Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1887, p. 3

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of Newy ent dindn t id during fl r ceuc. etql aulgtl lbtJ the Centisi TrIM t 7 0 at les. thau Ie. U mar lu t îo case eoute > ery alteruate inall. ýses nimngeet ut wanted lu efeey rte whema tu llhsrs4 particlonî un~ ho (Jounty et Oxtadoi. Port Perry, ont. TO LOANq dortgage at Li-w~t ' uterest. Jasnada Lean azxSaviug ýr h. Western Assumaîâ erri' Block, Whlsh7. -2 cents par liunared, &pply te TIIIS OFPIO . ORANS Una'Pproached for T oue snd Quallty. 2UE8 FREES oui. G lpOnt NEW GS 3ALE STABLES,> T., WHITBY. &DEVERELL, S TURN-OUTpS Shcortos;t Notice. tter8 li&èally daL FBON EST DEÂLING. !S IMITATîOegS ore are msnv uero il corded with * jute, , etc., olloîod and soid Ora!ituo ry some un. ipledl urchsnto tradJ. uthie rePuttion at Ceraline m-n the ladios s.galnet l'uinuby da- uratetion te the 8ity 01 beelng thakt lie il Improved lolday Sssuon. Fer pby BANIKSY sole Agent. s t'eobrateil Amt@ gework Ck SCOTIA. trne te purchaie MCE' EST 18 TUE 'ST, 'T P088988 EVENNg$1 igheat degreeuin ih p' MAADA ufature tran bs rtcifs snd any c0" singihe. WGORK CI, ,BT. W se. TS tan vo 2der 1h. h, rt ter, Sais. ivahiigon Letter. <)'rM ourregular correspondent) IggoINeTeN. D..C., Aug. 26, 1887.- Wa.ons orgastiîon et lb. labor aL u the ' till laser formaion of Pe enriean prtrty nov olaita a largo ,,Of public atiýeutieu sud discussion 00e of & il shades of peiiticil a:onu the National Capital, sud ,psmoi; ezven to quit. -a number rom ,.1 certain elguifleant 0 8pigo, I arn oonviucod Ibat the I erOf both tho great political ,ffiee regard Ibese movements wilb ,,Ooh alsrm sud apprebousion, for, il jo apparent, Ihal lb.- new parties, lu colection wltb the Prohibilioni.sts may lps îmnAuy nice osîculallous as to whiCh psrty wiii carry Ibis or Ibat Blae n the neut Presidential electioný. The Independeut voter is 11111e cunceru- eover the nov departures, oxcept Sconsider thein a coufirmation of bis conviction lbat neither tbe D)en2eratic or Republican parly fnlly iand fairly riospoude te tbe w»uts and wvislbs of tuýe peop1i* et tbe United States. It is but iother illustration of the natural iaw et "Lb. survival et th,, fltes,' that the pelitiosi parties, like animale sud vegetables, ebould corne sud go, fulfil thoir mission ef good or evil sud disappe from the êart h. I letiru thst Ibero ie a pretty prospect of a firtclss familY îow amoug the Demorlts, upon Lb. meeting et Con- grofsB. over the confimation et United Scates Treasurer Hyatt'u nomination; th@ revoit being led by senater Voor- lices becau8e cf the Troseurere refusai ta dismis rom bie office Jerome I3ruett, an Indiana Repuhiiosu polit- cian, holdfing a 82,5Q0 oiorkehip, sud replace bhlm witb a Democrat et lbe Senator'e sAleotions. Mi. Hyatt ile tbonght te be a mug-wump sud Sens- tors Voorhees, Beck andi Vauce, &Hl memberseofthtue Finance Committee, annouiced their intention te balte him whan bis name cernes up. There are probsbly more eleike cf the several Depmatments on lfave nov than as any periélof cthb present ad- ministration, for the roseau that the Republican cleike have about recover- ed from the terrer of beiug dismissed 'Or partisan ressens. I bave beard of a ew dis~igesals lstely, but thobe. vil bo about a dozen soon in thbe office et the Bupervisory Arobitecl et tbe Treas- ury, because euch reduction lu really Deeoeeary. Mi. Benediet, who lu regarded as tbe champion boncer atWasshington, is ou bis vacation sud se the peer printere are having smaih needed restu, trom disturbiug alarme of losiug their bread sud butter. A day or twe ago