MIl With caltu Prluîed vordse gmiat 3oughtil and tdrtug ludustry, -VOL* t Big IReductio carry o'ver ü oe offering Big ,tII 'mes. ew pieces o ~oods, a1f the origù~ Iss of cost sEmbroideries' tuy e'us' Wear1 S, , a big s ive iuean what taîjImy. clean a og- di 0so cost. &Co. 61Si;Wss asgee 4'a/crs lî, F.,ancy las //l's day een ?Z4uinç Mle said lic laie lin 0/ il cd ( o se/lle e lercof o/lier- -/Jor iollection - Ilie-~saïdfir, esazd Richiard IFFORD, CORij4 CK. ne8 Wantod. t*l> Sores anrd UIoos ;SHS,- COLOS, Lodzthey arnsuro OQibi VQOL.- d itthei ornexi XXXIe Establishod 1856. SUB'CRIPTION R&TES. j, per alIIIUr in advance-4.50 othse,. W. SnbsCiptiofl are always payable at the OofDipulcti aon. Steam equipment and bout furmîshed Book &nal[ob grinting plant i» Btr ""0' ocapable-of ezeouting anlclamses of ,work trom the large poster to the irnallest iiadbill. Special mention is mae f h u0surpased prosa facilities of T«i CioN. CLwith its celebrated N. Y. Oottreil IC'ýdrprssand othor modern conven.!- once. Eeryorder receives -prompt, oaro- J attentionl. TERMS 0F ÂDVEBTISING. Firet insertion, per lino, 10 cents ; each liabsequent insertion, 5 cents. DiBplaYed Adveïtisemente arn easured by a scale of od Noupireil, and charged accordinglY. Advertisementi sent without written instructionsl inserted until forbidden, and oharged for funl tîme. Orders for dliscontinuing advertisements muet ho ii wrtiiig, otherwise the publish- ers will not b. rosponsible. A liberal discount for contract advertise- mente by the yoar. Oopy for Changes of contract advertisements should ho handed in not later than Wednesday ; and notice of any intended changea should b. given before Tuesday noon. Other advertise- mente received UP to Tbursday noon. Business notices ini local or news columne Frive cents pe7 lino woekly. Locale, 10 ce. per lâne weekly. Correspondence eolicited from ail arts of the County or neighboring townships. Correspondent. are reqneste to send in tbeîr commiunicationisas promptly as rossible, HENDERSON & JOHN STANTON, Sup't Meohanical Dep't. GRAHAM, P roprietors. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTBR, County Orown Attorney, and Oounty Solicitor. Office,- Soxith wing, Oonrt Bouse, Whitby -48 JAMLS;L riz* 1) RRISTER, ft. Office formerly oc- .j>oupiedt by Farewel& Ratledge, neit o Beya Hotel, Brook St., Whîtby. DAVID ORMISTON9 B.A., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN< Ohancory, Conveyanoor, &o. Oryxcu-In the O0fice south cf the Peut Offce, in McMWfln's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-10L G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., BARRIBER, &o., &o.-Money te Loan BIusuer of arriage Lleenses. Oprrc-Smith's Block, 9outh o! Market, Brook St., Whitby. Ial. 22,1878. (ti-61 JOHN BALL DOW, B ÂRBISTBBý-AT-LAW, SOLIOlTOR Din Chancery, Oonveymnoer, &o. Offco--DeverilVs Block,, Brook Street, WIrtby. MONET TO LXND-Prlvate Fundas,- nsaimeup te 80M, at à 1ev rata of in- toesa. (17-a9 LYMAN ENGLI@Hv, L L- Be BARBISTBR AT LAW, SOIITO l1 B ha o.ry, ovoyanoo, ho., ho. Si=- o"t Street, aao ThB. MELDRUMI, M.B. (TOBOX2<-O .LUnivorsity)>LB.P sudL.U.(Xdin- burh), &o. oi, -hours, 8 te 0 Io , to 4and 7to 9p.m Ne. 8, THE "TBRRÂCE," BYBOIg.BT., WHITEY. P. WARREN,- KD., O.., 9(Mçiffu.) W. CUTHBER.TÊN, - I B. (Torclate,) arI(.D., 01,*0ieorl.) VBTE ie4ABT,* Bme Eo, fradai. e! ii. aiaii Yinaffl, 991-tà v.'ueru Dy MU Or allonded te. - Drl. airesda WITI3Y, ONTAIRIO, FI .RIGGS cIVORY,Ç 8. E. or. Xing sud Tonge ts, Toronto. lit ndsofperso=. ,l"sluteiy painlesa byth .seo V A.d'Q8T. 4 ate with Langey, Langley Burke, Toronto,> ARCHITBCT. Dibsign.sfor Ohurcheu Vi a nacot- ae peelty. Drainge preparea for rzodeling ezlstihg structures. Ourc-First iffat ever Hewae's Drug P. O0 Box 202, WZImv. SEBIERT BROS., LIVERY and' SALE STABLES, BROCE STBg5ET, WHITBY. G-ced Riga sonable on19 e and -ced- Herses. Terme res- SEBERT BROS. ~~{E. A N' S w o iY- ~?QWDERS. Ar 1a ' t) t'kc ' nioanîerw Purgar.c. .