Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1887, p. 5

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s ALI TEL 1% 15c. per yard. pecial value, 925e. and 400. .10w prices. 75e. per yard.- 'er yard. hs, lhie finest AROI /#91 m 7 LIM 3' -COLUMN. SLAUGEHTEft. >0 ur customn we ar0 turner bues at ITER LPRICES Cter to do tus ish r to next summer. lies' shoet f les, Slippers 1- 'ildren's tan 'o ýetter wearing-, 's shoes 1f% -ý ge for 8«, 50 8SPI the mi kiborhood.- j, enralYacknowledged tà,opraor us'.have some .,l quaintance with the ~~jncêof pt ana&ldwith-thie me-, chJiS onstructioOf fSpectacles 0, gye.gI&0es te fit them proper- Mr .S. BARNARD has ofI theoquaificatins andaa $tek of SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLAS SES large enough t') correct ail the de- fects of siglit that can be helped by the use of glasses. [lis charges are ve,,ry muoderate. je S.]BÂRNÂRD, Y;ATCHMAER & OPTICJÀN, BROOK ST., wHITBY. Wtbp efIronirk. SEPTMBER -2nd, 1887. LOCAL LACONICSI WHAT 18 6OINO ON IN AND AROUNU TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED BY OHRONIOLE REPORTERS A ah311e'as ang ye, taktin not.e, An',ftau h ho'prent 1. Mix boBt Black ot tbe Royal botel is fiing around bis bouse. Fcv botel keepers haie saerucb laite. TuE seoretary o! the Oshava curling club han adventlsod for tenders for erecting a new rnuk. Cerne nov, Wbitby. OsuuÂ,w defested Port Penny st cricket on Thunsday of lait veek by 84 to 83-s very close gam ofetwbyeil- ninge. FÂ&RmaER Cibe has lofti tbcG. T. sta- tion aud gone off breaking on tbe trains. Below Belleville on Tuesday nigbt, h. was on one cf the trains tbal collided. Ws are propared to priai a large number of sadioesale bille tieson aud shall endeaver le do a geod job for aU who may favarus with their work. Besides we shahl mention their sales lu this paper.1 Ma. E. J. JoaNsoN bas added mach te the appearanco, et the model ichool and theocioomet of tbe pupils by bang- ing new and tasteful blindeataIthb windowm. The beys of Henry street nohool are anxiouely sasting a visit. ON Moodsy nighl a numben of beys frem Ibis toWn made a pilgrirnage te s cern-field over nerlb-weei ef thé tovu. with -the avoved objeot cf isking tb. livos of a few ceeus. The moon boy. ever stepped lu sud kept is oye upon the baunniscf Mn. Cocu, 50 thst be could Dcomrneont. STREET commnissioner Cairgàlepatch- ing up the sidevaika. Before ho sated nomseoftheb. aika booked dillpidated. but nov that ha bas laid some good spots the contratt is se greal thal ma the- old waiki are lurned luto au oyemone and wil haie ho be removed. SOviE cf ar correspondente write an both îdes cf the papan and othens ns. suoh a bard b.sd pèeil ibat lb scarcely leaves a mark, vbilm . othors den't write aist ail. The devil suggesbs tst hetlb'-correpondents read «their. items oven so ofteii ibsitbey are ail meadl off the paper. WR blesaufnom Pont Penny thât Mn. James Wonfolko .op-lu-loiv et Mn. Leslie cf tb. Qumon' bora, baspunchas- ed 1Mr. Ben. Boblusous barber shop and intenda te senape lb.hePart fellove in future. Succasotehlm. Bon le aieau old sud --nch respoctedWbitby boy, but vs bavrnot beard wvila eim goung ai. Ois for Toreuto exhibition, eommée- mng sept. O8" t 101hInclusive Whitby to Tenanto sud ntunu good tin 199hI Sept. (goteran) $1.00 fer Iiakéas*pp13 (ai your bolsur.>te B. Ste ph âUsaop town t.bograph , sud-puei lidil office Whlhby. e ceohoun.7sO. M. tea DuRINOth&.neit session cf tb. Ou*- taniolo Lgwaltur Ih* inuter of dUn. catien béa snuoincid intnlation cf introdÏolng & biU teuuake teou rn pulsory ilu hlgh $Ob"£ ansd-- ol"ilat. institutas. This *iii sot!. the long> ,lhink vllbo'b god'bo. I1r yon .vaut le renlyur àhl U r on oei do for yen for tram si ti$-5 ,]BM" ing sncb lhtep knonW4êýtd> 0, f sV luinoter -àna A, m ý,am -sgP #eI 1 l'a th.e tedi iBO t "o'ck. Tim swamüp up by Tweed!.' knowai asthe Devili.,Don -* ýoQp1e Di mues noethisbng bumred ot 4v fire woot sud bUMaoh. Te mokaefrom the ti ornes m etwu pr.tty ihik,* but 1h. amellisi pretty thiker by a long wvay. 8nxez tb. moringo haie beom e ool speedlug llyers ai the track i. getting te be the -amusement. A. nunaber of tbree minute herses have found them.