Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1887, p. 7

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'use ofet i.white S8., faranu 1 eau ftu i)7ca Cate and 'eau fD . Sas a tama.ly s, eus for repair ths. ever a the Chéapeet, ind l L. FAIRBNIrS 'eei Est, Torone m Complet, sud Boe' i n Atrerica. Senid 260 cw No. 4, alishel rs sent wheu tep You £tecut ofempe>me 'dy, 41 WelingsiBtse "end starnps for t»Pli 1TO REN-T. r offers te reni a lBO.aj ,Iota 27 sud 28 in th. « lhllby townuship.- >11 Cannet be beal a Lyohaory imptcvomnLs V s &,eured fer hvti» lu can.ot be gubrsate Apply Persoually tle [HAN AIINOLD, -Brookhi, TO REN T f kýephyr, iewzuship' ýzed bouse ilm goodzep»J -,Ardj and gardon. 74 ýop Hn gardon w-hIb. soý te oRet. Apply at 0'" W. Mfj NSO. i /o c/ foryg M S UITS, tOOM SUIT$, KIICHE14 81 me ail, and t rse .ves. .9H*m.SO 1 Aguen, 41t âg), Nov T Yor tacl for adv#gi ~ONICB s$à nstel" (rm Our Kzcanps. * w.*»rmlan" tà t.hori O. horse Look (VIIlIant over- thébuggy Lrowiuig then i vI- - Iohe ground. Mno. William., W"' dsngeIeflsly injured, ber hlp > twb.ing crushed ini and other inter. 1j,.sînres. Dra. 0. L. Freel .and ,, agster were Immedis.rely sumn. 00,but at last acconuaIs hey bad ~itIqîl hopes for ber recovery. The 8#gir et;caped witb s few slight - îg eembers of tb. Presbyterian Chand miauy other citizens and 0,,esof other charebes of tb. vili- <.sssemubled at the residence of J. J. Bo;., for the purpose cf sayiug Io lthe1ev. Thos. Nixon, laie poo-rof the Fresbyterian Obureb, wbho la &boue. rernoviflg to Soitb's Falis. MWrpsrtakiDg cf the tea provided by .Ibo dies1 tbe exeroisos cf the eveniug omerproeeded with, U4r. N. J. Arru- IYO'A hengappointed chairman. Aà 4lawWî ddroès was read by 1ev. Mr. fl at fLr whioh a pures., con. 651101icO 5111331Who banded te tb. #siig~,tor, Who replied in a very c manDer. Suilable addresses ,,0thon mde by a numbe r cf tb. reudmts, iniiiters and citizens pres. etamerobants cf Stouffville have onuuulIy agreed that ou snd aftor July 18b they will clot;e thoir stores aI oolho'olock sharpuutil the Ist Novein- be g@t after which date tbey will TORONTO. The City s fa.li cf strikirg anechanios sud workmtan.1 Tus thermomnetor stood 96 in lb. ibide Sturdsy, beiug tb. boîtest day for yssr9.- -,, The ctys water supply je uearly phayed ont. Instead cf Lb. nouaI 36,. (OOOtJO gallons, ibere ià ouly 2,000,000 lâ ibe reservoir. 'Thirty.two carloada cf caiLle left lb. Don station ouBSâturday night fer the seaboard. They voeeaIl exporiod by the farinons theaselves. CaiLle bayers fiuding iL impos sible te buy lu the pre- èOut si-te cf the market. à gang cf teugits, abat up in the birdeago at Haubans Point Ssturdsy aigbi, swaitilg the dopanlure cf tb. lut boat, passed say Lb. ime by breaking into s case et beer sud cou- ouming a dozeu quart botes. The boer vas ccueigned odl a neeldout, w-be b.d te paus a thinsîy Suuday. Saturdsy atternocu Detèotive Black arrested Sarah Baxier, a 17 year old servant girl, for te slleged larcouy cf a gold Chais sud a pencd1 aud somne other emall trinkoLs frein tarry Smasl-. pioce, 806 Berkeley street. The girl worked for Mnr. T. S. Harrison, w-be lived