Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1887, p. 5

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cAi NTH. iid 15e pýryrd s SpÇCial value.e 15C. 25c. -and 40eq at low prices. ily 75e. per-yard ý1 per yard. rloths, the iî IE A4RGA/1J orium-. Burns' Qoluimu. TUE. JWPOSSIBL,.. uDeyer can stop thie billoWglroi lingd the winde tili they blov niote, rive ttisIe fe a mas. unu mueot tell what the future viùý .rnext yeer corn or cetton t5',i rhether bis welth wiII qUlokl lb 9-U eaU 3aevefrein Povcrty'sululer, thérloeschildreiu snd loue, waîou wite, siil? exuieitof iusuraag1 vitII.IIsfotwear frein Un." : rand uJSave monte. 4:Lâ.y .a' el in this easy w4y, ,IILY sved fur e rainy day."'- utr godg are so nov sud se W ollail it ie net te tae. ur Wheat yu wikut et a very rit vofi llthîk s p eo yoursoli ? ~wotbeprunella bc pid punella- gaiteri. s.Our dollar bous.1 et-- ln town-worlb1 We bave a lady's. boa:, worksd buté Naui,9 sud well made, fi pensive makes, ah a re on coet. - eboeq are lie accep s bi oming seasen. ,4uada. ammou Wear for'u wes have 'a botter a ion Ihau even before. 1 sortmont of boots tàr Iren is Dow complots S isebeol boots, w'arr tougi seige,indfea m ou baud. dgit add liaI ve 1 *mkmene mplèoe4 ? Moeive Our preuspa er istl. esi4 io 1beriood. S geflOfBY akoiG - i.opr&tOT must have eome of OptiOs and vitl h.heme*. caiOiconstruction of Speotaclès 1ý yegIa8j5es te fit them proper. )iy r. j. S. BARNARD lia oiOf these 'qualifcâtiOns eanda stock of SPECT ACLES -.1N D- EY EGLAS SES large enougli to correct &Il. the de. fects of sight that eau be helped by tho use of classes. lis charges are very mnoderate. SS. BARNÂRD, WATCHMAKER & OPTICIANY BROOK ST., WHITEY. W~itb~ Qliirouick. JULY 29th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICSI WHAT 18 BOING ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS A 3hel's anang ye, takin notes, An' taith helU prnt ItL Tu& Canugton driving club iuîend to hold a trotting sud ruuning meeting ou tbeir track on Angmet 30tb and 31.. Liberal purse.. villb. given. Mfr. John H. Gerrie, accompauied by John F. Gibean, mado bîe sixti bicycle trip froni Toronto te Wbitby on Batur- dey last, r.turniug as usuel on Snnday eveuing. IT vas intended te beld a meeting ct counoil on Wednesday nigbt te lItre. du.. tbree bonns by-lavs now bsing prepsmed, but the. lime vas found te b. tee short and the. meeting wiii be iield on Mouday mgbht noit instead. ON Wedueadsy merniug a cmy et fine mt Armtroug's botel woke up about a hnndred people lu about thirty seconds'. à rush vas made forer b.biase. vicb A",s industriously lryiug te .11mb up on top cf 1h. kilehea, but was eruelly equelqied is ils career by Mn. Calver- l.y wbe souoed tlb. dare viti a psu etf vater. ý B[LL Nrz writseto s bald-beadod fisnd wiiosaike bis dii. about hair restoers, as follovo:-$"Take yonr bair invigeraten mouey sud buy a towu lot in a gnoving towu liaI supports its bonis papen sud adverlises mnd go.. abcad, and yen viii flud lu îwouty yeares tut yen viii b. veli fixed, sud a man who i. veli flz.d de.