Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1887, p. 2

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And Items Stolon from out SZzchanges. Itiis tet hat .KM. Hugh Boss of Pore Hope fa arMI&,ngto O-Ooeta Lindsay and eng>age inth &yd% business. àti. Rose wifl be w, e Mr. J. H. Geaoh of Pension EaU. is movlng to Lindosy, where ho will en- gage with Bir. J. Hors in -pashing the. S5inger eewing mneoine throughoustheii ditirit. k k i Badenhta ah the poinqt have founi lb. nigita mcli ooler thm duriug lait menti sud mare and usinier, b.d ciothing bave been ordered dovu in large painels.- Wdeday, 81.1 Angust, ha. been by lie nana! proclamation umd ove: lb. band sud mcml o! Mayor Walbeus, proclamation ai a civia holiday in and for Liie toa uo! Lindsay. On Saiirrday virile - E. Dunbois vas unlomdiug lame comi ai packages at A. Campbells,àaforty galion barre! sllpp- ed and fElhug smashod lie largeat tas o!flire flue on "Hmmk's" biloft. Tii.ellest ide& set ont for location o! 4hens"" <t"ce building is to bave York-ia orthiadaif Ket)closee mdie ulamgas dbeivomut 0e atore o! B. 8m b mmd Dmui& Flavelle Bres.,viuii ananehwy Ibuongi te ..ilov af traffie pasaing. NexI. Mr. J. R. Scott, one 0( lb. proprie- tara and manager o! lie Napanes paper mili., hbu bougit the. ateamet Ontar'io, nov lylug at Lindsay. The boalvill be used t. lau ta the pmlp maillaeta Fenebon Fal, large qumhilea o! wood le b. manufactured lut. pulp. Tire steamer vil b. repaired and re- fltled previons t. taking bor ta Fenelon Falls., At lhe laie sale o! th. Fee-4jrandel brick-yard property Mr. Foe bougit the lmmii.:&bout th. premisos mmd e = rton o! the maohrfnery, ville Mr. adeli purehased lie land ou uhicir thie yard f.srtnated and balance.o! thc plant. Il la understood tiret Mr. Fe. i utenda to commence thie manufacture o! drain hle as bis fae, vere an ex- cellent bed e! olay for lie purpos. bas mlready been unooiened. Miss Marthh anting, wvashlienef- pieni o! a îery beantiffulailier buller ooolsi, 1aI SatnLrdoy eveung. ,froni tie Heeokett True Dileu o! Linmsy. for kindue.. lu making oeouming badges, and abrer grabuitous services in con- nection villi the fumerai cf Frank Jaynes. Tii. precenlabion vas a&mm- panled by a suitable midroos. Lust veek Mr. James Sanderso, for mauy yeors a readeni o! Lisaay, loft ta reside in Winnipeg. Belone going, i. va.the recipient o! a symbollo *lock mmd aid airain, a precent from biis 1.ev Oraugemen in tavu mmd dis- trict. Thre presenlation vas madd& by C Meurs. Thot. Martogli and Jos.Brovn, Mastèe aot Uxw.eyLoâg.s. Taront. street i i ratier a quiet ioealiiy usaly,(po.ufbly ovimg ta th. fat o! au eag1 eyed taun conollor beiug reuident theresbouts) mmd seldoni do.. uer.ceur ammthing to a tle tir. inhabitatrh, nmules.il b. a fin. But an Bunday lait au enterpisngspenieldag nuderlook ta produm aliWte bex)e ment ampng lb. people by sngagiuINm a obuse after a Plymeuti Bock roouter, wiioh b. ca0 uidand killed. Tii. valcabie bird blongai ta Mr. E. B. Somerville. Tii. vauable dog belouge la a particular friemi of bis. As eaoh bas nov a little bill -aginet thc other tle iulgbt cry quits. On Monday aoring Kv. Js. Barri. sonvwu drl bilghmsorse utoi.d to a wagon onulie main strOetvWhou' a hhresuhlnnggIns frgbbened ýit. 0f coures Il bdmm.a.ly u vated ta lu- ereaseie speed and endeavoni te do soi, varyiug Ibinga a 11111e by .doing came klckf.. Fet a fe u =ecods K. Harrlsa sposition ou the wagon vas mot menviable ame.,Tii. boraissmau the Arit lim Ibis brtes crel ouduot bas beome publia, a feu nmon"hain amaieDocker ve "llk voUWd be bis 4,Tuoll"Y of lest veo Anle, a »Tea augbSt.r cf John aire a fermer north cf Genbn met ber «0*<h 11mue girl, loury Ruina