Purty UARANTEZ F[ellebore, Paris Gre( Insect Powder, Slug-5hg -00- AL ABs$TIN Owing to great demaud have been compelled tc order a freeli stock which lias juat arrived. an ot, £f we 7. oie of 'r G. E. GIBJJARI THE MEDICAL HALL ONLV Si oo PER ANNUIL Wbltby, Frday, sept. 2,188 Smno. the dofeat of Mr. Gladtont motion against proclaimiug Ireland, 1 a ajority of 78 iu the Briih Hou of (Jommons, thers la every prospecti the présent cabinet beiug suotszuéd fc another yeux, as Ibère wers séVér Beiicls lu the minority Who eu gel eraily b. couuted upon to, support t Govérument. Aid. Seéùlu f emento, ha. just te. luruil freina stroil thupUgh Franc. snd Germnyanj.s "Ys boh contrie. sue ripe fou wsu aud u onstegel at eaoh other'. hait a s oon a. possible. The propect cf r.uviug théir- old stucugle s asloat the ouly subjecl cf pelitical onuversslion beiug diaued in elthér cnlt> at présent. Both armies au. hlghly diseipliued sd udah aumbonubavé a millonmoliers. Thé fur vi ly seéof lb... days. WHATeuso latheré iyng the Bsforuý prsty i. infayot of Commet. OW* Union booam ,Ben. 'Battrworth aud -Bas. Wimusuasd Biley Kacdougall and Goldwiù Smith and Vaisney Fullér are lu forit i P Thés. men haire nothing to do ith the Beform pafty uer auj, other pwrty, nor dos.MYuj party désir. auj ocuneotlon wfth such men. The Globti has mausg.d with great kili 10 léa'd the, efOrm Party 10 defeat lu Ibres s04090o0,osupaigusby forming a PsrtY-P&rlÀlerahip with firébada sud et buOY ms t ûold trioks, is inst09"0, but no promlneut Réformer ha.aisyet publiely sunoanced himïélI Ob Cola. M3RIércilUniaÎt.If it fi té ýb. 8=Ualy-taken frora the mounth of -»09u. Radé poitias asd eugrâiad tsd thé- Befori Oesd, it ih about tf oi r m .. Blake. Moeoni,, Laudie, Catwgight sud othors sadoSud not lbau loca 'wOrksrsm bt take tbeir queue frêma gang of shyIsteus. -ý Tas Mea pont.1 -0a ilaIt hto ba .e roduoedý, hbo= aIthe hà biméunry ou'- e vtrm u éOu t Ifr "losU»dby.th* sudwtu lb o* lh WoUdIf«. "h. N.0. i. &natrs the=f thsu Mauùer lu *hioh it published 8Bi John's. valediotory sud starteid thé rutla Wéek about hie sendin re. galeft 10xMantoba; vhilé thé Nsewa charges thé WorM wlth issuiig- dis- honést ochéoke sud dhshonorbd notes, aud wud up by seying thé Woru is thé meanebêt skunk lu Canadien jour- nalisin. Thé vholé four oombiné, lu maying thé TeZegram ie apiug 1h. old man Who had th.eas-stryig te, soft. aOap everybody snd failung lo b. sybcdy itaeif. 0f the liv. theré is flot one that dose Dot set Itsélt op béfore thé publie as a mnoral guidé for thé people of thie- ooantry. So far as vi kuo v ery Word &bat they ail sy cf eaob othér la lruénd udvohope tii. fighl May con- tinue iuntil thé people of Outarto May b. abl. 10 fauy appréélate thé éxiseîng staSe of jouruallutio morallty lu Toronto,. A atoh -vu playéd on thé pair grounda ou Saturday bélveen thé home club snd &s.laboipeéd&r Dsfr vIehb rssulted lu a victory, for the viaitora. Thé home team playsd againut heavy odds. Thé pitoher for the Cédar Dale club was one cf the béat cf thé Toronto amatuer Léagaee, being noue other than 0'Régau of thé Goodsrman & Worts aine, the obimblone cf théir league. He was eupport.d by a combiuation from th. differeûit clubs of Oshawa, that gavé évidence cf soand judgmént On thé part of qtb.se who mode thé sélections. Aithougli lb. outfiéldére made sèmeraI ettore, jet ail things being oouidéred, théy played good baU sand lét itt 111 o' hé desirsd. At thé bat néArlyseverj One proved blinseif a heavy bitter sud although the did not pucîsh Laing 10 aDj gréat éxtént jet, by bunoli- ing theîr heaviest'baller., tbey mmag. ed lu thiée or four inniugs to run up on unusuaflarg"sore. Thé umpiresei- ad déterminéd vhéthér iutentiouaily or otherwié 10 >b. thé