& net came rnuob wiiteuh o iebasmuob hair on net. Ma. Taes. WILSON, et Brooklil u made a usw dopm.nurM iluhlb He of' borseflenh. R. returbed frorn tii. oldf couutry ou Wedueedey briaging vith', him five besutitul Clydssdale marle coise wbicb h. b.d punohased lu File- sbire, Sootland. AUl fiv" etood the.trip val1 sud-seemed te breathe Ibis foreigu air in perfect content. Mn. Wilson is net sure wb.tber ho viul b. abls te, fil up bis stock for tb. fsll faire or uol,but v. hope se. Tii. ides et fillingsastable viti goed breediug umares i. geod and viiiprove s profitable investmeut. Mit. Ja.. CÂMPBBLL retumued, ou Wed- nssday moraing freai a trip te Miseou- ri to visilbiabrother Robert. His ma lier. vas attise boat possible lime of ysam fer judglug lis advantngesof thse COUuhty, as lis crope . *jusl nov b.wng aken Wu.Mr. Camnpbell fouud Missouri oeuefethle fluest famming 00cutries on the c"ouSnnt. Itl ba vousderfully ricis, deop oeil, mnd lu walemed by fine, lar&e rivera. Parmiag thone le doue ou a MIofetm&MuIine vhicis deligil a visitor. thé. oropal rally yi.ld the large-amouse . bave otten beard ofand theomsare very long, thser.b.lng soely any jyluler. ÂAmerioau cerna"d wb.at a«d lsayoau be-greva 10 siassI u y.lsl,. sud thé fanuiuq appllmmeesa aue lith" hur o..neel lb.h vorli. t. bo the, 816 of Âugiis. There' ha. àot beesarueh taIl v14aU le whal »P" ia viiib. raa f~thil day. ob.etr1wiR kaown boe.h.he appoiuwothé e 6.Enullhdepartmn in Cobourg QollegtlaIulte.. Tmatm in t8tâfford & Cormack la dxusolved. 1Mr. Oorrnk a o 51 arry on the business in -futur.. Dour- th. time Mfr. oerrnaok bas. bemin ubusiess ho bu etmuoeded in m.king many triende sud w. truSt b. vilsncceed. A. DÂ2K cloud eVepread the lowu yeuterday mornIng wiien the express arrived from Toronto. A. coloied buse- bail club camne off. So dark was the oloud oversbadowing ns thât it mistook itseif for a etorm and rained Pbmrpiy for ten minutes. WHY don't the proper authorities put up the gse at the. crioket fild, us ordired by the. Cennil ? A. number of ladies visiîod the field on Tuesd.y and b.d to go sway agan or stand up. Lt wonld ouly ceet about 820 to put gests along in the. ibad. of thé fonce aud COLONIST sI6Opiflg -o&t are . te b. n on tii. 0. P. R., in future, frornail pointe in Ontario for the*. Nortb.west, and the lins ie nov direct to London West, the. new linka having been finish- ed. Mfr. Jas. Long, the Wbitby agent of the C. P. B., sglls tickets for the Nortii-west, frora. eithem Toronto or Myrtie, for ordinary passage or coloniet sleeping-cars. IN uDnother oolnxnn will b. found tiie comnienoeeno of a trip &round th. nortiiemu lakes by ab band cf jolly medical students. A.mong Lthé number we'e Messrs. J. Oarnpbe1 ll. B.colline, L. Bsrker sud otiiren ft tus own. Lt waes aboy trip-ail boy sud &Il lite. Froni prîrats sourcoes w.learn th&&thtei people of tthe north oouiDtry neyer baid snob a noisy viitation before. W. are pleaeed to learn the. boys baid snob a Titi Preobyterian ladies b.d tbe gardea psrty ef lb. s.asoù at Miess Ket.cben's ou Wednesday nlgbt. No botter evening eould b. seiected non could a better place bave beau desired. 8ome tve thousand people (more or lms) voe proseut. The grouOnda ver. lighte up te bobut possible advmn- tmg. and refreshmeut tands placed in the.Mest cornmaudiag fasions-he ouly objection being tisai lhen. vasnn Place te oit devis. People b.d le stand at th. tee-table, ah the ice-cream stand aud everywhene elso and il vas tee tire. Berne. Tii. baud did s great demi te add ho lie eveuiug's pleasure ile a number ef ladies kept the piano going aud sang te great applanso. W. dons1 aee why sncb s garden parhy couid net bc conduoted once or lvi.. a week. Oua personal relations viti Dstec- tive Meâuifse are somevbst strained &gain. He .ayo the. boys mround tevu dynamite hlm pbysically and thon ve dynamite him morally. On Fiday las; ~ 0 h.l "d. ai Oalad »t,, an4 otber garmeuls wbicb migbt b. ceusi- dered as bsing superinnon zsnob ab occa.sion, amd care &ho tii.officeho g#i.e us a fleing. He kuova viisre the. flgbting