Warrants for #16,268,000 in pensions voie ieeued heom thbe Tîesury; silil since thebtret et this month the exoes et ocipts ovor expenditures je Ibree millions sud a hait dollars ; sud se lbe enormons surplus geos on plling np. The srne allewed ,by law jar red..mlung trade dollarse « pires on thbo Brd et next mouth, thb, mount rodeemed to date b.eing ni irly even millions sud a hait, eomet:h1n4 lu excelse of the :ýtimâte ; the difference being secounted for by importations fhemChina arid Japsu. At tlb.set Cabinet meeting ouly Seorelaries Bayard sud Fairchild 'voie preeul, the other membere being on tbeir annual basve et absence. The Presideut bas bée opending Mcms t fbe bested teixu in theo soda. sien et Oak Viev, but nov thst Mne. An Episode of a-Dentist's Chair. One of the familiar offeetset ether ie te msks the patient tslk rambllugly- et wbatevr may b. passing iu the mind. Charley Smnith bau a doar l1111e girl, 'vhom ho thinke lthend l oesd rurner bas il Ibat lb, two vili shorbly b. mnade eu@. Obarley bail su errand, le p.rforr, n oWednssday, about tan 0'ciook, aud whuba comiug do"n W-- etreet whom elieuld lie meel but Nole. The poor littje thiug cul sa&W<Ul P. pearauce, tbeugh '*n8 the woe.begone, tesr-sbulned face p.epixg ont rom Ithe muffier struok terrer -te hie beaît. Sho b.d been np moit of th. nigbl witb terrile a toohblph, sD&wouldu'1 Cbsrley go't b ele *ith bier!1 8h, proffmd éther lt as u.àd Ii. se- comedating hulidt Mauraed 10il wltb the staff sud ed it auder the l1111. ied nome. 8h. gupeM a bitbut soon eettiod down bertl, h ràby 11pe psrted, sund mli began At once prattliag sway like M'sleeping bsby. Ohsnlpy was standing ma lus da eb,chak, *ba abe murmnur4, $$Oh,.OJharley, dou'I" Oharley îooked- up al lb.deàdal, 4owu at himelf nd.-Mole wl'spy Ohaley; ploas. 4ox"t'l Tht--dmtid mwiled g8"17i, Oaç' to bulgs, u *qI» Uri Ihat limeW" Ohui.ye wbo hs4 - _Qsrle4dovýu lisp M t thauish '8eaht f herral egi nsai èUOIýO"a% 1)2e end of s, bar$ .w had mubl'inraieiug s gis beer bi hlm mo, <t h he riglit armn,&l mighl b.~ ~~ iMocdt eate a leetieadvéfiture Wbiola appened te me j ja n 1 Re was e aruesîly bd Issa to Mfr el cOdoflcence of its burde$,and h. Don. tînued :.. ',Weli, I had beena hangini, &round In. diauspolie fer several wooke, 'aud fiuslly, the polio. judge advised mes toise town. I nover srgy With a polie judge. Whou they cerne riglit dowu to fathuiy advice 1 scoop: it aud gît. I ieft the town ineide ef twe heure, ana it didu't tak. me over Iliree.- hure te reaeh a mlle-pooltone miles awsy. About 4' o0:o1ock in the afternoon, s I was restin' beside the higbwây, ascshoo1ma'.am passed. She wus a obippor lettie body, weighing about niuety pounde, sud white-faeed, snd when I eort o' rtz up te a: her if she didn't have a bite toe et in ber basket oe. ttered a womnanieh yepand started off on a dead inn. I didn't bey My swallér.'til coai and etandin' collai on that day, sud I gus mli. took me fui a tramp. "Now, gente, wheu a flouer ie ragged, hungry, snd out o' rbino, wbat dees h. do? Re makes a break, iu course. I walked along fer about a mile, sud wben 1 cornes te a farm-heuse with a look of oomfort about itl'Istops iu ana auke if a poor man who bad lest hie bull family in the great Cbicago fire eau git s -bite to eat, te bruce him up aaelho joumneys toward the settju' sua. The xnotberly old seul ef a farmer's wife wonld bey set out a square mesi for me, but ths.t 1.111. scheolms'sm wras there te prevont. I heard 'ern wbiepsrin' together in the neit room, and by sud by lbe old Isdy came back snd give-, me the bonce. A tramp as bas belenged la tho purfesb fur fîfteen years hsdn't