Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1887, p. 5

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genOYSlY ox01a opatormA81haveam ~~qu5ifltIflO6 with INS per' yard. al value., and 40C. price s. per' -yard. ard. the'finuest loi#$ billows roar, tili they blow no a maiden s door. M fUture Vwiu bring, or cotton îs-ki2ng, wiII quiokly tae Povrty's strife, uid loue, wi iowed sý' of ineutring hi£ frorn usi." Fave moncy. îfw id 00o stylishb le our ad-vice, a very low price Durself ? rPet lippor for lff bouse ahos ýiters lu tiiwee 'Ouse elipper le rth 61.25 aM ady's poished batton.holoe, ade, for 15.- " ccp ted - u-ty le Deo. ,W . arO rme - W mnea'1 - "e for ýlftito ple.Boys waàrr*ntd la, .' i b a v e r e t - ad Uda oiupaugl .- 1 th~e d 00t08 &adwith the me- consotruction Of Spectacles ,a 1s.l&885to fit them -proper- ~*j .BÂRNÂRD ha cf these qualifcations andaa ~Of SPECTACLES -AND- EYEG LAS SE S lreenougrh te correct ail the de- froUa of siglit that can be helped by teueor glasses. His charges are vey 1oderate. jS. BARNAAR», TcJilMAKER & OPTICIAN, BR&,OOK ST., WHITBY. e_ý- QJijrouick, JVLY 22nd, 1887., LOCAL LACONICS, WHAT IS SOING ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED V~ CHRONIGLE REPORTERS ÀA 3hîel'à amang ye, takin notes. Au' f aith he'll prent it. MR. ROBERT MCGEE is a iikely man to b. nei Mayor of Omava. Bw<um's cirous yul b. ai Toronto on Sept.tnber 8th and 9tb. DON'T forgot about the gardon- part>' st Mss Ketcben's uext Wednesdey a'reing. TaE people of Oshawa are making good use ef Mr. Hespe. Lait nigbi tbey beld a gardon part>' aI bis resi- dence. The towu i. mashod ou hlm. TORONTO Industrial Exhibition viii b. held ~trom Beptember 7th, te 17111. Our Wbitby exhibition viilb. heid probably ou the 201h, 2lst sud 22nd. ON Siaturday lait a basebaîl garno was advemtisod boîveen Oshawa sud Bowmauviile sud some of t11e boys frorn bore veut down. The Bowman- viUe fellews did net show up sud tb. mateh «as d..isr.d off. INSPECTOR 'ergUSOU sud Polio Magistrats Hlome lait wveok evied finca amounting te $700 for infrations of the ScotAot. A couple of caes are à,djourned for twe veeke, vhich action it je clairned kills thew snoue efflth." cases eau be adjoumned for longer than' YEsTERDÂY, tee lais for us te gel a report, an appeaî case of smre interesi vas îied.beforo thecouuiy judge. Mr. Stewart Bruce, of Port Perry, ovnisa farm wbich i. haif vithin sud hait ont- sideof etf.corporation. Hie f arm stock bas beon assessod iu Beach sud aiso in Port Perry. Port Perry baing the bigber taxad, ho appeals te have his persenal asemeont @truck off there. TaE Vindicator Baya :-&a vill ho seen by the council proceodinge the. proposition of Meosre. Edmondson & Guy te higIit lb. lovu by sectricity. wua ccepied ou Monday uight. They- vil vaste ne urne in getiing thoir ligbl in opara!ion, as 1hay axpeet h have, Slmooe street seuth sud the. business places ligbted 'b>' he Ïmiddl, of &4ugust sud th1e eut ef the bowu a week or so aftervards. Their eocutrat is for fif- toee 2,000 candis power ligbtu, 800 nights of tbe year et Ivont>' oent& a night for each ligbt. one week. W. aro indobied te th. Rev. E. R. JAMES MCINToSH, th. yeucg brakea- Stirnuon for a copy eofIs aestiy bound man who vas kilied aI Myrtie in the sud handsomi>' printed Histor>' cf th. îmashnp, is a son cf 1frs.. bJIntooh, Separation of Ohm-oh sud st-ste in north of Pickering village. Man>' Canada. The vork viii prove net oui>' people in Ibis town know him, and 'we deepi>' intereeting te th. generai roader understand a iisteror e MLuos's lives but alec a stoebe ho f usefali infor- ai Judge Dartuol'o. The bod>' cf mation te ths studeul cf Canadian deccsd pameod Ihrougb bers on Mou- EHitery. Ih deais vilh a&U religions dàY night on ils vsy homo. denomi nations sud traces ver>' minute!