Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1887, p. 3

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'Aid durtu 18 lut 3 muot.,188 5 rlhlb tral 1ru l,» *1 l.gsI %ad socurîlý a mnade ln u no casegi &vry alton ~erUw~ 1 ty, to Wh~ iUparticul~ le wie mo tb ~DON, of Ontarlo q erry, Ont. ,Y T~LOAN tMotgsge st Loy aste Le Canada Moan and S~'t, for the We stern, &suruý0 oer Gerries Block, Wbjîb7 s'rarppng rpoa, Iy te. ,25 centam Per hundre. Apply tot TIAI SOIFICB. LB L i-Twh W & 88S TV] ffONI ESS lh~ s thore sr oods, cer( OLUy. etc.,,c Ir 4iSbufil ,tLier at fUit y o NEW I11GB. STABLES, _VERELL. 'RN-OtYTB 's Notice. '-ST D£tLU<oi. dwth jute. rfered andofld ercharlud- reputatIfon ef le Coeulae4 tion by drav- ~ution t thee eenthatthe I OREET COU' L zoe 4t- genum.& ug saiIm roved ING AGINE.'- 'oHld sOn. For heap by RBAI _S, Sole Agent. bll rkIID igta time-» pflTC1bu TjN MST 0 uï"l!factfi-ne )>Muo 0the fronts as 0ual, a.nd inetYuo1iY* a"U". t in ag wthe n=rý ~repeivefl1 of tJiori o Nf!IOfltitioD of th. ÂriioBhip Riol* tà oQnef Engliand by the Prest, dotlf Ibo United 81aMs, he h.yeur" îrttSfl by Dr. masieldn N Ofis, bc, f the expediticu. It includet tatinformation of n any pointa ingpota1 rti exeplortAioilst logethor th lo i desoaicf th. finding of theBeeOlut5 as it drifted on thé ioe. bu'g t whiob it was frozen, and th. #ncsinof events Ihat cufminute itthe gif t to tbhe Queon. The pr*. sonttilbII 900DB 1U giVOA nfot ODIy ini the graphie language of an eoewitness;, but b ouh uelaCt ooP y cf the farmons histoflO Paint.ing Of Sdnun a~ MaRde st tlw. tinie by direction of ýb. Que00 froin iustaltafloQB pbotopraphs anid careful portrait studios. "The firet N4epPaper West of the Alleghanies" ie the ,econd article, fromem PeuOn f th. s*c0Mpliphed Kentucky writer, Wm. Berury Perrin, and it le admirably iuluetrated. à ehorter papor ile "Th. 'Latrobe Corn-Stalk Columne' in the «#ilàl o'f Wacbingtofl," by Eugene ABhton ; ties is folloed by one of the sbleot studies of th.e sasofl, in -Tho origin of tb. Feder'sl Constitution," by professor Franicia N. Tborpo,, of the University of Pencsylvani-a study which no toucher or pupil eau afford to Miss. ."Indian Land Grant. in Wes. tern Massachusetts," by Mr. E. W. B. Canning, of Steckbrid ge, lu excellent. The editor adde a ploasant chapter, "A Love Romance in istery" , and Judge William A. Wood ocotributes an onuag- ing @etchboft "Lafayttes Vieilte Missouri. Among theo contributors b the varied departmeflts are ; Bey. Dr. Bl. S. Storro, Hon. S. G. W. Benjamin, Profeasor A. G. Ecpkins, Bey. W. M. Beauohamp, Edward F. do Lunoey, Profeslier Oliver P. Bubbard, Misa Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, Col. wSr. L. Stone, Col. Chare Ledyard Norton, and George William Curtis. Subéorip- tiOfis price., 5.00 a ye&r in advance. Pnblished ut 743 Broadway, New York City. Washingtofl Letter. - (Ji'om our rogul&r Correspondent) "ABSRINGTOq. D. C., Jaly 29, 1887.- AI th. White fBouse, the -receptioli cf tbe different delegutes, Who came te in-* vite th. Fre.ident te Visil their States, hue been the order cf the week. On Menduy the Prosident received the Missouri delegutien headed by Mayor Froucis, of St. Louis. The. Commitlco va. reeeivod in the. library on th. sec- ond -floor of the Ezeoutive Mansiion, noît to tbe Proident's privat. office. If il had been kuevu how large it %4Pe, arrangements would have boB. mmd. te recoiave the gentlemen compes- ing il, lu lb. East room. Aiter the ustand udcomplimentur! speech ot Mayor Francis, tbe Preeêdent roplied in a fev vellFohosen words, and uccepted th. invitation le vieil St. Louis, ut