Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1887, p. 2

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bd 'o 3e. la is ai Ovuýe»s 0f fuit are rary mnch au. Boyed by 1hb oopduet of 'mre Iýoys Who do not hues1t,"tb!deéw Louis Lehm,of Laskay, who bas boeenvlsltlng St Mr. Jqoov*eio, broke hie atm v 3-- aplaylt'" ng vth oime cher boys reoently. The. concil Ias doôidod thh* the' voîk -of prlnhing th. votets' liste vase incorrectly dons, auddlhae returned il, *consequentiy tte oprinten. About three o'olock on Sztnday morn- ing a fit. broke eut in the. roi snd of tho Su printing offce Markham. The fiai..s pread se, rapîdly tiat Mr.. Ciauncey snd his family barely esoap- ed with their lives. Th-i ro xtended souti, bumning Mr. Fleming's piano aud organ store, ownod by Msse. Marr, aud Ivo stores and dwelinge owned by Mr. Moore, cf Egliigton. On the. north sido Mr.. H. B. Reesorsa residence saugbt fie on tb9 ceroce and vas burued. The. Speigit Manufacturing Company's eheain puop began te play at once, but being short cf hojse b'ad te send te tke Oiarry & Robinen'a wooilen miii for extra houe before Pie streant couid b. brougit to boston Mr. Beesor's house. whch b.ing farset avay ftem tie pnmp vas nearly consumed. The. foliovring are the loosesasnd ineurance. Loos on H. B. Beesor'a hons. #8,000 on contents $600; însnred on bouse in the. Waterloo Matuai $2,000, contents $800. fin p riating office and dvelling aud stable, ovud by J. Robinson, loge 82,000 ; insured 'tu 1he British Amerioa for #1,000. Mr.. Ohaunoeysa logs on plant, store geod@,,honaeeiold fuinitute is about 87,500; insured in different companies for $5,000. Mr.' Flomiug's dwelling, owued by 1frs. Mari., and hie owu los about 82,000 ; lnsured fer $1,200. Mr.. More's los $1,500 ; in- snrod for 8500. Cases.of fir. unknoov. STOUYIMVIL A. Pumpkin Pie Social viii i. ield ii Daiey's Hall ou Tueday eveniug. N doubh hie punxpktius vill be imported a #bey aie ratier toc youug in &hi section. On Tueday nigit a Mr. Weiiingtoi Wîdeman vas driving aiong the tovi lino besvoon Wiecburch sud Mark hum, and wien uearly opposite Mi Nigisvaudsr's hi. herse heck frigit a s buggy on thieaide of thie road an( mado a pinge for the opposite aideo lihe road aud bef thie buggy in lie fenei corner sudthie occupant@ ecattered ix diffetent directions. Wellington bild hi leg breken sud aleo aa&nend interna injuries., A. Tempersuce debaho vil! b. ield il Dsbey's Hall, Stouffvlo, on tho evening of September lot, 1887. Qustion- Resolved tat the Bible doesenet lesol prohibition, but emodern ueof in. toxicahing liquons as a boverage. Mise Kennedy, Affirmative; lLov. E. J. Willoughby, Nogative. Tii debate vii b. ieldunuderthie auspices cfthe Stouffville Fine Brigade. Tii. pieced go ho sheir treasnr.DPeore oren ah 7, p.a. Debato te commence ah 7.80, p.. Au interesting hlm. may b. oxpeted. Thra. basebal itatohes have been pbayed iore litely belveen thi. mukeru af the lov aud the guestiof the Atiinghon hohel. Althhongbthe. bankons kept cravliug np, lie A.thngton guoshi von every game. The. young man vie quit a coif ort- aile ust iu a oovered buggy sud befl is fair ecupanucu lun change cfthie changer until b. abould piuck a few seductive apples iu su orchard'just beyondHli's Corners vas unocre- xuouiousiy intenvieved by a ycibow bull- dcg sud vas seveoe