Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1887, p. 3

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ance -ofNe Y a Goveru eu$, lot 8 mou,,18l, a y-five pr cent.of. 411 tted with theo entrms1 rUM New York, aras .. S ~surance at ls than UlJA rates, and seourtynmf - mente matie Dii I 1 and ýn io case eau th,7 ey tiian every alterUate month expenses of managem 82per 81,0C3. Wa a ntted ln ev11b-1 - lovi1be to whorzaa Jibri' d ulparticulare furchah4b H. GORDONr, ut for die Oounty of Ontario. ,t,18.Port Perry, ()Ut. IEY TO LQAN state Mor4tgage at LowýXt for the Canada Lou.nan tgent for the Wcesteru un a. '-Over Gaérrieà Block, WhîJby for wrappmng purposes, layh I)tî,etc., 25centilpar htnade Âpply tg~ Unapproached for -- Tone sand Quality. ALOGUKg8FRELE &o Y0-,Guelph, -Ont "S. NEW lIS. ~nd' SALE STABLES,. DAS-ST., WHITBY. )>/?TH & DEYERELL. ~LASS TURN-QuTig Lad on Shortest Notice. Traveillaiberally 4e.54 with. ZI ONEST DELnrXO;, WARFJ E!LESS IMITATIONS as oraline by P=On. n prlncipled mehntstrmd- ,sÎng.an lumproveti WING MACHIIES rthe Holiday Seision. For le cheap by LIRBANKRS, Soie Agent. Ny' elebratot ArdUe Rainwork Co. NOVA SOOTIA. 1TWIME TREBEST 18 TIE ýAPESTU ,E MUST POSSESSO andi EVENNIES -tý.e hlighet doereeat RB OF CANADA ýtaI manufacturefo i!uibdii obtstu mra anti any odmii vddeunethu MO Tm W Ien for Leua Tisa Sampoa g u. et ùunter th. a m'B 15*7197 Y, BULL S_ anod by a im-. L WYM u w ffllg]AEND M.Ins EROOPf ]BI aslRLOYIRS CAMBi. o]olnmàaGriffin. died April 15,18, 8.d Ï9 yeasTi 4 menthe, andi 6 tiays.' The words were engraved upena gjjver plate# but thon. W"a ne coffin. ,,ûder themI1Mre Pu>'veYs an elderly jWWigfriende living on O linlon .voueAlaed, but whoee home je in]rooklin, N. Y., looked wlth an 'ait 0.loun-led pride sadti everOnce upoU ibe oarving, for ber, name was once ,fljmg Griffin, anti the coffin that was clade t0 bolti ber remains. "on my nineteenth biMtday." she osid, "mny mothor invitod a party of &cquaiutancee 10oOui houses tecelebrate the djay. We livoti some distance eut ,f wiuiamoburg, s it wau thon, andi the grouti dwase alitte eoft and boggy. ()ne of my friendu romnembereti this as obe was &bout 10 etart for ber home ,With ber brother, andti e laugiingly congratuîated me On being housed slready anti baving ne occasion te brave tbe î;wallp. I was a wild Young girl in those daye, and I declareiat once ibat I would go witb tbem anti relurn stone. Everybody present tried te dissuade me ezcept the girl's brother. W. Sîarted, andi wien we reacheti My fjîend'I boume I was consclous that My feot were quit. wet, anti that a disagiso- able chili bati cropt ovor' me, but I deolinOti an invitation to go iu, -anti went away at once. 0f conune, Rob- the brother, I mean-c-ame with me, anti eomehow I forgot the colti anti danp s I walketi home. I think we muet have taketi for a long ime as we stood on oey unclo's dooretop, for suddenly Bob-my escort, 1 mean-saiti: "Elma, your face àe very pale. Have I kept pou standing boe be long? Ho taikedti 10me for ton minutes aftov that, andt hen wishoti me gooti nighl anti left'me. I rang tb. bell, anti when my mother openeti the door I bold ber what I oigbt have known an heur sooner, if I hati given il a thonglit, limat I wus really ill. She hurrieti me b b.ed immediately, and when she came to eall metÏhe following rnorning Phe looked vory &Dxions. By noon I was detirions, but I coulti hear tho tioctor toit my mothor I hati typimoiti foyer, and that ho couldti11 bolti out much hope of my recovsry. 