erter fire up oer seh a trifle ase that, but it bit me like s blpw below the boit, s»d I determined on revenge. " II went into the orebard aud stole some applos, aud thon'laid &round ta wstoh. I fouud ont afore dark that the fariner. wae an old man, sud that there wss euly three ef 'emluinbte bouse.. Long 'nuif 'fore th. ligbte were ont I had srranged with myBeif te break in. There wasss chauce of plunder, sud I iutended to scare that lettle sahoolma'ain eut of a yeat's growth. I don't say aseI would bey laid bande on ber, but that very thïâg rnight hev bappened, yon know. -Well'about half au boni after raid- night 1 begine operations by areopin up te. th. back door. It wae ebut, but net loeked, snd I crept in, struck s light, aud found oey wtky te the pantry There wsoold meas, pnmpkin pie, sud bread sud bntter, aud it took me a good ball an heur te fil up- I might bey got ont thon, but I wantod semnethin' es. Thaore wss nebody @1eopin' down- etaire, and mter pc>ketin' a wateh I crept up-stairs juto the old folk@' bed- roowu. Tbey wss aleepin' as seuud se Yeu P.,ase. and the moon ishitin nl tnrnisbed ail the ligbt needed. I weal ttrough a bureâo and Rot a wallet, snd was searchin' the old mn%' pauta, whieu I hoard a stop at the door an a vuice cricd oui: surrender or PHi shoot!l' Il wae that boute sobeolma'am. 8h. stood iu th(, doer in her nigbt-dîees, a revolver peinted ful ât me, sud I could see ber eyes blaze. I made a rush to seize ber, wben 'crack!1 crack!1 went tbe revolver, and eue ballet utrnok me in In the way of apples snitable lor lb. tryiug regious et North Mneotlsnd Dakola, sund 1he soulh baff of >fRIi- loba, somns àfthe.Hybrid crabe, or.Igin- ated by Peter M. Gideon and othue, muet b. iuoluded iiinhlb.l.Many o lbhe», if work.d ou- h&rdy roots, wll prove more valuable saI- the *xfreme nortli. as tbey ai. leus ubjeet le blight than famIler soutb lu thé prairie 8tv.tes, where th. summer heat à more lise -aud -continueus. For really good dessert apples for muter au, the' Éïd A.is, Bine Anis, sd Motled Âme .,re Tii, OfrI Who helpsliKothr., Thei~ a~a g 0'àaîITlove -io think oen heîai4 tlk~!~r~bé,o ornes lulate V"Oen o~re le ÏIomy,w ho ,wée a. prelty littl. aiisa6f esspuibiily sud buuieil thlhro Îu, w he Sthe others s~ t de n d bblfrmauy- coifoas.Bli l ~UeWii 'vi.heips Moilier. lualber o* n b omu -h, e sa biesëpd littie saint aàd'pomforter. S3he t&keu iùnfiled tas*sfom e tfaed fingersibhat taller eaI1,their wWk; ber tmroug 1 >uâg fingeri leÏa àteif upon! whioh heIlie gîe haireds whfte faoed mother loané sud is resl.d.--8-h. hêlpa mother witb lier spiug sewlng, witb, th. week's mouding, 'vill s oheorful coonversation aud ceugonisi onpiou.g ship Ibat smoe'girls do t'ot th" ikwh while wating bu ouly' mother. Ana wbon thore cornes a day wbelb.h muet bond, su girls muet ofteu bond, ovor tb. aid worn eut body of mother lyig unu. hoeded lu ber coffin, rengb bauds folded lier long disquiet merged in roat, smre- thiug very sweet il b. miugled with ber le., snd the girl wbo bolped mothei, 'viiifiud a benedietion et P.a.o npou ber besd sud lu ber beart. Bow a dog Yawns.