:)1iP- is d oo 3nith'a law office,Whty 2ADý-Our newf bok, ur. and Sky; or, 'Mu-VI o f b beiac fui! andgrpi, 011 tat s wonderfu f the Globe, a h.worm o the Starr eavons, cl "wlaIi ventures on landd se&. Dovrie8 O!ft8e-wôrldon U aul ages, and remarkb.,~ e'Very realm cf 'natUre. ýtrikLng physiofli t& tl pèmular CharacîeriuU<ci, a ot Animais, birdî, inseols,< 4lvid description of the t1, ndIndian Oceaus, mofýâ the Monstoru cf thf De. asheils and planta#si fD.~ Wellers in the --.vd'cf ate , Ocean currents, etc., toge;0* FHEN0MrEN4 0F TH.Z 23Y VENPOBT NuuoDl.,. 'ith ever 800 fine engravinus te Agents. PUBLISHINB 00o. TORO)NTO# ON¶T. Cf Major HarUper,Eq. ~ OflCrj rîify that having examne, A a great veycfewn ve corne te the conclusIoi e Machine sOld by L. Pair- 1the best made'. as inUV~ machine that wil not euily and wiIl laat rnch lone :inejs ire haî beenlke Kt r auc aohse posible. klomtà end it te partieswa- -atiflffRemg MaUhin. ýB1ve ern on tb r scfb.White Sewiagff fsmlily IJvan- ulIY endorme éate and -can fUlly recon.. ' i o a s a f a nily se w i n g es for repaire th&n aMy everhan~i~toe d the cheapeat, and le tthe, k.FAIIu3ÂNES Agent- c hsDistrict. »r Q mre ail, andsioe urselves. )HNSON iubmnî,Duad.u1.' ma. Reide*oe.....0.ý sîtreeti. TES, New Agent, 41 nu), New y nect for adv, tONîCE 1 gr and playrorsa à d.~ ryugiUTTI» 8gîlear.mOur Ect ,ib geisU#00hll. .01i0U0e 1he weathet for Caaninglon la 0 k w as god0d lb.hesport B ii UOoesrn* à . Oirewell, who for four ~ha beninthe Standard Batik bas left le go lie 1h.heone ai eupslf0rd. "pb ilne esfer the constables thbaildellif on an ordin- 'a"runk and trailiilg hum through lb. on races day. (Iales wafe, pool-seller aI tlhe - &et week, for aseaulîing cou- 100lO e as:i fiued 89.10. Dan x >~0Doil for being drunk waî taxed Donald Camfpbell, of Gamebridge, «As on Frid&Y lait fined $50 and coule 0 tbis village by Police Magistrale 11.6lor an infraction of the. Scott AO.The cse was conducted by Mm. J*4.McGillvray. cf tlibridge, for 1h. Thoerreporte cf the varions burgîsmies k hthe vieinitY dnring the past îwo Wesbas been 1h. oauise of making the îwo Young mon Who remr over th. standard Bank Pasu many sleepless , ights, notwithutanding the fact Ihat sver8 new revolvers, a pair of 141b. Indian Clubs, si% doge, two clean Conars and a boot-jaok- have been furuisbed 111cm te enable them te cessfully de- fend themeelves in case thoy îbould be sîîacked by these lmidnight mechanies. Now, these yonng mou are neted fer tbeir bravery-the taller cf the tva having "Iknocked out" six mon ln euc- CeSsÎ0iennipai Woodbrîdge when ho waî as 6kid"," and bhe ciber on a recont Sun- dsy havilig driven a kickiug mar te Turnere' Grove and back withhul being th1e leass bit "sekeered"-blt tbey Con- eider that "discretiefl is th. botter part of valor,"I and, bhrofore4they take hour about in sleeping and watching. "Pa," on Satumday last ealled On eut village Constable and visce rtained from Ibat offiial tho facl that sbould tbey b. at- tacked by berglare tbey vould have te shont --hande Up" belote thbey could shoot,1 othervise theyv ould be beld for murdor if they sbonld accidontally kil] any person. We understaiid tb.y praie tice an heur eaob eveniug in the back yard trying how fast tb.y a shoot aftor having ssd "hands up," but Oco. il undor tbe impression liai it woula b. safor te shoot first sud thon ebout 'hindi Up." Somo wioked wretch bai cireulaled tbe report that tisse youn@ men nov smy their prayers before re- tiiug emoh oveuing, but w. do nel thiuk tbe change bas beon brougbl about by any tsair cf being killed b: burglart, but beCIAUse tieY bave simplI decided te tumu over a uoew lest. Barg laisbbid botter etser clair Of th. Stand ard B&nk. ln il.q, at the-top and. n other1 im. medl.loIW ibovt lb. omibà atîl Zk Gunpowder, or some ce iogex. pleure b.