- Selves ont, a few fufies sud evenai couple ueariug thirty (Det aqed thiriy but trotting lu tbirly.) Borne of ont towncoolts are to flure the ibg fall meetings. Touowro's tai rate 15t mille ou the dollar assesmeut. 0f cours.-noecorn- parison eau be iuatilutéd by the figure ef taxation vithont booking into the mauner lu wbich the assesmeut iW'pet. fonmed. If the valuation la bigh uas l thc caelu Toronto the rate of ta iei 1ev. lôt il ow. Whitby fali fair la te bd% held ou the 26th sud 27tb of September asud Port Pery on the '27tb, 28th, 291h snd 801h. Il wiil b. pretty close sbowing for ex- bibitors to take in both taira, but Il la likely some ameuniof giv.-aud-take vill have te b. ex.rcised by*both socle- iea lu order thai neither rnay suifer frem 1hhe close dates. 41I am glad, add-Farm.r Daiey the other moraneg "th&t Pattensou's foudry la te, start &gain. I haie jusI bien over te get ibis reaper nake repear- ed, sud bail the fouudny been eofosd I ebonld have beeu cooepelled te go or send te, Toronto. There aire bundreda et Ihings ve farmens vaut that cau't be bed vithout sending me far for tbem. Now we have thern right hon.."*, W. undenstand the Ontario Ladies' CoUege opens Ibis term with oee un- dred and twenty neaident pupls, belug an luneseeof tweuty-five par cetut. 1h. numnben over laut year. Duringibe pro- sent year th.eection cf a 'large ving le contemplatedl. Il le voudenful how the institution la pogr.salug. Ih la outstnipplug a&l of those colleges wbich are advertiaed a "the only fully equap- ped ladies' collera lun Canada. " Wa abre ab a Ions te believe that there le snoh a thing lu the conntry Oa an edi- tor who inthiaday and .«e bu te ad- mit he la unenverted. Yet iti le o lu Bowmanvile. and the S. A. have gel ente bim vitb botb feel. They are beund te carryonr leu. wortby brother qajilolinger by atorm--of persuasion. We onmend the idea cf bi. conver- sion vigornesly, in order thal it may no longer b. mad Canadian journal"sm l lu a state cf ssrni-barbarity.. Go in S. A I Arrica vaiu aeanch for years te get a tmw sorapa e! Bowmvrnavilnova te insent, w. are at lust rewarded by fand- ing tbree items lu ihis week's 8.1atoi- msan. A garne roosten sud a cbild hail a fight lu which the rooateï lioked. Two fishermen capdfzed in a squaU mear Bowrnanville barber and were piked np, by a schooner. OnseOf ihe ravtion Ârmy offilerm *risd te couvert one.o et clocaleditens. ExcuseCR, liions vWuaime*afootrac et th. fair maonde. This lusau extroardiuarY budget cf uewa for Bovmsuville iluoe short week. Bps.àxnieof oun gai ooopsny's pros- pools the i3owrnanvillo Statnman asys :-"ITbe Wbitby CiomoLz seemi te be 'quite oonvinced that thore are large stores cf natural 'gas lying 1dle uuderneaib thoir feot, sud le auxione that a sufficieni arnoïnt, of speuduili bc snbscribed by 1h. 'Waaiiy Citizens, lu orden thal a practical test =naY bc rnade by a boring machine. Bovma vilne bas a large Supply cf nehunat g9" whichbha aiways been coueaered- nuisance te the tevu. It le gnenally Ai-tr'&Int,..% fwr.Bian 9W. Ahu goee ai£e~auq100-ihey s-r'rive ev.rybody who oesthern.-Ândrw M. tii iown, ihey haveay uaity o good. b"ick sd 111. foraer.ii.. Boathe!Ï bd. Doit week, How i. this for low.-ÂA all( haùdkorchiefs-old eîerywhenefo 2W aud - ov being ýsold l-ynefor' 12p.