vWstors' tenth man. The gainé had net been la progresa fivo minutés before thal faot beosme Pain- fuly apparent, sud utrong méssurés had 10 b. adopted by Captaiu Campbïel 10 fimpreas upon the offsnding offioer a »u»s of bis duty. After maklng sevéral mild protesta thé- home teain flatly réfused 10 continué thé gaine unies. thé umpirè vas removea. FulIy one hilf heur vU lost, lu thé vain attémpt 10 peruimde the uinpimc cf the errer of his vajy an -d thé game vws renevéd ouly bj the Visitors vaving the -innipirese décison sud yiélding the point in dispute. It maj b. said t10 1h.crédit i cf the viaitors that they teck little ommo Part lu thé dispute betwéen outéam sud the umpire léaviug that gentleman 1 tG extioate himeif the best vay hé 1 could, out of the position in vhioh bis glariug Injustice 10 the homo eaésmb.d plaécd him. Théegame prooe.ded, sud 1 for tWo or thréé inninges amarked t, imProveMenî vas diioerible, but onlj r fr tvo or-Ibre. honiap s v he héo = pr.became himeoif. Hé showed il îiueftbuoughouî go b. poisseased, oither of au unquénohable désiré to sees thé Visitors vin. or of thé happy fuaoty f of soeing thinqs as Othons s0ethoin. ci The efeeot on the home te a.m a.Most a Prened. Thé fléldersa pp.ared eithér to have becomé absélutelj teck. fil [u or t0 havé [cet Ihéir héada éntir.ly. sa Erroru the MôsI grbevous sud. the mut Pl mihmelj vêt. rep.aSsdY made sud bey played. a Ieuing game froin théehb Mfh *inun go 10 lb. end. Thédécisionsn f thé ncepire, ulthougb lu $OMO Casm itreMely a nlg and taUiéu oostlj t i0 the bomeé 10M-vers not sumllienl t à themus'lvés, te vin the gaine, net s Fould they bave won il, ba"lDnt théei orne tesin absndonedÎb.maéjvs 10 ta hosMost ,reokiésa sort cf Play. ln lb. ýpéninlg of thé gaine Brya Maods a9n ýÎIanl catch ià luflfiold but sPart éd rom thatsMd te bsrunui of Grey cf îthing t4mirkabl, eau b.orediled tg ither tésin. Aprt froin the umpire, IR ad 1h. demorahisiug éffects of bis 10, isiiona, th. clubs veré about, .veuly bil satohéd aud upou afair flelil a gaine lth etIven .e mé tesins oulil neyer O Voung Tne 1Ey-Lr faimà e lruùd at Fuidayp althoug -he vi"itera ve ooî.by Sim ops à Wall rem aI&yé léoegm'o. The.iitz bad 18 to rak wébuS aW mïiuj *4 euoabliaà g himeoif ud brthoi',Hugh 'b put on 'thé wrnnig* use.' Things opeb Mdtyfo Peterboieo, their' \best in u.wlokeîfllig saI -1he, firet bail, sud 8 violets fell foi 1%' Thé firat nuingu of botb clubs thb.-pust five ,Wiob.ts of oeh sas. ouly eaMid 5 Fines a Ourious o4inoîdeuoe. ugh Zay promoes to equal oî ezosil bis eide as. a ( acrioketer. Ons cf -1h. Poeérboro mon (Stratton) hoa. ueéd a place lu thé International Teain, thé match viiib. playsd lu Toronto on 1 1 l tc oi t fi 'e To tb. surr ise«cf he b.pot. vof t~ k l h ionn lthim oý mae p lo ewal.v th., ici. h..busby-iavs. Thfr. bW, WiETB. Sécond nig o Oobb b H. :Raj c b CObh b Oobb b Heamilton o Snow b Hamiit o b Cobb b H. Ray Dlot out 0 Ruthéiford b B e Ruthedordb a coHariton b Ra: HBybCÇompbill 4 ob< Cobb bGold O o P.: Batherferd'run oul O c Gol 8. Ray c Campbell b Gold 24 notc Hamilton o Lawier b Gould 8 b (i Shirling c Willis b Gould 4 ziot 0 Harniton b Camp- bell 4 Hlarniten b 0ampbIl 4 gay c Gold b C'mpbcll 8 Snow b Oampbéil 2 B. Ray Ob Oampbell 0 Hayward not eut 0 Byéa 5 Byei G ci R H lold Jampbéll )obb 1.BRay Ziailton Cmpbell haem b GeMd ld b Gréénwe uftnw outea r DOWLUEG ANÂLYSIS. avé r u wicIrets 30 46 6 126 45 4 Dd8 a 2 84 61 9 30 48 9 8ou ofEdca2o Thé School Board met on Wédnos- day mght. ?reen-Chairman Powell, Meure. Barclay, Dow, Farewell, Ferguson, Foi, King, MoCI.blan, Oriniston, and Batiedgé. Minutes -of lait regular sud spécial meeting resad donfirmeil. Communictions vête resd frein John Woodhoue asking if hé la te lie rétainéil