vo Playlug in lthe implement bouse, plossy vwnont lfer somshthing mmd *hWb& goub> Aimi " ebedon A' au drli% it is msupposa <>ms e us i on sm. ru bmm-r- I A .Coodmle ork bam beau do"on us bte:r ii ooldtbve, oeej morêmoy4hMdbea iexopndod ôcm 'A Most augha-me noldeut ce#red1e 1h.eelo tii. ouhbèr aiq. Duruig thé eveullug ."goos1 ed, bll do# hid been* lhveatigm ti uis nov improvemeuts o walin.mongîhad OIdentlstusiil- ed and fou mbInto. id grain boif snl elghteen feet deep, loeated thon. Ne m*oraing ans 'of tii. mon dopdb, hammner mb t thesame Placend pul ing down a ladder praoeded ta deaoad to recove: il v*heu he came in 6ontaci mii tva bright eye.s whieh looked ta hi l the drkness cf the. bin 1k. tva balla of fire. Just <lien the aid goal. gave a ysvp, and It r9 sald the Party1 did flot aonupymany seconde in gett- ing ont of tire, Dot sien vating 1 get bis hammer. Visions of <hasts and gobUl in lii hennI thedessrted oham- ber. The ' caoase4 conslderable amusement ta the. cher 1vorkmen, but the. ane who veut'down ddal ct on- aider it a Iaughlug malser. The D. O. rP. Baud von lat prise at the Geldpia baud soopetitron. On MdayloMm uMs 3oh Olem sud là er Ivo daughb.r,4vliO euide tva mi e st cf tlisi.plac, vere dri*ug home fram lovn, tir, horse beomme frightened at some sheep lying on the. roadade, and rau away. The. ooou- ponta of tii. buggy er. hbrowu ont, and bMrs. Clenions aligtig on ber head receivsd a miven scalp vound ; the youngest dmughtsr vas s" oonsider. ably bruiaed about ane eye, and a&H th e e bmdly shaken ta the. emrh. Tii. oonvsyanoe vas hroken. Dr. Mo- Langbliu is mttonding to the. suffèrers and they aaafisotorîly ncoveuing. The tventietb annivsrsmry of tire weddiug day of Mr. and Mrs N. S. Young, of,"bi tovu, vas oelebrated at their resi 1euoe an Friday eveung lait by about fifty of tirefr feliow-ctizens, vho ta lthe Iiorough, surprise o! .the. hast and hastes. tank Possession of tiri home, and ailcipaied inu asfestive a weddlng'oelebrition as onld b. deuir. ed. Tii. vWtlors bore wîth them a handoome dinus, service, whieh wàeý le ithe bride, vit bubesi ihe r ntier bappines. The. buoomatiek having beea jumpsd in orhdoxfeuiron a fi steit for Math.: iventy y.mre vas entened upon, and thon a&U united in spending a feu hours socIay. Tii. "iupnsro"dia'fbot negleot ta la0 viii tbem au abundant upply a! ved- ding foast deluièeo, and perfeoted tie ammvEnary by a choioe. npaai. Tlid cashbox stolen fbonsMmn.Mo- Goa' om aStithe Aima bote! a feu veeki qmo, vasfonnd by Mayor Harsey au Frlday lait amoug the. long graiu under àatnli.lua seouded part afbis grounda.Tii.top of "hebox had been ont opec mid ithe look brokon. ln tbiri huer* t.* thievesà l b vrikeol lii central part o!ftth. tray, and on opon- mg tbis ithe Mayor fonnd a ulob nma-. severalbotes 4a favor of Mms.MoOsu (mmkfug hel.owuer o! box,) misaa $4 bei a $2.50 <aid pieue, th.. <aid rings, 25c. fractiana crrenoy, &"m allier article.Tho. box wvasm flot i.d thone by a strauger ta tire laoaliiys noiuier vwu à remnovedfrom tie Aima by aun uacqaited villalth em. Mme. It ie fortunabo liai tb. box 61 On M", -veutug Jon, lJames Embus bd im_.a nimal lb. sbouldàr . 6halter used oun~ càl va t short -te<o Uhlâc. poperlyoontrol lbý, md <bus l0c02- "À saddrovxmg accident oarnoi on- Tnesd&y urorujng b ou s 'clock,.l vhich imle, thir am 04- i- saj f Mr. John goOmbiryl, lotIbis 116. Wlf b. msud a number ef ather MaL ai oy8 von la btingt lu lb. laàke'Jdoft_>by Helm'se ri, ho cleleyfujt lire water, vhicli vaston déep forM, sud the. cher boys veon nt al"ta pull hini ont. Borne-of them Yrmnwy <o get helpt but viru tty Ilm=Ïd <ths poor 1111 ellov vas drovue. fTii. fmmily have lb.eaympathy o f! aur citizens iu their braee About six o'olack lest(W y een" l wlght, ut Wlvn sri g, the.s. i schooner Tue or tire haweer liaI vas roa-Itb bg>Put ta liold tho vesel paried and luin k.re- bound titbe th.eboy's llot. A Oautioug mmL Mouday aftemnoon a mam viii long, ted obin ubiakers, full cheeks and imail, liglit bine eyqso cetiously ap - proached a Sioux Fals.mm as ho siood an the. sidsvalk mai aid 6"Say 1" «Iwonl, vhat i.. il 2" 4"Be you temp'ranoe? #0Wiat ?"