~ e pe5t'~must have some rOî1aoqui&itafloe h 01 Optes and with the me" WW c00ntruotiog of Spectacles' - W fit them proper- of ofy S.BARNARD has qualificationB' and a SPECTACLES -AND- EyE-GLAS SES large 01oghto correct ail the de- LcIs Of sight that can be helped by tà e use of glasses. veymoderate. 15.per -yard.. peci 1 value'. i5cý and 40:. 75c. pet' yard, ~ei V-,ard. -hs, rhe- finest u m1 S' C0LUMNO 8L4 UGIITEI1 to 011r éustoni jwe are 1IImer lnes at [TERTPICES out.i Ietter to !,du this than ('r to next ,sumuigr. lies' Àidre's tan colored îetter wýaring goode Itlennkgshoes 1 tred soxýû splendîj ithe zýostpan i~hborIiclod Ris charges are Ij. S. BARNARD, 'WATC13A.KER & OPTICIAN, BROOK ST., WHITBY. WIjitb~ Qflironick, AUGIJST 5th, 1887. LOCAL LACONIOSI WHAT 13 GOING ON li AND AROUND TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS A 3hiel's smang ye, takin note., An' f itb be'U pnent iL. THE towu council bold a meeting ou Monday nigbt snd iubmiti.d throe by- laws te the leciorà grsnting bans snd giflte oeaniufacturie amounting to up. wards cf $30,000. Wx publieb tbiî isue th. second instalmnt of the imel's excursion 10 the nethern lakes. The boys visited evorywhero worib seeing sud their account of il yul make many of us aurions to take the same trip. BowMANVI.LLE mercbsute have de- cided te close ihein business places on Fnuday afternoon during the mnuiliof Anguet. The Statesman sys they wonld have boon equslly as vohl cf îo* day had they done Ibio duning Jaly. MiL R. M CGEEt, cf McGeo & Jones, jOaha wa s .et.d w mayoe !tatt town te f1I Mn. Jno. Oovan's plaeo,but. thero being suan soitled ama~nt b.- tweeu hlm and the corporationnh. oeuld flot saccopt lthe poe*ieu sud Dr. Ils. had Wte koil. W[TH face-si red sa a lobster, snd bsck ike the e aoiliof a edm, tbe vif, stands over lbe kitchen stove sud ruanipulates raspbenry ;amn. While tbe lîttie oeesroll on the flour, 'tis tb. deareet sud fondeul wish, thaiase soon as e bttîing is c'en, lhey may nevel le licking the dieh. Tug privaI. excursion, per steamer Ha8t ings, on Friday lait, frcm Bow. msu'rilie, Oshawa sud Whi&by, picked up about ifly fnom ber#. The day vas se fine as couîd be deeiired, and the.ttip waes avery pleasaul oestbnoughoui. The ssil on tho lake at night in the monclghtvas grand and th. beat keptitis lime-table tb the minute. ON Tueesdsy ighî Wm. Milme inter- viewed ais Worebip lbe polico magie- Inate on romnand- for Lb. second lime for brutally beating bu i dild a bey of ton yeas. Mn. IMilne declared bis gresi love fer tb. boy sud stated aotb- iug but' bis fstherly affection prompicd bini le give the boy sncb a licking. The magistrat. did not iesein W ohime in with tii ides and gave Milbe some good advice asonod wilh ivo veeku in-the loustIc asylu. lite vbiob the Wbitby jai bas been tnrned. Wis vculd sdviseour readens io-keep thein veather eyes opon Upon ibis gentioasan,wlbose av0to aile 1 is oz. posed by the Peterbono Examiner : A questionable ehraoier, oelliag vbai h. claiste be au infallible pro. ventive of-explosion lnu a' lamp, bas been making tbe rounds of, lh. lova laut veck sud Ihis. Whe4"ver ho sold tb. preparation ho gavetfie~is inue- liens tte oPunebser bnci t ýopen th. package ntheLb.stuf *8 ',wanied for ns.,s th. action of!tLb.