OOEEUPOurNG PETEE8EO~ * oo~ ~TJ~1~ ~j~u aver ofOrlmaumimaa$MI a il William Woasa pfoiwetin '. ahobhié 'bîa heý e a pqpmrd J,!Wm*~*Iool 05 oicu ,Vhhuipped-borsivo aju"qlo .eeap mOI4 a idi11 o* OAiO111.!k lutwoisp W£s.à w" n 9_ 1la - thon .-tuh a7 ~ Ilu ' oo,.to the 1, dl ismoof hd OjdI,1 lveuly ltet, l. g0h8 1 i E SUS ¶II S"*ed by & Mrt. Win. Koealey.af the Konu- Tovarde h lo0 t h . i b ede' audvaoutmsd0-ev ev o nanss~ hl loy Bouse, sued hi.s uolet Mr' John ÃŽle oi. a u -l 1ut; aovus o O ko -o« MII Keuuaalay, have juiroeumuelfrom New 89*0oftbOO. 68,ab Auvf.lo vokma teu boudïwded ai dýtu tSh~o o eilwmIaS E os ourD= il York, vhibr. ihey han, boas 60" h2a anarrav arnoaefsdrô - - bua eth bjooIl 9 w £oa*ofsm~eota4puepaU Sm e, S io, sftot hait séaiei l, ha kemKil Worma Ken eale forun.. The investigatloiveoosmm sgah. oeî, weethya eëOO UO iO. diIS OWd ýI»~uou iasa. of o1aims à u belug oostiuued. Mr. John beau bathlng. -The jouuger boy go",4W ~ ~ ~ *~ i".Orm OPO,7Mra tet .y Kenn"Y gave vauabIe ovhlono ontkand ,egsd o, dlamhmg -l Keus wlealgvalualer avmoidteoi ub guis. frmgbo_9sd mlu lk." N0 o butuadoop. TIia pr .qp ei of. -h. Peterboroughb rbauoh tre i.b ot , who vas hl pig à = * i a af t e malt ay- LP of th. £amlby. They wévo'ùteealgo.buiheir oboq a hoioyv.re osi s Sondsy morn lg- thé briok resldau. fathot sd W .V. loa*uleo u e pa. Thao 5 gbi flI o *m ai i. ohu tos Oo uey Rier .~a, thomê ta M . « ýteemedthe 7m %5. T toiaulhtly or vrougly, vu va - inl W hitlya sties, Londos n g. Otonabea, laok ire a dsud a e lo sd t0 @ a kb fr.l b . r 517 t dl d W S h a li i11 u turday, osUW dthe lm '. ai five Cies "o" masud as hie fellovse oul' an sd a great amaubî of property OANAD ' but mot belorte a considérable portion isuTSI Iutlayfiss<lio h#u .tl th. oouteuits vu vsmovsd. The A big cap m1eeý t 1 ti ulossma oolsuo eolgiha buulumAet la Elof. A" T Poit.Pu dvellig sud contens h d Os thOssm gong m 55 w"Ju the Im(s F rate. Belsg v1ad 'ofia bu~ Dyffppiia M!dreadini. Di.ardeedliver lneurmmoé af $1000 lu the 4326 Oh *fmiff l5y dv g.ahy b~bbi indigestion in a 106fo. agool Mutual Imsso OCompany. ' UpIIUU Tb.diiuo&saW= lageieilor e prprlatlg shirts, collaas te. The humas disteapmtulanaaO the iam atarted frais Ibo pipsa ahMsd therewvMii proAbly -b. susu M. aul gitisevWorth dai their ms.yMsd the moiuoompllo&ad dvonderful thingu kitobsu slave, laila Dot kuowu boy l it auniber oi;a gntl uemen u 4. Uatruà k vu trt htaie L la teoWo. 'l la seui put out of aider. O~l5ii~ bol Ma~a '*se am laas vaTheovu, ah bs is vu ~ 'iong sladppyfood, bad As s»aOnasI be plus th ie Dowbt- eekl smddaslIy 9" s e~ed.B.Us seday, so 1#âffl u~ ,'nîaya~iru 410ilftau aUI. UI&Ml sther t.ings"W"A.g rachasudheqa rimfor thé Silvafr wive s- .allbu urbe B. D- Z Foomi ss M. - ot tobe, bave ùMde ah.e rjsU people l"u rm, a . retledonsSimoos emm più op vb.w Thè l.ko mbtusadMsntinadyepia 'O staet, arnobhaled from Use Oozsmsoe- eabibu rpeadlos ley eu... Our tavum losnsuc 0eudel