Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1887, p. 1

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I - . -, cleaning of cost. C DOWN, -O -KEEP. U8Uumerous patrons tIiat~ Âd ttiit prices hiave been aess. First-class; School ~from 5c. per quire Up,) iavy discount on those to -10C. Sheet Musie for 100. .2,000 in stock.) Fasir- )ne. Fancy Good a sd. -d1 to show the large new-. sucured promaptly. AU able sti&Ijy in advânco, .6 i:d 2 weeks for Ainerian. BILMCK, ]TY of the 1, and àre invaluabli A iren and the ame STREET), L O b ide UeLndon, they ane spuit. WOOL. .resh .IEgg J. GIBSO' ndinu tJi< t0 bceh 18 for IIIB TY mw0/ Wth calm prlnted wordl, great thoughts, and untlririg lndustrys, xxxile E9stablished 1856. rh~ ~ ~ ~l LdlieIybOntario county1 SUBSORIPTION RATES. I per afuu avanoe-41.60 oLher- vi" 5nbscrip nmae always payable at *e office of pubastion. 5>tdm<0Topnt nd boit fuinhed Bookandrob riningplant in Bastoin outailo, capable of exzocutng an classes of vork from tlwlagepos.ter tethe imafleet Mdbill. 8peoial mention te made cf1the îgsupased pross. f cilities cf Tuu Casox- lui, with ils celebraled. N. Y. Coitreil *llnder preiana other modern conveni- eses. xvery order reocives prompt, cars- Pdi atetilonl. TERMS 0F' ÂDVERTISING. First inserion,per Une, 10 oents ; esoh nmbsequent insertion, ô cents. Diplayeti Advertilsmentsarem measuted by àsal os od Nonpreil, and charged A&dvertseiflêft sent without wrrteii insructions inserted unlil f6rbidden, snd sharged for full tim-e. Ordée for disoontinuing advertiiements muet b. in w-riting, otherwise the publish- ens will net b. reîponsible. A liberal discount for contraot advertise- monts by the year. Copy for changes of contract sdvrtisements should b. handed in not liter than Wednesdy ; andi notioe of anyiutendoti changes sbould be given before Tuesday noon. Other advertise- mente received np te Thursda.y noon. Business notices in'local ornews colmue Five cents per line weekly. Locals, 10 ots. per liue weekly. Correspondence solicited from al parts of the County or neighboring townshi pa. Orrespondenta are requesteati t send ins their communications sas promptly as possible, 1 HENDERSON JOHN STANTON, Bup't Meohanicai Dep't. GRA.HAM, Proprietors- JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., ýBARfl5TRCenty Crown Attorney, wig, Court Houa., Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEUGE, 13ARITR &o.. Office formerly oc- 0oupied by Farewell& Rntledge, neit o RoyalHotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORNISTON, B.&.9 -- A TTORNEY-AT-LÂW, SOLICITOR IN 1.Ohancery, Ooneeyancer, &o. Opricu-In the Office south of the Poit Office, in MoMillan's Block, Brook Street, v Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SEIT11, L L- B., BA.RRISTBRS, ho., &.-Money to Loan Brook St., Whitby. Jau. 22,1878. (1145 JOHN BÂLL DOW, B ARRISTBLAT-LAW, -BOLIC1TOR An Ohancery, Convoyancer, &c. Offce-Deverill'a Blook, Brock Bireet, Whtby. « MONET TO LEND-Prlvate Punds - a smseup le $8000, ai a low rate of in- LYNÂAN ENGLiSE, L Le Bo, 0" Street, OshWa. DR. MELDBUM, M.B. (TORONTO DUniveriity,) L.R.O.P. andL.M.(Bdin- burgh), &o. Office houri, 8 to 10 a.m., S te & lad '7 te 9 p.m. No. 8, TUB <TR.&ÂOE," BYBON-BT., y. WARREN, M.Dà., O.?M., (MoGiU.) W. OUTHBERTSON, M. B. (Toronto,) MD, .M., (Victoria.) OFFIGE: BROOKLIN. VETBBINABT SREN Graduai, of thp Ontario Vebterbiiy, 001- Orders by mailor tie.ipb promnPtly Dz. Bogant's,1 Brîosklis<â H. VA Gva"1to 01 OffieîBas WHITBY, ONTARlO. RIGGS &IVORI ýY,' 8. B. cor. ]King and Yonge ts., Toronto. ~ BEST TRETH, 48 on rubber. ýfflOeUuloid, $10. Gold, $80. Havqe extraoted th. 1.01h from La persons. ebsolutely peea &. A~.FOST. *te with Lang4ey, Lsngley & Burke, eoronto),> ARCHITECT. Design for Churches, Villesf and Cot- ta«gea pecislty. Drawings prepared for remodoling ezistiiig structure. Oiozc-Pirst fiat 4ver Hows's Drag