âd been pr untthelis cBiW thum madisud loehed off wlth a tueb.- The doors- vere oponed by the. force ef lhe explosion andthe site uearly tain- ed. About $10 in cashvas taken, le. gether wIth several boîllos of boer', cietsc., with wioh th. burglare- b.d rregal.d tbemselvou wlth while pur- suing Iheir work. Mr. Herbert bad over $200 in lb. sale the provioe nigut, but had tortunately remnovsd it. Xntrance toih. brevery vas gained by meas eoftanu ntsstened viadow tacing on Albert St. An ineffeotual ahttempt Lad bein midi tb pry open tus door vith a cowebar. Tii. plunder obbsrned vas ne large amout, but tb. damage le property is serions. Tii. site was moved by tho sbock sevoral luches from tbe valI, sud il je surprmsinlg thât tbe building iteelt escapod se treely. The dep 'redators vere evidently old bauds at the business. BE]AVELRTON. It i. a shocking lhing te hoe a drakon min and vorse à drunken voman, especîally lu a Scott Adt tovu ; but wheu vo meet witb a stesm engin. getling tight vith boomr wea»y il le lUne for prohibition. A bad case occurred in Ibis ueigbbomheod lie ocher day. Mr. A. Hamilton cf tbe Hamilton bouse bmd been tbresbing bis grain' and cf course had a steamer. Theo barrele con- tai.ning lie '*&ter for tb. supply le the boiler veeo snd cld beer barrels, wbich Mr. H. naturally oonsiderod wonld be enitablo for tbe business. Tbey, however, bad net been clesued, and consequeutly ocusiderable of the bobse remained in them. Tics., cf course, vould ho sncked in by the snpply pipe, sud lb. consequonce was tb. passage became clogged vitb tb. hope, sud tho engineor in charge not understsuding viat vas lb.einitter exaclly, etepped hie engin., au it vas bobaviug in a. curiou manor, and ex. amined affairs. Ho tound Mr. Engins vie compleWtelight sud gave hlm a test for tvo boums, in the cours. of vbiob ime ho administered the noces- sry antidotes, sud recovered Mr. Engluese m i ho bo able tc, gel througb bis day'. business. MAREAL Tii. Stouffville Mechaisuie Instituts bas received a choque for $250 fiom the Ontario Goverument, amouns et grant for 1887. Dr. 3. Doherty bas sold bis brick resu ideuce with show îoom amîlse d, &acs the. frime stie. djoiniug on samo lot, on Main Street, le Mr. Wm. Fleming, Dominion Orgau sud Piano agent, for $8,000. I ~ Wel ia iemsu, w mo f Phiipi OBR3fl.&. Wldemau, Esq., Biugveods wva Sinco police Magistrale Psrlridge .hrowu out ot bis buggy on the. Mark- bas been appoinled le lbe Counny, fines iam and Whitecbuich hovuline, by hie te lhe &amoni t f12,400 have been col. herse monnnng sviy on Toudm i en- leoled. Duning the utsimenti Ibis ing et lasI week, sud b.d bis leg brokîn. efficient maimstrale bau unped peal. An empcye eofthlesLnddowue ties aggregîbing $800. Iu giving Woollen mille, a Young Mau namid credilte lite official engagod in onforo- Wm.Buokler, imistook a jar et sulphurfo iug lbe Act vs should net torget the i adfor lomonade