nei door, sud uhe bad acces t boih bouses. The detective discovened ail tb. staff stolon. The titinge were mimdaebout aàveek ago, whon lb. girl loft Mr. Smallpieoe's employ te go nezi door. About haîf paît ton o'clook Fridsy two gentlemen w-ea lking apBoberl treet aud w-heu near Lb. Corner cf Russell a insujrumped ovor the feue., sud rushing up made s grab for oeeof ibeir vatchohains. H. pnobably vculd bavo socured it only fer su unfortuurato sturable vbicb caased hlm tb fabi juî s ho roacbed for lb. gittering Chain. Pioking himsel! up b. uiruck eut at a gait toe bigb for bis patnsusud con- acquently esospod. Batnnday eveniug Benjamin Wil- has, au old pousioner, w-a brougbt Le police headqtar.rs viti a eut sud beeding kuoe.. Heo.omiolsined ébat bis vife, Helen, itsd osmubd a boer bottle ou hie eg, iufliitiug s serious wonud ou bis knee cap. By Dr. Cook's necommeudalionbo w-assenlta Lb.th Hospital, w-ib. bis vif. vas arnestet. The 1w-e liv, lunaa mal placo lu rear cf 142 King veut. l 18 said ltey hotit were drnikg. A ppoliar assaull, w-bloh w-ilpxmo- babby b. ventilaLed in th. police court, coccrrod Suaday afternoo n st tb. Turner bath.. A ins nazuet John Williams, w-ile croaaig lt. , lageen bridge, saw- Andrew- Oit", àboy, iita mng searthlet.shore. Ho ploeitthe lad up, sud, ,urrying hlm on b. bridge jnsl w-bore il joined theb.foopatt, te t1rev tbe 11111e felbow bitte de. valet. In dolsg se bo overbLaucet hinself and feU aîn o o p cf titilad slprainlng teo boy's log sud cuttiuig is bead. As soon auhe didthlie damage ho made off, but P. 0. Davis gel on .ta him, hovover, aud compelled -hlm ta give bis name and address. Heosit h. livet aI No. 2 Bond streel. A few- minateutifterbe b.d dioappoaret Shea'. broibor w- a aer hlm Le have-- himý srreuted; but h. badil otw-y by l"a tirn,. Sadueus nd gloom reigne in lb tank cf lhe rejected, sevunty-four hotel- koipirs. The ime is approsching w-bon tbsy muet put Up lteoir shuters sud tai, logetitîr viLb lhe extremily ici vister, itad inookedthtm coin. pleolby out of lime. ,The follow- i t- 'culer waisent to a ei sd -e"eoee cf thein' Satnrday : 'LuoEazOexxmmeuru' 0110, Jaly 151h, 188'7, tht.. entis'extnon 0f yôn, l@eus Ranted by lb., Bo, 6ple.onl It ismy dutlose thit My seirof iqt rwhich tuay W M*d4u etSUùtoi jour preiises:af*e dat e, wMlJi M5 inraction Of 1he. iflélWW, 5!Md mus be dosât wàk 4subt Your oe4lumouS *IU*hal ab~at Nswark.t on 1h. 5mb tut. 1tipr .>luoon DOmiion-ý dsête 4Uri .iwâge.l. Georg.ownirents it tOwn hall for1 homet talent concerts fer 01 a night. Mrs. Chau. Rutile, of Udora, resoued *b pose (rom the olutohea cf a wild cal, whioh vas aterwards caughtinlua; trap. A (lanuingion Leuih stoe. fi ve pies sud is obdurate te au appeal te returd the plates. Orillia's new drivinR park wiUl be opeued Aueust 15th, withi a prize list toting 84,200. The leug-talksd cf Sangeen Valley railread frein Mounut Forest te, Walker- ton bas been gran ed a snbsidy cf $76,000. Tbirty-tbree cases are do wn for hear- inga aithe' Ncwaarket division court to-morrow and th. era cals ibhis a light dooket. The prograin ai s Wilfrid !ethodistÉ pico-nie oousisled cf crayer, a bauchal match, a