ob. ' But 01om5 -& giDt Ployer bag done alaser (vhboh, l la expeoted, WvIb in hleho olnum hvakeà ngl utPay iemo, aonderful work lu reforming, bis aid a fev days), work viilb. bogus inure s. Wi . syg s sl.bh.aitgtu aaFla iauo per basin.. Md makig theAmeriosu people Us. g heold buildings nov oooupy. alimto lur t-h. pisyfulbau. vlhh stamer Lougiard. Upon ibeir arriaiô healthy thât 1h57 o«n enjoy ibeir m"a mong h ie Pseso ,b e fuatasilo halls, raturn ta dousoe the. a i .tlle oonabh*osat brsmob of th. and ehpy iufh io osais~iab frsumasuda"delulos, il la Boveru, the lsvoutory. ai thoir adock Ru.rner,:-Nio apn vto aooured sud the oooupaula ofUshe oussone hlsimas hapBtplnen's17 binu a r e t a b . o ~ I a . d y L . u u s l i O p . eo u a l s u a l b b n g p r o v e d a a t v i h s v u s a l l v e : T w o o m oe«a .2 0d01 4i h B G rpAl w r i n W i b a a n h o T r u o rare to be q 1.1 a i f afl llm audk o v. .d ithbprovieo msa 6bla k et, 1 large lt m d ,>pinemythei0 to e»W dfinteordrâ s o, hepurledge.a cas hob o ab os aimait obroma tout, iablug lias., books, ulukers rus la reelve aidea as o Us ~ sy day iu th. veek. Ou Prlday laa, md hait, galors. Abher ivo heurs moUid ohaslug af building material, *to. lt a. Pigs iTruovu u algvlbomtdl h asbu- CuiOStIomolb are okn û 01ed Wsdseadsy fotouaou 1fr. Msuly, ~~ifa sduassport, s and udd l ifty Iva tmg et tva ma a m utau.lhadoeprasa tt NorbU osghau istur, vus dblug base a,.slng suavetuge oi tva pouade roek base, .il insdlulengtb aIlus.h O= L ter te tovu witahmarket produa., acoom- e.s ai fy fishusg Ut. 1>lugle !. aY trou Iwa luehe ta tva i.i four panled hy his vif*ansd ls Young lady olis. ou. ai hie fate hoamg Uth 6-ug uiohe, Usaé trioadjoued for th.@mîglt Xsss.T. lilburn à ; Ca., Nov. 251h, 8 vit aisihome, vho veto SittinIg ai four bu aiosa osui, hsvlng Usai v«Il satlsied _vl hier day's aport4,1Iw" haîtb.dsed B. B. B. aoon.r whiihGETET P inhSel geatusfi ihUs.prng vfO. umbro fipa son the lim, s»d th. sd tere=ofteimsenluse ". Bh Usy W'MIhl"' 'd e ffln 1OiuffOyin; with RAEIPHTGAHR sue»Md mehw bo bmdng of threa ai theis, th. féuutb vouil ha pbaylmg wih os the 1orrav. lItre B. B. B., whioh soon cleared vn â png of f li hé <tound, bavlmg e U ffte Bp. Tolalg W l thie risimg ofthUe aun tbay Ouat0d sway lhe ltohlng. branzg ruh at i dh" o W . OB I N arngboUs vomusu IL its. &i. aIl rlght, sud doult lot aspone make off oce mors on killiag USaughia lu. long diurmuud me. Mns Edward Bomkey W.Z BIN Msiy vasu uhurt, but the YOumg lay* amyoomuou sitrr about la. Itl s e tot ut huaUey ver. d.stiued %a have Emteru Pasage, Hlifa, N. B. ____________ suialairs turo 01 Use coubr boue sk-lltbat isuae.lad. thei r sdor daupoued hefor. many The luli Land Bibi pua.dils uhird hesîde. other minor injurie&. Dr. Kin. Juat vh.u ibm vorld la boing horrlftd momeuts. Wsthout tbinkine of the resding iu the Housai Gommons on GRAN] osid ailendod her.' hp tsaulasund"siofaitrains, andie. oon»queOS5, ahey rauthoir