Store. P. O. Box 202, WxmTE. SEBERT i"LBROSOI t/VER Y and SALE STA BLES, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Goodl Riga and Good Horses. Termes rea- 19 SEBEET BROS Are pleaaant to take. Cont&in thefr ovu Purgative. lsa asale, Mmr, andi .flbetaa d.afroyeret Wrms in Chiltren or Adu"~ DUNN'S BAýKINO POWDER THE COK'S BEST FRIENO- Cf) c (1) c (D CD Tins excellent prepatation ire been used.more extensvely Iran ever Ibis summer, in cases of DIÂIBRHOEA. D.EBILITY, PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION -AN- PROST RATIO0N, Cbeu by tire excessive bd, il bas provod itaelf taire tire- moît suiteble and mnost uouribiug diet tiraIeau ire taen by couraleceols, or by troue vro are .nfferiug trou. tire airea ou plainte.. The Model 8ohopl Vor 0 t&iWmelig cfairer, lIlne TUESDAY, Sepi. 13, 1887. SOAP 1 CHEMiST and DRUGGIST Hlas just received a large as- sortment of FAI~O~ TOILE T SOAPE Which he is selhing a very LOW PRICES. SAVONA, THE GREAT Also for sale by W. R. IEIOWSEY CHEMI8T AN~D DBUGGI8T, NEW GOODS! W. R: flIOWSE, OHEMIBT AND DRUGGIB'T, Hauon baud a veYMlgsd -select stock of Obnelmas goode, eejnprlalg Ladies' Work Boxes, Whi8k Holder8s, Odor Ca8eis1 Mirror8 in PIu8h, Toi/et C a"S8, Large Va8e8, COU and Emnh0wm8Ou Buf.r W -uow L vocale Pýeace4 Propose, Knowledge, Brotherhooa. A.Y, SEPTEMBER 9., 1887.,O.39 LU! A L NEWS LETTERS, )rohoe, Mr. Meredith of upxnî ed b.Mothodist pi ,&Y. Thi paaort IMr. Phi ue riogea $0 Màfvsd' net ~ a sof Whltby se blibly "Intblng buas afiret ciao. 0"- ordainedo eau nis- ii;P' 1. blieï. we know hem Mthey aO in Whitby ~pêIt. uias iighly ea »eholiirly discurse, I for .smtstrongly t t h.aump- kt wont do for the Taber. for tihe albouashBrook- ooibougirt le refus. tg àuy sOb hexobeuge just !y as lire Wkiitby Board 1180 10 o0 afpiL. I have y ageinet tire. gentlemen ad enough le, supply lire J meiùtein tiretire ahould 'Wiritby and not in Brook- [b. wiiLing tb suexohange G.. iu a whilc, or te shlow to smAt a'brother minis- uroir anverèary ; but la Way Wbitby 1k.. ules approbation. 1 dent sup- bier An 10 blarne; uer do ongrgetonst Wbitly i 10 Th&é cailisare the. reape-n- -ýâ sud=4I arn cerwtai iaI Uàdeesnet, -gir. nimou 'Ïnt un i ols presoirer lu the bf-16 ti e lu Witby. Tis 'o Itaklucr preseer sud a s âtevor .upply eu irbe --ou theé Oigen@y, -t01lire 'in U tl.lst ire yeat-w, sud il is *bcui%ýme it cae to astop. Tire new higr, scirool An progresming uleely sudwill we timk look well wheu Tire ecuceri giron by thre baud of hopef e Bia ngiair cffhucrwuas tuecs lut negit, as are*ail tire enter- o atmente givn ry ther. A suuaber of Oui young people weut eut te Behir.edK Moudey -ulgh tte r op3ng cf thir oeburcir sud omre esst- e thtie choir on Suaday. A very excitlng game of bale bal wus played bore ýou Baturdey atternoon besweu tire -Mo=t Albrt tear sud- tire bomnetearu. Tire visiter. bad lots lof gril; but it dia colmake up.for tiri poorlayig. Tre ctchroftevi- os,ý me 0etiWshor wer. embleulb luIr 111 i.y ere slek. neverthele boi!é net to be made sport of- beesue. b. played asewell- as any ci them., Wb wxpot te ýbave sueher mlei eoelogas 1h0erq f ýnet satisfiod, with 1hilut. Sorm 20 te 22 tavor of1 MdnudnulSOM.. ef tur bys hèr. awre ofir eeuee rgyoomnt ,eof ini our sehool section as oui goverament greu is ooming down pretty low. ,May bas been ulovn on thre seveuth in Jurre, Ju1y sud Auguit. Very quièer countÉy. Uns. Pletcher, of Mskoka. whobae beon visiting-i hor fathers Mi., John Dlmney roturned home on Wednesday. Mwm.0. Rogers b.d ae quiltiug hbe. on T#Oaday. &bout, 20 vounx ladis ,gý. exhibition l-inont >sebôolbousé. lest Beturdsy evening, abolit 20 1 believe wors. proseut snd wewe vFry muuch delihted with e peooock wbich could rai#e and lower bis tait. Siokus peovils here yel. Mr. snd Mrs. F. P. Berkey cf Ohicago wowo viiting et Ur. D. BMtkoy's lait woek. A grand choiir bai been organized at tho