editor roama round, but liv.. dsd the dangerous precluets without exbibitiug lb. leas degme ofetfean more than Ibat bis face va. about tiie celer et a duck-egg amd hie kuees knoeked togethen a littho like cymbale. Tii. scrapping sditor vas ont aI the Urne sud iuteuds te remain ont until the vsliant deteetive cm b. induced te, aigu a treaty et peso.. Il la ootly visu ou. bas te bide babiud tllphene polo., ~boxes, etc., aud skip icite doonvays tisaI the beauties oethIis neveipaper lite become appàreut. A JOINT meetig Oet he ilcen@e com- mistioners *ud the exeguive commiltee of tiie Scett Ast Aseeclatlon vas beld in tb So' Hall Whilby on Ftiday lait for the promotion et Temperaue womb. Tbe tellowiug gentlemen ver. added t te . ooetlee. vài, KM. Tsgrvrte;J.Bgitr.Raln H. B. Taylor, Y. Gibio, D. Omiton md os. Jobushon, Whithy; F. Hulohimon, Baleum; T. J. Hoiday, Bneoklun; Wn. Rosu sud Mr. Boxall, Port PernT; Mr. Watso, Gnebak; Messrs. Piakehh and'Rexosr, Pioeriug; Thos Morris, Osiawa; sMd A. hnuis, EstWbieby. Lu rebtemee he .lete reenly msento le luspechor >,b7 tie, Seçretswy.,ef hooommlli#ee .b. fow- lng rmululIou vas meadby* Ur' Bos Joustou, seooud.d by M ~ B. Taylor, Md esmz.d vithi bUoeed. Senting vol teisbâ a uviev 01t1h.e- express hiqir otuifalaeue e medsy Md effol=.nof t mJ., Feguou a Luspeotor, ud reooumeud l*.M, e bu, heüy ~ot d l in ieefforts la for thùme *Who meurt the d.al et Mm T4ylor ou WtdoW*dy. -D.cea.FM:v long a resdeunt- oet Iis- viohity, and the raolber oft Io, of «ur Ieadiug oltizeus, Nefsau. chas. "adE.BIL ylm Bvu's agent ha.sgudaouro wlt theii Grnd Tmunlifor tht Irans. poration hirogb Canaot làs cirous trais t08 cars and i advirtli.ug ouirs. Tiie show enters Canada at' Bous Point on August 2Ttb, and go.. ont at Suspension Bridge on September 20tb. TRuia llittie malter thst tome of our SubSoriberS bave lemlngly for. gotten entirely. Sorne of tbern have made ut many promiSeS, but bave not kept them. To uS it il a very impor- tant matler. Lt il neoelary in our buSineSS, W. are very mode#ttaud don't like to $Peak cf it. Do yen kmcv wbal ve mean ? SÂTs tiie Port Permy Standard :-Ope of lbe fair soi frem the front informe ns, sasthe resuit ef careful and nnbissed cslculation ate meeting of ber sozinw ene of the. tovus belov meutioned, tb.t tiiere are 60 old maide in Whitby, 120 in Oshawa aud four car loade iu Boy. manvulle. 0f osos w. can't vouch for tb. veracity cf lb. statêrnent, but if snob is tiiecase. it bas beera suggeeted tiat it would b. veil fer Berne of them te tae.astrip eut tuis way, ou more particularly te, the uerth of boe, viiere vives are eaid 10 b. in great dernand. M" thst je parried go wcmbin is cf many daye. mdfutilet trouble. Lu the. merning he drawe bis salary and in lhe evening beboid it is gens. It te a tale that ie told ; it vsnioiietb sud ne one knows whitber il geetb. H. raiseth up olotbed in tiie cbilly garaient cf the. nigbl and seeketii lb. somnambulent paregonc viere vitb te seotbe colicy bowels in bis infant posterity. H.obW oometb as s borse or oz and draweth tb. chariot cf bis offipring. Hoe peud- .tb hie shekels in tbe purobse ef fine linon te cover the bosom et bis fsmily, yet iirelf in seen in t. gales cf lthe eity witb oeensupeuder. Yee, b. je allogether wretciied. AT tii. auotien sale efthte eld Byron- street Ocugregational ciiurcb property, on Monday, Mr. P. B. Whitfleld rescb. ed down* into bis poket a Verq Consi. derable deptb, and the. vbole tbsng vas knecked dowu te hum. Te our notion, tbis lot jieue o et i.meet desirabis. building ites in towu. Sitnated on a bigb cerner, convenient le the business places, sud yet iu a oompsratively secluded place, il m eaubmiade oeeoe lb. meut Charming locations we bave. But il vill tae. roney. Sbeuld our frlend Mr. Wbitfleld corne Up te our expeotations, ho viii commence early neit spning and ereot a reuidence and arrange grounds iu keeping viiitiith opportuuities lthe location bas. And then% . mulaling Mr. W.'