>' -AFTER ail the lalk about Canadiassth1e parà esob played lu 1the struggie thal iaking largeiy to breeding English ended in lb. seversuoe of Ohnreh sud cavaîr>' herses, il nov transpires Ihai Stat. lu Ibis country. The Corgy 1h. Wsr secretary ou Tuesday mid Bru i sud the difflultim Ihero would net ho an>' mors purebsu- of Wvh h 1e> ver. th. origin ers, ed in Canada s &hoprice.wuvas h 1gb. deil ilh lua a nnr Ihatabhowseae. At the i. ane ime 11e laid lbtshme sfui resarch ou the part of 1the Author.' ver. eitabis. 0ur fermera ma>' gSi W. oorm.end Ibis useful volume ta atarI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ th bednClssas.b.carefai consideration of ail etudents TEE potatoi bug le lobaveo opoiino maiuHsoy nexi year. .For msuy yoaruit Lu re. Tua oolesitman ve have hoard cf volled lu beaut>' sud pleut>' vithout evon a etrav being slrevu on ie palh, but nov it h 1 "hiuowb bu asboon invcnted b>'mre lover ef bugu lu hllinoio, there lu evary obsue of tb. opoations, of a miner nature, of th. petite bug dvindiingiunsinfoue Tht. "chinoh" -bug seemra th api. ht th. dosiructian cf vhsst, sud lesvoa ever>' other plagno lu the ibad. in lb. lins of dsstroyiug thing& * AT Brookvill. laut veek, lu conneo. tien with tb. Grand Lodge A F. & A. M.,i vas bald 1the-sonnai aummbi>' of lb. Soverelgu Grast Priory ef canada, of th1e United Religions sud Military Orders of 1h. Temple sud jorslm Paiestine, liode.MdaudMata - e were .eooted sud am.ng elbosw. qui. 11:-Grand consIabîs, Rý . B; 8fr Kigbî W. B. Hovu., Wbitby. Thst'm vbat happons our mon vheu they gor off te ochum vith- reobleu làfoiv. The>' become ttlbd. - 1.1 Tamisi ae beffn strslçhteunu sroaud tb. lova Station cf 1the "*d. land railvay.-The odW"a(o tbm.. or four teeS 1gb sud about edm feet vide. On a daulghigu pasln sbong Ibis plank waik ome1011lI =ssf if ho vers vsldklngj:,&*Ã"pq. Nov a vide platforni has bee put ln. If irail- way cOMPaules O, e *ot 50O iuIfli vould faup,* a 111..r.us Fobeir alati Atiomi dmas il ere osd4. Pa1? dut>' h ke, ïàoo6ts ÃŽlatsd - s"uc Our ico-iman shut Us off lit. Ual for non-paymeut Moscaoant t. brakeman. Fovke c011he irfaaay train thaiaansed lb. smash-up. R. testifled that 11e had st ton brakes on bis train bofore th1e accdent ooourredo sud vheu it wu Polie ont t. hlm -that but mlx cars gave sucb eovidenge., ho sxp8aed ta b. dld not realize a oollt.loi had tian place and veut 10 irork th 4t off brakos' propatrato hgolug S aed as M sd had cloué- t our vhS h. lsovred that the» had beeu& solUso sd hll bla train ws u n1h. ditdh. If t./- freshlg 10muet auoh aéool hoéd during d'Og days.- The BoYs1 otelBaburihop ls tb plue. te est a5frkeut or saea -easy, ihave. OuR jutilOr bamb*Uil ob $hresteu t. gou0 tu4 thwol"Pu et Port P.fry ud two dais ui 'wo*. A auuuer of ticns sed tlwough lova yeuotay.They dout stop ber., ai there is no horso-tradîng done iu Wbitby. QAUI>ÂUR sud Rsulau motie thoir lis diffloulty ai lake Caàlumet, Pull. Men, Illinois on Saturday. Betting ls siightly la favor.of Gaudaur. Thora is t..lk of a privais and,.a public excursion toe liagara yet Ibis esson. The privat. excursion ilu h start from hors and the otiier from Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby. TaE