Saturdiy, sud did Luspectors wbe are doing hheir dutY. nel fiud ont bis mistake unlil ho Mr. McKay bas been msking thinge iu- bsd taken a sip. Dr. Rohinson vas t.ressing bethinluasd ont cf tlev a ely. surnmoued ai once sud did 041l htt TeOrillia Lactose. le eimgm*ned a vas possible for the patient, but il vas TiiDnt unti Tuesday Ihat ho could pro- signal viclery bore on lie oral lasi ucehmou fdagr Thursday, vbeu they deete thienocehmutfdagr Athelelies cf 8t. 0îhbarines by Ivo ETED. games 10oun. Tiey nov stâai fiftb Farmners very busy plougiing. vith a pet cent. cf fifly sud have a Miss DeGeer, of Uxbridge ie viaiting goed chance et third place by lie lie ah Mr. Dcbmcn's, &Il matches are playod, sthe nexl three vilI doubhless prove vicoones for Mesrs. Wm= MeGrecor aud sou hâve out boys line sse. The. StOahiierines gene le Scella'id te purobase soûle ver. ibi. cnly tearm outboys hail mny Clydesdales. approbensien trcm, sud nov thbu %bey Misn A. Doble aud Miss A. Là ittlejgorn have boon detesled the vay vil ho bave been spending a 1ev day. at Mr. Comparalively esy. The Atielebios Jas. Pagels. bad net thoîr boul team hem,, baing Ou Friday evening vbile the. eburoli te de vihhout tbeir goal keeper, wiob building commiltee voeelransa.ting proved vory diassîrons le lisir intereste. business Mi. JamesCamplin's herse .roke100-e-na ra avayu--e i.u a The Gandaur.wise boat ruce loch place after several postpouemeflte on Thursday evening laut. Dnu mg almost the whole race Wiae appeared 10 have inatters hi. own way, and lb. ,resuIt wae Gaaur estsained a severe defeal. à large amount of money wus staked upon the race, the Toronto men gener- ally giving heavy odds. Orilia isporting men are out of pockeý between oe ana two thouesad dollars. ÂAfter th. race a purse wau presented Gaudaur, 11I-- win- ners in the betting being the pinil oontributors. The result fIbis race wil give matters à quatie a severo set- back, as fat sOrili jeonoerned. On F*iday night Ihere wus gr exeitemenl in lown over the suppoi laroeny cf a. wateh from -h. horoi phical eÉtablishment of Mi. Bn Murphy. Several constbles un with a wa ant for the gtaily cId arrest, preceeded 10 lhe rallway s"a follewed by a large crowd *of -tl11z4 antieipating a 11111. fun. But the a wanted Was net l e b.found,&.andid crowd as wellu asthe police force retu ed disgusted. Il afterwardS Iranpii that ne watoh hail been stolens bullf a sbantymn vwbo had been, getting lime piece T.pafrýed .M IItpbY'i, run off with 1he. urne-witoul fb li a dUaraskd b 1. gentlewmfo services. Reo lochout a WattDl as the above ashowoi s, l *l minus11 dollar. The nm hobasnot yet b.ou Thepatwsek-h brcug11-lo U Ibis. mores s cf burglNtlle, te, They aI oumrrd 1tp igl were witben ul4'bt.she #11k 0 gafng. on au4~1pnI~~ ne. a i mgb. V .m t,ý covered that à ui during Ae laa.h &rcuzd aud a tflï4a vb nveale&aa_" '*1- -7 buggy and breaking eut cf lie shaves she started for home bul vas stoppd by a young gentleman sud takei bc te Epsom sud put in lthe botel stmbles. Our cburcb opening is nexl Sunday sud Mcniday. Mr. Gem proaches the dedicatory sermon on Sunday morn- ing. Mr. Dobso, of Maremontî eacli- os on Sundsy aiternoon, ind Mesurs. Willoughby and Dobecu speak aI lie tea sud enltertonient on Meuday nigit. A Splendid'dedicalory'service - urrnt idteatur. rest ed Ltei.Lvfg ge:The gre. of The Liv'ini ge forAugiý mce- 2.7th and Sept. &d een T1 bed salioQnal t*w -of.