Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1887, p. 4

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ONLY Sic ?ER ANNUMt. Whitby, Fîiday, -Sept. 9, 1887, ErrEER 1Mr. D. 0. Downey, of thi tova, or 1fr. Bu. Wnnan, ofthie cit2 of New York, is mistaken. Mr. Bau @&y& that beyond the international line the Man wbc tillathe olinin. laaie every oaue a prospective millionsire, oc y I. 'I I r grosi is th. advanlage of s fariner be. iug oonneoted wth that great republi.. Onthe other haud 1Mr. D. 0. Dovney that ciomt of th. farmera along the rMher sicle cf Lako Ontaro muet bo iprospective beggarm, judging by thoir old ratle-dovu boobina places. Agala lb... tue gentlemen diffai laasmuoh a. BasIthin kt 1h. Oadianfariner viii etarve while Mr. Dowuey aye&a ta for appearane the farm plsses ho bas seen on the other aide cannot for a moinont heocomparod vith thoseocf lb. Candia fa in lu Oo. Prom every part of th. oountry prise lista are ôomlng sud dates being pub- liahea for- omo ort cf a fair vhioh cannot any longer b. kept mpoq ia logs witiront auincompaulmeut in vay cf -a hors. race. ITo meel thia vaut a bit of a race track is belug levelbed out at euhi rendeavous cf -any agrimiural moiety, sud lb. largout an.! r.ddost bIbios on the sunoun.asnt 1.11lau liai tirerare le b. trials cf aest a the show. Ail the,'Government <taule eOn le avait uchhlug ilu bee maltera, as tbe Yankee notion of a&das ail the aboys viii moon bave about lb. sOmo standinu areomeetingthatbeynov bave saboya, sud is <ranlI Ii go te tb. place thal eau maluhalu thebbut T" tlime îi rapUfdlydrwfg'nomi Whoun inatea.!oetaboya ve viiibave her ma sadrertia..! sud tawilngl reomispplie.!as ach pur ba.!for licescf lb. raciug peusafdonjvho mq oese tg" i mbll u lathe sire.!.tl b. iooked a beleen bqis.TIs vas vwhen hors. ràolpg wss soàdeçnn.4by tire ultmmorsds' pfoieyt *M wbezt .ie ai«reirum 1 dthrey »un banhm", GIBBARD'S LA VENDE/I Pronounoed by Conoisaours to be the most de. lightfnl Perfume and Toilet Water in the Market. Price --26 Cents. Ohemist & Druggist, WHITB Y -OST. J I e a Sohool Estimates For 1887. OOLLZGILTE fl<5?ITUTE. Salaries, -14,840 Go Fuel, 1500Go RExaminer.,586Go Repa* , 8m00 G P't'gi&ad'àllg 1200G Inaurance, 71 25 Contingen'is, 102 89 Total $5,639 64 Fi 3alaunes, #4,1 lepairs,] ?rinting, etc., îontingeacies, Gov. G'nil, $1,417 00#y 94 1,417, Fe«, 500 «IMnule& cr. 160 " En't Ex., 561 Mun'i Am'I, 2,0991 PUIC SOHROOLB. ,52 Go 2750Go 250 00 10000 600Go Total $5,274 Go Total $8,639 Q'v. G't, $33 -m'ai1 300 Inspecter, 38 Feeu, Model, 100 denon-re'nh, 8 Mnn'l Aut,1,500 resches Fuel tepairs 06,274, EPABATUSOECOOL. usary $300Tsi from teun 60 "Tp. 76 Gv.grant Total $426 Total Town Qouncli. -.f inerain VanI- ta .WU ta an, ahw $8 $4 82 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 0 2b 48 26 Rogulsi meeting monday eveaing. Proseul-The -Mayer, Beovo Depahy. Recve and Mear. Borne, Foi, HaIlcît, Eevls, Maynard, Noble, Rebsons mitb, wicks. Minutes cf laut meeting rend sud The follovlng mateer vosmub. rthte tothre oocnilby 1h. cl.rk. Certlficatea cf votes polio.! ai lb. r.. ceni vehlngon boucsby-lsvs grsutiag~ aid ho manafaules.o Estimatea of coul cf tmaiutalulug Collegit. Instituts. public and separate 8chools cf lb.heva wufor the.par. Commtunleaton freinthlB, oard ef Eealtb, enelogiug Ivo reportaerase. by tht Board, on. lait year su on. ihia yoar, redeciug on th1e filtby stato of tb. 1ev lande lying in lb. centre Ward slong tihe Middland railvuiy, an.! d.mnandiag tiraI action b. haben ah once te abat. thre nuisance. Applicatien cf W. B. Pringls te b. appointe.! collecter fer tbo pear. AnacmoaIt of $20 frein A. Pirn. for tabinc sobool ceusua. (Joan. Foi pissnt..! àreport froin the commîlleo. oweansd M arket property, recemmonding payueut of sevoral sooeante. The report passe. Cou. Robson prouente.! a report frein tbe Relief comumîte. paselag sbout $50 lu