!H. Lô.per yard., eeial value. 25e. and 40c, -oxv prices. '5e. per yard. ir yard. ts, the flite&t IARGAIffS CQLUMN, ~LAUGHTER,~ Our customu we are amer hunes at TER PRICES ter to do this tah= te next summér. es' shees!1 es' slippers 1 Àidren' s tan colored tter wearing- goode ts shoes 1 for BargainsI >ed some B. the mot Pau of optios ana, wut the me. sicol 0oflstrfotlOfl of Spectadle *sj ye.gI8s0Se h fit theDi proper- ly r. j. s. BARNARD has otOf these quUfc&tiofBs ad a etkof SPECTACLES -AND- E YE-G LAS SES, jrge enough to correct &Il the de-] fow~ of sight that can ho helped by the use of glasses. His charges are veu oderato. J@ S. ]BARNARD, 'WÂTCHMAKER & OPTIOLÂN, BROOK ST., wmITBY. W~itb~ QJII)rLrnick, SEPTMBER 9th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICSI WST4L18 S OING ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BU063ET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS BLEANED BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS A 3hxel's amang ye. lakin notes, An' failli hall prant IL TnK assizesi commence on Mondmy neit. MR, F HOWARD ANNECS advrisi4. eloewhere in the CnaoNxci.î, four young caîtle for sala. SCRATCH clubs froru tha bay sud up town ai a skinnisb ai baeball on Monday, in wblah the bay won. Wz nnderstand a cmload ai machin. sry bas arrive8 at the Grand Trnkn Siation bore for the shoddy fachory, Tonesvo papens say there la a litîle be.ley coimg ngluto "bt in nelity thon. is na market prioo ye esel upon il. LÂsi veeb one boy vas cemmilted ta jail for pilioring fruit. Othors vil ho libely le iollov if thoy do not mind vhat thsy are about. TEaitseason bath for basabali sud ariaket sems Io b. over. Ail aur towu clubs played vail and von a lang porcentaga ai Ibeir gamaes. A xAN item Buffabo had bath bis legs and onu anm out off aI York, nean Toronto, on Weduesday. Hie as attenipting ho steal a ride sud 1.11 ouI ai -th. truck. Tas bîg vind which sbook up lh. doit in Whiîby, Wednesday, fanned a fire wbicb destroyed, the village ai Nev- burgh, nean Napane., dolng #250,000 damnage. Wz are pleaied ho see that M r. Theo. A. MoGilivray lias p«aed bath bis saoltoransd baWrster examinatons in Taronte, mand ta show that h. is ual m&l cxlii nste by lia ordoal, h. nov pro- paies ta stand bis LL. B. ex uion. sues le hlmù. STOCK BWRDIERBsire uat taklng muai live stock le 1h. Toronto exhibition. Il tos s hem a gcod demI, sud vhen thsy gel Ihere scaroely auybody cames round la look mi Iheir anlmak People 1k. ta see gaudy thingu sud rases botter. Thon. la ne use labUdg, our inirevi hava le b. turnusiinto ctr6uees sud hanse-races. WBaneiavcred -vith a Oof the pria. list ol the Picbetrl bl fair te be boRd st Brnghmm on Mon- day sud Tauday, Oelober Srd muid 4th. à beautiful gold ring, valuet a4%8,la la ta b. given ta the handsiumesl sud moutamiable ginstîthe-Mir. We osIl take aur girl nd aibriiug aay tb. TIMa rsi prelninmry sbmusb lu the fiood-Smi caseocaMe0oitaIth.e cunl lieuse on W.dnsday. Ur. J. X. Faus- voil moved ta stibe Denosf G. Y. amiib ýoff the cae es à defeudant.S tb. gnouud tlIathelb. dlalt"spaer filed dtd lbot shoiw thal Un. SDII& Muy personal inlerest lu th. Mao., lb. proprty bav»g»been 'ilit i Onuislan ion Huai oblainsi nadjauru. Men oni arage h.dfme gis h motion. ITheto prome.sO one of gros.l intérà sl Ms.J.u 3oux, of BUog&,Vho lsa pissent c.nflud lutbs Wl%à yuall asylum-.iOUcwus04 . 