1 knew that my mother wae weeping but I was atways a selfish girl, anti I coulti only cry out; «Robert 1 Bobert 1 Where as Robert?2 and thoy toit me, hardly tiinking that 1 ieard tiem, that Robent bati beau auddenly caileti upon to start for California oarly that moru - ing, and bat not evon heard of my ill. ne. He sent a letter to me, iowever, but I tiid not be il until many tisys lter. I grow rapidly worio, anti gradually tb. knowledge of all outwardt tingu passet from me. I famcy that I bat a certain eonscionsnoss, but not of mattere &round me. I was in another etate of being in which the porion acting anti spoaing-always trangely speakig- wuî mysoli, and yoî nom màýysolf.Thon came an utter blsak, frorL wimictm I awoke, aîtor nearly three weekî oi oblivion, tb ses my mother sud lime dootor standing by my bedsido. The doctor .aid time crisis wras passeti, anti I sioulti probably recover, but I did flot feol any interest in wimat ho was talking about. The quiet dave of convalesnce foMI- wau very wsak, regradoed me sorionsly,1 anti varneti my mother Ibal a relapse shonîti b.e aiefuily guartot againil. I noe t aIthal tiras, loo, le fail i lu curions physical conditionse liI I sup- pose voie trances, in whioh I knev aIl tiaI wau going on airounti me, but from wimicim I titinot eam nte cars te aronie myseif by moving or speakiug. Tiese periode lasteti longer aut longer, but tiey vero net observed, anti m they vers ratier pleamant tIbm othorvise I esîd nolbing about them. "Ou.e morning I av-oke from vhat esmoti le ho s nabural sloop, anti lay1 witb my eyeî oboseti lienlug te sounda thal I coulti nol at fixati lterpret ; but elowly 1h. knowledge came leome tuat my mother was »bbling beaido my bot. tI tno uak-ber vby eh@ vaw griving but I coulti net more or epeak. The trauco vua pon me. I vas sensitive, bowever, sud knev liaI I vas lying upon a bard substane, anti nol upon lime com!orlable matirescf my beti. I couiti feel, too, vory li111e eovening ever mae, and, tespibo my eyelids boing dowu the gloomy daikueue o!flime room coulti be toteclt. 'Wmoro lunlime vorîti have they carniet me tb?' 1 Ihouglil. "6Proenlzkly I heait my mother's voie. anti 1 knese. as speaking te my cousin Mary vimo vas staying lu lb. boue ith ni. «I'Peor Elma,' 1 vas se sure thaï G-et vouit apare hou to me. 8h. utiug- gletithrough liat drostiful illuees ouly1 to di. qnieily lu ber -sloop aW lust.' Il le vor>' bard, Mary.' 66 b ave ofteu venteret mince latI I titi nel realiy die cf horrinai Ihat mo- ment, as I realizeti 1k. a ligbnlg flash thal they lhooght I1vas deati sud hai -pub me imte MY coffin. Tbey were gongto bury meol'I ebrove hart te upeak, butthlie 8p Do snemore dumb ihan I. I'triotibad tir, but thme rock ofE lbraibr rnhl hàviV evet sas essil>. <uI-n'1f .eobit ont lunlimegraveèforbt *gnto.Iittl1e, speech or a@tlb"Ao*hO7l~tgi s'it je hard, luteed, dear aunt, ,ýro-' pliet MIary, 'butHieSis ii b. doue. you muet snoyourlf. Thiuder- taker vil doséte * l àà'm Utes. -Do - o ia Purroy-w1hb2bl I "Ihrly PW,' kt* do must hovo éd4I - i vWas te hbove~ but h. di& t-sol 4 - t neye wI00 doo«. W" i Bobers? 