acmants. Il paaed. * On Motion of BRgeavestitIr, the Street ecimmihle. vam inaîruot..! te attend le 1h. oemplslnl of th. Board of Hemllb Mud dig dilch.a virerever necssaaryte lot Off tire vater. On ltxeion of Mi. SînIithsheipplica. ien of W. B. Pringle vas- sent te tthe Cemmitte. on applioations le office, and the acoaunt cf A. Piub te tire con. mlttee on F'lao. sud asseumeat. Ou iotion th. Coancil adjoarne.! anti Wdnady voning. Whltby Townsbip Oèundil. Ceuclmet ou Monday 1mlu rsuant le ajouramneU. AUlthè mombera preoeut. Beovelin lb. chair. Rssve suld 1!bofore tihe CounsiL', -Mr. lMedimudsecSond..! byKlre Wilon, anui M. horobiyapclse tecomin erg le -one n b Orrol oppoSitelot 24, Mr. Wilson, mSea.!b M1f.dIn incve. tirsltw By-law ov le lai sudl Il bàasbeen aaldof soin. of the grammes of.atvdy heoe pastie s ?. oelve miore -attention fror the etudente Ibndo th ireuguIsrsuIjeots Of th. col., leoures. Lest a stlu ai xstnsk ahond 6e mmd. about our Oolloglte Insttut. ou scffoulof lb. llùiedevoted dIuring tbe pus v ek rl u osilathenica vbfhi ar»e oi, on h. blgh echool -course cof aludy>, I w-lah ý,te IntimaI. teoui former-pupils sud 'suj vho propose atlonding, tit the . or. ganisatgLeof-the oiasa.a la novwcern. plot..!, sma the rogular studios cf the echool viii be proeede.! vitironan.! atter Monday, 1h. 121h inat. As many of th. blgh achoola did net opon nutil Tbursday 1aI, sud soin. nol 1i11 ibis vsek, vo aro t yet far behlnd, and il la te b. hope.! thit tl4e training which thre boys sud girls have just been r. oeivîng vilI brio os hmn p oeeatallys weli as phyuically. __ " ma u obred and the:sam mono- tonày per*Id.sau t4 irOuD4IDs of the Mair. .People haveJâOt sko te thln. >Tftorbe l e Wan ," cempeli. d#evenU t ea la th.eartiles andlngarkept oW£0far froin the sl~ of h rowd that not a ripple Of exleella orsatsd over th. conteat. Peope psy th.eamine 14 quarter tle get in through the gate and try to dragr a large boy or. girl là aftlai thein frea, whll e .dirooru, and 'members, snd editors, and judges, and alis lerks, and oonulablesansd a 1ev bhundreds of their frieuda boat their way in and have their hotol bis paid into the .bargainâ. Ila tiresome froin begiuning to end and ils usefulnema la <one. But jusl lot à horue appoar on th. grounda 'with a blanket over hhighm froin viev, eud lot hlm b. hitched$0 a lrotllipg wagon, and lo l t.eioele i hsngod. IPhere le te b. oin.e eltèment. A rush la to e mtade fro à 1h. bells snd stables and sway they aiU go to the r29 in hopsacf aeeing somsthlug to railev the monotony of th. show. W. are glad te know tbat our Whitby fair authorities are preparlng s programme Cruelty to Aunmal<. 8114-Daulug My receul vieil let Minden a* 1ev dayea&go, I vitneaaed a piec ocf rultyto animaleswhich valtè ebocking. A man nomed 1Roberi Gregor bad sapplis.! s issin for one Martin 'Rorry sud others t* drive frei Minden te Kiament. On liraI road thereisa duoep vhlob vas &Ied in vith pin. and hardwood 1ogb, and oovereoeor vitli day. Dùring the recont fires thoe logli bad bunad ont, loaving the dirt arched over, and when Kerçy and iris party drove on the dnoep thes road broke through, letting the hors..' feet and! loesdovu luto lb. burning ceai. below. The poor brutes vers se badly burne.! that omorn f their bools b.d cerne loee an.! vers dangling frein their legs by lbe corde. Every feeling of humanity vould naturally deman.! that th.e r... b. kille.! ah once. But the ewaer refueed te take them back at aIl until damages vere paid and lh. man wv ire heo refueed te bIi hein lelt h.mighhave te psy their velue. I von!.! have uhot tbhersoes myseif >had I boca permlltted te do se. The autihorities fanMnden soomed toe o nlterest ini lh. malter, moe. Ian to esxpress Iheir diaguot Ibat lb. parties .bould a.11 e Ihoar eiv. lu sncb pain. Io Ihere ne lav te meet suai cases? J.oHraTtrulyv WbitbJ.SH.tT 5,P1887 Whitby BepI. 5, 