. noble exarn. pie, s fev more of our sleepy citizeus who bave mcney but aetee slow viii corne eut and bnild tiiemselvee deceul habitations and the e wis viiiak. up.- Un. DmwT B-etows u -nahieftl, leving for insertion :-'Ovig î101 hé by. Iaw oomiug in féoe.ou September lot, pobibiting citizens fram ba"ïn more tsbm oue cov, L viii oeil one omsbed. raspbermy cooioow, aged siï yeara. 5h. is a good rnilkster, and lu net atraid ofet ecars-or mnytbing else. BSe ilaa 00W of undanntedcourage sud gived milk trequêntly. To a man wbo does net fear de&s16inu my femm ah. would b..a g»a stboon. 8h. lu very mucii attachea '-te ber home at present. by means ef a tmaee ebain, but oh. viin h. sold te snyoue wiio viii agre.te Ireat hem rigbt. 8h. la one.fonrth ehorthora and three.fourthi hyeua. Purchasers saeednet' b. identlfled. 1 viii aime tbmow in a double.bamrel shel gise vhieh goea wîth ber. lu Masy she generally go.. avay somnewi.re for a wsek or twe, and raturas vith a hall, red caif, with long wabbly legs. Uer Dame as Rqoe, and I ould prster te se11hem te a bn-rilet.Enquire st lb. Royal Hotel bsarber abop. Tmi Domiqiou eiiibitiou forthe pro- seut year je to e bieid at Torontofrm the. 5th ho tihe 1716 of Beptember uQîl, lu oujunohlob vilh hiegreat industmI Pair, a d lise Ivo euhbitiomsoouibiu- ed in one viii vithoitt doubl b. the:, aru dest affur ofthe kindwvahaw yet niCanwada. -Tiih-e"md aus1 mttiste laresp, e 8000 The.Tomeuto le irean. maklg greaê 16.1 ,islbioudýsaumilbuildings f I ô. F ~VrdL~e N STEWART Will on SATIJRDAY, the -9th. J1ILY, _comm ence their Great, Summer Sale, when the entire stock of Summer Gnods will'be marked- down and cleared out regardless of cost. Startling bargains will be found in every department. Stocék stili very large and attractive. Ladies in town and counitry will save money by purchasing at this grèeat clear- ing sale of s rEw"V No. 1, DEVERELU~S BLOCK, Re & q 's, BROOK STIREET, WHIITBY3. je APBL Expected an advance in Cotton Goods, Cash in BIG QUANTITI ES BEFORE 80 bouglit for THE RI.SE. We* are selling Cottonades, Shirtings, Factory and, White' Cottons, at OLD PRICES so long as thepresent stock-%i& holds out,' fleductions in the Price of Summer Goo Jsw STOCK THOROUGHLY ASSORTED. NEWGOODS-Men's Cool Under Wear, Linen Coàts, Linen Vesta,- Boy's, Suitse AUl colors ini Plushes, New Styles in Trimming Silks, Black Silk Velvet, Stri ped aitins, Cream Lawns, White'Lawns, Cream Seersuokers, Corsets from 1~7 to 32 nhsSy- jali Prints, Straw Rats, White Beits, Rib.bons, B3lack Silks, Linen -ButggyWataps,ý Mos- quito Netting, Cheese Cloths, Summer Drese Goods, New Style Muelins.. GENTS sSTRÂW RATS ONLY 2 ET , ÂNDREW- DR-Y M. QOO Owi'ng to the extreme wrmweather.,of thé,p prices have wilted' on aàil Our, Our- ýRES g a" ôi of Véry goo& onlkeler. trom Pickeing v,iS*4,pade'Fuday bast a' varm a&yfor àour W itby--club. Thse Pîok.rlug ma u dD s t came dovu m atter Ain sa, hieh of eoues en"h.a elusilen ouyon,fl9t l g. Whistby first vont 'a d, touai Eddy'& bowling tu b. a - moet4aamortvitklud. In o&bm ru4=0WtMW thé lus lt tW W**u. Tii put ipvi th*' 1

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