se carébakor of the Dufférin etréét sohool. Frein Miss Woodheuaé, asking to b. rauserrd frin enry streét 10* Duf- f"tu street ého samalter cf con. réniénce 10 ber. 4ý John Blow & Smu statiug b4 théey isil underatood their tender foi oda for Éh. nuecf the sohool. vea the lovest éoéeived,asud akiug 10 bs notifisil st moe if tbéy vers 10 have lb. contrasî à order sbat thej might maké arrangé. msnts le mel the case. -- Frein the Port Pérry sud the Whitby kt directors re thé Céllegiate Institut. kiidren's drill exhibition at thés. Mr.Rullédge présent.d lb. budget or the jéar, the figures cf whièh vs 1.11 give neit veék. The report Ou motion ofMu. Dow, Misa Wood- KMs.' lées va. réfergail te the Com. aittée 0'n Sobool Management. On motion cf Mm. Fox, tb, pupils cf à e Institut. voté grsul.d permission )give su exhibition cf their duil sad austhenios at thé South Ontario Ex- ibillonsud -théeIsacheus requested t10 Lke chargeof thé, malter. Ou motion of Mr. Batelay, thé 10cm_ [ttsé ou Sebool Poot a ntnt 1to aok for ntend«ýer. fortho aupply fcScl needi-for thé,éocola. Ou, motion of -Mr. Faieveli, Mr. sudersn W~*in»ru.té< t te orvari b.omIon sud _Ianusriel _Bbid.ý tion, aà collection cf dravigo bôi imuýaute grant aseiModér-fot 1h. ex. mess aonnéoléd vitb lbheaineé. Tbe Board thon idjoumnd, ira.- Goë. Hâahlcni szare viusin',,j Wu. WnM. Barnard h»s <eue toSaulI St. nt teni éathere, (a'. John.S. Brirant, M-. % t un 18 4.* 0 toný8 l3 5 12 &&yo0 ay 8 y 0 6 18 e 5 0bat Maic 5 ~In~ DURING BARGaNS Printed-.Mus'lins only 7cts. per yard. White M slins 1e. 12c.and 15 . nxrv' LEIu. Victoria Lawns and AI-lover Embroideries, special value. ~ilk andLisie Glves-10 -15e.v25.%# .&I.& tnn I3lack Parasols and Cream Lace Parasols at-low prices. 'v. JJIck atn0/rvelex,-nl-75. ur f A choice range of colors just received at $1 per yard,% Prilts, Gin ghams, Poangee and Zwephyr Clô'th8, 11W 8THE T/ME TO SECURE. BAÀRGAM41 IN ALL KINDS 0F DRY .ioa- Whitby Dry Farmers, Threshers, and ,Mill-Men BRSCLU1 GOODS. Emosim mu ii;~ -- ~ u er ciuvantage and protît to use M'QOLL'SR Guaranteed not to gum', and will outwear Machine Qils. QO'Try out Cylinder 011. It lias no0 equal. Whitby, by WX. BRYAN & BONS., TOBBNT*-Tvo hanse, ohéap fer suit- Table Inmt. Âply ta If Whiby- TR Have youw a pain ftnywtuereabout you? SEWARX off tuITTO 25 Ots. ~G! Bottie. FOR~_SALE. ail~ no other Acoiu t or cUs tmw SLAUGHTE $LAUGHTE the finest EYE(G lage -enough to féeseof sight. th the. use of glasix .Very Moderate. -S]E1ITMBI LOCAL '~~~s CIA l oieON AÂ ahiél'amir ,"n'failliho 4?Mr.ïhomt l la fixing ar.ounili, keepere havé sI Tin secrélsry club IM adl emecting a ni cricket ou Tbirs, te 3-avéry ec FAaümOnise - tieu ondgeue -ce Below BéilévÎlli _aOn 0 of th WÉ are. prepai numbér -of anothi sudshali èndesi' Besidles vs sha R. Iis papélrt. MR. B. J 3 te the sppenJalt sud 'the comfort rg new sud t vlndovei. The sohfool are aUxi1 SLAUGHITER ?RIOES. to clear thom' ont. 4tpay&ué ü'botter to do Ibtis tlia carry the obnzxsum=or. Drives in ] ldies suppersa i I>rivesi oidr- tan ooreî boots! - (N>ote wrigoo miacle.) Royal. Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDeRRY, GLASGOw.. DATES 0F SA.ILINGs Parisien - Tii ~srmsthan Cfroasaia~ - Sadien - . ?elvneaian - - Sept., S8- orth Ward U~8 lintleWax&!, THIS MONTHO BuebalL Silk and Lisle Gloves 10c. 15c.> 25c. and Blaék Satin Merveileux, only 75c. iper va-A l;ýo WK BRYAN & BONS, m»ý -Ir 3 mam 1 . ' SPEOJÂAL 1 Firat inninga ReaabHB.Ray 6 Hatch 0 Cobb ' 8 Gréenwood b Oobb 10 Campbell b Cobb 2 Pelhar b Oobb 15 Q BAY cb H. Ray 5 Gold 0b Cobb 5 LawlerbHI. Ray 8 Blow not dut .2 Willlis b HB& 0 W. Cam bed ZBay 0 - d -- Pongees and Zephyr GOODS. I:P**.e 0 s s Goods all other- ACCORDING to our custom we a Dundas Strftt.