IZIER) nk, ,ralI louse Deomrto, !furnished Prom âo.a and upwards. ifrom the ounOitryPorpt atteiided to., SIIOP-First door o \.S'nth'e law Office, Whîîby. 'Y, MaY l2tb, 1887. NT S!AG E N T S RE ADY-Our new book -aadSky or,mameof th 0,beiug k fuil aud gr i (if oui that is wonderNî l Iu ~t of the Globeiluthé Vo Mnd the Starryà v wr adventures on land' and fd dieceveries of the vWolI d" *in ail ages, sud d' ralem lu elvery realin et - n1i5. be 6trikiug physicai feaîuroso1th 16 poeulior cberaoîeristicm of lte cet of atrnmols, bird., iinés ol. . a vivid description cf lie &llai c sud Indian Ocease, snd et I1b, sas, the Monsters o f te < seeshellh and plante,0 oep ddwelisra in the ven e a erui le Ocean currents, etc., teebit tlYG PHEN'OMA OP.40FTHRE 8 ANI) STARBI' SYSTEMS DAvÃŽINI'ORT NoRMuuscp,DD, ïIed with OVQr 300 fiue engraVinu rns to Agents.. RD PUBLI/811NO 00. ST., TORONTO, OÉT. te of Major HlarPer,Eq. *of Whitby. te c6rtify that havîng eaunt nd Uséd a great variaet fSevlng I have cegne te the couclusîca WIlite Mahine soldby L.Fuir Dé 01 the beot made, as u iny os amachine thaât viii ut el il Order, and viil ut muoh longer rnochiLeS, as meas been lahea Weor as Muccl as possible. L ]y ri'comrnud irte op&aies vaut. snd Iutr-uig sewiUg machine. i eue ot th . Whule's; soine mentha giVt4s everysatiffactjen. MAJOR HÂ&RPBR. -1887-- years use eoftth, Whîte Sewing n3' f&.milY I eau tuily endorme ertibcntesud cou iuhiy- reom. - ruaclixue a&. ofainxiy ewing cpts lee for repaire -tuany have ever had anytturug*te dé, à MAJOR RARPER %~P os the cheopeel, an(C lu L. FAIRB3ANKS, Sole Agent for thi8 District. EING, .&LBO A.FIRUT- ADAMS, RJOHN FEROUBOIS' heurs from 9 &*m. te I12Um,. P . MI éle.-o, Ghourttreets. I- DAÂTESIl newepapet 35Iâyfg 'Agent, -41 lPari J)ilding), lNew Toti-k fi co«n trac, for sdverateu CIiRON1CLE ah oqI RE K& equalled. ireprové youn teuCanada- 1 kj epi Je/Be oùi A TG, x1! of TE SU0E8Io~OUý UIBItTumu Vau.T for te re dél Ofhe, H uÂVE-,unWriaH. Pie, Jw MI 0monday. gumbto1 brlffhS arn~ LiwyM Oh.., Raed .Wh@ oad o oea odtnpedby * ihoddy pedd. Garft.14ls amfa tmpeb on ]dMokr'~ m utide à u Ba8turd.y bY Jjopiagto 10; cblOf o1dale01 pÇrS01Ulà , fà haM]R ~~onseil, asîoigii and1 a W=ro iuto er o n7udat7o h e h t lafoiwaggon in hie pOIlOI. ou, W 14hum diseourigsa oonoarning frie th0 inks tbeY sare etl6f ProPery Guieau and those who partilpaWed u in ~' lko bfind the OwflOL h. e gr (orge e ofeBrok, wu hQ nd Aft.er th. e an Guiteau had boou nei o#itt. leog& lust evs on onvioted and senteuoed by lthe court. He wehr boe ho bad hired ont t o 4 , anged for kiiling Preuident Gar. &lm fuur à ,, Mr. Reekie hbu a field ho etood ap ini hi.plaoe sad pro- acà 0 hbs w iesocion seeme stranlge nou.nkoed a withering ourse on overy oui fns andneglion Ho mu8t ~ fiane nd eigbO~~ b one oonoectod vith the trial. Little an #W don ttaick of montal serra- vwe 1hoghtof it at the lime. It was vil »Te regmrded ai a fitting climax for hie ont do- m Stratford »y liat ravngu throughout liai romarkable lii in 01. ail ends in thie viciflity is bad. oe Quiteau deolared liat miefortane vi ri ~ ntwîhM or IM would attend every on. oonnected fie rIy totebu8hel. WVh6at smPles 'revitihbi. trial.. Smno. thon GtLitesnuu lh lb'a sud th ,nd Wîth the exception Ourhe..uimpoe itiso1f upon tie w] o e.ctIOns of early este, the OMP mWndg of