'No'ià a only the, Undmrati. ia "'by.' 1 cloise it nowo ladies ?'h. uked, in profoioaialIy mourafu but very buuiees-ike iton".. c,ï"Nolboy but umyself knew that'l my bear& Wb$ beatng,and evovn I bardly knew it as e b.nnskei' epoke. A second afterwardu il eeeeéd tb màthat it- throbbed loudly euough -for *woryono te hear il, for somebody rang the door belli and I knew us well that itwas Robertisauthough oey sesled'oyes oouldI look through brick and wood and mentai tç se. him standing -outeide. S3oftly ard quietly h. left the r&ý'im; gravely r -id oalznly h.oaket my mether sud My cousin to bave him a few minutes alone with bis dead. Hle clesed 1he dooor after they hati gone out, andi etoopinag over the coffin, gmntly kisoti me. Then ho etarteti. I heard the quiok snd nervous movement, aud I knew thal I wae eaved. "H. haetily caileti my mother, snd ihe dootor was quickly summoneti. Ho saw ai once that lite was net extinctp thougli ho hati boon juil au positive four dayse arlier that I wue quit. deati. "My huebanti declares that an olti woman may say it now-that I blushîti and amiet when h. kissed me. At aIl ovents I livedti t marry him, andi h. would net part wlth limai ilver coffin. plate for ton timoo ia woght in golI." Original Things. Thme fluet bouse. ever numbeneti lu Lonton vas on. abulting sast of North- umborlanti Houte., Surant. The firet ativertieements known cf lu Enizlant vore in the shape of umal bille affizedt te .dos o! St Paul'a Cburcb. The firet play iesned from the Druny Laue Theatre vau on April 8rd 1M6, lbe pi... repreeutet being "Tme Humorous Lieutenant.' .Thme finIt royal letter vas written by Henry V. te the Biahop of Durham, Fob 10, 1418. The firal bock oontaining Imusical oharactere vas lîsuot inlu1495 from lthe prese of time osbebrated"l Wynken de Word.." The first record of a jutige's salary vas £188 12s 4d.,* as Ibe stipenti of Thoman Littloton, jutige of time Ring's Boncb, 1466. Time mode! o!flime firit Englism eam vessel was laid before the boaid of At- miislity lu 1789. Tbe firet Itailn lady wimo sang in Public in Engant vas Francesca Mar- gherits de l'Epiue, vimo appearet inl varions operas iu 1698. Thme firet strikiug .look waa importedl int Fiurope by the persians >bouÇ the year AD. 800. Ib vas broughl as a pressut le Charlsms.gne iem Abtielia. King of Persa, by lwo monks from Jerussbem. Tii. finl Euglieim uewapaper vas tho EngliBh Mei-curj, issued ilu tie reigu o! Qusen Elirabeth, Sud vas lu tb. abape of a pamphlet. Tii. Gazette, o! Veule. vas tbe original modol o! the modern newepaper. Thme firet breati vas matis the G-roeks andthie firet vintimille by th. Saracensi. Turupikes voeeoriginatet in u1267, Lie sm o! one penny iaving to b. pait for eacim wagon passiug through a certain manor. Tii. frît teil for the repaire!f Engliui higiva a was imposeti lu th. relgu o! EdwardIII., and vas for repairing the roati bolvoon Bk Gilet and Tomple Bar. The firebiorti mayor*s show vas iu 1458, ant i 8r John Shaw vas lie finit liat boit afoet lu lie G-uildidal, 1501. The Earl of Arundel (lemp. Obaîles I.) was tho firt porion vie brought ho Englanti from Ilaly lie uev vay o! building Witb bricks. Surnamnes voie frinitadeptet lu lhe reigu of Etivard lime Confeser. The firaI ides o! electrloiiy vas given by the friction of Ive globes o! quick- ilvor lu lie yeai »47. Linon vwu fret made lu Englant lu 1258, anti ven only by th. luxurlous. The finstllaaaintiovin Englanti vas ou. put up-w an abbey about 680. Glass windows, ho veor, titi net becogne gon- oral for man udsiyeais, and ai lts as 1577 lie glasssasment sta Alnvtok Castie, tb. Duke of North- umbsnlauti'aseaot, vers régnlarly tabou tovn vhen the family voiee away from home. The fireoort be àoceaiwva about 800 years before the Christian ers, Ceai vas usotasefuel lu Enganti as eaily as'852, and la 1284 lb. Zret charter te t-die for lb vas granbeti- by Henry III., le the inhabitante cf Nov- oasile-on-Tyne. The - OntsI ogl"uh almminae vau brougit ouI ~t iluity-Collage, Cam- bridge ,_ lu 14 &nI L-,efleta-& e 1jget gel ihàu't'o h1s pldé ofbusiness nNew Yorktf wâii* e hoba a 'large ooUectiun of ov4abig' thenlb animal line* ut nlhsgmnany. remoïs dieàgo odd s tb.-. brotýer0 He sMd It. Miu. Beich' urn lbthe limaI g. and-Il are monkbsOr-ýgorillàs or snytbing lu b.a £e'po ai>ù8iuiel allbough heiouolght thmàfr oeb on English soi. thst theyar human beingo and h. telle s curious stoty about lhem wbicb hoesys ho belioves. Aooortiing. to biestsory, th. nondesctipts were dis- coveret laut winter lunlime beaut ofkfniosý où lime Zambesi river, by' s Qormaü trader, who purohaseti .them of the mother, an African womahn. ThIIý mothon clahmedti tehave baesasi-o&et, away by Jan :immense gorilla, andti l bave beon boit captive for sovoral yes inl the Africanjungle. 8h. flnaily matie ber escapeý anti caniieti with lier lbe tbis, chiltren, fruit of ber enforeti union wilh tb. gorilla. The trader eauily peransadethie mothr te part with ber offepring., As relateti abore, lb. eltest of-the tiree, nameti Sue, 4 yeanu oit, tiet inuLention. The romain. ing twe ane twiue, aibout a year oit,, anti aie leu thân limier foot bigli wb.n hhoy stand ereol.- They are of a slaly giay oolor, oovored .aparsely with a Ibmhî rotidiah bair, thoïr faoes, though,'t-being quit. bie, wlth lb. exception of aObpa" growlh o! Galway whiskers on theur infantile cheeks. Tboy are pot-belliod lik. little buelimen. Timey have taper. ing fingors anti poliaeeti flger-naile, short litîhbumbu, long arme anti ne tala. Their hostie ane rather Caucailan than African, andthle meet remarkable featune about them ie their largo, gontie anti intelligent brown opos. They aie of an affecliofuate disposition,, anti when laken froin their cage they wMl ait con- tentedly on Mr. Beicbe's kneo with their aime thiown &bout hie fiock. They wiimper anti eM anti ding te him wheu h. pute timem baok mbt their cage, anti wh.n ho leaves the room they wail anti cîp af ter him like two voritablo ohltiron Mr. Bolcho bireti a coloroti woman te nurse the youngstors, andt hoy receiveti as tender care as thougb they were able toeostablish their elaim te belong te the human family. But if the chiltiren are roally human an interesting complica- lion arises under lb. -lawe forbidding thé- amportation of