lbe limetofthe Blute Ezpouitionsund Mechanical Fir; stipuluting, hewver, that big 'viil le St. Louis ohonld not interfere with his proposed trip te Atlanta, Gau., which ie uranged fer the fireI veok in Octeber. The. Mayor re- pliod 1ha1 ail ventA b. mnaeA te suit ihe cenvenience eft1h. Preaidant, anA., lu conclusion, rentinded hlmtaithe. invitation exprosly lucluded Mrm Cleveland " wbcmthe Predeoni muet not forget te bring. Mr. Clovalund re- plied thut 1"1uhe would not et li'hm for- getliber." BoIh speeches. thal et 1h. mor and 1h. President's reply, ver. 0o0tinually intemipted by cheers and upplause, anA &lie Miesonrians .purted juPbilatverîbh -eseaof their mis- aione n 1th eartineu oetIbeir rec.p- ion ut the White Houme, and Aoubtleu rejoicod that lhe Preoident in ne vise held th. peop.etfMisson-ri oesponsible tor the reason oet1he vithdravul ofthbu firetsimcplauce- On Wednesday, the Chiot Magitrali again received a delegation Ibat CamN froa Knse City, to invite him te sex tend Isetrip veet le liaI place. -After a repetition e thIe ipeeoh.s anA &p. lanse et th. previens receptiou, the oreid&t uceepted the invitafion. à omille. frein Lynchburg, Va., hud aise sked iii. ?roeidoent le houer tlb. lovu- Se b as mot yet given aM anaver. lt vil! b. -seen by tlie.pro. pou.8 journeye, tuaI Mr. ClçveIand vil tuàko un exiended leur in tue South and West in lte tail, inoluding goye" Slutes MdA mosuofet iii. I weniia route. Tiis-opinwlquve *viAeotibal th» er.i slttealnOu t"s-pu$, of th Eleoulive Of âlllnç 'au exfir% ' s' et Congremie. oertawny Dt nelu ta.> .when ho proposée leb.absent fr01- lt.e epitul.-' Thé,.4"-41 -of m..*seDeuttil Tyler i mu ufeilufreini prtialParaly on. day lui wpek, ma feulinathe air"I Ha-wus tuken tol'bbs hotus intm- USd Ci Stole Nmneten Horses. epture of a Desperado near Hesp- LONG CAREER 0F DARINO DEPREDA- TIONS. On.eofthle mesi oztraordinary re- corde cf audacicus Ihloviug ever knovu in Canada vas related te an Adverlige-r man in connection wi&h thle rocent cap- ture et Chai'. Stormr., alias Kurl Krue- ger, vho for yeare puot bue been the terirrof Waterloo county. In: ourlier duys ho. was by turu aseomâker, a tailc'r and a sobool toucher. Fer a while ho hived in Clifford township, wbere b.e tole a lot of livf stock but esouped detection. Then h. turned up near Hesplor, and for steallug r in" fiuna A. & J. Clemnens, millers, get five yesars imprisonment, and a eleilar terni forstealinR sheep trom Jas. P. Phino. reeve of Waterloo. Wbeu Pon- tened on the latter charge ho thresteu- ed Mr. Phinn liat ho would make him rue the preBSCutioi3. Strange te aay thul Stortu hsd net b9en eut cf prison a week bofore Phinn's barn was bnrned down, involvuig a lose et about 06,000 te thul gentleman. Ho buil lhe barn, but in a year's ltime it'«vias again de- etroed. No arrosi vWu mîde., fMr the crimeofetarin could nos b. fastoued- upen Storm. Hevever. aîne thal lime herse stouing hoa. been arried on in Waterloo county almosl vithonl lu. terri tien, and furmors have lest bue. giel', h arneas and other aricle, a. ell. Il hue been useetined Ihut ciA Slerms (for ho ià more tbm 0 yeur old) bha.tlonaine legs than eightsen valuable herse. an»vaswu 1h. »tof e steuling th. ninqtewihh vh.u 1h. 1mw laidhboldnapon hin. LustfMilheoMo1e a $600 tearn"ef herses vhich h. had actually the nerve te exhi41iut Boy- munvûl. show, iaking a prizo anA hen tarned 1h. animaeover lo théPals. The uitnetthherte, verth $200,vwu stolon frein Ur. John,Clemenis (On. ci th. mou et whem h. orlilaaily moe grain.) clemons traeed tw-amml k a bote!l n Hullen ana recovored il, but the. Ihief huA elipped-away, leavlng Ibe bat ut the bote!, and siarted te vali back le Hospier,' iiLte.nalg. a e h h * smo. statedt te sisallte house ove aga,amhe huadpromiedlit t.a ma Au Nevouali. Chie! t ofiles Hmn Winlerhsof ouepier s uappnise de tho hbi.!'s mevemonts dârae t eoàulg tovardhim ho got oui auù 'muaa a pr.oe thai hie Vehiel.h é* broken down but inu a' orm-oMm' op b.ouddeuÏ iy mlsd hlm attlmapp. na fOur cabrdS.