- ««Do yen ove: drink 2 1I do oSoioally.' "'Ai pro'bition, thoen ?I 'No air." l'Bay 1Icu yonutellme viere I can <et a drink o'licker ?" "lTii.:' a amboon rigit acroe.thei sireet." "«TiaI, place viti them bottles in lis vindor ?" "8.. iore, nov, onthe squ are euI go uight in the front door ?" ,%o! oonrs." "4Wotiha" eo aiS illafici dark an'* nme a sn.ak tiiungitle aliey 2 "'Do yon reokon the. mouhi thei jug fi kind o' haif ve ean ?1" "&Tieeiant ay jng."1 "*Isu' hbey P Wont have toduink an' basve a ton-cent pico. on tire oock an' go out quiet ?", "Of oourse ol." "-Wouh have ta put my mou.y tironglr alittleolean' vai lii same mlghty ",,Wont<bave b aigu naDpapersmo give My pedigreelore I gil i pu "&Certaluy ual." "Wout have la drink 'boni thrro. or four limes ai muciisa I vaut for.- feu I ctan'i et any fer a month ?" "«Wiy, n., msayou'Ilihave $a do vii b. be stand np tb 1h.bar and téki your drik ~d py fr lb md go ont." "r< vonbi en, lthe papou te- -No." "iWomen vont get bolfit slua' tell lb a&U 'round 2" "4No danger." "Say. podner, laur an a u remU matiaaotoy-I b'leveI cen go over an' g .2-1-r,_k 29n' Lt'Lb-al.k ! You"- Tii. Dominion Express Companyy la amp- pin hfl uantiiesai canne l samon frorn BritishColumbia eel d thelb.article bai been reduced lun price luconsequence. -AL Jaird. To a&U vho are suR eriug tram the errors, Mid indiscretions of yonLh, nervous wak- nes, sarly d.eay, lmocf mauhood, &o., I viii $Md a recipe Abat wM Icure yen, PIRE 0F CITARGR. Tii. great remiedy vas discovejred by a mis n ou ni Ameima Send a àe=-&=ese envelope toe e lv. Josuir T. hiNdI, Staton D, New York Oitq. Thre (anadian cuicketeus pl.iyed a draw ga» itmi h.eLeicester GenUaissren WB Fui Caxur,LaaCT&IC c- pouah thhe utarticle ive have, ever nsed for eosivene.sor: biliusmmansd easy ho Thre harvesl lu Manitoba Ibis pear la thre gremIesai ver glean.d lu thre vesI. iune plie i. the y.ied of viret eutimabo I las Ibmn twenhy-five bwâiels per amr. o» i cx&ez -of <"Moud aS"lCondition Povderm oontainh moe realmeàiGinal virtue liatic lite iveght of mny oher Powder. Thre su Ibatcauses lb. most sun-stroke risevîih the bai-enderand setivith the chandelier overhe bar. LOW'8 SULPHUR b. found mith avery oloai.iig nd lAealng. O.A~N.AflA'8 6REATEST PHOTOORAPHER. W. E9. OBRIEN, WHITBY. GRAND Dominion and Industrial 1 IDUIT - 1887- 1oy T-ORONTO Sept. 5th ta l7th. Entrier clou6 ugmêat 18t&. This, being thre Dominion and Industrial £xhibitions eomblued, wviii h ae t exhibition of the agricultura u ndusra prodmets of liaiS outyee ed grand programmecfpeaitrciosl being prepared.- Reburu tiakets ah single foare aud chez excursions on a&U rallvayaduring the fu time Of 1h. Exhibtion. Thre Greateil Nient oethe Juzbile. SOÂP - houId 1Fer Prise Lista aud ftnl inform ationm foulet, Ift u addreas Soin. queer thiuga iappm n lu uord, Oeun. Uns of!tlire HEarord papersa tbat"a car lions liai ta b. blid aIlhe north =a. 1Coitsuxrcvxsehouhi bnp AUen's Long Boluani; iîcun b. bM o! auy draggist. G. T. I. TIUN-TABLEI. no. 4 Express 8 Looai - 6 xpress 2 Expres Na. 1 Express s " l5Mfxed TLooml <' 88xpuses GOUMO VIS. 1-ue ut - Due mt Wbîtby. "Toronto. 6I7 a.m, -- - 8. 8.41" -0< (do., nql stop ah .Why.) -il 4M2 p. . -6.20 pm &.45" 10.10" eozuo mas?. f 8.25 s.m. - 7.15 a.m. <dose ual uta1 ai SM 2.52 p.m. i.