Ausd Items 8bIdn fà emour Exois rg.e Mrs.Dundu,.Toroubo. là spending a 1evay. et MW. Hamitou's & Miss. Dent, Toroabo, has returna, home aller a siortylsit et bl ier ien Mr. Wm. LouaI ha, a ne, resposn. sibilily lu lb. arrivai of a boy cf the regulation weight and beenly. , W. ver. glad I. ueo emongsl ns fgmin on Friday eveuing the gonial face of car former beoved pesnter, Beyr. J. W. Wilkinson. He soeurs bighly sutlsaled vith ie .relations viti lie people cf Greeavood. Mr. Jas. Bose left lest veek t o rem ils studios ai QuitCoeil. Imut. efleir spendlug a pleesînt vaostionin in our quiet lova Albert Thompacu, Wm. Boyd and Tbos.Carter have alÉo retura- ed to lhe Higi Sohool et Markbam. 1fr David Turner lest a valuable mare * by its utepping on -thre end, cf a brekea rail, lie ocher end cf vhich vws spruug up, runîng lintolie animais s touraci, resultiag lu ils deti, 1Mr. Tios. Carter aise badl e prourising ccli uericusly .n. red by ils jugn ve a slnmp fonee.-oo tThe GardenParty held lu ths grende of T. P. White esq. là MetPlday eveolug under lbe aupicesa-cf lie Metiodit ohurci aithougi tie veather iwu mot aswarm an cenld b. desired ibet viiinqumlified suocees. The Ladies' Aid provlded an excellent sOpper aid a short programme of speeches by a 1ev Bey, gentlemen mcd somne bighly. appreciated songe by Mr. Carry, 1frs. Real, Misses Sigit and Roosor de. Iighted the audience during lhe inter vals. Thre toiture cf lhe evening vi a content for a cake belveen Mines. Neltie Pyke; cf Markham Township -snd Miss. Liii. Major, cf Whilevale. reuulting ini e vicory by the former cf e few votes. The. proceede îinutedi b 6$98.80, vici forme a part of the emeunt reqnired for the upholstering1 cf lhe churSi. (Orowded ouif Luitweek.) 1 The 20,000 by-law te raieo mnono, for building a nov Collegiate buildin pessed by 100 uraicrîty. Tire Contra!lfair entries aur rliaj la rapidly, and ince lbe race tracl bas besu repaired a numbor cf tas herses are lrottiug. Dr. Pool.eviiib.eabsent tram tovn next veek atteuding lie Internationm, Modlcal Congres. at Wasbiagton Thi per" vioc ha, hmbeen inviWe W nired bofore liaI august body hai besuprlted et lhis office for diséribu. lion «ae lemembors of lie congres Il ru a vel vrltten decumeul cf cen. siderable leugi, ia a Sharp orilicimr of pertaln physiologleel doctrines asit promut *u sud , la s ure eloci 1fr.Wm.KilibSu, son cf 1Mr. Join lilum of Ibis -tova, alerpasà g s orecrditable oxum entio theli - dau er examlaitn a1886 loch a a br u nDsy's commeral cellge, Toronto, sud ha, nov obbaned su ex- celleul situation tu thb ed I office of lie Unibed IaIseIna. Oc. Torouto., lrevlug beeu cicien out cf sixt-flve applieslocs. W. aoooongratulaI. 