Ail Saints' church people hald their pie-nie ai Gordon'a grove, Picker- ing, on Wedueuday. Il came off le ovorybody'e satisfaction. AFTEia the Methodist pio-ni etaiCor- bote Point ou Wednesday, on invita- tion a number cf the pupils of Mrs. J. L. Smith's bible clas visiled ber rosi- donc. and spont the evening. Ho!1 for Meokinae Island. Rail sud boat excursien tickets iueued by E. Stephenson, G. T. R. ticket sud tels. graph office, Whitby, during July and Angusi. Rate from Whitby, $16.50. WILSOi.'s woollen milse, nos, Green- wood, mentioned in another place, s havlng beon burned last Snnday, w. hafte lesrned later, belonsied le Mr. 0. J. Wilson îa&eîy of tbis town. W. oan't oay whslthe loes is,ý but thero was 68,500'insurance. IN speaking of the Myrtle railway accident tb. Brooklin Times dubo th. compauy l'tho unfortunate 0. P. R." W. have hitherto regardod that cern- pany as the fortunate C. P. R., sal- mosî everyono cennectod with it is said to have made million. wiihont t¶irning a band ovor hardly. IF the Grand Trunk keeps on in its attompts upon the lif. of Doteotive Hall, snd the boys peraiet in dynamiting De- teotive McAufiffe, 1h. town will soon Ibe without a good reliable detectiVe ex- oept DeWotive EHatrick of th. noble souîb ward. Matiors will have te take a change or else 111r. wil be a fuse in the land. SEvzu&î. of sur local coulomporarios in ibis ceuniy are quarolliug as te, wieh publishes hlb. lee Shoot. The public don't talc. rnch interst in lh. argu- ment as il is being oarried on. If these papers would take s nov iead sud show t11e public vhicb in the bigg.st bboekhsad insi.ad of th1e biggest sheet the. thing would b. mors inleresling. The oavitioe vhoeobrains ought le b. in big ne w9papers aud big hoade are ofton filled with bran mash.W. are ja-el like aIl 1h. reet ofibsu lun ibinking ours i. tb. largeui sud only psp.r publised in 1the counly worlb rssding. Tua wesîbor boome a l111e spau- modie on Sanday ai leroon lait. Al tb. Sunday sfternoons iateiy having been fine a grest many went oui lait Sunday ho walk sud drive. &bout lhrae o'olock without previoesas- nounoemnt the oi.rk eont slong a cen- .,Isgumet of eyowes yuWbitby Jo soms Ps". osas TheioW oofuase" wrs, borglariously inolined snd frisked about the. towu s good deal, breskiug into the Dominion bmansd irying t0ocarry off Rosu Brou.' awning. Whou 1the awn- ing wu torn down it wu found le b. an oid ou. snd loft there. A MOST deliberats sud disbolioal snd devilish sîtempî vwu made th deitroy Deteclive MoAuliil with dynamite on bMondey unorping luti, usai1the Royal Hotel. The dslectivo vas. standing tbeme disccuing lb. sffaLrs 'of 1h. nation with sone other publie offiers when someone dropped lb.h murderous, explosive ù(om s viudow above sud it vent off rigbt -bouide 'the deteotive legs. XcAuliffo juniped about a mile Wh aud hie terrer pr.venuitidhlm (rom being able h sapeak for upvsrds of hal! au heur. A numberf.1 ndiolentaer to b. turnod boue upon thé perpetra- torneff1the doadly sut. Tht. t. 1the third lime Ibis dynamiting &eolhb e played upon datoive MaAnlffe. On Saturdsjvthre lahobe arneetug si he onnifChamber houe to th1e finial stop for, lnoorporatlug lbé South Ontario Exhibition Asoain The mhome nov bafug woked UIoa good ous te have a good ir "tsi! oombited wtval t h» m. -Tepa tdaidOff sud vhi.h vil! probably lue settbed up u B1sbuy ls to have a"y raclag.) a, I"td Of -holdng the speeding on 1the beu daày of lthe(airs Lave a * gtygod'uio'0 gto 9Me the Mirsn4soth.r te, Cose L If tfzils rmolnig ths rt t vuted lo M* eou fuiïg a omoeust vhy Wbllby ea uhoir &wm a11. Whe. rMoinsg .P9rs=ghé*, -Pq-.