-air would $POU t. on$. ycuà ng lady, ibough, >,oûjml Sdisobeyed bie nuain u u n aide ihe wsra, ppîr-~pi e"of o!44k1 en. Cloud l su o <tnnlrm.'Me perasingtlii.paragMph.oux- roaderu viii scarely noed-6a wanung to b nothiig bo de vill b. Oildler. CONSEaQUENTo athesfreïo@h to doble no angines aiort P 1Trnk antboniUel le meut cf thete' .4bt lëof! Wý migea, division under conidraion. ,Obi1 change camer 1 *0 306 The local lrila o! the. Wn linohue b- aing-fnom Cot> lq -gPPW moraing 4and rMt#$M*-4' in future rua iý,iroa t to in thé vis Port ope. lhnru" êub Tas wà . Ug 4 t eW. 0. T. U. wl bo'bald Ihis (4F#d$) ergéoa ai 4 otolook il theo, J laig Boom. pautiplaool@tts d.iné bau Nort W«,md Wtih Ool4nbla. por book@ sud foldiesapply i. !&moi Long,: O. P. a. agoni Whitby., »9. ',bbuy a pair of Topoko'braos, vfth ~ idoubit hê boat auspenders sud mout arably made. Oau b. found ai W. 0 3*Itonu',Oddiellowe' Hall. WaffÃŽY Wua a vely ova on Wed. needay aigbî. Two weddinge, a funeral, a black bear in' a cage ond the Baivation Army parsded the atteste &about igbt o'elook. What's lbe malter Iwith bonnees for these thinge. BANDE&L' the barber; oraniomà over. Ihauled, soraped sud shoru. jONEc of Sebereie 105ms witb a haok rau away yesterday at Mr. Humphrey Ooffe's funoral sud smashod a canopy topped phesion. No porinuwas hurt. but tbe driver vho hais patob on bis Inoie. Mns. W. H. Piper, near the fait grounds, reuewe ladies and gentleman's sirsw or fur bats. TazRE is some kind of, a travelling show sdveriiod Wo omo haro Saturdsy. Wt bat it je worih vo aan't @&y, but our reuders may judge for tbomeelvos from the fact that tb. management has Roi inierted sny adveriiuement in ibis paper. Two weoks ago a bor.se wus stolon f rom A.. W. Farewell of Hautnony and aftervards found on MoGilivrây's farin wel o!on.êesud s reward paid. New, s wil b. seen by au advs. in anothor eolutnn, Mr. John HlaUett bai bud in bis corn field a aaddle, bridle snd martingale eupposed W ,. have heeu tb.rown over in there by tho psniy vbo loit th h.boree ai MoGiUivray'e. A. NITIBEiKof complainte have reacbed ne se le rthe indeceut exposures of tbeir pensons by f.llowe w.ho go thoe.. In one cee te other day iwo of theas men stripped tbemselvoîs ad rowed along tbe cbore ini a boat white iwo parties of pin-niokeri ver, ai the erove. Such capoesMay soem We mean men as boing amant, snd if wu eau flud out their namos vo shall endesvor to lèt the public know wvue .amà r enpople are. Tinuasi>ÂY'i Toronto World uy Yeeterday Mr. Frank Wheolsn of -To- ronio vas unitcd inuthe bon4s of yod. look viib Mise Minnie iJosepbine, oldeet daughtor of the liâe Mn. Âmos W. Gnon. The happy ovonit tok place at the reaidence o! the bnide'e mothon, Wbitby, tho ooromony belng porformed by Rov. John Abraham. Thre brides. maide vers Mise Rate Cron cf Wbitby sud Mise Minai. Wbeeler cf New York, snd the greemamen were Mr. James. Campbell, jr., Whitby, snd Mr. J. E. Gnon cf Toronto. Troops of fieuicf tb. newly* msrried pain gave their félicitations bu the joyous "ooason. WIL have tbe followiuxg et.n sent Picxxun.u, Âug. 3, '87. Musaris. Hendorson & Graham, Whitby, Ot DEÂE Szs;,Would you kiudly illow u te sak throngli ycnr v nuablo papor, il yen areprepard odl voich for the traithfiInes 4 -- . i ý g"r- nta " Èa.t d Plt~i o t -a bià - -ot., a-6 lme TALit bont yonr fouutaipof t heltb- 07soxaKsof ihe'lloyal hotel bsrber éhop say tbe work'doti je equal tW any- thing dons in Toronto. Use Dr. Dorenweuid'a Great German Hlair -magie for- baIdness, gray hair, je Uit sale by ail druggi8t:.