~ te. sure, nand fert ai eastroer 91 wermâ iu Chüidren or AduIh, DUNN'S BAKINO -POWDER THE CGOK'S BEST FRIEND Ny Iette» Pn CD (D A Utile muid B..! epr o eivesbread aud butterumkes .tmatu 8.1 coous ud ouïvonlmt l SANKDWI CH ES! S-OAPý CHEMiST and DRUGOIST' Has just received a large as- sortment of FA T 0Y TOILE T SOAPF Which he is selling a very LOW PRICES. SAVONA,. THE GREAT Also for soie by w. R. IIOWSE, CHEMI8T AND DRUGOIST, NEW Iwo GOOS IR. WE OHEMI8T AND DBUGGIST, w t:2 Hu om band a vorMM l arg as!aeci stock o! Christmu 8 oos.cm2 O prl"bi Ladies' Work Boxes, Whî8k Holdor8, Odor Cases, MU'ror8 in PIush, Toilet 0ases, Large -Va8eal,ý * PonCO, Prop.à ~, Kuovledge, Rroîhenhooa. IlY, SEPT-EMBER LO I. NEWS LETTERSI Umm=Le Opndenoe. m J. sud K. L. Biokeli of t have been viaiting ai Mr. irk cf Brampton and Mr. cf Haveloek were 'bore on rinsid fsmily aud Mv,. ýoronà to ,ero visiling ai Mr. YtUYh.Oibert, -an &mierima ship.-- p1séWM kd of igaluable herses fIom bore obe daylait veek by the 0. P. B. TbM B". 1fr. Liddy returnod home lait ý 8urdayý froua hie holiday trip ,quliên*awull and i& nov down witb tbe 8006 few cf the frionds hbore altended the. upueri given by Profeusor D. P. Wyaftat Brooklin lait week sud ver. 'weltjloased vith the onterialament. Thé grain olevator At th. O. P. B. satia b ill accu boue far completed as te stem- grain, snd vo uuderstand that a dwaià ngne je at once te bo.ereoîod for BoueMoier teoccupy.- - Mr. D. L. Williames bas sold hie faim te Ut.Franit Brown sud bai bought a boum sud lot from Mr. Speuce lu Prin$ AIbert. The fMonda bore vould havt besâ pleaeed if D. L. 1usd net loft the uogbborhood. Ur. Pe ter Houli as taken- oui a lieuvÈ as Anetioneer, and we have ne dout but Othbis genial manner and goc& judgement wlll ensure hlm seuc- ' 1village le gradually prospéring. Mr. ýý -meStulif hbavmng purobased a lot" south of theéatore is building a qOeon it, which will add materially to a cf -this sud of the to ýýehpDeMr.Sutlff sud i wýpanner may liv. long to enjoy th«2w home. fiarmeran of this commnnity are oe$à u ducated that ter. la more M îngocd stock, than lu anythiug ni~ as.Two sales muade k llv*i to b he»aw.%e Boo1 a e»4 ithree uoutliold ccli., the dam o wblcl lia a good pedigree, and wbieh (the clt) wvasired by trat faIMiw ponw tedafion -owned by. ,Mr Janson cf <3ieenbank,, for the.hand- omue sum of oee hundred and tonty dollars. Ho alec sold, a few days after, ,a yearling qoît from the same marn for a sum eq ' a arein pro. portion. t tâe cf encols The. weatb.or stili contnu.very dry, m.hneed of vain. Mvâf. KrIs buildagahaumdsouie nov stalebeid buno 4op hie itsvodl-gursXCfaof heuio mab in i hfoveet sltgolter wr UM. all.of the G. T. R. Pmby -tlnaa se, a-ommhie .,mde, thé ell A.M r M& 1887. NO. 38. Our holida'y voyae Who have been spo,,lnfor:soer.lle.. among th. Iadete the nertb ef Lako Huron iu quest of pevfeeîed healuli snd becrestion bave returued apparetly meutally and phyuically rejnviuated. A frieudiy matchame of foot-baIl voaplayd bers on Saturday eveuwng lai. Between Altena and Olatemont which resulted ln ivo game. for Altena te one for the. home team. Philosophera tell ne that env world aspssad from the physical eteae of flreid toWay. nhBo4mlobpeeêanaf resoed stoe elaile o aldvifer luenion tebetweenttedon th men-of env loôa.Ity. Whst t.hat diflerence Was vo do net know, it malter, nef, but the means used te settle thalt difference s an outrage n~on the Teefinaetfail aw abiding citizenhsud sheuld receive the. coudomnation of our inhabitants as veil as il doe that et lh. lav. Whilb- or are vo drifting? Thre Oratorio of Queen Esther was the principal attraction cf our village last weok. On botir ovenings thre Ma- sonro Hall was weil fllled with an ap. preciative audience. Anl the persons interested are te -ho complinonted on thre