4Ot lua.y, lias the gpeatosl b.nusiâq pojot yel out. li. proposel i .«O.t a bimken 40x80 %"dton alogiese ,bW on lb. jum-. tion ,ai'- Broo sd Iudà w-teO5S. This portion Of ae m ildhà gle o bs aud for lb. pw"npOf 1bas~ b dusl ont u01 osuts._ 01O-the .top. o on Uoalr <tue b qêys bigi. Tht. fabile f WW" thsevauloe t ke.paa DAVO $611M 4q*ïa to aotbe.Voitéh lfodtislayanfée eta' lis. PÈZzi TAv.U01.la bout humovo mbnt the Odd.PeUlowî bl@ek, -Md vil occupy lth* promeus o@ntiy sIaaw "by 1r. OhumS8arney, assttibner. ,T'u hm br.bous bla w ré pa«.- @a etasa l me.gof 1h. lova conei edneday '.veuing. There wwnt uvena marmur af opposition. A coxPxâM has benhmad.d in th us -thal boys nu r fae language on the erloket grounds. This ln net the firet lime people have been dWaust6d. IT Iisssidaa"efrts belng mde. Ret the Commercial Union dvoctes Meure,. WimnButterworth and Palier la oame to, Whitby la sepeak on -one of the fi days. Pickering township ocunuil want Whitby's raad machine aud offer ta pal 012 a day for 1he lime i'. away, miter paying for lthe tleatme mnd engineer (Margo, Whitby's tn daddies will have 4 or ô dollars a day cIea, quiai. It will b. wanted 15 days and is likoly ta go, at lemet nne cf the. cannaitb- ject. aalnt~ ciiit4a'it s Shape c f thal a lister of Mr, Patrfok Lark a$of "htW1 vfeu dovu ietmal aToronto on Prd*y lait -and broke bier necok. Mai. CYRS Boa va u tl ova. over nday sud defealed Mr. Donanld camp. bell lu a Weil eonuted match of 800 poits. The have arraged for a tva- day ommpalgn every month in future. The figures of the sohool budget are in another oolumu, as weIl as correoled mairkets. Thore t. reafly no flzed mar- kel pria, for barley as yet W. are requestldta annonce a lecture at the Medosif streel Melhodiat ohurch, Oshawa, on Tuesday next, Sept. 181h, by Be,. John Johns, of New York, a greal leclurer, on 1he sub. Jeot oi "Prinoe ai Piomeers ; or Peter Oartwrght." Tickots 20 cents. MR. ÂETBuas,. hors. buyor, took away ironiboe.onu aturday fiiteen fin. large yearlings sud two elallions. Hie pmid gaod prie.. for a&H. The etal- lions are two-year-olds and were bred aspoaTe of a horrible accident coae y Jetlrey Bras. Ttley are sald la bave irom Udora. On Thursday laut, We. -oeil 1Mr. Arîhurs $500 each. 16Y U iquhart, the 17.year-old son of Taio Bwmr>aIlle farnale. Fanmera Aloi. Urquhart, of Udora, vent ta satudy your interesta and attend the ex. lead 'a bull ta the back flld4 wheu in leusivesale oi îhoro-bred catlle, sheop saune way tb. bru',. altaoked and killed and pige, aI 1h. Catewold Bidge Faim, him. No one vitnessed the dreadful narth hall af lot 9, in th. llth cones- oôourrenoe and the lad was nal missed san of Beach, the property aif1Mr. Jas. until laIe ai night, whsu bis bady was Word, an Salurday, Oclaber lo,,eaI1 fond Phookingly mangled. The ani- oclock. Lunch at 12. B. Nelson ano- mal had neyer previously shown any lioneer. vicions Iendency. BaRona cooomencing. ta erecitheir ON Saturday nigbt a row occurred on non faotory, 1h. Martin SacIdl.ry th. streot whioh led h Ibhe arrest af Hardware Company have submitted a yonng Look and Dick Newsome, tb. proposition la 1th. lown te add a mal. former for being drunk *nd flghting leable iran foundry h Ithe werks, on and the latter for interiening with Oou- conditions that the lown