<» p.m. 5.80 " 9.15 -~ ~.0O" r151h0WL J. J.wITEOW, Fresidekw, IL J. BILL. Mgr. and Sac.. NO ENGLISH STABLE 18 CONSIDEBED COMPLETS w TOUT J'b.E-LUMA Nsi. if; rÀ rf Lifo . 1, - % j AT CO8Te ance of New York. CahWdin Governrnentd i Âoouilated reserve fi 04oe "" Death dlaims paid duzing 1681 liéw business, lot 8 mas., 1885, ' Twenty-five per cent. ofau i sm~ are deposited with the Central Tru pany If New York, ai' true fto serve Pn.a " Lie Insu.ranoe alt ba n ordinary rates, amd ty&re&t< 10 ass ments made in l81 -0*'. and 1884, and in no caseecau they j> frequent than every alternate month. Annual expenses of manaemf i limited to, $2 per $1,000. ' An - active agent wantea in evar1 presentollocality, ta whommab libzea mission WRl be albowed. solioited and ti particulars un~ the undersigned. fîý b I.L<GORD>ON# Agent for the Oounty of Ont&zio, - i Port Perry, Ot A.ugust Sth, 1887. MON EY- TO LOAN On Real Estate Mortgage at LoWIL*- Interest. Appraiser for the Canada Loan adS Co., and agent for the Western Azsn9. OFFICE-Over Gerrie's Block, Whitby Buitable for wrapping purposea, layina under carpets, etc.,0 25 Centa per hundred. Apply to ti- TRIS OFFICE. Unapproached for CATALOGUES FREL PBELL & 00mellandII, OII 000» NROBSES. "1w I. LIVERY fmd SALE STABLES D'UNDAS-ST., WHITBY. CRA WFORTHq & DEVERELL. PIRIT - OLIS ruRN-OUTB Puxnished on ShorteatNotice., C0F TRHESIMITATI ONS'. A*heoae snlnra -hem at liu12 inondr aI th -maiselire car~ inhilo Rm Our ve bili more 1 romd dist.: -threwheib of' Tire Chine from Spain in Wasbi <te i y el dpes lbt Stewart, o! N tisr, on Miniuter'sho attention msud pet o!fithe ladi t tsetn year a huigbt-eye4 dressailunIn, -Miniature op park"epposiej bearned Engliin, o! obildhooa. - st athlisLegafiî -nnngle more cairda lua soin Élweidant nôn sscroaties r Young ladiean talet. comsme WIFE u MOTHER ý JMn iE MBýi BIS8TER- Eu in ioeAmn tm 0" ai the ors"on am wu 1»l 01. <em o luruag rosand sbetnd in crder .to s1ow ils 1 paly-ooaiab Ie ulova, emileoa ta asslst# fgpt part, thidaaloU b. Iam i eo f jet. DuusOreMou m Ocmu=rs fra.mi lu Brie!, And Ta Thre Point.- Dyffpepsia je dreadluL Dlsordered liver la mlasry. Indigestion is a boe ta good nature. Tire human digestive apparatus j ne o! thre mnoit omplioatsd sud wonderful thinge iu existence. Il la easiy put out o! order. Gr"Y aiy od, tougirfood, sboppy food, bad eekry, mental worry, late bours, irrogular habitsand niny other hhinga whioh ougirt ual la b.. have made th. American people a nation of dyspeplios. But Gr.eu'a Augnat Ployer lia done a vonderfui work l in ormmg Iis sad business and making the American people se heaithy that they can enjoy their meals Riemer:-No happinosi vithant health. But Green's AugustFlower bringa healthaud happinesa ta the dyspptie. Ask your druggls for a bottie. eventy-five conta. A Convia Cent.: (Midi.) farmer says ilfi se varin ont his way the borna cf the cattie hmd dSunnk allowing 1he bras aiba ta. fail Off. How la 'gain fleali and strength. Use miter eauh meal Scott's Emulmion; aI is a palahable s milk. Delicate people improve rapidly upon ileses. For Consumption, Ttroat aLatoions and Bronchitis iL is un- eq'ralled. Dr. Thos. Prim, Ais., sys: 4"T nued Seott'. Emubion on a child eight montirs aid; he çained four pounds -in a monti." Put up au 6Oc. and 81 size. The. diretors of lie Red River Valley railway have completed arrangement for caunecting with the. Nortiier Pacifia at tire bQundary. Ta uan QUENoa' Pir -ruxss-I"Lotus af the Nile.", for inat nd Chlldren, t-wate mie-H.EL . ARms.,IL Dg, *ii Wormi, fS, le iemu.promtu i TsCEUR Cpay,77?Murray Street,1N. Y

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