Performance. Thre Ieadrgpat were on thre whole well sustaiued. Mre. D. HollidayusQuecuBEther, vas weil received and lier siugiug mucli applauded sud adniirod. Mr. W. A. Holiday, as Ring Ahasuerus, acted -as ifborn tethe iuation. _HoRlias a good voice, admirably controlled. Mn. W. M. Laurence, as 11arn, fer tIre final tinte appeared before a Brookuin4 audience. Hie talents lu, tIrt direc- tien vill net now b. allewed te metM. Mr. B. Moore sustained the ýpart of- Mondeeai luinfuýe style. It vas se-' knowledged by cempetent 6nlties that Mr. George Hollitiq iwas aimply a pcv- frect HfigIr Priest; Iris voioeli; magnffi- cent. Miss Aie Ketchen, as Zereeli, Won mueli admiration. SIre sustained t trying eharacter viti great judg.- mont aud teste. - -Hem voice la about as sweet.sud woirldwiah-' Preparatious for Our central fairs ave bein1g puebed with thé usual*energy. The grounds, buildings aud fonces have ail boon polisbed up; the two latter beiug all nicely paiuled or white- waslied, while the. traek là as gcod as epporlunilo or money cail - make., Tihe puintedprize lust has "Oits. saumed the. proportions o! a book. Young, Hoe, ef Songog Island, met with a terrible mishap ber. on Satur- day.- lait. Hope wae-staitheielevator snd ýwas lu 1he set cf rolling à barrl cf ýsali into'his v agouýwhen bis- homse- started sliead -sudclehlvand nitèbed hlm' Every day tiisweek bas been a ýred 1etter one among the nirurod- cof tii tevu. Evemy old mushet sud ebot gun sud in tact everything tual vould cae au explosion ila'being pressed MIe t service. Duok shootlug commences September 181, sud tiras who caunot hit duoka are bound- to frlghten them. avay fron4 thre otirers. The bad shot- is the beet ffiend tire duck lias-lis ex- plosion anevers ausa warning te du4cky te fly high. Tiiere i. net s railway station vithiùi fifty miles of ber. where se many-peo- pIe gatliev-around to es, ethe train ar- rivaIs. -One vonld fsucy lier. vas a rocoption at every evenià g train. , Tii. crowd bleeke np the nalway plalforme to oucIr an extent that people comlng off the train havetothrglofn the opposite aide cf the-caor ,or eu else off nt eiher end o! tho plalfonm inu1i dirt. Thero bai nover been snything" sensations! aroud- lb. plaiform te. draw sncb a crovd e! gaping lcungoui sud th. v-onder l Waht ubey, go 11Ihe-te fer. One -"& bik. our, good peOMý pie -never-eaw the oans.î - This tovu i iblessed wlth about ai maunorleas aûgangof-y>uhbsasu eau be- fonu. luplialoa stture . pperI; eud, o!..mosïi f Ihe -o boys resembtleti- front cf s mudont,' . luasmuci as bo th. boy: su'd lb. ndecsi lentfrely mout l -ean te b. autarnl ven one bolsntai elher fvrom. lu front ail -lIaI ono be étoe ismouih. Iti-&IOal fact ity Of any cf theé twivelogés! mud-oata -bigs oo hT*, aiv arcà undl , hon-~~~~~~~ -oka ii lte fModc I shal Mies Warren, as MId cf Honor, reg- rb dueod 'a finesolo luezce1 ut syl. 8I -M r. A bert-D le, actod a /H na d, su. n m brouelt dignity errougl e olb ofce glW for ûivo Herald& . Tireçclorses were, y un f te Our nnd ery elo . - The ,chilt rnn oseal ly are deserving-cf n-otice.r ,,Pf possibe cfivuprovement -The viole 1 O aftfrefees ret credit ou Proiessor goodpeol Me tso o th*tbnk hat prs blnltaldno business te aus il n s the rendition cof tir. Oratorio, or .to ou,- .8 vmy ounige li by their presence. Tiere t s ' mve sinte people in ibis wonrld whoe. - 'x minds are so contract6d lIatillhey ocau't èrl4 conitain Ive idemaià atime. laveryil , 1 'tling that isn't got up by lbthéeIiikrdh, ioflo must b., lustigtadby t loveu nfoot. lhi i-bae e n-nand .beard'things,in 41l Y I Picnic, Flathlnig.,Partie,te.An!a mtr7cOeratoOufm They aue l ag e i"i Magon.. TRY TIEM AND PLIÂBE ALL -TOUR GTJESTS. The ModetI Bohool ,gor the. Treini go etohruw ». O-pe CU TUEjSDÂY, 8ept.:1$, 1887. cou~ Mnd eaxqas w uroa"B.efo J H. VAN G,duato 0" O"fcetRosido aiU iloss e fv q Noc 0W o st e-0 NO 386 1887-0