bishcu. He lest tie upper part cf tie cati cf bis leg aud neatb thie vicie log cfis pautaloons. Il lsesaid hiat iad tie bigdog-a nov importation of murdeous propensities --beau off lie ciain henc wouid pro- bably have beau desah. We see no goed tesson for ianboring thise ian- etuh *g canine, athheugi w. premoe in tus case they vers sioeply minding lhiu ovu -businoe. Tiie public are nov gnoatiy iuhorest- ed in thie ceai min. reponted te have beau dlecovered luthe. Tovnshiip cf Bsvdou. The supposodl deposit le situstedinuthie fajm cf Mr. Charles Nix about ten miles eauh cf CauipblIotd. At the.spot viot,. tho dlecevory vas made thora le a spring sffotding a vahet. lug-pbasofr cattie from vic for ycars pash intubi partioe..of ceibave veiled np. Tiie Oampbolfford Hoee2cZ 557 liaI Mr. Nu firet nohiced th. eai vion irequenting thi. placé sixteen yaars ago. Lut year ho mntnoed what h.oiiad seen to Dr. MoCrea, cf Oampbelliord, vioe. urieeity vasarcnsed, sud wvis nsquashed Mr. Ni; ho keep the ie4sovety s secret. Tic Dr. vislted tie. sprin aud vu atisslifed tiat iions va sei somcvhere lu liaI lecallty. 0evonal vekiage ho bargalued for thi. puiciie of about thily (arme in lis neigibor- ii, wiiih h.d vote 1* 'obe d.v*.- edh siýtock îilg, ils PopIivw . Newv York 8Ittoi belug leli youeurits iu tie ohents. IlapUu,»Os, hovever, - " t ho ho-peuho rais another hintiý of stock iront tiphé oulatienNe... of OW- vote blashed ouI, sud Ithe Dr. sent thhen ho. Plllsbti, P 1. u ~lshd int eth aY, O f au e0 seud hy vmoi eteia Phn ennya iaiosudM moubiug liea vp-a' wiu.frosî6 6 uesbt pîie.cfegtloaspto exhbitio n onoday, by Mr.Lagncate.; It v8a 8 b Wiiig58 b, u v as 1111 iu *.Ws nfano 581 vk g, bein Lees tislAea mte 4Q 03%.aenptlaret than 006%s clooed band 'and muet have ro»u in *sigit uearly tvo pounde pot ay,-Mr. tanucter. bas sveralOtonm cOf thoeame size, and hoehates, their grewti eau almoet 'be hoard. Tii. air is tiok viti Soît Aot, sud under the. aile leadership cf a professor cf Love, Peaco, sud Good wiltithe spirit cf hatred aud ail unoharitabloees le being anonsod hothie met hsllish inheusity. 1h looka odd but il muet - be aIl ight, vhen the. cinich leade. On- Tnesdsy a manly effort was mado ho put the propriorescf the. Bock land in jail, sud Tics. Ooilins vas put inelde tie Lindsay jug for suxt7 dsys for non- psàymsuî cf the. fns imposod ilut fail. Mr. Gea. Robineon, wvotnttuh aglng the chier day, juet above Mn. Puine'. Mill. HRevas enjoyunk himeoif kitii roasouabiy good sport, wicu suddeniy a rogular vision cf a bas made a soooh off vitihi.hebail. After considerablo plsying, ho vas brongbt near tethie boat, vien i. gave a splurge and snap vont lie lino. Anotien hook sud sinkiet ver. attaohsd ho he lUno,sud Mn. U Rbnn ad setIed dovu ho's discuoOn as ho the probable woeigit cf -he:fieI, w atb*àd Àawffl 12aap- e- ed front big hande. Up came thé fiai ho thie boat, and again thie lUno sapped. Witbhie soiemu deciarahion tiat ije vouid have that old ses dog ont cf $iat, or break another log, Mn. Robinson fitt.d a troiliug ine ho tie ted. In lets than fiv. minutes tien. vua spull, and the smilo moliod by thi. gentleman ah the butt end cfthie red, was cf a peonliar combination. The etiuggls vas soon ovor, snd a six pounder lay in thie boabt, it thie twe lest books in iis mnti, the ines being bit off vithin an inch