1ftUr. mnsy go on sud prouper. -'As e Lindsay hie hool pupi l ie refleots oredit on Wili egardWhlielocation cf the nsv ole00 .instituts building ou lhe soh001 lot proportyr l, vîs believe lhe intention Of the cisrm an ad board to, placueébuilding uà i West aide of liegronde, beyond tie prtesa higi sehool bufldlug. Wblle tiers ar e i. u lver cf Ibis plan, thé, heeping intc f le presut Pl&y grenadepublic opinion le mimost nuan. moueylintavor of havier the building placed on thl eeus ie,, vierlià vii ahe a fluer appearano.Sud ne tboa, large extsnt be id ijlte presentl old higi sciooL Any enmoooiea uade on lie plsygr aud ould ire mds by big s ilot 8edjOormg, ai pressaI puttW ce pariUlar use ......Jalcetiug le novbuilding Il vould b. vel le bah. ie nto ossoMo 'thretpoint lirAi li*eoud afale m tùgo On Tuday atemnoonetrbu»e dveil- rSlceovuod - M1r.TisOu sa ituae on Glécolg-uI. ýner bhe aslom4y wu bedlyvrééked. b.w r.f u Bresore the Tet li Who Tiidelling va jeu scoe Jlqw"&Oî v5 lr iu I Oempbd wiéoelQtqIl usidear thre;b6P4 -wbloh lodgé41 bom-md ' lthougi h. vasw-Lun veler #à - e f* minulpeah. aexi ester, sud vswu Ig a vieilte parents lu COempbellford, iutendùq On F'ridey morning lust Oapt. H. B. Woller dled lu ronto, viiore ho had been undergolug mmosi Ireatmeat. He vas lie only son ot ludge Woller and aophev fofr.. Jndge Clark c1 Cobourg. He vwu bora in Patorboro' 82 yeara &go and reoeivod bis prolimi. ary.eduoatlon et Uppor Canada Col- loge. Ho bogan lie study cf lie le, viti bie tather, nov Judge Woiler, and aflerward onter.d lie la, offie cf Me. Donald, MoDoueld and Muai, Toron- le vihre he reurelnqd 11li te limue cf hlm admission to the ber aboutlfive yoars ago. He opened e 1ev office ln Mill. brook and pructised bis profession 1111' about tl iet aIof Augast vien heocon- lracod a severe cold, vhleh developed iet an abseois cf tire brain sud ulti- mately caused bis dealh. The deeea- ed vau modeet go 9enan sd kludly lu bie demesuo*asd bh porsnal od et friendi6.lio- as cap$. of 'theMlU-, brook lroop cf lie Brd BRgimeut of Oevalryand vas buried viti militery houoe.onaaurdey. Ho beaves a yong vidov; a deugirter cf Dr.Heimn -I ont, I gbe her Mise Armstrcng, au unmarried lady reaîding with ber brother. on tie Son- gag road, near Bovaranville, met viti a horrible deuii ou Friday is. Il lu suppesed liaI vii. atleupting te ligit lie fire preparatory te gettiug dinnor beor clcthing in souro vay vas igaited and being ae in athe.bouse et lhe tiare se. as burned te deati. Tvo cf ber brother. vere la Oshavaeand ou. had gene down lova for lhe mail. The latter on relnrning lhiuking bis sister vaa up st"ir doing ber usuel uroruing verk ual dovw te read, but ou the re- tara cf ber elier brother. ber non- appearance oansod anxiety admda oci vas mad, ven lie unforlunate lady was faund dead lu lie cern patcb a short distanetram lb. hanse vith evory article cf cloing burul frour ber body. Beven lie ibouse aid lhe cern piece of burut cbotiing wve.feund, ladioating tbat vhlo enveloped in fleures tiren- forbunate vomurea ad rushed lIe lieh grovlng 0cra. Wien bound la a bail gntling posture tlie othing vas ail con- uoied ith lie oeeption cf the galber. on ber feet and e coller around ha&r neck, but stringo lo sey tire face and hei vere nserche I c i n t An Odd-fellov's lodge la ho b. started st Norvool. 