Mothodist Ohuroir here under the ablo leadership cf Mr. B. Parker. Mms J. Lehmsn dicd et lber, lete rei- idence hors on Wednesday' morniurg lest sud wain baried attire Allons Union Oemelery Fridey'morning. The tuner. ai was largely etlondod. Baut Whftby Ooundil. IT CAM DRAW CA"S UP EL AT A-milE -A- MIETTE RATE Thre largooL-and heaViest locomotive ever-seen in. ibis part 'eo the -,0oountry arrived hors Ibsmorning. Thre engine is, constructed on ae'model >saltogother t' si t] te fi oc fo Dg bc hi 01 c Tj si il] TJ si a Thse municipal counoil met ou Mou- day lust. Mewbe.ra&aHlPresent, Boee ein .il tire chair. Tire minutes cf lest- meet- a ing wero read sud adopted. à qom-_ municaticu wwu read frein James Me. e Brion, P.S8. inspecter, sud e potiticu fren A. Mnis,'E.. E.Cooper sud Mis. Wlsmer, roquesing tire oconcil Ie pes= e by4law allowlug them di feet of roa of w&y ouncundiién tiret they coustruet à wire fonce. 1fr, MoKenzie, seouadeil by Mr. Pewer,,sncved tirai 1.fr. Thos. Moffattbe paid té tirm -of:810.509 ho. iug two-tirirds value ef thre. sheep killlod by clog or doge, sud that W., Brig4 tbe paîd the sarn of #21.M6,be109g pr'o steséo f tirecuni-Ored »fr Hauock, secondod b-Mr*,.'Mo- Gregor, mnoved tttiretl. pr&yer- cf tir. potition et Mr. A.. Wiumei sud G. -L. ooper, A. Anuis, askîig for baesle tc build wire feue be net -grsuled, as il An not lui compliance witb tire statut.- Osrried.' Mr. MoOregor, oocded by Mr. Power, moveul tirItirhe Beeve grant bis, order ou the Treasurer lu favoref t Oe Wilson for thre eum of 46-66, beiug, two'- tý&ld9 value of tiare. sireep illed -by drgE, sund proven le tire sais!aetgeuf, ibis ccnil.-Oeri Mi. Pwerseonded by, Mv. me- Gregor, imved tthtie byiw te â- mes Iis Ear=wiay fore-oultys towu- shi sd dottional parposes ha Dow resd es ihird imthtthé sain. &do'no* pausand, tirt',lb.a ePve, -do aig "he, esime sMd muse lé.e $$SI 6f thre oorgoa- tion le-b f otx.Ieeo,-.rried., Mv.KoKuzi, soonléd by Mfr Mo Gregor, juovd tiret tiere ovo grant. bis- ooronthe, Treseur6r for' th. fol-. ~aé jidrvo..Thor-e i x-*oreeled Wuck foîwaid -cf 'tirs drtves,, sud a tour- wheoled one back oftiheon'. -, The" drivers - %re undor th. centre of the boier, asd ff. cab is dfroctly over« .them. - Ti ender i. roolsd over. Tire. sa beating ares cf 1,848 squar tet snd a grate ares cf 62 squar e fot., 'hia immense grate ares shalows lire coal lu baun on the grate. Il he not trced out cf lbhe moke siecks and oc, ao sparks are thrown. There are double-, boitera wbioir allow the engLu. 0 h beated firet on th.euen adde sud thon- )n '1h. other. Thua the gages ýare ail onsurned and ne black Rcnoko made. r'he cyýlinders have ne uleanu oheats, and lthe engin. ha. but -oee casutrie, Inetead ci two, as iu tire or.diuary> éngine. Tii gives grester rspidityIn -taking and lhrowiug off seteàm- 'sud-aide The designer odaim. *tathlie.englue wül- draw- twelve'logaded, cacires U.p 1h. eteep'eet gpedo on 1h. resd ýa sr0gular speed of mýzile smiut, f perfect, eueo. Tire bost sapeed any orlriary- locomotiivoan ettein nder troeW ci> camaous ià ty ruiles.'au.oiir. ".-On itslest ttnlp .tire engin. Ieake4 4me whs an ool& el p only eigbly 1ond o tes -m, 'or o uly.,hait-'hat- it auallüy csriest,.yet, und er .tl disad-- isutago -il mhee b, egular scbedùteý ture sd mde p sx minutes boudeab. On. s à.e âtu Aeau w twenty lee ceeéhes et»rate cf sixty milee an heur.- ÉNotwths tondiug z Itbis extrabi&Mudur thre, ecuntry,.I Vaieadsu, eï hov riso ou irauoa.' r. i~f f. ~Ic An aitant Win bu provi4e4 l t ibe Pri"cpal imey deeiis fl lime ltir. work sud supervison c1 ihe isachens-Ïu- Kiuabo, DrUl ud Oallthseso wlbe toRght. - ~ -'Diu A Good2 100 v ost. VOL@ Big Redu< %rry ovet'Sr offerig Big 1 Ues. w ieces of 9ods, glit Prints, & ;If the origii sof cost. Em broideri-es,. Mens' Wear. a big . wée mjean wa ainly 'dicss -hi 1

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