uuporgatitions 'people by thie on ~ oheflYof uekethrugh 00 inguar manner in wic itibau appar- ho Poasein ali casesabu ently been fulfilled. oit it petI.the tai. The jjurywu. omposed of twelve wl warn OTPOour roS.dere gane etrong and io.lthy mon. Tii. foreman se tbe Wdd1rTSWho arA travelling wus in oomfortabie oircumsanoeg, and le t~hoqthec00ntrv jmet now. Looalvas estioeeled to b. vorli $50,000. th d#etsOlr i, &fu n order for cloth vitli Within a7051r &fier lie trial ho baet hi. pi on yoT 'nt ehoddy from travellêra.money sud i. nov reduoed tW th. levai eu lîsve ~0Wüngs witb them." By ail of a day laborer. me3 akto your local morohali4 - Four manibers 'of th. jury ara, dead, ' Y0,2 .tckbo n"% value for your motac, nal vr u.h.ba iio go ()ve h yofl diing peddlt.r a 15810 witî eme kiud of misfortue o. kil ,f tha deg ~District-A.ttorney George B_ okil. oi thendo8gfargner, Whoue land was wu removod from office, his wito diod, 'W a odee ert5and about 10 b. takon and hie ovu deali follovad befor eh ,way frein hiii'. feiu on his ki'... un end of another ysar. 8 tb field in prayer. Whou ho got up Mr. Sooville, Guite&eu'sbrother-in-1sw 1 he pelz.d the plow bondIes vwithi ov vho with Chu. H. Reed defended the.tt gai ve theolod miale à vigurOuliick, prisonor, vas divoreed from bie vif. mdbatore ho had gone twentY foot ho and' bei ail cf ii property. mmed ap ga jug wîth over $600 un gold Pre8idont Arthuir, vbo refueed t and ejîvor in it eonlt 6ýin grant a parclon, or nov trial to Guiteau LeaaC sheil, Who lhie wltu6, asdefested fôr renomination aMd ibe.a ond essio f toott, had hie oioly failed in beaut, and diod laitc hotu etmoik by lightiig On Fridey winter.1 oftrnoon lest, betweefl 5 and 6 o'ook, Mr. Blaino, vho vas a vilneaek and was bururd to the gvoiind, ahlong agaînst Guitoan, wus nominatod fort wnth o% haggy. fanug Mili, and 0' President, but defest.od. 1 nouiber ot farra impieen8t.8 andsai John à . . Logan, anothor viluose, i. tbj yeare orop, the ioseebeing estiinateod w d ead riokon down un apparent1 as ýl 5OO, there being lao insuranco. îe&îîh. Mn mr. John Uoar, who reaides ,,rlh of Dr. D. W. Blies, Garfiold'a Physici'n. Foey, bad a narrow esoaPe froeabr asbwuwvtypo omh o v rubis deatà on SatcLrday ilut. Es W55 sud it je thougit ho vil nover heping a& a threshinit machine which be a weti man agaîn.D wae at work on the. preisemof o Mr. W. David Davis, who appeared as a A. Morris, in the saine vicînitY, sud witnees, hassgo joinéd the. great major- .whiie leaning up ahthe finishifl, g , y gel on his es OU otiie fe4 board, Judgo John K. Porter, of Nov York, 'henl'. top of one of bie boots wuasne of the. Governiment Oounmel in the. canobt by the cylinder, "ud torn. With clmeham praetically retired from the the exception of hos toms beiug badly raio ofbit; profesion. cut. ho escaped with. a sobre. The guarde who kept watch ovor on Saturdtà y oveniug ilut a cbeeky Giita in the jail have noarly ail l0@t robbery took place astith. Store ofi Mr. hir positions. Chas. Eewott. J& appears that whiie jndgo Cot, vio. preuided over the. Mr. Ulewett -wus aites, eaving the tial, is ie ie. store unocctipied somr ne eWho wue Tii. dovuvard camrrrOf Chas. R. evidentiy acquainted with the inninates' R...»d of Guihefà u'e oannel, whieh- cul- muovegnente, oentered thc store and took minstediin Nov York ltS&îurdsy