1 Tii. tex-rat. le Ivelve and seven- b toeimineleon lb..dolar. A boatlng party st Norwood upset md th. boat fell on a youug lady sud kiled her. Tire Bellevile business men have oom. te Peterboro toestay vithin th. put tvo veeki. .Thursdaey nght tbre. or four youug rowdies assault.d P. C. MeoGinty, st the oornerof George aud Murray street, knocking hlm dovu, kIkend--à u lng hlmseverely, snd releinghl c bis belon. -Ths offloor omieau ugly geahon the beckof heed ad aska fui of tender boues. Hi e ussun ;w.r. not r.cogzed. Seturday moruing. the foreman ln J. Grffiu'î boot m suduo. sMore on Hunier streeton .niering lth. vork"hp found * ikdoor vide open à ad a ladies button.d aho. lyleg ounlth.ground a few test sway. Anlu , ueitîon re- vesl.d 1h. etacs a- eburglu ar ed beaun commlUtts, ,.pairs cf feney seed bootansd aaid. eok&of oeilasd ,klp Ilethoi beiug mleiu. Other articles mal suad doubtiese have been "m'but Ibis auaithat l isshing et cetl. The meausi of outrance Of lb. ,a e am y oW M , se 1h. key of th e door vasfound hangsng ien ems sa -Pae .beaide lhe door. Allthe moeetinof lthedirelorsof 1h. «LIoch Wowks Prday the proposition ef the lova of Port Hope ofieriug 120,000 l<r -lie'removal of 1h. works b l4at lova vas cousidered. The offer was notacc.epted owing boeertalcoudilje npt beln regard.d favorably. by the Loch Works Oompauy. Negoffslona, bfwever, _viiib. con"iued.Port ýUpe', aualMY W o eurs 1h.eLoch Worki la jus«Keid by 1h. fstact li tie syroil 4f th. voîba amoe Ito a Mowoalhyeo f aboutl#BtSOOO, sud li uýxt yearthe works, viereve iey are localed vilpay out &bot # 50,000 lu vagesabuss'neomeanemm-- b b. Mon. $,Mouday pmoung &bout 'hall pist two o'cloh. sgonis.d cricis c mrd ýmurdler! greét God t murdor t lbey're 1ym in lhir gore," $y lu'fo 4.fer ova i l n q v i i. 1e ju a N ii gê 1ev The Plank ýHouaecanuot Ainda Sunderland defeated, Uxbzidge fed, lu î A mian vas brougit hors laat % frour Grebanh, supposed tWbo a I lie. He provod te b. a drank. A tbiefetile e largo qnautity of i la jars -from Consetable O'Brien nue lut. The. Canadian Paciflo rates on wheâýt from Western pointe to Port Arthur have been reduoed. IL A. St. Mars. St. Bonite.. Ifantob6s writes: Dr. Thome, Ecoleotrie bM ln a pb- hio benefit. It bau don. veonder. boe, ksud hascuredmýysif Oa badoold laic Oau b. reIWs upon te remv 10705 cf varions kinuda, an Lt ouzLinfiamed portiono.1tii. bcdy b vhlch UEr. Gladtone has replied to the Duke cf c i i I a b s s b b y Coocn should go f romi home without e ofc Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dymueney Cordial ilUmther Pou s son, as chag.of valer, oookingl, cia..e., r enuly brlçon swnmer complaiýat, sudtbera a iebeing ready -wth a sure rem- :îà â;ýLý%£'b ch oftentia mavesr« s- a 'ad frequently valai >!, lvas. Tuhs cordial hmas Èaned for itueIf a vide spread reputallon for affording prcmnt re- hef from a&H aummor complai. Price Bismarck haltrstsl be large distilerMinl era aetig udcfitbis peulod of their Iliv. la lb. mcml critioel. mothers should not. e without a bottie cf Dr. J. D. KLéogg's Dys.n tory Corial. Tis medicine in a Opeoiflo for s"Ob complainte and lM«higbly spokea cf by thone who