- GuorCE patrnA*n genis' faucyocam. bri&. shirts, just xooeived, ai W. G. Walton', Qddfellovs' Hall. ONxe dollar yull buy 10 yard print wortb a york shilling a yard, ai W. G. Waltor@', Oddfellowe' Hall. NEw styles in hate jusl reoeived; sek to osec the Otnor-ot-it ie one of the latest New York tyles; muid only ai W. G. Waltcre', Oddfel!uwei' Hall. Ga&NTS' scarfs, tics snd ailk bandker- ohiefe, are beiug esold at reduoed price, ai W. G. Walîers', Oddfellowe' Hall. A Presentation. A. Most graîifying compliment vas paid Mr. Jue. Woodbouee on Fridsy evening lasi. For tbinty years e b as tangbi the south yard soheci outil age bas' renderod his resignation neoesesry. On Friday aIl bis papile, past snd pro. snt, gà îbered aith!e obool boue,sud thrwaW.s aperfect jam. lu msny caseboth the parenté snd- objldren c. SI And 74 - t m-i F 'STEWART Will, on SATIRDAY, -thé 9th JIJLY, commence, their Gtatsummer Sale, w'hen the- entire. stocek of Summer> ýGoods wilJ.be marked dow-U and cleared out regardless of cost. Startling bargains will be -found in every departmnent. Stock still very large and attractive. Ladies in to'wn and country will save iloney by purchasing at this great clear- ing sýale.of c'y - S~FÉW No. 1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, had recciverd ibeir training at hie bande. To give adiditional force to anexpreenîcu of regard ountaiutd in the following addres amaguiticeut easychair aud L a bcautifully bound revi&ed edition ofI ' tbe Bible was preaeeted R e Whitby, July 29th, 1887. Mr. John Woodhoujse. . Expected D&R SiR.-You who have for the space ot nearly thity years been .connectcd with our day snd Sabbath Schools in the South Wsrd town of Wbitby, in the capacity of teacher and auperiendant, snd froan parents have received both secular and B I religious instructions, we understanding you are now on accoeunt of ago, snd jrowing ifriisabout to retire frein active lit e, Iand in consideration ut you always bsving in the discharge\ of your duties been sssiduoffl, and paintaking sud your conduct- consistant sud upright, in all things mazai- 7e a e s feeing a chriétian spirit, tbereby ophining W re s respect frein ail with- whorn yen orne in con o t n tact. Therefore wenotonlyconsider it a dnty C t o s but deomin i a im-t pnivilege in hsving this oportunity of presentiug you with a token Jourkinestregards in the shape of thiz threcare nd i atoea vorus yeofi teso aid n yh ler a labrsioa i o frequently be abIe to enjoy repose, snd as a futhr oknofou rsec w as hve R e tcj bgreat pleasure in presenting yuu with tii uew version of -the Bible, se that while eting. in your chair yen can ho gently exercising yeurselfi n coumparing the oîd snd nov version togother, sud companmng yeur ~-~r "' own spiritual condition vith botb, and 8o ho e >NEW JI.) eled by thoun feeling@ Lu cultivate a close MAUcolore i 1union and compinnion witb thst saviour ut .wbem tbey aek, se thst wbeu your days of Cream Lewns, fscbooling are over bore, snd our -Hr*avenly .1s Father sees fit in RHie gModprovidence Lu cali l18h .L7LLti8 St you hence you tua y bho al with credit toDm rfinai e liaio ndb d ;h iqio Netting, inUâ iÙo hat abode whro yen&hall ho crowned with houer, immortaiy sudW eternal lit e. MAGGIE JACKSON, Ou bebalf of the echolars. { ( Mr. Woodhonse repliei briefly but feel- imgly., that it was with taingled feelings of apleasure snd regret that he was witb them 1that o vening ; pleasure that once again they shad.all met as teacher sand pupils; regret A i utmu aune u a. wL AEU, UUL am if. j. . iesutymAi a LIUIU+;_& y UU'l bsad of au IlAn Lni'ea4iatien.'