on hwo of hie menti. On- Monday evening Mr. A. R. Stevart, Road Master. ou tie G. T. B., vas visted ath iesions. by a numbner cf railway omployees sud pneeented viti su addreuu, acoompauiod by a sibven vaher service. Tic nov 1050 pound beil wva put lu position ti.veek, sud lie old on. voigig about 600, sent sasy. Tii. nov one is a p9werfal &oe nd uoeet hell. Wieuthe. Mecianes' bnilbding us cempl.ted thie bell viiibavo tho heur shruck on il frem theo ock inthie lustitute tewer. W. bear smcm. vondoriug comment made upon hbe email peroontage of pupils of tlus scicol 8sucoossil &a hie recent examinaticu for Srd cîas esciuere and ne doub#o a UtIle igbt outhi e un- jeet from tisse vbc kuow ail about it voUld gnatify sud poeeibly reliev thie anxlehy ef some cf our nahepayers. Tien. v"a slarge number cf candidates and cnly 7 passed. Tiers is room fer m -peta uuueêla u b émaair Meuors. Dundas & Flavolle Bros.ihave made ragmeî.obuil4 a&djoining itho grain varohoue, Victoria yard, a cold shorehôuse for lie storage of butter choe. suad 'other perisiabis produos. 'the building viii b. cf ens e25x60 fa. siianged î1usd. vilh a loft teholoi e. sud sterage belov for thie produoe. Tont car loadu cf imon vork for thi. roof cf lie nov ongine shcd arrivsd aI Lindsay this veek sud vote haulod up te thie jonetion, room net bilg avsli- able en the sidinge about lis yard. A lange Iumnier ci tie pieces are thie immense ieon girders vhich viii support tie roof cf lie building. The company have set aient arrsug. ing th.e urroundings of tic nov grain vareouse ah the Lindsay station se as ho havethie premîes in readineu tor thi. l grain trade. Work hai boen commorced on lie plahiarme sud on Wednesdsy a train vas detailed ho brnug in a qunutiîy of gravel for the purpoe et gradin.g up the approscie. The né1w train plsced hast veok ou tie Hafibuin division le tic "daley-" train cf thit 'in.. Tii. paèsengen cossui smokig sud bsggage caus are prachi- oally nov, and have -boon psInted a unifonm clr-thie novTuiscan md, vlthi Inmmingu cf tonton, yoliov sud 'black. Engins 628 hu e en oviau sl. ed sud put in firet clas, orden,vithi Engineen G. Johusten na he hi.rothia. <Jonducer Pym le thie coelii 66megnily cf lb. train, sand lthedisWtrt speaki favorably of bis unfoni cenntesy sud tionouginesi. Tii. prospects are liaI lion. viiibô ne Isck'of buyeplu inte Lidiay grain, iarkeh Ibis e m. ecognlmxing liaI for the>asl Ivo yesuthoemialîl ,ba net been éiatisfacî y em yham b e o f o ui d lu ho ! cf a n u b w o cillonsvie Ie lov arrauglug for' malpial anti iuior o hIl s 1i l' il 7l a alto ried, My i Our ob<f friand Mr. John Bertram bas been makimg smne experunents i ipohate culture wvici viiibear repeti. tien-u. i lnormed Sith* ao.*s ealy in he sommer he found a Pbato, t ant grevlng amongat bis shrav- be1rrie. He hock it eut sud eut slips from it, planting eaci slip by itseif in lthoncugly prepax d soil, From thti violeNbcd ng ten ponude cf good eized polato.., an excellent yiold for ouiy on. tuber. Aàecond tesson for couoiuding tuse is a more adranhageen, metbod cf poîsto culture lien tbst genêraily an- pioyod, le 'lbhe"tliat thi. rot eau nover at '4ok polatoos gtovn hie vsy. I is Dot smigit b. tieugil su alto. gthernenovprocees, athiongi nov ho tues montr.Il us qunte a common mstmod cf lsuling in Scoland, Mmr. Bcrtrsm vas a