bave u.d ilT. heo Pr etoraew ai il iiOure suy caseof choiera or Mamner complaint. Skirmiahesbelveen Busias hud eb By et m dl reommeMd ham £up row o anpooepi. crStm c, STCD. iot n, À»cmu, L D. - ianWorms, gpves eP' U aid d TiCENTÀjua CkoxPéAi, 77 BurraY Stree, N-. PRHIITON~EI, POIBIION PRIÇEE TO SELL flOT TO KE 1EP.I Th ndrine es-o al h - tnto f i u--u ptos ha 4 tecundsgnw-e efocarithe Fl dattni nd bis n reros paro nt lis stocktis owesc ossile fr te ilr adashbsness.t prcss havebee keptplieoie Stocpofsltarinr, (ort cash business. Frclas Schoo Supplties, Fine Stck of gStaineryWaNoePiperfr dontnperhqoie up, closelote s ayCarnages, and W.a ll aprs,( ut orho.t close ont heMusicason,3.InperarcPattril up.) 4,0e.stoMc.)for lO io heiesidCatfoges grBaratter nds, (oe.200 hi so.) asn- iol Sheets:and Catalogus grati, owrb e a et o FnhGowd arndw stos& . WE Our issACayLe ilb lsdt hwth ag e IA large quautity of vü istravber loes e isgathered annuilly l l Ibridge tWvauhip senti of us sud sbip- Iped, W Toronto, viere hey are used ru the manufacture et a medicirre kuovu as extract cf vlld stravborry. Several sache cf theso leaves vers weigbed on lie market lest voek. One min brolaght up i vagon Joad. Dr. Badgerov, V.&., i oingt Tarante. Ro bas praotioïd bore seven years and hb abd -vonderful muccesi;. Mel priclice goos W 1fr. M. PlIaak, V.8.S anctier isuooessfuiveteriar. A on of Mr. H. Biuhop a hd lu lie foreeadlutI woek bybh- ors. uerieamly l j r Bone test hoees appouara on -tie streots Suaday eveng. A number cf edmirrng Young ladiles ver. vondering vie, the damhing young drivers Wbre, and would like te have muade heitac quelntance. The Jou-naZ and Trmu have .boen overhauliug oaci cther for some lime, and nov tiroir respective orrespond. ente are beginuing tW borate sud vile doggerel tlinge about esohher. The readera cf lhe Ivo paper. muet b. aI. fliclod viii a peaiwen thery reed il. la Brio!, A" T. The Peint D Mpp a[ radfni. Disordered livr sisr.Indigestion in a foc te god nature. Tii. imun digestive apparatus is One of the mosi oompllcated sand voaderful lhlngs n existence. It i. easl put ont of order. (}reasY food, tongi foo, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental vorry, late bours, .rgua iabits, aid many ether thlngs *hicheong ic te be, have muade the Amoricaipol anaton f d yspepipeopl But Grmâe'sugut Ployer hmasdon. avonderlal work in reformlng thi s" bcineuan d makizrg thre American peole e0 heslthy tut tiey osn eajoy tirir Mela id b. happyj RemOMbe -No bapplassa vithoh "alhh. But Green'o Aunstlover bringe leslth sud happinese te flhe dyppi .A pour drugglst for a bottle. Svoaty.five R.S.CORMACK, DEYERELL'S BLOCK,.WJ1ITB«î WANTED, GOO CEA 1OE OoLbs GlsO100D LEAN FLEECEsOL Ihe highest market price paid for saine at Ail kinçis of Fruit to be found in their dl 6 El. e p. EggBSO 1 t A sEe cChange. " aoge m bad with dih4uethal 1 hardy csred we Horieor net, "Says Prauk A. Swaln, cf Torcuo <Mobe Ofce. Tire. bI»t. cf Burdock Blood Biter cured hlm, sud ho un.a,"il nov see aa Two destructive Brou ocourred.ia mon- treelon Baturday TmU Y(cOAe MLuycobuistu ,buî enlyr~eAiln'eungBalam;re a lb.