* sud if yen jeo meet. He bai spont a long ime with them, are prepared te stand by yeur statement as aud mauy cf his happiestbhonrs bad beaunpaee- striciîy true (wbich vo trust yen slwasu 'ai n that eld acheul huusesud n'ewwen bis are.) Wihl yen grant us th. pivilege of work wîtb them wva doue bie hoed te spend ns pîymg te, your assertions through the. mauy happy hours in th. enjoymeut cf these coluamue of the CuaImîNIcLE neit veek or gifta which thoir kînduesa, gsnerosiy sud th. veek folloving. appreciation cf bis Iher in their hehaiffbai Reapedifiilly yours, prornoted themu te offer bim. He,,wishéïd D. PicEETT. aise t.) recommend te thein kind con- "Thi Mn Picetile b. Pckelngsideration sud hie esteem bis succeser, "Thi- M. Pîkot is he ickeingMn. Gale, snd felt thatinii obtaiinq i man Who tried te bave lieeuse Imppecton valuable service as theïr teachor, thoy bad Fergusen turudd ont because one of been gainers. Thauklnç themn>moat hoantily- Pieketelatter ons gel jte lande of -for themr beautaful giftl e ho hed tbey tbe Phuilues. W. might -day to Mn. might aIl moc aI lut lu that oasven 'Home, where ail à a poace, an& joy,, n Piôkettha"t iL je quit. natural for a~ lovesud wbere parLingw are ne more. mau toestiok tW hiestory, vheiher, ltise trutb on lies, snd vo ebà il do Lbe sa a . - as Othons. If buvishe to Sad a lettonrColegiae Ii',it Eai ber. vo migbt advs him tisai -ut iition* net b. a tirade of aboie ý ousnso sund thst meeting theus oo.diiioas*nd HOXOR OLL ?OZ ]KAT AND> lUNS. aunexi.ug his aatographl lvil! b. pub- Form I*.-LJ Lizzi. Loeavensâ; t. Earvey lished la full. We might meeyad eran 1. nbar Doen.»ta; 4. Pria thsi Mn. Pioketbasa paient ouclôsure Brevue, Raloh Roers;'0.mamieSaut- now that holdes &latter se ihat "noue -cf vo ' ote' ube .4 a th. Philistine& viii evon >gel the bulge is .J .Lvoc,- ohlm aan . FonuuI.-1. >Almpb om<lr k. borreil ; 04 k<u~argna;1K ST.- Aimuïmw curc fcnd ls Dzyden - 0.Rdith Conmse',;6. Emma Dny-- ST. .11 don;burohUehn atsolfa Ã.8, MaryBroyas; packed tell on Weanesiy mgai, m vilnust he veniaioaio of »a rumgr cret for ao=&tirep th b e ot that M. W. .Min& Lors- 104ypoI. Werd iob mariedse Thé anagaof o is.a *rola ver. ,am rord4e>enipiin h ln -nalà , £62biI je AJET'8l BROOK SIREET, WHITBY. CA1YIPBELL an advance. in Cotton Goods, Cash in QUANTITI ES BEFORE THE e1ing Cottonades, Shirtings, Factory, and. White at OLD IPRICES so. long.as the pre sent, stock, holds out, fions in the Price of Summer Goà odsï STOCK THOROUGHLY ASSORTED. )D S-Men's Cool Under Wear, Linon Coats, Linon Veste, Boyj's Suitgi 'luShes, New Styles«in Trimming Sîiks, Black Silk Volvet,StidStns White Lawns, Oream Seersuokers, Corsets from 17 to 32 in'eoStyl- traw ilats, White Boits, Ribbons, BlaokSilks, Linon Buggyraà Ms Chee8-a Clothe, Summer; DresGoodse New Style X1uliqs 3-L~SGOW STDREW W~A~I?,EI3QUSEI 'i M . Q.ýOC extreme war-m -w.eather ofi j~ie e w.ilted on' ' ER~ ~aruey. Promoticis E -s ~ md I goo tisa ian au,~ so bouglit- for RISEM 'j' j -' DRY Owin tÃ" he. q