- hâLna hw na~i w"k > thé k&hiiI. K ' c ,F- STEAR 9111~~ h 1. 2ho 8Mlut*. TMMsa là prompbot tbto yeinof more thaï- sâ verao orop throghout 1111. 0oLE wae for inrd h.îl~ -Airlasislong dleIuasiou on fus uight th. Oshava town oounoil sospi-. att Mayor Oovan's rouigualion vith ouly ozas adverse vote. Tim Methodist Sunday sohool sud friendo veut th Corbet'. on Wodnos- day. There vas a large compauy and s pooil ime put .in boating, swlnging sud enjoying other sport. On gaturday- lustduring -the. storm lightning siruck Wihsou's Woolou mille, two miles nortb of Greenwood sud burut them to,1h. gronnd. W. have net heard wha% th. loe is. 8ÂYs the Brooklin TimO8 :-On laui Wednesday Mr. David Ashtlb mol vith a painfal ac"dent white vorkiugat Mr., George Medland's baru. The scsfold on whioh be siood gave way givmng bîxn a (ail of tweniy.five feet. Thisis th 1e second accdent tih asoccurred dnring the. building of Ihis barn. AT 1h. meeting of the Board of Directors of 1h. South Ontario Agricul. tural Society held on Saturday lait Mr. Dow was instructed to, apply for leo patent inoorporating th1e South Ontario Exhibition Association. A conuuitteo vas app ointed- le make out estiinates as to the cost of fencing the qew grounde erecîing a grand @tand land othor necesssry work. These matters wiii &Il b. reported upon àt Saiurday evenlng'e meeting. Il is bopod Ihat there wili be a large number proasut. à THUNDERSTORM paseod north of hors on Saturdsy lust doing coneider.ý able damage and killing a man. BeDjamin Kits, et Saintfiold, son of old Mr. Rit. of Columbus, wue pitching bey in the barn, where 11easmre othors vers unioading during the atorm. A flash of lightning struck tb. roof sud on its way dowu ibrougb 1the centre of the baymow kilied Kits instaniiy. The eleotruiiy thon bored a bois down ibrough the. bey te 1the ground. C. 8'I'~EW No. 1,ý DE-VERELL'S BLOCK, - Re je BROOK STIREET, WHJTBY. CAMPBL Expected an advance in Cotton Goode, so bouglit for Cash in BIG QUANTITI ES BEFORE THE We are selling -Cottonades, Shirtings, Factory a.-d White Cottons,ý at OLD PIRICES. so long as the present stock holds out.- fleductions in the Price of Summer Goods STOCK THOROUGHLY ASSORTED. NEW GOODS-Men's Cool Under Wear,3 Linen Coats, Linen Vesa, Boy's Suits, Ail colors in Pluzhes, New Styles ini Trimming Silks, Black Silk Velvet, Striped, Satins, Cream Lawns, White Lawns, Creain Seersuekers, Corsets from 17 to 32 inohes, Styl- ish Prints, Straw Hats, White Beits, Ribbons, Black Silks, Linen Buggy Wrap8,; Mosm quito Netting, Cheese Cloths, Summer Drese Goods, New Stylo Muelins., '~~WT'8 STR&W HTS ONILY 2 ET.. GLÂ.ààsO-Ow w QCTU. Â NDREW DR.,Y .Go( Owing. to the extreme warm weather of the past fe'w prices have wilted 011 ail our ÂAid pwrch>lsers - ,wiiI fiuid ,l.it-1 to tkeir adilm j0 t thouhour stocýke. Be.surmand'ask t' s GOODS ~QATr1IIC Shu*ng~ t lOts.per yard. couruholsi a D hie Wv>'homo queat-lof - cIl tke Grald Tu thes "Yiomo '8,. RISEa, RO. s*r, DD. Will O SATUIRDAY, the 9th. JILY, commence their Great Summer *Sale, when the entire stock of Summer Goods. will be marked down and cleared out regardless of cost. Startiing bargains will be found in every department. Stock sLill very large and attractive. Ladies in town and country will- save money by purchasing at this great clear- ing sale o'f eèaud 9 1

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