farmor tien. for malny yosrs sud 5mye il le frequongiy omploy. ed on a large mcale. He ha. raised ;s mci as tu onos cf petahoos lu on. year lu tuie way. Tiere s l ouider- ail. labon stahsedho the prooes but il pays lathie long run. Tii. same gentle. man bas don. censiderable fairming lu ti ceuntry on the solie panasho vas need t pau id lu Sotlld, aud, avers il paye just as vol bore as il dld lien,. On. lime near Peleroroob. vas vorking fifîy acres aI the. smm tinte a&a- neigibor vas vorking 150. MUn Bentrain madesa cialleuge te hie neighor te lie effeot liaI hie'profits of is uighbour's fam, tirs. tines thc site, vonid not equal limai of ie. Tii. challenge vas -nol socpted sud oui frisnd bas iound out frem e~preo lista maU0màI-Mw.U hUeié sbolIer cof the. opinion Iat S_ý,tbe. frmers hbon, hotq t ~ o c utuciwlIm the. o oaoablltv~àt"a -the ma , Thî, ý 1 Lam PidayiTait'a mIli a so aud -.wagon 4.taudi n - nar.the won eutarte by tii. train aüd!ran a for aIt hoy ver. v<&rth. _ ,ome stopped them belote tey had go*aS than a bleok bor v. w&y, but-,the. vau fouuïd to b. badly damag.d. 1 1 ûl qbti foictznc, sexes, have been bably affeot.d the camping oraze, and aIthouh feuit ean-bo-fWund vith the osabis-ë the almosphere hoe, tlioy eeem î on the hu-nt for s6mothing purer..-j vo suppose il là thei. anve of anaturl Ide vbioh aimbet ail men ie.w b t n henitit, ul aueS'thia annual migratioà Thons i. considérable of 'thé sïvàgo1é-l man yet, in spite of civilisation, jW& thie m'akes hi sèek il uî neir h wilde of nature. During Thureday night the. handeome' summor residence of Mr. Mdaoklin,'Dusai tb. Namiw~s, was cooumed by fit. with alUI the furniture it contained, snd clothing and offets geuorally. A lai*P had been left bnraing in orne of tii, rooms whiob, toward morniug, eplo. ed or vas upset in sme vay, suiàlua veyshort tim. the whoie buiding, vas enveioped an flames. M. sud 'Me. Maokli barely eecaped wath thefr liveu, Dlot oven having tinte toet quttheïr weaning apparel. This is a moa u- fortunatecocurrence, as the ovuer lias ouly beeu a resident hors a É.ry1sort tine. We hope hevLl el.D4ot les',. Oufila on acoont éf~)~ Bometime between Theeday f-ight and Wednssday morutng au athempt vas made to rob the houe of Mr.. Geo. Thomson, of thie hovu. Entr&,i.e vas effeohed by breaking. on. of tiie Olla vmndGwe. The oat of Mr.. Thomeon, vhieh vas bauging in the bhal6vas a once meized, *and thé papers in hie pocketboo>k scattered &round. Fortu. nately ,Mr. Thomison had previouely removed his money se another place, s50 thst the hive er. diaappointedin obtaining'theur expeoted booty. 1h is evident that tbey vote disturbed and fled befote completing their despicable vork. A similar attempt vas made on the same nigit on the dwelling of Mr. H. Geoke. Accesa vas obtained te hie promises by removing a vire fraie frooe a collai. window.