uinump speech ýon "profane swearing'" and a concert. Grewsou'B Corners, sear Aoton, bad au elevated Dominion Day. Whiskey1 flowed fneely, flgbting ensaed and dis-9 reputable proceedinga obaraotonized tLb. day.1 Mr. David Bovruan,9 senior, cf the Scotch Block, Esquesing, vas bntt.d by a ram on Tucsdsy, sud reoeived snob serions injuries [bat bis recovery is - doubtful. Lasi w.ek oue Brantford man vas fined $10 sud trimminge for beiug drurk sud at the esme court another mn was only asseseed 85 for assauît- ing a voman. A coustable wheu serving sun-mous undor thb.Scott Act, in Orangeville, ou Mouday, vas brually boston by son-o wbiskey beads. Tbey chased hlm home soima distance frein tows. A. tire. year aid Sheibarne boy vas "Ifishin" lu a veil w-heu b. felli n, but was tesouad by a thirteen year eký youtit sliding dowu Lb. pump log sud holding hum ap until ssistance srrivedl. The peacb crop luse0bcsvy lu Nia- gara district, th&& ini mauy places fruit groeos sre picking Lbe pesohes oe young trees Le keep Lien tram break- iug -dowu sud toaslo w Lie balance of Lb. fruit te grow langer. Au accident cf a peculiatly sd char- acter ocounted ou uunday last tLe a yong lad sged 10 years, a sou cf Mr. James Crawford, cf Oro. Beturning from Sunday sebool iu tbo aflonupoube attompt.d a surreptitious ride on s pus- ing buggy. 'In his endeavors te gain s position ou th. axel ho beaame entazug- led in te wheebsansd before te driver oould stop ho w-aa fatally crusbeit. Dr. W. A. Boss, cf Bsrrio, wua on Lb. spot au quiokly as possible, but bis efforts Le sie lte pooir lad w-one u»naitling. Divorced by Xistake. AN INCIDENT OF TE URLY-BUERLY 0F AN ÂDJ URNING LEGIBLÂTURE. Laèit winter thon. camne Le Tteuton, Nov Jersey, 1w-o men nauued Smith sud Joues, W-ho htdbotcof Liem desigus ounte Legialare. Joues bad a bad wife sud w-asil love vitit a preîly voman-be wishd to bo divorcee froin bis bad wife 50 thaL he migiti msnr Lb. prttly voinu, w-bew-asàawi~dov, w-it black oyos, sud sanob s formi1 Therefore, Jouéees cme ta Trnuton for a divorce. Smithbibd a goed wIf. goot as au augol sud toe motter o oen eiidreu, sud Smniit did net vaut ta.get divoro- ed, bbt. edld vaut Le gel aot for a turu-pikeog ~plauk rosé, ta exleut frein Pigs rin le Torrapin HolIow.-. Webl, Lbey (with Lieue différent errndns) came 10 Trenton sud sddresa- ed the asseoebled wiédoin vith tb. usualargumoule. Firal, suppers, main. ly composed cf cyhtors, w-ft à;riait backgrouud of veison ; Second, liguons lun greal quautity, frein""Jersey igittu. lnget Wbich i. a kint of locomotive at fnl speetd uset le liguer shpe, to Newark chapage. To speak lun plain prose, th. divorce mon gave s .iampaidM upper, sud Smilb, lb. turupiko mau,foflo-et wih s champagne breakfast,un e iimolli fyiug iiguenoe of viio thlb assemblet visdompasset botIho divorce sudlte- larulpikebills, sui Jouesud Snuih-a oopy cf eaoh itbll in theur pookels-vouL rejoieng-home, over mile. cf saud sud lhroagh lte tribulýéton cf msuy stage SwltjiUarived homo in tliii IC sud~s h. aiou l hui al 'itly "w-if.béieuitih ow pseuyib itearlug lb. éthir ftve #q4yiàg I" lessonsin lte cerner cf Iheur room, sSio uili anduseit b .xpiate