Oomto Saturdy. Tb*e south-veut pariaif the tov u asrible dissièe uby rail, LiléoBob ChrovatUe foot of lb.elaU@, vheu bikasraatita How ta gain fleali sud .rgth. UsefinGn ad jl~~[ beautoublod wih the uniavitei siten- lwl uuu iboo erlm.hI u averterssalasd theévalet for a after eh meal Stta Emullan; il is: tioiof thUs. bîguihaus irais. They in t ntumof aroph . L iti B bie, fe1evmoumhns lied ih a varied palatable as milk. Delioste people lmprove ushe Ià a préacio. ta luvade bsok pro.et- ~msî,arimeut .ofrbhlsh. theraedt,=pU lsOne a aamto mises villi sathe sci aiofbayimg bande. hchairais. arcumd troa Use MW dSoreUoDtIiIoud tn. c qilD.To. R*ID< lm d roai le I IrO au .y orahisarticle they inu l "k wdh it I e a tstolerable steep theit ih md aiig taokle the v<>thy ud Soatl'a EDIUlIioI on a @buIPsiglt lapsil 0suvr uavlk.grdsdrsbstal.vsla .thm . vsd.d Useir vay homowud, monthu aid;b.audfordul Tb.y vaéoh Usait apporUtuly vhau il s Cmalbaok Bridge. Âlong ibis un n ddai If maidampar mes. It vu simmutb." -Put uP lu IO. ad iaS-8 - oocspsuts are absent, b. à *vmr se ahort tblumber, asydnu«sd relus. (rom 4"V«Iertsrma " olimaZ.for User.la. The uchooner Edwud Blakae hed 188 a Uimeamd hhey y heis dolliaryth.é » à omivad, Uu y ilu" M nas aylug hat Usey might mal have Kingulbon onaturday venlg . " Vie" sebo .hosld = b. ou Usei«r offour oeau, dravu by s&îstueavy broughh hom t tu.U em 9tby âd Fo.Du Ste 0 aj TO O T P r.aah-azOspisoap-the avenage tramsp o ln e ies raturslugvwalt for the sOi 5Itageab0 SpaqUumId vith Use 'Ormn*emen aud NatlanalUsb won afkht Sp.5ht lh bas se suefor aand ho.»sontmua u sas.Smngast.pas. laci aitsoof te o -NsaLeffr. ing in ÛLev1cinlly o a slsat yesisrday. Sp.à h watr othe asa bverp o bah. umer 1ouf eab ideof he réPaFr toothaoh-gobuya bafttis aiPain- _ Thueda- Ibt&bo% 9010 a éburce te vewandontheoou i' sand gl relief inthe twinkleofau $80e000OOIN PRZS C minentasi it vuofdthedsdwabat a in vaxddm te 4 aifd Se vile vu de. lu te omma oeo.osMÂugaiat6,76. p-iatnl-Ci- byoiu..o gmdPrgrmmMa apoii ttaà ios&a_ relwSd. è» 1prlpalu d. g bief auéeqqà fl»o Pa. rutelaeià m&y i p olio. abThts te but C oniin odrsfr tirewa ige aesu h aoluhW a M in ohai 0f «Us. sh d d ndbe e s. u i m i b r pl t, sOi a use. a e1'u e er but eau ot uluin elaimbu ai u ts afExhibiS ti n bo"ymm lutig lU vIt haouso là ava.di Usegceer Otls ltis. y muislaI tise ePride" n. gngrran d progammitevut of S u 1h9 iospum twudUal seb autd Wos,. fotra.t iont rbis0vloislty. Eurby thebase A . ad. PnPodo o tPrizc ista ad u ifomaio aple i hsudasado hav, n mTa Use ofoengn. bt Uew moudY b 0uiUe eSidoése itayr. or ive eubo a sstrlgtrn 1.eraa iddrasa ko luoi.Bd b4noseaa i1.enleud' ba fr holai v Js Baps.uêà ailur, amsu. soeî ai yfor4uthSntron ek .J ITEW .J I Coua Bss.Pak, utgesly muo. b.eetrougsih. Tbe iaraPi su.dsdta to..eosseise, dy osinayho8d, of.ime f he int. Mr n .4 Susdsyduarthegelaglsd th&teai spproaabadO Us.vupadrive.gave ose vb mbmer higaldenUs properav