~~ n6 <'RyaL Teyaete very bet. Thé.Creva- Prince ha. -u E o cBal Maaltobapctatoea are bclng Ontarlo. Il Sm nl~ c wars, twenty '~STIRAWBEIRRIES to be had every day from this to the end of the season. Look for special attractions for next week, commencing Saturday, June 4th, and ending Friday, June 1] ti. There will be special attractions for eaoh Ja . room onewgoY W J GBSO NO ENGLILH 8T&BLE IgSCONSIDpBED COMPLETIM WITHOT ELLIMAN'S vex urîng < une, toý PIo voa laEREc us, HAPU»fiEs,',N *Va 1ALLI. roi oa ROT , Ali» sensm 1oulusnj sMp SPIIOIMN TESTIOIL Pero ma is Qaoethe Duke of Butlend - 7 ulhRnir- #, --- - 1 - M i. r. I ~ppraise4or tic Canada Loin and Saviag. Jo., md agent for 1h. Western Assuiin0, *1 .i0. OFFICE-Ove~ Gerric>s Bloek, Whitby n Apply bo .THIS OFFICE. BELL" 'f - toi dootI 1 knowu an aihongit, hurriedirm morn l nMon 1-IN lisdoctor lever, sud mach hop tbat -My a cry eut; R Iobert?2 Bobort ha tio slaêfti but I did1 liter., Igres, - ertain ou boiui j uein-W oblivion, dootor ami should pb fo t y -Unapproached fo, Ton. and Quality. CATALOGU»8 FREE. BELL & (O., Gueipli Ont I n Cc I ,0< te. IVERY and SALE STABLES, DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. rIRAWTH & EEELL Furnished on Shorteat Notice.- omnmrial TraveUr8 Ziberally deait P'AIR PEICES. DN5~i~~ PW ÂREES MTAIN ime are M niInerlor %u cordsd wth jute. !pietc.fféed adc"d~ onu th. reputatlon 01 ir l hm ladies agaînst mPoéition by draw- Min wna<d mammon iiioaur aineth WIFE 1ii M&THER FliElE IP 8181ER )- - 1B puiudraeong au baproved fIME SEWING. AHIE Speclal Sijies for lie Holiday Beescu. Por sale chou> bv i L. FAI BANKS -w rhit'by» Dec, r aw cana. I i -'c AC [7 lor à tim The Jos Ti ca»Ro. TURN-OUTÉ make room for new goods. TEJ A S T 0 B B. f-, PRICEIS 1Oý . OÃ" C) lbst -i it il L ifo AT (3OST.' Mffutual ReservePudLie& ance of New York. Caa"GoVeOnent defogft $60,00 Death oims paid during 18M 00 1%ov business, lot 8 mos., 18Me, 15,eOOOO Twentyfive per cent. Of. ail aseameu are deposited with th.entalTrut cou,. pany of Nev York, as trustees of the . serve Fund. Lite Insuance at les. tha, une'-hau th ordînary rates, and seonrity Perfect. OUly 10 aisseaments made la 1881, 1882 ig aid 1884, and la ne case cianthey bel ragre freqiient than c'very alternat. month. Annual expenses of mage nt&o lixnited Co $2 per 61,0(X). aa8à & An active agont wanted la every nzer. prpented locility, te vicia a liberl cera. mission wll b. ullowed. à pplictoll, solioited and faui particulars furnisîed b7 the undersigaed. H ODN Agent for tie Couuity of Ontario. Atiust5th 187.Port Perry, Ont. MONEY TO LQAN On Real Estate Mortgage at Low -Rate ÂL ]PIOST, 1 stock. WErSOICT CLL Any pper, Maine, or Book, in the world secured promptly. A Periodicals at the publishers closest prices, payable stictly in advance, 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 J E --00--- Suitable for wrapping pmToses, I&yiu2 =der carpets, etc., 25 Centa Per hundrea. rpsle b too LINMAY. Eggsi GOOD HOBBES. NEW RIGS.