-the uiw toï BdiElnb gh; MIèr 'Six Yewý tion _golnntt a'Gon DURi; T< elue, leres wBreale, eTrials fi Zan Parsn, and Doge lui .Germai th. t1enth <JetLrw; Paiulig the Ira- goal, oleptitf. and Lred in1 China ma modern Histor thal lhofr influence Ob SOURlNati bisQot.~Gsaltfl b 39 ot Sien _Of L.llenst ao bis Dolomllèq cf ilb Pognitla. bat Tii. Quezof tb9eô*W&'JihLl the lbe d .oluni:of "WU- - lkýr_-m IVÀ laîa 'I Il lui a Im ti ap Bal 1 go< Pc o at ti k!Stô fcorr auj peradveuüîrs sa;11,1 1v.ersigu curative loi- kd ?alonCWs mes, lmpun*tle of the. b ced, Xlduey i female troubles, land db, lfmtIe 1ev. William L. Hlarri - D. D> MeIbodis Îiopal flhshp cfi ; 'o Y,, died on a IM@t Worth mmeig Mr. ýta. Binnie, -of Toronto, s-taletuoýaI s lit1e baby wlien threo monthus olds. vas badl with summer cemplaint tbat ndsr ctems treatment her lite wus despalred of. mt doues cf Dr Powler's Wildl Strawborty zed ber, as lu nov fat sud hesrty. &.uothor attempt hec been mad. te wreck train at Ohatisworth, Ill., . l'uns PnwPmE we consider te b. at once te meut delicate and meut enduriug- ýotus o! the Nile."' Burglars blew opeon the safe e! the Ner- Lrn railvsy at Clarksburg, but gel nolb- Do net take pills or powders contsining calomel, for at this lime cf 1he year, tihe resvIt may b. erius. If you require a dose of physia take Dr. Carson's Stomaoh sud Oonstipation Bitter. ; il acta çently on the bowels, purifies3 the bleod,- improves the circulation, stimniates th. liver sud kidneyu, sud speedi.ly cureu billousneus, headache, dlyspopsia, indigestion. Search th. drug stores from one end o! Canada. te the other, sud yen oan.not finda a remedy equal te il. Try il and use it lu yonr failles. Sold everywhere in large bottles At 60 cents. w Charles Paxton, of Brantford, a wood- rorker, has been arrested. for forgery. bealthful exorojue, and the judicons use of Scott's Emulsion of Ced Liver 011 sud Hypephesphitis, whioh centaine the heal- ing sud strength-giving vir-tueoe!tUes. two valuable sp)eoifios lutheir f tilelform. Dr. D. D. McD5onald, Petitoodisoe, N. B., sayu: 1I have been prescribing Botts Emulsion with good results. Il in especially useful in meroue with consumptive lendenoies.' ltap iu 60c sud $1 ixe. fi ec On Saturday at London, Judge Davie re. fl8ed to set aside the capias on whioh Mr, Eemiy Taylor was arrested and that gentie- nan was lodged in gaoi, where ho romain- >d over yesterday. APioaslng Dnty. «II feol it My duty te sBay," writesi John Borton, of Desert. P.Q.. ",that Burdocl Blood Bitters cured my wife of liver cern pi int, fros& which she ha. been a ohoice ufferor. Her distressing, panul syiip- tome soon gave way, andl I can lngbly reoommend the medicine te ail suflering ai ahe did.", I The French Premier, le nadte have pro posed the occupation ci! Svitzerland cf non tralivsed Bave! in the vettof var botweeî France aud Italy. Qit. correct. '"I have nsed Dr. Povior'.Extrset oe Wild Strivberry, s&&fenda il the b..t remedy I ever used for dys.ntery and il summor complaints amenig ebildion, sud Ihink no househcld ahould b. itheut il.. Mrs. A. Baikar, Ingoldsdy, Ont. The National Xieaguo vas prevented frow hclding Ils inlonded meeting on Ballycorec bill, near Ennis, Tuesday. on the Ve"geto armvation. V I I t t i I B, a e "For thremonlhs 1Icould note taUl moal or do a day'. work. I bought a boutle of Burdock Bleod Bitter., bogan uslng lb sud in thise day. my ippetits rtlumed, insa vookIfol liii. snov man. Ilvas wondertl wbat thalo=e botte dtdfcr me," writm Arthur Allehin, of Hunlsv Me, Mu.