lb. entire co~fnttîofthie tl' M r. morning by hie attewpting to tako hie Heweti ià net aware of thoea&Mount of ovu hife.,and he being adju2dpgd insane, bis ýos, but it muet be hesrYs Sas 1h*by Newv'York phyetlans yesled*y,ý tbief got his entire cash 'or theb.busiest adds suother namne to hli 1.1of viellis» day in the week. dyOf Gaiteau'eastima. As a reenit of the excoedingdr The only exception is found ini weather, reports of bush fires corné Walter Davidge, of lie Goverument frein varions sections, South Galway, coneel ini theocase. Mr. Davidge hau Kuninount and Cobooonok. On Wed- nesayub aieehee vs ihedwith apaenlyboon more prosporolis since ~mke sd l e vienwat terie ted -t1rio. ---17ta-fr. oot sa& went troug into the omlar, brusig Fallft? ail oeeaide of hie boly Ieaving il ail ',N evor. Whsl le il anyiow Pl' black sud blue sud injllring tbe otier "1Why it'e 1h. biggosl lot of vals, side. Re vas pioked up i n bu Imoet yon ever av, fallin' over thé awfulou unoousoioue stabe but ie able te be] procipice you over beard cf. Wiy, i areund &gain. makes folks @hiver ho lock st il." Luitypar Mossrs. Gao. Neebitt sud "Singuar liaInOueOOf tho p*per Chas. Couiton, of Scugog, purchasedl a have ever manlioned il." eteani thresier snd traction engine, sud "Tiey halu't? - Wiy, tliem folse ha &fier finisiing a vory enocesful soeon'e beau tiers for thous eOf Yoar." threshing hhey stored their machineo"Wamnlil a frehat or a dam brui and engins for the. vinlor in Mfr. Thot.. 10cm, or somethlug oftha sort ?P' David on'e barn, Mariposa,"about tvo ,No elree 1t la st tir keap IV-vomi' miles frein Littlo Briian. A fev day.sud roarn' sud huomin' ail the lima. &go, vhon they proceeded to remoe. Kuit havea mre lrlok about iL their mnaciinery, muci lthetbir surprise oarelemly obered the cynlo: '4fi tiey found liat overy movoable fiXture vas a ralthlug Iberad be @moexaeit on botih e lireeher and engine vas, ment about it, You donà t drink ? mieeing, inclnding beîts, vh*ela, sbeam "Ie drink ? Ilve noverdrunk a di gauge, vilalla, &0., "& o.,theli vlue of in my hfe 1 over $200 vorti. As yel no ides i. "WaU. lta too iad. &nfY ou Wb entertained a o wbvom lie guilhy parhy viii eindie m o.14man lika ji eau b., st théumre lime'no efforts ougbit lébë ho»6wbtP$d2if" eiould ho sparod le fana out and punieh "SvIn.le ? Do roupurtend,~h lie porpotrators. int " Iip7 f 5 ?' Svindbors are out on a nov Irail, -and "NOVe r, of goy esnob i iuterstd partisvildovoll Io peto epliate mm ag oup andle lie folloving, tahon from an extiaugp, 857, Hmer<.'5Mid h 04 à s tuh in hheir haIs: "W. are informed Ãli a 'o 1Mel Uifâ &fier Whzuv' dLd partieserepresenling themuelvées . en i1I# Ontario Government officiai e ~Vy114 travelling tirougihie province viollm; <87 10V <*bU#' bzing ovuers of îbresinug sugines a d UI=tUO0 *,I amalmachines. Tbay aserl liaI lia be, m ud d 4sm*tae1s i lav vas psed lait yeair proving lstIai4119-If 15 'S 5 'w - ail poreons vithin lie, VroY1Dn5 lavig-ast e,ý1üe charge of or operattng anyslaa boilier VWs d* lëM or chier devices under se&= praèU» sial bo examine& aud.0 1loà aont a.suming or allaÉall teý,t opubu '0s appointed eUà dli5 Wi0Ç licous. sny por$o horn. $b deem oep, 4 1 reeeived the xeqqled 1 t I I I s y r 't 'ut re km Lu 'I il B. >0 'n mu 51 'fi "Mue fo pesrig lieir a« ý -eatE ty dou'lt you 1.11 thm a