ilpon 1h. goot rauits of bis n tsui I =e' "Tuupke' m dar m o f ithe r to he .bosrdlg sobl and Ji" . iu style ouI oS theRpoL i. lthIeohar- wtt., bo asoelahe vv~ Fle. Eeea Bà Uwplk?' "iast the tutnpke sMd theLes- Weu, the faet, 18 that smiths rednoed îdalnle-bleusdnoeue ouateit Iîs ltbonlgh te night was dark and m éét E tedenizeus of Smitb's town badi ,oet bed, Smith bid bis laie vif. put ýn ber bonnet, snd Bri lu' atm they A )roceeded te the clergyman of their éurcb. "'Gooduese blese me 1" exclaimed teA c>ed insa ho isaw hem enter- Smih ookiug like tbe last Jus. shad,8mith's viewived ber eyes witb the corner cfA le pron- 'Goodnessblesp,me,Wbat'a ihc matter ?' ."The nielLer is, I want yeute Marty j se two rig4t off," replîed Smith. "lMarry yen 1" ejaoulated the clergy. man, with expanded fingers and. awful ýyes, "Iare yen drunk, or what is tbe nastter with jeu 2"- However,he finallv inarriedtbeanover itraightway,and Smith sud Smaitb's wife vent joyfully home and kissed svery ne cftheir childrfu. The libti. mitb's iever unew that their fatber aud mother Lad ever boen trangers by legielative, nm.tmeut. Meauwhile, and crn the samie nigbt, cones returned te hie native town,Bnrl- Ïgt.on, and songht at once tb. fine black eyes whiobh had beped sertly to caîl bis own . The pretty widow uat on tb. scoa, a white handkarcbief tied earelessly about her round, white titroat, ber black hair laid in silky waves against eaob roey cheek. "Divorce is Lb. word," cried Joues, ilayfullv patting ber double ohmn ; "Lb. moat ie, Eliza, Plu rid cf Liai cursed woman, and yen sand P'i b. married te- night. I know bow te manage these scoundrels at Trenton. A champagne snpper did the business for them. Put on yeur bonnet and let us go te ibe presoher'e at once, dearest." Tbe widow, who was among widows as peaches amcniz apples, put on ber bonnet aud teck Joues' arm, and-" "'Jusi look bow handsome it is put on parohuieni !"cricd Jones, pulung eut tbe document befoie ber "1ber.'s Lb. law( that Jacob Joues and Ann Carolis Joues are -two." Pattiug ber plurnp gloved baud ou bis shonider, elle did book aMiL. -Oh, dear 1" sbe said, with ber nosy lips, aud sank baok, baîf fainting on Lb. sofa. -Oh, blazcs 1" cried Joues, aud sanh boside ber, rustliuR tb. fatal parobuiont lu bis band ; "lhere's a lot cf happines aud champagne gene te main." IL was a bard case. Iusiead cf belng divorced and at liberty te marry Lb. widow, Jacob Jones wuasuimpby, by the Legieiainre cf New Jersey, incorporai- ed mie oa Lurupike eonipsny, sud wvitL made iL verso, snLhorized ta run frcm Barlington te Bristol. Whou you ne- fleet that Burlinglen la locsted JU89i à mile frein Bristol, and on the opposite uide cf the Delewar iveri ycu w-il ob- serve lte extreme hopeleneas cf Joues'cse. ",Ii's aUL thefanit cf ibsi turapike mam Wh*'gave tain lte o----on breakfast," orled Joues la sgeuy. "Ifj Lhey'd cbsrtered me s turupike froin Pig's Bata Tennaplu Hobbyw I migbt bave berne it ; but tbe very ides, cf building s iunpike from Brirlington to Bristol bean sud sbsurdity on Lhe face cf iL."l So il did. «And jeu sin't divoneed 1" said Eliza, lb ovely tbninglurftue-Lotu o! At Birmiugbsm Saludy Temple von th. hait-MIls bicycle ebmPlonshp ta boal Lthe quart.r-miIe, record made at Nor- wich ounTh=rday. For Deep SostaledOoîda aud Çiougbag Allen'a LuBaisam cures whea all othor The United Slatos Signal Office teperte a cool w-ave, culng frein te ,northwost CONSUMPTION CUBED. 