mahe their stable Oalverley. BaIl ai theni roost- $20,000 loan a guif. Is miglil be noces- .d in th. ooeler until Monday morning sary ho explain le semae people Ihat of when Look vas tazed $1 andcoasts sud 1he $15,000 granledl for their works, Neweomo renianded. - He is stUli on re- $10,000 was merely a Joan. They, s muid. Newsame la charged with ha,- 1he bargain non standfi, bave under- ing attempted ta release Look fram ltakan thgive permanent. employnient Constableos Oalvee, whereupon Cal- ta forty bands. If tiis$10,000 loan verley too lotmu. . Lock go, who were made a gift they would undertake wss aflerwarde cao&L by Chiai Me- h employ eigbty hande a&U 1h. lime. Brion. -THs number ai arreste mad. during T«r second Ità lly ho?" willi the r.d- th. pau% week shows Ibat 1h. Mayor handed intention ai .calping the cocu and eonstables are hound ho break up came off on Thursday nigbt Raul, the Ibis rowdyiemâ whiah has ezlîled bore soene ai bloodshed being a cern field duriag lhe peut year. Il vas higli over somewhere nea Audley. A tense lime somelhing wau donc, as lmneuoy, ai the' drsad clamity whioh was h wus played out. There i. a gang of overtake the grizzly little cern Ihieves young rascals arbund this lown vba seomsd tb inspire %hem with a desure h aýre ual salisfled wisb doing tle me"'n- reomain iu doors thst niaht. Hovever eut possible bricks, tbroving anes, an. of the boys rau foui oi Mr. Bob. using bad lauguage, spitting on people, Campbell's dog sud, xaiitaking il for a etc. A few interviews willitb. Police aof>n, chail ail over tbat part af 1he magistrats yull do theni good. During country trying ho gel a shol ai iL t 1h. week mmny people have ezpreed vas a terrible chas. and lb. poor dog ho us their satisfaction vi1h tbe mauner vas noanly un th desth. lu vhich ehief MoBrien penforma bis à iauRGL&R in bad enough ho face even duty. W. trust ho may keep on. lu daylighr., but when il coaes th a Tira passing of tb. bonus by.laws bas burglmr's gbasî,and Ivo ai Ibem aI Ihal already led th a number ai real astate il is horrifyiug. Yet Ivo of lb... transfers vhioh v. report in addition apritions pe.pod from behind 1h. o h Ie menlianod lait veek sud elle,, oun-buildings at one of tle. opaitë cf 'areundon vay. 1fr. Go. . Yt.r- Xi"l KUI9M&4lan's block on Tueeday morning the ho"d ai lb. Mania muiatur lai as heovas passtng out Ihat way. Co., bu asprobaed cf 1Mr. Chas. This was kept up util ab lust bis clenk- King ior #1600 the residence lateIy shlp vent mter constable Oatverley and oeaupied by Col. O'Donovan. Ufr. WM. hdl hlm inspeeî tb. promise. Thal Hialop, steward cf the Ontario Ladies aficial oxplored the baak promises Coleége, bas bought Mr. WS. Epplqu'a thoroughly, but the burglarrously inilin- bouse, nuai8S. Audrevu chuné>u: for ed spectres bmdlit out. The neit tbiag $650. The neat Byron St. resdeuoe, va vil hbave th face ln this thwn vill tata vhich Sheriff J. Patoa- bail probably b. gliauls Md bobgeblU». ioeproved tbe old-time home of 1Mr. N. ON Friday monlut ma, sas Coudue- W. Brown, bas beeu purchased ton hir Gray's train vu asosing *long the $1600 by Mr. Fred Hat"b. To show 111h conceon uof Beach, about a mile boy the sale ai a pnopeniyl, unden lb. eeuth of Seagrave, enginee Dean notie- more favorable oonditions of tbe marbel ed a ornall cild sitting belve e b.as prmset, enasesu ts value, MUr. rails ou th. traok, H. instantly whist!