« Audrew M. Rose. This week special prize..are being eolloit.ed for the fair. W. gaie (or at lesét prornissd) more than w. shah 1b. ablp to puy in one inutalment.' W. G. WILTEES àiSsellintg 80 yds. of good faoery cotton for $1. Ail 12*1.. printis reduced to 9o. muet b. cleared ont st once. W. G. Walteon. Mr. 0. E. Gibbard's r.newal of ad- vertisemeut wus handod iu to -laie for ibis issue. H.Re a»Ring attention te taiender Waier and othor delioatoe perfumes for sale ai bis drug store. MuR. E. STICPENSTON pUMbehsalth. Nourseproperty lasi week at #1400 sud heà ince beein offeréd $1700 for tbe propery. W. baie beard of smre other proporties vhich have doublod ln value during the luti week. Youve Obiou of Brooklil who bad been ,11rom home» for sorno eeke ince h. was flued for soeasing iuýo the Scot Ae, came here ou Monday ge aeo th. Inspector sud vas held over for a' day by that officer until the over. due rney rnaterimlized. AOTIÂG on a hint received on Monday Dight, Mr. Geo. Rois, of Rosa Bro.,_ sud Chiot MoBrion, ataried eut Weduesday moruing ifarougli Darling- ton aud Mr. Hug BRoue b.d a telegrarn rorn Burnakillen te the eflect that.tbey bad found a lot of the goodu along tbrough lu bouses where the feilowu bas sold tbern. W. have flot heard foriher but presuine Geo. le preliy close ou ibat tbief's track. Iii rotnrniug fromiù he old country Mr. J. D. Rewden hrougbt ivo Clydea. dale siallions sud ivo zmare-ail 1yemr- linge. H.ea&ho brought a Shetland pony, a direct importation from the isios. Mn. Arthur Jobuaton purchas.d iwenty-five bead of cati!., but the" îoountry in which ihey weon brod bai- iug heen "1proolaimed" on amoudit Of Bmre rumors of caille plagu., Mr. johuuton bàd te corne away vithoul them. They may be shipped lalei. 'Young Marray, of Crawfoth's liîeny stables, siarted from ber. with a b.ad of barrels te b. delivered on Scugog Island. Before neaching Myrîle his b.ad vas capized and ho had te returu sud exchange herses. lu tb.hecond' effort ho reacbed Bugog, and before relunning gaie, the hors a littie tee mucb uew oate sud vater. On the ne- tmr tuip mi Brooklin, the hors. took Iinflammation sud died in splie cf lb. besi effort@ of Mesors. Crawfertb and 3Vansaul V. S'a. -Thehorse was a god &driver. ~Voc. ~[rIypiyrs air eusp to cali ànd exmneortyead prcesil T hand to-day a veryfne.a, sotent- o-f MANTLEOLOTHS i Imitation. Persians,. Fanoy tNaps,-- Scotch Ohecks and Fanoy' s. ',See. these goods, they,- are importedý di- rect from the Euopean- Market of' - Fashion~ No. 1, DEVERELL'8 BLOCK, Re je. ~-Q. ~'. CAMPBELL Expected an advancein Cotton Goods, 80 bouglit for Cash in BlIG QUANTITI ES BE-FORE THE RIE.1 'We are selling Cottonades, ShirtigFatr n White Cottons, at OLD IRICES so- long as the -presenAstc0 holds out. Reductionsii the Pnce of Summer &0 ds AUl col Creuto Tas Oshawa Vi,,dicaiar copies eut *item o!fls.t va.k about the wagon lord o! "ldry goodi and grocones"whleb passed lhrough boe eon Snday meu- lug wesk in banrels, s&"arbeing on th 1hroads&U nigbl betveen bora sd Toronte. The VimsUctor maye tbis stony is bcshand the result et bavlug oar lengtby imagiaton bracod up 'by le cur Muskoka trp. Net sa. Puirbapo a I- 3bellot oxplanaion of tb. malteoul 1b. ibai eur brothor boabeau iluning lu i seme of the dry goods eo., alter 01h. load reachod Oshawa. t- Ma. D. Warnu s esoffag rnom a bad accidenti wbîhib*hpponed les% Thursday. .Ho adnvinggem.uteladiesW ly ia oulble nig peasthe reidence-of Ma. 1john Woçdhoue ibat-senoing wbeu nite, boar,.sbed (nom apile OU ehingle suad upsai the nlg,-throvlng lthe vbole Qwi' 'panty ont. - Mr'. Wbltney's log mu fouidtle avebeau brakeik lutthe 10plom u Mlrnby smalewbalns 9R Waenhense vas -bmdiy* bnt"abOUt6h hes sad dotbêer bruiseonider- ably. Mn. Wbitwbnoyabd -Iheits of e«ua dnning lbthesk sand la enfer t lg ýlemi daily.- Thob*herse h va kSltmweto the Égd uiau&ll very' lquiet aona ail," vw«s1over 'lkàownu tabe LAndI rf i lekybfor. gea îwyonnyobe InheprsnofUt mauautt . D E o obi@. lbéain t hi ..bOhàfo grav. Néerj. eubiBisWei" STOCK. THQROUGHýLY,*ASS.ORTEPO-' W GOODS-Meu'sg Cool Under Wetir, Linen.Codats, Linen VestE Lors in Plushés, New Styles, irn niM]ng-' Silks,,Blaok 811k Velvet," Lawns, White Lawus, (férà Seersuoke, C orsets fïom. 17« to iuts, Straw- Hats,. Wiote Bl8 ibos laokSiàkio,,,Linen eue~ N~etting, Cheese Cloths, - Summer Dresa Goods, New Style Muulin GENTS SRÂWHÂT - NLY25, CE GLÂSG-OW ÂýNDREW,> WÂ~J 'M. RY to BROOK STIEET, WHTBY.kL

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