- Did yen over watch a deg yswu P For Ibergughnve spd entire absence of affeotation or moek shsrn.facedua thore le nothing lb. ilt. Wheu a dog yàwns ho doeeu't serew hie face mb oal unuatural shapes in au endoavor to keep hie mouth minI wlth hi. java mide open. Neitber doee b. put bie pawe up te bis face iu au apologotie way, while gapiug ilu sugnieh as it wero. No; wbou ho gapes ho la willing al tbe word shail corne te the show. Ho bisees bimeoif firmly ou hie tour foot, atroîchea eut his ueck, depresees hie head, and bis jawe epen witb a graco- fuI moderalion. At firet sigbt il le but su exaggerated grin, but wheu the gape ig apparoutly scexuplieheda, the dog turne ont bis elbows, opens bis jaws anothor 45 0, mwalbows au n uaglary boue, by a eudden and conclusive moeo- ment, ourle up bis longue like the potals of a tiger lily, snd ebube hie jaw with a enap. Then ho ssumes a grave sud contented visage as is emiiieutly becoming te eune wbo has pertormed duty snccessfnlly sud couaaîentioueiy. NA TIONA4eL~ILLS ,cill cure con- 8tipated bowe làin regulate the liver. Lx H-ABITUA,,rxsTIPATION, Campbell'a Cathartie Compound ie used with great suocesa. Prince Victoria Bonaparte i. issig manilestes. He wate be Emperor et the Freuch. WE FÎS'D the best Condition Powders ara "Imaud S." Mis. Thoagipson, ot Brookville wus 100 years old lait8aturday. WORMS CA USE MUCH 81CR- NESS amoriq children that Freeman'8 Worm Poxodera wiZi urely cure. Prince Fordîuand et Bulgaria la trying liad te gel bislit. iiamr.d. When Baby wuvae aic wv.gave ber Cmtoels, Wbe he wh. a aChu& thebs oesd for CastoIa, When she became MLiela ah. clung te Castcria, b" h LdCLIIdreN, aSh. g&V.hUMCutStl, An eldl physicla, retimae tom praotle, havisg b.d plseed inbis baudsb anomI India misuionary lb. fou mula :îa simpl ,vegetable reMed for thqped ,md perm- anent ouot of BUpIOU çeub1.l Cstarr -h ubn»Msd a1l terost ma «Lurti affeotions a apositie s ad xdiea ur orerosDebi#ty sâd aUNocsom ïWnat te -avluw wve.m ftit hiedaty - tuiiibkai à %= 'ta hi@ Âne r~e~uua if~baabeen dia. a nermanent e 0 aonoaty oe, Tinrmd day, urtephodno ntee buainees.DeecrPtivepamphle sent free on receipt (d starnp biy TrORONTO, OriAABi ISPRING SUITS. I --000 JOHN FEROUSON 18 8HOWING A SUPEBIOR STOCK 0F Scotch, Englisk ,and Canadian Tweeds,' And allier fie ne ns of Claths, for Spriug suite. Ail garments maae Up in latelt style on shortest notice. Ready-mfiade Men'8 and BOy8' &7a, -GCflt8' Furni8hmag8 and Underolothing of ait Klnd8. flnESTuOTiBL OEALB HiATS 1 HATS!1 HATS! Latest styles iu Hard and Soft Feît Hatse VEBY OEÂAP. JOHIN FERGUSONY, BROCk ST. - . WHIITBY. London and Lancashire Life Company.- This Cornpny ssuuevery des"rble ferm 1et Lite PO llsu as depouited -with the B ceiver General in spproved Canadian seourities ovor 3100.00 for eaci 8100.00 et liabiity, thue affording ABSOLUTE se- curity. Parties desirous et. sssuring thei lives wil find it te their adlvantage te consuit the undersignrid beforo assuring elsewhr.. JOHN FARQUHÂBSON, General Agent Whltby, May 18, 188. -lyg PA T N,ýT S theman terms as <itizeng. It 8-)e te D'undas Ste, WhitbJ THE QUEEN'S JUBU-LEE. THEB1IAZILIAN WAIREHOJSE, Will celebrate the event by a complete *revolution, i thle' ORO KERY -1!RÂýDE) FOR THE NEXT 30,'DAYS. Colored D*inner-sets, cýeolore,,d 'Tea et ad colored Ohamber wes atalygvt ylag stockof entir ew patternï-a.nd steso sele t rom. Riemenýer thi nohumbig 'We> lead the .trade àn TE-È!S aud OO0"~.EES, ajftd gu- rai GTooeries. Wecar a lîrg stock snd souR at )b>tt<0M., A, . OA2511 81111680F 1E DV No. the ie" ai as *Dy oft ool.ectiou ton, yesr oc à. G. TuaI the. woodc sud eou<4 eraba lam varitlo.< -Me* hoin Eav. taen plret Priséï snd Ga-ld Medala aIstallh. Great Exhibitions.e Those 'vie have 1: ieommeud Ilte otheir It ls u mmthe machine for the Public. * Doe a ias ai Sewlng. Alvayeju Order. Simple sud Laitesa Liietirno. The Domoloqn organs and. Piano: ,Are Better than Any Other., The Boat Judges sy Ils Toue le bbc B.it. Il lu built with a view te Dnrabiliby sud Beauty. The Beist Instrument to Buy. Cal sund Se. Our Goodu. H. W. FOX, AGENT.

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