bout-lié ue TO BEOUBE AI ornons? a> u intelligent prof"aoual no aym tho o hd yonHabeû (.,D W IýE SIT sWdwt u inaiotve live, hich uuD T I ED ST ,va hlm, a would of pain sud troubla, AT PRIOEs xzvxBBE PXAED IN TEM TRÂDE. til reoenhly ho vas advised: by a 'eudt t Ise a glose of hiot, vater, A Good Suit made to Order for $12.00. [h th. juico of hait a lemon squoozed to it, but no sugar, uxghi sd ud m A lurge stock of Scotch, Englià h asud Canadien Tweeds, Black Worsteds, g, and me. vbat, lhe effeot vohld ho. ect eettm o triod it, sud louait himei balleret, oelcfrm Most immodiatoly. Ris daily beada- Special line of HEAVY TWEEDS from 50 tô6 75 cents per yard, lies, vici medicine iad failed hostalfo uhe ui rBy'wa. Lr, lait him ;ies appelite improvod, sial o uiesSiso os er id ho gsined sovoral pounde lu voigil ihnafov weeks. Aller a hi elA FPULL STOCK 0F CGROCEIRIES xe morning, and nov ai -times dos LWÂYIS ON HAND.. itheut sither eft hem. III amn salis- nighestmre rc adfrtte n gs sd from. experiment," i. eaid., "îiiatIstmrtprepadfrutrad oer. id ne botter medicine for pensonsay implainle tha the simple romedyb r rubdvh bloso ie .va givoD, wbici is tar more effica.OKL OT eousthan quinine or ouy ofiier drug-BROIN, NT ?hile il in devoid et their injùurio equencos. It excites lhe live; etimu. &tee lie digestive organe s o<nes up ibasant ho hake, ~indeed, 0on e~ . E.N IU coe eetto geérîl. I'i n >en~~~~~ got, teMkIi.L--OR - rhx arit ofOharity. o On Tuesday lier w re çbl"shodmn Cttage, or uas le, !ho Daily Noes irq et a poor roman Whoodm i.ar buebaud, was driveu ýèlek e ieIn a rickeiy-A table ah Twenty.hhh audWood etreetc wiere alono lu d a ueis igave birti I'C S lC IL T N<HY U eo a bah. The artioltiatsîlaated te PaG S W IG IL A T NS O s 1 attention cf Lavyen Jarns . . averin, wie vos ai Ses Girl, and, holîeving CA.LL ONý bhah snai a pathehlo recihal cuuld nol W M. IIL .LT, fia 10 amouse vomanly sympatliy, io elipped il out. sud paei t on a sheel BROOKLIN. of fooloap papor, and, puihing his ovu ee Dame devu for a donation -cff ire dollars, piaeed thie paper on a centre T I)E j'.A XIS C : table lu a conspienous part cfthi. hotel parier. ât Sea Oirh on Tuesds-y there J Fu rls F ly S p id. I vas reproented probabiy fifty million F n rl Fu y S p lid dollare of capital. Thete vers a ____________________________________ numbor of society belles viti caramnel- ledl plage, sud quit. a gationing CE WTI dowagers, vhe during the viler dé,voIe lII an heur or tve a week 10 disouRaiugD lie vante and ,>aede ef tic heathon ofW itby0 *1 e ladies ver. mothers îbsmselvos, sud Midway between Broolclin and Columbuis, on the - Mfr. Reven eongralulated hirnself in tCoesin iaviug been tirovu n a c ompsuy7tCocsin viere athousand dollars or sa coulde ha raised in fave minutes *ithoul lie ownere feeling il. ne. sat devu sud We are now prepared Vo make ail kinds of Wooil nbi waited snd vatcied that contre table. Goods, suoh as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Union Flannels) A nevupaper clipping slvaya ahîract@shefnSitns l-olbd Bakt, ]O8 attention arnong vemen, and in ilsuSh tig, hitns AJ-ol bd laks, Eos than ton minutes evéry voman lu thi Blankets, and Yarns i.n ail varieties and ail kinds offl bous. hsd read lie détails cf the ad Knitted Gooda kept in stock for the -accommodation of shory. Ti.vusthe reauît :-A dezen eer, bal a dezsen sboulder shiuge, Patrons. but net a solihsry niekie. Nay, net Den i ooedn oodr even a kindly Word. %lu hei expen- 111gina oor oetoodr si" robes aud fortunes blazng sh their -- ~ i j a y q&ttoW>L~ p.....d by thé appoai, wvici Of all Ml orders promptly filedl. others drava ont true vomanhood,w'ith leu. attention than lioy vold give te tb. yelplng of eueeoftbhiir laP doge.De8 N ; 1 ayreeit *PteflrDw. . BO WLRMA N J ON -PJ&luwdphia News. A Word for Romping Girls. Meet vomen ha ve s dyead of liu. Motion vould rshier their 11141. daygh- lors viere called anythini aise than rompe. Thoy asy le hem: "Be vory quiet nov, my dears Donh irnn sd jump, sud b. tile ladies.*' As il a sithy eiitd could h. still; ai if ià oonid taka lime ho walk or sea overviat OmoZin iw Svy ; as if Il oould foid 11. bsnde in je. up Wheu mIe âimeî heari is hrimfal cf foun. Ille aurd sud wrong, - bMouse il, is un- natural. Chuldtmeugils se woli as boys,. ueod exemcse ; indead îiey muet have l bt ho kepî lu a iealthy euDJiliOtu. Ti.y ueed le e«Pond helr Chuaistghen Iheir muscles, bune their norrea, deve- lbp tiemmélves geuerabliy. and Ibis exorcise muet bho ouh-of-dociM bo.& It le not enougi I. have (3aiaeiuii lu hi.uem or prlr;îiy t o becuout ie sunh nt in theb.Wind, ount llie oýgrass.outinlu ha woodà 41 otml of-doors *somevber, if fil bu n» bggat than a City yard SupPoe tbey dgp-tan their pmtty faée-.bettîr ho brovua sa a barpysu b* havaâlie ulsaandiek troiugt-han ismrmahooda b a.spôGsatiey 40> httiai ek Cltas, supposéteIado>weai5t ouI lhiit uhos, It 409do# nul Imt - ~ ~ ~ l - ies~leua1b oMacltho mue"d 48 ildo« 1 tow$ê b - » toSr .1gb. a quuul*, sluetpkoft' pd 1 uloch0êar ss au. - -'Outo iL WÂX BHdo AROADE, TORONTO. A Bohool Thorougbly Equipped for Business- Training. BOOR-KEPINOPENMÂNSHP BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ÂR1THEMETIO, COMMBRCIAL LÂ-Wt SHIOBTHÂD AND TYPE-WBITII«*PRÂOTIOÂLLY -TtTGHT. T FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA.-- ,;.na forCrolr Âdras ri dv in' Sa,-1avlng orne lime aga .ra= tea ourMeof study- ilui. b.d n"MyIop0ItI o-,f pro= ,boli ma steadhera DEA4,' &e.4taY. 0. - -i * Il; - i 1~ 10.ý i7n o st. a i L - c - . sers-tching-very d~rs.- UZ iowedt cu:X*idUl,- .. r'bb SteuesStany cas.,;e~:cé%.~ 4 t. bv aiir ,Y," Great Caus etofBuffan Miser, Ili TELOSOF YI#NHOOD! A LECTMR ON mm NATuIE, T ,TmO mad radiosi cure o! Somi Wes-knese, or ;permsttonhoea, induced by -SeU.Âbuse, lu. rnluniary Emiesione, Impeienoy, Nervoes iebility, sud Impedimenta te Marr-go Cenens-lly; Consumptien, Epiiepsy sud Rite, Mental sud Phyaiesl Inca pac-ity;- &o. -by ROBBRT J. ULVB-RWELjL, MM. Thée woendreuowuod author, l ins"adi mirsblé, Lecture, olérly rves frem bis Dwu experience liai te OonuseoIi of 5.11-Abuse rmy bho fectus-lly rempved - without augerelis surgicai operi-iefl, bougies, jusirumente, rinçascor-cordiale; C iting ont ih mode et cure aI once certain au offectualo by vhioh every euffcren, ne notter whs-i hie conaition may ho, ms-y- curebijneit cieaply, pnivalely aud radical--- ly. ILWThis Lecture wif prove a boom -to thousan*Z and t houasd. - sent unden ses, in aplBl exuvélope, 10 any adressl, on receipt.of four cents, or Mve postage otampu. Aadrees .The CUL VER WELL MEDICA-L Q..- otOfceBox 450. lj DR. DORENWËN D'8 lu the n your 1Ik il Pasu lob "Wi l'ý-