human ehaltels, inte Ibis country, anti Commodore Gerry's Childrous'soaeity iu extromoly likeiy t10 iaul time ciiltiren inte court ou habeas corpus te, have a lawful guardian appointoti for them pending lime inquiry inute b.Afican elave tratie. Mr. Boiche wiii endeavor te b. appinteti as thoir guandian. Hoe sys ho would rather atiopt bhom as hie ohiltiron han bave them laken from hlm. The nurseibis week venl shopping with ber- chargos anti purchaeseeverat suite of clothes for Ho antiIL. Tho potition spinal Mr. Blake'q roturu for West Dr - hem has been dismisseti wibh coute. Wh.azlnggaaping mnfêereru froznAÂsthma' recoive q.-iez anmprmanent relief by using Seuther uu a Cure. Solti by druggiats or by mail on receipi of prias. Affairainlu Havaiare quiet and the peo- ple re-engroset with the aommng eletions. Pew are th. remedies whoi.e boneficial qualities anti rosi meriti have matie them se popular with the :public, sud tuereaaed from poar ho yesr their con=umio,inh whilet posuesaiug the ont ml valua eme properties, are yet no siple iu their corn- jea d, audino easy ttbe, au 1h. Quinine ie, prepareti by Northrop & Lyman o! Torouto. Tis artWic s prepared from ltb. wilb elevs i Qinid gno !iipbýiter Whou "iebeosiMisa, ai e emg$OsoI ViS d avslo4îb pWbm mOc«à GÂTI A nov tiestu oevmed vimel itbasbeen uinsDescriptive pmbè st f.on recept ci s"ap b0 SPRING SUITS.I --000 JOHN FERCUSON I8 BHOWING A SUPEBIOB STOCK 0P Scotch, English and Canadian -Twe'eds, A.nd othen fine Unmes ef, Clothe, fer Spring suite. Ail garments made up ini latest style on ehorteet notice. Ready-made Men'8 and Boys' Suit8, Gents' Furnishing8 and r Underclothlng of ai Kindâ. M»oESTRUTIELEOVERÂLLS1 HAIS 1 HATS 1 HAIS I Latest styles in Hard and Beft Feit Hate VERY (JHEÂP. JOHN FERGUSON,. Duadas St., Whitby THE QUEEN'S JUB.I'L'E-E.- TiE BRAZILIAN WAIREIIOI8E, Will celebrate the e7rent ly a complete revolutiou in thé CR0 OKERY TRADE"- -FOR TH E'N EXT' 30 DAYS.'. Colo.edDinuner stelrdTas and colored Chamber séts, aotuaMy givenaaalrg stock of entire, New Patterns sud styles, to- sel et from. «R7memberti We lead the 781l GTocenes. trade We le"Hi*ghest price 49Ple ase ean d seï in TEBS and: COFFFiBI paln ut PiAandi Goltire!du1 Thosowho ave i reomment io their. iejuil th. Machine for the. Publie. Doos all Kinds of. Se'wig. Âlwas in Order.' S3imple snd Laits -a Lifetimo. The DomigIon Organs and Pianos Are Botter than Any Other. The Boit Jutiges Bay Ils Tons la »tthe Boit. Il le built with a view to Dursbility and. Beauty. The Beut Instrument to. Buy. Osl aua Seo Our Goodu. H. V.FOX, AGENT BOOX ST. - W ITY. London aand Lanca8hIre Life Company@ This Oompany issues every deoirableform o1 Life polieY, anti han cdepoilto With -lie. Recoiver G-serandin approvod Canadlian securitios over $iOO.OO for oach $100.00 of liabiity, thus affording ABSOLUTZ se- Parties dtoiions o! assnrng theu liveu wll finuti Il teheu atvanuae te cousuli the uudersiud before assurig olzewhere., JOHN FÂQUliIMSONt Whllby, May 18,-'"86. *Gonoral Agent .PAT-'ENTS-. toàeuser 2:a te '.t two pyea. time baisuos Tqtu1 cotl Pies. mention Who] 8ITTINBS 0 F THI ÇOUNTY OF I ~ ~dfr a ny',quantity,,of choice' Mi. fait lu

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