àir vle Sloaded; aud rlantan iiid à b 14o fulies keys. YFor *th ouI'pinra ýWiuM àhan gels $250 reward frounlb. eun"t hi di. e O j ie A In,,4%61 g *ot oeuffboe -1WlJ. -,An. x. kZ 1_ti (*0" io mscooitlion, of tlii utio. -7 riUîyieçig 1h. Vary you ~lu iWaslngtn hua bee v 1' msd up.riud.dby the sOtof-the; 1utIde o ý q-ka.' TIi hg, es ueànmb okenst f ot cf a iI f igh .doaths. iàou se". wore fa»tî i ier one yeaw.i ere ne r per r»edvif eihtr, foý bétau onàtinuas to shine wih*D&nbýtd~io and Ibè frqnont asbMbee s b 10,'n change of -teloperalinre. atr«eeit it inipoibls nôt to talle. bôoït 1h. w.uthor, The !ros f business aI lb.eP4@t Office Dépirtment is Bo hoavy that the. Postunaster Genèra1 aboom, nobligsd to stop lb. gransiffg of louves ei absence t. omployoos nnt.il aller 1h. firel of September. The housohold effeots of Oricar J. Harvey, the forger, woe sold the other day by 1h. eha»l cf 1he District un- der p.remptory ordors by 1he Court. Tho sale vil not realize onough to de- crese the amount stolon by Harvey from th. Governmeu$, tle any percep. tible dogro.. a veryhandsome pair f crimeon ,pertieres brought $8, *and' a rare vas.evau knooked down te ûe:j only'bidder for flfby cents. The r c -3t cf llSe furnilur. wue sold ut the s~ ridi. colonsly loy figures. Lt ~e-sthal Harvey had a passion for ecilecting rare sadhundsome furnit r" aud bric-& brau. il i. saW lheo otivated 1h. criminal aceompliâhnent o!f orglng i order le indulge ini hi * ç1ove of tho fine arts. Ho obtained iLie positionsas treasurer il je reporte,'4, through a forg- ed letter from Sý.Lr. Bandait M. C. froan Pa. In' ;e nria'S wtt.! -istM orn ise7e-r:ierpart -cf 6Jim th. As it Will b. One Hundred Yeanrs ence.'. Miss Araminta Fitzgiggs te James Augustus De Brown, st aun orial pienie party one hundr.d miles from the oity. Turne, midnight-",Dearest Augnelus, viii yen lot me Ose. yen oe.2" H. {saade)-l shouidn's wdndbr il sho'd Propose to-night." (&loud, bush- fuly)-"'I do not know. My m'. bore. Perhapse h. iii xpect me te go vîlh her." She-"O0h, ne1 1 jnsls ur *your mu drive awuy with .ber now orometer, se t h ehvildrive home, wbile w, wil ving it on the soft, lambont airj ad 'y. something seot te tell yen, love." Re-"'Oh!1 Araminla, yen'ro a flirt!1 but for 1h18 lime 1 yield." Thon fly svay. She-"1No!1 by Hleaven L'an true, James Agualtus. (Pnttiuig ber uran affectienalely about bis valet.) 1 have long wiah.dte say somothing le yen that concerne my whole life. Deareel, vill yen be mny hneibund ? I eau sup- port yen iu luxnry; my buse is prosperons; 1 have money in ba.nk ; L own a bouse, and eau cherih and pro- tedt yDu. i love yent, my darling, and vi» make yen a good vite. Bey 'Y-eB' and make mehappy 1" Bo-A.raminta, yen do noýthink et what yen say. Yen cunnot consider whak t, i viituke te support a bnsband 1k. me, oducated a. L have been by my muain the moot expenuive tueesand babils." She-'#ýDo ntsy"o"duel *Wi verk f'or yen. I viii do anythig -even te go on the stage. Only »uY that yen vill have me." He-""No 1 ne!1 Ar minta; yen knew net vhat yenusuk. ?tvill heuabrother le yen. L Iilb. your guardian angol. I viii alvays h. ready t. accompany yen le Ithe opera or theatre. I will alvuys orne le Tou for money or advice; but L cannes marry you 1" Sh.