- The uideboard drawers vers oponed sud preparations mado for oatiying off anything valuable in thehoue. But the bargIars vote alarmed by the crying cf lie baby and seeing a lamp lighed, sud dimappeared, cari.ying off us their boohy a pair cf boots. It i.s upposedêtht the crying, cf hi. babby frightened tbe maraudeis ah Mfr. T.'s Inason, Alec, ve waru c>ur townsmen ho, look weil after thein ollar vindowo asim eo hliat lie7 aue properly secur.d at usgit. And for the. encouragement cf our baobab, frieuds it i@ @vidant liaI the. esespe cf thonè Ivellinge 'froin bemng plundorod was ccsasicned by the. family musiecof tii. babies, and that therefore tie be@t burgiar-proof safeguard in the. bouse le A large force of cavalry, inlanhry sud police have loft Limerick for lie O'Grady Iestates, wiere liey vil b. oncampod 1rhile eviotions are being made. A. (Dard. To vieho are uufforing front he erronsà sud indiscretions ef youti, nerveus veak- nseanl d au et manhood, &o., I on ff aracipe tiat viii cure yen, FREE OF CHARGE. Tii. greatrentedy vws dîscevered by s misslonary lu senti Amenica. Send a sof-sddreme envelopo hO tie Bey. Jouzira T. LauNi, Station D, New York City. .?T. R. TIXEM-TABLE. 1D)uo at No. 4 xpress ci 8 Looab 6 Express 6.47 a - 8.41 - (dosnet stop ah -- 16 M3xOG 4m 5 p. 7 Local *WiibbyeMay15,187 GoicNBEAT. 8.25 a.t (doem noet uop at -Witby.) 252tpm. 6.50" GREATESI PHOTOORAPHERI W. B. O'BRfrEN, W-HITBY. GRAND TORONTO, $>30,000 IN IPRIZES. Entriea close Auguat l3th. Exhibitions combind, wil be he greshest exhibition efthe agricuitural sud lndutrial produchu et thiu country ever held. A grad programme ef ipeciai attractions lu Return tickets ah singla fore sud chea excursions on ail railways during the tul tima eft hoExhibition. Thc Greatést Event of thoeJubiloo For Prize Lista sud teil information J. J. WITEROW, President. H. J.RELL. Mgr. and Sec.. NO ENGLISH STALBLE 18 CONSmDEIED COMPLETE WITHOUT Ducalt Toronto. 10 6.20p. 10.10 1.00 P.m. 5.80 de 8.00 de i0E vau.mo~u' ORPPE»naxs, wnoe Pouïx TERIOATB A»D ZEPLUENSA. FO OO OT. A» iD 0033OUTES INi SKIE? AN» LAID". L ifo f8uao AT7 COST. MUtuaIReserVepwid Lue 8 . suce cf -New York. Canadian Goverument deposit Aocumulated reserve tend (Oone) 86~ Death dlaims paid dnrlng 1884 .79 Now business, lot 8 mes., 1885, 479.9w: Twent.ive par cent. cf ail asesm are deoie with the Centrai Trus.... panycNo York, as trusteos eof the u serve Fund.' Lite Insurance ut les than one.half à ordinary rates, and iiecnrity Perfect. O.1, 10 asesments made in 1881, 1882,18mi and 1884, and in ne oaue can they be xo frequent than eveny uternate month. oý -Annual expenses o( Management,&o limited to $2 par 81,000. An activo agent wanted in evdny r. presentcd booality, hoi whom a liberai clt mission wiil be allowed. Applications- solicited. and fuit particulars funnishea b. the' undenuîgned. *H. GORDON, Agent for thc Connty of Ontario. Port Perry, ont. Augulstti, 1887. MONEY TO, LOAN On Beal.Estato Mertgsge ah Low Rte Interest. A-&;.A:PQST, Appraiser for the Canada Loan and Saving OFFICE-Over Gerniela Block, Whith] Suitable for wrapping purposes, laiyju undor carpets, etc., 25 cents pen hundred'. Apply te tt. THIS OFFICE. Tone and Quality, CATALOGUES FRE!. BELL & 00,Gullbont GOOD Hef RBES. NEW RIGS. LIVERY and SALE STABLES, DUNDAS-.ST., WHITBY. TIRST - GLASS TURN-OUTS Fnnnishad on Shentaut Notice. Commercial Traveller8 liberally deali4 FAIREPRICES. HONE8T DEALING. r FW19ORTHL-SS IMITATIONS. As thero are many intnla goods, cended viti jute,> as raline by somo u prncld mecants tad Our genule VeraIinet. w. vruthe ades againat such mpstion.by dram- lng hd honle the ýnc f teig thatheo 'OROMPTON CORSET 00i.' 8êtsmpedlnnerdeUoanalino,<,< Wltlàout'wih noue are genuine. WIFE VrT rI MOTHER fffEY SISTER By punehgingan Improvad S SpeoiliShyles for he ,Ho1idày Soason. Foi sale, chesp by ýSolo get Alo Aet c y'ooèebratod Arge". Whhby, Dec. 16,1886. lasï. -» the. Batz That is ho say, your lunge. Aise ail youn breathing aochiziory. Vary wonderf ni ma- chine~ it iu. Net only the langer air-pas- sasitt he hhousand ef ittie tubes and oavitjos eadîng fromthtent. Wheu tisse are clogged and c hoked withi mattor vich ought net te be there. your lnpgs cannet hait do their wenki And what tiey do, they cannet do Woll. Cail it coid, oonghi croup, pneumonia, estarri, censumption or any e .f amiiy of tireat snd -noue snd hesd snd lung Ob- srctionsa are bad. All enght te ha get nidof. There le juist on. sure way te get nid cf tient, That i. ho tako Bouche.'. Gorman Syrap, whici any drnggish will s011 yen ut 75 conts a bettie. Evén if every. thing else had faibed yen, you may depend ùPen this for certain. Messrs. Gilbert sud Sullivan are engaged ln sketching ont a nxew comic oera on the subjeote ilbd West Show wihh Buffalo Bill sud hie Englisi sucoss. Jas. Shannon, Leaskdale, writes: For many Yesns mY wife vas hreublcd with ci. blsine, and eould get ne relief unhil about two yearu ago; aie was thon net able te walk, andthe Pain wau thon soexozruciat- ing tiat uic could net sloop ah nigit. Yonnr agent wus thon, on hi. regular trip, and she asked him if he ceuid cure hon. Ho held ber Dr. Thomas' Ecleotrie 011 vas a sure cure. She hried it, sud judge ef her astonishment viien in a few days, the pain was ail allayed sud thc foot reshered ho itu nahurai condition. 1h is aise the bout nomedy for burni and bruises I ever ued. Archbishop Walsb has publiuhed a letton invihing landlords te appoint a commihtee ho meet a oommittee ef Iriuh tenants in ein~~ ms~e teé cait] gang of' ni peeted ho1 * for infants, and Childrene luemeoOmisoowQ&adptedtoCbflr.fthat fOCatSe l ônOe, Oommtpatf on,l 1 rmomlmend ft« mpeor toany prescription Sour Stom2ach, DIarrhoa cteLtion,4 k»Uat* re." H. h. AumemmIL D, KMls Worma, glve 81 ecand promotes di- ll . Oziard 8tL, cklyuiS. Y. 1Y &uIumeoi TIM CRNiqr&uuCoMp&NY, 77 Murray Street, N. y. 1 Of ths revirt b -eurneth, au i dit replace bu: hjbenght thO i wben bis n 'he seveisi' tha ah any Bepnblican ed from the fe drizsL ba about a She Su.r uny, beca Mr. Bon- rohampien ara havriug àud butter. * iom. theo of Ibis o expendim dons».~;a< * ps ou mount »à * excessof t] beingaoo At th pissenth iheir annïu _mostof lbý si.-108 O 7ý 01 A RaiCal Change. isd get se bad wti dyspepsia that-I hardiy csred viethor I ived ornont, »sys Fra= A. Swain, et Toronto Globe Office. Tires bottles et Bnrdock Blood Bitters cnred hlm, sud hoe sys, '«it nov ueemu a pbeasure te liv.."î Thc Berlin Sociallsta have 'issned a circularho the effeot liaI a contenance et thie leaders efthLe uociehy vil b. Leid abroad in thie autumur, The-date sud place arc kept secret. 1 TERaiE mm M&NY cou ghi misturas, but ouly one Allen'. Lnng BaIsant ; try it. Scully, the.Cinucinnati boodion ha. neturn- ed and suurnendored. *Tnz QUEsTION OF TRI Houa-Where can I gôt a good Flavoning E xtract ? Ask for the "Roy6al." They are the very bout. Paris la utarting a coc]dng..main te rai». tends forthie poor. Holloway'u Cora Cure is the medicine te romovo ail kinde et coins sud vante, and only coutsthe amail sunt of twanty.five sept. 5th to 17th.

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