- koka, vho snffored frei Dyspepsia A dlvideud ah tb. raie cf ivo lpo eul ponuln. on Grand Trankk liii preoreno stocks le uounced. Ther. lu nolhing equal le initie a e' oxtemmntor for destroying vomis. N article cf I ite d bas giron snob usistue- tion.1 Emperor W Iliam vil net go to Kaulgs- bu an wsu itUorof or. have nemebting igteCzar. 1P YOUR CHILD IBSTUBBORN orhard te adminis-ter medicine te, Dr. Lot o'.Pfuant Worm Sgv'sp tuil b. appreciatecl. Wx Fucu the bout Condition Feyder.s me "Mmnd 8.1 PURESTU STKfxtON ýT U? ifkfgcap ,rlgW8ePen istngad a-unred éther uses, GRAND- ~1 :)ýOD' TWEED SUIT' AT PRIOES "EBvER BEMOM "BAOHE lM HETRD' A Good Suit made to Orderfor $12OO.0 Â A j large stock of Scotch, Englieliana Canadimu Tweeds, Black Worsted, etc., te select from. Special lime of HEÂVY TWEPHDS from 50 te 75 cents per yard, suitable for Business Suits or Boys' wear. iFUJLL STOCK 0F- GROCEIRIESI t ~A LWAYS ON RAND. Hlighest market price paid for Butter and Eggs, * BBOOKIN, ONT FUR NITURE Cottage or Castie,' -AT- PRICES WHICH WILL ASTONISH YOU. CALL ON WM. ]AIJLT, BBROOKLIN. 000ce Lu-Funorals Fully Supplied." WIîiLb y Woollcn Mi11iý, Midway between Brookin cand Colusmbus, on the 7th Conceu ion. ;We are now prepared to make alidnds of- Wooilen (3oods, such as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Union Flannels, Mheeting, Shirtings, A.l-wool bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, ana Yarnis in ail varieties andaial kinde of Knittpd Goodls kept ini etock for the accommodation of patrons. Dyeing in ail colore done te order.ý HIighest price paid for any quantity of WooI. Ail orders promptly Oiled. Wu Du.80OWERMA N d 80Nl AROADE, TORONTO. A Sohool Thoroilghly Equlppod -for Euoiness Trabning. BOOK-K.EEPINGY" PENMÂNSHI[P, BUSINESS, COBIRSPONDEà NOE, *~ ~~Tc -00NS A1HMTO, <OMEOIAL LAW1f BHOBTHÂBD AU» TYPE wBITING~- PRAOTIOALY- TAUGHT. FIN EST ROOMS IN- CANADA' C.ODEA) Becretc&rV. I (CE 1, pIn ouat ngkt-worsJ y ecratchlng-Ve-rY dilressing. Il Lcwed te continne umors form wl bleed and ulcerate, beceuming verY SWAYNE'S QIt4TMENT 4St6,Ps the itchiazlng nnd be,,Alý nSje isuceration, and <2,%N.. ma cases remetesfo AGreat Cause of Buëan Miseîyý - 10 TELOS D A LzcTunz ON iR NAT=8, TTi INT and radical cure cf 'se i a kess, ors Spermattorh a, inducodb elf-Abusen'u voluntary B alosItnpotency, Nerveus Debility, and Impedime#a té .Marriage Vnerally;Oonumptief, 'Epilepy,' md ils, Mental sud Physical Inc*paclyý;.ý &o. -b OBEUT J.3 VBeRWELL, . The lwor-ld renowneda uýthor, In Ii a& iiable Lecture, ci"ryrve rmi own eplenceIht1.afloneune cf Se -Abin may b.e efeottialy> emévea ce hot anercus surgiomi eopetatios, bougies, is0mni inso odas ont &= u md fcuea nSt etai esud feta, by _whi rue rer, nu lmpllirwhal bis' conditionm yb.,ma ourebimsefcbeaply,pnaeyndricl ly. M-TMa Lotuie -ffl,"po .a boott thowands and thossan4.., Sent iffdesein ai à plain envelepe, _tel any address, on meeiMpt ogocents. r'two_ Postgestampa.Ades The. CUL VER WELL MEDICAL Oba-. DRU DORENWEND'8S t' ho, B~me .. Day, E.98949 fi,2!rso -1 À - end for Cireulare Addrusý, 1 12" 1 1 1 C 1 1 1 - i --- 1 1 1 1 Elovoy, the noted seedam, is deid.