-"'«You muaet 1yen ehai.t Lt yen refuse me I viii hant yen aml your lifs, fer le.morrow my oold corpee shall be fonndlinthe bay and-en my pereen a letter toling Ihal you have dec.zve& me and loft me hopeleas." He-.w'Âre yenu in ourneet, daling ? (asids) lId botter éos. on ber. Maybe 1Lcst 't do botter, andIl'm getting passe. (blond) Take me 'theu, deare afflam- a ia; I an yours ftomer!"'1Re tla kinle ber armet. Sh. embraes. an a issles-hlm, sMd Ihoy arrive ut hie r niohher"door. br Of e: Whm Bibby lu» uis. we gaveb«eeOaakh WhSn ab* vua sO ba citabs « frCasionlu. Whue àhe bocéie 10., Ibo e4ug l Cautonia, Zx.GovmuorPe1ef OblQe le wolh entMau su umiru gs bit mo- OONStJWP¶'ION CURI. À4 cl 9 > 1 . rtio Ioi ~at 1 ,, I j vo taken Pii Priies and Gol&Kedals Thwewhohav ý t r u=ndnd*.t&B It is jugt th. Macbi+e for the Publie. Deiail Xindis of Sewing. 1-Mii bmeo Me0 'aV 11.' ~ ~ an tn o ud rote6 rmuid, e e tb's g lu o'ifàn&s oua tait. '%ô,I vi-a-teband* nd hw. Tou e b~ rUO n Thali hý. etedth6.ornpayý murmured sniai U,"Waun't<il The guesta &~Ili departed and th. happy couple wv, re lot alone. "Wamn't l 11106, Miunie, le siee'ail Our frien'ls arrnnd us so happy Pjý "Ye i ws.Butj ohna, thaï' re- "Ahi seme s i il ad eenonl'y .,Y ,P deur; Ibere are only re tlhugs you're wrong about in "htl "Wrongt? Oh, neo1' "Jo0hn ; I arn serry yen told that tery, because I nover vent le a pic-nie with yen before vo ver. married ; 1 was neyer in Richrnond i n y fe, and I nover refnsed yen." "4My durling, yen muet be wrong 1" "41 arnot wrongt, Mr. Smith. I hure -un excellent momory, and, allhough v. have been rnarriod twenly-five yeas, I"d l1ke te know vho Ihat minit iie wa.TouYenover told me about her b.- fore.') ISPR-ING SUITSa.L JOH-N FERCUSON LB 8HOWING A SUPERIOR STOCK OP Scotch, English and -Canadian 'Tweeds AnA ether :fine line8 cf Cloths,« for Spring suité. AUl gurments macle up in latest stylo on shortest notice. aeady-made Men's and Boys' Sui»s, Gents' FurnisIiings and HATS TILý HA1 Latesi styles ini Huarcl s Soft Feit'Hate VEBY CHEÂP. - Dundas St., Wkitb3 TIHE 'QUEE ., , ,JU-ILEE,. TE BIRAZILIAN -WARBEHOIJSE Will celebrate the event by a cornpleteê revolution in the CR0CKIEReY FOR TH E. NEXT TRADE,)ý Bo DAYSe Colored IJinier Sets> , o-rd ea sts ad colore Ohamýber sets, abmtua]y gvn wy ag soofentïre New ýPattoru na dsle to We- tlebetrade ln u ASand 0 S adgee raI G rce res.- W o ca r <l r e to I a 4 s l at b t m 1- Lsefzi.huànranénaia foi 811, - 'NtitV fOh, itr k I q Th oe Boat Judlges suy Ul on. is th. Bon#. t àu built with a diew to Duxabiliiy aUéd - Beauty. ¶he Beut Instrument te Buy. Cu anaudSeo Our Goods. H-. W.. FOX, AGENT., BI London and Lanoalhire Life Company. cA Lie peicy, sd has deposited with the Beceiver Gonoral lu appro'ved 0a»a&ia seourlties ovor $10000 for .aoh $100.00 1 liablity, thns afording ABSOLUTB se- cuimty. . < a - -ý Partis desious etof~ zn their lives wMi find ilte o heu ud&=ntagetconsuit te underigned befere asmuring elzewhcre. Ybitby,my ]8t '86.-ly JOHN GeneHrsiANt PATE NTS CANADI1A NS- tvo cears. T the baiattoeoOnlý "Umle ddyiS refrene Sar.,on cO'UNTY 01 1. -Whtbvb 04 * -J y , , - 1 ý:e-- -iiýlýll. WRITBT. lm 1 A nov ftreatrnenthasàboén dis oerd wheére», a pemmrinaob *or Cf b titisherto Incrable ne utter itetim Er sf ig ouei days und notiinterfSe*eith business. Descriptiveparnphlot Mt froe(o reWept ci stsrp by lroRONTO, oCAAB. I-he Dominion Origans* ana pIaRos bd iki km obi ü Simple and Lasta a IilMtime. 1 1 ' 1 b~ ~o General Agent Underciéthing of aliXinds. HATS! HATS 1 HATS 1

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