepid fo 'uýn #i&ty of eh ie Butter, sugg3ýad farm"em Bacon. e Paleffl aU ilfnd ausiw no trouble te s14ow goode aot ave tahalu FiPrise.sudGeld 6mol 2hose who have il reeoominend ilt. h heir friends, Ilj in jusIt the Machine foi th. Publie. Dos Sail inds e! Sewing. Alssip Order. Simple sud Lauts a Litetime. The Dominion Oîgans and Pianos Are Botter than Any Other. The Besl Judges say Ite Tons ila-lhe Best. It la bufit witb a view to Durability and Beauty. The Boit Instrument le Buy. C9a udSee-Oýur Goodie. He W. FOX-, AÇ2ENTe. WAEEBROOMS: BROOK ST. ,-- WHIÉBY. London and Lanoa8hireý Life Company. This, CpompnyIsue vey esblefolrm of L eploan a so ited ili be Beceiver General in approved Camadisa securities over $100.00 forisech $160.00 et liability, thuoa afording ABSOLUTE se-' Parties desirouis of affsuing tiheir lives wil flnd it le lheir advantage tb couset the undersignbd before smixing oelwips. JOHN FÂBQUHÂBSONY , SWbitby, May 18, '86. -iy Generai AgonI PAT AREN 'TS CAN-ADIANS 8ITTwss8 0:F TRI C OINT-Y 0F 1 1 :

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