Theii.esmou m-vout hlm bol loar .d.,UsoBru os ou mataogtibhoss 'rdiusedhe pl«oUomthor sile nï niso m P vhj antaingtra lb.souh, .d bas se avu ugioaryelld S. lble a ta hin u th~is ieiadé RI'wJ S d1 o..db ai a. pofaiBaai lO.b.Md bUI> "0 Brl* Onus**-lYt%,but basaseu i t, t * * in « .a pau"0 O 5aiNaAPUI HlL, Otouab.e 10bave Use prsul lob 0es Pt tv..tada@ta flas. Thé by- Us. Poa t M,SéaMdd4 i.b. ai xresle-- 600"Has brIdge rebull sd removd furaber à (" U*ge AJ> 2Imlib ~ doouéboâ«mtthe d;ofOu Batssrday mordl est, vbllssSs stresi, vumwld ussiay uh&au= ou sturduy e"pu$.,..., b«oflook ipse oe u o vas ddcdeà ta ladysths budae o Wb vu vasDrvS aia foriobu" sdowa s rid'amuh. cfthépsrty r Ueriousdydopro"lat Ihe vaus aipro. theUse Booe o ua. oo sharpsud v.Keisà lsuWJte'ldul. aseisyo tlovain asPUa#-Y mraahurt. A foopls essaiM ataa ssi tsaaii Aashse~4 ~sa geses Mun u Ssllad lm lb stlvsr.o ei1o J UMsa",!%, ~ , vas hoave , ddd ta hutld ano v *a st d ei gýeml.Tpn . boù" wwthst b d sirei .rleuéa iros bdge lu plaM Uofe nibd obÃ,sud êe en abveI. slgaitrà oontrai. =yfi tesder 'vii be aMvertled foi ai ane rMtat it i imlately Md abit vithant theavork'tà bog'gi.4m Ue ben 1j.i tb.I o pay fr it* Be la #11 aruaà d by- Aslbmu Tise id' b 'O O4w» lier&ti vil! al for, i. deis for i~Li uasse ta , . à #à ii*~~s~u abema. a 1"ýmtthi,,olseapensof-» ai.,e *arve l10Bavieb a thme Là teapDimthse kUseahotiew ieo obd 4, Mm*siAséj, bridge viiibe ropared a urgthsued for tfl os.,Qouala60 qj, 1 î.' ta0glv, perfect atsy usil replace by gýspbe4 I.bars$U b lb.se 00.-*uiiHtt.ff i h o; aoWIJ.au'I,,T" IIVERY and, ALE STABLES, DUNDAS-8T., WHITBY. ORA WFORTH & DEYERELL NIUT - CLU8B' TURN-OuTI Purnished on Shortesi Notioe. oammroai Travel2era liberally dul >IF WORTHLESS IMITA&TizO!s ~~~ ~As there ameRayzs = 9 4ihb sm . .ifo ItIuran ATCOT anc. 0flNow York., -Twenty-lye per cent. ofai aau re doposlted uIi h.heCentralTrisiO~ sny of Kev Yoikasutrute f I irve Puud. Lufe Insurunai ai leu thasuns.im j lb dainary rates, sud saovrlty&preotm 0 a esameta m adi nu 1 . 21* nd188,andinnocasa omatays requeut than eveiy alleruate mont. Anuial emenus of manaen Iii ta $2 per e,000. mnt. An active açent waulea luneeyI u,. reseuisi booauty. ta whom a hberal OM. isson w i albouui. &ppm«aalb, lici sud founpartiaulara furmu.i j>1 H. GORDON, Agent for the Oouiy ai Outitao. Augu fi&, M.Port Periy, Ont. MONEY TO LOAW ýn Real Butai. Mailgae si LBasté Interent. $ ~&. ] OST, ýppralae for tha Canada Lon anad84và , 10., ,sand agent for the Wssteiln Aurg OPPICE-ovet Geriies Blok, Whllbp Suitablo for vrApPlng purpos,-lain sd.r carpets, etc., 25 oanssPer hunde4, Apply ta, ai. THIS OPPIIU. Unapproaced for Toue snd Quliy. CATALOGUES FRE!, BEL & couc1h OI Peba oo tahlug ôfflue mai nthe U( lbagthofi vhédertul a biteaulePm Usiagt id kuqvo, Usai i The w ddeofan icorau,, n an a e g n L. m BAU So1eA~ brais .1- 1 -m mIIG Paaf 1 .A * Keesi.. purehaas4 - I are bousdi PAIR Paloza. IRON313T DMMINOi.. thes