300D~ WE ED, SUIT AT'BOI8 RVEB BEPOffl BAOHED fINTER TRADE. L (I*od -Sii it made to Order for $ 12,.009 large stock of gocôtch, ]English ana Canadian Tweeds, Blàok Worsteds, etc., to select from. Special lin. of RlEÂVY TWEE~DS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, suitabee for Business Suits or Boys' Wear. SFUJLL iSTOCK QF GROCERJES ALWAYS ON HAND. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. BROORLIN, ONT. FU1..NITURE - -FORb-- Dottage or- Castie, -AT- PICES Wl/CH WILL ASTONISH YOU. CALL ON WM. HAILT, BROOKLIN. -00- Ci~ 'unorals Fully Supplied," cLU WIîiLby WoolIlen MI1Mq Mdidway between Brooklin and Columbus, on the 7th Concession. We are'now prepared, to make al O-oods, sucli as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Sheeting, Shirtings, AIl-wool bed Blankets, and Yarns in ail varieties Knitted Goods kept ini stock for the patrons. wu kinde of, Wooilen Union Flannels, Blankets, Horse and ail kiuds of accommodation of Dyeing in, ail colors done to order. Highest *tce pad for any quantity of WooI. tkildenrspromptly iilled. Du' BO WEIMA N df tg0N, ARCADE, T9RONTO. A School lhorughly Egqulppid for Busine8m Troainng.- BOOKKEEPINGY E~(NHP BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BU&INffl ÂR1TEIO, CoMEGLLÂW 5HOBTHAUD» 4D TYPE-WBITINQ I¶ÂOTIOALLY TÂtYGUT.", FIN Ç8T ROOMS INCANADA~' sond for Ofrc#ilsr Âddrm. 27 0. O'DEÂ,&rtr. JrwÂ.a B. Dat, E q., Aoeouus*oest, 2!oronto. Sxa,-Hsving. e lime age cemplelet a cearma smcêbàtmally cf proslng, bolitusa a! Ezam~u et soboot lesciters f lite Cen wuol trail Dqp ont li CRI' fsi 8Wtr OCmosi aÎ nlght-worse-by'N satchlng-very distresslng. If lowed te continue tuinors for=i wi bleed aud ulcerate, becomaing very SWAYNE98 OINTMENT 4Stopa the ltchlng and bleeding. ~ehaaulceratlon,sud tin -*-many cases remo'o MANHOOD' BHow Lest, BGW Restorol!1 Just -pub idanew edition o! Dx. OULvheRWexLL'5 ONLE- BD.ÂTED EjBàÂy on the radica- ciUre SPIBXÂTOEEHoeA Or Sominai Weakneus, IIvluar'MSeminai Lo«es, II!poTrxcv, Menta1"aPhYsicaI Incapacity, Impedi. menta to Mar«iae tc lso, oeNmus zx BIPIEPSY asad rrs, iniuced by seidUl- gence, or sexual extravagance Me Tihe celebratied author, l in U-admirable essay, ol"axl emon4tàtps hsilrty years' succeso efu ce,tt Lb. alarmin oonsequences of self-abuae may b. aloU cured ; dointing cut a mode of!-cure at once simple, certain, ud effectuai, by means of whioh evezy sufferef, ne maLter what bis condition may b., may. cure himsell cheap- ly, privatelj sudat<idictifli. MW This lecture aboul -e in Lb. bands oi every youth mud every man iu the land. Sent under seai, in a plain .envelettl auj &adress, po8t-paid,. on respt oefour cents or two postage stampu. Addes, The CUL VER WELL MEDWC4L Ce.s 41 knu St., NeèwYozk. Peust Mres Box 4504lyl DR.'>*DOR!ENWEND' S- la lte onlY T la!i amUsai i

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