- Stephienson nov bas the refusai of 2900 md "9dovu breaks" sud r.vers.d his en- fer the Noni,,propoty ho ebonglif at «mne, vbich by the lime ià reaah.d thb.01400 and the luelky pSiuers s ole cbild vus»redo-habout ton mfilesabove eau aà I el Maibhe figure..- su heur. l te u;time the ehild TMa varnng oi Saturday ulghl'p an. bad im nisn ils issI as mse s Itboard rosis for disorderly couduot vas osi on th. vhste. and, noî kuovingîls danger Wm. IMaGraw sud Youg Murray. a&M threv op ls bauds h lbail the.anineO. 1hey bookh a trip lethe loek..up om 8u- A momet ntsd il t w 5tu M h by th.day M ni nderOkWefModeilo -0 eov-aateher and Ibuevu itla lh. ditol. I thai a lkv aiolbthelovai boys It see mi mudoslo orooidsbut tlb&hav&a ntion fu'brasst&g aOMMt, ahnd vas oly brnt..d a Mêl1.eaboutthe boy amed S&OUl o orm.s Luier. hoireaotm il-ugon ils fa. earis ngble w 11h kb l ve.s d a duée amui th. io.cats. Tb*eadbeogeto do a 11111. mambtug a=»j &e.pely io à labosle ugmn amlgd Fishley. lovau &*. Beu& gvii cios of lb. e.allhsdb.sis 6"8pecia()Oust"blWiliamsand Cou. stab" MoBainundertoeb lo nrest lie pool-sellersbut vas-, @0'-upon, by ai epea mdui'eo» Oi. f , th=m va loo.dUpluthe oooher" Ma thé,othen juedlIfmee"s mu id "vyY On. otl'?.rhatalher .atýî îthe voods moroe ltosse. Il dose , o »m vhsvaslaoedup. F.rlbqps h. vu renade uIr eidno vs suwa la Prove thal b. inlsfred' vwheb pool-osier la the.d"oane of bis en..'. eU ',wer bsb.vsu mm1- .ad-otè ion t "dow us, aëay é"ýs *i,aofnteuh.retulof @*6 Po« e.ossb vibob kta-blaleigs. The Oauilgto aainlahlmn mul nv b a bina of our iovududestu l mi uasi', il "id that sSte . expn fak ilh .b an sd hb.m'd a kvWd.liane ont Ofth lb yev 'thlough b Uuenu amut meoulata bcaiblu A ' bis va gome. ~Ts ýhatmreulmluated -lui-à Ohl ~~ as ev orlêmeee sBns à uht ventaMr. omwhy fsl#v lad MoGrv oI vth a. blow. 'The ahief ,mutt ob ke0aen to lb. lookup butolod -ual elois vhs ous ' ai.MQew ~LNW '8~1 ry ~iOçL are con~1tTt Iy- aerrivitg and be1utpasedà n~ stoceke- EaBrl buyers are euse to.-cal and- exagde our styles ad prices, To hand to-day, a ver fine as- -sortment of MANTLE CLOTZS, i 4[mitation IPersians, - r Fa;ncy * Naps, Scootch Ohec ks and #Fanc'y's. See these goods they are imported di- rect from the European Market of Fashion. N6,1DEVERELL'S .BLOCK, Re &q 0. ]FI& BROOK STRET, WÈITBY. je CAMPBL Expected an advance in Cotton Goods, so bought for Cash in BIG QUANTITI ES BEFORE THE RI SE.' We are selling Cottonades, Shirtings, Factory and White Cottons, at OL». PRICES so long as the présent stock holds out.z Reduotions jin the, Price of Summeà ' Goods."ý STOCK THOROUGHLY ASSORTED. NEW GOlODS-Men's Cool Under Wear, Linen Coatsi, Linený Vestte, Btoy>s ie, Ail colore lin Plushesi, New Styles iin Trimming BilksBlack 811k Velvet, Stripe& Satins, Cream Lawns; White LawnB, Cream Seersuokers, Corgýts fo 7t 2i~hs tl ikh Pints, Straw Hats, White Beits, Ribbone,Blaok. Siks, Linen Buggy Wzape, M-8- quito.N~etting, Cheesie Clothié, Summer Dreseg Goodei, NewStyle Mualins., WGZNMS STRkW HTSOL Y GLÂSGQW ANDREW DRY WÂR~B3~QU~ M. GOC Owing tO the extreme warm weaà thërof the] prices, have W&ted quailour 8UM mER G 1Ol.- Ânmd purchaksers will id -it to 'theff dv through oUr -tock. 13e~ sure and ask DRFJSS G(ODB Tlot Sirtigs a 10ei.uw. per yard. L i Aloi