1887. TdiIOV Ciraorrrcxz:- B4 Six1-Does il net froquently oeur te yeU thal it lu a very odd lhinig Joklng athIt in h. pure ligbl cf rosson, Ihsl mon, virather black or white, Obrialian Or Pagan, savage or oivillzed,ý%bold vith vory fev and uninrportanl'exCep. lions, 6.11ev. ina are omshate cf axial. W. vitnuà afriend'. doalb; tb. body, tbat vs have slvayo regarded as ,an esmontla Part cf Ibin; th#body, hbrough bich ieblns vse onld hold any 6Ammuioation vlbh hm or have aay knowbedgeocf bis existeuee; the bcdi, whoae place alvaye doterued for as 1h. wbereabouasof the indivldual, cease tu manifeat auy cf the phenomens of 11f. and quioly becomea dialnlegrated, se thal it eau ne longer b. ssid to eziat, and y. v. e llove that car friand -W. knew tuaI wbatever dur!ng 11f. affecta 1h. bcdy affecteso"1he mmnd; that, for instance, if a uaimountof alcohel or opium b. introdnced lut., the body, meulal pheaoinem auare eler vholly Abrogals or greay ohaugo; thsin*ât%eîlglant beooms adrl él. i ùîio; 1hmiild.tempbred ma a norsy sd troublesome. If Ibe exper. lmenh . be d toc fart, 111.i elf de. stroyed ; but Mstili "bll,.th". tb. mmd ~M 4otnu 0 teaxialno lone e pendent ou 1h. bodyorafetdbf, though op tte h.!m=oent -fieli,^ Boefar sevw oadisoeru Il za M, par. fectly and lntimslely. The phecnmens that ve have ilvaya aâooLilsd vrl spoli Orm ma ter; "b-tve "bave yet believe miy b. msnifé adln. dont ofit, W. tub bout 1he milorlal sud te splitasiP"rof Mau Mijf twy Iwers semparable, se àif aiie#r Suight soinehov b. eusbled I.dispense vzlh' 1h. orme, su eoyuxzsteu.. çtite, t dpedel jI, sa if I perépsent -uàlon voteinua measuref0tq!tu0ü. su- t l5ban th v sa"unly kitowil I. I DURING Q BARGMNS THIS MONTH. Printed Muslijs only 7cts. per yard. Victoria Lawns and Allover Enibroideries, special value,' Black Parasols and Cream Lace Parasols at low prices. Black Satin Merveileux, only 75ec. per yard. A choice raûnge of colors just reeeived at $i1 per'yard. Prints, Gin ghams, range, «t Low est Prices. Cloth,the ftne-st 10W 18/ TUE T/MIE TO -SECURE BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS 0F DRY GOODS. 8IR Goods Emporium. Farmers, Threshers, and Mill-Men Find it to their advantage and profit to use K~ ARDINE Guaranteed not to gum, and vill outwear al other 013F»" Try our Cylinder 011. It lias no equal. For sale i y llc Y2D WM. BRYAN & BONS, Dundas Street. WHI TB Y'T/LE. and BRICK -YARD, roi Has fi und Tüe. 3py t 0188. for Wood tak4i in exohauge for Brick, or Tile at BURNS' -COLUMN. SUMMER 8LkUGHTE~ Acoo&>NG tb our custom we are- now sellixg summier hues at SLAUGHTER PIRICES J. 1h.'. PE lage enough tb feile of siglit thal - tIi use of glasses vey oderate. tje-.B i TCH A WÂTÃ"MASI LOCALB WHAT 18s OING ON1 BUDGET 0F LIVELI "A amiers aman An' faith hie7 TaE as81zes cei noît. Mi&. F Howàm ,lgevbere iu lhe C caIlle for sale. SCRaTocH clubs up-tovn ha.! a ski *Monday, in vhlct -Wi nnde.rtsnd ery lias arrive.-i Station bore for i barloy coming lin t here la no ike1 LiuoT veek on. uiifor pi4fering fi iikely tho folle* 1 what they are absl percentage ef Ihel A AÏ,ari. fro legs aun oar1M Torntee n -We stternpting bo ime cf 1h. truck.ý exzabg ina - s -b Wig by, to clear them ont. any ý quanltity of well-bnrnt, smooth, 1 oarry them OVOî ho neit summer. liluUsfRoa ai 8TEA]BmPB 8UMM~U UUA2IGM EHT Th 29 DTU Drives l, ladies' shoes t Drives l ine'lpes Drivesl o -in'ata boot (No better -wearing-Ï, Drives lu gentlemeu' sahoos sept. 8&h. R088e Whitby Dry WM. GILMORE, Roy.J ailS1eamers., LIVER POOI. White. Muslins 10c. 12e,. and 15c, per yard., -V Silk and Lisle Gloves loc. 15*c. 25c. and 40c, - -V qv %, r Ã"X tbDý (Ïkronitlt*- IdD OILSO WK BRÉAN & SONB«l Mme mm 1 ý 1 1 SElCIAL 1 1 1 1 -l L. E. EMBREE. Total 1 SEPT -1. Pongees and Zephyr 0-S. .7 Goods Emporium. Dundas Street. It payé us, better to &o this thm Sale

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